org.dellroad.muxable.simple.SimpleMuxableChannel Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (C) 2021 Archie L. Cobbs. All rights reserved.
package org.dellroad.muxable.simple;
import java.io.Closeable;
import java.io.EOFException;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.channels.AsynchronousCloseException;
import java.nio.channels.ByteChannel;
import java.nio.channels.Pipe;
import java.nio.channels.ReadableByteChannel;
import java.nio.channels.SelectableChannel;
import java.nio.channels.SelectionKey;
import java.nio.channels.WritableByteChannel;
import java.nio.channels.spi.SelectorProvider;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue;
import java.util.stream.LongStream;
import org.dellroad.muxable.Directions;
import org.dellroad.muxable.MuxableChannel;
import org.dellroad.muxable.NestedChannel;
import org.dellroad.stuff.net.SelectorSupport;
import org.dellroad.stuff.util.LongMap;
* An implementation of the {@link MuxableChannel} interface that multiplexes nested channels over a single underlying
* {@link ByteChannel} (or {@link ReadableByteChannel}, {@link WritableByteChannel} pair) using a simple framing protocol.
* The nested channel data and {@link NestedChannel}s share the same underlying "real" channel,
* so any one left unread for too long can block all the others. This implementation only guarantees that
* "senseless" deadlock won't happen (see {@link MuxableChannel}).
* Protocol Description
* After the initial connection, each side transmits a {@linkplain ProtocolConstants#PROTOCOL_COOKIE protocol cookie}
* followed by its {@linkplain ProtocolConstants#CURRENT_PROTOCOL_VERSION current protocol version}. Once so established,
* the protocol simply consists of frames being sent back and forth. A frame consists of a channel ID,
* an optional flags byte, a payload length, and finally the payload content. The channel ID and
* length values are encoded via {@link io.permazen.util.LongEncoder}.
* The channel ID is negated by the sender for channels created by the receiver; this way, the receiver can differentiate
* a local channel ID (negative) from a remote channel ID (positive). Reception of a frame with a channel ID of zero means
* to immediately close the entire parent connection.
* Each side keeps track of which channel ID's have been allocated (by either side). Reception of a remote channel ID
* that is equal to the next available remote channel ID means the remote side is requesting to open a new nested channel;
* the subsequent payload becomes the data associated with the request, and a flag byte is sent after the channel ID
* specifying the {@link Directions} for the new nested channel.
* Reception of zero length payload implies closing the associated nested channel (however, this does not apply to the
* initial frame that opens a new channel, so it's possible to request opening a new channel with zero bytes of
* request data). Closing a nested channel always means closing both directions.
* Note that it's possible for one side to receive data on a nested channel that it has already closed, because that data
* may have been sent prior to the remote side receiving the local side's close notification. Such data is discarded.
* Java NIO
* Because an internal service thread is created, instances must be explicitly {@link #start}'d before use
* and {@link #stop}'d when no longer needed. When this instance is {@link #stop}'d, the underlying
* channel(s) with which it was constructed are closed.
* Invoking {@link #close} on this instance has the same effect as invoking {@link #stop}.
* Instances are thread safe.
