com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.LineSegment Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* The JTS Topology Suite is a collection of Java classes that
* implement the fundamental operations required to validate a given
* geo-spatial data set to a known topological specification.
* Copyright (C) 2001 Vivid Solutions
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* For more information, contact:
* Vivid Solutions
* Suite #1A
* 2328 Government Street
* Victoria BC V8T 5G5
* Canada
* (250)385-6040
package com.vividsolutions.jts.geom;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.algorithm.*;
* Represents a line segment defined by two {@link Coordinate}s.
* Provides methods to compute various geometric properties
* and relationships of line segments.
* This class is designed to be easily mutable (to the extent of
* having its contained points public).
* This supports a common pattern of reusing a single LineSegment
* object as a way of computing segment properties on the
* segments defined by arrays or lists of {@link Coordinate}s.
*@version 1.7
public class LineSegment
implements Comparable, Serializable
private static final long serialVersionUID = 3252005833466256227L;
public Coordinate p0, p1;
public LineSegment(Coordinate p0, Coordinate p1) {
this.p0 = p0;
this.p1 = p1;
public LineSegment(double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1) {
this(new Coordinate(x0, y0), new Coordinate(x1, y1));
public LineSegment(LineSegment ls) {
this(ls.p0, ls.p1);
public LineSegment() {
this(new Coordinate(), new Coordinate());
public Coordinate getCoordinate(int i)
if (i == 0) return p0;
return p1;
public void setCoordinates(LineSegment ls)
setCoordinates(ls.p0, ls.p1);
public void setCoordinates(Coordinate p0, Coordinate p1)
this.p0.x = p0.x;
this.p0.y = p0.y;
this.p1.x = p1.x;
this.p1.y = p1.y;
* Gets the minimum X ordinate.
* @return the minimum X ordinate
public double minX() {
return Math.min(p0.x, p1.x);
* Gets the maximum X ordinate.
* @return the maximum X ordinate
public double maxX() {
return Math.max(p0.x, p1.x);
* Gets the minimum Y ordinate.
* @return the minimum Y ordinate
public double minY() {
return Math.min(p0.y, p1.y);
* Gets the maximum Y ordinate.
* @return the maximum Y ordinate
public double maxY() {
return Math.max(p0.y, p1.y);
* Computes the length of the line segment.
* @return the length of the line segment
public double getLength()
return p0.distance(p1);
* Tests whether the segment is horizontal.
* @return true
if the segment is horizontal
public boolean isHorizontal() { return p0.y == p1.y; }
* Tests whether the segment is vertical.
* @return true
if the segment is vertical
public boolean isVertical() { return p0.x == p1.x; }
* Determines the orientation of a LineSegment relative to this segment.
* The concept of orientation is specified as follows:
* Given two line segments A and L,
A is to the left of a segment L if A lies wholly in the
* closed half-plane lying to the left of L
* - A is to the right of a segment L if A lies wholly in the
* closed half-plane lying to the right of L
- otherwise, A has indeterminate orientation relative to L. This
* happens if A is collinear with L or if A crosses the line determined by L.
* @param seg the LineSegment to compare
* @return 1 if seg
is to the left of this segment
* @return -1 if seg
is to the right of this segment
* @return 0 if seg
is collinear to or crosses this segment
public int orientationIndex(LineSegment seg)
int orient0 = CGAlgorithms.orientationIndex(p0, p1, seg.p0);
int orient1 = CGAlgorithms.orientationIndex(p0, p1, seg.p1);
// this handles the case where the points are L or collinear
if (orient0 >= 0 && orient1 >= 0)
return Math.max(orient0, orient1);
// this handles the case where the points are R or collinear
if (orient0 <= 0 && orient1 <= 0)
return Math.max(orient0, orient1);
// points lie on opposite sides ==> indeterminate orientation
return 0;
* Determines the orientation index of a {@link Coordinate} relative to this segment.
* The orientation index is as defined in {@link CGAlgorithms#computeOrientation}.
