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import org.dasein.util.CalendarWrapper;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.AfterClass;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.junit.Rule;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.rules.TestName;

import java.util.UUID;

import static org.junit.Assert.*;
import static org.junit.Assume.assumeTrue;

 * Stateful integration tests verifying operations on volumes.

Created by George Reese: 2/20/13 6:10 PM

* @author George Reese * @version 2013.04 initial version * @since 2013.04 */ public class StatefulVolumeTests { static private DaseinTestManager tm; @BeforeClass static public void configure() { tm = new DaseinTestManager(StatefulVolumeTests.class); } @AfterClass static public void cleanUp() { if( tm != null ) { tm.close(); } } @Rule public final TestName name = new TestName(); private String provisionedVolumeId; private String testSnapshotId; private String testVLANId; private String testVMId; private String testVolumeId; private String testDataCenterId; public StatefulVolumeTests() { } @Before public void before() { tm.begin(name.getMethodName()); assumeTrue(!tm.isTestSkipped()); testDataCenterId = DaseinTestManager.getDefaultDataCenterId(false); if( name.getMethodName().equals("createNFSVolume") ) { testVLANId = tm.getTestVLANId(DaseinTestManager.STATELESS, false, testDataCenterId); if( testVLANId == null ) { testVLANId = tm.getTestVLANId(DaseinTestManager.STATEFUL, true, testDataCenterId); } } else if( name.getMethodName().equals("createFromSnapshot") ) { testSnapshotId = tm.getTestSnapshotId(DaseinTestManager.STATELESS, false); if( testSnapshotId == null ) { testSnapshotId = tm.getTestSnapshotId(DaseinTestManager.STATEFUL, true); } } else if( name.getMethodName().equals("removeVolume") ) { testVolumeId = tm.getTestVolumeId(DaseinTestManager.REMOVED, true, null, testDataCenterId); } else if( name.getMethodName().equals("filterVolumes") ) { ComputeServices services = tm.getProvider().getComputeServices(); if( services != null ) { VolumeSupport support = services.getVolumeSupport(); if( support != null ) { try { //noinspection ConstantConditions testVolumeId = DaseinTestManager.getComputeResources().provisionVolume(support, "filter", "dsnfilter", null, testDataCenterId); } catch( Throwable t ) { tm.warn("Failed to provision volume for filter test: " + t.getMessage()); } } } } else if( name.getMethodName().equals("attach") ) { testVMId = tm.getTestVMId(DaseinTestManager.STATEFUL, VmState.RUNNING, true, testDataCenterId); String dc = null; if( testVMId != null ) { try { VirtualMachine vm = tm.getProvider().getComputeServices().getVirtualMachineSupport().getVirtualMachine(testVMId); if( vm != null ) { dc = vm.getProviderDataCenterId(); } } catch( Throwable ignore ) { // ignore } } testVolumeId = tm.getTestVolumeId(DaseinTestManager.STATEFUL, true, null, dc); if( testVolumeId != null ) { try { @SuppressWarnings("ConstantConditions") Volume v = tm.getProvider().getComputeServices().getVolumeSupport().getVolume(testVolumeId); if( v != null && v.getProviderVirtualMachineId() != null ) { //noinspection ConstantConditions tm.getProvider().getComputeServices().getVolumeSupport().detach(testVolumeId, true); try { Thread.sleep(60000L); } catch( InterruptedException ignore ) { } } } catch( Throwable ignore ) { // ignore } } } else if( name.getMethodName().equals("detach") ) { testVMId = tm.getTestVMId(DaseinTestManager.STATEFUL, VmState.RUNNING, true, testDataCenterId); String dc = null; if( testVMId != null ) { try { VirtualMachine vm = tm.getProvider().getComputeServices().getVirtualMachineSupport().getVirtualMachine(testVMId); if( vm != null ) { dc = vm.getProviderDataCenterId(); } } catch( Throwable ignore ) { // ignore } } testVolumeId = tm.getTestVolumeId(DaseinTestManager.STATEFUL, true, null, dc); if( testVolumeId != null && testVMId != null ) { try { VolumeSupport support = tm.getProvider().getComputeServices().getVolumeSupport(); VirtualMachine vm = tm.getProvider().getComputeServices().getVirtualMachineSupport().getVirtualMachine(testVMId); if( vm != null ) { Volume v = support.getVolume(testVolumeId); String