public class SimpleMuxableChannel extends SelectorSupport implements MuxableChannel {
private static final int MAIN_CHANNEL_INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE = (1 << 20) - 64; // 1MB minus 64 bytes of overhead
private static final long MAIN_CHANNEL_OUTPUT_QUEUE_FULL = (1L << 26); // 64MB
private static final int NESTED_CHANNEL_INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE = (1 << 17) - 64; // 128K minus 64 bytes of overhead
private static final long NESTED_CHANNEL_OUTPUT_QUEUE_FULL = (1L << 23); // 8MB
private static final int REQUEST_QUEUE_CAPACITY = 1024;
private static final int DEFAULT_HOUSEKEEPING_INTERVAL = 200; // 200ms
// Logging
private final LoggingSupport log = this.buildLoggingSupport();
// Given channel(s)
private final SelectableChannel input;
private final SelectableChannel output;
/ \
/ ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓
/ ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓ ┃ SimpleMuxableChannel ┃
/ /┃ NestedChannel ┃ ┃ ┃
/ / ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃
/ / ┃ input ━╋━━━━━━━━━━━━╋━ NestedInfo.inputFlow ┃
┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓ ┃ output ━╋━━+ +━━╋━ NestedInfo.inputFlow ┃
┃ ┃ ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛ \ / ┃ ... ┃
┃ Application ┃ \ / ┃ [peerInput] ━╋━━━━━ from network
┃ ┃ ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓ \/ ┃ ┃
┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛ ┃ NestedChannel ┃ /\ ┃ [peerOutput] ━╋━━━━━ to network
\ ┃ ┃ / \ ┃ ┃
\ ┃ input ━╋━━━+ +━━━╋━ NestedInfo.outputFlow ┃
\┃ output ━╋━━━━━━━━━━━━╋━ NestedInfo.outputFlow ┃
┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛ ┃ ... ┃
┃ ┃
// Peer flows
private PeerInputFlow> peerInput;
private PeerOutputFlow> peerOutput;
// Nested channels
private final LongMap nestedInfoMap = new LongMap<>();
// Incoming new channel requests
private final ArrayBlockingQueue requests = new ArrayBlockingQueue<>(REQUEST_QUEUE_CAPACITY);
// Framing protocol input & output state
private final ChannelIds channelIds = new ChannelIds(this.log.log, this.log.logPrefix + "ChannelIds: ");
private final ProtocolReader reader = new ProtocolReader(this.log.log, this.log.logPrefix + "ProtocolReader: ",
this.channelIds, new ProtocolReader.InputHandler() {
public void nestedChannelRequest(long channelId, ByteBuffer requestData, Directions directions) throws IOException {
SimpleMuxableChannel.this.nestedChannelRequest(channelId, requestData, directions);
public void nestedChannelData(long channelId, ByteBuffer data) throws IOException {
SimpleMuxableChannel.this.nestedChannelData(channelId, data);
public void nestedChannelClosed(long channelId) throws IOException {
private final ProtocolWriter writer = new ProtocolWriter(this.log.log, this.log.logPrefix + "ProtocolWriter: ",
this.channelIds, this::enqueuePeerOutput);
// This counts how many of the nested output queues are full. We only really care if this number is zero or not,
// as that's what tells us whether to select for read on the peer's input. But we keep track of the exact count
// to avoid having to survey all of the other nested output queues every time any one of them changes.
private long numNestedOutputsFull;
// Misc other state
private State state = State.NOT_STARTED;
private volatile Throwable shutdownCause;
// Constructors
* Constructor taking a single, bi-directional {@link ByteChannel}.
* Equivalent to: {@code SimpleMuxableChannel(channel, channel)}.
* @param channel underlying channel for both input and output
* @param bidirectional channel type
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code channel} is null
public SimpleMuxableChannel(C channel) {
this(channel, channel);
* Constructor inferring the {@link SelectorProvider} to use.
* The {@link SelectorProvider} is inferred from {@code input}.
* @param input channel receiving input from the remote side
* @param output channel taking output from the local side; may be the same as {@code input}
* @param input channel type
* @param output channel type
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if either channel is null
SimpleMuxableChannel(I input, O output) {
this(input != null ? input.provider() : SelectorProvider.provider(), input, output);
* Primary constructor.
* The given channels will be closed when this instance is closed.
