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org.dbflute.s2dao.rshandler.TnBeanListResultSetHandler Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2014-2015 the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* either express or implied. See the License for the specific language
* governing permissions and limitations under the License.
package org.dbflute.s2dao.rshandler;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.dbflute.bhv.core.context.ConditionBeanContext;
import org.dbflute.bhv.core.context.ResourceContext;
import org.dbflute.cbean.ConditionBean;
import org.dbflute.cbean.sqlclause.SqlClause;
import org.dbflute.dbmeta.accessory.DomainEntity;
import org.dbflute.outsidesql.OutsideSqlContext;
import org.dbflute.s2dao.extension.TnRelationRowCreatorExtension;
import org.dbflute.s2dao.metadata.TnBeanMetaData;
import org.dbflute.s2dao.metadata.TnPropertyMapping;
import org.dbflute.s2dao.metadata.TnRelationPropertyType;
import org.dbflute.s2dao.rowcreator.TnRelationKey;
import org.dbflute.s2dao.rowcreator.TnRelationRowCache;
import org.dbflute.s2dao.rowcreator.TnRelationRowCreator;
import org.dbflute.s2dao.rowcreator.TnRelationSelector;
import org.dbflute.s2dao.rowcreator.TnRowCreator;
import org.dbflute.util.DfCollectionUtil;
* @author modified by jflute (originated in S2Dao)
public class TnBeanListResultSetHandler extends TnAbstractBeanResultSetHandler {
// ===================================================================================
// Constructor
// ===========
* @param beanMetaData Bean meta data. (NotNull)
* @param rowCreator Row creator. (NotNull)
* @param relationRowCreator Relation row creator. (NotNul)
public TnBeanListResultSetHandler(TnBeanMetaData beanMetaData, TnRowCreator rowCreator, TnRelationRowCreator relationRowCreator) {
super(beanMetaData, rowCreator, relationRowCreator);
// ===================================================================================
// Handle
// ======
public Object handle(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException {
final List list = newResultList();
mappingBean(rs, row -> {
return true; /* continue to next records */
return list;
protected List newResultList() {
return new ArrayList();
// ===================================================================================
// Mapping
// =======
protected static interface BeanRowHandler {
* @param row The row instance as entity. (NotNull)
* @return Does it continue to the next row?
* @throws SQLException When the SQL fails.
boolean handle(Object row) throws SQLException;
protected void mappingBean(ResultSet rs, BeanRowHandler handler) throws SQLException {
// lazy initialization because if the result is zero, the resources are unused
Map selectColumnMap = null;
Map propertyCache = null;
Map> relPropCache = null; // key is relationNoSuffix, columnName
TnRelationRowCache relRowCache = null;
TnRelationSelector relSelector = null;
final TnBeanMetaData basePointBmd = getBeanMetaData();
// condition-bean info (variable for minimum thread local access)
final boolean hasCB = hasConditionBean();
final ConditionBean cb = hasCB ? getConditionBean() : null;
// outsideSql info (also variable for minimum thread local access)
final boolean hasOql = hasOutsideSqlContext();
final OutsideSqlContext oqlCtx = OutsideSqlContext.getOutsideSqlContextOnThread();
final boolean checkNonSp = checkNonSpecifiedColumnAccess(hasCB, cb, hasOql, oqlCtx);
final boolean colNullObj = isUseColumnNullObjectHandling(hasCB, cb);
final boolean skipRelationLoop;
final boolean emptyRelationCB = hasCB && isSelectedRelationEmpty(cb);
final boolean specifiedOutsideSql = hasOql && isSpecifiedOutsideSql(oqlCtx);
// if it has condition-bean that has no relation to get
// or it has outside SQL context that is specified outside-SQL,
// they are unnecessary to do relation loop
skipRelationLoop = emptyRelationCB || specifiedOutsideSql;
final Map> selectIndexMap = ResourceContext.getSelectIndexMap(); // null allowed
while ( {
if (selectColumnMap == null) {
selectColumnMap = createSelectColumnMap(rs);
if (propertyCache == null) {
propertyCache = createPropertyCache(selectColumnMap, selectIndexMap);
// create row instance of base table by row property cache
final Object row = createRow(rs, selectIndexMap, propertyCache, cb);
if (skipRelationLoop) {
adjustCreatedRow(row, checkNonSp, colNullObj, basePointBmd, cb);
final boolean continueToNext = handler.handle(row);
if (!continueToNext) {
break; // skip rear records (basically for cursor select)
if (relSelector == null) {
relSelector = createRelationSelector(hasCB, cb);
if (relPropCache == null) {
relPropCache = createRelationPropertyCache(selectColumnMap, selectIndexMap, relSelector);
if (relRowCache == null) {
relRowCache = createRelationRowCache(hasCB, cb);
final List rptList = basePointBmd.getRelationPropertyTypeList();
for (TnRelationPropertyType rpt : rptList) {
if (relSelector.isNonSelectedRelation(rpt.getRelationNoSuffixPart())) {
mappingFirstRelation(rs, row, rpt, selectColumnMap, selectIndexMap, relPropCache, relRowCache, relSelector);
adjustCreatedRow(row, checkNonSp, colNullObj, basePointBmd, cb);
final boolean continueToNext = handler.handle(row);
if (!continueToNext) {
break; // skip rear records (basically for cursor select)
* Create the selector of relation.
