org.dianahep.histogrammar.primitives.bin.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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Histogram abstraction to simplify complex aggregations in distributed environments.
The newest version!
// Copyright 2016 DIANA-HEP
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package org.dianahep
import scala.language.existentials
import org.dianahep.histogrammar.json._
import org.dianahep.histogrammar.util._
package histogrammar {
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Bin/Binned/Binning
/** Split a quantity into equally spaced bins between a low and high threshold and fill exactly one bin per datum.
* When composed with [[org.dianahep.histogrammar.Count]], this produces a standard histogram:
* {{{Bin.ing(100, 0, 10, fill_x, Count.ing())}}}
* and when nested, it produces a two-dimensional histogram:
* {{{Bin.ing(100, 0, 10, fill_x,
* Bin.ing(100, 0, 10, fill_y, Count.ing()))}}}
* Combining with [[org.dianahep.histogrammar.Deviate]] produces a physicist's "profile plot:"
* {{{Bin.ing(100, 0, 10, fill_x, Deviate.ing(fill_y))}}}
* and so on.
* Factory produces mutable [[org.dianahep.histogrammar.Binning]] and immutable [[org.dianahep.histogrammar.Binned]] objects.
object Bin extends Factory {
val name = "Bin"
val help = "Split a quantity into equally spaced bins between a low and high threshold and fill exactly one bin per datum."
val detailedHelp ="""When composed with [[org.dianahep.histogrammar.Count]], this produces a standard histogram:
{{{Bin.ing(100, 0, 10, fill_x, Count.ing())}}}
and when nested, it produces a two-dimensional histogram:
{{{Bin.ing(100, 0, 10, fill_x,
Bin.ing(100, 0, 10, fill_y, Count.ing()))}}}
Combining with [[org.dianahep.histogrammar.Deviate]] produces a physicist's "profile plot:"
{{{Bin.ing(100, 0, 10, fill_x, Deviate.ing(fill_y))}}}
and so on."""
/** Create an immutable [[org.dianahep.histogrammar.Binned]] from arguments (instead of JSON).
* @param low Minimum-value edge of the first bin.
* @param high Maximum-value edge of the last bin.
* @param entries Weighted number of entries (sum of all observed weights).
* @param values Containers for data sent to each bin.
* @param underflow Container for data below the first bin.
* @param overflow Container for data above the last bin.
* @param nanflow Container for data that resulted in `NaN`.
def ed[V <: Container[V] with NoAggregation, U <: Container[U] with NoAggregation, O <: Container[O] with NoAggregation, N <: Container[N] with NoAggregation]
(low: Double,
high: Double,
entries: Double,
values: Seq[V],
underflow: U,
overflow: O,
nanflow: N) = new Binned[V, U, O, N](low, high, entries, None, values, underflow, overflow, nanflow)
/** Create an empty, mutable [[org.dianahep.histogrammar.Binning]].
* @param number Of bins.
* @param low Minimum-value edge of the first bin.
* @param high Maximum-value edge of the last bin.
* @param quantity Numerical function to split into bins.
* @param value Template used to create zero values (by calling this `value`'s `zero` method).
* @param underflow Container for data below the first bin.
* @param overflow Container for data above the last bin.
* @param nanflow Container for data that resulted in `NaN`.
def apply[DATUM, V <: Container[V] with Aggregation{type Datum >: DATUM}, U <: Container[U] with Aggregation{type Datum >: DATUM}, O <: Container[O] with Aggregation{type Datum >: DATUM}, N <: Container[N] with Aggregation{type Datum >: DATUM}]
(num: Int,
low: Double,
high: Double,
quantity: UserFcn[DATUM, Double],
value: => V = Count(),
underflow: U = Count(),
overflow: O = Count(),
nanflow: N = Count()) =
new Binning[DATUM, V, U, O, N](low, high, quantity, 0.0, Seq.fill(num)(value.zero), underflow, overflow, nanflow)
/** Synonym for `apply`. */
def ing[DATUM, V <: Container[V] with Aggregation{type Datum >: DATUM}, U <: Container[U] with Aggregation{type Datum >: DATUM}, O <: Container[O] with Aggregation{type Datum >: DATUM}, N <: Container[N] with Aggregation{type Datum >: DATUM}]
(num: Int,
low: Double,
high: Double,
quantity: UserFcn[DATUM, Double],
value: => V = Count(),
underflow: U = Count(),
overflow: O = Count(),
nanflow: N = Count()) = apply(num, low, high, quantity, value, underflow, overflow, nanflow)
trait Methods {
/** Number of bins. */
def num: Int
def low: Double
def high: Double
/** Find the bin index associated with numerical value `x`.