* @param provider the {@link SelectorProvider} that this instance will use
* @param input channel receiving input from the remote side
* @param output channel taking output from the local side; may be the same as {@code input}
* @param input channel type
* @param output channel type
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if any parameter is null
SimpleMuxableChannel(SelectorProvider provider, I input, O output) {
if (input == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("null input");
if (output == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("null output");
this.input = input;
this.output = output;
protected LoggingSupport buildLoggingSupport() {
return new LoggingSupport(this);
// MuxableChannel
public SimpleNestedChannel newNestedChannel(ByteBuffer requestData) throws IOException {
return (SimpleNestedChannel)MuxableChannel.super.newNestedChannel(requestData);
public synchronized SimpleNestedChannel newNestedChannel(ByteBuffer requestData, Directions directions)
throws IOException {
// Sanity check
if (requestData == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("null requestData");
if (directions == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("null directions");
if (!this.state.equals(State.RUNNING))
throw new IOException("channel is in state " + this.state, this.shutdownCause);
// Allocate a new local channel ID and send request to peer
this.log.debug("creating new local channel %d", this.channelIds.getNextLocalChannelId());
final long channelId = this.writer.openNestedChannel(requestData, directions);
// Setup the nested channel locally
return this.newNestedChannel(channelId, requestData, directions);
public BlockingQueue getNestedChannelRequests() {
return this.requests;
// I/O Event Handling
// Read data from the peer on the peer input channel and run it through the input protocol state machine
private void handlePeerChannelReadable() throws IOException {
assert Thread.holdsLock(this);
this.log.trace("%s %s", "peer channel", "readable");
final ByteBuffer data = this.peerInput.read();
this.log.trace("%s input %s", "peer channel", LoggingSupport.toString(data, 64));
if (!this.reader.input(data))
throw new EOFException("connection closed by the remote peer");
// Read data from the application on a nested channel and run it through the output protocol state machine
private void handleNestedChannelReadable(NestedInputFlow nestedInput) throws IOException {
assert Thread.holdsLock(this);
this.log.trace("%s %s", nestedInput, "readable");
final ByteBuffer data = nestedInput.read();
this.log.trace("%s input %s", nestedInput, LoggingSupport.toString(data, 64));
this.writer.writeNestedChannel(nestedInput.getChannelId(), data);
// Write data to the peer on the peer output channel and update selectors if there was a meaningful output queue change
private void handlePeerChannelWritable() throws IOException {
assert Thread.holdsLock(this);
this.log.trace("%s %s", "peer channel", "writable");
final int flags = this.peerOutput.write();
this.log.trace("%s %s", "peer channel", OutputQueue.describeFlags(flags));
if (this.wentNonFull(flags))
if (this.wentEmpty(flags))
// Write data to the application on a nested channel and update selectors if there was a meaningful output queue change
private void handleNestedChannelWritable(NestedOutputFlow nestedOutput) throws IOException {
assert Thread.holdsLock(this);
this.log.trace("%s %s", nestedOutput, "writable");
final int flags = nestedOutput.write();
this.log.trace("%s %s", nestedOutput, OutputQueue.describeFlags(flags));
if (this.wentNonFull(flags) && --this.numNestedOutputsFull == 0)
if (this.wentEmpty(flags))
// An exception has occurred on one of the channels that connect to the peer over the network.
// This causes the whole thing to be shutdown.
private void handlePeerChannelClosed(Flow> flow, Throwable cause) {
assert Thread.holdsLock(this);
if (this.shutdownCause == null) {
this.log.debug("exception on %s: %s", flow, cause);
this.shutdownCause = cause;
// An exception has occurred on one of the nested channels that connect to the application
private void handleNestedChannelException(NestedFlow nestedInfo, Throwable cause) {
assert Thread.holdsLock(this);
// Log the exception
final long channelId = nestedInfo.getChannelId();
final boolean alreadyClosed = !this.nestedInfoMap.containsKey(channelId);
if (alreadyClosed)
this.log.trace("exception on %s: %s", nestedInfo, cause);
this.log.debug("exception on %s: %s", nestedInfo, cause);
// Close the nested channel
if (!this.closeNestedChannel(channelId, true))
// Somebody invoked SimpleNestedChannel.close()
synchronized void handleNestedChannelClosed(long channelId) {
this.log.debug("close() invoked on channel %s%d", channelId < 0 ? "R" : "L", Math.abs(channelId));
this.closeNestedChannel(channelId, true);
// ProtocolReader.InputHandler
// The peer has asked to create a new nested channel
private void nestedChannelRequest(long channelId, ByteBuffer requestData, Directions directions) throws IOException {
assert Thread.holdsLock(this);
this.log.debug("rec'd new channel request: remote channel %d, requestData %s",
