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org.dbflute.helper.dfmap.DfMapStyle Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2014-2023 the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* either express or implied. See the License for the specific language
* governing permissions and limitations under the License.
package org.dbflute.helper.dfmap;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import org.dbflute.helper.dfmap.exception.DfMapDuplicateEntryException;
import org.dbflute.helper.dfmap.exception.DfMapParseFailureException;
import org.dbflute.helper.message.ExceptionMessageBuilder;
* The parser for DBFlute map style.
* e.g. map-string as one liner
* map:{key1=value1;key2=list:{value21;value22;value23},key3=map:{key31=value31}}
* e.g. map-string as formatted
* map:{
* ; key1 = value1
* ; key2 = list:{ value21 ; value22 ; value23 }
* ; key3 = map:{ key31 ; value31 }
* }
* e.g. list-string
* list:{key1=value1,key2=list:{value21,value22,value23},key3=map:{key31=value31}}
* Detail Specification:
* o all elements are trimmed e.g. map:{ sea = land } to {sea=land}
* o empty or null value is treated as null e.g. map:{ sea = ; land = null } to both null
* o empty elements are ignored e.g. list:{ ; sea ; ; land } to [sea, land]
* o can escape control marks e.g. '{', ';' by escape character '\'
* o but cannot escape escape character itself
* o basically cannot change control mark, but you can override...
* o can check duplicate entry of map key by option checkDuplicateEntry()
* o can print as one liner by option printOneLiner()
* o non-thread-safe, uses temporary variables
* o but can recycle in same thread
* @author jflute
* @since 1.1.8 (2018/05/05 Saturday)
public class DfMapStyle { // migrated MapListString, basically keeping compatible
// this original code (MapListString) was written when jflute was very young
// and migrated to this class with small refactoring for performance
// all lines are very memorable...
// ===================================================================================
// Definition
// ==========
/** The object prefix of map. */
public static final String MAP_PREFIX = "map:";
/** The object prefix of list. */
public static final String LIST_PREFIX = "list:";
/** The control mark of begin-brace. */
public static final String BEGIN_BRACE = "{";
/** The control mark of end-brace. */
public static final String END_BRACE = "}";
/** The control mark of element-delimiter. */
public static final String ELEMENT_DELIMITER = ";";
/** The control mark of value-equal. */
public static final String VALUE_EQUAL = "=";
/** The escape character for control marks. */
protected static final String ESCAPE_CHAR = "\\";
/** The temporary mark of escaped escape character. */
protected static final String ESCAPED_ESCAPE_MARK = "$$df:escapedEscape$$";
// ===================================================================================
// Attribute
// =========
// -----------------------------------------------------
// Object Prefix
// -------------
/** The object prefix of map. e.g. "map:" (NotNull) */
protected final String _mapPrefix;
/** The object prefix of list. e.g. "list:" (NotNull) */
protected final String _listPrefix;
// -----------------------------------------------------
// Control Mark
// ------------
/** The control mark of begin-brace. e.g. "{" (NotNull) */
protected final String _beginBrace;
/** The control mark of end-brace. e.g. "}" (NotNull) */
protected final String _endBrace;
/** The control mark of element-delimiter. e.g. ";" (NotNull) */
protected final String _elementDelimiter;
/** The control mark of value-equal. e.g. "=" (NotNull) */
protected final String _valueEqual;
/** The escape character for control marks. "\\" (NotNull) */
protected final String _escapeChar;
// -----------------------------------------------------
// Cached Expression
// -----------------
/** The cached expression of begin-brace for map. e.g. "map:{" */
protected final String _mappingBeginBrace;
/** The cached expression of begin-brace for list. e.g. "list:{" */
protected final String _listingBeginBrace;
// -----------------------------------------------------
// Temporary
// ---------
/** The whole map-string of logical remainder as temporary variable for parsing process. (NullAllowed: when no process) */
protected String _remainderString;
/** The current index of remainder string for parsing process. */
protected int _currentRemainderIndex;
// -----------------------------------------------------
// Option
// ------
/** Does it check duplicate entry of map for generation? */
protected boolean _checkDuplicateEntry;
/** Does it print as one-liner for building? */
protected boolean _printOneLiner;
/** Is it without display side spaces? */
protected boolean _withoutDisplaySideSpace;
// ===================================================================================
// Constructor
// ===========
* Constructor for settings as default.
public DfMapStyle() {
// you can use as public in your constructor of sub-class
protected DfMapStyle(String mapPrefix, String listPrefix, String beginBrace, String endBrace, String elementDelimiter,
String valueEqual, String escapeChar) {
assertStringNotNullAndNotTrimmedEmpty("mapPrefix", mapPrefix);
assertStringNotNullAndNotTrimmedEmpty("listPrefix", listPrefix);
assertStringNotNullAndNotTrimmedEmpty("beginBrace", beginBrace);
assertStringNotNullAndNotTrimmedEmpty("endBrace", endBrace);
assertStringNotNullAndNotTrimmedEmpty("delimiter", elementDelimiter);
assertStringNotNullAndNotTrimmedEmpty("valueEqual", valueEqual);
assertStringNotNullAndNotTrimmedEmpty("escapeChar", escapeChar);
_mapPrefix = mapPrefix;
_listPrefix = listPrefix;
_beginBrace = beginBrace;
_endBrace = endBrace;
_elementDelimiter = elementDelimiter;
_valueEqual = valueEqual;
_escapeChar = escapeChar;
_mappingBeginBrace = _mapPrefix + _beginBrace;
_listingBeginBrace = _listPrefix + _beginBrace;
// -----------------------------------------------------
// Option
// ------
* Check duplicate entry of map for generation. (throws exception if found)
* @return this. (NotNull)
public DfMapStyle checkDuplicateEntry() {
_checkDuplicateEntry = true;
return this;
* Print as one liner for building.