* @param hasCB Does the select use condition-bean?
* @param cb The condition-bean for the select. (NullAllowed: not condition-bean select)
* @return The created selector instance. (NotNull)
protected TnRelationSelector createRelationSelector(final boolean hasCB, ConditionBean cb) {
final boolean undefClsSel = isUndefinedClassificationSelectAllowed(hasCB, cb);
final boolean colNullObj = isUseColumnNullObjectHandling(hasCB, cb);
return new TnRelationSelector() {
public boolean isNonLimitMapping() {
return hasCB;
public boolean isNonSelectedRelation(String relationNoSuffix) {
return hasCB && !cb.getSqlClause().hasSelectedRelation(relationNoSuffix);
public boolean isNonSelectedNextConnectingRelation(String relationNoSuffix) {
return hasCB && !cb.getSqlClause().isSelectedNextConnectingRelation(relationNoSuffix);
public boolean canUseRelationCache(String relationNoSuffix) {
return hasCB && cb.getSqlClause().canUseRelationCache(relationNoSuffix);
public boolean isNonSpecifiedColumnAccessAllowed(String relationNoSuffix) {
return hasCB && cb.isNonSpecifiedColumnAccessAllowed();
public boolean isUsingSpecifyColumnInRelation(String relationNoSuffix) {
if (!hasCB) {
return false;
final SqlClause sqlClause = cb.getSqlClause();
final String tableAlias = sqlClause.translateSelectedRelationPathToTableAlias(relationNoSuffix);
if (tableAlias == null) { // no way but just in case
return false;
return sqlClause.hasSpecifiedSelectColumn(tableAlias);
public Set getRelationSpecifiedNullObjectColumnSet(String relationNoSuffix) {
if (!hasCB) {
return DfCollectionUtil.emptySet();
return cb.getSqlClause().getRelationSpecifiedNullObjectColumnSet(relationNoSuffix);
public boolean isUndefinedClassificationSelectAllowed(String relationNoSuffix) {
return undefClsSel;
public boolean isColumnNullObjectEnabled(String relationNoSuffix) {
return colNullObj;
* Create the cache of relation row.
* @param hasCB Does the select use condition-bean?
* @param cb The condition-bean for the select. (NullAllowed: not condition-bean select)
* @return The cache of relation row. (NotNull)
protected TnRelationRowCache createRelationRowCache(boolean hasCB, ConditionBean cb) {
final int relSize;
final int defaultRelSize = 4; // as default
if (hasCB) { // mainly here
final int selectedRelationCount = getSelectedRelationCount(cb);
if (selectedRelationCount > 0) {
relSize = selectedRelationCount;
} else { // basically no way (if no count, cache is not created)
relSize = defaultRelSize;
} else { // basically no way (only relation of DBFlute entity is supported)
relSize = defaultRelSize;
final boolean canRowCache;
if (hasCB) { // mainly here
canRowCache = canRelationMappingCache(cb);
} else { // basically no way (only relation of DBFlute entity is supported)
canRowCache = true;
return new TnRelationRowCache(relSize, canRowCache);
* Do mapping first relation row.
* This logic is similar to next relation mapping in {@link TnRelationRowCreatorExtension}.
* So you should check it when this logic has modification.
* @param rs The result set of JDBC, connecting to database here. (NotNull)
* @param row The base point row. (NotNull)
* @param rpt The property type of the relation. (NotNull)
* @param selectColumnMap The map of select column. (NotNull)
* @param selectIndexMap The map of select index. map:{entityNo(e.g. loc00 or _0_3) = map:{selectColumnKeyName = selectIndex}} (NullAllowed)
* @param relPropCache The map of relation property cache. (NotNull)
* @param relRowCache The cache of relation row. (NotNull)
* @param relSelector The selector of relation, which can determines e.g. is it not-selected relation?. (NotNull)
* @throws SQLException When it fails to handle the SQL.