-channelId, LoggingSupport.toString(requestData, 64));
this.requests.add(this.newNestedChannel(channelId, requestData, directions));
// The peer has sent us some data on a nested channel
private void nestedChannelData(long channelId, ByteBuffer data) {
assert Thread.holdsLock(this);
this.log.trace("recv data on channel %s%d: %s",
channelId < 0 ? "R" : "L", Math.abs(channelId), LoggingSupport.toString(data, 64));
final NestedInfo nestedInfo = this.nestedInfoMap.get(channelId);
if (nestedInfo == null) { // remote must have sent the data before it knew we closed the channel
this.log.debug("ignoring data on closed channel %s%d: %s",
channelId < 0 ? "R" : "L", Math.abs(channelId), LoggingSupport.toString(data, 64));
if (nestedInfo.outputFlow() == null) {
throw new ProtocolViolationException(this.reader.getOffset() - data.remaining(),
String.format("rec'd data on write-only %s", nestedInfo));
if (this.enqueueOutputCheckFull(nestedInfo.outputFlow(), data) && this.numNestedOutputsFull++ == 0)
// The peer has told us that it is closing a nested channel
private void nestedChannelClosed(long channelId) {
assert Thread.holdsLock(this);
this.log.debug("rec'd close for channel %s%d", channelId < 0 ? "R" : "L", Math.abs(channelId));
this.closeNestedChannel(channelId, false);
// ProtocolWriter.OutputHandler
// The ProtocolWriter has generated some output to send to the peer
private void enqueuePeerOutput(ByteBuffer data) {
assert Thread.holdsLock(this);
if (this.enqueueOutputCheckFull(this.peerOutput, data))
// Helper
// Enqueue some data on the given output and enable writing if the queue went from empty to non-empty.
// Returns true if the queue transitioned from less-than-full to full; in that case, the caller must enact flow control.
private boolean enqueueOutputCheckFull(OutputFlow> outputFlow, ByteBuffer data) {
assert Thread.holdsLock(this);
if (outputFlow == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("null outputFlow");
if (data == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("null data");
this.log.trace("writing to %s: %s", outputFlow, LoggingSupport.toString(data, 64));
final int flags = outputFlow.enqueue(data);
this.log.trace("%s %s", outputFlow, OutputQueue.describeFlags(flags));
if (this.wentNonEmpty(flags))
return this.wentFull(flags);
// SelectorSupport
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
public synchronized void start() throws IOException {
// Sanity check
if (!this.state.equals(State.NOT_STARTED))
throw new IllegalStateException("can't start in state " + this.state);
// Create peer input & output; if they are the same channel, use a single common SelectionKey
if (this.input == this.output) {
// Create combined IOHandler
final IOHandler combinedHandler = new IOHandler() {
public void serviceIO(SelectionKey key) throws IOException {
final boolean invalid = !key.isValid();
if (invalid || key.isReadable())
if (invalid || key.isWritable())
public void close(Throwable cause) {
public String toString() {
return "peer input/output channel";
// Use a single selection key for both flows
final SelectionKey key = this.createSelectionKey(this.input, combinedHandler, true);
this.peerInput = new PeerInputFlow(this.input, key);
this.peerOutput = new PeerOutputFlow(this.output, key);
} else {
this.peerInput = new PeerInputFlow(this.input);
this.peerOutput = new PeerOutputFlow(this.output);
// Start reading peer input
this.state = State.RUNNING;
public synchronized void stop() {
if (this.state.equals(State.RUNNING)) {
this.state = State.STOPPED;
// Channel
public synchronized boolean isOpen() {
return this.state.equals(State.RUNNING);
public void close() {
// Internal methods
private SimpleNestedChannel newNestedChannel(long channelId, ByteBuffer requestData, Directions directions) throws IOException {
// Sanity check
assert Thread.holdsLock(this);
if (this.nestedInfoMap.containsKey(channelId))
throw new RuntimeException("internal error");
// Debug
this.log.debug("opening new %s channel %s%d", directions, channelId < 0 ? "R" : "L", Math.abs(channelId));
// Create channel for local <- peer data flow
final NestedOutputFlow outputFlow;
final Pipe.SourceChannel nestedInput;
if (directions.hasInput()) {
final Pipe pipe = this.provider.openPipe();
outputFlow = new NestedOutputFlow(pipe, channelId);
nestedInput = pipe.source();
} else {
outputFlow = null;
nestedInput = null;
// Create channel for local -> peer data flow
final NestedInputFlow inputFlow;
final Pipe.SinkChannel nestedOutput;
if (directions.hasOutput()) {
final Pipe pipe = this.provider.openPipe();
inputFlow = new NestedInputFlow(pipe, channelId);
nestedOutput = pipe.sink();
} else {
inputFlow = null;
nestedOutput = null;
// Add nested channel
this.nestedInfoMap.put(channelId, new NestedInfo(channelId, inputFlow, outputFlow));
// Build request object and add to queue
return new SimpleNestedChannel(this, channelId, nestedInput, nestedOutput, requestData);
private boolean closeNestedChannel(long channelId, boolean notifyPeer) {
assert Thread.holdsLock(this);
// Have we already closed this nested channel? If so, ignore this duplicate request.