* @return this. (NotNull)
public DfMapStyle printOneLiner() {
_printOneLiner = true;
return this;
* Print without display side spaces.
* e.g. map:{ sea = mystic ; land = oneman } to map:{sea=mystic;land=oneman}.
* @return this. (NotNull)
public DfMapStyle withoutDisplaySideSpace() {
_withoutDisplaySideSpace = true;
return this;
// ===================================================================================
// Object to String
// ================
// -----------------------------------------------------
// to MapString
// ------------
* Convert to map-string from the map object.
* @param map The map object that has string keys. (NotNull, EmptyAllowed)
* @return The string as map expression. (NotNull)
public String toMapString(Map map) {
assertObjectNotNull("map", map);
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
final Map casted = (Map) map;
final boolean printOneLiner = isPrintOneLiner();
final boolean withoutDisplaySideSpace = isWithoutDisplaySideSpace();
buildMapString(sb, casted, printOneLiner, "", printOneLiner ? "" : " ", withoutDisplaySideSpace);
return sb.toString();
protected void buildMapString(StringBuilder sb, Map map, boolean printOneLiner, String previousIndent,
String currentIndent, boolean withoutDisplaySideSpace) {
doBuildMapStringBegin(sb, map, printOneLiner, previousIndent, currentIndent);
if (!map.isEmpty()) {
int index = 0;
for (Entry entry : map.entrySet()) {
doBuildMapStringCurrentEntry(sb, printOneLiner, previousIndent, currentIndent, withoutDisplaySideSpace, index,
entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
if (printOneLiner) {
appendDisplaySideSpace(sb, withoutDisplaySideSpace);
} else {
doBuildMapStringEnd(sb, map, printOneLiner, previousIndent, currentIndent);
protected void doBuildMapStringBegin(StringBuilder sb, Map map, boolean printOneLiner, String previousIndent,
String currentIndent) {
protected void doBuildMapStringCurrentEntry(StringBuilder sb, boolean printOneLiner, String previousIndent, String currentIndent,
boolean withoutDisplaySideSpace, int index, String key, Object value) {
if (printOneLiner) {
if (index > 0) {
if (!isWithoutDisplaySideSpace()) {
sb.append(" ");
} else {
appendDisplaySideSpace(sb, withoutDisplaySideSpace);
appendDisplaySideSpace(sb, withoutDisplaySideSpace);
if (!isWithoutDisplaySideSpace()) {
sb.append(" ");
if (value instanceof Map, ?>) {
final Map valueMap = (Map) value;
final String nextIndent = deriveNextIndentOfBuildingMapString(printOneLiner, previousIndent, currentIndent);
buildMapString(sb, valueMap, printOneLiner, currentIndent, nextIndent, withoutDisplaySideSpace);
} else if (value instanceof List>) {
final List valueList = (List) value;
final String nextIndent = deriveNextIndentOfBuildingMapString(printOneLiner, previousIndent, currentIndent);
buildListString(sb, valueList, printOneLiner, currentIndent, nextIndent, withoutDisplaySideSpace);
} else {
final Map resolvedMap = resolvePotentialMapOfBuildingMapString(value);
if (resolvedMap != null) {
final String nextIndent = deriveNextIndentOfBuildingMapString(printOneLiner, previousIndent, currentIndent);
buildMapString(sb, resolvedMap, printOneLiner, currentIndent, nextIndent, withoutDisplaySideSpace);
} else {
protected void doBuildMapStringEnd(StringBuilder sb, Map map, boolean printOneLiner, String previousIndent,
String currentIndent) {
// -----------------------------------------------------
// to ListString
// -------------
* Convert to list-string from the list object.
* @param list The list object that has object elements. (NotNull, EmptyAllowed)
* @return The string as list expression. (NotNull)
public String toListString(List extends Object> list) {
assertObjectNotNull("list", list);
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
final List casted = (List) list;
final boolean printOneLiner = isPrintOneLiner();
final boolean withoutDisplaySideSpace = isWithoutDisplaySideSpace();
buildListString(sb, casted, printOneLiner, "", printOneLiner ? "" : " ", withoutDisplaySideSpace);
return sb.toString();
protected void buildListString(StringBuilder sb, List extends Object> list, boolean printOneLiner, String previousIndent,
String currentIndent, boolean withoutDisplaySideSpace) {
doBuildListStringBegin(sb, list, printOneLiner, previousIndent, currentIndent);
if (!list.isEmpty()) {
int index = 0;
for (Object value : list) {
doBuildListStringCurrentElement(sb, printOneLiner, previousIndent, currentIndent, withoutDisplaySideSpace, index, value);
if (printOneLiner) {
appendDisplaySideSpace(sb, withoutDisplaySideSpace);
} else {
doBuildListStringEnd(sb, list, printOneLiner, previousIndent, currentIndent);
protected void doBuildListStringBegin(StringBuilder sb, List extends Object> list, boolean printOneLiner, String previousIndent,
String currentIndent) {
protected void doBuildListStringCurrentElement(StringBuilder sb, boolean printOneLiner, String previousIndent, String currentIndent,
boolean withoutDisplaySideSpace, int index, Object value) {
if (printOneLiner) {
if (index > 0) {
appendDisplaySideSpace(sb, withoutDisplaySideSpace);
} else {
appendDisplaySideSpace(sb, withoutDisplaySideSpace);
if (value instanceof Map, ?>) {
final Map valueMap = (Map) value;
final String nextIndent = deriveNextIndentOfBuildingMapString(printOneLiner, previousIndent, currentIndent);
buildMapString(sb, valueMap, printOneLiner, currentIndent, nextIndent, withoutDisplaySideSpace);
} else if (value instanceof List>) {
final List valueList = (List) value;
final String nextIndent = deriveNextIndentOfBuildingMapString(printOneLiner, previousIndent, currentIndent);
buildListString(sb, valueList, printOneLiner, currentIndent, nextIndent, withoutDisplaySideSpace);
} else {
final Map resolvedMap = resolvePotentialMapOfBuildingMapString(value);
if (resolvedMap != null) {
final String nextIndent = deriveNextIndentOfBuildingMapString(printOneLiner, previousIndent, currentIndent);
buildMapString(sb, resolvedMap, printOneLiner, currentIndent, nextIndent, withoutDisplaySideSpace);
} else {
protected void doBuildListStringEnd(StringBuilder sb, List extends Object> list, boolean printOneLiner, String previousIndent,
String currentIndent) {
// -----------------------------------------------------
// Assist Logic
// ------------
protected String deriveNextIndentOfBuildingMapString(boolean printOneLiner, String previousIndent, String currentIndent) {
return printOneLiner ? "" : generally_calculateNextIndent(previousIndent, currentIndent);
protected Map resolvePotentialMapOfBuildingMapString(Object value) { // value may be null
// you can override for your bean that can be map like this:
// e.g.
