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org.deeplearning4j.nn.layers.objdetect.Yolo2OutputLayer Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package org.deeplearning4j.nn.layers.objdetect;
import lombok.*;
import org.deeplearning4j.nn.api.Layer;
import org.deeplearning4j.nn.api.layers.IOutputLayer;
import org.deeplearning4j.nn.conf.CNN2DFormat;
import org.deeplearning4j.nn.conf.NeuralNetConfiguration;
import org.deeplearning4j.nn.gradient.DefaultGradient;
import org.deeplearning4j.nn.gradient.Gradient;
import org.deeplearning4j.nn.layers.AbstractLayer;
import org.nd4j.common.base.Preconditions;
import org.nd4j.linalg.activations.IActivation;
import org.nd4j.linalg.activations.impl.ActivationIdentity;
import org.nd4j.linalg.activations.impl.ActivationSigmoid;
import org.nd4j.linalg.activations.impl.ActivationSoftmax;
import org.nd4j.linalg.api.buffer.DataType;
import org.nd4j.linalg.api.ndarray.INDArray;
import org.nd4j.linalg.api.ops.impl.broadcast.BroadcastMulOp;
import org.nd4j.linalg.api.ops.impl.transforms.any.IsMax;
import org.nd4j.linalg.api.shape.Shape;
import org.nd4j.linalg.dataset.api.DataSet;
import org.nd4j.linalg.dataset.api.iterator.DataSetIterator;
import org.nd4j.linalg.factory.Broadcast;
import org.nd4j.linalg.factory.Nd4j;
import org.nd4j.linalg.indexing.BooleanIndexing;
import org.nd4j.linalg.indexing.conditions.Conditions;
import org.nd4j.linalg.lossfunctions.ILossFunction;
import org.nd4j.linalg.lossfunctions.impl.LossL2;
import org.nd4j.linalg.ops.transforms.Transforms;
import org.nd4j.common.primitives.Pair;
import org.deeplearning4j.nn.workspace.LayerWorkspaceMgr;
import org.deeplearning4j.nn.workspace.ArrayType;
import org.nd4j.common.util.ArrayUtil;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import static org.nd4j.linalg.indexing.NDArrayIndex.*;
public class Yolo2OutputLayer extends AbstractLayer implements Serializable, IOutputLayer {
private static final Gradient EMPTY_GRADIENT = new DefaultGradient();
//current input and label matrices
@Setter @Getter
protected INDArray labels;
private double fullNetRegTerm;
private double score;
public Yolo2OutputLayer(NeuralNetConfiguration conf, DataType dataType) {
super(conf, dataType);
public Pair backpropGradient(INDArray epsilon, LayerWorkspaceMgr workspaceMgr) {
INDArray epsOut = computeBackpropGradientAndScore(workspaceMgr, false, false);
return new Pair<>(EMPTY_GRADIENT, epsOut);
private INDArray computeBackpropGradientAndScore(LayerWorkspaceMgr workspaceMgr, boolean scoreOnly, boolean computeScoreForExamples){
Preconditions.checkState(labels != null, "Cannot calculate gradients/score: labels are null");
Preconditions.checkState(labels.rank() == 4, "Expected rank 4 labels array with shape [minibatch, 4+numClasses, h, w]" +
" but got rank %s labels array with shape %s", labels.rank(), labels.shape());
boolean nchw = layerConf().getFormat() == CNN2DFormat.NCHW;
INDArray input = nchw ? this.input : this.input.permute(0,3,1,2); //NHWC to NCHW
INDArray labels = this.labels.castTo(input.dataType()); //Ensure correct dtype (same as params); no-op if already correct dtype
labels = labels.permute(0,3,1,2); //NHWC to NCHW
double lambdaCoord = layerConf().getLambdaCoord();
double lambdaNoObj = layerConf().getLambdaNoObj();
long mb = input.size(0);
long h = input.size(2);
long w = input.size(3);
int b = (int) layerConf().getBoundingBoxes().size(0);
