org.deeplearning4j.models.sequencevectors.SequenceVectors Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.deeplearning4j.models.sequencevectors;
import lombok.Setter;
import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.NonNull;
import org.deeplearning4j.models.embeddings.learning.ElementsLearningAlgorithm;
import org.deeplearning4j.models.embeddings.learning.SequenceLearningAlgorithm;
import org.deeplearning4j.models.embeddings.learning.impl.sequence.DBOW;
import org.deeplearning4j.models.embeddings.learning.impl.elements.SkipGram;
import org.deeplearning4j.models.embeddings.reader.ModelUtils;
import org.deeplearning4j.models.embeddings.reader.impl.BasicModelUtils;
import org.deeplearning4j.models.sequencevectors.enums.ListenerEvent;
import org.deeplearning4j.models.sequencevectors.interfaces.SequenceIterator;
import org.deeplearning4j.models.sequencevectors.interfaces.VectorsListener;
import org.deeplearning4j.models.sequencevectors.sequence.Sequence;
import org.deeplearning4j.models.sequencevectors.sequence.SequenceElement;
import org.deeplearning4j.models.embeddings.WeightLookupTable;
import org.deeplearning4j.models.embeddings.inmemory.InMemoryLookupTable;
import org.deeplearning4j.models.embeddings.loader.VectorsConfiguration;
import org.deeplearning4j.models.embeddings.wordvectors.WordVectors;
import org.deeplearning4j.models.embeddings.wordvectors.WordVectorsImpl;
import org.deeplearning4j.models.word2vec.VocabWord;
import org.deeplearning4j.models.word2vec.wordstore.VocabCache;
import org.deeplearning4j.models.word2vec.wordstore.VocabConstructor;
import org.deeplearning4j.models.word2vec.wordstore.inmemory.AbstractCache;
import org.nd4j.linalg.heartbeat.Heartbeat;
import org.nd4j.linalg.heartbeat.reports.Environment;
import org.nd4j.linalg.heartbeat.reports.Event;
import org.nd4j.linalg.heartbeat.reports.Task;
import org.nd4j.linalg.heartbeat.utils.EnvironmentUtils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
* SequenceVectors implements abstract features extraction for Sequences and SequenceElements, using SkipGram, CBOW or DBOW (for Sequence features extraction).
* @author [email protected]
public class SequenceVectors extends WordVectorsImpl implements WordVectors {
protected transient SequenceIterator iterator;
protected transient ElementsLearningAlgorithm elementsLearningAlgorithm;
protected transient SequenceLearningAlgorithm sequenceLearningAlgorithm;
@Getter protected VectorsConfiguration configuration;
protected static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SequenceVectors.class);
protected transient WordVectors existingModel;
protected transient T unknownElement;
@Setter protected transient Set> eventListeners;
* Builds vocabulary from provided SequenceIterator instance
public void buildVocab() {
VocabConstructor constructor = new VocabConstructor.Builder()
.addSource(iterator, minWordFrequency)
if (existingModel != null && lookupTable instanceof InMemoryLookupTable && existingModel.lookupTable() instanceof InMemoryLookupTable) {
log.info("Merging existing vocabulary into the current one...");
if we have existing model defined, we're forced to fetch labels only.