final NestedInfo nestedInfo = this.nestedInfoMap.get(channelId);
if (nestedInfo == null)
return false;
// Debug
this.log.debug("closing %s", nestedInfo);
// Close local -> peer direction
if (nestedInfo.inputFlow() != null)
// Close local <- peer direction
if (nestedInfo.outputFlow() != null) {
if (nestedInfo.outputFlow().getOutputQueue().isFull() && --this.numNestedOutputsFull == 0)
// Notify the peer
if (notifyPeer) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
// ignore
// Done
return true;
private boolean wentEmpty(int flags) {
return (flags & (OutputQueue.WAS_EMPTY | OutputQueue.NOW_EMPTY)) == OutputQueue.NOW_EMPTY;
private boolean wentFull(int flags) {
return (flags & (OutputQueue.WAS_FULL | OutputQueue.NOW_FULL)) == OutputQueue.NOW_FULL;
private boolean wentNonEmpty(int flags) {
return (flags & (OutputQueue.WAS_EMPTY | OutputQueue.NOW_EMPTY)) == OutputQueue.WAS_EMPTY;
private boolean wentNonFull(int flags) {
return (flags & (OutputQueue.WAS_FULL | OutputQueue.NOW_FULL)) == OutputQueue.WAS_FULL;
private void shutdown() {
assert Thread.holdsLock(this);
.forEach(channelId -> this.closeNestedChannel(channelId, false));
this.numNestedOutputsFull = 0;
this.log.debug("closing %s", this.peerInput);
this.log.debug("closing %s", this.peerOutput);
protected void closeAndCatch(Closeable closeable) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
// ignore
// Flow
private abstract class Flow implements IOHandler, Closeable {
private final T channel;
private final SelectionKey key;
Flow(T channel, SelectionKey key) throws IOException {
if (channel == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("null channel");
this.channel = channel;
this.key = key != null ? key : SimpleMuxableChannel.this.createSelectionKey(this.channel, this, true);
public SelectionKey getKey() {
return this.key;
public T getChannel() {
return this.channel;
* Describe this channel for debug purposes.
public abstract String toString();
public final void serviceIO(SelectionKey key) throws IOException {
if (!key.isValid()) {
this.close(new AsynchronousCloseException());
protected abstract void service() throws IOException;
public void close() {
// InputFlow
private abstract class InputFlow extends Flow {
private final int bufferSize;
InputFlow(T channel, SelectionKey key, int bufferSize) throws IOException {
super(channel, key);
this.bufferSize = bufferSize;
public void startReading() {
SimpleMuxableChannel.this.log.trace("%s %s %s", this, "enable", "select for read");
SimpleMuxableChannel.this.selectFor(this.getKey(), SelectionKey.OP_READ, true);
public void stopReading() {
SimpleMuxableChannel.this.log.trace("%s %s %s", this, "disable", "select for read");
SimpleMuxableChannel.this.selectFor(this.getKey(), SelectionKey.OP_READ, false);
public ByteBuffer read() throws IOException {
final ByteBuffer data = ByteBuffer.allocate(this.bufferSize);
final int numRead = this.getChannel().read(data);
if (numRead == -1)
throw new EOFException("got EOF reading channel");
return data;
// NestedFlow
private interface NestedFlow {
* Determine whether channel was originated remotely or locally.
