org.dbflute.cbean.sqlclause.SqlClause Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright 2014-2017 the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* either express or implied. See the License for the specific language
* governing permissions and limitations under the License.
package org.dbflute.cbean.sqlclause;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.dbflute.cbean.chelper.HpCBPurpose;
import org.dbflute.cbean.chelper.HpDerivingSubQueryInfo;
import org.dbflute.cbean.chelper.HpInvalidQueryInfo;
import org.dbflute.cbean.cipher.ColumnFunctionCipher;
import org.dbflute.cbean.cipher.GearedCipherManager;
import org.dbflute.cbean.ckey.ConditionKey;
import org.dbflute.cbean.coption.ConditionOption;
import org.dbflute.cbean.coption.LikeSearchOption;
import org.dbflute.cbean.coption.ScalarSelectOption;
import org.dbflute.cbean.cvalue.ConditionValue;
import org.dbflute.cbean.dream.SpecifiedColumn;
import org.dbflute.cbean.ordering.ManualOrderOption;
import org.dbflute.cbean.sqlclause.clause.ClauseLazyReflector;
import org.dbflute.cbean.sqlclause.clause.SelectClauseType;
import org.dbflute.cbean.sqlclause.join.FixedConditionLazyChecker;
import org.dbflute.cbean.sqlclause.join.FixedConditionResolver;
import org.dbflute.cbean.sqlclause.join.LeftOuterJoinInfo;
import org.dbflute.cbean.sqlclause.orderby.OrderByClause;
import org.dbflute.cbean.sqlclause.orderby.OrderByElement;
import org.dbflute.cbean.sqlclause.query.QueryClause;
import org.dbflute.cbean.sqlclause.query.QueryClauseFilter;
import org.dbflute.cbean.sqlclause.query.QueryUsedAliasInfo;
import org.dbflute.cbean.sqlclause.union.UnionClauseProvider;
import org.dbflute.dbway.DBWay;
* The interface of SQL clause.
* And this also has a role of a container for common info
* between the top level condition-bean and related condition-queries.
* It has many histories... e.g. structures, method names,
* it might be hard to read but no big refactoring
* because the histories and memories are also documents.
* @author jflute
public interface SqlClause {
// ===================================================================================
// Definition
// ==========
/** The delimiter of relation path. The relation path is e.g. _0_3 */
/** The alias name of base point table for on-query. */
String BASE_POINT_ALIAS_NAME = "dfloc";
/** The entity number of base point table for internal handling. */
// ===================================================================================
// SubQuery Level
// ==============
* Get the hierarchy level of sub-query.
* @return The hierarchy level of sub-query. (NotMinus: if zero, not for sub-query)
int getSubQueryLevel();
* Set up this SQL for sub-query.
* @param subQueryLevel The hierarchy level of sub-query. (NotMinus: if zero, not for sub-query)
void setupForSubQuery(int subQueryLevel);
* Is this SQL for sub-query?
* @return The determination, true or false.
boolean isForSubQuery();
// ===================================================================================
// Whole Clause
// ============
// -----------------------------------------------------
// Complete Clause
// ---------------
* Get the clause of all parts.
* select [base-table-columns], [join-table-columns]
* from [base-table] left outer join [join-table] [join-alias] on [join-condition]
* where [base-table].[column] = [value] and [join-alias].[column] is null
* order by [base-table].[column] asc, [join-alias].[column] desc
* for update
* @return The clause of all parts. (NotNull)
String getClause();
// -----------------------------------------------------
// Fragment Clause
// ---------------
* Get from-where clause without select and orderBy and sqlSuffix.
* Basically for subQuery and selectCount.
* You should handle UnionSelectClauseMark and UnionWhereClauseMark and UnionWhereFirstConditionMark in clause.
* @return The 'from-where' clause(contains union) without 'select' and 'orderBy' and 'sqlSuffix'. (NotNull)
String getClauseFromWhereWithUnionTemplate();
* Get from-where clause without select and orderBy and sqlSuffix as template.
* Basically for subQuery and selectCount.
* You should handle UnionSelectClauseMark and UnionWhereClauseMark and UnionWhereFirstConditionMark
* and WhereClauseMark and WhereFirstConditionMark in clause.
* @return The 'from-where' clause(contains union) without 'select' and 'orderBy' and 'sqlSuffix'. (NotNull)
String getClauseFromWhereWithWhereUnionTemplate();
// ===================================================================================
// Clause Parts
// ============
* Get the clause of 'select'. This is an internal method.
* @return The clause of select. {[select ...] from table...} (NotNull)
String getSelectClause();
* Get the map of select index by key name of select column.
* map:{entityNo(e.g. loc00 or _0_3) = map:{selectColumnKeyName = selectIndex}}
* @return The map of select index. (NullAllowed: null means lazy-loaded not yet or select index is disabled)
Map> getSelectIndexMap();
* Get the map of key name of select column by on-query name.
* map:{onQueryAlias = selectColumnKeyName}}
* @return The map of key name. (NullAllowed: null means lazy-loaded not yet or select index is disabled)
Map getSelectColumnKeyNameMap();
* Change limit size of alias name.
* @param aliasNameLimitSize The limit size of alias name. (NotMinus, NotZero)
void changeAliasNameLimitSize(int aliasNameLimitSize);
* Disable select index.
void disableSelectIndex();
* Get the hint of 'select'. This is an internal method.
