org.deeplearning4j.nn.conf.layers.ConvolutionLayer Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.deeplearning4j.nn.conf.layers;
import lombok.*;
import org.deeplearning4j.nn.api.Layer;
import org.deeplearning4j.nn.api.ParamInitializer;
import org.deeplearning4j.nn.conf.*;
import org.deeplearning4j.nn.conf.distribution.Distribution;
import org.deeplearning4j.nn.conf.inputs.InputType;
import org.deeplearning4j.nn.conf.memory.LayerMemoryReport;
import org.deeplearning4j.nn.conf.memory.MemoryReport;
import org.deeplearning4j.nn.params.ConvolutionParamInitializer;
import org.deeplearning4j.nn.weights.WeightInit;
import org.deeplearning4j.optimize.api.IterationListener;
import org.deeplearning4j.util.ConvolutionUtils;
import org.deeplearning4j.util.LayerValidation;
import org.nd4j.linalg.activations.Activation;
import org.nd4j.linalg.activations.IActivation;
import org.nd4j.linalg.api.ndarray.INDArray;
import org.nd4j.linalg.convolution.Convolution;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
* @author Adam Gibson
@ToString(callSuper = true)
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = true)
public class ConvolutionLayer extends FeedForwardLayer {
protected ConvolutionMode convolutionMode = ConvolutionMode.Truncate; //Default to truncate here - default for 0.6.0 and earlier networks on JSON deserialization
protected int[] kernelSize; // Square filter
protected int[] stride; // Default is 2. Down-sample by a factor of 2
protected int[] padding;
/** The "PREFER_FASTEST" mode will pick the fastest algorithm for the specified parameters
* from the {@link FwdAlgo}, {@link BwdFilterAlgo}, and {@link BwdDataAlgo} lists, but they
* may be very memory intensive, so if weird errors occur when using cuDNN, please try the
* "NO_WORKSPACE" mode. Alternatively, it is possible to specify the algorithm manually by
* setting the "USER_SPECIFIED" mode, but this is not recommended.
* Note: Currently only supported with cuDNN.
public enum AlgoMode {
/** The forward algorithm to use when {@link AlgoMode} is set to "USER_SPECIFIED".
* Note: Currently only supported with cuDNN.
public enum FwdAlgo {
/** The backward filter algorithm to use when {@link AlgoMode} is set to "USER_SPECIFIED".
* Note: Currently only supported with cuDNN.
public enum BwdFilterAlgo {
/** The backward data algorithm to use when {@link AlgoMode} is set to "USER_SPECIFIED".
* Note: Currently only supported with cuDNN.
public enum BwdDataAlgo {
/** Defaults to "PREFER_FASTEST", but "NO_WORKSPACE" uses less memory. */
protected AlgoMode cudnnAlgoMode = AlgoMode.PREFER_FASTEST;
protected FwdAlgo cudnnFwdAlgo;
protected BwdFilterAlgo cudnnBwdFilterAlgo;
protected BwdDataAlgo cudnnBwdDataAlgo;
* ConvolutionLayer
* nIn in the input layer is the number of channels
* nOut is the number of filters to be used in the net or in other words the depth
* The builder specifies the filter/kernel size, the stride and padding
* The pooling layer takes the kernel size
protected ConvolutionLayer(BaseConvBuilder> builder) {
this.convolutionMode = builder.convolutionMode;
if (builder.kernelSize.length != 2)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Kernel size of should be rows x columns (a 2d array)");
this.kernelSize = builder.kernelSize;
if (builder.stride.length != 2)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Stride should include stride for rows and columns (a 2d array)");
this.stride = builder.stride;
if (builder.padding.length != 2)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Padding should include padding for rows and columns (a 2d array)");
this.padding = builder.padding;
this.cudnnAlgoMode = builder.cudnnAlgoMode;
this.cudnnFwdAlgo = builder.cudnnFwdAlgo;
this.cudnnBwdFilterAlgo = builder.cudnnBwdFilterAlgo;
this.cudnnBwdDataAlgo = builder.cudnnBwdDataAlgo;
