org.dita.dost.util.XMLUtils Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* This file is part of the DITA Open Toolkit project.
* Copyright 2011 Jarno Elovirta
* See the accompanying LICENSE file for applicable license.
package org.dita.dost.util;
import static java.util.Collections.emptyMap;
import static javax.xml.XMLConstants.DEFAULT_NS_PREFIX;
import static javax.xml.XMLConstants.NULL_NS_URI;
import static net.sf.saxon.s9api.streams.Predicates.*;
import static net.sf.saxon.s9api.streams.Steps.*;
import static org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils.deleteQuietly;
import static org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils.moveFile;
import static org.dita.dost.util.Configuration.parserFeatures;
import static org.dita.dost.util.Configuration.parserMap;
import static org.dita.dost.util.Constants.*;
import com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting;
import java.io.*;
import java.net.URI;
import java.nio.file.FileAlreadyExistsException;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import java.util.stream.Stream;
import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory;
import javax.xml.transform.Result;
import javax.xml.transform.Source;
import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException;
import javax.xml.transform.URIResolver;
import javax.xml.transform.stream.StreamResult;
import javax.xml.transform.stream.StreamSource;
import net.sf.saxon.event.Receiver;
import net.sf.saxon.event.Sender;
import net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct.TerminationException;
import net.sf.saxon.lib.*;
import net.sf.saxon.s9api.*;
import net.sf.saxon.s9api.streams.Step;
import net.sf.saxon.serialize.SerializationProperties;
import net.sf.saxon.trans.UncheckedXPathException;
import net.sf.saxon.trans.XPathException;
import org.dita.dost.exception.DITAOTException;
import org.dita.dost.log.DITAOTLogger;
import org.dita.dost.module.saxon.DelegatingCollationUriResolver;
import org.w3c.dom.*;
import org.xml.sax.*;
import org.xml.sax.helpers.AttributesImpl;
import org.xmlresolver.Resolver;
* XML utility methods.
* @author Jarno Elovirta
* @since 1.5.4
public final class XMLUtils {
private static final DocumentBuilderFactory factory;
static {
factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
private static final SAXParserFactory saxParserFactory;
static {
saxParserFactory = SAXParserFactory.newInstance();
private DITAOTLogger logger;
private final Resolver catalogResolver;
private final Processor processor;
private final XsltCompiler xsltCompiler;
public static final Attributes EMPTY_ATTRIBUTES = new AttributesImpl();
* Get root element from Document node.
public static Step rootElement() {
return child().where(isElement()).first();
public XMLUtils() {
catalogResolver = CatalogUtils.getCatalogResolver();
final net.sf.saxon.Configuration config = net.sf.saxon.Configuration.newConfiguration();
// config.setURIResolver(catalogResolver);
// ResourceResolver rr = catalogResolver;
// CatalogResourceResolver crr = new CatalogResourceResolver(catalogResolver);
// final XMLCatalogAdapter xmlCatalogAdapter = new XMLCatalogAdapter(null);
config.setResourceResolver(new CatalogResourceResolver(catalogResolver));
processor = new Processor(config);
xsltCompiler = processor.newXsltCompiler();
* Registers Saxon full integrated function definitions.
* The intgrated function should be an instance of net.sf.saxon.lib.ExtensionFunctionDefinition abstract class.
* @see Saxon
* Java extension functions: full interface
static void configureSaxonExtensions(final net.sf.saxon.Configuration conf) {
for (ExtensionFunctionDefinition def : ServiceLoader.load(ExtensionFunctionDefinition.class)) {
try {
} catch (InstantiationException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(
"Failed to register " +
def.getFunctionQName().getDisplayName() +
". Cannot create instance of " +
def.getClass().getName() +
": " +
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
* Registers collation URI resolvers.