the rest of vocabulary & weights should be transferred from existing model
constructor.buildMergedVocabulary(existingModel, true);
Now we have vocab transferred, and we should transfer syn0 values into lookup table
((InMemoryLookupTable) lookupTable).consume((InMemoryLookupTable) existingModel.lookupTable());
} else {
log.info("Starting vocabulary building...");
// if we don't have existing model defined, we just build vocabulary
constructor.buildJointVocabulary(false, true);
if (useUnknown && unknownElement != null && !vocab.containsWord(unknownElement.getLabel())) {
log.info("Adding UNK element...");
// check for malformed inputs. if numWords/numSentences ratio is huge, then user is passing something weird
if (vocab.numWords() / constructor.getNumberOfSequences() > 1000) {
log.warn("! !");
log.warn("! Your input looks malformed: number of sentences is too low, model accuracy may suffer!");
log.warn("! !");
* Starts training over
public void fit() {
if (!trainElementsVectors && !trainSequenceVectors) throw new IllegalStateException("You should define at least one training goal 'trainElementsRepresentation' or 'trainSequenceRepresentation'");
if (iterator == null) throw new IllegalStateException("You can't fit() data without SequenceIterator defined");
if (resetModel || (lookupTable != null && vocab != null && vocab.numWords() == 0)) {
// build vocabulary from scratches
if (vocab == null || lookupTable == null || vocab.numWords() == 0) throw new IllegalStateException("You can't fit() model with empty Vocabulary or WeightLookupTable");
// if model vocab and lookupTable is built externally we basically should check that lookupTable was properly initialized
if (!resetModel || existingModel != null) {
} else {
// otherwise we reset weights, independent of actual current state of lookup table
log.info("Building learning algorithms:");
if (trainElementsVectors && elementsLearningAlgorithm != null) {
log.info(" building ElementsLearningAlgorithm: [" +elementsLearningAlgorithm.getCodeName()+ "]");
elementsLearningAlgorithm.configure(vocab, lookupTable, configuration);
if (trainSequenceVectors && sequenceLearningAlgorithm != null) {
log.info(" building SequenceLearningAlgorithm: [" +sequenceLearningAlgorithm.getCodeName()+ "]");
sequenceLearningAlgorithm.configure(vocab, lookupTable, configuration);
log.info("Starting learning process...");
if (this.stopWords == null) this.stopWords = new ArrayList<>();
for (int currentEpoch = 1; currentEpoch <= numEpochs; currentEpoch++) {
final AtomicLong linesCounter = new AtomicLong(0);
final AtomicLong wordsCounter = new AtomicLong(0);
AsyncSequencer sequencer = new AsyncSequencer(this.iterator, this.stopWords);
//final VectorCalculationsThread[] threads = new VectorCalculationsThread[workers];
final List threads = new ArrayList<>();
for (int x = 0; x < workers; x++) {
threads.add(x, new VectorCalculationsThread(x, currentEpoch, wordsCounter, vocab.totalWordOccurrences(), linesCounter, sequencer));
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
for (int x = 0; x < workers; x++) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
// TODO: fix this to non-exclusive termination
if (trainElementsVectors && elementsLearningAlgorithm != null) {
if (!trainSequenceVectors || sequenceLearningAlgorithm == null) {
if (elementsLearningAlgorithm.isEarlyTerminationHit()) break;
if (trainSequenceVectors && sequenceLearningAlgorithm!= null) {
if (!trainElementsVectors || elementsLearningAlgorithm == null) {
if (sequenceLearningAlgorithm.isEarlyTerminationHit()) break;
log.info("Epoch: [" + currentEpoch+ "]; Words vectorized so far: [" + wordsCounter.get() + "]; Lines vectorized so far: [" + linesCounter.get() + "]; learningRate: [" + minLearningRate + "]");
if (eventListeners != null && eventListeners.size() > 0) {
for (VectorsListener listener: eventListeners) {
if (listener.validateEvent(ListenerEvent.EPOCH, currentEpoch))
listener.processEvent(ListenerEvent.EPOCH, this, currentEpoch);
protected void trainSequence(@NonNull Sequence sequence, AtomicLong nextRandom, double alpha) {
if (sequence.getElements().size() == 0) return;
if (trainElementsVectors) {
// call for ElementsLearningAlgorithm
nextRandom.set(nextRandom.get() * 25214903917L + 11);
if (!elementsLearningAlgorithm.isEarlyTerminationHit()) elementsLearningAlgorithm.learnSequence(sequence, nextRandom, alpha);
if (trainSequenceVectors) {
// call for SequenceLearningAlgorithm
nextRandom.set(nextRandom.get() * 25214903917L + 11);
//dbow(i, sequence, (int) nextRandom.get() % window, nextRandom, alpha);
if (!sequenceLearningAlgorithm.isEarlyTerminationHit()) sequenceLearningAlgorithm.learnSequence(sequence, nextRandom, alpha);
public static class Builder {
protected VocabCache vocabCache;
protected WeightLookupTable lookupTable;
protected SequenceIterator iterator;