* @param p the coordinate to compare
* @return 1 (LEFT) if p
is to the left of this segment
* @return -1 (RIGHT) if p
is to the right of this segment
* @return 0 (COLLINEAR) if p
is collinear with this segment
* @see CGAlgorithms#computeOrientation(Coordinate, Coordinate, Coordinate)
public int orientationIndex(Coordinate p)
return CGAlgorithms.orientationIndex(p0, p1, p);
* Reverses the direction of the line segment.
public void reverse()
Coordinate temp = p0;
p0 = p1;
p1 = temp;
* Puts the line segment into a normalized form.
* This is useful for using line segments in maps and indexes when
* topological equality rather than exact equality is desired.
* A segment in normalized form has the first point smaller
* than the second (according to the standard ordering on {@link Coordinate}).
public void normalize()
if (p1.compareTo(p0) < 0) reverse();
* Computes the angle that the vector defined by this segment
* makes with the X-axis.
* The angle will be in the range [ -PI, PI ] radians.
* @return the angle this segment makes with the X-axis (in radians)
public double angle()
return Math.atan2(p1.y - p0.y, p1.x - p0.x);
* Computes the midpoint of the segment
* @return the midpoint of the segment
public Coordinate midPoint()
return midPoint(p0, p1);
* Computes the midpoint of a segment
* @return the midpoint of the segment
public static Coordinate midPoint(Coordinate p0, Coordinate p1)
return new Coordinate( (p0.x + p1.x) / 2,
(p0.y + p1.y) / 2);
* Computes the distance between this line segment and another segment.
* @return the distance to the other segment
public double distance(LineSegment ls)
return CGAlgorithms.distanceLineLine(p0, p1, ls.p0, ls.p1);
* Computes the distance between this line segment and a given point.
* @return the distance from this segment to the given point
public double distance(Coordinate p)
return CGAlgorithms.distancePointLine(p, p0, p1);
* Computes the perpendicular distance between the (infinite) line defined
* by this line segment and a point.
* @return the perpendicular distance between the defined line and the given point
public double distancePerpendicular(Coordinate p)
return CGAlgorithms.distancePointLinePerpendicular(p, p0, p1);
* Computes the {@link Coordinate} that lies a given
* fraction along the line defined by this segment.
* A fraction of 0.0
returns the start point of the segment;
* a fraction of 1.0
returns the end point of the segment.
* If the fraction is < 0.0 or > 1.0 the point returned
* will lie before the start or beyond the end of the segment.
* @param segmentLengthFraction the fraction of the segment length along the line
* @return the point at that distance
public Coordinate pointAlong(double segmentLengthFraction)
Coordinate coord = new Coordinate();
coord.x = p0.x + segmentLengthFraction * (p1.x - p0.x);
coord.y = p0.y + segmentLengthFraction * (p1.y - p0.y);
return coord;
* Computes the {@link Coordinate} that lies a given
* fraction along the line defined by this segment and offset from
* the segment by a given distance.
* A fraction of 0.0
offsets from the start point of the segment;
* a fraction of 1.0
offsets from the end point of the segment.
* The computed point is offset to the left of the line if the offset distance is
* positive, to the right if negative.
* @param segmentLengthFraction the fraction of the segment length along the line
* @param offsetDistance the distance the point is offset from the segment
* (positive is to the left, negative is to the right)
* @return the point at that distance and offset
* @throws IllegalStateException if the segment has zero length
public Coordinate pointAlongOffset(double segmentLengthFraction, double offsetDistance)
// the point on the segment line
double segx = p0.x + segmentLengthFraction * (p1.x - p0.x);
double segy = p0.y + segmentLengthFraction * (p1.y - p0.y);
double dx = p1.x - p0.x;
double dy = p1.y - p0.y;
double len = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
double ux = 0.0;
double uy = 0.0;
if (offsetDistance != 0.0) {
if (len <= 0.0)
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot compute offset from zero-length line segment");
// u is the vector that is the length of the offset, in the direction of the segment
ux = offsetDistance * dx / len;
uy = offsetDistance * dy / len;
// the offset point is the seg point plus the offset vector rotated 90 degrees CCW
double offsetx = segx - uy;
double offsety = segy + ux;
Coordinate coord = new Coordinate(offsetx, offsety);
return coord;
* Computes the Projection Factor for the projection of the point p
* onto this LineSegment. The Projection Factor is the constant r
* by which the vector for this segment must be multiplied to
* equal the vector for the projection of p/t> on the line
* defined by this segment.