* @return The hint of 'select'. {select [select-hint] * from table...} (NotNull)
String getSelectHint();
* Get the clause of 'from'. This is an internal method.
* @return The clause of 'from'. (NotNull)
String getFromClause();
* Get the clause of from-base-table. This is an internal method.
* @return The hint of from-base-table. {select * from table [from-base-table-hint] where ...} (NotNull)
String getFromBaseTableHint();
* Get the hint of 'from'. This is an internal method.
* @return The hint of 'from'. {select * from table left outer join ... on ... [from-hint] where ...} (NotNull)
String getFromHint();
* Get the clause of 'where'. This is an internal method.
* @return The clause of 'where'. (NotNull)
String getWhereClause();
* Get the clause of 'order-by'. This is an internal method.
* @return The clause of 'order-by'. (NotNull)
String getOrderByClause();
* Get the suffix of SQL. This is an internal method.
* @return The suffix of SQL. {select * from table where ... order by ... [sql-suffix]} (NotNull)
String getSqlSuffix();
// ===================================================================================
// Selected Relation
// =================
* Register selected relation.
* @param foreignTableAliasName The alias name of foreign table. (NotNull)
* @param localTableDbName The table DB name of local. (NotNull)
* @param foreignPropertyName The property name of foreign table. (NotNull)
* @param localRelationPath The path of local relation. (NullAllowed)
* @param foreignRelationPath The path of foreign relation, same as relation No suffix. e.g. _3, _7_2 (NotNull)
void registerSelectedRelation(String foreignTableAliasName, String localTableDbName, String foreignPropertyName,
String localRelationPath, String foreignRelationPath);
* Translate selected relation path (foreignRelationPath: relationNoSuffix) to relation property name (foreignPropertyName).
* @param foreignRelationPath The relation path of foreign property (relationNoSuffix). e.g. _3, _7_2 (NotNull)
* @return The name of foreign property, (foreignPropertyName). (NotNull)
String translateSelectedRelationPathToPropName(String foreignRelationPath);
* Translate selected relation path (foreignRelationPath: relationNoSuffix) to foreign table alias name (foreignTableAliasName).
* @param foreignRelationPath The relation path of foreign property (relationNoSuffix). e.g. _3, _7_2 (NotNull)
* @return The alias name of foreign table (foreignTableAliasName). (NotNull)
String translateSelectedRelationPathToTableAlias(String foreignRelationPath);
* Get the count of selected relation.
* @return The integer of count. (NotMinus)
int getSelectedRelationCount();
* Is the selected relation empty?
* @return The determination, true or false.
boolean isSelectedRelationEmpty();
* Is the relation selected?
* @param foreignRelationPath The path of foreign relation, same as relation No suffix. e.g. _3, _7_2 (NotNull)
* @return The determination, true or false.
boolean hasSelectedRelation(String foreignRelationPath);
* Get the map of selected relation column.
* Basically internal but public for analyzing.
* @return The map of selected relation column. map:{foreignTableAliasName : map:{columnName : selectedRelationColumn}} (NotNull)
Map> getSelectedRelationColumnMap();
* Does the relation connect to selected next relation?
* @param foreignRelationPath The path of foreign relation, same as relation No suffix. e.g. _3, _7_2 (NotNull)
* @return The determination, true or false.
boolean isSelectedNextConnectingRelation(String foreignRelationPath);
// ===================================================================================
// OuterJoin
// =========
// -----------------------------------------------------
// Registration
// ------------
* Register outer-join.
* The fixed-conditions are located on on-clause.
* @param foreignAliasName The alias name of foreign table. {left outer join [foreignTableDbName] [foreignAliasName]} (NotNull, Unique)
* @param foreignTableDbName The DB name of foreign table. {left outer join [foreignTableDbName] [foreignAliasName]} (NotNull)
* @param localAliasName The alias name of local table. {[localTableDbName] [localAliasName] left outer join} (NotNull)
* @param localTableDbName The DB name of local table. {[localTableDbName] [localAliasName] left outer join} (NotNull)
* @param joinOnMap The map of join condition on on-clause. (NotNull)
* @param relationPath The path of relation. e.g. _1_3 (NotNull)
* @param foreignInfo The information of foreign relation corresponding to this join. (NotNull)
* @param fixedCondition The fixed condition on on-clause. (NullAllowed: if null, means no fixed condition)
* @param fixedConditionResolver The resolver for variables on fixed-condition. (NullAllowed)
void registerOuterJoin(String foreignAliasName, String foreignTableDbName, String localAliasName, String localTableDbName,
Map joinOnMap, String relationPath, ForeignInfo foreignInfo, String fixedCondition,
FixedConditionResolver fixedConditionResolver);
* Register outer-join using in-line view for fixed-conditions.
* The fixed-conditions are located on in-line view.