public ConvolutionLayer clone() {
ConvolutionLayer clone = (ConvolutionLayer) super.clone();
if (clone.kernelSize != null)
clone.kernelSize = clone.kernelSize.clone();
if (clone.stride != null)
clone.stride = clone.stride.clone();
if (clone.padding != null)
clone.padding = clone.padding.clone();
return clone;
public Layer instantiate(NeuralNetConfiguration conf, Collection iterationListeners,
int layerIndex, INDArray layerParamsView, boolean initializeParams) {
LayerValidation.assertNInNOutSet("ConvolutionLayer", getLayerName(), layerIndex, getNIn(), getNOut());
org.deeplearning4j.nn.layers.convolution.ConvolutionLayer ret =
new org.deeplearning4j.nn.layers.convolution.ConvolutionLayer(conf);
Map paramTable = initializer().init(conf, layerParamsView, initializeParams);
return ret;
public ParamInitializer initializer() {
return ConvolutionParamInitializer.getInstance();
public InputType getOutputType(int layerIndex, InputType inputType) {
if (inputType == null || inputType.getType() != InputType.Type.CNN) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Invalid input for Convolution layer (layer name=\"" + getLayerName()
+ "\"): Expected CNN input, got " + inputType);
return InputTypeUtil.getOutputTypeCnnLayers(inputType, kernelSize, stride, padding, convolutionMode, nOut,
layerIndex, getLayerName(), ConvolutionLayer.class);
public void setNIn(InputType inputType, boolean override) {
if (inputType == null || inputType.getType() != InputType.Type.CNN) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Invalid input for Convolution layer (layer name=\"" + getLayerName()
+ "\"): Expected CNN input, got " + inputType);
if (nIn <= 0 || override) {
InputType.InputTypeConvolutional c = (InputType.InputTypeConvolutional) inputType;
this.nIn = c.getDepth();
public InputPreProcessor getPreProcessorForInputType(InputType inputType) {
if (inputType == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Invalid input for Convolution layer (layer name=\"" + getLayerName()
+ "\"): input is null");
return InputTypeUtil.getPreProcessorForInputTypeCnnLayers(inputType, getLayerName());
public double getL1ByParam(String paramName) {
switch (paramName) {
case ConvolutionParamInitializer.WEIGHT_KEY:
return l1;
case ConvolutionParamInitializer.BIAS_KEY:
return l1Bias;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown parameter name: \"" + paramName + "\"");
public double getL2ByParam(String paramName) {
switch (paramName) {
case ConvolutionParamInitializer.WEIGHT_KEY:
return l2;
case ConvolutionParamInitializer.BIAS_KEY:
return l2Bias;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown parameter name: \"" + paramName + "\"");
public double getLearningRateByParam(String paramName) {
switch (paramName) {
case ConvolutionParamInitializer.WEIGHT_KEY:
return learningRate;
case ConvolutionParamInitializer.BIAS_KEY:
if (!Double.isNaN(biasLearningRate)) {
//Bias learning rate has been explicitly set
return biasLearningRate;
} else {
return learningRate;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown parameter name: \"" + paramName + "\"");
public LayerMemoryReport getMemoryReport(InputType inputType) {
int paramSize = initializer().numParams(this);
int updaterStateSize = (int) getIUpdater().stateSize(paramSize);
InputType.InputTypeConvolutional c = (InputType.InputTypeConvolutional) inputType;
InputType.InputTypeConvolutional outputType = (InputType.InputTypeConvolutional) getOutputType(-1, inputType);
//TODO convolution helper memory use... (CuDNN etc)
//During forward pass: im2col array, mmul (result activations), in-place broadcast add
int im2colSizePerEx =
c.getDepth() * outputType.getHeight() * outputType.getWidth() * kernelSize[0] * kernelSize[1];
//During training: have im2col array, in-place gradient calculation, then epsilons...
//But: im2col array may be cached...
