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import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.AfterClass;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.junit.Rule;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.rules.TestName;

import javax.annotation.Nonnull;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.UUID;

import static;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
import static org.junit.Assume.assumeTrue;

 * [Class Documentation]

Created by George Reese: 3/8/13 4:34 PM

* * @author George Reese */ public class StatelessLoadBalancerTests { static private DaseinTestManager tm; @BeforeClass static public void configure() { tm = new DaseinTestManager(StatelessLoadBalancerTests.class); } @AfterClass static public void cleanUp() { if( tm != null ) { tm.close(); } } @Rule public final TestName name = new TestName(); private String testLoadBalancerId; private String testSslCertificateName; public StatelessLoadBalancerTests() { } @Before public void before() { tm.begin(name.getMethodName()); assumeTrue(!tm.isTestSkipped()); testLoadBalancerId = tm.getTestLoadBalancerId(DaseinTestManager.STATELESS, "dsnlb", true, true); // totally need health checks. testSslCertificateName = tm.getTestSSLCertificateName(DaseinTestManager.STATELESS, false); } @After public void after() { tm.end(); } private void assertListener(@Nonnull LoadBalancerSupport support, @Nonnull LbListener listener) throws CloudException, InternalException { assertNotNull("The listener algorithm may not be null", listener.getAlgorithm()); boolean ok = false; for( LbAlgorithm algorithm : support.getCapabilities().listSupportedAlgorithms() ) { if( algorithm.equals(listener.getAlgorithm()) ) { ok = true; } } assertTrue("The algorithm associated with this listener is not a supported algorithm", ok); ok = false; assertNotNull("The listener network protocol may not be null", listener.getNetworkProtocol()); for( LbProtocol protocol : support.getCapabilities().listSupportedProtocols() ) { if( protocol.equals(listener.getNetworkProtocol()) ) { ok = true; } } assertTrue("The network protocol associated with this listener is not a supported protocol", ok); ok = false; assertNotNull("The listener session persistence may not be null", listener.getPersistence()); for( LbPersistence p : support.getCapabilities().listSupportedPersistenceOptions() ) { if( p.equals(listener.getPersistence()) ) { ok = true; } } assertTrue("The session persistence option associated with this listener is not a supported option", ok); if( listener.getPersistence().equals(LbPersistence.COOKIE) ) { assertNotNull("When the session persistence is set to server cookie, a cookie value must be set", listener.getCookie()); } if( LbProtocol.HTTP.equals( listener.getNetworkProtocol() ) ) { assertNull("HTTP listener cannot have an SSL certificate", listener.getSslCertificateName()); } else if( LbProtocol.HTTPS.equals( listener.getNetworkProtocol() ) ) { assertNotNull("HTTPS listener must have an SSL certificate", listener.getSslCertificateName()); } } private void assertLoadBalancer(@Nonnull LoadBalancerSupport support, @Nonnull LoadBalancer lb) throws CloudException, InternalException { assertNotNull("The load balancer ID may not be null", lb.getProviderLoadBalancerId()); assertNotNull("The load balancer state may not be null", lb.getCurrentState()); assertNotNull("The load balancer name may not be null", lb.getName()); assertNotNull("The load balancer description may not be null", lb.getDescription()); assertNotNull("The load balancer owner may not be null", lb.getProviderOwnerId()); assertNotNull("The load balancer region may not be null", lb.getProviderRegionId()); assertEquals("The load balancer region must match the region for this context", tm.getContext().getRegionId(), lb.getProviderRegionId()); String[] dcs = lb.getProviderDataCenterIds(); assertNotNull("The list of data centers to which the load balancer is assigned may not be null", dcs); if( support.getCapabilities().isDataCenterLimited() ) { assertTrue("There must be at least one data center associated with the load balancer", dcs.length > 0); } assertNotNull("The load balancer address type may not be null", lb.getAddressType()); assertNotNull("The load balancer address may not be null", lb.getAddress()); int[] ports = lb.getPublicPorts(); assertNotNull("The list of public ports may notbe null", ports); IPVersion[] v = lb.getSupportedTraffic(); assertNotNull("The IP traffic associated with the load balancer must not be null", v); assertTrue("There must be at least one IP version supported for the load balancer", v.length > 0); LbListener[] listeners = lb.getListeners(); assertNotNull("The list of listeners may not be null", listeners); if( support.getCapabilities().identifyListenersOnCreateRequirement().equals(Requirement.REQUIRED) ) { assertTrue("There must be at least one public port associated with the load balancer", ports.length > 0); assertTrue("There must be at least one listener associated with the load balancer", listeners.length > 0); } for( LbListener listener : listeners ) { assertListener(support, listener); } } private void assertSSLCertificate(@Nonnull SSLCertificate certificate, boolean isBodyRequired) throws CloudException, InternalException { if (isBodyRequired) { assertNotNull("The SSL certificate body may not be null", certificate.getCertificateBody()); } assertNotNull("The SSL certificate ID may not be null", certificate.getCertificateName()); assertNotNull("The SSL certificate provider ID may not be null", certificate.getProviderCertificateId()); } @Test public void checkMetaData() throws CloudException, InternalException { NetworkServices services = tm.getProvider().getNetworkServices(); if( services == null ) { tm.ok("Network services are not supported in " + tm.getContext().getRegionId() + " of " + tm.getProvider().getCloudName()); return; } LoadBalancerSupport support = services.getLoadBalancerSupport(); if( support == null ) { tm.ok("Load balancers are not supported in " + tm.getContext().getRegionId() + " of " + tm.getProvider().getCloudName()); return; } tm.out("Subscribed", support.isSubscribed()); tm.out("Term for Load Balancer", support.getCapabilities().getProviderTermForLoadBalancer(Locale.getDefault())); tm.out("Data Center Limited", support.getCapabilities().isDataCenterLimited()); tm.out("Address Type", support.getCapabilities().getAddressType()); tm.out("Provider-assigned Address", support.getCapabilities().isAddressAssignedByProvider()); tm.out("Endpoints on Create", support.getCapabilities().identifyEndpointsOnCreateRequirement()); tm.out("Listeners on Create", support.getCapabilities().identifyListenersOnCreateRequirement()); tm.out("Max Public Ports", support.getCapabilities().getMaxPublicPorts() == 0 ? "Unlimited" : String.valueOf(support.getCapabilities().getMaxPublicPorts())); tm.out("Endpoint Types", support.getCapabilities().listSupportedEndpointTypes()); tm.out("Algorithms", support.getCapabilities().listSupportedAlgorithms()); tm.out("Protocols", support.getCapabilities().listSupportedProtocols()); tm.out("Persistence Options", support.getCapabilities().listSupportedPersistenceOptions()); tm.out("Supported Traffic", support.getCapabilities().listSupportedIPVersions()); tm.out("Supports Monitoring", support.getCapabilities().supportsMonitoring()); tm.out("Can Add Endpoints", support.getCapabilities().supportsAddingEndpoints()); tm.out("Supports Multiple IP Versions", support.getCapabilities().supportsMultipleTrafficTypes()); assertNotNull("The provider term for a load balancer may not be null", support.getCapabilities().getProviderTermForLoadBalancer(Locale.getDefault())); assertNotNull("The address type may not be null", support.getCapabilities().getAddressType()); if( LoadBalancerAddressType.DNS.equals(support.getCapabilities().getAddressType()) ) { assertTrue("DNS-based load balancers must have the load balancer address assigned by the cloud provider", support.getCapabilities().isAddressAssignedByProvider()); } else if( !support.getCapabilities().isAddressAssignedByProvider() ) { IpAddressSupport ipSupport = services.getIpAddressSupport(); assertNotNull("If IP addresses are not assigned by a provider, there must be IP address support", ipSupport); boolean requestable = false; for( IPVersion v : support.getCapabilities().listSupportedIPVersions() ) { if( ipSupport.getCapabilities().isRequestable(v) ) { requestable = true; break; } } assertTrue("IP addresses must be requestable when IP addresses for load balancers are not provider assigned", requestable); } assertNotNull("The requirement