org.deeplearning4j.eval.ROC Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.deeplearning4j.eval;
import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
import lombok.Data;
import lombok.Getter;
import org.deeplearning4j.berkeley.Pair;
import org.deeplearning4j.util.TimeSeriesUtils;
import org.nd4j.linalg.api.ndarray.INDArray;
import org.nd4j.linalg.api.ops.Op;
import org.nd4j.linalg.api.ops.impl.transforms.IsMax;
import org.nd4j.linalg.api.ops.impl.transforms.comparison.CompareAndSet;
import org.nd4j.linalg.factory.Nd4j;
import org.nd4j.linalg.indexing.NDArrayIndex;
import org.nd4j.linalg.indexing.conditions.Condition;
import org.nd4j.linalg.indexing.conditions.Conditions;
import java.util.*;
* ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristic) for binary classifiers, using the specified number of threshold steps.
* Some ROC implementations will automatically calculate the threshold points based on the data set to give a 'smoother'
* ROC curve (or optimal cut points for diagnostic purposes). This implementation currently uses fixed steps of size
* 1.0 / thresholdSteps, as this allows easy implementation for batched and distributed evaluation scenarios (where the
* full data set is not available in memory on any one machine at once).
* The data is assumed to be binary classification - nColumns == 1 (single binary output variable) or nColumns == 2
* (probability distribution over 2 classes, with column 1 being values for 'positive' examples)
* @author Alex Black
public class ROC extends BaseEvaluation {
private final int thresholdSteps;
private long countActualPositive;
private long countActualNegative;
private final Map counts = new LinkedHashMap<>();
* @param thresholdSteps Number of threshold steps to use for the ROC calculation
public ROC(int thresholdSteps) {
this.thresholdSteps = thresholdSteps;
double step = 1.0 / thresholdSteps;
for (int i = 0; i <= thresholdSteps; i++) {
double currThreshold = i * step;
counts.put(currThreshold, new CountsForThreshold(currThreshold));
* Evaluate (collect statistics for) the given minibatch of data.
* For time series (3 dimensions) use {@link #evalTimeSeries(INDArray, INDArray)} or {@link #evalTimeSeries(INDArray, INDArray, INDArray)}
* @param labels Labels / true outcomes
* @param predictions Predictions
public void eval(INDArray labels, INDArray predictions) {
if (labels.rank() == 3 && predictions.rank() == 3) {
//Assume time series input -> reshape to 2d
evalTimeSeries(labels, predictions);
if (labels.rank() > 2 || predictions.rank() > 2 || labels.size(1) != predictions.size(1)
|| labels.size(1) > 2) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid input data shape: labels shape = "
+ Arrays.toString(labels.shape()) + ", predictions shape = "
+ Arrays.toString(predictions.shape()) + "; require rank 2 array with size(1) == 1 or 2");
double step = 1.0 / thresholdSteps;
boolean singleOutput = labels.size(1) == 1;
INDArray positivePredictedClassColumn;
INDArray positiveActualClassColumn;
INDArray negativeActualClassColumn;
if (singleOutput) {
//Single binary variable case
positiveActualClassColumn = labels;
negativeActualClassColumn = labels.rsub(1.0); //1.0 - label
positivePredictedClassColumn = predictions;
} else {
//Standard case - 2 output variables (probability distribution)
positiveActualClassColumn = labels.getColumn(1);
negativeActualClassColumn = labels.getColumn(0);
positivePredictedClassColumn = predictions.getColumn(1);
//Increment global counts - actual positive/negative observed
countActualPositive += positiveActualClassColumn.sumNumber().intValue();
countActualNegative += negativeActualClassColumn.sumNumber().intValue();
//Here: calculate true positive rate (TPR) vs. false positive rate (FPR) at different threshold
for (int i = 0; i <= thresholdSteps; i++) {
double currThreshold = i * step;
//Work out true/false positives - do this by replacing probabilities (predictions) with 1 or 0 based on threshold
Condition condGeq = Conditions.greaterThanOrEqual(currThreshold);
Condition condLeq = Conditions.lessThanOrEqual(currThreshold);
Op op = new CompareAndSet(positivePredictedClassColumn.dup(), 1.0, condGeq);
INDArray predictedClass1 = Nd4j.getExecutioner().execAndReturn(op);
op = new CompareAndSet(predictedClass1, 0.0, condLeq);
predictedClass1 = Nd4j.getExecutioner().execAndReturn(op);
//True positives: occur when positive predicted class and actual positive actual class...