Map trainWorkingMemoryPerEx = new HashMap<>();
Map cachedPerEx = new HashMap<>();
//During backprop: im2col array for forward pass (possibly cached) + the epsilon6d array required to calculate
// the 4d epsilons (equal size to input)
//Note that the eps6d array is same size as im2col
for (CacheMode cm : CacheMode.values()) {
long trainWorkingSizePerEx;
long cacheMemSizePerEx = 0;
if (cm == CacheMode.NONE) {
trainWorkingSizePerEx = 2 * im2colSizePerEx;
} else {
//im2col is cached, but epsNext2d/eps6d is not
cacheMemSizePerEx = im2colSizePerEx;
trainWorkingSizePerEx = im2colSizePerEx;
if (getDropOut() > 0) {
//Dup on the input before dropout, but only for training
trainWorkingSizePerEx += inputType.arrayElementsPerExample();
trainWorkingMemoryPerEx.put(cm, trainWorkingSizePerEx);
cachedPerEx.put(cm, cacheMemSizePerEx);
return new LayerMemoryReport.Builder(layerName, ConvolutionLayer.class, inputType, outputType)
.standardMemory(paramSize, updaterStateSize)
//im2col caching -> only variable size caching
.workingMemory(0, im2colSizePerEx, MemoryReport.CACHE_MODE_ALL_ZEROS, trainWorkingMemoryPerEx)
.cacheMemory(MemoryReport.CACHE_MODE_ALL_ZEROS, cachedPerEx).build();
public static class Builder extends BaseConvBuilder {
public Builder(int[] kernelSize, int[] stride, int[] padding) {
super(kernelSize, stride, padding);
public Builder(int[] kernelSize, int[] stride) {
super(kernelSize, stride);
public Builder(int... kernelSize) {
public Builder() {
* Set the convolution mode for the Convolution layer.
* See {@link ConvolutionMode} for more details
* @param convolutionMode Convolution mode for layer
public Builder convolutionMode(ConvolutionMode convolutionMode) {
this.convolutionMode = convolutionMode;
return this;
public Builder nIn(int nIn) {
return this;
public Builder nOut(int nOut) {
return this;
* Defaults to "PREFER_FASTEST", but "NO_WORKSPACE" uses less memory.
* @param cudnnAlgoMode
public Builder cudnnAlgoMode(AlgoMode cudnnAlgoMode) {
return this;
* Layer name assigns layer string name.
* Allows easier differentiation between layers.
* @param layerName
public Builder name(String layerName) {;
return this;
public Builder activation(IActivation activationFunction) {
return this;
public Builder activation(Activation activation) {
return this;
* Weight initialization scheme.
* @param weightInit
* @see WeightInit
public Builder weightInit(WeightInit weightInit) {
return this;
public Builder biasInit(double biasInit) {
return this;
* Distribution to sample initial weights from. Used in conjunction with
* .weightInit(WeightInit.DISTRIBUTION).
* @param dist
public Builder dist(Distribution dist) {
return this;
* Learning rate. Defaults to 1e-1
* @param learningRate
public Builder learningRate(double learningRate) {
return super.learningRate(learningRate);
* Bias learning rate. Set this to apply a different learning rate to the bias
* @param biasLearningRate
public Builder biasLearningRate(double biasLearningRate) {
return super.biasLearningRate(biasLearningRate);
* Learning rate schedule. Map of the iteration to the learning rate to apply at that iteration.
* @param learningRateSchedule
public Builder learningRateSchedule(Map learningRateSchedule) {
return super.learningRateSchedule(learningRateSchedule);
* L1 regularization coefficient (weights only). Use {@link #l1Bias(double)} to configure the l1 regularization
* coefficient for the bias.
* @param l1
public Builder l1(double l1) {
return super.l1(l1);
* L2 regularization coefficient (weights only). Use {@link #l2Bias(double)} to configure the l2 regularization
* coefficient for the bias.
* @param l2
public Builder l2(double l2) {
return super.l2(l2);
* L1 regularization coefficient for the bias. Default: 0. See also {@link #l1(double)}
* @param l1Bias
public Builder l1Bias(double l1Bias) {
return super.l1Bias(l1Bias);
* L2 regularization coefficient for the bias. Default: 0. See also {@link #l2(double)}
* @param l2Bias
public Builder l2Bias(double l2Bias) {
return super.l2Bias(l2Bias);
* Dropout. Value is probability of retaining an activation - thus 1.0 is equivalent to no dropout.
* Note that 0.0 (the default) disables dropout.
* @param dropOut
public Builder dropOut(double dropOut) {
return super.dropOut(dropOut);
* Momentum rate.
* @param momentum
public Builder momentum(double momentum) {
return super.momentum(momentum);
* Momentum schedule. Map of the iteration to the momentum rate to apply at that iteration.
* @param momentumAfter
public Builder momentumAfter(Map momentumAfter) {
return super.momentumAfter(momentumAfter);
* Gradient updater. For example, SGD for standard stochastic gradient descent, NESTEROV for Nesterov momentum,
* RSMPROP for RMSProp, etc.