static void configureSaxonCollationResolvers(final net.sf.saxon.Configuration conf) {
for (DelegatingCollationUriResolver resolver : ServiceLoader.load(DelegatingCollationUriResolver.class)) {
try {
final DelegatingCollationUriResolver newResolver = resolver.getClass().newInstance();
final CollationURIResolver currentResolver = conf.getCollationURIResolver();
if (currentResolver != null) {
} catch (InstantiationException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(
"Failed to register " +
resolver.getClass().getSimpleName() +
". Cannot create instance of " +
resolver.getClass().getName() +
": " +
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public void setLogger(final DITAOTLogger logger) {
this.logger = logger;
* Convert DOM NodeList to List.
public static List toList(final NodeList nodes) {
final List res = new ArrayList<>(nodes.getLength());
for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) {
res.add((T) nodes.item(i));
return res;
public static MessageListener2 toMessageListener(final DITAOTLogger logger, Configuration.Mode mode) {
return (content, code, terminate, locator) -> {
final Optional errorCode = content
final String level = terminate
: content
final String msg = content
switch (level) {
case "FATAL" -> {
final TerminationException err = new TerminationException(msg);
throw new SaxonApiUncheckedException(err);
case "ERROR" -> {
if (mode == Configuration.Mode.STRICT) {
throw new UncheckedXPathException(msg);
case "WARN" -> logger.warn(msg);
case "INFO" -> logger.info(msg);
case "DEBUG" -> logger.debug(msg);
default -> {
logger.error("Message level " + level + " not supported");
public static ErrorReporter toErrorReporter(final DITAOTLogger logger) {
return (XmlProcessingError error) -> {
if (error.isWarning()) {
} else {
if (error.getCause() instanceof FileNotFoundException) {
error = error.asWarning();
final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
final Location location = error.getLocation();
if (location != null) {
.append(": ");
} else {
* Get prefix from QName.
public static String getPrefix(final String qname) {
final int sep = qname.indexOf(':');
return sep != -1 ? qname.substring(0, sep) : DEFAULT_NS_PREFIX;
* List descendant elements by DITA class.
* @param elem root element
* @param cls DITA class to match elements
* @param deep {@code true} to read descendants, {@code false} to read only direct children
* @return list of matching elements
public static List getChildElements(final Element elem, final DitaClass cls, final boolean deep) {
final NodeList children = deep ? elem.getElementsByTagName("*") : elem.getChildNodes();
final List res = new ArrayList<>(children.getLength());
for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) {
final Node child = children.item(i);
if (cls.matches(child)) {
res.add((Element) child);
return res;
* Get first child element by element name.
* @param elem root element
* @param ns namespace URI, {@code null} for empty namespace
* @param name element name to match element
* @return matching element
public static Optional getChildElement(final Element elem, final String ns, final String name) {
final NodeList children = elem.getChildNodes();
for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) {
final Node child = children.item(i);
if (child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
if (Objects.equals(child.getNamespaceURI(), ns) && name.equals(child.getLocalName())) {
return Optional.of((Element) child);
return Optional.empty();
* Get first child element by DITA class.
* @param elem root element
* @param cls DITA class to match element
* @return matching element
public static Optional getChildElement(final Element elem, final DitaClass cls) {
final NodeList children = elem.getChildNodes();
for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) {
final Node child = children.item(i);
if (cls.matches(child)) {
return Optional.of((Element) child);
return Optional.empty();
* List child elements by element name.
* @param ns namespace URL, {@code null} for empty namespace
* @param elem root element
* @param name element local name to match elements
* @return list of matching elements
public static List getChildElements(final Element elem, final String ns, final String name) {
final NodeList children = elem.getChildNodes();
final List res = new ArrayList<>(children.getLength());
for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) {
final Node child = children.item(i);
if (child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
if (Objects.equals(child.getNamespaceURI(), ns) && name.equals(child.getLocalName())) {
res.add((Element) child);
return res;
* List child elements by DITA class.