a = (v == null ? null : v.getProviderVirtualMachineId()); if( a == null ) { for( String deviceId : support.getCapabilities().listPossibleDeviceIds(vm.getPlatform()) ) { try { support.attach(testVolumeId, testVMId, deviceId); break; } catch( Throwable ignore ) { // ignore } } } } long timeout = System.currentTimeMillis() + (CalendarWrapper.MINUTE* 5L); while( timeout > System.currentTimeMillis() ) { Volume volume = support.getVolume(testVolumeId); if( volume == null ) { break; } if( volume.getProviderVirtualMachineId() != null ) { break; } try { Thread.sleep(30000L); } catch( InterruptedException e ) { } } } catch( Throwable ignore ) { // ignore } } } else if( name.getMethodName().equals("attachToBogusVM") ) { testVolumeId = tm.getTestVolumeId(DaseinTestManager.STATEFUL, true, null, testDataCenterId); if( testVolumeId != null ) { try { @SuppressWarnings("ConstantConditions") Volume v = tm.getProvider().getComputeServices().getVolumeSupport().getVolume(testVolumeId); if( v != null && v.getProviderVirtualMachineId() != null ) { //noinspection ConstantConditions tm.getProvider().getComputeServices().getVolumeSupport().detach(testVolumeId, true); try { Thread.sleep(60000L); } catch( InterruptedException ignore ) { } } } catch( Throwable ignore ) { // ignore } } } else if( name.getMethodName().equals("detachUnattachedVolume") ) { testVolumeId = tm.getTestVolumeId(DaseinTestManager.STATEFUL, true, null, testDataCenterId); if( testVolumeId != null ) { try { @SuppressWarnings("ConstantConditions") Volume v = tm.getProvider().getComputeServices().getVolumeSupport().getVolume(testVolumeId); if( v != null && v.getProviderVirtualMachineId() != null ) { //noinspection ConstantConditions tm.getProvider().getComputeServices().getVolumeSupport().detach(testVolumeId, true); try { Thread.sleep(60000L); } catch( InterruptedException ignore ) { } } } catch( Throwable ignore ) { // ignore } } } } @After public void after() { try { ComputeServices services = tm.getProvider().getComputeServices(); if( services != null ) { VolumeSupport support = services.getVolumeSupport(); if( support != null ) { if( testVolumeId != null ) { try { Volume v = support.getVolume(testVolumeId); if( v != null && v.getProviderVirtualMachineId() != null ) { support.detach(testVolumeId, true); } } catch( Throwable ignore ) { // ignore } } if( provisionedVolumeId != null ) { try { support.detach(provisionedVolumeId, true); } catch( Throwable ignore ) { // ignore } try { Thread.sleep(10000L); } catch( InterruptedException ignore ) { } try { support.remove(provisionedVolumeId); } catch( Throwable ignore ) { // ignore } } } } provisionedVolumeId = null; testSnapshotId = null; testVolumeId = null; testVLANId = null; testDataCenterId = null; } finally { tm.end(); } } @Test public void filterVolumes() throws CloudException, InternalException { ComputeServices services = tm.getProvider().getComputeServices(); if( services != null ) { VolumeSupport support = services.getVolumeSupport(); if( support != null ) { Iterable volumes = support.listVolumes(VolumeFilterOptions.getInstance(".*[Ff][Ii][Ll][Tt][Ee][Rr].*")); boolean found = false; int count = 0; assertNotNull("Filtering must return at least an empty collections and may not be null", volumes); for( Volume volume : volumes ) { count++; if( volume.getProviderVolumeId().equals(testVolumeId) ) { found = true; } tm.out("Volume", volume); } tm.out("Total Volume Count", count); if( count < 1 && support.isSubscribed() ) { if( testVolumeId == null ) { tm.warn("No volumes were listed and thus the test may be in error"); } else { fail("Should have found test volume " + testVolumeId + ", but none were found"); } } if( testVolumeId != null ) { assertTrue("Did not find the test filter volume " + testVolumeId + " among the filtered volumes", found); } else if( !support.isSubscribed() ) { tm.warn("No test volumes existed for filter test, so results may not be valid"); } else { fail("Cannot test volume filtering without a test volume"); } } else { tm.ok("No volume support in this cloud"); } } else { tm.ok("No compute services in this cloud"); } } @Test public void createBlockVolume() throws CloudException, InternalException { final ComputeServices services = tm.getProvider().getComputeServices(); if( services == null ) { tm.ok("No compute services in this cloud"); return; } final VolumeSupport support = services.getVolumeSupport(); if( support == null ) { tm.ok("No volume support in this cloud"); return; } boolean supported = support.isSubscribed(); if( supported ) { supported = false; for( VolumeFormat fmt : support.getCapabilities().listSupportedFormats() ) { if( fmt.equals(VolumeFormat.BLOCK) ) { supported = true; } } } final String productId = tm.getTestVolumeProductId(); VolumeCreateOptions options = null; if( productId != null ) { Storage size = null; if( support.getCapabilities().isVolumeSizeDeterminedByProduct() ) { VolumeProduct product = null; for( VolumeProduct prd : support.listVolumeProducts() ) { if( prd.getProviderProductId().equals(productId) ) { product = prd; break; } } if( product != null ) { size = product.getVolumeSize(); } } if( size == null ) { size = support.getCapabilities().getMinimumVolumeSize(); } options = VolumeCreateOptions.getInstance(productId, size, "dsnvolprv" + (System.currentTimeMillis()%10000), "Volume Provisioning Test", 0); } if( options == null ) { options = VolumeCreateOptions.getInstance(support.getCapabilities().getMinimumVolumeSize(), "dsnvolprv" + (System.currentTimeMillis()%10000), "Volume Provisioning Test"); } options.setDataCenterId(testDataCenterId); if( supported ) { if( support.getCapabilities().requiresVMOnCreate().equals(Requirement.REQUIRED) ) { options.withVirtualMachineId(tm.getTestVMId(DaseinTestManager.STATEFUL, VmState.STOPPED, true, testDataCenterId)); assertNotNull(options.getProviderVirtualMachineId(), "Cloud " + tm.getProvider().getCloudName() + " requires volumes to be attached to VMs, but no VM could be provisioned"); } provisionedVolumeId =; tm.out("New Block Volume", provisionedVolumeId); if( support.getCapabilities().requiresVMOnCreate().equals(Requirement.REQUIRED) ) { final Volume volume = support.getVolume(provisionedVolumeId); assertEquals("The volume is supposed to have the providerVirtualMachineId set correctly.", options.getProviderVirtualMachineId(), volume.getProviderVirtualMachineId()); } } else { try { provisionedVolumeId =; fail("Block volumes are either not subscribed or supported, yet the operation completed"); } catch( OperationNotSupportedException expected ) { tm.ok("Got an OperationNotSupportedException from " + name.getMethodName() + " as expected"); } } } @Test public void createNFSVolume() throws CloudException, InternalException { final ComputeServices services = tm.getProvider().getComputeServices(); if( services == null ) { tm.ok("No compute services in this cloud"); return; } VolumeSupport support = services.getVolumeSupport(); if( support == null ) { tm.ok("No volume support in this cloud"); return; } boolean supported = false; if( support.isSubscribed() ) { for( VolumeFormat fmt : support.getCapabilities().listSupportedFormats() ) { if( fmt.equals(VolumeFormat.NFS) ) { supported = true; break; } } } if( testVLANId == null ) { if( !supported ) { tm.ok("Either network volumes are not supported or volumes are not subscribed"); return; } else { fail("Unable to test network volume provisioning due to a lack of a network in which to test"); } } final String productId = tm.getTestVolumeProductId(); VolumeCreateOptions options = null; if( productId != null ) { Storage size = null; if( support.getCapabilities().isVolumeSizeDeterminedByProduct() ) { VolumeProduct product = null; for( VolumeProduct prd : support.listVolumeProducts() ) { if( prd.getProviderProductId().equals(productId) ) { product = prd; break; } } if( product != null ) { size = product.getVolumeSize(); } } if( size == null ) { size = support.getCapabilities().getMinimumVolumeSize(); } options = VolumeCreateOptions.getNetworkInstance(productId, testVLANId, size, "dsnnfsvol" + (System.currentTimeMillis()%10000), "Dasein NFS volume test"); } if( options == null ) { options = VolumeCreateOptions.getNetworkInstance(testVLANId, support.getCapabilities().getMinimumVolumeSize(), "dsnvolprv" + (System.currentTimeMillis()%10000), "Volume Provisioning