org.deeplearning4j.common.config.DL4JSystemProperties Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
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package org.deeplearning4j.common.config;
public class DL4JSystemProperties {
private DL4JSystemProperties(){ }
* Applicability: DL4J ModelSerializer, ModelGuesser, Keras model import
* Description: Specify the local directory where temporary files will be written. If not specified, the default
* Java temporary directory ( system property) will generally be used.
public static final String DL4J_TEMP_DIR_PROPERTY = "org.deeplearning4j.tempdir";
* Applicability: Numerous modules, including deeplearning4j-datasets and deeplearning4j-zoo
* Description: Used to set the local location for downloaded remote resources such as datasets (like MNIST) and
* pretrained models in the model zoo. Default value is set via {@code new File(System.getProperty("user.home"), ".deeplearning4j")}.
* Setting this can be useful if the system drive has limited space/performance, a shared location for all users
* should be used instead, or if user.home isn't set for some reason.
public static final String DL4J_RESOURCES_DIR_PROPERTY = "";
* Applicability: Numerous modules, including deeplearning4j-datasets and deeplearning4j-zoo
* Description: Used to set the base URL for hosting of resources such as datasets (like MNIST) and pretrained
* models in the model zoo. This is provided as a fallback in case the location of these files changes; it
* also allows for (in principle) a local mirror of these files.
* NOTE: Changing this to a location without the same files and file structure as the DL4J resource hosting is likely
* to break external resource dowloading in DL4J!
public static final String DL4J_RESOURCES_BASE_URL_PROPERTY = "org.deeplearning4j.resources.baseurl";
* Applicability: deeplearning4j-nn
* Description: DL4J writes some crash dumps to disk when an OOM exception occurs - this functionality is enabled
* by default. This is to help users identify the cause of the OOM - i.e., where native memory is actually consumed.
* This system property can be used to disable memory crash reporting.
* @see #CRASH_DUMP_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY_PROPERTY For configuring the output directory
public static final String CRASH_DUMP_ENABLED_PROPERTY = "org.deeplearning4j.crash.reporting.enabled";
* Applicability: deeplearning4j-nn
* Description: DL4J writes some crash dumps to disk when an OOM exception occurs - this functionality is enabled
* by default. This system property can be use to customize the output directory for memory crash reporting. By default,
* the current working directory ({@code System.getProperty("user.dir")} or {@code new File("")}) will be used
* @see #CRASH_DUMP_ENABLED_PROPERTY To disable crash dump reporting
public static final String CRASH_DUMP_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY_PROPERTY = "";
* Applicability: deeplearning4j-ui
* Description: The DL4J training UI (StatsListener + UIServer.getInstance().attach(ss)) will subsample the number
* of chart points when a lot of data is present - i.e., only a maximum number of points will be shown on each chart.
* This is to reduce the UI bandwidth requirements and client-side rendering cost.
* To increase the number of points in charts, set this property to a larger value. Default: 512 values
public static final String CHART_MAX_POINTS_PROPERTY = "org.deeplearning4j.ui.maxChartPoints";
* Applicability: deeplearning4j-vertx (deeplearning4j-ui)
* Description: This property sets the port that the UI will be available on. Default port: 9000.
* Set to 0 for a random port.
public static final String UI_SERVER_PORT_PROPERTY = "org.deeplearning4j.ui.port";
* Applicability: dl4j-spark_2.xx - NTPTimeSource class (mainly used in ParameterAveragingTrainingMaster when stats
* collection is enabled; not enabled by default)
* Description: This sets the NTP (network time protocol) server to be used when collecting stats. Default:
public static final String NTP_SOURCE_SERVER_PROPERTY = "org.deeplearning4j.spark.time.NTPTimeSource.server";
* Applicability: dl4j-spark_2.xx - NTPTimeSource class (mainly used in ParameterAveragingTrainingMaster when stats
* collection is enabled; not enabled by default)
* Description: This sets the NTP (network time protocol) update frequency in milliseconds. Default: 1800000 (30 minutes)
public static final String NTP_SOURCE_UPDATE_FREQUENCY_MS_PROPERTY = "org.deeplearning4j.spark.time.NTPTimeSource.frequencyms";
* Applicability: dl4j-spark_2.xx - mainly used in ParameterAveragingTrainingMaster when stats collection is enabled;
* not enabled by default
* Description: This sets the time source to use for spark stats. Default: {@code org.deeplearning4j.spark.time.NTPTimeSource}
public static final String TIMESOURCE_CLASSNAME_PROPERTY = "org.deeplearning4j.spark.time.TimeSource";
* Applicability: {@code org.deeplearning4j.nn.layers.HelperUtils}
* Used in whether to disable the helpers or not.
public static final String DISABLE_HELPER_PROPERTY = "org.eclipse.deeplearning4j.helpers.disable";
public final static String HELPER_DISABLE_DEFAULT_VALUE = "true";