org.dbpedia.extraction.mappings.AugmenterExtractor.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package org.dbpedia.extraction.mappings
import java.lang.String
import org.dbpedia.extraction.wikiparser.PageNode
import org.dbpedia.extraction.destinations.{Dataset, Quad}
import collection.mutable.{HashSet, Set, MultiMap, HashMap}
import io.Source
object AugmentExtractorConstants
val categoryPrefix = ""
class NTripleFileQuadIterator
// extends Iterator[Quad]
val categoryDump = "/home/raven/Desktop/dbpedia/datasets/3.5.1/article_categories_en.nt"
def parseNTripleURI(str : String) : Option[String] =
if(str.startsWith("<") && str.endsWith(">"))
return Some(str.substring(1, str.length - 2))
return None
def getCategoriesFromDump() : Iterable[String] =
val lines = Source.fromFile(categoryDump).getLines
println("Starting reading model")
val result = new HashSet[String]
lines.zipWithIndex.foreach{case(tmp, lineNumber) => {
val line = tmp.trim
if(lineNumber % 1000000 == 0)
val parts = line.split("\\s+", 3)
parseNTripleURI(parts(2)) match { case Some(uri) => result.add(uri) case None => }
println("Done reading model")
return result
object AugmenterExtractorUtils
def canonicalize(str : String) : String = {
return str.replace("_", " ").trim.replace("\\s+", " ").toLowerCase
* Created by Claus Stadler
* Date: Sep 8, 2010
* Time: 12:58:45 AM
* A decorator that generates triples based on the output of
* another extractor (the decoratee)
* The newly generated triples are part of the specified dataset
class AugmenterExtractor(val decoratee : PageNodeExtractor, val dataset : Dataset,
val labelToURIs : MultiMap[String, String], val relationPredicate : String)
extends PageNodeExtractor
override val datasets = scala.collection.immutable.Set(dataset)
def extract(page: PageNode, subjectUri: String, context: PageContext) : Seq[Quad] = {
val base = decoratee.extract(page, subjectUri, context)
val newQuads = new HashSet[Quad]
base.foreach(quad => {
extractCategoryName(quad) match {
case None =>
case Some(categoryName) => {
val resources = relatedResources(categoryName, labelToURIs)
resources.foreach(res => {
val newQuad = new Quad(quad.language,, quad.subject, relationPredicate, res, quad.context, null)
return newQuads.toList
//val result = base.merge(new Graph(newQuads.toList))
//return result
def extractCategoryName(quad: Quad) : Option[String] = {
val categoryPrefix = AugmentExtractorConstants.categoryPrefix
if(!(quad.predicate == "" && quad.value.startsWith(categoryPrefix)))
return None
return Some(quad.value.substring(categoryPrefix.length))
def relatedResources(rawCategoryName : String, labelToURIs : MultiMap[String, String]) : Set[String] = {
var matches = new HashSet[String]
val categoryName = " " + AugmenterExtractorUtils.canonicalize(rawCategoryName) + " "
labelToURIs.filter(e => categoryName.contains(" " + e._1 + " ")).foreach{case(label, uri) => {
var result = new HashSet[String]
matches.foreach(labelToURIs.get(_) match { case Some(uris) => {uris.foreach(result.add(_))} case None => })
return result
* Returns a mapping of categoryNames to related URIs
def createMapping(categories : Iterable[String], labelToURIs : MultiMap[String, String]) : HashMap[String, String]=
//val countries = reverse(uriToLabels)
//var bestMatches = new HashMap[String, Set[String]]() with MultiMap[String, String];
var bestMatches = new HashMap[String, String]
categories.zipWithIndex.foreach{case (categoryUri, counter) => {
if(counter % 1000 == 0) {
val prefix = AugmentExtractorConstants.categoryPrefix
if(!categoryUri.startsWith(prefix)) {
println("Warning: Non-category: " + categoryUri)
else {
var categoryName = categoryUri.substring(prefix.length)
categoryName = AugmenterExtractorUtils.canonicalize(categoryName)
var candidate = "";
var parts = categoryName.split("of ", 2)
if(parts.length == 2)
candidate = parts(1)
parts = categoryName.split("in ", 1)
if(parts.length == 2)
candidate = parts(1)
candidate = AugmenterExtractorUtils.canonicalize(candidate)
if(!candidate.isEmpty) {
labelToURIs.foreach(item => {
val countryName = item._1
if(candidate.contains(AugmenterExtractorUtils.canonicalize(countryName))) {
//println("Match: " + candidate + ", " + countryName + " --- fullcat: " + categoryName);
bestMatches.get(categoryName) match {
case None => { bestMatches.put(categoryUri, countryName) }
case Some(oldCountryName) => {
if(countryName.length > oldCountryName.length) {
bestMatches.put(categoryUri, countryName)
//println(countryName + "| replaced | " + oldCountryName);
//println("bestMatches: " + bestMatches)
// Based on the best matches, we can now create the action objects
// for dealing with resoures that are linked to a category
// The resulting object should be serialized for reuse
val result = new HashMap[String, String];
bestMatches.foreach(entry => {
labelToURIs.get(entry._2) match {
case None => {}
case Some(set) => {
if(set.size != 1) {
println("Warning: Non-1:1-Mapping found: " + entry._1 + " -> " + entry);
if(set.size == 1) {
val targetURI =
//println("Mapped " + entry._1 + " to " + targetURI)
result.put(entry._1, targetURI)
return result
def reverse(map : MultiMap[String, String]) : MultiMap[String, String] = {
val result = new HashMap[String, Set[String]]() with MultiMap[String, String]
map.foreach(q => q._2.foreach(v => result.add(v, q._1)))
return result