org.deeplearning4j.eval.EvaluationBinary Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.deeplearning4j.eval;
import lombok.Data;
import lombok.EqualsAndHashCode;
import lombok.NoArgsConstructor;
import org.nd4j.linalg.api.ndarray.INDArray;
import org.nd4j.linalg.api.ops.impl.broadcast.BroadcastGreaterThan;
import org.nd4j.linalg.api.ops.impl.transforms.Not;
import org.nd4j.linalg.factory.Nd4j;
import org.nd4j.linalg.lossfunctions.serde.RowVectorDeserializer;
import org.nd4j.linalg.lossfunctions.serde.RowVectorSerializer;
import org.nd4j.shade.jackson.databind.annotation.JsonDeserialize;
import org.nd4j.shade.jackson.databind.annotation.JsonSerialize;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
* EvaluationBinary: used for evaluating networks with binary classification outputs. The typical classification metrics,
* such as accuracy, precision, recall, F1 score, etc. are calculated for each output.
* Note that {@link ROCBinary} is also used internally to calculate AUC for each output, but only when using an
* appropriate constructor, {@link #EvaluationBinary(int, Integer)}
* Note that EvaluationBinary supports both per-example and per-output masking.
* EvaluationBinary by default uses a decision threshold of 0.5, however decision thresholds can be set on a per-output
* basis using {@link #EvaluationBinary(INDArray)}.
* The most common use case: multi-task networks, where each output is a binary value. This differs from {@link Evaluation}
* in that {@link Evaluation} is for a single class (binary or non-binary) evaluation.
* @author Alex Black
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = true)
public class EvaluationBinary extends BaseEvaluation {
public static final int DEFAULT_PRECISION = 4;
public static final double DEFAULT_EDGE_VALUE = 0.0;
//Because we want evaluation to work for large numbers of examples - and with low precision (FP16), we won't
//use INDArrays to store the counts
private int[] countTruePositive; //P=1, Act=1
private int[] countFalsePositive; //P=1, Act=0
private int[] countTrueNegative; //P=0, Act=0
private int[] countFalseNegative; //P=0, Act=1
private ROCBinary rocBinary;
private List labels;
@JsonSerialize(using = RowVectorSerializer.class)
@JsonDeserialize(using = RowVectorDeserializer.class)
private INDArray decisionThreshold;
* Create an EvaulationBinary instance with an optional decision threshold array.
* @param decisionThreshold Decision threshold for each output; may be null. Should be a row vector with length
* equal to the number of outputs, with values in range 0 to 1. An array of 0.5 values is
* equivalent to the default (no manually specified decision threshold).
public EvaluationBinary(INDArray decisionThreshold) {
if (decisionThreshold != null) {
if (!decisionThreshold.isRowVector()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Decision threshold array must be a row vector; got array with shape "
+ Arrays.toString(decisionThreshold.shape()));
if (decisionThreshold.minNumber().doubleValue() < 0.0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid decision threshold array: minimum value is less than 0");
if (decisionThreshold.maxNumber().doubleValue() > 1.0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"invalid decision threshold array: maximum value is greater than 1.0");
this.decisionThreshold = decisionThreshold;
* This constructor allows for ROC to be calculated in addition to the standard evaluation metrics, when the
* rocBinarySteps arg is non-null. See {@link ROCBinary} for more details
* @param size Number of outputs
* @param rocBinarySteps Constructor arg for {@link ROCBinary#ROCBinary(int)}
public EvaluationBinary(int size, Integer rocBinarySteps) {
countTruePositive = new int[size];
countFalsePositive = new int[size];
countTrueNegative = new int[size];
countFalseNegative = new int[size];
if (rocBinarySteps != null) {
rocBinary = new ROCBinary(rocBinarySteps);
public void eval(INDArray labels, INDArray networkPredictions) {
eval(labels, networkPredictions, (INDArray) null);
public void evalTimeSeries(INDArray labels, INDArray predictions, INDArray labelsMask) {
if (labelsMask == null || labelsMask.rank() == 2) {
super.evalTimeSeries(labels, predictions, labelsMask);
} else if (labelsMask.rank() != 3) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Labels must: must be rank 2 or 3. Got: " + labelsMask.rank());
//Per output time series masking
INDArray l2d = EvaluationUtils.reshapeTimeSeriesTo2d(labels);
INDArray p2d = EvaluationUtils.reshapeTimeSeriesTo2d(predictions);
INDArray m2d = EvaluationUtils.reshapeTimeSeriesTo2d(labelsMask);
eval(l2d, p2d, m2d);
public void eval(INDArray labels, INDArray networkPredictions, INDArray maskArray) {
if (countTruePositive != null && countTruePositive.length != labels.size(1)) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Labels array does not match stored state size. Expected labels array with "
+ "size " + countTruePositive.length + ", got labels array with size " + labels.size(1));