* @param foreignAliasName The alias name of foreign table. {left outer join [foreignTableDbName] [foreignAliasName]} (NotNull, Unique)
* @param foreignTableDbName The DB name of foreign table. {left outer join [foreignTableDbName] [foreignAliasName]} (NotNull)
* @param localAliasName The alias name of local table. {[localTableDbName] [localAliasName] left outer join} (NotNull)
* @param localTableDbName The DB name of local table. {[localTableDbName] [localAliasName] left outer join} (NotNull)
* @param joinOnMap The map of join condition on on-clause. (NotNull)
* @param relationPath The path of relation. e.g. _1_3 (NotNull)
* @param foreignInfo The information of foreign relation corresponding to this join. (NotNull)
* @param fixedCondition The fixed condition on in-line view. (NullAllowed: if null, means no fixed condition)
* @param fixedConditionResolver The resolver for variables on fixed-condition. (NullAllowed)
void registerOuterJoinFixedInline(String foreignAliasName, String foreignTableDbName, String localAliasName, String localTableDbName,
Map joinOnMap, String relationPath, ForeignInfo foreignInfo, String fixedCondition,
FixedConditionResolver fixedConditionResolver);
* Register the lazy checker for the fixed condition.
* This is called when building SQL clause.
* @param checker The callback instance of checker. (NotNull)
void registerFixedConditionLazyChecker(FixedConditionLazyChecker checker);
// -----------------------------------------------------
// OuterJoin Attribute
// -------------------
* Get the information of left-outer-join.
* Basically internal but public for analyzing.
* @return The map of left-outer-join info. map:{ foreignAliasName : leftOuterJoinInfo } (NotNull)
Map getOuterJoinMap();
* Does outer-join (at least one) exist? (contains inner-join)
* @return The determination, true or false.
boolean hasOuterJoin();
* Can it use the relation cache for entity mapping?
* @param relationPath The path of relation. e.g. _1_3 (NotNull)
* @return The determination, true or false.
boolean canUseRelationCache(String relationPath);
* Is the relation under over-relation?
* @param relationPath The path of relation. e.g. _1_3 (NotNull)
* @return The determination, true or false.
boolean isUnderOverRelation(String relationPath);
// -----------------------------------------------------
// InnerJoin Handling
// ------------------
* Change the join type for the relation to inner join manually.
* @param foreignAliasName The foreign alias name of join table. (NotNull and Unique per invoking method)
void changeToInnerJoin(String foreignAliasName);
// -----------------------------------------------------
// InnerJoin AutoDetect
// --------------------
// has several items of inner-join auto-detected
* Enable to auto-detect joins that can be (all type) inner-join.
* You should call this before registrations of where clause.
* (actually you can call before selecting but it's a fixed specification for user)
void enableInnerJoinAutoDetect();
* Disable auto-detecting inner-join.
* You should call this before registrations of where clause.
void disableInnerJoinAutoDetect();
// -----------------------------------------------------
// StructuralPossible InnerJoin
// ----------------------------
// one of inner-join auto-detect
* Enable to auto-detect joins that can be structure-possible inner-join.
* You should call this before registrations of where clause.
* (actually you can call before selecting but it's a fixed specification for user)
void enableStructuralPossibleInnerJoin();
* Disable auto-detecting structural-possible inner-join.
* You should call this before registrations of where clause.
void disableStructuralPossibleInnerJoin();
* Does it allow to auto-detect structure-possible inner-join?
* @return Determination. (true or false)
boolean isStructuralPossibleInnerJoinEnabled();
// -----------------------------------------------------
// WhereUsed InnerJoin
// -------------------
// one of inner-join auto-detect
* Enable to auto-detect joins that can be where-used inner-join.
* You should call this before registrations of where clause.
void enableWhereUsedInnerJoin();
* Disable auto-detecting where-used inner-join.
* You should call this before registrations of where clause.
void disableWhereUsedInnerJoin();
* Does it allow to auto-detect where-used inner-join?
* @return Determination. (true or false)
boolean isWhereUsedInnerJoinEnabled();
// ===================================================================================
// Where
// =====
// -----------------------------------------------------
// Registration
// ------------
* Register 'where' clause.
* @param columnRealName The real name of column. {[alias-name].[column-name]}. (NotNull)
* @param key The key of condition. (NotNull)
* @param value The value of condition. (NotNull)
* @param cipher The cipher of column by function. (NullAllowed)
* @param option The option of condition. (NullAllowed)
* @param usedAliasName The alias name of table used on the where clause. (NotNull)
void registerWhereClause(ColumnRealName columnRealName, ConditionKey key, ConditionValue value, ColumnFunctionCipher cipher,
ConditionOption option, String usedAliasName);
* Register 'where' clause.
* The join of the alias, if it's a relation condition, may have a chance to be inner-join.
* @param clause The string clause of 'where'. (NotNull)
* @param usedAliasName The alias name of table used on the where clause. (NotNull)
void registerWhereClause(String clause, String usedAliasName);
* Register 'where' clause.
* You can control the inner-join possibility.
* @param clause The string clause of 'where'. (NotNull)
* @param usedAliasName The alias name of table used on the where clause. (NotNull)
* @param noWayInner No way, to be inner-join for the join of the alias?
void registerWhereClause(String clause, String usedAliasName, boolean noWayInner);
* Register 'where' clause.
* You can control the inner-join possibility.
* @param clause The string clause of 'where'. (NotNull)
* @param usedAliasInfos The array of information of used alias, contains no-way-inner determination. (NotNull, NotEmpty)
void registerWhereClause(QueryClause clause, QueryUsedAliasInfo... usedAliasInfos);
// -----------------------------------------------------
// WhereUsed Join
// --------------
* Reflect the information of where-used-to join.