int c = (int) labels.size(1)-4;
//Various shape arrays, to reuse
long[] nhw = new long[]{mb, h, w};
//Labels shape: [mb, 4+C, H, W]
//Infer mask array from labels. Mask array is 1_i^B in YOLO paper - i.e., whether an object is present in that
// grid location or not. Here: we are using the fact that class labels are one-hot, and assume that values are
// all 0s if no class label is present
Preconditions.checkState(labels.rank() == 4, "Expected labels array to be rank 4 with shape [minibatch, 4+numClasses, H, W]. Got labels array with shape %ndShape", labels);
Preconditions.checkState(labels.size(1) > 0, "Invalid labels array: labels.size(1) must be > 4. labels array should be rank 4 with shape [minibatch, 4+numClasses, H, W]. Got labels array with shape %ndShape", labels);
val size1 = labels.size(1);
INDArray classLabels = labels.get(all(), interval(4,size1), all(), all()); //Shape: [minibatch, nClasses, H, W]
INDArray maskObjectPresent = classLabels.sum(Nd4j.createUninitialized(input.dataType(), nhw, 'c'), 1);//.castTo(DataType.BOOL); //Shape: [minibatch, H, W]
INDArray maskObjectPresentBool = maskObjectPresent.castTo(DataType.BOOL);
// ----- Step 1: Labels format conversion -----
//First: Convert labels/ground truth (x1,y1,x2,y2) from "coordinates (grid box units)" format to "center position in grid box" format
//0.5 * ([x1,y1]+[x2,y2]) -> shape: [mb, B, 2, H, W]
INDArray labelTLXY = labels.get(all(), interval(0,2), all(), all());
INDArray labelBRXY = labels.get(all(), interval(2,4), all(), all());
INDArray labelCenterXY = labelTLXY.add(labelBRXY).muli(0.5); //In terms of grid units
INDArray labelsCenterXYInGridBox = labelCenterXY.dup(labelCenterXY.ordering()); //[mb, 2, H, W]
//Also infer size/scale (label w/h) from (x1,y1,x2,y2) format to (w,h) format
INDArray labelWHSqrt = labelBRXY.sub(labelTLXY);
labelWHSqrt = Transforms.sqrt(labelWHSqrt, false);
// ----- Step 2: apply activation functions to network output activations -----
//Reshape from [minibatch, B*(5+C), H, W] to [minibatch, B, 5+C, H, W]
long[] expInputShape = new long[]{mb, b*(5+c), h, w};
long[] newShape = new long[]{mb, b, 5+c, h, w};
long newLength = ArrayUtil.prodLong(newShape);
Preconditions.checkState(Arrays.equals(expInputShape, input.shape()), "Unable to reshape input - input array shape does not match" +
" expected shape. Expected input shape [minibatch, B*(5+C), H, W]=%s but got input of shape %ndShape. This may be due to an incorrect nOut (layer size/channels)" +
" for the last convolutional layer in the network. nOut of the last layer must be B*(5+C) where B is the number of" +
" bounding boxes, and C is the number of object classes. Expected B=%s from network configuration and C=%s from labels", expInputShape, input, b, c);
INDArray input5 = input.dup('c').reshape('c', mb, b, 5+c, h, w);
INDArray inputClassesPreSoftmax = input5.get(all(), all(), interval(5, 5+c), all(), all());
// Sigmoid for x/y centers
INDArray preSigmoidPredictedXYCenterGrid = input5.get(all(), all(), interval(0,2), all(), all());
INDArray predictedXYCenterGrid = Transforms.sigmoid(preSigmoidPredictedXYCenterGrid, true); //Not in-place, need pre-sigmoid later
//Exponential for w/h (for: boxPrior * exp(input)) -> Predicted WH in grid units (0 to 13 usually)
INDArray predictedWHPreExp = input5.get(all(), all(), interval(2,4), all(), all());
INDArray predictedWH = Transforms.exp(predictedWHPreExp, true);