* @param elem root element
* @param cls DITA class to match elements
* @return list of matching elements
public static List getChildElements(final Element elem, final DitaClass cls) {
return getChildElements(elem, cls, false);
* List child elements elements.
* @param elem root element
* @return list of matching elements
public static List getChildElements(final Element elem) {
return getChildElements(elem, false);
* List child elements elements.
* @param elem root element
* @param deep {@code true} to read descendants, {@code false} to read only direct children
* @return list of matching elements
public static List getChildElements(final Element elem, final boolean deep) {
final NodeList children = deep ? elem.getElementsByTagName("*") : elem.getChildNodes();
final List res = new ArrayList<>(children.getLength());
for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) {
final Node child = children.item(i);
if (child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
res.add((Element) child);
return res;
* Checks if the closest DITA ancestor {@code } or {@code }
* @param classes stack of class attributes for open elements
* @return true if closest DITA ancestor is {@code } or {@code }, otherwise false
public static boolean nonDitaContext(final Deque classes) {
final Iterator it = classes.iterator();
it.next(); // Skip first, because we're checking if current element is inside non-DITA context
while (it.hasNext()) {
final DitaClass cls = it.next();
if (cls != null && cls.isValid() && (TOPIC_FOREIGN.matches(cls) || TOPIC_UNKNOWN.matches(cls))) {
return true;
} else if (cls != null && cls.isValid()) {
return false;
return false;
* Get specific element node from child nodes.
* @param element parent node
* @param classValue DITA class to search for
* @return element node, {@code null} if not found
public static Element getElementNode(final Element element, final DitaClass classValue) {
final NodeList list = element.getChildNodes();
for (int i = 0; i < list.getLength(); i++) {
final Node node = list.item(i);
if (node.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
final Element child = (Element) node;
if (classValue.matches(child)) {
return child;
return null;
private static final List excludeList;
static {
final List el = new ArrayList<>();
excludeList = Collections.unmodifiableList(el);
* Get text value of a node.
* @param root root node
* @return text value
public static String getText(final Node root) {
if (root == null) {
return "";
} else {
final StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(1024);
if (root.hasChildNodes()) {
final NodeList list = root.getChildNodes();
for (int i = 0; i < list.getLength(); i++) {
final Node childNode = list.item(i);
if (childNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
final Element e = (Element) childNode;
final String value = e.getAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_NAME_CLASS);
if (!excludeList.contains(value)) {
final String s = getText(e);
} else if (childNode.getNodeType() == Node.TEXT_NODE) {
} else if (root.getNodeType() == Node.TEXT_NODE) {
return result.toString();
* Search for the special kind of node by specialized value. Equivalent to XPath
* $root//*[contains(@class, $classValue)][@*[name() = $attrName and . = $searchKey]]
* @param root place may have the node.
* @param searchKey keyword for search.
* @param attrName attribute name for search.
* @param classValue class value for search.
* @return matching element, {@code null} if not found
public static Element searchForNode(
final Element root,
final String searchKey,
final String attrName,
final DitaClass classValue
) {
if (root == null) {
return null;
final Queue queue = new LinkedList<>();
while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
final Element pe = queue.poll();
final NodeList pchildrenList = pe.getChildNodes();
for (int i = 0; i < pchildrenList.getLength(); i++) {
final Node node = pchildrenList.item(i);
if (node.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
queue.offer((Element) node);
if (pe.getAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_NAME_CLASS) == null || !classValue.matches(pe)) {
final Attr value = pe.getAttributeNode(attrName);
if (value == null) {
if (searchKey.equals(value.getValue())) {
return pe;
return null;
* Add or set attribute.
* @param atts attributes
* @param uri namespace URI
* @param localName local name
* @param qName qualified name
* @param type attribute type
* @param value attribute value
public static void addOrSetAttribute(
final AttributesImpl atts,
final String uri,
final String localName,
final String qName,
final String type,
final String value
) {
final int i = atts.getIndex(qName);
if (i != -1) {
atts.setAttribute(i, uri, localName, qName, type, value);
} else {
atts.addAttribute(uri, localName, qName, type, value);
* Add or set attribute. Convenience method for {@link #addOrSetAttribute(AttributesImpl, String, String, String, String, String)}.
