org.dianahep.histogrammar.primitives.count.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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// Copyright 2016 DIANA-HEP
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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package org.dianahep
import scala.language.existentials
import org.dianahep.histogrammar._
import org.dianahep.histogrammar.json._
import org.dianahep.histogrammar.util._
package histogrammar {
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Count/Counted/Counting
/** Count entries by accumulating the sum of all observed weights or a sum of transformed weights (e.g. sum of squares of weights).
* An optional `transform` function can be applied to the weights before summing. To accumulate the sum of squares of weights, use `{x: Double => x*x}`, for instance. This is unlike any other primitive's `quantity` function in that its domain is the ''weights'' (always double), not ''data'' (any type).
* Factory produces mutable [[org.dianahep.histogrammar.Counting]] and immutable [[org.dianahep.histogrammar.Counted]] objects.
object Count extends Factory {
val name = "Count"
val help = "Count entries by accumulating the sum of all observed weights or a sum of transformed weights (e.g. sum of squares of weights)."
val detailedHelp = """An optional `transform` function can be applied to the weights before summing. To accumulate the sum of squares of weights, use `{x: Double => x*x}`, for instance. This is unlike any other primitive's `quantity` function in that its domain is the ''weights'' (always double), not ''data'' (any type)."""
object Identity extends UserFcn[Double, Double] {
def name = None
def hasCache = false
def apply[SUB <: Double](x: SUB) = x
/** Create an immutable [[org.dianahep.histogrammar.Counted]] from arguments (instead of JSON).
* @param entries Weighted number of entries (sum of all observed weights).
def ed(entries: Double) = new Counted(entries)
/** Create an empty, mutable [[org.dianahep.histogrammar.Counting]].
* @param transform Transform each weight before adding. For instance, to collect a sum of squared weights, pass {x: Double: x*x} as `transform`.
def apply(transform: UserFcn[Double, Double] = Identity) = new Counting(0.0, transform)
/** Synonym for `apply`. */
def ing(transform: UserFcn[Double, Double] = Identity) = apply(transform)
/** Use [[org.dianahep.histogrammar.Counted]] in Scala pattern-matching. */
def unapply(x: Counted) = Some(x.entries)
/** Use [[org.dianahep.histogrammar.Counting]] in Scala pattern-matching. */
def unapply(x: Counting) = Some(x.entries)
import KeySetComparisons._
def fromJsonFragment(json: Json, nameFromParent: Option[String]): Container[_] with NoAggregation = json match {
case JsonNumber(entries) => new Counted(entries)
case _ => throw new JsonFormatException(json, name)
// // Confidence interval formulas for counting statistics (e.g. bin-by-bin).
// // For more information, see https://www.ine.pt/revstat/pdf/rs120203.pdf
// /** Compute the normal confidence interval on `number` (where `number` is a count of events in a Poisson process).
// *
// * The normal confidence interval is `number + z * sqrt(number)`. It has good properties for large numbers.
// *
// * @param z Informally, the "number of sigmas." Formally, `z` is the `1 - alpha/2` quantile of the standard normal distribution, where `alpha` is the error quantile. For example, for a 95% confidence level, the error (`alpha`) is 5%, so z = 1.96. Note that `z` is signed. `z = 0` yields the central value, `z = -1` yields "one sigma" below the central value, and `z = 1` yields "one sigma" above the central value.
// */
// def normalConfidenceInterval(number: Double, z: Double): Double = normalConfidenceInterval(number, List(z): _*).head
// /** Compute the normal confidence interval on `number` (where `number` is a count of events in a Poisson process).
// *
// * The normal confidence interval is `number + z * sqrt(number)`. It has good properties for large numbers.
// *
// * @param z Informally, the "number of sigmas." Formally, `z` is the `1 - alpha/2` quantile of the standard normal distribution, where `alpha` is the error quantile. For example, for a 95% confidence level, the error (`alpha`) is 5%, so z = 1.96. Note that `z` is signed. `z = 0` yields the central value, `z = -1` yields "one sigma" below the central value, and `z = 1` yields "one sigma" above the central value.