Test"); } options.setDataCenterId(testDataCenterId); if( supported ) { if( support.getCapabilities().requiresVMOnCreate().equals(Requirement.REQUIRED) ) { options.withVirtualMachineId(tm.getTestVMId(DaseinTestManager.STATEFUL, VmState.STOPPED, true, testDataCenterId)); assertNotNull(options.getProviderVirtualMachineId(), "Cloud " + tm.getProvider().getCloudName() + " requires volumes to be attached to VMs, but no VM could be provisioned"); } provisionedVolumeId =; tm.out("New NFS Volume", provisionedVolumeId); if( support.getCapabilities().requiresVMOnCreate().equals(Requirement.REQUIRED) ) { Volume volume = support.getVolume(provisionedVolumeId); assertEquals(options.getProviderVirtualMachineId(), volume.getProviderVirtualMachineId(), "The volume is supposed to have the providerVirtualMachineId set correctly."); } } else { try { provisionedVolumeId =; fail("NFS volumes are either not subscribed or supported, yet the operation completed"); } catch( OperationNotSupportedException expected ) { tm.ok("Got an OperationNotSupportedException from " + name.getMethodName() + " as expected"); } } } @Test public void createFromSnapshot() throws CloudException, InternalException { ComputeServices services = tm.getProvider().getComputeServices(); if( services != null ) { VolumeSupport support = services.getVolumeSupport(); if( support != null ) { boolean supported = true; if( testSnapshotId == null ) { SnapshotSupport snapSupport = services.getSnapshotSupport(); if( snapSupport == null || !snapSupport.isSubscribed() ) { supported = false; testSnapshotId = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); } else { fail("No test snapshot ID even though snapshots are supported"); } } String productId = tm.getTestVolumeProductId(); VolumeCreateOptions options = null; if( productId != null ) { Storage size = null; if( support.getCapabilities().isVolumeSizeDeterminedByProduct() ) { VolumeProduct product = null; for( VolumeProduct prd : support.listVolumeProducts() ) { if( prd.getProviderProductId().equals(productId) ) { product = prd; break; } } if( product != null ) { size = product.getVolumeSize(); } } if( size == null ) { size = support.getCapabilities().getMinimumVolumeSize(); } options = VolumeCreateOptions.getInstanceForSnapshot(productId, testSnapshotId, size, "dsnvolprv" + (System.currentTimeMillis()%10000), "Volume Provisioning Test", 0); } if( options == null ) { options = VolumeCreateOptions.getInstanceForSnapshot(testSnapshotId, new Storage(10, Storage.GIGABYTE), "dsnvolprv" + (System.currentTimeMillis()%10000), "Volume Provisioning Test"); if (testDataCenterId != null) { options.setDataCenterId(testDataCenterId); } } if( supported ) { if( support.getCapabilities().requiresVMOnCreate().equals(Requirement.REQUIRED) ) { options.withVirtualMachineId(tm.getTestVMId(DaseinTestManager.STATEFUL, VmState.STOPPED, true, testDataCenterId)); assertNotNull(options.getProviderVirtualMachineId(), "Cloud " + tm.getProvider().getCloudName() + " requires volumes to be attached to VMs, but no VM could be provisioned"); } provisionedVolumeId =; tm.out("New Volume from Snapshot", provisionedVolumeId); if( support.getCapabilities().requiresVMOnCreate().equals(Requirement.REQUIRED) ) { Volume volume = support.getVolume(provisionedVolumeId); assertEquals(options.getProviderVirtualMachineId(), volume.getProviderVirtualMachineId(), "The volume is supposed to have the providerVirtualMachineId set correctly."); } } else { try { provisionedVolumeId =; fail("Volume snapshots are either not subscribed or supported, yet the operation completed"); } catch( OperationNotSupportedException expected ) { tm.ok("Got an OperationNotSupportedException from " + name.getMethodName() + " as expected"); } } } else { tm.ok("No volume support in this cloud"); } } else { tm.ok("No compute services in this cloud"); } } @Test public void attach() throws CloudException, InternalException { ComputeServices services = tm.getProvider().getComputeServices(); if( services != null ) { VolumeSupport support = services.getVolumeSupport(); if( support != null ) { if( !support.isSubscribed() ) { tm.warn("Not subscribed to volume services, test will not run properly"); return; } if (testVMId != null) { VirtualMachine tmpVm = services.getVirtualMachineSupport().getVirtualMachine(testVMId); VmState vmState = tmpVm.getCurrentState(); if (support.getCapabilities().canAttach(vmState)) { if( testVolumeId != null ) { Volume volume = support.getVolume(testVolumeId); assertNotNull("Test volume is null and so the test cannot be run", volume); tm.out("Attachment Before", volume.getProviderVirtualMachineId()); assertNull("Attachment must be null before running this test", volume.getProviderVirtualMachineId()); @SuppressWarnings("ConstantConditions") VirtualMachine vm = services.getVirtualMachineSupport().getVirtualMachine(testVMId); assertNotNull("Virtual machine for test went away", vm); boolean attached = false; for( String device : support.getCapabilities().listPossibleDeviceIds(vm.getPlatform()) ) { try { if( volume.getFormat().equals(VolumeFormat.NFS) ) { try { support.attach(testVolumeId, testVMId, device); fail("Attachment to NFS volume succeeded even though it should not"); } catch( OperationNotSupportedException expected ) { tm.ok("NFS volumes cannot be attached"); return; } } else { support.attach(testVolumeId, testVMId, device); } attached = true; break; } catch( CloudException e ) { tm.warn("Failed to mount using " + device + ", will hopefully try again"); } } assertTrue("Unable to attach using any available device", attached); long timeout = System.currentTimeMillis() + (CalendarWrapper.MINUTE* 5L); while( timeout > System.currentTimeMillis() ) { volume = support.getVolume(testVolumeId); assertNotNull("Volume disappeared during attachment", volume); tm.out("---> Attachment", volume.getProviderVirtualMachineId()); if( volume.getProviderVirtualMachineId() != null ) { assertEquals("Volume attachment does not match target server", testVMId, volume.getProviderVirtualMachineId()); return; } try { Thread.sleep(30000L); } catch( InterruptedException e ) { } } fail("System timed out verifying attachment"); } else { if( support.isSubscribed() ) { fail("No test volume for " + name.getMethodName()); } else { tm.ok("Volume service is not subscribed so this test is not entirely valid"); } } } else { tm.ok("Attaching is not allowed for state "+vmState); } } else { fail("No test VM exists for this test"); } } else { tm.ok("No volume support in this cloud"); } } else { tm.ok("No compute services in this cloud"); } } @Test public void detach() throws CloudException, InternalException { ComputeServices services = tm.getProvider().getComputeServices(); if( services != null ) { VolumeSupport support = services.getVolumeSupport(); if( support != null ) { if( !support.isSubscribed() ) { tm.warn("Not subscribed to volume services, test will not run properly"); return; } if( testVolumeId != null ) { Volume volume = support.getVolume(testVolumeId); assertNotNull("Test volume is null and so the test cannot be run", volume); tm.out("Attachment Before", volume.getProviderVirtualMachineId()); assertNotNull("Volume must be attached to something before attempting to detach it", volume.getProviderVirtualMachineId()); // check that detaching is supported in the current state String vmId = volume.getProviderVirtualMachineId(); VirtualMachine vm = services.getVirtualMachineSupport().getVirtualMachine(vmId); if (support.getCapabilities().canDetach(vm.getCurrentState())) { support.detach(testVolumeId, true); long timeout = System.currentTimeMillis() + (CalendarWrapper.MINUTE* 5L); while( timeout > System.currentTimeMillis() ) { volume = support.getVolume(testVolumeId); assertNotNull("Volume disappeared during detachment", volume); tm.out("---> Attachment", volume.getProviderVirtualMachineId()); if( volume.getProviderVirtualMachineId() == null ) { return; } try { Thread.sleep(30000L); } catch( InterruptedException e ) { } } fail("System timed out verifying attachment"); } else { tm.ok("Detaching volume in state "+vm.getCurrentState()+" not supported"); } } else { if( support.isSubscribed() ) { fail("No test volume for " + name.getMethodName()); } else { tm.ok("Volume service is not subscribed so this test is not entirely valid"); } } } else { tm.ok("No volume support in this cloud"); } } else { tm.ok("No