* Basically interface for DreamCruise.
* @param usedAliasInfo The information of used alias, contains no-way-inner determination. (NotNull, NotEmpty)
void reflectWhereUsedToJoin(QueryUsedAliasInfo usedAliasInfo);
// -----------------------------------------------------
// Where Attribute
// ---------------
* Exchange first The clause of 'where' for last one.
void exchangeFirstWhereClauseForLastOne();
* Does it have where clauses on the base query?
* Clauses on union queries and in-line views are not concerned.
* @return The determination, true or false.
boolean hasWhereClauseOnBaseQuery();
* Back up where clause on base query.
* You can restore it later.
void backupWhereClauseOnBaseQuery();
* Restore where clause on base query if backup exists.
* You should call this after backup.
void restoreWhereClauseOnBaseQuery();
* Clear where clauses on the base query.
* Clauses on union queries and in-line views are not concerned.
void clearWhereClauseOnBaseQuery();
// ===================================================================================
// In-line Where
// =============
// -----------------------------------------------------
// In-line for Base Table
// ----------------------
void registerBaseTableInlineWhereClause(ColumnSqlName columnSqlName, ConditionKey key, ConditionValue value,
ColumnFunctionCipher cipher, ConditionOption option);
void registerBaseTableInlineWhereClause(String value);
boolean hasBaseTableInlineWhereClause();
void clearBaseTableInlineWhereClause();
// -----------------------------------------------------
// In-line for Outer Join
// ----------------------
void registerOuterJoinInlineWhereClause(String foreignAliasName, ColumnSqlName columnSqlName, ConditionKey key, ConditionValue value,
ColumnFunctionCipher cipher, ConditionOption option, boolean onClause);
void registerOuterJoinInlineWhereClause(String foreignAliasName, String clause, boolean onClause);
boolean hasOuterJoinInlineWhereClause();
void clearOuterJoinInlineWhereClause();
// ===================================================================================
// OrScopeQuery
// ============
* Begin or-scope query.
void beginOrScopeQuery();
* End or-scope query.
void endOrScopeQuery();
* Begin or-scope query to and-part.
void beginOrScopeQueryAndPart();
* End or-scope query to and-part.
void endOrScopeQueryAndPart();
* Is or-scope query effective?
* @return The determination, true or false.
boolean isOrScopeQueryEffective();
* Is and-part of or-scope effective?
* @return The determination, true or false.
boolean isOrScopeQueryAndPartEffective();
// ===================================================================================
// OrderBy
// =======
* @return The object of order-by clause. (NotNull)
OrderByClause getOrderByComponent();
* Get the last element of order-by.
* @return The order-by element object. (NullAllowed: when no order-by)
OrderByElement getOrderByLastElement();
* Clear order-by information in this clause.
void clearOrderBy();
* Suppress order-by temporarily.
void suppressOrderBy();
* Revive order-by from suppressed status.
* You can call when not suppressed, only reloaded.
void reviveOrderBy();
* @param orderByProperty Order-by-property. 'aliasName.columnSqlName/aliasName.columnSqlName/...' (NotNull)
* @param ascOrDesc Is it ascend or descend?
* @param columnInfo The information of the column for the order. (NotNull)
void registerOrderBy(String orderByProperty, boolean ascOrDesc, ColumnInfo columnInfo);
* @param orderByProperty Order-by-property. 'aliasName.columnSqlName/aliasName.columnSqlName/...' (NotNull)
* @param ascOrDesc Is it ascend or descend?
void registerSpecifiedDerivedOrderBy(String orderByProperty, boolean ascOrDesc);
void addNullsFirstToPreviousOrderBy();
void addNullsLastToPreviousOrderBy();
void addManualOrderToPreviousOrderByElement(ManualOrderOption manualOrderOption);
* Does it have order-by clauses?
* Whether effective or not has no influence.
* @return The determination, true or false.
boolean hasOrderByClause();
* Does it have order-by clauses as specified-derived order-by?
* Whether effective or not has no influence.
* @return The determination, true or false.
boolean hasSpecifiedDerivedOrderByClause();
// ===================================================================================
// Union
// =====
void registerUnionQuery(UnionClauseProvider unionClauseProvider, boolean unionAll);
boolean hasUnionQuery();
void clearUnionQuery();
// ===================================================================================
// FetchScope
// ==========
* Fetch first several rows only.
* @param fetchSize The size of fetching. (NotMinus)
void fetchFirst(int fetchSize);
* Fetch scope (skip first several rows, and fetch first rows).
* @param fetchStartIndex The index of fetch-start. 0 origin. (NotMinus)
* @param fetchSize The size of fetching from start index. (NotMinus)
void fetchScope(int fetchStartIndex, int fetchSize);
* Fetch page.
* When you invoke this, it is normally necessary to invoke 'fetchFirst()' or 'fetchScope()' ahead of that.
* But you also can use default-fetch-size without invoking 'fetchFirst()' or 'fetchScope()'.
* If you invoke this, your SQL returns [fetch-size] records from [fetch-start-index] calculated by [fetch-page-number].