* @param atts attributes
* @param name name
* @param value attribute value
public static void addOrSetAttribute(final AttributesImpl atts, final QName name, final String value) {
name.getPrefix().isEmpty() ? name.getLocalPart() : (name.getPrefix() + ":" + name.getLocalPart()),
* Add or set attribute. Convenience method for {@link #addOrSetAttribute(AttributesImpl, String, String, String, String, String)}.
* @param atts attributes
* @param attr attribute to add
public static void addOrSetAttribute(final AttributesImpl atts, final XdmNode attr) {
final net.sf.saxon.s9api.QName name = attr.getNodeName();
name.getPrefix().isEmpty() ? name.getLocalName() : (name.getPrefix() + ":" + name.getLocalName()),
* Add or set attribute. Convenience method for {@link #addOrSetAttribute(AttributesImpl, String, String, String, String, String)}.
* @param atts attributes
* @param localName local name
* @param value attribute value
public static void addOrSetAttribute(final AttributesImpl atts, final String localName, final String value) {
addOrSetAttribute(atts, NULL_NS_URI, localName, localName, "CDATA", value);
* Add or set attribute. Convenience method for {@link #addOrSetAttribute(AttributesImpl, String, String, String, String, String)}.
* @param atts attributes
* @param att attribute node
public static void addOrSetAttribute(final AttributesImpl atts, final Node att) {
if (att.getNodeType() != Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
final Attr a = (Attr) att;
String localName = a.getLocalName();
if (localName == null) {
localName = a.getName();
final int i = localName.indexOf(':');
if (i != -1) {
localName = localName.substring(i + 1);
a.getNamespaceURI() != null ? a.getNamespaceURI() : NULL_NS_URI,
a.getName() != null ? a.getName() : localName,
a.isId() ? "ID" : "CDATA",
* Remove an attribute from the list. Do nothing if attribute does not exist.
* @param atts attributes
* @param qName QName of the attribute to remove
public static void removeAttribute(final AttributesImpl atts, final String qName) {
final int i = atts.getIndex(qName);
if (i != -1) {
* Get element node string value.
* @param element element to get string value for
* @return concatenated text node descendant values
public static String getStringValue(final Element element) {
final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
final NodeList children = element.getChildNodes();
for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) {
final Node n = children.item(i);
switch (n.getNodeType()) {
case Node.TEXT_NODE -> buf.append(n.getNodeValue());
case Node.ELEMENT_NODE -> buf.append(getStringValue((Element) n));
return buf.toString();
* Transform file with XML filters. Only file URIs are supported.
* @param input absolute URI to transform and replace
* @param filters XML filters to transform file with, may be an empty list
* @deprecated since 3.5
public void transform(final URI input, final List filters) throws DITAOTException {
assert input.isAbsolute();
if (!input.getScheme().equals("file")) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Only file URI scheme supported: " + input);
transform(new File(input), filters);
* Transform file with XML filters.
* @param inputFile file to transform and replace
* @param filters XML filters to transform file with, may be an empty list
* @deprecated since 3.5
public void transform(final File inputFile, final List filters) throws DITAOTException {
final File outputFile = new File(inputFile.getAbsolutePath() + FILE_EXTENSION_TEMP);
transformFile(inputFile, outputFile, filters);
try {
moveFile(outputFile, inputFile);
} catch (final RuntimeException e) {
throw e;
} catch (final Exception e) {
throw new DITAOTException("Failed to replace " + inputFile + ": " + e.getMessage());
* Transform file with XML filters.