Broadcast.mul(predictedWH, layerConf().getBoundingBoxes().castTo(predictedWH.dataType()), predictedWH, 1, 2); //Box priors: [b, 2]; predictedWH: [mb, b, 2, h, w]
//Apply sqrt to W/H in preparation for loss function
INDArray predictedWHSqrt = Transforms.sqrt(predictedWH, true);
// ----- Step 3: Calculate IOU(predicted, labels) to infer 1_ij^obj mask array (for loss function) -----
//Calculate IOU (intersection over union - aka Jaccard index) - for the labels and predicted values
IOURet iouRet = calculateIOULabelPredicted(labelTLXY, labelBRXY, predictedWH, predictedXYCenterGrid, maskObjectPresent, maskObjectPresentBool); //IOU shape: [minibatch, B, H, W]
INDArray iou = iouRet.getIou();
//Mask 1_ij^obj: isMax (dimension 1) + apply object present mask. Result: [minibatch, B, H, W]
//In this mask: 1 if (a) object is present in cell [for each mb/H/W], AND (b) it is the box with the highest
// IOU of any in the grid cell
//We also need 1_ij^noobj, which is (a) no object, or (b) object present in grid cell, but this box doesn't
// have the highest IOU
INDArray mask1_ij_obj = Nd4j.create(DataType.BOOL, iou.shape(), 'c');
Nd4j.exec(new IsMax(iou, mask1_ij_obj, 1));
Nd4j.exec(new BroadcastMulOp(mask1_ij_obj, maskObjectPresentBool, mask1_ij_obj, 0,2,3));
INDArray mask1_ij_noobj = Transforms.not(mask1_ij_obj);
mask1_ij_obj = mask1_ij_obj.castTo(input.dataType());
// ----- Step 4: Calculate confidence, and confidence label -----
//Predicted confidence: sigmoid (0 to 1)
//Label confidence: 0 if no object, IOU(predicted,actual) if an object is present
INDArray labelConfidence = iou.mul(mask1_ij_obj); //Need to reuse IOU array later. IOU Shape: [mb, B, H, W]
INDArray predictedConfidencePreSigmoid = input5.get(all(), all(), point(4), all(), all()); //Shape: [mb, B, H, W]
INDArray predictedConfidence = Transforms.sigmoid(predictedConfidencePreSigmoid, true);
// ----- Step 5: Loss Function -----
//One design goal here is to make the loss function configurable. To do this, we want to reshape the activations
//(and masks) to a 2d representation, suitable for use in DL4J's loss functions
INDArray mask1_ij_obj_2d = mask1_ij_obj.reshape(mb*b*h*w, 1); //Must be C order before reshaping
INDArray mask1_ij_noobj_2d = mask1_ij_obj_2d.rsub(1.0);
INDArray predictedXYCenter2d = predictedXYCenterGrid.permute(0,1,3,4,2) //From: [mb, B, 2, H, W] to [mb, B, H, W, 2]
.dup('c').reshape('c', mb*b*h*w, 2);
//Don't use INDArray.broadcast(int...) until ND4J issue is fixed:
//INDArray labelsCenterXYInGridBroadcast = labelsCenterXYInGrid.broadcast(mb, b, 2, h, w);
//Broadcast labelsCenterXYInGrid from [mb, 2, h, w} to [mb, b, 2, h, w]
INDArray labelsCenterXYInGridBroadcast = Nd4j.createUninitialized(input.dataType(), new long[]{mb, b, 2, h, w}, 'c');
for(int i=0; i 0.0) {
return workspaceMgr.leverageTo(ArrayType.ACTIVATIONS, scoreForExamples);
double positionLoss = layerConf().getLossPositionScale().computeScore(labelXYCenter2d, predictedXYCenter2d, identity, mask1_ij_obj_2d, false );
double sizeScaleLoss = layerConf().getLossPositionScale().computeScore(labelWHSqrt2d, predictedWHSqrt2d, identity, mask1_ij_obj_2d, false);
double confidenceLoss = lossConfidence.computeScore(labelConfidence2d, predictedConfidence2d, identity, mask1_ij_obj_2d, false)
+ lambdaNoObj * lossConfidence.computeScore(labelConfidence2d, predictedConfidence2d, identity, mask1_ij_noobj_2d, false); //TODO: possible to optimize this?
