org.deeplearning4j.nn.conf.layers.BatchNormalization Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.deeplearning4j.nn.conf.layers;
import lombok.*;
import org.deeplearning4j.nn.api.Layer;
import org.deeplearning4j.nn.api.ParamInitializer;
import org.deeplearning4j.nn.conf.InputPreProcessor;
import org.deeplearning4j.nn.conf.NeuralNetConfiguration;
import org.deeplearning4j.nn.conf.Updater;
import org.deeplearning4j.nn.conf.inputs.InputType;
import org.deeplearning4j.nn.conf.memory.LayerMemoryReport;
import org.deeplearning4j.nn.conf.memory.MemoryReport;
import org.deeplearning4j.nn.conf.preprocessor.FeedForwardToCnnPreProcessor;
import org.deeplearning4j.nn.params.BatchNormalizationParamInitializer;
import org.deeplearning4j.optimize.api.IterationListener;
import org.nd4j.linalg.api.ndarray.INDArray;
import org.nd4j.linalg.learning.config.IUpdater;
import org.nd4j.linalg.learning.config.NoOp;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Map;
* Batch normalization configuration
@ToString(callSuper = true)
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = true)
public class BatchNormalization extends FeedForwardLayer {
//Note: need to set defaults here in addition to builder, in case user uses no-op constructor...
protected double decay = 0.9;
protected double eps = 1e-5;
protected boolean isMinibatch = true;
protected double gamma = 1.0;
protected double beta = 0.0;
protected boolean lockGammaBeta = false;
private BatchNormalization(Builder builder) {
this.decay = builder.decay;
this.eps = builder.eps;
this.isMinibatch = builder.isMinibatch;
this.gamma = builder.gamma;
this.beta = builder.beta;
this.lockGammaBeta = builder.lockGammaBeta;
public BatchNormalization clone() {
BatchNormalization clone = (BatchNormalization) super.clone();
return clone;
public Layer instantiate(NeuralNetConfiguration conf, Collection iterationListeners,
int layerIndex, INDArray layerParamsView, boolean initializeParams) {
org.deeplearning4j.nn.layers.normalization.BatchNormalization ret =
new org.deeplearning4j.nn.layers.normalization.BatchNormalization(conf);
Map paramTable = initializer().init(conf, layerParamsView, initializeParams);
return ret;
public ParamInitializer initializer() {
return BatchNormalizationParamInitializer.getInstance();
public InputType getOutputType(int layerIndex, InputType inputType) {
if (inputType == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Invalid input type: Batch norm layer expected input of type CNN, got null for layer \""
+ getLayerName() + "\"");
//Can handle CNN, flat CNN or FF input formats only
switch (inputType.getType()) {
case FF:
case CNN:
case CNNFlat:
return inputType; //OK
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Invalid input type: Batch norm layer expected input of type CNN, CNN Flat or FF, got "
+ inputType + " for layer index " + layerIndex + ", layer name = "
+ getLayerName());
public void setNIn(InputType inputType, boolean override) {
if (nIn <= 0 || override) {
switch (inputType.getType()) {
case FF:
nIn = ((InputType.InputTypeFeedForward) inputType).getSize();
case CNN:
nIn = ((InputType.InputTypeConvolutional) inputType).getDepth();
case CNNFlat:
nIn = ((InputType.InputTypeConvolutionalFlat) inputType).getDepth();
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Invalid input type: Batch norm layer expected input of type CNN, CNN Flat or FF, got "
+ inputType + " for layer " + getLayerName() + "\"");
nOut = nIn;
public InputPreProcessor getPreProcessorForInputType(InputType inputType) {
if (inputType.getType() == InputType.Type.CNNFlat) {
InputType.InputTypeConvolutionalFlat i = (InputType.InputTypeConvolutionalFlat) inputType;
return new FeedForwardToCnnPreProcessor(i.getHeight(), i.getWidth(), i.getDepth());
return null;
public double getL1ByParam(String paramName) {
//Don't regularize batch norm params: similar to biases in the sense that there are not many of them...
return 0.0;
public double getL2ByParam(String paramName) {
//Don't regularize batch norm params: similar to biases in the sense that there are not many of them...