compute services in this cloud"); } } @Test public void attachToBogusVM() throws CloudException, InternalException { ComputeServices services = tm.getProvider().getComputeServices(); if( services != null ) { VolumeSupport support = services.getVolumeSupport(); if( support != null ) { if( !support.isSubscribed() ) { tm.warn("Not subscribed to volume services, test will not run properly"); return; } if( testVolumeId != null ) { Volume volume = support.getVolume(testVolumeId); assertNotNull("Test volume is null and so the test cannot be run", volume); tm.out("Attachment Before", volume.getProviderVirtualMachineId()); assertNull("Attachment must be null before running this test", volume.getProviderVirtualMachineId()); String id = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); boolean succeeded = false; for( String device : support.getCapabilities().listPossibleDeviceIds(Platform.UBUNTU) ) { if( volume.getFormat().equals(VolumeFormat.NFS) ) { try { support.attach(testVolumeId, id, device); fail("Attachment to NFS volume succeeded even though it should not"); } catch( OperationNotSupportedException expected ) { tm.ok("NFS volumes cannot be attached"); return; } } else { try { support.attach(testVolumeId, id, device); succeeded = true; break; } catch( CloudException expected ) { tm.ok("--> Failed with " + device); } } } assertFalse("The system reported that it successfully attached to a server that does not exist", succeeded); } else { if( support.isSubscribed() ) { fail("No test volume for " + name.getMethodName()); } else { tm.ok("Volume service is not subscribed so this test is not entirely valid"); } } } else { tm.ok("No volume support in this cloud"); } } else { tm.ok("No compute services in this cloud"); } } @Test public void detachUnattachedVolume() throws CloudException, InternalException { ComputeServices services = tm.getProvider().getComputeServices(); if( services != null ) { VolumeSupport support = services.getVolumeSupport(); if( support != null ) { if( !support.isSubscribed() ) { tm.warn("Not subscribed to volume services, test will not run properly"); return; } if( testVolumeId != null ) { Volume volume = support.getVolume(testVolumeId); assertNotNull("Test volume is null and so the test cannot be run", volume); tm.out("Attachment Before", volume.getProviderVirtualMachineId()); assertNull("Volume must be unattached before attempting this test", volume.getProviderVirtualMachineId()); try { support.detach(testVolumeId, true); fail("Detachment should have failed for an unattached volume"); } catch( CloudException expected ) { tm.ok("Caught a CloudException: " + expected.getMessage()); } catch ( OperationNotSupportedException ignore) { tm.ok("Caught an OperationNotSupportException: " + ignore.getMessage()); } } else { fail("No test volume for " + name.getMethodName()); } } else { tm.ok("No volume support in this cloud"); } } else { tm.ok("No compute services in this cloud"); } } @Test public void removeVolume() throws CloudException, InternalException { ComputeServices services = tm.getProvider().getComputeServices(); if( services != null ) { VolumeSupport support = services.getVolumeSupport(); if( support != null ) { if( testVolumeId != null ) { Volume volume = support.getVolume(testVolumeId); tm.out("Before", volume); assertNotNull("Test volume no longer exists, cannot test removing it", volume); tm.out("State", volume.getCurrentState()); assertFalse("Test volume is deleted, cannot test removing it", VolumeState.DELETED.equals(volume.getCurrentState())); support.remove(testVolumeId); volume = support.getVolume(testVolumeId); tm.out("After", volume); tm.out("State", (volume == null ? VolumeState.DELETED : volume.getCurrentState())); assertTrue("The volume remains available", (volume == null || VolumeState.DELETED.equals(volume.getCurrentState()))); } else { if( support.isSubscribed() ) { fail("No test volume for deletion test"); } else { tm.ok("Volume service is not subscribed so this test is not entirely valid"); } } } else { tm.ok("No volume support in this cloud"); } } else { tm.ok("No compute services in this cloud"); } } }

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