// if (value instanceof Something) {
// return ((Something) value).toMap();
// } else {
// return super.resolvePotentialMapOfBuildingMapString(value);
// }
return null; // returning null means non-map value
protected void appendDisplaySideSpace(StringBuilder sb, boolean withoutDisplaySideSpace) {
if (!withoutDisplaySideSpace) {
sb.append(" ");
// ===================================================================================
// Object from String
// ==================
// -----------------------------------------------------
// from MapString
// --------------
* Convert to map object from the map-string.
* @param mapString The string as map expression. (NotNull, NotEmpty)
* @return The map for the map-string, mutable for compatible. (NotNull, EmptyAllowed)
public Map fromMapString(String mapString) {
assertStringNotNullAndNotTrimmedEmpty("mapString", mapString);
try {
final Map map = newStringObjectMap();
return map;
} finally {
// -----------------------------------------------------
// to MapString
// ------------
* Convert to map object from list-string.
* @param listString The string as list expression. (NotNull, NotEmpty)
* @return The list for the list-string, mutable for compatible. (NotNull, EmptyAllowed)
public List fromListString(String listString) {
assertStringNotNullAndNotTrimmedEmpty("listString", listString);
try {
final List list = newObjectList();
return list;
} finally {
// ===================================================================================
// Parse
// =====
* Parse the current remainder string as map.
* @param currentMap The current map made by parse process. (NotNull)
protected void parseMapString(Map currentMap) {
while (true) {
if (!prepareLoopBeginning()) {
// _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/
// here, remainder string should starts with the key of the map
// _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/
final int equalIndex = indexOfEqual();
assertMapStringEqualIndex(equalIndex, currentMap);
final String mapKey = substringRemainderFront(equalIndex);
removePrefixTargetIndexPlus(equalIndex, _valueEqual.length());
// _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/
// here, remainder string should starts with the value of the map
// _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/
if (startsWithMapBeginBrace()) {
parseMapString(setupNestMap(currentMap, mapKey));
if (closeAfterParseNestMapList()) {
if (startsWithListBeginBrace()) {
parseListString(setupNestList(currentMap, mapKey));
if (closeAfterParseNestMapList()) {
final int delimiterIndex = indexOfDelimiter();
final int endBraceIndex = indexOfEndBrace();
assertMapStringEndBraceIndex(endBraceIndex, currentMap);
if (delimiterIndex >= 0 && delimiterIndex < endBraceIndex) { // delimiter exists
// e.g. value1 ; key2=value2}
final String mapValue = substringRemainderFront(delimiterIndex);
registerToMap(currentMap, filterParsedMapKey(mapKey), filterParsedMapValue(mapValue));
// because the map element continues since the delimiter,
// skip the delimiter and continue the loop
removePrefixTargetIndexPlus(delimiterIndex, _elementDelimiter.length());
// e.g. value1} ; key2=value2}
final String mapValue = substringRemainderScope(_currentRemainderIndex, endBraceIndex);
registerToMap(currentMap, filterParsedMapKey(mapKey), filterParsedMapValue(mapValue));
// analyzing map is over, so close and return.
* Parse the current remainder string as list.
* @param currentList The current list made by parse process. (NotNull)
protected void parseListString(List currentList) {
while (true) {
if (!prepareLoopBeginning()) {
// _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/
// here, remainder string should starts with the value of the list
// _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/
if (startsWithMapBeginBrace()) {
if (closeAfterParseNestMapList()) {
if (startsWithListBeginBrace()) {
if (closeAfterParseNestMapList()) {
final int delimiterIndex = indexOfDelimiter();
final int endBraceIndex = indexOfEndBrace();
assertListStringEndBraceIndex(endBraceIndex, currentList);
if (delimiterIndex >= 0 && delimiterIndex < endBraceIndex) { // delimiter exists
// e.g. value1 ; value2 ; value3}
final String listValue = substringRemainderFront(delimiterIndex);
// because the list element continues since the delimiter,
// skip the delimiter and continue the loop.
removePrefixTargetIndexPlus(delimiterIndex, _elementDelimiter.length());
// e.g. value1}, value2, }
final String listValue = substringRemainderFront(endBraceIndex);
// analyzing list is over, so close and return
* prepare loop beginning.
