org.deeplearning4j.nn.updater.UpdaterBlock Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.deeplearning4j.nn.updater;
import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
import lombok.Data;
import org.deeplearning4j.nn.api.Layer;
import org.deeplearning4j.nn.conf.LearningRatePolicy;
import org.deeplearning4j.nn.conf.NeuralNetConfiguration;
import org.deeplearning4j.nn.conf.layers.BaseLayer;
import org.nd4j.linalg.api.ndarray.INDArray;
import org.nd4j.linalg.factory.Nd4j;
import org.nd4j.linalg.indexing.NDArrayIndex;
import org.nd4j.linalg.learning.GradientUpdater;
import org.nd4j.linalg.learning.config.Nesterovs;
import org.nd4j.linalg.ops.transforms.Transforms;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
* UpdaterBlock: used in {@link BaseMultiLayerUpdater}, this class implements updating (i.e., Adam, RMSProp, Momentum,
* etc) across multiple contiguous layers/parameters, as described in the {@link BaseMultiLayerUpdater} javadoc.
* @author Alex Black
public class UpdaterBlock {
private int paramOffsetStart;
private int paramOffsetEnd;
private int updaterViewOffsetStart;
private int updaterViewOffsetEnd;
private List layersAndVariablesInBlock = new ArrayList<>();
private INDArray updaterView;
private INDArray gradientView;
private boolean updaterViewRequiresInitialization;
private GradientUpdater gradientUpdater;
public static class ParamState {
private final Layer layer;
private final String paramName;
private final int paramOffsetStart;
private final int paramOffsetEnd;
private final INDArray paramView;
private final INDArray gradView;
* @param paramOffsetStart Start offset of the parameters in this block (relative to overall net params
* view array)
* @param paramOffsetEnd End offset of the parameters in this block (relative to overall net params
* view array)
* @param updaterViewOffsetStart Start offset of the updater state array in this block (relative to overall net
* updater state view array)
* @param updaterViewOffsetEnd End offset of the updater state array in this block (relative to overall net
* updater state view array)
* @param layersAndVariablesInBlock List of layers and variables in this updater block. By definition, all layers
* and variables in this list must have an identical updater configuration.
public UpdaterBlock(int paramOffsetStart, int paramOffsetEnd, int updaterViewOffsetStart, int updaterViewOffsetEnd,
List layersAndVariablesInBlock) {
this.paramOffsetStart = paramOffsetStart;
this.paramOffsetEnd = paramOffsetEnd;
this.updaterViewOffsetStart = updaterViewOffsetStart;
this.updaterViewOffsetEnd = updaterViewOffsetEnd;
this.layersAndVariablesInBlock = layersAndVariablesInBlock;
public void init() {
if (gradientUpdater == null) {
ParamState varState = layersAndVariablesInBlock.get(0);
String varName = varState.getParamName();
gradientUpdater = varState.getLayer().conf().getLayer().getIUpdaterByParam(varName).instantiate(updaterView,
updaterViewRequiresInitialization); //UpdaterUtils.getGradientUpdater(varState.getLayer(), varState.getParamName());
public boolean isPretrainUpdaterBlock() {
//All in block should be the same layer, and all be pretrain params
ParamState vs = layersAndVariablesInBlock.get(0);
return vs.getLayer().conf().getLayer().isPretrainParam(vs.getParamName());
public boolean skipDueToPretrainConfig() {
if (!isPretrainUpdaterBlock())
return false;
ParamState vs = layersAndVariablesInBlock.get(0);
return !vs.getLayer().conf().isPretrain(); //Skip if not pretrain
public GradientUpdater getGradientUpdater() {
if (gradientUpdater == null) {
return gradientUpdater;
* Update the gradient for this block
* @param iteration The current iteration (i.e., total number of parameter updates so far)
public void update(int iteration) {
update(iteration, false, gradientView, null);
public void updateExternalGradient(int iteration, INDArray fullNetworkGradientView,
INDArray fullNetworkParamsArray) {
//Extract the relevant subset from the external network
update(iteration, true, fullNetworkGradientView, fullNetworkParamsArray);
private void update(int iteration, boolean externalGradient, INDArray fullNetworkGradientView,
INDArray fullNetworkParamsArray) {
//Initialize the updater, if necessary
if (gradientUpdater == null) {
INDArray blockGradViewArray;
if (externalGradient) {
blockGradViewArray = fullNetworkGradientView.get(NDArrayIndex.point(0),
NDArrayIndex.interval(paramOffsetStart, paramOffsetEnd));
} else {
blockGradViewArray = gradientView;
//First: Pre-apply gradient clipping etc: some are done on a per-layer basis
//Therefore: it's already done by this point, in MultiLayerUpdater or ComputationGraphUpdater
//Second: apply learning rate policy. Note that by definition we have the same LR policy for every single