//False positive occurs when positive predicted class, but negative actual class
INDArray isTruePositive = predictedClass1.mul(positiveActualClassColumn); //If predicted == 1 and actual == 1 at this threshold: 1x1 = 1. 0 otherwise
INDArray isFalsePositive = predictedClass1.mul(negativeActualClassColumn); //If predicted == 1 and actual == 0 at this threshold: 1x1 = 1. 0 otherwise
//Counts for this batch:
int truePositiveCount = isTruePositive.sumNumber().intValue();
int falsePositiveCount = isFalsePositive.sumNumber().intValue();
//Increment counts for this thold
CountsForThreshold thresholdCounts = counts.get(currThreshold);
* Get the ROC curve, as a set of points
* @return ROC curve, as a list of points
public List getResults() {
List out = new ArrayList<>(counts.size());
for (Map.Entry entry : counts.entrySet()) {
double t = entry.getKey();
CountsForThreshold c = entry.getValue();
double tpr = c.getCountTruePositive() / ((double) countActualPositive);
double fpr = c.getCountFalsePositive() / ((double) countActualNegative);
out.add(new ROCValue(t, tpr, fpr));
return out;
public List getPrecisionRecallCurve() {
//Precision: (true positive count) / (true positive count + false positive count) == true positive rate
//Recall: (true positive count) / (true positive count + false negative count) = (TP count) / (total dataset positives)
List out = new ArrayList<>(counts.size());
for (Map.Entry entry : counts.entrySet()) {
double t = entry.getKey();
CountsForThreshold c = entry.getValue();
long tpCount = c.getCountTruePositive();
long fpCount = c.getCountFalsePositive();
//For edge cases:
//precision == 1 when FP = 0 -> no incorrect positive predictions
//recall == 1 when no dataset positives are present (got all 0 of 0 positives)
double precision;
if (tpCount == 0 && fpCount == 0) {
//At this threshold: no predicted positive cases
precision = 1.0;
} else {
precision = tpCount / (double) (tpCount + fpCount);
double recall;
if (countActualPositive == 0) {
recall = 1.0;
} else {
recall = tpCount / ((double) countActualPositive);
out.add(new PrecisionRecallPoint(c.getThreshold(), precision, recall));
return out;
* Get the ROC curve, as a set of (falsePositive, truePositive) points
* Returns a 2d array of {falsePositive, truePositive values}.
* Size is [2][thresholdSteps], with out[0][.] being false positives, and out[1][.] being true positives
* @return ROC curve as double[][]
public double[][] getResultsAsArray() {
double[][] out = new double[2][thresholdSteps + 1];
int i = 0;
for (Map.Entry entry : counts.entrySet()) {
CountsForThreshold c = entry.getValue();
double tpr = c.getCountTruePositive() / ((double) countActualPositive);
double fpr = c.getCountFalsePositive() / ((double) countActualNegative);
out[0][i] = fpr;
out[1][i] = tpr;
return out;
* Calculate the AUC - Area Under Curve
* Utilizes trapezoidal integration internally
* @return AUC
public double calculateAUC() {
//Calculate AUC using trapezoidal rule
List list = getResults();
//Given the points
double auc = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < list.size() - 1; i++) {
ROCValue left = list.get(i);
ROCValue right = list.get(i + 1);
//y axis: TPR
//x axis: FPR
double deltaX = Math.abs(right.getFalsePositiveRate() - left.getFalsePositiveRate()); //Iterating in threshold order, so FPR decreases as threshold increases
double avg = (left.getTruePositiveRate() + right.getTruePositiveRate()) / 2.0;
auc += deltaX * avg;
return auc;
* Merge this ROC instance with another.
* This ROC instance is modified, by adding the stats from the other instance.
* @param other ROC instance to combine with this one
public void merge(ROC other) {
if (this.thresholdSteps != other.thresholdSteps) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
"Cannot merge ROC instances with different numbers of threshold steps ("
+ this.thresholdSteps + " vs. " + other.thresholdSteps + ")");
this.countActualPositive += other.countActualPositive;
this.countActualNegative += other.countActualNegative;
for (Double d : this.counts.keySet()) {
CountsForThreshold cft = this.counts.get(d);
CountsForThreshold otherCft = other.counts.get(d);
cft.countTruePositive += otherCft.countTruePositive;
cft.countFalsePositive += otherCft.countFalsePositive;
public static class ROCValue {
private final double threshold;
private final double truePositiveRate;
private final double falsePositiveRate;
public static class PrecisionRecallPoint {
private final double classiferThreshold;
private final double precision;
private final double recall;
public static class CountsForThreshold implements Serializable, Cloneable {
private double threshold;
private long countTruePositive;
private long countFalsePositive;
public CountsForThreshold(double threshold) {
this(threshold, 0, 0);
public void incrementTruePositive(long count) {
countTruePositive += count;
public void incrementFalsePositive(long count) {
countFalsePositive += count;
public CountsForThreshold clone() {
return new CountsForThreshold(threshold, countTruePositive, countFalsePositive);