* @return Does it loop next?
protected boolean prepareLoopBeginning() {
if (isRemainderOver()) { // analyzing is over
return false;
if (startsWithEndBrace()) { // analyzing current map is over
return false;
return true;
* Close after parse nest map list.
* @return Is is closed?
protected boolean closeAfterParseNestMapList() {
if (startsWithEndBrace()) {
return true;
return false;
* Close by end-brace index.
* @param endBraceIndex The index of end-brace. (NotMinus)
protected void closeByEndBraceIndex(int endBraceIndex) {
_currentRemainderIndex = endBraceIndex;
// ===================================================================================
// Index of Control Mark
// =====================
protected int indexOfStartBrace() {
return findIndexOfControlMark(_beginBrace);
protected int indexOfEndBrace() {
return findIndexOfControlMark(_endBrace);
protected int indexOfDelimiter() {
return findIndexOfControlMark(_elementDelimiter);
protected int indexOfEqual() {
return findIndexOfControlMark(_valueEqual);
protected int findIndexOfControlMark(String controlMark) {
String current = _remainderString;
if (isEscapeCharEscape()) {
// performance headache but basically it does not come here
// because of unsupported escaping escape-char
final String escapedEscapeChar = convertToEscapedMark(_escapeChar);
current = generally_replace(current, escapedEscapeChar, convertToLengthSpace(escapedEscapeChar));
int currentBeginIndex = _currentRemainderIndex;
while (true) {
final int index = current.indexOf(controlMark, currentBeginIndex);
if (index < 0) { // not found
return index;
if (index > 0) {
final String lastChar = current.substring(index - 1, index);
if (_escapeChar.equals(lastChar)) { // escaped
final int nextIndex = index + _escapeChar.length();
currentBeginIndex = nextIndex;
return index; // found
protected String convertToLengthSpace(String value) {
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < value.length(); i++) {
sb.append(" ");
return sb.toString();
// ===================================================================================
// Remove Prefix of Control Mark
// =============================
* Remove prefix and all delimiters.
protected void removePrefixAllDelimiter() {
while (true) {
if (!startsWithDelimiter()) {
if (startsWithDelimiter()) {
* Remove prefix map-prefix and begin-brace.
protected void removePrefixMapingBeginBrace() {
* Remove prefix list-prefix and begin-brace.
protected void removePrefixListingBeginBrace() {
* Remove prefix end-brace.
protected void removePrefixEndBrace() {
* Remove prefix delimiter.
protected void removePrefixDelimiter() {
* Remove prefix as mark.
* @param prefixString The string for prefix. (NotNull)
protected void doRemovePrefix(String prefixString) {
final int nonTrimmedIndex = indexOfRemainderNonTrimmedChar();
_currentRemainderIndex = nonTrimmedIndex + prefixString.length();
* Remove prefix by the index and plus count.
* @param index The base index. (NotMinus)
* @param plusCount The plus count for index. (NotMinus)
protected void removePrefixTargetIndexPlus(int index, int plusCount) {
_currentRemainderIndex = index + plusCount;
// ===================================================================================
// Starts/Ends with Control Mark
// =============================
* Does it start with the map-prefix?
* @return The determination, true or false.
protected boolean startsWithMapBeginBrace() {
final int index = indexOfRemainderNonTrimmedChar();
return index >= 0 && _remainderString.startsWith(_mappingBeginBrace, index);
* Does it start with the list-prefix?
* @return The determination, true or false.
protected boolean startsWithListBeginBrace() {
final int index = indexOfRemainderNonTrimmedChar();
return index >= 0 && _remainderString.startsWith(_listingBeginBrace, index);
* Does it start with the delimiter?
* @return The determination, true or false.
protected boolean startsWithDelimiter() {
final int index = indexOfRemainderNonTrimmedChar();
return index >= 0 && _remainderString.startsWith(_elementDelimiter, index);
* Does it start with end-brace?
* @return The determination, true or false.
protected boolean startsWithEndBrace() {
final int index = indexOfRemainderNonTrimmedChar();
return index >= 0 && _remainderString.startsWith(_endBrace, index);
protected boolean startsWithPrefix(String prefix) {
final int index = indexOfRemainderNonTrimmedChar();
return index >= 0 && _remainderString.startsWith(prefix, index);
* Does it end with end-brace?
* @return The determination, true or false.
protected boolean endsWithEndBrace() {
return generally_endsWith(_remainderString, _endBrace);
// ===================================================================================
// Map Object
// ==========
// -----------------------------------------------------
// Register
// --------
protected void registerToMap(Map currentMap, String key, Object element) {
if (isCheckDuplicateEntry()) {
assertDuplicateEntryInMap(currentMap, key, element);
currentMap.put(key, element);
protected void assertDuplicateEntryInMap(Map currentMap, String key, Object element) {
if (currentMap.containsKey(key)) {
throwDfMapDuplicateEntryException(currentMap, key, element);
protected void throwDfMapDuplicateEntryException(Map currentMap, String key, Object element) {
final ExceptionMessageBuilder br = new ExceptionMessageBuilder();
br.addNotice("Duplicate entry in the map string.");
br.addItem("Already Registered Entry");
br.addItem("New Duplicate Entry");
if (element instanceof Map, ?>) {
// might be lazy registered so might be empty (then not show)
final Map, ?> map = (Map, ?>) element;
if (!map.isEmpty()) {
} else {
final String msg = br.buildExceptionMessage();
throw new DfMapDuplicateEntryException(msg);
// -----------------------------------------------------
// Set up
// ------
* Set up new-created nest map as element of the current map.