double classPredictionLoss = layerConf().getLossClassPredictions().computeScore(classLabels2d, classPredictionsPreSoftmax2d, new ActivationSoftmax(), mask1_ij_obj_2d, false);
this.score = lambdaCoord * (positionLoss + sizeScaleLoss) +
confidenceLoss +
this.score /= getInputMiniBatchSize();
this.score += fullNetRegTerm;
return null;
// ----- Gradient Calculation (specifically: return dL/dIn -----
INDArray epsOut = workspaceMgr.createUninitialized(ArrayType.ACTIVATION_GRAD, input.dataType(), input.shape(), 'c');
INDArray epsOut5 = Shape.newShapeNoCopy(epsOut, new long[]{mb, b, 5+c, h, w}, false);
INDArray epsClassPredictions = epsOut5.get(all(), all(), interval(5, 5+c), all(), all()); //Shape: [mb, b, 5+c, h, w]
INDArray epsXY = epsOut5.get(all(), all(), interval(0,2), all(), all());
INDArray epsWH = epsOut5.get(all(), all(), interval(2,4), all(), all());
INDArray epsC = epsOut5.get(all(), all(), point(4), all(), all());
//Calculate gradient component from class probabilities (softmax)
//Shape: [minibatch*h*w, c]
INDArray gradPredictionLoss2d = layerConf().getLossClassPredictions().computeGradient(classLabels2d, classPredictionsPreSoftmax2d, new ActivationSoftmax(), mask1_ij_obj_2d);
INDArray gradPredictionLoss5d = gradPredictionLoss2d.dup('c').reshape(mb, b, h, w, c).permute(0,1,4,2,3).dup('c');
//Calculate gradient component from position (x,y) loss - dL_position/dx and dL_position/dy
INDArray gradXYCenter2d = layerConf().getLossPositionScale().computeGradient(labelXYCenter2d, predictedXYCenter2d, identity, mask1_ij_obj_2d);
INDArray gradXYCenter5d = gradXYCenter2d.dup('c')
.reshape('c', mb, b, h, w, 2)
.permute(0,1,4,2,3); //From: [mb, B, H, W, 2] to [mb, B, 2, H, W]
gradXYCenter5d = new ActivationSigmoid().backprop(preSigmoidPredictedXYCenterGrid.dup(), gradXYCenter5d).getFirst();
//Calculate gradient component from width/height (w,h) loss - dL_size/dW and dL_size/dW
//Note that loss function gets sqrt(w) and sqrt(h)
//gradWHSqrt2d = dL/dsqrt(w) and dL/dsqrt(h)
INDArray gradWHSqrt2d = layerConf().getLossPositionScale().computeGradient(labelWHSqrt2d, predictedWHSqrt2d, identity, mask1_ij_obj_2d); //Shape: [mb*b*h*w, 2]
//dL/dW = dL/dsqrtw * dsqrtw / dW = dL/dsqrtw * 0.5 / sqrt(w)
INDArray gradWH2d = gradWHSqrt2d.muli(0.5).divi(predictedWHSqrt2d); //dL/dW and dL/dH, w = pw * exp(tw)
//dL/dinWH = dL/dW * dW/dInWH = dL/dW * pw * exp(tw)
INDArray gradWH5d = gradWH2d.dup('c').reshape(mb, b, h, w, 2).permute(0,1,4,2,3); //To: [mb, b, 2, h, w]
//Calculate gradient component from confidence loss... 2 parts (object present, no object present)
INDArray gradConfidence2dA = lossConfidence.computeGradient(labelConfidence2d, predictedConfidence2d, identity, mask1_ij_obj_2d);
INDArray gradConfidence2dB = lossConfidence.computeGradient(labelConfidence2d, predictedConfidence2d, identity, mask1_ij_noobj_2d);
INDArray dLc_dC_2d = gradConfidence2dA.addi(gradConfidence2dB.muli(lambdaNoObj)); //dL/dC; C = sigmoid(tc)
INDArray dLc_dzc_2d = new ActivationSigmoid().backprop( predictedConfidence2dPreSigmoid, dLc_dC_2d).getFirst();
//Calculate dL/dtc
INDArray epsConfidence4d = dLc_dzc_2d.dup('c').reshape('c', mb, b, h, w); //[mb*b*h*w, 2] to [mb, b, h, w]
//Note that we ALSO have components to x,y,w,h from confidence loss (via IOU, which depends on all of these values)
//that is: dLc/dx, dLc/dy, dLc/dW, dLc/dH
//For any value v, d(I/U)/dv = (U * dI/dv + I * dU/dv) / U^2
//Confidence loss: sum squared errors + masking.