protected ModelUtils modelUtils = new BasicModelUtils<>();
protected WordVectors existingVectors;
protected double sampling = 0;
protected double negative = 0;
protected double learningRate = 0.025;
protected double minLearningRate = 0.0001;
protected int minWordFrequency = 0;
protected int iterations = 1;
protected int numEpochs = 1;
protected int layerSize = 100;
protected int window = 5;
protected boolean hugeModelExpected = false;
protected int batchSize = 100;
protected int learningRateDecayWords;
protected long seed;
protected boolean useAdaGrad = false;
protected boolean resetModel = true;
protected int workers = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors();
protected boolean useUnknown = false;
protected boolean trainSequenceVectors = false;
protected boolean trainElementsVectors = true;
protected List stopWords = new ArrayList<>();
protected VectorsConfiguration configuration = new VectorsConfiguration();
protected transient T unknownElement;
protected String UNK = configuration.getUNK();
protected String STOP = configuration.getSTOP();
// defaults values for learning algorithms are set here
protected ElementsLearningAlgorithm elementsLearningAlgorithm = new SkipGram();
protected SequenceLearningAlgorithm sequenceLearningAlgorithm = new DBOW();
protected Set> vectorsListeners = new HashSet<>();
public Builder() {
public Builder(@NonNull VectorsConfiguration configuration) {
this.configuration = configuration;
this.iterations = configuration.getIterations();
this.numEpochs = configuration.getEpochs();
this.minLearningRate = configuration.getMinLearningRate();
this.learningRate = configuration.getLearningRate();
this.sampling = configuration.getSampling();
this.negative = configuration.getNegative();
this.minWordFrequency = configuration.getMinWordFrequency();
this.seed = configuration.getSeed();
this.hugeModelExpected = configuration.isHugeModelExpected();
this.batchSize = configuration.getBatchSize();
this.layerSize = configuration.getLayersSize();
this.learningRateDecayWords = configuration.getLearningRateDecayWords();
this.useAdaGrad = configuration.isUseAdaGrad();
this.window = configuration.getWindow();
this.UNK = configuration.getUNK();
this.STOP = configuration.getSTOP();
if (configuration.getElementsLearningAlgorithm() != null && !configuration.getElementsLearningAlgorithm().isEmpty()) {
if (configuration.getSequenceLearningAlgorithm() != null && !configuration.getSequenceLearningAlgorithm().isEmpty()) {
if (configuration.getStopList() != null) this.stopWords.addAll(configuration.getStopList());
* This method allows you to use pre-built WordVectors model (SkipGram or GloVe) for DBOW sequence learning.
* Existing model will be transferred into new model before training starts.
* PLEASE NOTE: This model has no effect for elements learning algorithms. Only sequence learning is affected.
* PLEASE NOTE: Non-normalized model is recommended to use here.
* @param vec existing WordVectors model
* @return
protected Builder useExistingWordVectors(@NonNull WordVectors vec) {
this.existingVectors = vec;
return this;
* This method defines SequenceIterator to be used for model building
* @param iterator
* @return
public Builder iterate(@NonNull SequenceIterator iterator) {
this.iterator = iterator;
return this;
* Sets specific LearningAlgorithm as Sequence Learning Algorithm
* @param algoName fully qualified class name
* @return
public Builder sequenceLearningAlgorithm(@NonNull String algoName) {
try {
Class clazz = Class.forName(algoName);
sequenceLearningAlgorithm = (SequenceLearningAlgorithm) clazz.newInstance();
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
return this;
* Sets specific LearningAlgorithm as Sequence Learning Algorithm
* @param algorithm SequenceLearningAlgorithm implementation
* @return
public Builder sequenceLearningAlgorithm(@NonNull SequenceLearningAlgorithm algorithm) {
this.sequenceLearningAlgorithm = algorithm;
return this;
* * Sets specific LearningAlgorithm as Elements Learning Algorithm
* @param algoName fully qualified class name
* @return
public Builder elementsLearningAlgorithm(@NonNull String algoName) {
try {
Class clazz = Class.forName(algoName);
elementsLearningAlgorithm = (ElementsLearningAlgorithm) clazz.newInstance();
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
return this;
* * Sets specific LearningAlgorithm as Elements Learning Algorithm
* @param algorithm ElementsLearningAlgorithm implementation
* @return
public Builder elementsLearningAlgorithm(@NonNull ElementsLearningAlgorithm algorithm) {
this.elementsLearningAlgorithm = algorithm;
return this;
* This method defines batchSize option, viable only if iterations > 1
* @param batchSize
* @return
public Builder batchSize(int batchSize) {
this.batchSize = batchSize;
return this;
* This method defines how much iterations should be done over batched sequences.