* @param currentMap the current map to set up. (NotNull)
* @param mapKey The key of nest map. (NotNull)
* @return The new-created nest map. (NotNull)
protected Map setupNestMap(Map currentMap, String mapKey) {
final Map nestMap = newStringObjectMap();
registerToMap(currentMap, filterParsedMapKey(mapKey), nestMap);
return nestMap;
* Set up new-created nest map as element of the current list.
* @param currentList the current list to set up. (NotNull)
* @return The new-created nest map. (NotNull)
protected Map setupNestMap(List currentList) {
final Map nestMap = newStringObjectMap();
return nestMap;
* Set up new-created nest list as element of the current map.
* @param currentMap the current map to set up. (NotNull)
* @param mapKey The key of nest map. (NotNull)
* @return The new-created nest list. (NotNull)
protected List setupNestList(Map currentMap, String mapKey) {
final List nestList = newObjectList();
registerToMap(currentMap, filterParsedMapKey(mapKey), nestList);
return nestList;
* Set up new-created nest list as element of the current list.
* @param currentList the current map to set up. (NotNull)
* @return The new-created nest list. (NotNull)
protected List setupNestList(List currentList) {
final List nestList = newObjectList();
return nestList;
// -----------------------------------------------------
// Filter
// ------
protected String filterParsedMapKey(String value) {
if (value == null) {
return null;
final String unescaped = unescapeControlMarkAsMap(value.trim());
return doFilterParsedMapListNullExpression(unescaped);
protected String filterParsedMapValue(String value) {
if (value == null) {
return null;
final String unescaped = unescapeControlMarkAsMap(value.trim());
return doFilterParsedMapListNullExpression(unescaped);
protected String filterParsedListValue(String value) {
if (value == null) {
return null;
final String unescaped = unescapeControlMarkAsList(value.trim());
return doFilterParsedMapListNullExpression(unescaped);
protected String doFilterParsedMapListNullExpression(String filtered) {
return ("".equals(filtered) || "null".equals(filtered)) ? null : filtered;
// -----------------------------------------------------
// Map/List Instance
// -----------------
* New string-object map for map:{} of this style.
* @return The new-created map. (NotNull)
public Map newStringObjectMap() { // public for client
return new LinkedHashMap();
* New object-type list for list:{} of this style.
* @return The new-created list. (NotNull)
public List newObjectList() { // public for client
return new ArrayList();
// ===================================================================================
// Escape Mark
// ===========
// -----------------------------------------------------
// Escape
// ------
// escape is for e.g. toMapString(), toListString()
* Escape control marks as plain string in the map key and value.
* @param value The value, might contain control marks. (NullAllowed: if null, return null)
* @return The escaped string of the value. (NullAllowed: when the value is null)
public String escapeControlMarkAsMap(Object value) { // public for tools
return doEscapeControlMark(value, /*ignoreEqual*/false);
* Escape control marks as plain string in the list value.
* @param value The value, might contain control marks. (NullAllowed: if null, return null)
* @return The escaped string of the value. (NullAllowed: when the value is null)
public String escapeControlMarkAsList(Object value) { // public for tools
return doEscapeControlMark(value, isIgnoreEqualAsEscapeControlMarkInList());
protected boolean isIgnoreEqualAsEscapeControlMarkInList() { // for e.g. toMapString(), toListString()
// now the equal "=" in list value, e.g. list:{ sea => land }, is escaped in spite of unnecessary
// I want to fix it but keep compatible to avoid rare case trouble so no change with extension point
// (and also other abstractions exist in other case...)
// so all control marks are escaped in both map and list (is specification of MapStyle)
// and small abstractions (receiving scope is wide) are allowed like this:
// o list:{ sea => land }, list:{ sea \=> land } are parsed as list:{ sea => land }
// o map:{key1=value1=value2} are parsed as map:{ key1 = value1=value2 }
return false;
protected String doEscapeControlMark(Object value, boolean ignoreEqual) {
if (value == null) {
return null;
String filtered = value.toString();
if (isEscapeCharEscape()) {
filtered = generally_replace(filtered, _escapeChar, convertToEscapedMark(_escapeChar));
filtered = generally_replace(filtered, _beginBrace, convertToEscapedMark(_beginBrace));
filtered = generally_replace(filtered, _endBrace, convertToEscapedMark(_endBrace));
filtered = generally_replace(filtered, _elementDelimiter, convertToEscapedMark(_elementDelimiter));
if (!ignoreEqual) {
filtered = generally_replace(filtered, _valueEqual, convertToEscapedMark(_valueEqual));
return filtered;
// -----------------------------------------------------
// Unescape
// --------
// unescape is for e.g. fromMapString(), fromListString()
* Unescape control marks as plain string in the map key and value.
* @param value The value, might contain escaped control marks. (NullAllowed: if null, return null)
* @return The unescaped string of the value. (NullAllowed: when the value is null)
public String unescapeControlMarkAsMap(String value) { // public for tools
return doUnescapeControlMark(value, /*ignoreEqual*/false);
* Unescape control marks as plain string in the list value.
