org.dbpedia.extraction.mappings.wikitemplate.ParsedConfig.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.dbpedia.extraction.mappings.wikitemplate
import xml.NodeSeq._
import collection.mutable.{ListBuffer, Stack}
import xml.{XML, Node => XMLNode}
import scala.util.matching.Regex
import org.dbpedia.extraction.wikiparser._
import MyStack._
import collection.mutable
* User: Jonas Brekle
* Date: 08.05.11
* Time: 15:55
* these classes represent configuration from the xml
* they are simple wrappers that provide a object representation to avoid xml in the extractor
class TripleTemplate(t : XMLNode) {
val s : String = (t \ "@s").text
val p : String = (t \ "@p").text
val o : String = (t \ "@o").text
val oLang : String = if(t.attribute("oLang").isDefined){(t \ "@oLang").text} else {null}
val oDatatype : String = if(t.attribute("oDatatype").isDefined){(t \ "@oDatatype").text} else {null}
val oType : String = if(t.attribute("oType").isDefined){(t \ "@oType").text} else {"URI"}
val oNewBlock : Boolean =t.attribute("oNewBlock").isDefined && (t \ "@oNewBlock").text.equals("true")
val optional : Boolean = t.attribute("optional").isDefined && (t \ "@optional").text.equals("true")
class ResultTemplate(val triples : Seq[TripleTemplate])
class PostProcessing(var clazz : String, var parameters : Map[String, String]){}
class Tpl (val name : String, val wiki : Stack[Node], val pp : Option[PostProcessing], val resultTemplates : Seq[ResultTemplate])
object Tpl {
val Cache = mutable.Map[String, Tpl]()
//$var, ()*+? for repetitions, and ~~link~~ to subsumpt the three link types
def expandTpl(orig : String) : String = {
val pattern = new Regex("(? "{{Extractiontpl|var|"+m.matched.replace("$","")+"}}"
var tpl = tplVarsExpanded.replace("\\(","§$%o%$§").replace("\\)","§$%c%$§")
val pattern2 = new Regex("\\((([^\\(\\)])*?)\\)([\\+\\*\\?])")
tpl = pattern2.replaceAllIn(tpl,
(m) => "{{Extractiontpl|list-start|""}}""(","").replace(")","")+"{{Extractiontpl|list-end}}"
tpl = tpl.replace("§$%o%$§", "(").replace("§$%c%$§", ")")
val pattern3 = new Regex("(? "{{Extractiontpl|link|"+m.matched.replace("~","")+"}}")
val tplExpanded = tplLinksExpanded.replace("\\","")
return tplExpanded
def fromNode(n:XMLNode) : Tpl = {
val name = (n \ "@name").text
return Tpl.Cache(name)
val pp = if(n.attribute("ppClass").isDefined){Some(new PostProcessing((n \ "@ppClass").text, (n \ "parameters" \ "parameter").map(n=>{ ((n \ "@name").text, (n \ "@value").text) }).toMap))} else None
val tplString = (n \ "wikiTemplate").text
// expand the terse template syntax
val tplExpanded = expandTpl(tplString)
val tplText = MyStack.fromString(tplExpanded).filterNewLines
tplText.push(new TextNode("\n",0))
//println((n \ "@name").text + tpl)
val rt = (n \ "resultTemplates" \ "resultTemplate").map(
rtn => new ResultTemplate(
(rtn \ "triples" \ "triple").map(
t => new TripleTemplate(t)
val tpl = new Tpl(
(n \ "@name").text,
Tpl.Cache(name) = tpl
class Block (n : XMLNode, val parent : Block){
val name = (n \ "@name").text
val indTpl = (n \ "indicators" \ "indicator").map(indTpl => Tpl.fromNode(indTpl))
val blocks = (n \ "block").map(b => new Block(b, this)).toList
val templates = (n \ "templates" \ "template").map(t=>Tpl.fromNode(t)).toList
val property = (n \ "@property").text
val rt = new ResultTemplate((n \ "triples" \ "triple").map(t=>new TripleTemplate(t) ).toList)
class Page ( n : XMLNode ) extends Block (n, null
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