//C == IOU when label present
//Lc = 1^(obj)*(iou - predicted)^2 + lambdaNoObj * 1^(noobj) * (iou - predicted)^2 -> dLc/diou = 2*1^(obj)*(iou-predicted) + 2 * lambdaNoObj * 1^(noobj) * (iou-predicted) = 2*(iou-predicted) * (1^(obj) + lambdaNoObj * 1^(noobj))
INDArray twoIOUSubPredicted = iou.subi(predictedConfidence).muli(2.0); //Shape: [mb, b, h, w]. Note that when an object is present, IOU and confidence are the same. In-place to avoid copy op (iou no longer needed)
INDArray dLc_dIOU = twoIOUSubPredicted.muli(mask1_ij_noobj.castTo(input.dataType()).muli(lambdaNoObj).addi(mask1_ij_obj));
INDArray dLc_dxy = Nd4j.createUninitialized(iouRet.dIOU_dxy.dataType(), iouRet.dIOU_dxy.shape(), iouRet.dIOU_dxy.ordering());
Broadcast.mul(iouRet.dIOU_dxy, dLc_dIOU, dLc_dxy, 0, 1, 3, 4); //[mb, b, h, w] x [mb, b, 2, h, w]
INDArray dLc_dwh = Nd4j.createUninitialized(iouRet.dIOU_dwh.dataType(), iouRet.dIOU_dwh.shape(), iouRet.dIOU_dwh.ordering());
Broadcast.mul(iouRet.dIOU_dwh, dLc_dIOU, dLc_dwh, 0, 1, 3, 4); //[mb, b, h, w] x [mb, b, 2, h, w]
//Backprop through the wh and xy activation functions...
//dL/dW and dL/dH, w = pw * exp(tw), //dL/dinWH = dL/dW * dW/dInWH = dL/dW * pw * exp(in_w)
//as w = pw * exp(in_w) and dW/din_w = w
INDArray dLc_din_wh = dLc_dwh.muli(predictedWH);
INDArray dLc_din_xy = new ActivationSigmoid().backprop(preSigmoidPredictedXYCenterGrid, dLc_dxy).getFirst(); //Shape: same as subset of input... [mb, b, 2, h, w]
//Finally, apply masks: dLc_dwh and dLc_dxy should be 0 if no object is present in that box
//Apply mask 1^obj_ij with shape [mb, b, h, w]
Broadcast.mul(dLc_din_wh, mask1_ij_obj, dLc_din_wh, 0, 1, 3, 4);
Broadcast.mul(dLc_din_xy, mask1_ij_obj, dLc_din_xy, 0, 1, 3, 4);
epsOut = epsOut.permute(0,2,3,1); //NCHW to NHWC
return epsOut;
public INDArray activate(boolean training, LayerWorkspaceMgr workspaceMgr) {
boolean nchw = layerConf().getFormat() == CNN2DFormat.NCHW;
return YoloUtils.activate(layerConf().getBoundingBoxes(), input, nchw, workspaceMgr);
public Layer clone() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not yet implemented");
public boolean needsLabels() {
return true;
public double computeScore(double fullNetRegTerm, boolean training, LayerWorkspaceMgr workspaceMgr) {
this.fullNetRegTerm = fullNetRegTerm;
computeBackpropGradientAndScore(workspaceMgr, true, false);
return score();
public double score(){
return score;
* Calculate IOU(truth, predicted) and gradients. Returns 5d arrays [mb, b, 2, H, W]
* ***NOTE: All labels - and predicted values - are in terms of grid units - 0 to 12 usually, with default config ***
* @param labelTL 4d [mb, 2, H, W], label top/left (x,y) in terms of grid boxes
* @param labelBR 4d [mb, 2, H, W], label bottom/right (x,y) in terms of grid boxes
* @param predictedWH 5d [mb, b, 2, H, W] - predicted H/W in terms of number of grid boxes.