* @return -1 if `x` is out of range; the bin index otherwise.
def bin(x: Double): Int =
if (under(x) || over(x) || nan(x))
Math.floor(num * (x - low) / (high - low)).toInt
/** Return `true` iff `x` is in the underflow region (less than `low`). */
def under(x: Double): Boolean = !x.isNaN && x < low
/** Return `true` iff `x` is in the overflow region (greater than `high`). */
def over(x: Double): Boolean = !x.isNaN && x >= high
/** Return `true` iff `x` is in the nanflow region (equal to `NaN`). */
def nan(x: Double): Boolean = x.isNaN
/** Get a sequence of valid indexes. */
def indexes: Seq[Int] = 0 until num
/** Get the low and high edge of a bin (given by index number). */
def range(index: Int): (Double, Double) = ((high - low) * index / num + low, (high - low) * (index + 1) / num + low)
import KeySetComparisons._
def fromJsonFragment(json: Json, nameFromParent: Option[String]): Container[_] with NoAggregation = json match {
case JsonObject(pairs @ _*) if (pairs.keySet has Set("low", "high", "entries", "values:type", "values", "underflow:type", "underflow", "overflow:type", "overflow", "nanflow:type", "nanflow").maybe("name").maybe("values:name")) =>
val get = pairs.toMap
val low = get("low") match {
case JsonNumber(x) => x
case x => throw new JsonFormatException(x, name + ".low")
val high = get("high") match {
case JsonNumber(x) => x
case x => throw new JsonFormatException(x, name + ".high")
val entries = get("entries") match {
case JsonNumber(x) => x
case x => throw new JsonFormatException(x, name + ".entries")
val quantityName = get.getOrElse("name", JsonNull) match {
case JsonString(x) => Some(x)
case JsonNull => None
case x => throw new JsonFormatException(x, name + ".name")
val valuesFactory = get("values:type") match {
case JsonString(name) => Factory(name)
case x => throw new JsonFormatException(x, name + ".values:type")
val valuesName = get.getOrElse("values:name", JsonNull) match {
case JsonString(x) => Some(x)
case JsonNull => None
case x => throw new JsonFormatException(x, name + ".values:name")
val values = get("values") match {
case JsonArray(sub @ _*) => sub.map(valuesFactory.fromJsonFragment(_, valuesName))
case x => throw new JsonFormatException(x, name + ".values")
val underflowFactory = get("underflow:type") match {
case JsonString(name) => Factory(name)
case x => throw new JsonFormatException(x, name + ".underflow:type")
val underflow = underflowFactory.fromJsonFragment(get("underflow"), None)
val overflowFactory = get("overflow:type") match {
case JsonString(name) => Factory(name)
case x => throw new JsonFormatException(x, name + ".overflow:type")
val overflow = overflowFactory.fromJsonFragment(get("overflow"), None)
val nanflowFactory = get("nanflow:type") match {
case JsonString(name) => Factory(name)
case x => throw new JsonFormatException(x, name + ".nanflow:type")
val nanflow = nanflowFactory.fromJsonFragment(get("nanflow"), None)
new Binned(low, high, entries, (nameFromParent ++ quantityName).lastOption, values.asInstanceOf[Seq[C] forSome {type C <: Container[C] with NoAggregation}], underflow.asInstanceOf[C forSome {type C <: Container[C] with NoAggregation}], overflow.asInstanceOf[C forSome {type C <: Container[C] with NoAggregation}], nanflow.asInstanceOf[C forSome {type C <: Container[C] with NoAggregation}])
case _ => throw new JsonFormatException(json, name)
/** An accumulated quantity that was split into equally spaced bins between specified limits and filling only one bin per datum.
* Use the factory [[org.dianahep.histogrammar.Bin]] to construct an instance.
* @param low Minimum-value edge of the first bin.
* @param high Maximum-value edge of the last bin.
* @param entries Weighted number of entries (sum of all observed weights).
* @param quantityName Optional name given to the quantity function, passed for bookkeeping.
* @param values Containers for data sent to each bin.
* @param underflow Container for data below the first bin.
* @param overflow Container for data above the last bin.