default boolean isRemote() {
return this.getChannelId() < 0;
* Get the (encoded) channel ID for this channel.
long getChannelId();
// PeerInputFlow
// Represents the "real" underlying input stream from the remote peer
private class PeerInputFlow extends InputFlow {
PeerInputFlow(T channel, SelectionKey key) throws IOException {
super(channel, key, MAIN_CHANNEL_INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE);
PeerInputFlow(T channel) throws IOException {
this(channel, null);
public void service() throws IOException {
public void close(Throwable cause) {
SimpleMuxableChannel.this.handlePeerChannelClosed(this, cause);
public String toString() {
return "peer input channel";
// NestedInputFlow
// Represents the input from the application for outgoing data to be written on a nested channel
private class NestedInputFlow extends InputFlow implements NestedFlow {
private final long channelId;
private final Pipe.SinkChannel pipeSink;
NestedInputFlow(Pipe pipe, long channelId) throws IOException {
super(pipe.source(), null, NESTED_CHANNEL_INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE);
this.channelId = channelId;
this.pipeSink = pipe.sink();
public long getChannelId() {
return this.channelId;
public void service() throws IOException {
public void close(Throwable cause) {
SimpleMuxableChannel.this.handleNestedChannelException(this, cause);
public void close() {
public String toString() {
return String.format("nested input channel %s%d", this.isRemote() ? "R" : "L", Math.abs(this.channelId));
// OutputFlow
private abstract class OutputFlow extends Flow {
private final OutputQueue queue;
OutputFlow(T channel, SelectionKey key, long outputQueueFullMark) throws IOException {
super(channel, key);
this.queue = new OutputQueue(outputQueueFullMark);
public void startWriting() {
SimpleMuxableChannel.this.log.trace("%s %s %s", this, "enable", "select for write");
SimpleMuxableChannel.this.selectFor(this.getKey(), SelectionKey.OP_WRITE, true);
public void stopWriting() {
SimpleMuxableChannel.this.log.trace("%s %s %s", this, "disable", "select for write");
SimpleMuxableChannel.this.selectFor(this.getKey(), SelectionKey.OP_WRITE, false);
public OutputQueue getOutputQueue() {
return this.queue;
public int enqueue(ByteBuffer data) {
return this.queue.enqueue(data);
public int write() throws IOException {
return this.queue.writeTo(this.getChannel());
// PeerOutputFlow
// Represents the "real" underlying output stream to the remote peer
private class PeerOutputFlow extends OutputFlow {
PeerOutputFlow(T channel, SelectionKey key) throws IOException {
super(channel, key, MAIN_CHANNEL_OUTPUT_QUEUE_FULL);
PeerOutputFlow(T channel) throws IOException {
this(channel, null);
public void service() throws IOException {
public void close(Throwable cause) {
SimpleMuxableChannel.this.handlePeerChannelClosed(this, cause);
public String toString() {
return "peer output channel";
// NestedOutputFlow
// Represents the output to the application for incoming data that was received on a nested channel
private class NestedOutputFlow extends OutputFlow implements NestedFlow {
private final long channelId;
private final Pipe.SourceChannel pipeSource;
NestedOutputFlow(Pipe pipe, long channelId) throws IOException {
super(pipe.sink(), null, NESTED_CHANNEL_OUTPUT_QUEUE_FULL);
this.channelId = channelId;
this.pipeSource = pipe.source();
public long getChannelId() {
return this.channelId;
public void service() throws IOException {
public void close(Throwable cause) {
SimpleMuxableChannel.this.handleNestedChannelException(this, cause);
public void close() {
public String toString() {
return String.format("nested output channel %s%d", this.isRemote() ? "R" : "L", Math.abs(this.channelId));
// NestedInfo
private record NestedInfo(long channelId, NestedInputFlow inputFlow, NestedOutputFlow outputFlow) {
public void startReading() {
public void stopReading() {
public String toString() {
final long channelId = this.channelId();
return String.format("nested channel %s%d", channelId < 0 ? "R" : "L", Math.abs(channelId));
// State
private enum State {