level for having endpoints when creating a load balancer cannot be null", support.getCapabilities().identifyEndpointsOnCreateRequirement()); assertNotNull("The requirement level for having listeners when creating a load balancer cannot be null", support.getCapabilities().identifyListenersOnCreateRequirement()); assertTrue("The maximum number of public ports must be a positive number or 0 for unlimited", support.getCapabilities().getMaxPublicPorts() >= 0); assertTrue("There must be at least one supported endpoint type", support.getCapabilities().listSupportedEndpointTypes().iterator().hasNext()); assertTrue("There must be at least one supported algorithm", support.getCapabilities().listSupportedAlgorithms().iterator().hasNext()); assertTrue("There must be at least one supported protocol", support.getCapabilities().listSupportedProtocols().iterator().hasNext()); assertTrue("There must be at least one supported persistence option", support.getCapabilities().listSupportedPersistenceOptions().iterator().hasNext()); assertTrue("There must be at least one supported IP version", support.getCapabilities().listSupportedIPVersions().iterator().hasNext()); assertTrue("If you are not creating endpoints at LB create, you need the ability to add them after load balancer creation", support.getCapabilities().identifyEndpointsOnCreateRequirement().equals(Requirement.REQUIRED) || support.getCapabilities().supportsAddingEndpoints()); } @Test public void getBogusLoadBalancer() throws CloudException, InternalException { NetworkServices services = tm.getProvider().getNetworkServices(); if( services == null ) { tm.ok("Network services are not supported in " + tm.getContext().getRegionId() + " of " + tm.getProvider().getCloudName()); return; } LoadBalancerSupport support = services.getLoadBalancerSupport(); if( support == null ) { tm.ok("Load balancers are not supported in " + tm.getContext().getRegionId() + " of " + tm.getProvider().getCloudName()); return; } LoadBalancer lb = support.getLoadBalancer(UUID.randomUUID().toString()); tm.out("Bogus Load Balancer", lb); assertNull("Found a valid load balancer for a bogus load balancer ID", lb); } @Test public void getLoadBalancer() throws CloudException, InternalException { NetworkServices services = tm.getProvider().getNetworkServices(); if( services == null ) { tm.ok("Network services are not supported in " + tm.getContext().getRegionId() + " of " + tm.getProvider().getCloudName()); return; } LoadBalancerSupport support = services.getLoadBalancerSupport(); if( support == null ) { tm.ok("Load balancers are not supported in " + tm.getContext().getRegionId() + " of " + tm.getProvider().getCloudName()); return; } if( testLoadBalancerId != null ) { LoadBalancer lb = support.getLoadBalancer(testLoadBalancerId); tm.out("Load Balancer", lb); assertNotNull("No load balancer was found for the test load balancer ID", lb); } else { if( !support.isSubscribed() ) { tm.ok("Test was not run because this account is not subscribed for load balancers"); } else { fail("No test load balancer exists for the test " + name.getMethodName()); } } } @Test public void loadBalancerContent() throws CloudException, InternalException { NetworkServices services = tm.getProvider().getNetworkServices(); if( services == null ) { tm.ok("Network services are not supported in " + tm.getContext().getRegionId() + " of " + tm.getProvider().getCloudName()); return; } LoadBalancerSupport support = services.getLoadBalancerSupport(); if( support == null ) { tm.ok("Load balancers are not supported in " + tm.getContext().getRegionId() + " of " + tm.getProvider().getCloudName()); return; } if( testLoadBalancerId != null ) { LoadBalancer lb = support.getLoadBalancer(testLoadBalancerId); assertNotNull("No load balancer was found for the test load balancer ID", lb); tm.out("Load Balancer ID", lb.getProviderLoadBalancerId()); tm.out("Current State", lb.getCurrentState()); tm.out("Name", lb.getName()); tm.out("Owner Account", lb.getProviderOwnerId()); tm.out("Region ID", lb.getProviderRegionId()); tm.out("Data Center IDs", Arrays.toString(lb.getProviderDataCenterIds())); tm.out("Created", new Date(lb.getCreationTimestamp())); tm.out("Address Type", lb.getAddressType()); tm.out("Address", lb.getAddress()); tm.out("Public Ports", Arrays.toString(lb.getPublicPorts())); tm.out("IP