* @param predictedXYinGridBox 5d [mb, b, 2, H, W] - predicted X/Y in terms of number of grid boxes. Values 0 to 1, center box value being 0.5
* @param objectPresentMask 3d [mb, H, W] - mask array, for objects present (1) or not (0) in grid cell
* @return IOU and gradients
private static IOURet calculateIOULabelPredicted(INDArray labelTL, INDArray labelBR, INDArray predictedWH, INDArray predictedXYinGridBox, INDArray objectPresentMask, INDArray objectPresentMaskBool){
long mb = labelTL.size(0);
long h = labelTL.size(2);
long w = labelTL.size(3);
long b = predictedWH.size(1);
INDArray labelWH = labelBR.sub(labelTL); //4d [mb, 2, H, W], label W/H in terms of number of grid boxes
long gridH = labelTL.size(2);
long gridW = labelTL.size(3);
//Add grid positions to the predicted XY values (to get predicted XY in terms of grid cell units in image,
// from (0 to 1 in grid cell) format)
INDArray linspaceX = Nd4j.linspace(0, gridW-1, gridW, predictedWH.dataType());
INDArray linspaceY = Nd4j.linspace(0, gridH-1, gridH, predictedWH.dataType());
INDArray grid = Nd4j.createUninitialized(predictedWH.dataType(), new long[]{2, gridH, gridW}, 'c');
INDArray gridX = grid.get(point(0), all(), all());
INDArray gridY = grid.get(point(1), all(), all());
Broadcast.copy(gridX, linspaceX, gridX, 1);
Broadcast.copy(gridY, linspaceY, gridY, 0);
//Calculate X/Y position overall (in grid box units) from "position in current grid box" format
INDArray predictedXY = predictedXYinGridBox.ulike();;
Broadcast.add(predictedXYinGridBox, grid, predictedXY, 2,3,4); // [2, H, W] to [mb, b, 2, H, W]
INDArray halfWH = predictedWH.mul(0.5);
INDArray predictedTL_XY = halfWH.rsub(predictedXY); //xy - 0.5 * wh
INDArray predictedBR_XY = halfWH.add(predictedXY); //xy + 0.5 * wh
INDArray maxTL = predictedTL_XY.ulike(); //Shape: [mb, b, 2, H, W]
Broadcast.max(predictedTL_XY, labelTL, maxTL, 0, 2, 3, 4);
INDArray minBR = predictedBR_XY.ulike();
Broadcast.min(predictedBR_XY, labelBR, minBR, 0, 2, 3, 4);
INDArray diff = minBR.sub(maxTL);
INDArray intersectionArea =; //[mb, b, 2, H, W] to [mb, b, H, W]
Broadcast.mul(intersectionArea, objectPresentMask, intersectionArea, 0, 2, 3);
//Need to mask the calculated intersection values, to avoid returning non-zero values when intersection is actually 0
//No intersection if: xP + wP/2 < xL - wL/2 i.e., BR_xPred < TL_xLab OR TL_xPred > BR_xLab (similar for Y axis)
//Here, 1 if intersection exists, 0 otherwise. This is doing x/w and y/h simultaneously
INDArray noIntMask1 = Nd4j.createUninitialized(DataType.BOOL, maxTL.shape(), maxTL.ordering());
INDArray noIntMask2 = Nd4j.createUninitialized(DataType.BOOL, maxTL.shape(), maxTL.ordering());
//Does both x and y on different dims
Broadcast.lte(predictedBR_XY, labelTL, noIntMask1, 0, 2, 3, 4); //Predicted BR <= label TL
Broadcast.gte(predictedTL_XY, labelBR, noIntMask2, 0, 2, 3, 4); //predicted TL >= label BR
noIntMask1 = Transforms.or(noIntMask1.get(all(), all(), point(0), all(), all()), noIntMask1.get(all(), all(), point(1), all(), all()) ); //Shape: [mb, b, H, W]. Values 1 if no intersection
noIntMask2 = Transforms.or(noIntMask2.get(all(), all(), point(0), all(), all()), noIntMask2.get(all(), all(), point(1), all(), all()) );
INDArray noIntMask = Transforms.or(noIntMask1, noIntMask2 );
INDArray intMask = Transforms.not(noIntMask); //Values 0 if no intersection