* @param iterations
* @return
public Builder iterations(int iterations) {
this.iterations = iterations;
return this;
* This method defines how much iterations should be done over whole training corpus during modelling
* @param numEpochs
* @return
public Builder epochs(int numEpochs) {
this.numEpochs = numEpochs;
return this;
* Sets number of worker threads to be used in calculations
* @param numWorkers
* @return
public Builder workers(int numWorkers) {
this.workers = numWorkers;
return this;
* This method defines if Adaptive Gradients should be used in calculations
* @param reallyUse
* @return
public Builder useAdaGrad(boolean reallyUse) {
this.useAdaGrad = reallyUse;
return this;
* This method defines number of dimensions for outcome vectors.
* Please note: This option has effect only if lookupTable wasn't defined during building process.
* @param layerSize
* @return
public Builder layerSize(int layerSize) {
this.layerSize = layerSize;
return this;
* This method defines initial learning rate.
* Default value is 0.025
* @param learningRate
* @return
public Builder learningRate(double learningRate) {
this.learningRate = learningRate;
return this;
* This method defines minimal element frequency for elements found in the training corpus. All elements with frequency below this threshold will be removed before training.
* Please note: this method has effect only if vocabulary is built internally.
* @param minWordFrequency
* @return
public Builder minWordFrequency(int minWordFrequency) {
this.minWordFrequency = minWordFrequency;
return this;
* This method defines minimum learning rate after decay being applied.
* Default value is 0.01
* @param minLearningRate
* @return
public Builder minLearningRate(double minLearningRate) {
this.minLearningRate = minLearningRate;
return this;
* This method defines, should all model be reset before training. If set to true, vocabulary and WeightLookupTable will be reset before training, and will be built from scratches
* @param reallyReset
* @return
public Builder resetModel(boolean reallyReset) {
this.resetModel = reallyReset;
return this;
* You can pass externally built vocabCache object, containing vocabulary
* @param vocabCache
* @return
public Builder vocabCache(@NonNull VocabCache vocabCache) {
this.vocabCache = vocabCache;
return this;
* You can pass externally built WeightLookupTable, containing model weights and vocabulary.
* @param lookupTable
* @return
public Builder lookupTable(@NonNull WeightLookupTable lookupTable) {
this.lookupTable = lookupTable;
return this;
* This method defines sub-sampling threshold.
* @param sampling
* @return
public Builder sampling(double sampling) {
this.sampling = sampling;
return this;
* This method defines negative sampling value for skip-gram algorithm.
* @param negative
* @return
public Builder negativeSample(double negative) {
this.negative = negative;
return this;
* You can provide collection of objects to be ignored, and excluded out of model
* Please note: Object labels and hashCode will be used for filtering
* @param stopList
* @return
public Builder stopWords(@NonNull List stopList) {
return this;
* @param trainElements
* @return
public Builder trainElementsRepresentation(boolean trainElements) {
this.trainElementsVectors = trainElements;
return this;
public Builder trainSequencesRepresentation(boolean trainSequences) {
this.trainSequenceVectors = trainSequences;
return this;
* You can provide collection of objects to be ignored, and excluded out of model
* Please note: Object labels and hashCode will be used for filtering
* @param stopList
* @return
public Builder stopWords(@NonNull Collection stopList) {
for (T word: stopList) {
return this;
* Sets window size for skip-Gram training
* @param windowSize
* @return
public Builder windowSize(int windowSize) {
this.window = windowSize;
return this;
* Sets seed for random numbers generator.