* @param nanflow Container for data that resulted in `NaN`.
class Binned[V <: Container[V] with NoAggregation, U <: Container[U] with NoAggregation, O <: Container[O] with NoAggregation, N <: Container[N] with NoAggregation] private[histogrammar](
val low: Double,
val high: Double,
val entries: Double,
val quantityName: Option[String],
val values: Seq[V],
val underflow: U,
val overflow: O,
val nanflow: N) extends Container[Binned[V, U, O, N]] with NoAggregation with QuantityName with Bin.Methods {
type Type = Binned[V, U, O, N]
type EdType = Binned[V, U, O, N]
def factory = Bin
if (low >= high)
throw new ContainerException(s"low ($low) must be less than high ($high)")
if (values.size < 1)
throw new ContainerException(s"values ($values) must have at least one element")
if (entries < 0.0)
throw new ContainerException(s"entries ($entries) cannot be negative")
def num = values.size
/** Extract the container at a given index. */
def at(index: Int) = values(index)
def zero = new Binned[V, U, O, N](low, high, 0.0, quantityName, Seq.fill(values.size)(values.head.zero), underflow.zero, overflow.zero, nanflow.zero)
def +(that: Binned[V, U, O, N]): Binned[V, U, O, N] = {
if (this.quantityName != that.quantityName)
throw new ContainerException(s"cannot add ${getClass.getName} because quantityName differs (${this.quantityName} vs ${that.quantityName})")
if (this.low != that.low)
throw new ContainerException(s"cannot add ${getClass.getName} because low differs (${this.low} vs ${that.low})")
if (this.high != that.high)
throw new ContainerException(s"cannot add ${getClass.getName} because high differs (${this.high} vs ${that.high})")
if (this.values.size != that.values.size)
throw new ContainerException(s"cannot add ${getClass.getName} because number of values differs (${this.values.size} vs ${that.values.size})")
new Binned(
this.entries + that.entries,
this.values zip that.values map {case (me, you) => me + you},
this.underflow + that.underflow,
this.overflow + that.overflow,
this.nanflow + that.nanflow)
def *(factor: Double) =
if (factor.isNaN || factor <= 0.0)
new Binned[V, U, O, N](low, high, factor * entries, quantityName, values.map(_ * factor), underflow * factor, overflow * factor, nanflow * factor)
def children = underflow :: overflow :: nanflow :: values.toList
def toJsonFragment(suppressName: Boolean) = JsonObject(
"low" -> JsonFloat(low),
"high" -> JsonFloat(high),
"entries" -> JsonFloat(entries),
"values:type" -> JsonString(values.head.factory.name),
"values" -> JsonArray(values.map(_.toJsonFragment(true)): _*),
"underflow:type" -> JsonString(underflow.factory.name),
"underflow" -> underflow.toJsonFragment(false),
"overflow:type" -> JsonString(overflow.factory.name),
"overflow" -> overflow.toJsonFragment(false),
"nanflow:type" -> JsonString(nanflow.factory.name),
"nanflow" -> nanflow.toJsonFragment(false)).
maybe(JsonString("name") -> (if (suppressName) None else quantityName.map(JsonString(_)))).
maybe(JsonString("values:name") -> (values.head match {case x: QuantityName => x.quantityName.map(JsonString(_)); case _ => None}))
override def toString() = s""""""
override def equals(that: Any) = that match {
case that: Binned[V, U, O, N] => this.low === that.low && this.high === that.high && this.entries === that.entries && this.quantityName == that.quantityName && this.values == that.values && this.underflow == that.underflow && this.overflow == that.overflow && this.nanflow == that.nanflow
case _ => false
override def hashCode() = (low, high, entries, quantityName, values, underflow, overflow, nanflow).hashCode
/** Accumulating a quantity by splitting it into equally spaced bins between specified limits and filling only one bin per datum.
* Use the factory [[org.dianahep.histogrammar.Bin]] to construct an instance.
* @param low Minimum-value edge of the first bin.
* @param high Maximum-value edge of the last bin.
* @param quantity Numerical function to track.
* @param entries Weighted number of entries (sum of all observed weights).
* @param values Containers for data sent to each bin.
* @param underflow Container for data below the first bin.
* @param overflow Container for data above the last bin.