Broadcast.mul(intMask, objectPresentMaskBool, intMask, 0, 2, 3);
//Mask the intersection area: should be 0 if no intersection
intMask = intMask.castTo(predictedWH.dataType());
//Next, union area is simple: U = A1 + A2 - intersection
INDArray areaPredicted =; //[mb, b, 2, H, W] to [mb, b, H, W]
Broadcast.mul(areaPredicted, objectPresentMask, areaPredicted, 0,2,3);
INDArray areaLabel =; //[mb, 2, H, W] to [mb, H, W]
INDArray unionArea = Broadcast.add(areaPredicted, areaLabel, areaPredicted.dup(), 0, 2, 3);
INDArray iou = intersectionArea.div(unionArea);
BooleanIndexing.replaceWhere(iou, 0.0, Conditions.isNan()); //0/0 -> NaN -> 0
//Apply the "object present" mask (of shape [mb, h, w]) - this ensures IOU is 0 if no object is present
Broadcast.mul(iou, objectPresentMask, iou, 0, 2, 3);
//Finally, calculate derivatives:
INDArray maskMaxTL = Nd4j.createUninitialized(DataType.BOOL, maxTL.shape(), maxTL.ordering()); //1 if predicted Top/Left is max, 0 otherwise, labelTL, maskMaxTL, 0, 2, 3, 4); // z = x > y
maskMaxTL = maskMaxTL.castTo(predictedWH.dataType());
INDArray maskMinBR = Nd4j.createUninitialized(DataType.BOOL, maxTL.shape(), maxTL.ordering()); //1 if predicted Top/Left is max, 0 otherwise, labelBR, maskMinBR, 0, 2, 3, 4); // z = x < y
maskMinBR = maskMinBR.castTo(predictedWH.dataType());
//dI/dx = lambda * (1^(min(x1+w1/2) - 1^(max(x1-w1/2))
//dI/dy = omega * (1^(min(y1+h1/2) - 1^(max(y1-h1/2))
//omega = min(x1+w1/2,x2+w2/2) - max(x1-w1/2,x2+w2/2) i.e., from diff = minBR.sub(maxTL), which has shape [mb, b, 2, h, w]
//lambda = min(y1+h1/2,y2+h2/2) - max(y1-h1/2,y2+h2/2)
INDArray dI_dxy = maskMinBR.sub(maskMaxTL); //Shape: [mb, b, 2, h, w]
INDArray dI_dwh = maskMinBR.addi(maskMaxTL).muli(0.5); //Shape: [mb, b, 2, h, w]
dI_dxy.get(all(), all(), point(0), all(), all()).muli(diff.get(all(), all(), point(1), all(), all()));
dI_dxy.get(all(), all(), point(1), all(), all()).muli(diff.get(all(), all(), point(0), all(), all()));
dI_dwh.get(all(), all(), point(0), all(), all()).muli(diff.get(all(), all(), point(1), all(), all()));
dI_dwh.get(all(), all(), point(1), all(), all()).muli(diff.get(all(), all(), point(0), all(), all()));
//And derivatives WRT IOU:
INDArray uPlusI = unionArea.add(intersectionArea);
INDArray u2 = unionArea.mul(unionArea);
INDArray uPlusIDivU2 = uPlusI.div(u2); //Shape: [mb, b, h, w]
BooleanIndexing.replaceWhere(uPlusIDivU2, 0.0, Conditions.isNan()); //Handle 0/0
INDArray dIOU_dxy = Nd4j.createUninitialized(predictedWH.dataType(), new long[]{mb, b, 2, h, w}, 'c');
Broadcast.mul(dI_dxy, uPlusIDivU2, dIOU_dxy, 0, 1, 3, 4); //[mb, b, h, w] x [mb, b, 2, h, w]
INDArray predictedHW = Nd4j.createUninitialized(predictedWH.dataType(), new long[]{mb, b, 2, h, w}, predictedWH.ordering());
//Next 2 lines: permuting the order... WH to HW along dimension 2
predictedHW.get(all(), all(), point(0), all(), all()).assign(predictedWH.get(all(), all(), point(1), all(), all()));
predictedHW.get(all(), all(), point(1), all(), all()).assign(predictedWH.get(all(), all(), point(0), all(), all()));
INDArray Ihw = predictedHW.ulike();;
Broadcast.mul(predictedHW, intersectionArea, Ihw, 0, 1, 3, 4 ); //Predicted_wh: [mb, b, 2, h, w]; intersection: [mb, b, h, w]
INDArray dIOU_dwh = Nd4j.createUninitialized(predictedHW.dataType(), new long[]{mb, b, 2, h, w}, 'c');
