org.dellroad.muxable.simple.ProtocolReader Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (C) 2021 Archie L. Cobbs. All rights reserved.
package org.dellroad.muxable.simple;
import io.permazen.util.LongEncoder;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import org.dellroad.muxable.Directions;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
* Input state machine for the {@link SimpleMuxableChannel} framing protocol.
* Instances are not thread safe.
public class ProtocolReader extends LoggingSupport {
// Configuration setup
private final ChannelIds channelIds; // channel ID tracker
private final InputHandler inputHandler; // callback object
// Stream position tracking
private long offset; // total number of bytes read so far
// Long value buffer/decoding
private final ByteBuffer longValueBuffer // buffers a long value, possibly encoded
= ByteBuffer.allocate(LongEncoder.MAX_ENCODED_LENGTH);
private long longValueOffset; // stream offset of start of long value
private long longValue; // the long value once completed
// Incoming payload info
private long payloadChannelId; // payload's channel ID (always positive)
private boolean payloadChannelIdIsLocal; // true if channel ID is a local channel
private boolean newChannelRequest; // payload is a new channel request
private Directions newChannelDirections; // new channel request input and/or output
private ByteBuffer payloadBuffer; // payload data buffer
// State machine state
private State state = State.READING_PROTOCOL_COOKIE; // state machine current state
private ProtocolViolationException violation; // previous protocol violation, if any
private boolean reentrantHandler; // we are invoking the input handler
* Constructor.
* @param channelIds channel ID tracker (should be shared with the {@link ProtocolWriter})
* @param inputHandler callback interface for generated events
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code inputHandler} is null
public ProtocolReader(ChannelIds channelIds, InputHandler inputHandler) {
if (channelIds == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("null channelIds");
if (inputHandler == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("null inputHandler");
this.channelIds = channelIds;
this.inputHandler = inputHandler;
* Constructor.
* @param log {@link Logger} to use
* @param logPrefix prefix for all log messages, or null for empty string
* @param channelIds channel ID tracker (should be shared with the {@link ProtocolWriter})
* @param inputHandler callback interface for generated events
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code log} or {@code inputHandler} is null
public ProtocolReader(Logger log, String logPrefix, ChannelIds channelIds, InputHandler inputHandler) {
super(log, logPrefix);
if (channelIds == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("null channelIds");
if (inputHandler == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("null inputHandler");
this.channelIds = channelIds;
this.inputHandler = inputHandler;
* Input new data from the remote side into the protocol state machine.
* Any generated events will be delivered to the configured {@link InputHandler} synchronously (in the current thread).
* However, this method must not be invoked re-entrantly.
* If a protocol violation is detected, {@link ProtocolViolationException} is thrown and this instance becomes
* unusable (any further invocations of this method will result in an {@link IllegalStateException}).
* For performance reasons, this instance assumes it may take ownership of {@code data}, i.e., retain a reference,
* modify, and potentially pass {@code data} back to the {@link InputHandler} at some later point.
* This method consumes all of {@code data}, unless a "close connection" frame is read; in that case, any data
* after the "close connection" frame will remain in {@code data}, this method will return false, and any subsequent
* invocations of this method will throw {@link IllegalStateException}.
* @param data new data received
* @return normally true, or false if a "close connection" frame is read
* @throws IOException if the {@link InputHandler} does
* @throws ProtocolViolationException if the input violates the framing protocol
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code data} is null
* @throws IllegalStateException if this method is invoked re-entrantly by the {@link InputHandler}
* @throws IllegalStateException if this instance has previously encountered a protocol violation
* @throws IllegalStateException if the remote instance has closed the connection
public boolean input(ByteBuffer data) throws IOException {
// Sanity check
if (this.violation != null)
throw new IllegalStateException("a protocol violation has already occurred", this.violation);
if (this.reentrantHandler)
throw new IllegalStateException("illegal re-entrant invocation");
// Consume the data until if/when a "close connection" frame is seen
while (data.hasRemaining()) {
this.trace("state %s: input data %s", this.state, LoggingSupport.toString(data, 64));
if (!this.state.inputData(this, data))
return false;
// Done
return true;
* Get the current stream offset.