protected void mappingFirstRelation(ResultSet rs, Object row, TnRelationPropertyType rpt, Map selectColumnMap,
Map> selectIndexMap, Map> relPropCache,
TnRelationRowCache relRowCache, TnRelationSelector relSelector) throws SQLException {
final String relationNoSuffix = getFirstLevelRelationPath(rpt);
final TnRelationKey relKey = relRowCache.createRelationKey(rs, rpt // basic resource
, selectColumnMap, selectIndexMap // select resource
, relationNoSuffix); // indicates relation location
Object relationRow = null;
if (relKey != null) {
final boolean canUseRelationCache = relSelector.canUseRelationCache(relationNoSuffix);
if (canUseRelationCache) {
relationRow = relRowCache.getRelationRow(relationNoSuffix, relKey);
if (relationRow == null) { // when no cache
relationRow = createRelationRow(rs, rpt // basic resource
, selectColumnMap, selectIndexMap // select resource
, relKey, relPropCache, relRowCache, relSelector); // relation resource
if (relationRow != null) { // is new created relation row
adjustCreatedRelationRow(relationRow, relationNoSuffix, relSelector, rpt);
if (canUseRelationCache) {
relRowCache.addRelationRow(relationNoSuffix, relKey, relationRow);
// if exists, optional or plain value
// if null, empty optional or nothing
relationRow = filterOptionalRelationRowIfNeeds(row, rpt, relationRow);
if (relationRow != null) { // exists or empty optional
rpt.getPropertyAccessor().setValue(row, relationRow);
protected String getFirstLevelRelationPath(TnRelationPropertyType rpt) {
// here is on base so this suffix becomes relation path directly
return rpt.getRelationNoSuffixPart();
protected Object filterOptionalRelationRowIfNeeds(Object row, TnRelationPropertyType rpt, Object relationRow) {
return _relationRowCreator.filterOptionalRelationRowIfNeeds(row, rpt, relationRow);
// -----------------------------------------------------
// Non Specified
// -------------
* Does it check access to non-specified column in base-point table?
* @param hasCB Does it have condition-bean context in thread local?
* @param cb The condition-bean for the select. (NullAllowed: when not condition-bean select)
* @param hasOql Does it have outsideSql context in thread local?
* @param oqlCtx The context of outsideSql. (NullAllowed: when not outsideSql select)
* @return The determination, true or false.
protected boolean checkNonSpecifiedColumnAccess(boolean hasCB, ConditionBean cb, boolean hasOql, OutsideSqlContext oqlCtx) {
if (hasCB) {
if (cb.isNonSpecifiedColumnAccessAllowed()) {
return false;
final String aliasName = cb.getSqlClause().getBasePointAliasName();
return cb.getSqlClause().hasSpecifiedSelectColumn(aliasName);
} else if (hasOql) {
final Class> resultType = oqlCtx.getResultType();
if (resultType == null) { // basically no way, just in case
return false;
return isOutsideSqlNonSpecifiedColumnAccessChecked(oqlCtx, resultType);
return false;
protected boolean isOutsideSqlNonSpecifiedColumnAccessChecked(OutsideSqlContext context, Class> resultType) {
// the check is no risk so checkable so basically not allowed
// but context has determination for compatible option
return isOutsideSqlNonSpecifiedColumnAccessCheckTarget(resultType) && !context.isNonSpecifiedColumnAccessAllowed();
protected boolean isOutsideSqlNonSpecifiedColumnAccessCheckTarget(Class> resultType) {
// customize-entity does not need to check because it is generated by select clause
// and using other customize-entity is rare case so no check
return DomainEntity.class.isAssignableFrom(resultType);
// -----------------------------------------------------
// Undefined Classification
// ------------------------
protected boolean isUndefinedClassificationSelectAllowed(boolean hasCB, ConditionBean cb) {
return hasCB && cb.isUndefinedClassificationSelectAllowed();
// -----------------------------------------------------
// Column Null Object
// ------------------
protected boolean isUseColumnNullObjectHandling(boolean hasCB, ConditionBean cb) {
return hasCB && cb.getSqlClause().isColumnNullObjectAllowed(); // condition-bean only
// ===================================================================================
// ConditionBean
// =============
* Does the select have the condition-bean?
* @return The determination, true or false.
protected boolean hasConditionBean() {
return ConditionBeanContext.isExistConditionBeanOnThread();
* Get the condition-bean on the thread if it exists.
* @return The condition-bean for the select. (NullAllowed)
protected ConditionBean getConditionBean() {
return ConditionBeanContext.getConditionBeanOnThread();
* Is the selected relation empty?
* You should call {@link #hasConditionBean()} before calling this.
* @param cb The condition-bean for the select. (NotNull)
* @return The determination, true or false.
protected boolean isSelectedRelationEmpty(ConditionBean cb) {
return cb.getSqlClause().isSelectedRelationEmpty();
* Get the count of selected relation.
* You should call {@link #hasConditionBean()} before calling this.
* @param cb The condition-bean for the select. (NotNull)
* @return The integer of the count. (NotMinus)
protected int getSelectedRelationCount(ConditionBean cb) {
return cb.getSqlClause().getSelectedRelationCount();
* Can the relation mapping (entity instance) cache?
* You should call {@link #hasConditionBean()} before calling this.
* @param cb The condition-bean for the select. (NotNull)
* @return The determination, true or false.
protected boolean canRelationMappingCache(ConditionBean cb) {
return cb.canRelationMappingCache();
// ===================================================================================
// OutsideSql
// ==========
protected boolean hasOutsideSqlContext() {
return OutsideSqlContext.isExistOutsideSqlContextOnThread();
protected boolean isSpecifiedOutsideSql(OutsideSqlContext context) {
return context.isSpecifiedOutsideSql();