Broadcast.mul(dI_dwh, uPlusI, dIOU_dwh, 0, 1, 3, 4);
Broadcast.div(dIOU_dwh, u2, dIOU_dwh, 0, 1, 3, 4);
BooleanIndexing.replaceWhere(dIOU_dwh, 0.0, Conditions.isNan()); //Handle division by 0 (due to masking, etc)
return new IOURet(iou, dIOU_dxy, dIOU_dwh);
private static class IOURet {
private INDArray iou;
private INDArray dIOU_dxy;
private INDArray dIOU_dwh;
public void computeGradientAndScore(LayerWorkspaceMgr workspaceMgr){
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not yet implemented");
public Pair gradientAndScore() {
return new Pair<>(gradient(), score());
public INDArray computeScoreForExamples(double fullNetRegTerm, LayerWorkspaceMgr workspaceMgr) {
this.fullNetRegTerm = fullNetRegTerm;
return computeBackpropGradientAndScore(workspaceMgr, false, true);
public double f1Score(DataSet data) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported");
public double f1Score(INDArray examples, INDArray labels) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported");
public int numLabels() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported");
public void fit(DataSetIterator iter) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported");
public int[] predict(INDArray examples) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported");
public List predict(DataSet dataSet) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported");
public void fit(INDArray examples, INDArray labels) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported");
public void fit(DataSet data) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported");
public void fit(INDArray examples, int[] labels) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported");
public boolean isPretrainLayer() {
return false;
public void clearNoiseWeightParams() {
//No op
/** @see YoloUtils#getPredictedObjects(INDArray, INDArray, double, double) */
public List getPredictedObjects(INDArray networkOutput, double threshold){
return YoloUtils.getPredictedObjects(layerConf().getBoundingBoxes(), networkOutput, threshold, 0.0);
* Get the confidence matrix (confidence for all x/y positions) for the specified bounding box, from the network
* output activations array
* @param networkOutput Network output activations
* @param example Example number, in minibatch
* @param bbNumber Bounding box number
* @return Confidence matrix
public INDArray getConfidenceMatrix(INDArray networkOutput, int example, int bbNumber){
//Input format: [minibatch, 5B+C, H, W], with order [x,y,w,h,c]
//Therefore: confidences are at depths 4 + bbNumber * 5
INDArray conf = networkOutput.get(point(example), point(4+bbNumber*5), all(), all());
return conf;
* Get the probability matrix (probability of the specified class, assuming an object is present, for all x/y
* positions), from the network output activations array
* @param networkOutput Network output activations
* @param example Example number, in minibatch
* @param classNumber Class number
* @return Confidence matrix
public INDArray getProbabilityMatrix(INDArray networkOutput, int example, int classNumber){
//Input format: [minibatch, 5B+C, H, W], with order [x,y,w,h,c]
//Therefore: probabilities for class I is at depths 5B + classNumber
val bbs = layerConf().getBoundingBoxes().size(0);
INDArray conf = networkOutput.get(point(example), point(5*bbs + classNumber), all(), all());
return conf;