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* Copyright (c) 2015 SDL, Radagio & R. Oudshoorn
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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package org.dd4t.providers.impl;
import com.sdl.web.api.content.PageContentRetriever;
import com.sdl.web.api.content.PageContentRetrieverImpl;
import com.sdl.web.api.meta.WebPageMetaFactory;
import com.sdl.web.api.meta.WebPageMetaFactoryImpl;
import com.tridion.meta.PageMeta;
import org.dd4t.caching.CacheElement;
import org.dd4t.caching.CacheType;
import org.dd4t.core.exceptions.ItemNotFoundException;
import org.dd4t.core.exceptions.NotImplementedException;
import org.dd4t.core.exceptions.SerializationException;
import org.dd4t.core.util.Constants;
import org.dd4t.core.util.TCMURI;
import org.dd4t.providers.BaseBrokerProvider;
import org.dd4t.providers.PageProvider;
import org.dd4t.providers.PageProviderResultItem;
import org.dd4t.providers.PageResultItemImpl;
import org.joda.time.DateTime;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
* Provides access to Page content and metadata from Content Delivery database. Access to page content is not cached,
* so as such much be cached externally. Calls to Page meta are cached in the Tridion object cache.
public class BrokerPageProvider extends BaseBrokerProvider implements PageProvider {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BrokerPageProvider.class);
private static final Map WEB_PAGE_META_FACTORIES = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
private static final PageContentRetriever PAGE_CONTENT_RETRIEVER = new PageContentRetrieverImpl();
public PageProviderResultItem getPageById(final int id, final int publication) throws IOException,
ItemNotFoundException, SerializationException {
final PageMeta pageMeta = getPageMetaById(id, publication);
PageProviderResultItem pageResult = new PageResultItemImpl(pageMeta.getPublicationId(), pageMeta
.getId(), pageMeta.getURLPath());
pageResult.setContentSource(getPageContentById(id, publication));
return pageResult;
public PageProviderResultItem getPageByURL(final String url, final int publication) throws
ItemNotFoundException, SerializationException {
final PageMeta pageMeta = getPageMetaByURL(url, publication);
PageProviderResultItem pageResult = new PageResultItemImpl(pageMeta.getPublicationId(), pageMeta
.getId(), pageMeta.getURLPath());
pageResult.setContentSource(getPageContentById(pageMeta.getId(), pageMeta.getPublicationId()));
return pageResult;
* Retrieves content of a Page by looking the page up by its item id and Publication id.
* @param id int representing the page item id
* @param publication int representing the Publication id of the page
* @return String representing the content of the Page
* @throws ItemNotFoundException if the requested page does not exist
public String getPageContentById(int id, int publication) throws ItemNotFoundException, SerializationException {
final CharacterData data = PAGE_CONTENT_RETRIEVER.getPageContent(publication, id);
if (data == null) {
throw new ItemNotFoundException("Unable to find page by id '" + id + "' and publication '" + publication
+ "'.");
try {
return decodeAndDecompressContent(convertStreamToString(data.getInputStream()));
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new SerializationException(e);
* Retrieves content of a Page by looking the page up by its URL.
* @param url String representing the path part of the page URL
* @param publication int representing the Publication id of the page
* @return String representing the content of the Page
* @throws SerializationException if something goes wrong deserializing
* @throws ItemNotFoundException if the requested page does not exist
public String getPageContentByURL(String url, int publication) throws ItemNotFoundException,
SerializationException {
final PageMeta meta = getPageMetaByURL(url, publication);
return getPageContentById(meta.getId(), meta.getPublicationId());
public String getPageContentById(final String tcmUri) throws ItemNotFoundException, ParseException,
SerializationException {
final TCMURI uri = new TCMURI(tcmUri);
return getPageContentById(uri.getItemId(), uri.getPublicationId());
* Retrieves a list of URLs for all published Tridion Pages in a Publication.
* @param publication int representing the Publication id of the page
* @return String representing the list of URLs (one URL per line)
* @throws ItemNotFoundException if the requested page does not exist
public String getPageListByPublicationId(int publication) throws ItemNotFoundException {
// List itemMetas = null;
// ODataClientQuery clientQuery = (new FunctionImportClientQuery.Builder()).withEntityType(String.class)
// .withFunctionName("GetPageMetaListByUrlFunctionImport").withFunctionParameter("PublicationId", "" + publication)
// .build();
// new ODataClientFactoryImpl().create(null).getCollections(clientQuery);
// String result = (String)ContentClientProvider.getInstance().getContentClient().getEntity("Edm.String",
// clientQuery);
// if(StringUtils.isNotEmpty(new String[]{result})) {
// return ITEM_SERIALIZER.deserialize(result);
// } else {
// LOG.debug("Could not find page metas: {}", clientQuery);
// return new ArrayList();
// }
// TODO for web 8 REST. The oDataClient doesn't seem to be able to handle this yet.