if (labels.rank() == 3) {
evalTimeSeries(labels, networkPredictions, maskArray);
//First: binarize the network prediction probabilities, threshold 0.5 unless otherwise specified
//This gives us 3 binary arrays: labels, predictions, masks
INDArray classPredictions;
if (decisionThreshold != null) {
classPredictions = Nd4j.createUninitialized(networkPredictions.shape());
.exec(new BroadcastGreaterThan(networkPredictions, decisionThreshold, classPredictions, 1));
} else {
classPredictions =;
INDArray notLabels = Nd4j.getExecutioner().execAndReturn(new Not(labels.dup()));
INDArray notClassPredictions = Nd4j.getExecutioner().execAndReturn(new Not(classPredictions.dup()));
INDArray truePositives = classPredictions.mul(labels); //1s where predictions are 1, and labels are 1. 0s elsewhere
INDArray trueNegatives = notClassPredictions.mul(notLabels); //1s where predictions are 0, and labels are 0. 0s elsewhere
INDArray falsePositives = classPredictions.mul(notLabels); //1s where predictions are 1, labels are 0
INDArray falseNegatives = notClassPredictions.mul(labels); //1s where predictions are 0, labels are 1
if (maskArray != null) {
//By multiplying by mask, we keep only those 1s that are actually present
int[] tpCount = truePositives.sum(0).data().asInt();
int[] tnCount = trueNegatives.sum(0).data().asInt();
int[] fpCount = falsePositives.sum(0).data().asInt();
int[] fnCount = falseNegatives.sum(0).data().asInt();
if (countTruePositive == null) {
int l = tpCount.length;
countTruePositive = new int[l];
countFalsePositive = new int[l];
countTrueNegative = new int[l];
countFalseNegative = new int[l];
addInPlace(countTruePositive, tpCount);
addInPlace(countFalsePositive, fpCount);
addInPlace(countTrueNegative, tnCount);
addInPlace(countFalseNegative, fnCount);
if (rocBinary != null) {
rocBinary.eval(labels, networkPredictions, maskArray);
public void merge(EvaluationBinary other) {
if (other.countTruePositive == null) {
//Other is empty - no op
if (countTruePositive == null) {
//This evaluation is empty -> take results from other
this.countTruePositive = other.countTruePositive;
this.countFalsePositive = other.countFalsePositive;
this.countTrueNegative = other.countTrueNegative;
this.countFalseNegative = other.countFalseNegative;
this.rocBinary = other.rocBinary;
} else {
if (this.countTruePositive.length != other.countTruePositive.length) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot merge EvaluationBinary instances with different sizes. This "
+ "size: " + this.countTruePositive.length + ", other size: "
+ other.countTruePositive.length);
//Both have stats
addInPlace(this.countTruePositive, other.countTruePositive);
addInPlace(this.countTrueNegative, other.countTrueNegative);
addInPlace(this.countFalsePositive, other.countFalsePositive);
addInPlace(this.countFalseNegative, other.countFalseNegative);
if (this.rocBinary != null) {
public void reset() {
countTruePositive = null;
private static void addInPlace(int[] addTo, int[] toAdd) {
for (int i = 0; i < addTo.length; i++) {
addTo[i] += toAdd[i];
* Returns the number of labels - (i.e., size of the prediction/labels arrays) - if known. Returns -1 otherwise
public int numLabels() {
if (countTruePositive == null) {
return -1;
return countTruePositive.length;
* Set the label names, for printing via {@link #stats()}
public void setLabelNames(List labels) {
if (labels == null) {
this.labels = null;
this.labels = new ArrayList<>(labels);
* Get the total number of values for the specified column, accounting for any masking
public int totalCount(int outputNum) {
return countTruePositive[outputNum] + countTrueNegative[outputNum] + countFalseNegative[outputNum]
+ countFalsePositive[outputNum];
* Get the true positives count for the specified output
public int truePositives(int outputNum) {
return countTruePositive[outputNum];
* Get the true negatives count for the specified output
public int trueNegatives(int outputNum) {
return countTrueNegative[outputNum];
* Get the false positives count for the specified output
public int falsePositives(int outputNum) {
return countFalsePositive[outputNum];
* Get the false negatives count for the specified output
public int falseNegatives(int outputNum) {
return countFalseNegative[outputNum];
public double averageAccuracy() {
double ret = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < numLabels(); i++) {
ret += accuracy(i);
ret /= (double) numLabels();
return ret;
* Get the accuracy for the specified output
public double accuracy(int outputNum) {
return (countTruePositive[outputNum] + countTrueNegative[outputNum]) / (double) totalCount(outputNum);
public double averagePrecision() {
double ret = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < numLabels(); i++) {
ret += precision(i);
ret /= (double) numLabels();
return ret;
* Get the precision (tp / (tp + fp)) for the specified output
public double precision(int outputNum) {
//double precision = tp / (double) (tp + fp);