* @param inputFile input file
* @param outputFile output file
* @param filters XML filters to transform file with, may be an empty list
* @deprecated since 3.5
public void transform(final File inputFile, final File outputFile, final List filters)
throws DITAOTException {
if (inputFile.equals(outputFile)) {
transform(inputFile, filters);
} else {
transformFile(inputFile, outputFile, filters);
* @deprecated since 3.5
private void transformFile(final File inputFile, final File outputFile, final List filters)
throws DITAOTException {
if (!outputFile.getParentFile().exists()) {
try {
} catch (FileAlreadyExistsException e) {
// Ignore
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new DITAOTException(e);
try (
final InputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(inputFile));
final OutputStream out = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(outputFile))
) {
XMLReader reader = getXMLReader();
for (final XMLFilter filter : filters) {
// ContentHandler must be reset so e.g. Saxon 9.1 will reassign ContentHandler
// when reusing filter with multiple Transformers.
reader = filter;
final Serializer result = processor.newSerializer(out);
final ContentHandler serializer = result.getContentHandler();
final InputSource inputSource = new InputSource(in);
} catch (final RuntimeException e) {
throw e;
} catch (final Exception e) {
throw new DITAOTException("Failed to transform " + inputFile + ": " + e.getMessage(), e);
* Transform file with XML filters.
* @param input input file
* @param output output file
* @param filters XML filters to transform file with, may be an empty list
* @deprecated since 3.5
public void transform(final URI input, final URI output, final List filters) throws DITAOTException {
if (input.equals(output)) {
transform(input, filters);
} else {
transformURI(input, output, filters);
* @deprecated since 3.5
private void transformURI(final URI input, final URI output, final List filters) throws DITAOTException {
final File outputFile = new File(output);
if (!outputFile.getParentFile().exists()) {
try {
} catch (FileAlreadyExistsException e) {
// Ignore
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new DITAOTException(e);
try {
XMLReader reader = getXMLReader();
for (final XMLFilter filter : filters) {
// ContentHandler must be reset so e.g. Saxon 9.1 will reassign ContentHandler
// when reusing filter with multiple Transformers.
reader = filter;
final Serializer result = processor.newSerializer(outputFile);
final ContentHandler serializer = result.getContentHandler();
final InputSource inputSource = new InputSource(input.toString());
} catch (final RuntimeException e) {
throw e;
} catch (final Exception e) {
throw new DITAOTException("Failed to transform " + input + ": " + e.getMessage(), e);
* Close input source.
public static void close(final InputSource input) throws IOException {
if (input != null) {
final InputStream i = input.getByteStream();
if (i != null) {
} else {
final Reader w = input.getCharacterStream();
if (w != null) {
* Close source.
public static void close(final Source input) throws IOException {
if (input != null && input instanceof final StreamSource s) {
final InputStream i = s.getInputStream();
if (i != null) {
} else {
final Reader w = s.getReader();
if (w != null) {
* Close result.
public static void close(final Result result) throws IOException {
if (result != null && result instanceof final StreamResult r) {
final OutputStream o = r.getOutputStream();
if (o != null) {
} else {
final Writer w = r.getWriter();
if (w != null) {
* Escape XML characters.
* @param s value needed to be escaped
* @return escaped value
public static String escapeXML(final String s) {
final char[] chars = s.toCharArray();
return escapeXML(chars, 0, chars.length);
* Escape XML characters.
* @param chars char arrays
* @param offset start position
* @param length arrays lenth
* @return escaped value
public static String escapeXML(final char[] chars, final int offset, final int length) {
final StringBuilder escaped = new StringBuilder();
final int end = offset + length;
for (int i = offset; i < end; ++i) {
final char c = chars[i];
switch (c) {
case '\'' -> escaped.append("'");
case '\"' -> escaped.append(""");
case '<' -> escaped.append("<");
case '>' -> escaped.append(">");
case '&' -> escaped.append("&");
default -> escaped.append(c);
return escaped.toString();
* Get preferred SAX parser.
* @return XML parser instance.