* @param fetchPageNumber The number of fetch page. 1 origin. (NotMinus, NotZero: if minus or zero, set one)
void fetchPage(int fetchPageNumber);
* Get fetch start index.
* @return Fetch start index.
int getFetchStartIndex();
* Get fetch size.
* @return Fetch size.
int getFetchSize();
* Get fetch page number.
* @return Fetch page number.
int getFetchPageNumber();
* Get page start index.
* @return Page start index. 0 origin. (NotMinus)
int getPageStartIndex();
* Get page end index.
* @return Page end index. 0 origin. (NotMinus)
int getPageEndIndex();
* Suppress fetch-scope.
void suppressFetchScope();
* Revive fetch-scope from suppressed status.
* You can call when not suppressed, only reloaded.
void reviveFetchScope();
* Is fetch scope effective?
* @return The determination, true or false.
boolean isFetchScopeEffective();
* Is fetch start index supported?
* @return The determination, true or false.
boolean isFetchStartIndexSupported();
* Is fetch size supported?
* @return The determination, true or false.
boolean isFetchSizeSupported();
// ===================================================================================
// Fetch Narrowing
// ===============
* Is fetch-narrowing effective?
* @return Determiantion.
boolean isFetchNarrowingEffective();
* Get fetch-narrowing skip-start-index.
* @return Skip-start-index.
int getFetchNarrowingSkipStartIndex();
* Get fetch-narrowing loop-count.
* @return Loop-count.
int getFetchNarrowingLoopCount();
// ===================================================================================
// Lock
// ====
* Lock selected records for update.
* If you invoke this, your SQL lock target records for update.
* It depends whether this method supports this on the database type.
void lockForUpdate();
// ===================================================================================
// Table Alias Info
// ================
* Get the alias name for base point table.
* @return The string name for alias. (NotNull)
String getBasePointAliasName();
* Resolve alias name for join table.
* @param relationPath The path of relation. e.g. _1_3 (NotNull)
* @param nestLevel The nest level of condition query.
* @return The resolved name. (NotNull)
String resolveJoinAliasName(String relationPath, int nestLevel);
* Resolve relation no.
* @param localTableName The name of local table. (NotNull)
* @param foreignPropertyName The property name of foreign relation. (NotNull)
* @return The resolved relation No.
int resolveRelationNo(String localTableName, String foreignPropertyName);
* Get the alias name for base point table on in-line view.
* @return The string name for alias. (NotNull)
String getInlineViewBasePointAlias();
* Get the alias name for in-line view of union-query.
* @return The string name for alias. (NotNull)
String getUnionQueryInlineViewAlias();
* Get the alias name for derived column of nested DerivedReferrer.
* @return The string name for alias. (NotNull)
String getDerivedReferrerNestedAlias();
* Get the alias name for specified column of scalar-select.
* @return The string name for alias. (NotNull)
String getScalarSelectColumnAlias();
// ===================================================================================
// Template Mark
// =============
String getWhereClauseMark();
String getWhereFirstConditionMark();
String getUnionSelectClauseMark();
String getUnionWhereClauseMark();
String getUnionWhereFirstConditionMark();
// ===================================================================================
// Where Clause Simple Filter
// ==========================
void addWhereClauseSimpleFilter(QueryClauseFilter whereClauseSimpleFilter);
// ===================================================================================
// Sub Query Indent
// ================
String resolveSubQueryBeginMark(String subQueryIdentity);
String resolveSubQueryEndMark(String subQueryIdentity);
String processSubQueryIndent(String sql);
// [DBFlute-0.7.4]
// ===================================================================================
// Specification
// =============
// -----------------------------------------------------
// Specify Column
// --------------
* Specify select columns.
* It is overridden when the specified column has already been specified.
* @param specifiedColumn The info about column specification. (NotNull)
void specifySelectColumn(SpecifiedColumn specifiedColumn);
* Does it have specified select columns?
* @param tableAliasName The alias name of table. (NotNull)
* @return The determination, true or false.
boolean hasSpecifiedSelectColumn(String tableAliasName);
* Does it have the specified select column?
* @param tableAliasName The alias name of table. (NotNull)
* @param columnDbName The DB name of column. (NotNull)
* @return The determination, true or false.
boolean hasSpecifiedSelectColumn(String tableAliasName, String columnDbName);
* Handle the specified select column in the table.
* @param tableAliasName The alias name of table. (NotNull)
* @param columnHandler The handler of the specified column. (NotNull)
void handleSpecifiedSelectColumn(String tableAliasName, SpecifiedSelectColumnHandler columnHandler);
* Back up specified select columns.
* You can restore it later.
void backupSpecifiedSelectColumn();
* Restore specified select columns if backup exists.
* You should call this after backup.
void restoreSpecifiedSelectColumn();
* Clear specified select columns.
void clearSpecifiedSelectColumn();
// -----------------------------------------------------
// Specified as One
// ----------------
* Get the only one specified column.
* @return The instance as specified column. (NullAllowed: if not found or duplicated, returns null)
SpecifiedColumn getSpecifiedColumnAsOne();
* Get the DB name of only one specified column.
* @return The instance as string. (NullAllowed: if not found or duplicated, returns null)
String getSpecifiedColumnDbNameAsOne();
* Get the information of only one specified column.