* @return stream offset
public long getOffset() {
return this.offset;
// State Machine
private boolean inputProtocolCookieData(ByteBuffer data) {
// Decode plain (big endian) long value
if (!this.inputPlainLongValueData(data))
return true;
// Validate protocol cookie
final long protocolCookie = this.longValue;
this.trace("state %s: read protocol cookie 0x%016x", this.state, protocolCookie);
if (protocolCookie != ProtocolConstants.PROTOCOL_COOKIE) {
throw this.violation = new ProtocolViolationException(this.longValueOffset,
String.format("rec'd invalid protocol cookie 0x%016x != 0x%016x", protocolCookie, ProtocolConstants.PROTOCOL_COOKIE));
// Proceed
return true;
private boolean inputProtocolVersionData(ByteBuffer data) {
// Decode encoded long value
if (!this.inputEncodedLongValueData(data))
return true;
// Validate protocol version
final long protocolVersion = this.longValue;
this.trace("state %s: read protocol version %d", this.state, protocolVersion);
if (protocolVersion != ProtocolConstants.CURRENT_PROTOCOL_VERSION) {
throw this.violation = new ProtocolViolationException(this.longValueOffset,
String.format("rec'd unsupported protocol version %d (current is %d)",
protocolVersion, ProtocolConstants.CURRENT_PROTOCOL_VERSION));
// Proceed
this.state = State.READING_CHANNEL_ID;
return true;
private boolean inputChannelIdData(ByteBuffer data) {
// Decode encoded long value
if (!this.inputEncodedLongValueData(data))
return true;
// Zero means close the whole thing down
this.trace("state %s: read peer's encoded channel ID %d (channel %s%d)",
this.state, this.longValue, this.longValue <= 0 ? "L" : "R", Math.abs(this.longValue));
if (this.longValue == 0) {
this.state = State.CLOSED;
return false;
// Validate channel ID
if (this.longValue == Long.MIN_VALUE) {
throw this.violation = new ProtocolViolationException(this.longValueOffset,
String.format("rec'd invalid frame: invalid encoded channel ID %d", this.longValue));
// Value was encoded by peer, so negative & positive are swapped
this.payloadChannelIdIsLocal = this.longValue < 0;
this.payloadChannelId = Math.abs(this.longValue);
// Handle local channel ID vs. remote channel ID
try {
if (this.payloadChannelIdIsLocal) {
this.newChannelRequest = false;
} else {
this.newChannelRequest = this.channelIds.allocateRemoteChannelId(this.payloadChannelId);
if (this.newChannelRequest) {
this.state = State.READING_DIRECTIONS;
return true;
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
throw this.violation = new ProtocolViolationException(this.longValueOffset,
String.format("rec'd invalid frame: %s", e.getMessage()));
// Proceed
this.state = State.READING_PAYLOAD_LENGTH;
return true;
private boolean inputDirections(ByteBuffer data) {
// Get single flags byte
final byte flags = data.get();
switch (flags) {
case ProtocolConstants.FLAG_DIRECTION_INPUT:
this.newChannelDirections = Directions.OUTPUT_ONLY; // reverse peer's view of the world
case ProtocolConstants.FLAG_DIRECTION_OUTPUT:
this.newChannelDirections = Directions.INPUT_ONLY; // reverse peer's view of the world
case ProtocolConstants.FLAG_DIRECTION_INPUT | ProtocolConstants.FLAG_DIRECTION_OUTPUT:
this.newChannelDirections = Directions.BIDIRECTIONAL;
throw this.violation = new ProtocolViolationException(this.longValueOffset,
String.format("rec'd invalid frame: invalid flags byte 0x%02x", flags & 0xff));
this.trace("state %s: new remote channel %d is %s", this.state, this.payloadChannelId, this.newChannelDirections);
// Proceed
this.state = State.READING_PAYLOAD_LENGTH;
return true;
private boolean inputPayloadLengthData(ByteBuffer data) throws IOException {
// Decode encoded long value
if (!this.inputEncodedLongValueData(data))
return true;
// Check value is within range
this.trace("state %s: read length %d for %s on channel %s%d", this.state,
this.longValue, this.newChannelRequest ? "requestData" : "payload",
this.payloadChannelIdIsLocal ? "L" : "R", this.payloadChannelId);
if (this.longValue < 0 || this.longValue > Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