* @throws org.xml.sax.SAXException if instantiating XMLReader failed
public static XMLReader getXMLReader() throws SAXException {
try {
final XMLReader reader = saxParserFactory.newSAXParser().getXMLReader();
return Configuration.DEBUG ? new DebugXMLReader(reader) : reader;
} catch (ParserConfigurationException e) {
throw new SAXException(e);
* Get reader for input format
* @param format input document format
* @param processingMode
* @return reader for given forma
* @throws SAXException if creating reader failed
public static Optional getXmlReader(final String format, Configuration.Mode processingMode)
throws SAXException {
if (format == null || format.equals(ATTR_FORMAT_VALUE_DITA) || format.equals(ATTR_FORMAT_VALUE_DITAMAP)) {
return Optional.empty();
for (final Map.Entry e : parserMap.entrySet()) {
if (format.equals(e.getKey())) {
try {
// XMLReaderFactory.createXMLReader cannot be used
final XMLReader r = (XMLReader) Class.forName(e.getValue()).newInstance();
final Map features = parserFeatures.getOrDefault(e.getKey(), emptyMap());
for (final Map.Entry feature : features.entrySet()) {
try {
r.setFeature(feature.getKey(), feature.getValue());
} catch (final SAXNotRecognizedException ex) {
// Not Xerces, ignore exception
try {
r.setProperty(PROPERTY_FORMATS, parserMap.keySet());
} catch (SAXNotRecognizedException | SAXNotSupportedException ex) {
// Ignore
try {
r.setProperty(PROPERTY_PROCESSING_MODE, processingMode.name().toLowerCase());
} catch (SAXNotRecognizedException | SAXNotSupportedException ex) {
// Ignore
return Optional.of(r);
} catch (final InstantiationException | ClassNotFoundException | IllegalAccessException ex) {
throw new SAXException(ex);
return Optional.empty();
* Get DOM parser.
* @return DOM document builder instance.
* @throws RuntimeException if instantiating DocumentBuilder failed
public static DocumentBuilder getDocumentBuilder() {
DocumentBuilder builder;
try {
builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
} catch (final ParserConfigurationException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
if (Configuration.DEBUG) {
builder = new DebugDocumentBuilder(builder);
return builder;
* Write DOM document to file.
* @param doc document to store
* @param dst absolute destination file
* @throws IOException if serializing file fails
public void writeDocument(final Document doc, final File dst) throws IOException {
try {
final Serializer serializer = processor.newSerializer(dst);
final XdmNode source = processor.newDocumentBuilder().wrap(doc);
} catch (SaxonApiException e) {
throw new IOException(e);
* Write DOM document to SAX pipe.
* @param doc document to store
* @param dst SAX pipe
* @throws IOException if serializing file fails
public void writeDocument(final Node doc, final ContentHandler dst) throws IOException {
writeDocument(processor.newDocumentBuilder().wrap(doc), dst);
* Write XdmNode to SAX pipe.
* @param source XdmNode to store
* @param dst SAX pipe
* @throws IOException if serializing file fails
public void writeDocument(final XdmNode source, final ContentHandler dst) throws IOException {
try {
final SAXDestination destination = new SAXDestination(dst);
processor.writeXdmValue(source, destination);
} catch (SaxonApiException e) {
throw new IOException(e);
* Get common S9API processor.
public Processor getProcessor() {
return processor;
public XsltCompiler getXsltCompiler() {
XsltCompiler res = processor.newXsltCompiler();
return res;
* Convenience builder for {@link org.xml.sax.Attributes SAX Attributes}.
public static final class AttributesBuilder {
final AttributesImpl atts;
* Construct empty attributes builder.
public AttributesBuilder() {
atts = new AttributesImpl();
* Construct attributes builder with initial attribute set.
* @param atts initial attributes
public AttributesBuilder(final Attributes atts) {
this.atts = new AttributesImpl(atts);
* Add or set attribute.