* The projection factor will lie in the range (-inf, +inf),
* or be NaN
if the line segment has zero length..
* @param p the point to compute the factor for
* @return the projection factor for the point
public double projectionFactor(Coordinate p)
if (p.equals(p0)) return 0.0;
if (p.equals(p1)) return 1.0;
// Otherwise, use Frequently Asked Questions method
/* AC dot AB
r = ---------
r has the following meaning:
r=0 P = A
r=1 P = B
r<0 P is on the backward extension of AB
r>1 P is on the forward extension of AB
0[0.0, 1.0])
* that the projection of a point occurs along this line segment.
* If the point is beyond either ends of the line segment,
* the closest fractional value (0.0 or 1.0) is returned.
* Essentially, this is the {@link #projectionFactor} clamped to
* the range [0.0, 1.0].
* If the segment has zero length, 1.0 is returned.
* @param inputPt the point
* @return the fraction along the line segment the projection of the point occurs
public double segmentFraction(
Coordinate inputPt)
double segFrac = projectionFactor(inputPt);
if (segFrac < 0.0)
segFrac = 0.0;
else if (segFrac > 1.0 || Double.isNaN(segFrac))
segFrac = 1.0;
return segFrac;
* Compute the projection of a point onto the line determined
* by this line segment.
* Note that the projected point
* may lie outside the line segment. If this is the case,
* the projection factor will lie outside the range [0.0, 1.0].
public Coordinate project(Coordinate p)
if (p.equals(p0) || p.equals(p1)) return new Coordinate(p);
double r = projectionFactor(p);
Coordinate coord = new Coordinate();
coord.x = p0.x + r * (p1.x - p0.x);
coord.y = p0.y + r * (p1.y - p0.y);
return coord;
* Project a line segment onto this line segment and return the resulting
* line segment. The returned line segment will be a subset of
* the target line line segment. This subset may be null, if
* the segments are oriented in such a way that there is no projection.
* Note that the returned line may have zero length (i.e. the same endpoints).
* This can happen for instance if the lines are perpendicular to one another.
* @param seg the line segment to project
* @return the projected line segment, or null
if there is no overlap
public LineSegment project(LineSegment seg)
double pf0 = projectionFactor(seg.p0);
double pf1 = projectionFactor(seg.p1);
// check if segment projects at all
if (pf0 >= 1.0 && pf1 >= 1.0) return null;
if (pf0 <= 0.0 && pf1 <= 0.0) return null;
Coordinate newp0 = project(seg.p0);
if (pf0 < 0.0) newp0 = p0;
if (pf0 > 1.0) newp0 = p1;
Coordinate newp1 = project(seg.p1);
if (pf1 < 0.0) newp1 = p0;
if (pf1 > 1.0) newp1 = p1;
return new LineSegment(newp0, newp1);
* Computes the closest point on this line segment to another point.
* @param p the point to find the closest point to
* @return a Coordinate which is the closest point on the line segment to the point p
public Coordinate closestPoint(Coordinate p)
double factor = projectionFactor(p);
if (factor > 0 && factor < 1) {
return project(p);
double dist0 = p0.distance(p);
double dist1 = p1.distance(p);
if (dist0 < dist1)
return p0;
return p1;
* Computes the closest points on two line segments.
* @param line the segment to find the closest point to
* @return a pair of Coordinates which are the closest points on the line segments
public Coordinate[] closestPoints(LineSegment line)
// test for intersection
Coordinate intPt = intersection(line);
if (intPt != null) {
return new Coordinate[] { intPt, intPt };
* if no intersection closest pair contains at least one endpoint.
* Test each endpoint in turn.