return 0;
public double getLearningRateByParam(String paramName) {
switch (paramName) {
case BatchNormalizationParamInitializer.BETA:
case BatchNormalizationParamInitializer.GAMMA:
return learningRate;
case BatchNormalizationParamInitializer.GLOBAL_MEAN:
case BatchNormalizationParamInitializer.GLOBAL_VAR:
return 0.0;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown parameter: \"" + paramName + "\"");
public Updater getUpdaterByParam(String paramName) {
switch (paramName) {
case BatchNormalizationParamInitializer.BETA:
case BatchNormalizationParamInitializer.GAMMA:
return updater;
case BatchNormalizationParamInitializer.GLOBAL_MEAN:
case BatchNormalizationParamInitializer.GLOBAL_VAR:
return Updater.NONE;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown parameter: \"" + paramName + "\"");
public IUpdater getIUpdaterByParam(String paramName) {
switch (paramName) {
case BatchNormalizationParamInitializer.BETA:
case BatchNormalizationParamInitializer.GAMMA:
return iUpdater;
case BatchNormalizationParamInitializer.GLOBAL_MEAN:
case BatchNormalizationParamInitializer.GLOBAL_VAR:
return new NoOp();
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown parameter: \"" + paramName + "\"");
public LayerMemoryReport getMemoryReport(InputType inputType) {
InputType outputType = getOutputType(-1, inputType);
//TODO CuDNN helper etc
int numParams = initializer().numParams(this);
int updaterStateSize = 0;
for (String s : BatchNormalizationParamInitializer.keys()) {
updaterStateSize += getIUpdaterByParam(s).stateSize(nOut);
//During forward pass: working memory size approx. equal to 2x input size (copy ops, etc)
int inferenceWorkingSize = 2 * inputType.arrayElementsPerExample();
//During training: we calculate mean and variance... result is equal to nOut, and INDEPENDENT of minibatch size
int trainWorkFixed = 2 * nOut;
//During backprop: multiple working arrays... output size, 2 * output size (indep. of example size),
int trainWorkingSizePerExample = inferenceWorkingSize //Inference during backprop
+ (outputType.arrayElementsPerExample() + 2 * nOut); //Backprop gradient calculation
return new LayerMemoryReport.Builder(layerName, BatchNormalization.class, inputType, outputType)
.standardMemory(numParams, updaterStateSize)
.workingMemory(0, 0, trainWorkFixed, trainWorkingSizePerExample) //No additional memory (beyond activations) for inference
.cacheMemory(MemoryReport.CACHE_MODE_ALL_ZEROS, MemoryReport.CACHE_MODE_ALL_ZEROS) //No caching
public boolean isPretrainParam(String paramName) {
return false; //No pretrain params in BN
public static class Builder extends FeedForwardLayer.Builder {
protected double decay = 0.9;
protected double eps = 1e-5;
protected boolean isMinibatch = true; // TODO auto set this if layer conf is batch
protected boolean lockGammaBeta = false;
protected double gamma = 1.0;
protected double beta = 0.0;
public Builder(double decay, boolean isMinibatch) {
this.decay = decay;
this.isMinibatch = isMinibatch;
public Builder(double gamma, double beta) {
this.gamma = gamma;
this.beta = beta;
public Builder(double gamma, double beta, boolean lockGammaBeta) {
this.gamma = gamma;
this.beta = beta;
this.lockGammaBeta = lockGammaBeta;
public Builder(boolean lockGammaBeta) {
this.lockGammaBeta = lockGammaBeta;
public Builder() {}
* If doing minibatch training or not. Default: true.
* Under most circumstances, this should be set to true.
* If doing full batch training (i.e., all examples in a single DataSet object - very small data sets) then
* this should be set to false. Affects how global mean/variance estimates are calculated.
* @param minibatch Minibatch parameter
public Builder minibatch(boolean minibatch) {
this.isMinibatch = minibatch;
return this;
* Used only when 'true' is passed to {@link #lockGammaBeta(boolean)}. Value is not used otherwise.
* Default: 1.0
* @param gamma Gamma parameter for all activations, used only with locked gamma/beta configuration mode
public Builder gamma(double gamma) {
this.gamma = gamma;
return this;
* Used only when 'true' is passed to {@link #lockGammaBeta(boolean)}. Value is not used otherwise.
* Default: 0.0
* @param beta Beta parameter for all activations, used only with locked gamma/beta configuration mode
public Builder beta(double beta) {
this.beta = beta;
return this;
* Epsilon value for batch normalization; small floating point value added to variance
* (algorithm 1 in to reduce/avoid underflow issues.
* Default: 1e-5
* @param eps Epsilon values to use
public Builder eps(double eps) {
this.eps = eps;
return this;
* At test time: we can use a global estimate of the mean and variance, calculated using a moving average
* of the batch means/variances. This moving average is implemented as:
* globalMeanEstimate = decay * globalMeanEstimate + (1-decay) * batchMean
* globalVarianceEstimate = decay * globalVarianceEstimate + (1-decay) * batchVariance
* @param decay Decay value to use for global stats calculation
public Builder decay(double decay) {
this.decay = decay;
return this;
* If set to true: lock the gamma and beta parameters to the values for each activation, specified by
* {@link #gamma(double)} and {@link #beta(double)}. Default: false -> learn gamma and beta parameter values
* during network training.
* @param lockGammaBeta If true: use fixed beta/gamma values. False: learn during
public Builder lockGammaBeta(boolean lockGammaBeta) {
this.lockGammaBeta = lockGammaBeta;
return this;
public BatchNormalization build() {
return new BatchNormalization(this);
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