// */
// def normalConfidenceInterval(number: Double, zs: Double*): Seq[Double] =
// zs.map(z => number + z * Math.sqrt(number))
// /** Compute the Wilson confidence interval on `number` (where `number` is a count of events in a Poisson process).
// *
// * The Wilson confidence interval is `number * (1 - 1/(9*number) + z / (3 * sqrt(number)))**3`. It has good properties for small integers, but not for numbers below one.
// *
// * @param z Informally, the "number of sigmas." Formally, `z` is the `1 - alpha/2` quantile of the standard normal distribution, where `alpha` is the error quantile. For example, for a 95% confidence level, the error (`alpha`) is 5%, so z = 1.96. Note that `z` is signed. `z = 0` yields the central value, `z = -1` yields "one sigma" below the central value, and `z = 1` yields "one sigma" above the central value.
// */
// def wilsonConfidenceInterval(number: Double, z: Double): Double = wilsonConfidenceInterval(number, List(z): _*).head
// /** Compute the Wilson confidence interval on `number` (where `number` is a count of events in a Poisson process).
// *
// * The Wilson confidence interval is `number * (1 - 1/(9*number) + z / (3 * sqrt(number)))**3`. It has good properties for small integers, but not for numbers below one.
// *
// * @param z Informally, the "number of sigmas." Formally, `z` is the `1 - alpha/2` quantile of the standard normal distribution, where `alpha` is the error quantile. For example, for a 95% confidence level, the error (`alpha`) is 5%, so z = 1.96. Note that `z` is signed. `z = 0` yields the central value, `z = -1` yields "one sigma" below the central value, and `z = 1` yields "one sigma" above the central value.
// */
// def wilsonConfidenceInterval(number: Double, zs: Double*): Seq[Double] =
// zs.map(z => number * Math.pow(1.0 - 1.0/(9.0*number) + z / (3.0 * Math.sqrt(number)), 3))
/** An accumulated count (sum of weights) of data, ignoring its content.
* Use the factory [[org.dianahep.histogrammar.Count]] to construct an instance.
* @param entries Weighted number of entries (sum of all weights).
class Counted private[histogrammar](val entries: Double) extends Container[Counted] with NoAggregation {
type Type = Counted
type EdType = Counted
def factory = Count
if (entries < 0.0)
throw new ContainerException(s"entries ($entries) cannot be negative")
def zero = new Counted(0.0)
def +(that: Counted): Counted = new Counted(this.entries + that.entries)
def *(factor: Double) =
if (factor.isNaN || factor <= 0.0)
new Counted(factor * entries)
def children = Nil
def toJsonFragment(suppressName: Boolean) = JsonFloat(entries)
override def toString() = s""
override def equals(that: Any) = that match {
case that: Counted => this.entries === that.entries
case _ => false
override def hashCode() = entries.hashCode
/** Accumulating a count (sum of weights) of data, ignoring its content.
* Use the factory [[org.dianahep.histogrammar.Count]] to construct an instance.
* This is the only container with [[org.dianahep.histogrammar.Aggregation]] that doesn't have a configurable data type: its `Datum` is `Any`. It is primarily for the sake of this container that `Aggregation` is contravariant.
* @param entries Weighted number of entries (sum of all observed weights).
class Counting private[histogrammar](var entries: Double, val transform: UserFcn[Double, Double]) extends Container[Counting] with Aggregation {
type Type = Counting
type EdType = Counted
type Datum = Any
def factory = Count
if (entries < 0.0)
throw new ContainerException(s"entries ($entries) cannot be negative")
def zero = new Counting(0.0, transform)
def +(that: Counting): Counting = new Counting(this.entries + that.entries, transform)
def *(factor: Double) =
if (!transform.isInstanceOf[Count.Identity.type])
throw new ContainerException("Cannot scalar-multiply Counting with a non-identity transform.")