throw new NotImplementedException();
// try {
// ItemDAO itemDAO = (ItemDAO) StorageManagerFactory.getDAO(publication, StorageTypeMapping.PAGE_META);
// itemMetas = itemDAO.findAll(publication, ItemTypeSelector.PAGE);
// } catch (StorageException e) {
// LOG.error(e.getMessage(), e);
// }
// if (itemMetas == null || itemMetas.isEmpty()) {
// throw new ItemNotFoundException("Unable to find page URL list by publication '" + publication + "'.");
// }
// StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
// for (ItemMeta itemMeta : itemMetas) {
// result.append(((PageMeta) itemMeta).getUrl()).append("\r\n");
// }
// return result.toString();
protected static WebPageMetaFactory getWebPageMetaFactory(final int publication) {
WebPageMetaFactory webPageMetaFactory = WEB_PAGE_META_FACTORIES.get(publication);
if (webPageMetaFactory == null) {
webPageMetaFactory = new WebPageMetaFactoryImpl(publication);
WEB_PAGE_META_FACTORIES.put(publication, webPageMetaFactory);
return webPageMetaFactory;
* Retrieves metadata of a Page by looking the page up by its item id and Publication id.
* @param id int representing the page item id
* @param publication int representing the Publication id of the page
* @return PageMeta representing the metadata of the Page
* @throws ItemNotFoundException if the requested page does not exist
public PageMeta getPageMetaById(int id, int publication) throws ItemNotFoundException {
final WebPageMetaFactory webPageMetaFactory = getWebPageMetaFactory(publication);
final PageMeta pageMeta = webPageMetaFactory.getMeta(id);
if (pageMeta == null) {
throw new ItemNotFoundException("Unable to find page by id '" + id + "' and publication '" + publication
+ "'.");
return pageMeta;
* Retrieves metadata of a Page by looking the page up by its URL.
* @param url String representing the path part of the page URL
* @param publication int representing the Publication id of the page
* @return PageMeta representing the metadata of the Page
* @throws ItemNotFoundException if the requested page does not exist
public PageMeta getPageMetaByURL(String url, int publication) throws ItemNotFoundException {
final WebPageMetaFactory webPageMetaFactory = getWebPageMetaFactory(publication);
final PageMeta pageMeta = webPageMetaFactory.getMetaByURL(publication, url);
if (pageMeta == null) {
throw new ItemNotFoundException("Unable to find page by url '" + url + "' and publication '" +
publication + "'.");
return pageMeta;
// TODO: introduce ProviderException
public boolean checkPageExists(final String url, final int publicationId) throws ItemNotFoundException,
SerializationException {
LOG.debug("Checking whether Page with url: {} exists", url);
String key = getKey(CacheType.PAGE_EXISTS, url);
CacheElement cacheElement = cacheProvider.loadPayloadFromLocalCache(key);
Integer result = 0;
if (cacheElement.isExpired()) {
//noinspection SynchronizationOnLocalVariableOrMethodParameter
synchronized (cacheElement) {
if (cacheElement.isExpired()) {
TCMURI tcmuri = null;
try {
final PageMeta pageMeta = getPageMetaByURL(url, publicationId);
if (pageMeta != null) {
result = 1;
tcmuri = new TCMURI(pageMeta.getPublicationId(), pageMeta.getId(), pageMeta.getType());
} catch (ItemNotFoundException e) {
LOG.trace(String.format("Page with url:%s does not seem to exist.", url), e);
if (result == 1) {
cacheProvider.storeInItemCache(key, cacheElement, tcmuri.getPublicationId(), tcmuri.getItemId
} else {
result = 0;
cacheProvider.storeInItemCache(key, cacheElement);
LOG.debug("Stored Page exist check with key: {} in cache", key);
} else {
LOG.debug("Fetched a Page exist check with key: {} from cache", key);
result = cacheElement.getPayload();
} else {
LOG.debug("Fetched Page exist check with key: {} from cache", key);
result = cacheElement.getPayload();
return result != null && (result == 1);
public TCMURI getPageIdForUrl(final String url, final int publicationId) throws ItemNotFoundException,
SerializationException {
final PageMeta pageMeta = getPageMetaByURL(url, publicationId);
if (pageMeta != null) {
return new TCMURI(publicationId, pageMeta.getId(), pageMeta.getType(), pageMeta.getMajorVersion());
throw new ItemNotFoundException("Page Id for URL not found.");
public DateTime getLastPublishDate(final String url, final int publication) throws ItemNotFoundException {
final PageMeta pageMeta = getPageMetaByURL(url, publication);
final Date lpd = pageMeta.getLastPublicationDate();
return lpd != null ? new DateTime(lpd) : Constants.THE_YEAR_ZERO;