* @return The instance as type for information of column. (NullAllowed: if not found or duplicated, returns null)
ColumnInfo getSpecifiedColumnInfoAsOne();
* Get the real name of only one specified column.
* @return The instance as type for real name of column. (NullAllowed: if not found or duplicated, returns null)
ColumnRealName getSpecifiedColumnRealNameAsOne();
* Get the SQL name of only one specified column.
* @return The instance as type for SQL name of column. (NullAllowed: if not found or duplicated, returns null)
ColumnSqlName getSpecifiedColumnSqlNameAsOne();
// -----------------------------------------------------
// Specify Deriving
// ----------------
* Specify deriving sub-query for DerivedReferrer.
* It is overridden when the specified column has already been specified.
* The aliasName is allowed to be null for (Specify)DerivedReferrer to be used in other functions.
* @param subQueryInfo The info about deriving sub-query. (NotNull: aliasName is allowed to be null)
void specifyDerivingSubQuery(HpDerivingSubQueryInfo subQueryInfo);
* Does it have the specified deriving sub-query at least one?
* @return the determination, true or false.
boolean hasSpecifiedDerivingSubQuery();
* Does it have the specified deriving sub-query by the alias name?
* @param aliasName The alias name of specified deriving sub-query. (NotNull)
* @return the determination, true or false.
boolean hasSpecifiedDerivingSubQuery(String aliasName);
* Get the list of alias for specified deriving sub-query.
* @return The list of alias. (NotNull: if no deriving, empty list)
List getSpecifiedDerivingAliasList();
* Get the info of specified deriving sub-query by the alias name.
* @param aliasName The alias name of specified deriving sub-query. (NotNull)
* @return The info of specified deriving sub-query. (NullAlowed: if not found)
HpDerivingSubQueryInfo getSpecifiedDerivingInfo(String aliasName);
* Get the info of column for specified deriving sub-query by the alias name.
* @param aliasName The alias name of specified deriving sub-query. (NotNull)
* @return The info of column. (NullAlowed: if not found)
ColumnInfo getSpecifiedDerivingColumnInfo(String aliasName);
* Clear specified deriving sub-query.
void clearSpecifiedDerivingSubQuery();
// -----------------------------------------------------
// Deriving as One
// ---------------
* Get the specified column for specified deriving sub-query as specified one.
* @return The instance as specified column. (NullAlowed: if not found or not one)
SpecifiedColumn getSpecifiedDerivingColumnAsOne();
* Get the info of column for specified deriving sub-query as specified one.
* @return The instance as column info. (NullAlowed: if not found or not one)
ColumnInfo getSpecifiedDerivingColumnInfoAsOne();
* Get the alias name for specified deriving sub-query as specified one.
* @return The string for the alias name. (NullAlowed: if not found or not one)
String getSpecifiedDerivingAliasNameAsOne();
* Get the clause of specified deriving sub-query as specified one.
* @return The string for the clause. (NullAlowed: if not found or not one)
String getSpecifiedDerivingSubQueryAsOne();
// -----------------------------------------------------
// Resolved as One
// ---------------
* Get the SQL name of definition resolved column (specified or deriving) as specified one.
* @return The object of SQL name. (NullAllowed: if not found or not one)
ColumnSqlName getSpecifiedResolvedColumnSqlNameAsOne();
* Get the real name of sub-query resolved column (specified or deriving) as specified one.
* And the SpecifyCalculation is resolved here.
* @return The object of real name. (NullAllowed: if not found or not one)
ColumnRealName getSpecifiedResolvedColumnRealNameAsOne();
// ===================================================================================
// Invalid Query Info
// ==================
// -----------------------------------------------------
// NullOrEmpty Query
// -----------------
* Check null-or-empty query.
* The default is ignored, but public default is checked by DBFluteConfig
void checkNullOrEmptyQuery();
* Ignore null-or-empty query.
void ignoreNullOrEmptyQuery();
* Is null-or-empty query checked?
* @return The determination, true or false.
boolean isNullOrEmptyQueryChecked();
* Get the list of invalid query. (basically for logging)
* @return The list of invalid query. (NotNull, ReadOnly)
List getInvalidQueryList();
* Save the invalid query.
* @param invalidQueryInfo The information of invalid query. (NotNull)
void saveInvalidQuery(HpInvalidQueryInfo invalidQueryInfo);
// -----------------------------------------------------
// Empty String
// ------------
* Enable empty string query (means allowed). (default is disabled, means checked)
void enableEmptyStringQuery();
* Disable empty string query. (back to default)
void disableEmptyStringQuery();
* Is empty string allowed?
* @return The determination, true or false.
boolean isEmptyStringQueryAllowed();
// -----------------------------------------------------
// Overriding Query
// ----------------
* Enable overriding query (means allowed). (default is disabled, means checked)
void enableOverridingQuery();
* Disable overriding query. (back to default)
void disableOverridingQuery();
* Is overriding query allowed?
* @return The determination, true or false.
boolean isOverridingQueryAllowed();
// [DBFlute-0.8.6]
// ===================================================================================
// Select Clause Type
// ==================
* Classify the type of select clause into specified type.
* @param selectClauseType The type of select clause. (NotNull)
void classifySelectClauseType(SelectClauseType selectClauseType);
* Roll-back the type of select clause into previous one.