else if (factor.isNaN || factor <= 0.0)
new Counting(factor * entries, transform)
def fill[SUB <: Any](datum: SUB, weight: Double = 1.0) {
// no possibility of exception from here on out (for rollback)
if (weight > 0.0)
entries += transform(weight)
def children = Nil
def toJsonFragment(suppressName: Boolean) = JsonFloat(entries)
override def toString() = s""
override def equals(that: Any) = that match {
case that: Counting => this.entries === that.entries && this.transform == that.transform
case _ => false
override def hashCode() = (entries, transform).hashCode
// Note on statistics:
// Could follow http://statpages.info/confint.html to provide exact Clopper-Pearson bounds for Poisson (Count) and Binomial (Fraction) confidence levels.
// Inefficient calculation (JavaScript) that assumes the number of entries is an integer (and scales with it!):
// var vTL=2.5; var vTU=2.5; var vCL=95
// function CalcCL(form) {
// vTL = eval(form.TL.value)
// vTU = eval(form.TU.value)
// vCL = 100-(vTL+vTU)
// form.CL.value = ''+vCL
// }
// function CalcTails(form) {
// vCL = eval(form.CL.value)
// vTU = (100-vCL)/2
// vTL = vTU
// form.TL.value = ''+vTL
// form.TU.value = ''+vTU
// }
// function CalcBin(form) {
// var vx = eval(form.x.value)
// var vN = eval(form.N.value)
// var vP = vx/vN
// form.P.value = Fmt(vP)
// if(vx==0) {
// form.DL.value = "0.0000"
// }
// else {
// var v=vP/2;
// vsL=0;
// vsH=vP;
// var p=vTL/100;
// while ((vsH-vsL)>1e-5) {
// if(BinP(vN,v,vx,vN)>p) {
// vsH=v;
// v=(vsL+v)/2
// }
// else {
// vsL=v;
// v=(v+vsH)/2
// }
// }
// form.DL.value = Fmt(v)
// }
// if(vx==vN) {
// form.DU.value = "1.0000"
// }
// else {
// var v=(1+vP)/2;
// vsL=vP;
// vsH=1;
// var p=vTU/100
// while ((vsH-vsL)>1e-5) {
// if (BinP(vN,v,0,vx)=x1 & k<=x2) {
// s=s+v
// }
// if (tot>1e30) {
// s=s/1e30;
// tot=tot/1e30;
// v=v/1e30
// }
// k=k+1;
// v=v*q*(N+1-k)/k
// }
// return s/tot
// }
// function CalcPois(form) {
// var vZ = eval(form.Z.value)
// if(vZ==0) {
// form.QL.value = "0.0000"
// }
// else {
// var v=0.5;
// var dv=0.5;
// var p=vTL/100
// while (dv>1e-7) {
// dv=dv/2;
// if (PoisP((1+vZ)*v/(1-v),vZ,1e10)>p) {
// v=v-dv
// }
// else {
// v=v+dv
// }
// }
// form.QL.value = Fmt((1+vZ)*v/(1-v))
// }
// if(vTU==0) {
// form.QU.value = "Infinity"
// }
// else {
// var v=0.5;
// var dv=0.5;
// var p=vTU/100
// while (dv>1e-7) {
// dv=dv/2;
// if (PoisP((1+vZ)*v/(1-v),0,vZ)
(tot*1e-10)) {
// tot=tot+q
// if(k>=x1 & k<=x2) {
// s=s+q
// }
// if (tot>1e30) {
// s=s/1e30;
// tot=tot/1e30;
// q=q/1e30
// }
// k=k+1;
// q=q*Z/k
// }
// return s/tot
// }
// function Fmt(x) {
// var v
// if (x>=0) {
// v=''+(x+0.00005)
// }
// else {
// v=''+(x-0.00005)
// }
// return v.substring(0,v.indexOf('.')+5)
// }