* @param updater
* @see Updater
public Builder updater(Updater updater) {
return super.updater(updater);
* Ada delta coefficient, rho. Only applies if using .updater(Updater.ADADELTA)
* @param rho
public Builder rho(double rho) {
return super.rho(rho);
* Decay rate for RMSProp. Only applies if using .updater(Updater.RMSPROP)
* @param rmsDecay
public Builder rmsDecay(double rmsDecay) {
return super.rmsDecay(rmsDecay);
* Epsilon value for updaters: Adagrad and Adadelta. Only used if using Updater.ADAGRAD or Updater.ADADELTA
* @param epsilon Epsilon value to use for adagrad and adadelta
public Builder epsilon(double epsilon) {
return super.epsilon(epsilon);
* Mean decay rate for Adam updater. Only applies if using .updater(Updater.ADAM)
* @param adamMeanDecay
public Builder adamMeanDecay(double adamMeanDecay) {
return super.adamMeanDecay(adamMeanDecay);
* Variance decay rate for Adam updater. Only applies if using .updater(Updater.ADAM)
* @param adamVarDecay
public Builder adamVarDecay(double adamVarDecay) {
return this;
* Gradient normalization strategy. Used to specify gradient renormalization, gradient clipping etc.
* @param gradientNormalization Type of normalization to use. Defaults to None.
* @see GradientNormalization
public Builder gradientNormalization(GradientNormalization gradientNormalization) {
return this;
* Threshold for gradient normalization, only used for GradientNormalization.ClipL2PerLayer,
* GradientNormalization.ClipL2PerParamType, and GradientNormalization.ClipElementWiseAbsoluteValue
* Not used otherwise.
* L2 threshold for first two types of clipping, or absolute value threshold for last type of clipping.
* @param threshold
public Builder gradientNormalizationThreshold(double threshold) {
return this;
* Learning rate decay policy. Used to adapt learning rate based on policy.
* @param policy Type of policy to use. Defaults to None.
* @see GradientNormalization
public Builder learningRateDecayPolicy(LearningRatePolicy policy) {
return this;
* Size of the convolution
* rows/columns
* @param kernelSize the height and width of the
* kernel
* @return
public Builder kernelSize(int... kernelSize) {
this.kernelSize = kernelSize;
return this;
public Builder stride(int... stride) {
this.stride = stride;
return this;
public Builder padding(int... padding) {
this.padding = padding;
return this;
public ConvolutionLayer build() {
ConvolutionUtils.validateCnnKernelStridePadding(kernelSize, stride, padding);
return new ConvolutionLayer(this);
protected static abstract class BaseConvBuilder> extends FeedForwardLayer.Builder {
protected ConvolutionMode convolutionMode = null;
protected int[] kernelSize = new int[] {5, 5};
protected int[] stride = new int[] {1, 1};
protected int[] padding = new int[] {0, 0};
protected AlgoMode cudnnAlgoMode = AlgoMode.PREFER_FASTEST;
protected FwdAlgo cudnnFwdAlgo;
protected BwdFilterAlgo cudnnBwdFilterAlgo;
protected BwdDataAlgo cudnnBwdDataAlgo;
protected BaseConvBuilder(int[] kernelSize, int[] stride, int[] padding) {
this.kernelSize = kernelSize;
this.stride = stride;
this.padding = padding;
protected BaseConvBuilder(int[] kernelSize, int[] stride) {
this.kernelSize = kernelSize;
this.stride = stride;
protected BaseConvBuilder(int... kernelSize) {
this.kernelSize = kernelSize;
protected BaseConvBuilder() {}
* Set the convolution mode for the Convolution layer.
* See {@link ConvolutionMode} for more details
* @param convolutionMode Convolution mode for layer
public T convolutionMode(ConvolutionMode convolutionMode) {
this.convolutionMode = convolutionMode;
return (T) this;
/** Defaults to "PREFER_FASTEST", but "NO_WORKSPACE" uses less memory. */
public T cudnnAlgoMode(AlgoMode cudnnAlgoMode) {
this.cudnnAlgoMode = cudnnAlgoMode;
return (T) this;
public T cudnnFwdMode(FwdAlgo cudnnFwdAlgo) {
this.cudnnFwdAlgo = cudnnFwdAlgo;
return (T) this;
public T cudnnBwdFilterMode(BwdFilterAlgo cudnnBwdFilterAlgo) {
this.cudnnBwdFilterAlgo = cudnnBwdFilterAlgo;
return (T) this;
public T cudnnBwdDataMode(BwdDataAlgo cudnnBwdDataAlgo) {
this.cudnnBwdDataAlgo = cudnnBwdDataAlgo;
return (T) this;
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