* If it has no change, classify its type into default type.
void rollbackSelectClauseType();
// [DBFlute-]
// ===================================================================================
// ColumnQuery Object
// ==================
* Get the map for ColumnQuery objects for parameter comment. {Internal}
* @return The map for ColumnQuery objects. (NullAllowed: if null, means no object)
Map getColumnQueryObjectMap();
* Register ColumnQuery object to theme list. {Internal}
* @param themeKey The key for the object. (NotNull)
* @param addedValue The value added to theme list for the object. (NotNull)
* @return The expression for binding. (NotNull)
String registerColumnQueryObjectToThemeList(String themeKey, Object addedValue);
// [DBFlute-]
// ===================================================================================
// ManualOrder Parameter
// =====================
* Get the map for ManualOrder parameters for parameter comment. {Internal}
* @return The map for ManualOrder parameters. (NullAllowed: if null, means no parameter)
Map getManualOrderParameterMap();
* Register ManualOrder parameter to theme list. {Internal}
* @param themeKey The theme as key for the parameter. (NotNull)
* @param addedValue The value added to theme list for the parameter. (NullAllowed)
* @return The expression for binding. (NotNull)
String registerManualOrderParameterToThemeList(String themeKey, Object addedValue);
// [DBFlute-]
// ===================================================================================
// Free Parameter
// ==============
* Get the map for free parameters for parameter comment. {Internal}
* @return The map for free parameters. (NullAllowed: if null, means no parameter)
Map getFreeParameterMap();
* Register free parameter to theme list. {Internal}
* @param themeKey The theme as key for the parameter. (NotNull)
* @param addedValue The value added to theme list for the parameter. (NullAllowed)
* @return The expression for binding. (NotNull)
String registerFreeParameterToThemeList(String themeKey, Object addedValue);
// [DBFlute-]
// ===================================================================================
// Geared Cipher
// =============
* Get the manager of geared cipher.
* @return The instance of manager. (NullAllowed: when no geared cipher)
GearedCipherManager getGearedCipherManager();
* Find the cipher for the column.
* @param columnInfo The column info for cipher. (NotNull)
* @return The cipher for the column. (NullAllowed: when no geared cipher or the column is not cipher target)
ColumnFunctionCipher findColumnFunctionCipher(ColumnInfo columnInfo);
* Enable select column cipher effective.
* The default is enabled (if cipher manager is set) so this method is called after disabling.
void enableSelectColumnCipher();
* Disable select column cipher effective.
* basically for queryInsert().
void disableSelectColumnCipher();
// [DBFlute-]
// ===================================================================================
// ScalarSelect Option
// ===================
* Accept the option of scalar-select.
* @param option The instance of option object. (NullAllowed: if null, also clear existing option)
void acceptScalarSelectOption(ScalarSelectOption option);
// [DBFlute-]
// ===================================================================================
// Paging Select
// =============
// -----------------------------------------------------
// Paging Adjustment
// -----------------
* Enable paging adjustment, e.g. PagingCountLater, PagingCountLeastJoin, effective.
* The options might be on by default so the adjustments are off normally.
void enablePagingAdjustment();
* Disable paging adjustment.
void disablePagingAdjustment();
// -----------------------------------------------------
// Count Later
// -----------
* Enable paging count-later that means counting after selecting.
* And you should also make paging adjustment effective to enable this.
* This option is copy of condition-bean's one for clause adjustment, e.g. MySQL found_rows().
* The default is disabled, but public default is enabled by DBFluteConfig.
void enablePagingCountLater();
* Disable paging count-later that means counting after selecting.
* You should call this before execution of selectPage().
void disablePagingCountLater();
// -----------------------------------------------------
// Count LeastJoin
// ---------------
* Enable paging count-least-join, which means least joined on count select.
* And you should also make paging adjustment effective to enable this.
* The default is disabled, but public default is enabled by DBFluteConfig.
void enablePagingCountLeastJoin();
* Disable paging count-least-join, which means least joined on count select.
* You should call this before execution of selectPage().
void disablePagingCountLeastJoin();
* Can it be paging count least join?
* @return The determination, true or false.
boolean canPagingCountLeastJoin();
// [DBFlute-1.0.5G]
// -----------------------------------------------------
// PK Only Select
// --------------
* Enable PK only select forcedly effective, ignoring select clause setting and derived referrer.
* Basically for PagingSelectAndQuerySplit.
void enablePKOnlySelectForcedly();
* Disable PK only select forcedly.
* Basically for PagingSelectAndQuerySplit.
void disablePKOnlySelectForcedly();
// [DBFlute-]
// ===================================================================================
// Lazy Reflector
// ==============
* Register the lazy reflector of clause.
* @param clauseLazyReflector The instance of reflector. (NotNull)
void registerClauseLazyReflector(ClauseLazyReflector clauseLazyReflector);
// [DBFlute-0.7.5]
// ===================================================================================
// Query Update
// ============
* @param fixedValueQueryExpMap The map of query expression for fixed values. (NotNull)
* @param resourceSqlClause The SQL clause for resource. (NotNull)
* @return The clause of query-insert. (NotNull)
String getClauseQueryInsert(Map fixedValueQueryExpMap, SqlClause resourceSqlClause);
* @param columnParameterMap The map of column parameters. The parameter may be handler. (NotNull)
* @return The clause of query-update. (NullAllowed: If columnParameterMap is empty, return null)
String getClauseQueryUpdate(Map columnParameterMap);
* The handler of calculation on set clause of query-update.
