org.deeplearning4j.scalnet.models.Sequential.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package org.deeplearning4j.scalnet.models
import org.deeplearning4j.nn.conf.{NeuralNetConfiguration, Updater}
import org.deeplearning4j.nn.multilayer.MultiLayerNetwork
import org.deeplearning4j.optimize.api.IterationListener
import org.deeplearning4j.scalnet.layers.{Layer, Node, Output, Preprocessor}
import org.deeplearning4j.scalnet.layers.convolutional.Convolution
import org.deeplearning4j.scalnet.optimizers.{Optimizer, SGD}
import org.nd4j.linalg.api.ndarray.INDArray
import org.nd4j.linalg.dataset.api.iterator.DataSetIterator
import org.nd4j.linalg.lossfunctions.LossFunctions.LossFunction
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
* Class for keras-style simple sequential neural net architectures
* with one input node and one output node for each node
* in computational graph.
* Wraps DL4J MultiLayerNetwork. Enforces keras model construction
* pattern: preprocessing (reshaping) layers should be explicitly
* provided by the user, while last layer is treated implicitly as
* an output layer.
* @author David Kale
class Sequential(val rngSeed: Long = 0) extends Model {
private var layers: List[Node] = List()
private var model: MultiLayerNetwork = _
private var preprocessors: Map[Int, Node] = Map()
private var _inputShape: List[Int] = List()
def inputShape: List[Int] = _inputShape
def add(layer: Node): Unit = {
if (preprocessors.contains(layers.length))
layer.inputShape = preprocessors(layers.length).outputShape
else if (layers.nonEmpty)
layer.inputShape = layers.last.outputShape
else if (layer.inputShape.length == 1 && layer.inputShape.head == 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Input layer must have non-empty inputShape")
else if (inputShape.isEmpty && layers.isEmpty && preprocessors.isEmpty)
_inputShape = layer.inputShape
println("in=" + layer.inputShape + " out=" + layer.outputShape)
layer match {
case l: Preprocessor =>
preprocessors = preprocessors + (layers.length -> layer)
case _: Convolution =>
layers = layers :+ layer
case _ =>
layers = layers :+ layer
override def compile(lossFunction: LossFunction = null, optimizer: Optimizer = SGD(lr = 0.01)): Unit = {
var builder: NeuralNetConfiguration.Builder = new NeuralNetConfiguration.Builder()
if (rngSeed != 0)
builder = builder.seed(rngSeed)
optimizer match {
case o: SGD =>
builder = builder.optimizationAlgo(o.optimizationAlgorithm)
if (o.nesterov)
builder = builder.updater(Updater.NESTEROVS).momentum(o.momentum)
case _ =>
builder = builder.optimizationAlgo(optimizer.optimizationAlgorithm)
var listBuilder: NeuralNetConfiguration.ListBuilder = builder.iterations(1).list()
if (!layers.last.isInstanceOf[Output])
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Last layer must have Output trait")
else if (!layers.last.asInstanceOf[Output].isOutput)
for ((layer, layerIndex) <- layers.zipWithIndex) {
println("Layer " + layerIndex + ": " + layer.getClass.getSimpleName)
listBuilder.layer(layerIndex, layer.asInstanceOf[Layer].compile)
for ((layerIndex, preprocessor) <- preprocessors) {
println("Preprocessor " + layerIndex + ": " + preprocessor.getClass.getSimpleName)
listBuilder.inputPreProcessor(layerIndex, preprocessor.asInstanceOf[Preprocessor].compile)
listBuilder = listBuilder.pretrain(false).backprop(true)
println("Length: " + layers.length)
for ((layer, layerIndex) <- layers.zipWithIndex) {
println(layerIndex + " size: " + layer.inputShape)
model = new MultiLayerNetwork(listBuilder.build())
override def fit(iter: DataSetIterator, nbEpoch: Int = 10, listeners: List[IterationListener]): Unit = {
for (epoch <- 0 until nbEpoch)
override def predict(x: INDArray): INDArray = model.output(x, false)
override def toString: String = model.getLayerWiseConfigurations.toString
override def toJson: String = model.getLayerWiseConfigurations.toJson
override def toYaml: String = model.getLayerWiseConfigurations.toYaml
def getNetwork: MultiLayerNetwork = model
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