// variable in the block
Layer l0 = layersAndVariablesInBlock.get(0).getLayer();
if (!(l0.conf().getLayer() instanceof BaseLayer)) {
//No params for this layer
BaseLayer baseLayer = (BaseLayer) l0.conf().getLayer();
LearningRatePolicy lrPolicy = l0.conf().getLearningRatePolicy();
if (lrPolicy != LearningRatePolicy.None || baseLayer.getIUpdater() instanceof Nesterovs) {
applyLrDecayPolicy(lrPolicy, iteration);
//Apply the updater itself
gradientUpdater.applyUpdater(blockGradViewArray, iteration);
//Post apply: l1 and l2 by params
for (ParamState p : layersAndVariablesInBlock) {
INDArray paramView;
INDArray gradView;
if (externalGradient) {
paramView = fullNetworkParamsArray.get(NDArrayIndex.point(0),
NDArrayIndex.interval(p.getParamOffsetStart(), p.getParamOffsetEnd()));
gradView = fullNetworkGradientView.get(NDArrayIndex.point(0),
NDArrayIndex.interval(p.getParamOffsetStart(), p.getParamOffsetEnd()));
} else {
//Standard case
paramView = p.getParamView();
gradView = p.getGradView();
postApply(p.getLayer(), p.getParamName(), gradView, paramView);
* Apply L1 and L2 regularization, if necessary. Note that L1/L2 may differ for different layers in the same block
* @param layer The layer to apply L1/L2 to
* @param paramName Parameter name in the given layer
* @param gradientView Gradient view array for the layer + param
* @param paramsView Parameter view array for the layer + param
public void postApply(Layer layer, String paramName, INDArray gradientView, INDArray paramsView) {
NeuralNetConfiguration conf = layer.conf();
//TODO: do this for multiple contiguous params/layers (fewer, larger ops)
double l2 = conf.getL2ByParam(paramName);
if (conf.isUseRegularization() && l2 > 0) {
//This can be an axpy op, saving an allocation...
//gradientView += params * l2 i.e., dC/dw = dC0/dw + lambda/n * w where C0 is pre-l2 cost function
//Equivalent to gradientView.addi(paramsView.mul(conf.getL2ByParam(paramName)));
int length = gradientView.length();
Nd4j.getBlasWrapper().level1().axpy(length, l2, paramsView, gradientView);
if (conf.isUseRegularization() && conf.getL1ByParam(paramName) > 0) {
gradientView.addi(Transforms.sign(paramsView, true).muli(conf.getL1ByParam(paramName)));
* Apply learning rate decay, based on the configuration
* @param decay Learning rate schedule enumeration
* @param iteration Current iteration
public void applyLrDecayPolicy(LearningRatePolicy decay, int iteration) {
Layer layer = layersAndVariablesInBlock.get(0).getLayer();
String variable = layersAndVariablesInBlock.get(0).getParamName();
NeuralNetConfiguration conf = layer.conf();
double decayRate = layer.conf().getLrPolicyDecayRate();
double lr = conf.getLearningRateByParam(variable);
if (!(conf.getLayer() instanceof BaseLayer)) {
//No params
BaseLayer baseLayer = (BaseLayer) conf.getLayer();
double newLr;
switch (decay) {
case Exponential:
newLr = lr * Math.pow(decayRate, iteration);
case Inverse:
newLr = lr / Math.pow((1 + decayRate * iteration), conf.getLrPolicyPower());
case Step:
newLr = lr * Math.pow(decayRate, Math.floor(iteration / conf.getLrPolicySteps()));
case TorchStep:
if (iteration > 1 && conf.getLrPolicySteps() % iteration == 0) {
newLr = lr * decayRate;
} else {
newLr = lr;
case Poly:
newLr = lr * Math.pow((1 - ((double) iteration) / conf.getNumIterations()), conf.getLrPolicyPower());
case Sigmoid:
newLr = lr / (1 + Math.exp(-decayRate * (iteration - conf.getLrPolicySteps())));
case Schedule:
if (baseLayer.getLearningRateSchedule().containsKey(iteration)) {
newLr = baseLayer.getLearningRateSchedule().get(iteration);
} else {
newLr = lr;
case None:
case Score:
newLr = lr;
throw new RuntimeException("Unknown Learning rate decay value: " + decay);
//Handle momentum schedules. Given the new updater design, this change is purely cosmetic
double newMomentum = 0.0;
if (baseLayer.getIUpdater() instanceof Nesterovs) {
if (baseLayer.getMomentumSchedule() != null && baseLayer.getMomentumSchedule().containsKey(iteration)) {
newMomentum = baseLayer.getMomentumSchedule().get(iteration);
} else {
newMomentum = baseLayer.getMomentum();
//Need to set the LR for *all* variables in the Updater block. All variables (by definition of being in the
// same block) share the same LR schedule
for (ParamState vs : layersAndVariablesInBlock) {
vs.getLayer().conf().setLearningRateByParam(vs.getParamName(), newLr);
if (((BaseLayer) layer.conf().getLayer()).getIUpdater() instanceof Nesterovs) {
((BaseLayer) vs.getLayer().conf().getLayer()).setMomentum(newMomentum);
//Apply the new LR according to the schedule.
//Note: momentum schedules are applied internally in the Nesterov config object applySchedules method
gradientUpdater.getConfig().applySchedules(iteration, newLr);
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