* @param value The value, might contain escaped control marks. (NullAllowed: if null, return null)
* @return The unescaped string of the value. (NullAllowed: when the value is null)
public String unescapeControlMarkAsList(String value) { // public for tools
return doUnescapeControlMark(value, isIgnoreEqualAsUnescapeControlMarkInList());
protected boolean isIgnoreEqualAsUnescapeControlMarkInList() { // for e.g. fromMapString(), fromListString()
return false; // same reason as isIgnoreEqualAsEscapeControlMarkInList()
protected String doUnescapeControlMark(String value, boolean ignoreEqual) {
if (value == null) {
return null;
String filtered = value;
final String escapedEscapeMark = ESCAPED_ESCAPE_MARK;
if (isEscapeCharEscape()) {
filtered = generally_replace(filtered, convertToEscapedMark(_escapeChar), escapedEscapeMark);
filtered = generally_replace(filtered, convertToEscapedMark(_beginBrace), _beginBrace);
filtered = generally_replace(filtered, convertToEscapedMark(_endBrace), _endBrace);
filtered = generally_replace(filtered, convertToEscapedMark(_elementDelimiter), _elementDelimiter);
if (!ignoreEqual) {
filtered = generally_replace(filtered, convertToEscapedMark(_valueEqual), _valueEqual);
if (isEscapeCharEscape()) {
filtered = generally_replace(filtered, escapedEscapeMark, _escapeChar);
return filtered;
// -----------------------------------------------------
// Assist Logic
// ------------
protected String convertToEscapedMark(String mark) {
return _escapeChar + mark;
protected boolean isEscapeCharEscape() {
// escape for escape char is unsupported (unneeded)
// so fixedly returns false
// compatibility is treated as important here
// o "\\n = \n" in convertValueMap.dataprop can directly work
// o plain "\" is can directly work
// [specification]
// escape char without control mark is treated as plain value
// e.g. "a\b\c"
// previous escape char of control mark is always treated as escape char
// e.g. "\;"
// if any spaces between the escape char and the control mark exist,
// the escape char is plain value, e.g. "\ ;"
return false;
// ===================================================================================
// Parsing Assert
// ==============
// -----------------------------------------------------
// First MapString
// ---------------
protected void assertFirstMapString() {
if (_remainderString == null) {
throwDfMapStringBasicFailureException("The map-string should not be null.");
if (!startsWithMapBeginBrace()) {
throwDfMapStringBasicFailureException("The map-string should start with '" + _mappingBeginBrace + "'.");
if (!endsWithEndBrace()) {
throwDfMapStringBasicFailureException("The map-string should end with '" + _endBrace + "'.");
// #for_now difficult to count non-escaped marks without performance cost (also thinking "map:" in value) by jflute (2018/05/05)
//final int beginBraceCount = countControlMarkInRemainder(_beginBrace);
//final int endBraceCount = countControlMarkInRemainder(_endBrace);
//if (beginBraceCount != endBraceCount) {
// throwDfMapStringDifferentCountBracesException(beginBraceCount, endBraceCount);
protected void throwDfMapStringBasicFailureException(String notice) {
final ExceptionMessageBuilder br = new ExceptionMessageBuilder();
final String msg = br.buildExceptionMessage();
throw new DfMapParseFailureException(msg);
protected void throwDfMapStringDifferentCountBracesException(int beginCount, int endCount) {
final ExceptionMessageBuilder br = new ExceptionMessageBuilder();
br.addNotice("Different count between begin braces and end braces.");
br.addElement("Make sure braces on your map-string.");
br.addElement("For example:");
br.addElement(" (x): map:{ sea = ");
br.addElement(" (x): map:{ sea = map:{ }");
br.addElement(" (o): map:{ sea = land }");
br.addElement(" (o): map:{ sea = map:{ land = piari } }");
br.addElement("While, map-string can escape control marks");
br.addElement("so pay attention to last char of value like this:");
br.addElement(" (x): map:{ sea = C:\\land\\piari\\} // last '}' escaped by escape char");
br.addElement(" (o): map:{ sea = C:\\land\\piari\\ } // space helps you at the case");
br.addItem("Brace Count");
br.addElement("begin: " + beginCount);
br.addElement("end: " + endCount);
final String msg = br.buildExceptionMessage();
throw new DfMapParseFailureException(msg);
// -----------------------------------------------------
// First ListString
// ----------------
protected void assertFirstListString() {
if (_remainderString == null) {
throwListStringBasicFailureException("The list string should not be null.");
if (!startsWithListBeginBrace()) {
throwListStringBasicFailureException("The list string should start with '" + _listingBeginBrace + "'.");
if (!endsWithEndBrace()) {
throwListStringBasicFailureException("The list string should end with '" + _endBrace + "'.");
// #for_now difficult to count non-escaped marks without performance cost (also thinking "map:" in value) by jflute (2018/05/05)
//final int startBraceCount = countControlMarkInRemainder(_beginBrace);
//final int endBraceCount = countControlMarkInRemainder(_endBrace);
//if (startBraceCount != endBraceCount) {
// throwDfListStringDifferentCountBracesException(startBraceCount, endBraceCount);
protected void throwListStringBasicFailureException(String notice) {
final ExceptionMessageBuilder br = new ExceptionMessageBuilder();
final String msg = br.buildExceptionMessage();
throw new DfMapParseFailureException(msg);
protected void throwDfListStringDifferentCountBracesException(int beginCount, int endCount) {
final ExceptionMessageBuilder br = new ExceptionMessageBuilder();
br.addNotice("Different count between begin braces and end braces.");
br.addElement("Make sure braces on your list-string.");
br.addElement("For example:");
br.addElement(" (x): list:{ sea");
br.addElement(" (x): list:{ sea ; map:{ }");
br.addElement(" (o): list:{ sea ; land }");
br.addElement(" (o): list:{ sea ; map:{ land = piari } }");
br.addElement("While, list-string can escape control marks");
br.addElement("so pay attention to last char of value like this:");