Coordinate[] closestPt = new Coordinate[2];
double minDistance = Double.MAX_VALUE;
double dist;
Coordinate close00 = closestPoint(line.p0);
minDistance = close00.distance(line.p0);
closestPt[0] = close00;
closestPt[1] = line.p0;
Coordinate close01 = closestPoint(line.p1);
dist = close01.distance(line.p1);
if (dist < minDistance) {
minDistance = dist;
closestPt[0] = close01;
closestPt[1] = line.p1;
Coordinate close10 = line.closestPoint(p0);
dist = close10.distance(p0);
if (dist < minDistance) {
minDistance = dist;
closestPt[0] = p0;
closestPt[1] = close10;
Coordinate close11 = line.closestPoint(p1);
dist = close11.distance(p1);
if (dist < minDistance) {
minDistance = dist;
closestPt[0] = p1;
closestPt[1] = close11;
return closestPt;
* Computes an intersection point between two line segments, if there is one.
* There may be 0, 1 or many intersection points between two segments.
* If there are 0, null is returned. If there is 1 or more,
* exactly one of them is returned
* (chosen at the discretion of the algorithm).
* If more information is required about the details of the intersection,
* the {@link RobustLineIntersector} class should be used.
* @param line a line segment
* @return an intersection point, or null
if there is none
* @see RobustLineIntersector
public Coordinate intersection(LineSegment line)
LineIntersector li = new RobustLineIntersector();
li.computeIntersection(p0, p1, line.p0, line.p1);
if (li.hasIntersection())
return li.getIntersection(0);
return null;
* Computes the intersection point of the lines of infinite extent defined
* by two line segments (if there is one).
* There may be 0, 1 or an infinite number of intersection points
* between two lines.
* If there is a unique intersection point, it is returned.
* Otherwise, null is returned.
* If more information is required about the details of the intersection,
* the {@link RobustLineIntersector} class should be used.
* @param line a line segment defining an straight line with infinite extent
* @return an intersection point,
* or null
if there is no point of intersection
* or an infinite number of intersection points
* @see RobustLineIntersector
public Coordinate lineIntersection(LineSegment line)
try {
Coordinate intPt = HCoordinate.intersection(p0, p1, line.p0, line.p1);
return intPt;
catch (NotRepresentableException ex) {
// eat this exception, and return null;
return null;
* Creates a LineString with the same coordinates as this segment
* @param geomFactory the geometery factory to use
* @return a LineString with the same geometry as this segment
public LineString toGeometry(GeometryFactory geomFactory)
return geomFactory.createLineString(new Coordinate[] { p0, p1 });
* Returns true
if other
has the same values for
* its points.
*@param o a LineSegment
with which to do the comparison.
*@return true
if other
is a LineSegment
* with the same values for the x and y ordinates.
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (!(o instanceof LineSegment)) {
return false;
LineSegment other = (LineSegment) o;
return p0.equals(other.p0) && p1.equals(other.p1);
* Gets a hashcode for this object.
* @return a hashcode for this object
public int hashCode() {
long bits0 = java.lang.Double.doubleToLongBits(p0.x);
bits0 ^= java.lang.Double.doubleToLongBits(p0.y) * 31;
int hash0 = (((int) bits0) ^ ((int) (bits0 >> 32)));
long bits1 = java.lang.Double.doubleToLongBits(p1.x);
bits1 ^= java.lang.Double.doubleToLongBits(p1.y) * 31;
int hash1 = (((int) bits1) ^ ((int) (bits1 >> 32)));
// XOR is supposed to be a good way to combine hashcodes
return hash0 ^ hash1;
* Compares this object with the specified object for order.
* Uses the standard lexicographic ordering for the points in the LineSegment.
*@param o the LineSegment
with which this LineSegment
* is being compared
*@return a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as this LineSegment
* is less than, equal to, or greater than the specified LineSegment
public int compareTo(Object o) {
LineSegment other = (LineSegment) o;
int comp0 = p0.compareTo(other.p0);
if (comp0 != 0) return comp0;
return p1.compareTo(other.p1);
* Returns true
if other
* topologically equal to this LineSegment (e.g. irrespective
* of orientation).
*@param other a LineSegment
with which to do the comparison.
*@return true
if other
is a LineSegment
* with the same values for the x and y ordinates.
public boolean equalsTopo(LineSegment other)
p0.equals(other.p0) && p1.equals(other.p1)
|| p0.equals(other.p1) && p1.equals(other.p0);
public String toString()
return "LINESTRING( " +
p0.x + " " + p0.y
+ ", " +
p1.x + " " + p1.y + ")";