* Please note: this has effect only if vocabulary and WeightLookupTable is built internally
* @param randomSeed
* @return
public Builder seed(long randomSeed) {
// has no effect in original w2v actually
return this;
* ModelUtils implementation, that will be used to access model.
* Methods like: similarity, wordsNearest, accuracy are provided by user-defined ModelUtils
* @param modelUtils model utils to be used
* @return
public Builder modelUtils(@NonNull ModelUtils modelUtils) {
this.modelUtils = modelUtils;
return this;
* This method allows you to specify, if UNK word should be used internally
* @param reallyUse
* @return
public Builder useUnknown(boolean reallyUse) {
this.useUnknown = reallyUse;
return this;
* This method allows you to specify SequenceElement that will be used as UNK element, if UNK is used
* @param element
* @return
public Builder unknownElement(@NonNull T element) {
this.unknownElement = element;
this.UNK = element.getLabel();
return this;
* This method creates new WeightLookupTable and VocabCache if there were none set
protected void presetTables() {
if (lookupTable == null) {
if (vocabCache == null) {
vocabCache = new AbstractCache.Builder()
lookupTable = new InMemoryLookupTable.Builder()
if (trainElementsVectors) {
if (elementsLearningAlgorithm == null) {
// create default implementation of ElementsLearningAlgorithm
elementsLearningAlgorithm = new SkipGram<>();
if (trainSequenceVectors) {
if (sequenceLearningAlgorithm == null) {
// create default implementation of SequenceLearningAlgorithm
sequenceLearningAlgorithm = new DBOW<>();
* This method sets VectorsListeners for this SequenceVectors model
* @param listeners
* @return
public Builder setVectorsListeners(@NonNull Collection> listeners) {
return this;
* Build SequenceVectors instance with defined settings/options
* @return
public SequenceVectors build() {
SequenceVectors vectors = new SequenceVectors<>();
if (this.existingVectors != null) {
this.trainElementsVectors = false;
this.elementsLearningAlgorithm = null;
vectors.numEpochs = this.numEpochs;
vectors.numIterations = this.iterations;
vectors.vocab = this.vocabCache;
vectors.minWordFrequency = this.minWordFrequency;
vectors.minLearningRate = this.minLearningRate;
vectors.sampling = this.sampling;
vectors.negative = this.negative;
vectors.layerSize = this.layerSize;
vectors.batchSize = this.batchSize;
vectors.learningRateDecayWords = this.learningRateDecayWords;
vectors.window = this.window;
vectors.resetModel = this.resetModel;
vectors.useAdeGrad = this.useAdaGrad;
vectors.stopWords = this.stopWords;
vectors.workers = this.workers;
vectors.iterator = this.iterator;
vectors.lookupTable = this.lookupTable;
vectors.modelUtils = this.modelUtils;
vectors.useUnknown = this.useUnknown;
vectors.unknownElement = this.unknownElement;
vectors.trainElementsVectors = this.trainElementsVectors;
vectors.trainSequenceVectors = this.trainSequenceVectors;
vectors.elementsLearningAlgorithm = this.elementsLearningAlgorithm;
vectors.sequenceLearningAlgorithm = this.sequenceLearningAlgorithm;
vectors.existingModel = this.existingVectors;
vectors.configuration = this.configuration;
return vectors;
* This class is used to fetch data from iterator in background thread, and convert it to List
* It becomes very usefull if text processing pipeline behind iterator is complex, and we're not loading data from simple text file with whitespaces as separator.
* Since this method allows you to hide preprocessing latency in background.
* This mechanics will be change to PrefetchingSentenceIterator wrapper.