br.addElement(" (x): list:{ sea = C:\\land\\piari\\} // last '}' escaped by escape char");
br.addElement(" (o): list:{ sea = C:\\land\\piari\\ } // space helps you at the case");
br.addItem("Brace Count");
br.addElement("begin: " + beginCount);
br.addElement("end: " + endCount);
final String msg = br.buildExceptionMessage();
throw new DfMapParseFailureException(msg);
// #hope count non-escaped mark here without performance cost by jflute (2018/05/05)
//protected int countControlMarkInRemainder(String controlMark) { // only used in exception so don't mind performance
// final String remainder = dangrous_substringRemainderString(_currentRemainderIndex);
// return Srl.count(remainder, controlMark); // expects tuning of Srl in the future
// -----------------------------------------------------
// ValueEqual Index
// ----------------
protected void assertMapStringEqualIndex(int valueEqualIndex, Map currentMap) {
if (_remainderString == null) { // basically no way here, just in case
final String notice = "The remainderString should not be null:";
throwDfMapValueEqualFailureException(notice, valueEqualIndex, currentMap);
if (valueEqualIndex < 0) {
final String notice = "Not found the value-equal mark in the map-string.";
throwDfMapValueEqualFailureException(notice, valueEqualIndex, currentMap);
// following checks are for internal mistake
final int logicalLength = lengthRemainder();
if (logicalLength < (_remainderString.length() - valueEqualIndex)) { // deep (or unneeded?) check (written by younger jflute)
final String notice = "The remainderString length should be greater than equalIndex:";
throwDfMapValueEqualFailureException(notice, valueEqualIndex, currentMap);
final String extractedMark = substringRemainderScope(valueEqualIndex, valueEqualIndex + _valueEqual.length());
if (!extractedMark.equals(_valueEqual)) { // different value-equal mark
final String notice = "The remainderString should have value-equal mark at value-equal index:";
throwDfMapValueEqualFailureException(notice, valueEqualIndex, currentMap);
protected void throwDfMapValueEqualFailureException(String notice, int valueEqualIndex, Map currentMap) {
final ExceptionMessageBuilder br = new ExceptionMessageBuilder();
br.addItem("ValueEqual Index");
br.addItem("Making Map");
final String msg = br.buildExceptionMessage();
throw new DfMapParseFailureException(msg);
// -----------------------------------------------------
// EndBrace Index
// --------------
protected void assertMapStringEndBraceIndex(int endBraceIndex, Map makingMap) {
if (endBraceIndex < 0) {
final String notice = "Not found the end-brace in the map-string.";
throwDfMapStringEndBraceFailureException(notice, endBraceIndex, makingMap);
// following checks are for internal mistake
if (_remainderString == null) {
final String notice = "The remainderString should not be null:";
throwDfMapStringEndBraceFailureException(notice, endBraceIndex, makingMap);
final int logicalLength = lengthRemainder();
if (logicalLength < (_remainderString.length() - endBraceIndex)) {
final String notice = "The remainderString length should be greater than end-brace index:";
throwDfMapStringEndBraceFailureException(notice, endBraceIndex, makingMap);
substringRemainderScope(endBraceIndex, endBraceIndex + _endBrace.length());
final String extractedMark = substringRemainderScope(endBraceIndex, endBraceIndex + _endBrace.length());
if (!extractedMark.equals(_endBrace)) {
final String notice = "The remainderString should have end-brace at the end-brace index:";
throwDfMapStringEndBraceFailureException(notice, endBraceIndex, makingMap);
protected void throwDfMapStringEndBraceFailureException(String notice, int endBraceIndex, Map currentMap) {
final ExceptionMessageBuilder br = new ExceptionMessageBuilder();
br.addItem("EndBrace Index");
br.addItem("Making Map");
final String msg = br.buildExceptionMessage();
throw new DfMapParseFailureException(msg);
protected void assertListStringEndBraceIndex(int endBraceIndex, List> makingList) {
if (endBraceIndex < 0) {
final String notice = "Not found the end brace.";
throwDfListStringEndBraceFailureException(notice, endBraceIndex, makingList);
// following checks are for internal mistake
if (_remainderString == null) {
final String notice = "The remainderString should not be null:";
throwDfListStringEndBraceFailureException(notice, endBraceIndex, makingList);
final int logicalLength = lengthRemainder();
if (logicalLength < (_remainderString.length() - endBraceIndex)) {
final String notice = "The remainderString length should be greater than end-brace index:";
throwDfListStringEndBraceFailureException(notice, endBraceIndex, makingList);
final String extractedMark = substringRemainderScope(endBraceIndex, endBraceIndex + _endBrace.length());
if (!extractedMark.equals(_endBrace)) {
final String notice = "The remainderString should have end-brace at the end-brace index:";
throwDfListStringEndBraceFailureException(notice, endBraceIndex, makingList);
protected void throwDfListStringEndBraceFailureException(String notice, int endBraceIndex, List> makingList) {
final ExceptionMessageBuilder br = new ExceptionMessageBuilder();
br.addItem("EndBrace Index");
br.addItem("Making List");
final String msg = br.buildExceptionMessage();
throw new DfMapParseFailureException(msg);
// -----------------------------------------------------
// Removing Prefix
// ---------------
protected void assertRemovingPrefix(String prefixString) {
if (_remainderString == null) {
final String notice = "The remainderString should not be null.";
throwDfMapRemovingPrefixFailureException(notice, prefixString);
if (prefixString == null) {
final String notice = "The prefixString should not be null.";
throwDfMapRemovingPrefixFailureException(notice, prefixString);
if (!startsWithPrefix(prefixString)) {
final String notice = "The remainderString shuold start with the prefixString.";
throwDfMapRemovingPrefixFailureException(notice, prefixString);
protected void throwDfMapRemovingPrefixFailureException(String notice, String prefixString) {
final ExceptionMessageBuilder br = new ExceptionMessageBuilder();