throw this.violation = new ProtocolViolationException(this.longValueOffset,
String.format("rec'd frame on channel %s%d with invalid payload length %d",
this.payloadChannelIdIsLocal ? "L" : "R", this.payloadChannelId, this.longValue));
final int payloadLength = (int)this.longValue;
// Check for zero length payload on an already-open channel, which means "close channel"
if (!this.newChannelRequest && payloadLength == 0) {
// Deallocate channel
this.trace("state %s: closing channel %s%d", this.state,
this.payloadChannelIdIsLocal ? "L" : "R", this.payloadChannelId);
this.channelIds.freeChannelId(this.payloadChannelId, this.payloadChannelIdIsLocal);
// Notify input handler
final long encodedChannelId = this.getEncodedChannelId();
this.reentrantHandler = true;
try {
} finally {
this.reentrantHandler = false;
// Read the next frame
this.trace("state %s: closed channel %s%d", this.state,
this.payloadChannelIdIsLocal ? "L" : "R", this.payloadChannelId);
this.state = State.READING_CHANNEL_ID;
return true;
// If we received the entire payload in this data buffer, deliver it directly to the handler without doing any copying
if (data.remaining() >= payloadLength) {
this.deliverPayload(this.readOut(data, payloadLength));
return true;
// Partial payload received: initialize our payload buffer and copy the initial portion of the payload into it
this.payloadBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(payloadLength);
this.state = State.READING_PAYLOAD;
return true;
private boolean inputPayloadData(ByteBuffer data) throws IOException {
// How much more data do we need?
final int payloadRemaining = this.payloadBuffer.remaining();
// If payload still not incomplete, go back for more
if (data.remaining() < payloadRemaining) {
return true;
// Complete the payload using the new data
this.payloadBuffer.put(this.readOut(data, payloadRemaining));
// Deliver it to the input handler
return true;
// State CLOSED
private boolean inputClosed(ByteBuffer data) {
throw this.violation = new ProtocolViolationException(this.offset, "the connection has been closed by the remote side");
// Internal methods
// Deliver completed payload to input handler
private void deliverPayload(ByteBuffer payload) throws IOException {
// Debug
this.trace("state %s: deliver %d byte payload from channel %s%d", this.state,
payload.remaining(), this.payloadChannelIdIsLocal ? "L" : "R", this.payloadChannelId);
// Check whether channel is still open, and if so deliver payload to handler
final long encodedChannelId = this.getEncodedChannelId();
if (this.channelIds.isChannelOpen(encodedChannelId)) {
this.reentrantHandler = true;
try {
if (this.newChannelRequest)
this.inputHandler.nestedChannelRequest(encodedChannelId, payload, this.newChannelDirections);
this.inputHandler.nestedChannelData(encodedChannelId, payload);
} finally {
this.reentrantHandler = false;
} else {
this.trace("state %s: discarding %d byte payload on closed channel %s%d", this.state,
payload.remaining(), this.payloadChannelIdIsLocal ? "L" : "R", this.payloadChannelId);
// Reset state and start reading the next frame
this.payloadBuffer = null;
this.payloadChannelId = 0;
this.payloadChannelIdIsLocal = false;
this.newChannelRequest = false;
this.state = State.READING_CHANNEL_ID;
// Decode a LongEncoder-encoded long value
private boolean inputEncodedLongValueData(ByteBuffer data) {
// Remember the offset of the start of the long value; calculate total length
final int decodeLength;
assert data.hasRemaining();
if (this.longValueBuffer.position() == 0) {
this.longValueOffset = this.offset;
final byte firstByte = data.get();
try {
decodeLength = LongEncoder.decodeLength(firstByte);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
throw this.violation = new ProtocolViolationException(this.longValueOffset,
String.format("read invalid encoded long value (in state %s)", this.state), e);
} else
decodeLength = LongEncoder.decodeLength(this.longValueBuffer.get(0));
// Add more bytes to accumulator until we get a whole value