protected class AsyncSequencer extends Thread implements Runnable {
private final SequenceIterator iterator;
private final LinkedBlockingQueue> buffer;
// private final AtomicLong linesCounter;
private final int limitUpper = 10000;
private final int limitLower = 5000;
private AtomicBoolean isRunning = new AtomicBoolean(true);
private AtomicLong nextRandom;
private List stopList;
public AsyncSequencer(SequenceIterator iterator, @NonNull List stopList) {
this.iterator = iterator;
this.buffer = new LinkedBlockingQueue<>();
// this.linesCounter = linesCounter;
this.setName("AsyncSequencer thread");
this.nextRandom = new AtomicLong(workers + 1);
this.stopList = stopList;
public void run() {
while (this.iterator.hasMoreSequences()) {
// if buffered level is below limitLower, we're going to fetch limitUpper number of strings from fetcher
if (buffer.size() < limitLower) {
AtomicInteger linesLoaded = new AtomicInteger(0);
while (linesLoaded.getAndIncrement() < limitUpper && this.iterator.hasMoreSequences() ) {
Sequence document = this.iterator.nextSequence();
We can't hope/assume that underlying iterator contains synchronized elements
That's why we're going to rebuild sequence from vocabulary
Sequence newSequence = new Sequence<>();
if (document.getSequenceLabel() != null) {
T newLabel = vocab.wordFor(document.getSequenceLabel().getLabel());
if (newLabel != null) newSequence.setSequenceLabel(newLabel);
for (T element: document.getElements()) {
if (stopList.contains(element.getLabel())) continue;
T realElement = vocab.wordFor(element.getLabel());
// please note: this serquence element CAN be absent in vocab, due to minFreq or stopWord or whatever else
if (realElement != null) {
} else if (useUnknown && unknownElement != null) {
// due to subsampling and null words, new sequence size CAN be 0, so there's no need to insert empty sequence into processing chain
if (newSequence.getElements().size() > 0) buffer.add(newSequence);
} else {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
public boolean hasMoreLines() {
// statement order does matter here, since there's possible race condition
return buffer.size() > 0 || isRunning.get();
public Sequence nextSentence() {
try {
return buffer.poll(3L, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
* VectorCalculationsThreads are used for vector calculations, and work together with AsyncIteratorDigitizer.
* Basically, all they do is just transfer of digitized sentences into math layer.
* Please note, they do not iterate the sentences over and over, each sentence processed only once.
* Training corpus iteration is implemented in fit() method.
private class VectorCalculationsThread extends Thread implements Runnable {
private final int threadId;
private final int epochNumber;
private final AtomicLong wordsCounter;
private final long totalWordsCount;
private final AtomicLong totalLines;
private final AsyncSequencer digitizer;
private final AtomicLong nextRandom;
Long constructors suck, so this should be reduced to something reasonable later
public VectorCalculationsThread(int threadId, int epoch, AtomicLong wordsCounter, long totalWordsCount, AtomicLong linesCounter, AsyncSequencer digitizer) {
this.threadId = threadId;
this.epochNumber = epoch;
this.wordsCounter = wordsCounter;
this.totalWordsCount = totalWordsCount;
this.totalLines = linesCounter;
this.digitizer = digitizer;
this.nextRandom = new AtomicLong(this.threadId);
this.setName("VectorCalculationsThread " + this.threadId);
public void run() {
while ( digitizer.hasMoreLines()) {
try {
// get current sentence as list of VocabularyWords
List> sequences = new ArrayList<>();
for (int x = 0; x < batchSize; x++) {
if (digitizer.hasMoreLines()) {
Sequence sequence = digitizer.nextSentence();
if (sequence != null) {
TODO: investigate, if fix needed here to become iteration-dependent, not line-position
double alpha = 0.025;
if (sequences.size() == 0) {
// getting back number of iterations
for (int i = 0; i < numIterations; i++) {
for (int x = 0; x< sequences.size(); x++) {
Sequence sequence = sequences.get(x);
alpha = Math.max(minLearningRate, learningRate.get() * (1 - (1.0 * this.wordsCounter.get() / (double) this.totalWordsCount)));
trainSequence(sequence, nextRandom, alpha);
// increment processed word count, please note: this affects learningRate decay
if (totalLines.get() % 100000 == 0) log.info("Epoch: [" + this.epochNumber+ "]; Words vectorized so far: [" + this.wordsCounter.get() + "]; Lines vectorized so far: [" + this.totalLines.get() + "]; learningRate: [" + alpha + "]");
if (eventListeners != null && eventListeners.size() > 0) {
for (VectorsListener listener: eventListeners) {
if (listener.validateEvent(ListenerEvent.LINE, totalLines.get()))
listener.processEvent(ListenerEvent.LINE, SequenceVectors.this, totalLines.get());
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
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