Versions", Arrays.toString(lb.getSupportedTraffic())); tm.out("Listeners", Arrays.toString(lb.getListeners())); tm.out("Description", lb.getDescription()); assertLoadBalancer(support, lb); } else { if( !support.isSubscribed() ) { tm.ok("Test was not run because this account is not subscribed for load balancers"); } else { fail("No test load balancer exists for the test " + name.getMethodName()); } } } @Test public void listEndpoints() throws CloudException, InternalException { NetworkServices services = tm.getProvider().getNetworkServices(); if( services == null ) { tm.ok("Network services are not supported in " + tm.getContext().getRegionId() + " of " + tm.getProvider().getCloudName()); return; } LoadBalancerSupport support = services.getLoadBalancerSupport(); if( support == null ) { tm.ok("Load balancers are not supported in " + tm.getContext().getRegionId() + " of " + tm.getProvider().getCloudName()); return; } if( testLoadBalancerId != null ) { LoadBalancer lb = support.getLoadBalancer(testLoadBalancerId); assertNotNull("No load balancer was found for the test load balancer ID", lb); Iterable endpoints = support.listEndpoints(testLoadBalancerId); int count = 0; assertNotNull("The list of load balancer endpoints may not be null", endpoints); if( support.getCapabilities().identifyEndpointsOnCreateRequirement().equals(Requirement.REQUIRED) ) { assertTrue("There must be at least one endpoint associated with this load balancer", endpoints.iterator().hasNext()); } for( LoadBalancerEndpoint endpoint : endpoints ) { count++; tm.out("Endpoint", endpoint); } tm.out("Endpoint Count", count); if( count < 1 ) { tm.warn("Unable to test endpoints appropriately due to the lack of endpoints"); } } else { if( !support.isSubscribed() ) { tm.ok("Test was not run because this account is not subscribed for load balancers"); } else { fail("No test load balancer exists for the test " + name.getMethodName()); } } } @Test public void listLoadBalancers() throws CloudException, InternalException { NetworkServices services = tm.getProvider().getNetworkServices(); if( services == null ) { tm.ok("Network services are not supported in " + tm.getContext().getRegionId() + " of " + tm.getProvider().getCloudName()); return; } LoadBalancerSupport support = services.getLoadBalancerSupport(); if( support == null ) { tm.ok("Load balancers are not supported in " + tm.getContext().getRegionId() + " of " + tm.getProvider().getCloudName()); return; } Iterable loadBalancers = support.listLoadBalancers(); int count = 0; assertNotNull("The list of load balancers may not be null", loadBalancers); for( LoadBalancer lb : loadBalancers ) { count++; tm.out("Load Balancer", lb); } tm.out("Load Balancer Count", count); if( !support.isSubscribed() ) { assertEquals("The load balancer count should be zero since this account is not subscribed to this service", 0, count); } else if( count == 0 ) { tm.warn("This test is likely invalid as no load balancers were provided in the results for validation"); } if( count > 0 ) { for( LoadBalancer lb : loadBalancers ) { assertLoadBalancer(support, lb); } } } @Test public void listLoadBalancerStatus() throws CloudException, InternalException { NetworkServices services = tm.getProvider().getNetworkServices(); if( services == null ) { tm.ok("Network services are not supported in " + tm.getContext().getRegionId() + " of " + tm.getProvider().getCloudName()); return; } LoadBalancerSupport support = services.getLoadBalancerSupport(); if( support == null ) { tm.ok("Load balancers are not supported in " + tm.getContext().getRegionId() + " of " + tm.getProvider().getCloudName()); return; } Iterable loadBalancers = support.listLoadBalancerStatus(); int count = 0; assertNotNull("The list of load balancers may not be null", loadBalancers); for( ResourceStatus lb : loadBalancers ) { count++; tm.out("Load Balancer Status", lb); } tm.out("Load Balancer Status Count", count); if( !support.isSubscribed() ) { assertEquals("The load balancer status count should be zero since this account is not subscribed to this service", 0, count); } else if( count == 0 ) { tm.warn("This test is likely invalid as no load balancer status was provided in the results for validation"); } } @Test public void compareLoadBalancerListAndStatus() throws CloudException, InternalException { NetworkServices services = tm.getProvider().getNetworkServices(); if( services == null ) { tm.ok("Network services are not supported in " + tm.getContext().getRegionId() + " of " + tm.getProvider().getCloudName()); return; } LoadBalancerSupport support = services.getLoadBalancerSupport(); if( support == null ) { tm.ok("Load balancers are not supported in " + tm.getContext().getRegionId() + " of " + tm.getProvider().getCloudName()); return; } HashMap> map = new HashMap>(); Iterable loadBalancers = support.listLoadBalancers(); Iterable status = support.listLoadBalancerStatus(); assertNotNull("listLoadBalancers() must return at least an empty collections and may not be null", loadBalancers); assertNotNull("listLoadBalancerStatus() must return at least an empty collection and may not be null", status); for( ResourceStatus s : status ) { Map current = map.get(s.getProviderResourceId()); if( current == null ) { current = new HashMap(); map.put(s.getProviderResourceId(), current); } current.put("status", true); } for( LoadBalancer lb : loadBalancers ) { Map current = map.get(lb.getProviderLoadBalancerId()); if( current == null ) { current = new HashMap(); map.put(lb.getProviderLoadBalancerId(), current); } current.put("lb", true); } for( Map.Entry> entry : map.entrySet() ) { Boolean s = entry.getValue().get("status"); Boolean l = entry.getValue().get("lb"); assertTrue("Status and load balancer lists do not match for " + entry.getKey(), s != null && l != null && s && l); } tm.out("Matches"); } @Test public void getBogusSSLCertificate() throws CloudException, InternalException { NetworkServices services = tm.getProvider().getNetworkServices(); if( services == null ) { tm.ok("Network services are not supported in " + tm.getContext().getRegionId() + " of " + tm.getProvider().getCloudName()); return; } LoadBalancerSupport support = services.getLoadBalancerSupport(); if( support == null ) { tm.ok("SSL certificates are not supported in " + tm.getContext().getRegionId() + " of " + tm.getProvider().getCloudName()); return; } if( !tm.supportsHttps(support) ) { tm.ok(tm.getProvider().getCloudName() + " does not support SSL in load balancers, skipping test"); return; } SSLCertificate sslCertificate = support.getSSLCertificate(UUID.randomUUID().toString()); tm.out("Bogus SSL certificate", sslCertificate); assertNull("Found a valid SSL certificate for a bogus ID", sslCertificate); } @Test public void getSSLCertificate() throws CloudException, InternalException { NetworkServices services = tm.getProvider().getNetworkServices(); if( services == null ) { tm.ok("Network services are not supported in " + tm.getContext().getRegionId() + " of " + tm.getProvider().getCloudName()); return; } LoadBalancerSupport support = services.getLoadBalancerSupport(); if( support == null ) { tm.ok("SSL certificates are not supported in " + tm.getContext().getRegionId() + " of " + tm.getProvider().getCloudName()); return; } if( !tm.supportsHttps(support) ) { tm.ok(tm.getProvider().getCloudName() + " does not support SSL in load balancers, skipping test"); return; } if( testSslCertificateName != null ) { SSLCertificate certificate = support.getSSLCertificate(testSslCertificateName); tm.out("SSL Certificate", certificate); assertNotNull("No SSL certificate was found for the test ID", certificate); } else { if( !support.isSubscribed() ) { tm.ok("Test was not run because this account is not subscribed for SSL certificates"); } else { fail("No test SSL certificate exists for the test " + name.getMethodName()); } } } @Test public void sslCertificateContent() throws CloudException, InternalException { NetworkServices services = tm.getProvider().getNetworkServices(); if( services == null ) { tm.ok("Network services are not supported in " + tm.getContext().getRegionId() + " of " + tm.getProvider().getCloudName()); return; } LoadBalancerSupport support = services.getLoadBalancerSupport(); if( support == null ) { tm.ok("SSL certificates are not supported in " + tm.getContext().getRegionId() + " of " + tm.getProvider().getCloudName()); return; } if( !tm.supportsHttps(support) ) { tm.ok(tm.getProvider().getCloudName() + " does not support SSL in load balancers, skipping test"); return; } if( testSslCertificateName != null ) { SSLCertificate certificate = support.getSSLCertificate(testSslCertificateName); assertNotNull("No SSL certificate was found for the test ID", certificate); tm.out("SSL certificate name", certificate.getCertificateName()); tm.out("SSL certificate provider ID", certificate.getProviderCertificateId()); tm.out("SSL certificate upload date", certificate.getCreatedTimestamp()); tm.out("SSL certificate path", certificate.getPath()); tm.out("SSL certificate chain", certificate.getCertificateChain()); tm.out("SSL certificate body", certificate.getCertificateBody()); assertSSLCertificate(certificate, true); } else { if( !support.isSubscribed() ) { tm.ok("Test was not run because this account is not subscribed for SSL certificates"); } else { fail("No test SSL certificate exists for the test " + name.getMethodName()); } } } @Test public void listSSLCertificates() throws CloudException, InternalException { NetworkServices services = tm.getProvider().getNetworkServices(); if( services == null ) { tm.ok("Network services are not supported in " + tm.getContext().getRegionId() + " of " + tm.getProvider().getCloudName()); return; } LoadBalancerSupport support = services.getLoadBalancerSupport(); if( support == null ) { tm.ok("Load balancers are not supported in " + tm.getContext().getRegionId() + " of " + tm.getProvider().getCloudName()); return; } if( !tm.supportsHttps(support) ) { tm.ok(tm.getProvider().getCloudName() + " does not support SSL in load balancers, skipping test"); return; } Iterable certificates = support.listSSLCertificates(); int count = 0; assertNotNull("The list of SSL certificates may not be null", certificates); for( SSLCertificate certificate : certificates ) { count++; tm.out("SSL certificate", certificate); } tm.out("SSL certificates count", count); if( !support.isSubscribed() ) { assertEquals("The SSL certificate count should be zero since this account is not subscribed to this service", 0, count); } else if( count == 0 ) { tm.warn("This test is likely invalid as no SSL certificates were provided in the results for validation"); } if( count > 0 ) { for( SSLCertificate certificate : certificates ) { assertSSLCertificate(certificate, false); } } } @Test public void listLoadBalancerHealthChecks() throws CloudException, InternalException { NetworkServices services = tm.getProvider().getNetworkServices(); if( services == null ) { tm.ok("Network services are not supported in " + tm.getContext().getRegionId() + " of " + tm.getProvider().getCloudName()); return; } NetworkResources resources = DaseinTestManager.getNetworkResources(); if( resources == null ) { fail("Failed to initialize network resources for tests"); } LoadBalancerSupport support = services.getLoadBalancerSupport(); if( support == null ) { tm.ok("Load balancers are not supported in " + tm.getContext().getRegionId() + " of " + tm.getProvider().getCloudName()); return; } if( support.getCapabilities().supportsMonitoring() ) { /* Need to create a loadbalancer with a health check for the test to find...? */ /* should be created now. */ Iterable healthChecks = support.listLBHealthChecks(null); int count = 0; assertNotNull("The list of LB health checks may not be null", healthChecks); for( LoadBalancerHealthCheck lbhc : healthChecks ) { count++; tm.out("LB Health Check", lbhc); } tm.out("LB Health Check Count", count); if( !support.isSubscribed() ) { assertEquals("The LB health check count should be zero since this account is not subscribed to this service", 0, count); } else if( count == 0 ) { tm.warn("This test is likely invalid as no LB health checks were provided in the results for validation"); } boolean found = false; for( LoadBalancerHealthCheck lbhc : healthChecks ) { if( resources.getTestHttpHealthCheckOptions(support).getPath().equals(lbhc.getPath()) && resources.getTestHttpHealthCheckOptions(support).getProtocol().equals(lbhc.getProtocol()) && resources.getTestHttpHealthCheckOptions(support).getPort() == lbhc.getPort() ) { assertHealthCheck(support, lbhc); found = true; break; } } // fails here because it never created a loadbalancer to find. assertTrue("Unable to find the test load balancer in the returned list", found); } else { tm.ok("Health checks are not supported in " + tm.getContext().getRegionId() + " of " + tm.getProvider().getCloudName()); } } }

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