return countTruePositive[outputNum] / (double) (countTruePositive[outputNum] + countFalsePositive[outputNum]);
public double averageRecall() {
double ret = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < numLabels(); i++) {
ret += recall(i);
ret /= (double) numLabels();
return ret;
* Get the recall (tp / (tp + fn)) for the specified output
public double recall(int outputNum) {
return countTruePositive[outputNum] / (double) (countTruePositive[outputNum] + countFalseNegative[outputNum]);
public double averageF1() {
double ret = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < numLabels(); i++) {
ret += f1(i);
ret /= (double) numLabels();
return ret;
* Calculate the F-beta value for the given output
* @param beta Beta value to use
* @param outputNum Output number
* @return F-beta for the given output
public double fBeta(double beta, int outputNum) {
double precision = precision(outputNum);
double recall = recall(outputNum);
return EvaluationUtils.fBeta(beta, precision, recall);
* Get the F1 score for the specified output
public double f1(int outputNum) {
return fBeta(1.0, outputNum);
* Calculate the Matthews correlation coefficient for the specified output
* @param outputNum Output number
* @return Matthews correlation coefficient
public double matthewsCorrelation(int outputNum) {
return EvaluationUtils.matthewsCorrelation(truePositives(outputNum), falsePositives(outputNum),
falseNegatives(outputNum), trueNegatives(outputNum));
* Calculate the G-measure for the given output
* @param output The specified output
* @return The G-measure for the specified output
public double gMeasure(int output) {
double precision = precision(output);
double recall = recall(output);
return EvaluationUtils.gMeasure(precision, recall);
* Returns the false positive rate for a given label
* @param classLabel the label
* @return fpr as a double
public double falsePositiveRate(int classLabel) {
return recall(classLabel);
* Returns the false positive rate for a given label
* @param classLabel the label
* @param edgeCase What to output in case of 0/0
* @return fpr as a double
public double falsePositiveRate(int classLabel, double edgeCase) {
double fpCount = falsePositives(classLabel);
double tnCount = trueNegatives(classLabel);
return EvaluationUtils.falsePositiveRate((long) fpCount, (long) tnCount, edgeCase);
* Returns the false negative rate for a given label
* @param classLabel the label
* @return fnr as a double
public double falseNegativeRate(Integer classLabel) {
return falseNegativeRate(classLabel, DEFAULT_EDGE_VALUE);
* Returns the false negative rate for a given label
* @param classLabel the label
* @param edgeCase What to output in case of 0/0
* @return fnr as a double
public double falseNegativeRate(Integer classLabel, double edgeCase) {
double fnCount = falseNegatives(classLabel);
double tpCount = truePositives(classLabel);
return EvaluationUtils.falseNegativeRate((long) fnCount, (long) tpCount, edgeCase);
* Returns the {@link ROCBinary} instance, if present
public ROCBinary getROCBinary() {
return rocBinary;
private void assertIndex(int outputNum) {
if (countTruePositive == null) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
"EvaluationBinary does not have any stats: eval must be called first");
if (outputNum < 0 || outputNum >= countTruePositive.length) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid input: output number must be between 0 and " + (outputNum - 1)
+ ". Got index: " + outputNum);
* Get a String representation of the EvaluationBinary class, using the default precision
public String stats() {
return stats(DEFAULT_PRECISION);
* Get a String representation of the EvaluationBinary class, using the specified precision
* @param printPrecision The precision (number of decimal places) for the accuracy, f1, etc.
public String stats(int printPrecision) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
//Report: Accuracy, precision, recall, F1. Then: confusion matrix
int maxLabelsLength = 15;
if (labels != null) {
for (String s : labels) {
maxLabelsLength = Math.max(s.length(), maxLabelsLength);
String subPattern = "%-12." + printPrecision + "f";
String pattern = "%-" + (maxLabelsLength + 5) + "s" //Label
+ subPattern + subPattern + subPattern + subPattern //Accuracy, f1, precision, recall
+ "%-8d%-7d%-7d%-7d%-7d"; //Total count, TP, TN, FP, FN
String patternHeader = "%-" + (maxLabelsLength + 5) + "s%-12s%-12s%-12s%-12s%-8s%-7s%-7s%-7s%-7s";
List headerNames = Arrays.asList("Label", "Accuracy", "F1", "Precision", "Recall", "Total", "TP", "TN",
"FP", "FN");
if (rocBinary != null) {
patternHeader += "%-12s";
pattern += subPattern;
headerNames = new ArrayList<>(headerNames);
String header = String.format(patternHeader, headerNames.toArray());
if (countTrueNegative != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < countTrueNegative.length; i++) {
int totalCount = totalCount(i);
double acc = accuracy(i);
double f1 = f1(i);
double precision = precision(i);
double recall = recall(i);
String label = (labels == null ? String.valueOf(i) : labels.get(i));