br.addItem("Prefix String");
final String msg = br.buildExceptionMessage();
throw new DfMapParseFailureException(msg);
// -----------------------------------------------------
// Last Assertion
// --------------
protected void assertLastRemainderAsMap(Map generatedMap) {
if (indexOfRemainderNonTrimmedChar() >= 0) {
protected void throwDfMapStringUnneededStringFoundException(Map generatedMap) {
final ExceptionMessageBuilder br = new ExceptionMessageBuilder();
br.addNotice("The last remainderString as map should be empty string but ...");
br.addItem("Generated Map");
final String msg = br.buildExceptionMessage();
throw new DfMapParseFailureException(msg);
protected void assertLastRemainderAsList(List generatedList) {
if (indexOfRemainderNonTrimmedChar() >= 0) {
protected void throwDfListStringUnneededStringFoundException(List generatedList) {
final ExceptionMessageBuilder br = new ExceptionMessageBuilder();
br.addNotice("The last remainderString as list should be empty string but ...");
br.addItem("Generated List");
final String msg = br.buildExceptionMessage();
throw new DfMapParseFailureException(msg);
// -----------------------------------------------------
// Message Pattern
// ---------------
protected void setupMessageRemainderString(ExceptionMessageBuilder br) {
br.addItem("Remainder String");
br.addItem("Current Remainder Index");
if (_remainderString != null) { // checking just in case
br.addElement(_currentRemainderIndex + " (max:" + _remainderString.length() + ")");
if (_currentRemainderIndex >= 0 && _remainderString.length() >= _currentRemainderIndex) { // more check
br.addElement(cut(_remainderString.substring(_currentRemainderIndex), 30, "..."));
} else {
br.addItem("Defined Control Mark");
br.addElement(_mapPrefix + " " + _listPrefix + " " + _beginBrace + " " + _endBrace + " " + _elementDelimiter + " " + _valueEqual);
protected String cut(String str, int length, String suffix) {
assertObjectNotNull("str", str);
return str.length() > length ? (str.substring(0, length) + (suffix != null ? suffix : "")) : str;
// ===================================================================================
// Remainder String
// ================
protected void beginRemainder(String mapString) {
_remainderString = mapString;
_currentRemainderIndex = 0;
protected void endRemainder() {
_remainderString = null;
_currentRemainderIndex = 0;
protected int indexOfRemainderNonTrimmedChar() {
return generally_indexOfNonTrimmedChar(_remainderString, _currentRemainderIndex);
protected boolean isRemainderOver() {
if (_remainderString.length() == _currentRemainderIndex) { // may be almost here
return true;
if (indexOfRemainderNonTrimmedChar() < 0) { // with loop so also check just-over before this
return true;
return false;
protected int lengthRemainder() {
return _remainderString.length() - _currentRemainderIndex;
protected void ltrimRemainder() {
final int index = indexOfRemainderNonTrimmedChar();
if (index > 0) {
_currentRemainderIndex = index;
protected String substringRemainderFront(int endIndex) {
return _remainderString.substring(_currentRemainderIndex, endIndex);
protected String substringRemainderScope(int beginIndex, int endIndex) {
return _remainderString.substring(beginIndex, endIndex);
// ===================================================================================
// General Helper
// ==============
// no use of instance variable (can be static, but non-static for overriding)
protected String generally_replace(String str, String fromStr, String toStr) {
StringBuilder sb = null; // lazy load
int pos = 0;
int pos2 = 0;
do {
pos = str.indexOf(fromStr, pos2);
if (pos2 == 0 && pos < 0) { // first loop and not found
return str; // without creating StringBuilder
if (sb == null) {
sb = new StringBuilder();
if (pos == 0) {
pos2 = fromStr.length();
} else if (pos > 0) {
sb.append(str.substring(pos2, pos));
pos2 = pos + fromStr.length();
} else { // (pos < 0) second or after loop only
return sb.toString();
} while (true);
protected boolean generally_endsWith(String str, String suffix) {
int remainderIndex = generally_lastIndexOfNonTrimmedChar(str);
for (int i = suffix.length() - 1; i >= 0; i--, remainderIndex--) {
final char branceCh = suffix.charAt(i);
final char remainderCh = str.charAt(remainderIndex);
if (branceCh != remainderCh) {
return false;
return true;
protected int generally_indexOfNonTrimmedChar(String str, int offsetIndex) {
for (int index = offsetIndex; index < str.length(); index++) {
final char ch = str.charAt(index);
if (ch > ' ') {
return index;
return -1;
protected int generally_lastIndexOfNonTrimmedChar(String str) {
for (int index = str.length() - 1; index >= 0; index--) {
final char ch = str.charAt(index);
if (ch > ' ') {
return index;
return -1;
protected String generally_calculateNextIndent(String previousIndent, String currentIndent) {
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
final int indentLength = currentIndent.length() - previousIndent.length();
for (int i = 0; i < indentLength; i++) {
sb.append(" ");
return sb.toString();
protected String ln() {
return "\n";
protected void assertStringNotNullAndNotTrimmedEmpty(String variableName, String value) {
assertObjectNotNull("variableName", variableName);
assertObjectNotNull(variableName, value);
if (value.trim().length() == 0) {
String msg = "The value should not be empty: variableName=" + variableName + " value=" + value;
throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
protected void assertObjectNotNull(String variableName, Object value) {
if (variableName == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The variableName should not be null.");
if (value == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The argument '" + variableName + "' should not be null.");
// ===================================================================================
// Accessor
// ========
public boolean isCheckDuplicateEntry() {
return _checkDuplicateEntry;
public boolean isPrintOneLiner() {
return _printOneLiner;
public boolean isWithoutDisplaySideSpace() {
return _withoutDisplaySideSpace;