while (this.longValueBuffer.position() < decodeLength) {
if (!data.hasRemaining())
return false;
// Decode the encoded value
try {
this.longValue = LongEncoder.read(this.longValueBuffer);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
throw this.violation = new ProtocolViolationException(this.longValueOffset,
String.format("read invalid encoded long value (in state %s)", this.state), e);
this.longValueBuffer.clear(); // reset for next time
return true;
// Decode an 8 byte, big endian long value
private boolean inputPlainLongValueData(ByteBuffer data) {
// Remember the offset of the start of the long value
if (this.longValueBuffer.position() == 0)
this.longValueOffset = this.offset;
// Attempt to fill buffer with 8 bytes
while (this.longValueBuffer.position() < 8) {
if (!data.hasRemaining())
return false;
// Decode the (big endian) long value
this.longValue = this.longValueBuffer.getLong();
this.longValueBuffer.clear(); // reset for next time
return true;
private long getEncodedChannelId() {
assert this.payloadChannelId >= 1;
return this.payloadChannelIdIsLocal ? this.payloadChannelId : -this.payloadChannelId;
// Read out the next "length" bytes from the given ByteBuffer and return them in a new ByteBuffer
private ByteBuffer readOut(ByteBuffer buffer, int length) {
// Sanity check
final int available = buffer.remaining();
if (available < length)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid length");
// Extract "length" bytes from what's available
final ByteBuffer slice = buffer.slice().limit(length);
// Advance the underlying buffer
buffer.position(buffer.position() + length);
// Done
return slice;
// InputHandler
* Callback interface invoked by a {@link ProtocolReader}.
* Channel ID's are {@code long} values between one and {@link Long#MAX_VALUE}, inclusive. To disambiguate
* local vs. remote channels, local channel ID's are encoded as their positive values, while remote channel ID's
* are encoded as the negative of their values (note: zero is not a valid channel ID).
public interface InputHandler {
* A new nested channel request has been received.
* Because the channel was created by the remote side, {@code channelId} will always be negative.
* @param channelId the encoded channel ID of the new nested channel (always negative)
* @param requestData associated request data (read-only)
* @param directions which I/O direction(s) are being established (from the local point of view)
* @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs
void nestedChannelRequest(long channelId, ByteBuffer requestData, Directions directions) throws IOException;
* Data has been received on a nested channel.
* Note that it's possible to receive data on a nested channel after the local side has closed that channel,
* because the remote side may not yet know that the nested channel has been closed.
* @param channelId the encoded ID of a nested channel (postive for local channels, negative for remote channels)
* @param data new channel data
* @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs
void nestedChannelData(long channelId, ByteBuffer data) throws IOException;
* An existing nested channel has been closed by the remote side.
* No more incoming data will {@linkplain #nestedChannelData appear} on the specified nested channel.
* Although nested channels are in general bidirectional, both directions are opened and closed at the same time.
* This method implies both the incoming and outgoing directions are being closed.
* @param channelId the encoded ID of an open nested channel (postive for local channels, negative for remote channels)
* @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs
void nestedChannelClosed(long channelId) throws IOException;
// State
private interface StateHook {
boolean inputData(ProtocolReader reader, ByteBuffer data) throws IOException;
private enum State {
private final StateHook hook;
State(StateHook hook) {
this.hook = hook;
public boolean inputData(ProtocolReader input, ByteBuffer data) throws IOException {
return this.hook.inputData(input, data);