* @param nanflow Container for data that resulted in `NaN`.
class Binning[DATUM, V <: Container[V] with Aggregation{type Datum >: DATUM}, U <: Container[U] with Aggregation{type Datum >: DATUM}, O <: Container[O] with Aggregation{type Datum >: DATUM}, N <: Container[N] with Aggregation{type Datum >: DATUM}] private[histogrammar](
val low: Double,
val high: Double,
val quantity: UserFcn[DATUM, Double],
var entries: Double,
val values: Seq[V],
val underflow: U,
val overflow: O,
val nanflow: N) extends Container[Binning[DATUM, V, U, O, N]] with AggregationOnData with NumericalQuantity[DATUM] with Bin.Methods {
if (low >= high)
throw new ContainerException(s"low ($low) must be less than high ($high)")
if (values.size < 1)
throw new ContainerException(s"values ($values) must have at least one element")
if (entries < 0.0)
throw new ContainerException(s"entries ($entries) cannot be negative")
def num = values.size
protected val v = values.head
type Type = Binning[DATUM, V, U, O, N]
type EdType = Binned[v.EdType, underflow.EdType, overflow.EdType, nanflow.EdType]
type Datum = DATUM
def factory = Bin
/** Extract the container at a given index. */
def at(index: Int) = values(index)
def zero = new Binning[DATUM, V, U, O, N](low, high, quantity, 0.0, values.map(_.zero), underflow.zero, overflow.zero, nanflow.zero)
def +(that: Binning[DATUM, V, U, O, N]): Binning[DATUM, V, U, O, N] = {
if (this.quantity.name != that.quantity.name)
throw new ContainerException(s"cannot add ${getClass.getName} because quantity name differs (${this.quantity.name} vs ${that.quantity.name})")
if (this.low != that.low)
throw new ContainerException(s"cannot add ${getClass.getName} because low differs (${this.low} vs ${that.low})")
if (this.high != that.high)
throw new ContainerException(s"cannot add ${getClass.getName} because high differs (${this.high} vs ${that.high})")
if (this.values.size != that.values.size)
throw new ContainerException(s"cannot add ${getClass.getName} because number of values differs (${this.values.size} vs ${that.values.size})")
new Binning[DATUM, V, U, O, N](
this.entries + that.entries,
this.values zip that.values map {case (me, you) => me + you},
this.underflow + that.underflow,
this.overflow + that.overflow,
this.nanflow + that.nanflow)
def *(factor: Double) =
if (factor.isNaN || factor <= 0.0)
new Binning[DATUM, V, U, O, N](low, high, quantity, factor * entries, values.map(_ * factor), underflow * factor, overflow * factor, nanflow * factor)
def fill[SUB <: Datum](datum: SUB, weight: Double = 1.0) {
if (weight > 0.0) {
val q = quantity(datum)
if (under(q))
underflow.fill(datum, weight)
else if (over(q))
overflow.fill(datum, weight)
else if (nan(q))
nanflow.fill(datum, weight)
values(bin(q)).fill(datum, weight)
// no possibility of exception from here on out (for rollback)
entries += weight
def children = underflow :: overflow :: nanflow :: values.toList
def toJsonFragment(suppressName: Boolean) = JsonObject(
"low" -> JsonFloat(low),
"high" -> JsonFloat(high),
"entries" -> JsonFloat(entries),
"values:type" -> JsonString(values.head.factory.name),
"values" -> JsonArray(values.map(_.toJsonFragment(true)): _*),
"underflow:type" -> JsonString(underflow.factory.name),
"underflow" -> underflow.toJsonFragment(false),
"overflow:type" -> JsonString(overflow.factory.name),
"overflow" -> overflow.toJsonFragment(false),
"nanflow:type" -> JsonString(nanflow.factory.name),
"nanflow" -> nanflow.toJsonFragment(false)).
maybe(JsonString("name") -> (if (suppressName) None else quantity.name.map(JsonString(_)))).
maybe(JsonString("values:name") -> (values.head match {case x: AnyQuantity[_, _] => x.quantity.name.map(JsonString(_)); case _ => None}))
override def toString() = s""""""
override def equals(that: Any) = that match {
case that: Binning[DATUM, V, U, O, N] => this.low === that.low && this.high === that.high && this.quantity == that.quantity && this.entries === that.entries && this.values == that.values && this.underflow == that.underflow && this.overflow == that.overflow && this.nanflow == that.nanflow
case _ => false
override def hashCode() = (low, high, quantity, entries, values, underflow, overflow, nanflow).hashCode
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