* This is set on column parameter map as value.
interface QueryUpdateSetCalculationHandler {
* @param aliasName The alias name of calculation column. (NullAllowed)
* @return The statement string. (NotNull)
String buildStatement(String aliasName);
* @return The clause of query-delete. (NotNull)
String getClauseQueryDelete();
* Enable to use direct clause in query update forcedly (contains query delete).
* You cannot use join, sub-query, union and so on, by calling this.
* So you may have the painful SQLException by this, attention!
void enableQueryUpdateForcedDirect();
// [DBFlute-]
// ===================================================================================
// Purpose Type
// ============
* Get the purpose of the condition-bean. e.g. NORMAL_USE, EXISTS_REFERRER
* @return The instance of purpose object for condition-bean. (NotNull)
HpCBPurpose getPurpose();
* Set the purpose of the condition-bean. e.g. NORMAL_USE, EXISTS_REFERRER
* @param purpose The instance of purpose object for condition-bean. (NotNull)
void setPurpose(HpCBPurpose purpose);
* Is the clause object locked? e.g. true if in sub-query process and check allowed
* Java8 cannot use the same name as lambda argument with already existing name in the scope.
* cb.query().existsPurchaseList(subCB -> {
* subCB.query().existsPurchaseDetailList(subCB -> { // *NG
* });
* });
* You should rename it, however the other condition-bean might be called.
* So it is necessary to check it, and condition-bean has lock.
* While, you can suppress it by option for compatible. (if suppressed, always returns false)
* @return The determination, true or false.
boolean isLocked();
* Lock the clause object.
* Only saving lock status here, you should rightly check by this status.
void lock();
* Unlock the clause object.
void unlock();
* Enable "that's-bad-timing" detect.
void enableThatsBadTimingDetect();
* Disable "that's-bad-timing" detect for compatible.
* If disabled, isLocked() always returns false.
void disableThatsBadTimingDetect();
* Does it allow "that's-bad-timing" detect?
* @return The determination, true or false.
boolean isThatsBadTimingDetectAllowed();
// [DBFlute-0.9.4]
// ===================================================================================
// InScope Limit
// =============
* Get the limit of inScope.
* @return The limit of inScope. (If it's zero or minus, it means no limit)
int getInScopeLimit();
// [DBFlute-]
// ===================================================================================
// LikeSearch Adjustment
// =====================
* Adjust like-search of DB way.
* @param option The option of like-search to adjust. (NotNull)
void adjustLikeSearchDBWay(LikeSearchOption option);
// [DBFlute-]
// ===================================================================================
// CursorSelect Option
// ===================
* Is cursor select by paging allowed?
* @return The determination, true or false.
boolean isCursorSelectByPagingAllowed();
// [DBFlute-1.1.0]
// ===================================================================================
// ExistsReferrer Way
// ==================
* Use in-scope sub-query for exists-referrer. (save-only attribute)
void useInScopeSubQueryForExistsReferrer();
* Does it use in-scope sub-query for exists-referrer?
* @return The determination, true or false.
boolean isUseInScopeSubQueryForExistsReferrer();
// ===================================================================================
// Column NullObject
// =================
* Enable the handling of column null object. (default is disabled)
void enableColumnNullObject(); // called by condition-bean
* Disable the handling of column null object. (back to default)
void disableColumnNullObject(); // called by condition-bean
* Is the handling of column null object allowed?
* @return The determination, true or false.
boolean isColumnNullObjectAllowed(); // called by result set handler
* Enable the handling of column null object geared to specify. (default is disabled, means checked)
void enableColumnNullObjectGearedToSpecify(); // called by SQL-clause creator
* Disable the handling of column null object geared to specify. (back to default)
void disableColumnNullObjectGearedToSpecify(); // called by SQL-clause creator
* Get the set of column specified as null object for the local table.
* Basically for synchronization with non-specified access check.
* @return The set of column info. (NotNull, EmptyAllowed)
Set getLocalSpecifiedNullObjectColumnSet(); // called by row creator
* Get the set of column specified as null object for the relation.
* Basically for synchronization with non-specified access check.
* @param relationNoSuffix The suffix of relation No, same as foreign relation path. (NotNull)
* @return The set of column info. (NotNull, EmptyAllowed)
Set getRelationSpecifiedNullObjectColumnSet(String relationNoSuffix); // called by relation row creator
// [DBFlute-1.1.4]
// ===================================================================================
// Date-time Precision
// ===================
* Enable the truncation of date-time precision for condition value. (default is disabled, means checked)
void enableDatetimePrecisionTruncationOfCondition();
* Disable the truncation of date-time precision for condition value. (back to default)
void disableDatetimePrecisionTruncationOfCondition();
* Is the truncation of date-time precision for condition value enabled?
* @return The determination, true or false.
boolean isDatetimePrecisionTruncationOfConditionEnabled();
// [DBFlute-]
// ===================================================================================
// DBWay
// =====
* Get the DB way for this SQL clause.
* @return The instance of DB way. (NotNull)
DBWay dbway();