* @param uri namespace URI
* @param localName local name
* @param qName qualified name
* @param type attribute type
* @param value attribute value
* @return this builder
public AttributesBuilder add(
final String uri,
final String localName,
final String qName,
final String type,
final String value
) {
final int i = atts.getIndex(uri, localName);
if (i != -1) {
atts.setAttribute(i, uri, localName, qName, type, value);
} else {
atts.addAttribute(uri, localName, qName, type, value);
return this;
* Add or set attribute. Convenience method for {@link #add(String, String, String, String, String)}.
* @param localName local name
* @param value attribute value
* @return this builder
public AttributesBuilder add(final String localName, final String value) {
return add(NULL_NS_URI, localName, localName, "CDATA", value);
* Add or set attribute. Convenience method for {@link #add(String, String, String, String, String)}.
* @param uri namespace URI
* @param localName local name
* @param value attribute value
* @return this builder
public AttributesBuilder add(final String uri, final String localName, final String value) {
return add(uri, localName, localName, "CDATA", value);
* Add or set attribute. Convenience method for {@link #add(String, String, String, String, String)}.
* @param name name
* @param value attribute value
* @return this builder
public AttributesBuilder add(final QName name, final String value) {
return add(
name.getPrefix() + ":" + name.getLocalPart(),
* Add or set attribute. Convenience method for {@link #add(String, String, String, String, String)}.
* @param attr DOM attribute node
* @return this builder
public AttributesBuilder add(final Attr attr) {
return add(
attr.getNamespaceURI() != null ? attr.getNamespaceURI() : "",
attr.getLocalName() != null ? attr.getLocalName() : attr.getNodeName(),
attr.isId() ? "ID" : "CDATA",
* Add or set all attributes.
* @param attrs attributes to add or set
public void addAll(final Attributes attrs) {
for (int i = 0; i < attrs.getLength(); i++) {
add(attrs.getURI(i), attrs.getLocalName(i), attrs.getQName(i), attrs.getType(i), attrs.getValue(i));
* Returns a newly-created Attributes based on the contents of the builder.
* @return new attributes
public Attributes build() {
return new AttributesImpl(atts);
* Debug URI resolver wrapper that logs calls to resolve, not intended for end users.
public static final class DebugURIResolver implements URIResolver {
private final URIResolver r;
public DebugURIResolver(final URIResolver r) {
this.r = r;
public Source resolve(final String href, final String base) throws TransformerException {
System.out.println("XSLT parse: " + href);
return r.resolve(href, base);
* Debug XMLReader wrapper that logs calls to parse, not intended for end users.
private record DebugXMLReader(XMLReader r) implements XMLReader {
public boolean getFeature(String name) throws SAXNotRecognizedException, SAXNotSupportedException {
return r.getFeature(name);
public void setFeature(String name, boolean value) throws SAXNotRecognizedException, SAXNotSupportedException {
r.setFeature(name, value);
public Object getProperty(String name) throws SAXNotRecognizedException, SAXNotSupportedException {
return r.getProperty(name);
public void setProperty(String name, Object value) throws SAXNotRecognizedException, SAXNotSupportedException {
r.setProperty(name, value);
public void setEntityResolver(EntityResolver resolver) {
public EntityResolver getEntityResolver() {
return r.getEntityResolver();
public void setDTDHandler(DTDHandler handler) {
public DTDHandler getDTDHandler() {
return r.getDTDHandler();
public void setContentHandler(ContentHandler handler) {
public ContentHandler getContentHandler() {
return r.getContentHandler();
public void setErrorHandler(ErrorHandler handler) {
public ErrorHandler getErrorHandler() {
return r.getErrorHandler();
public void parse(InputSource input) throws IOException, SAXException {
System.out.println("SAX parse: " + (input.getSystemId() != null ? input.getSystemId() : input.toString()));
public void parse(String systemId) throws IOException, SAXException {
System.out.println("SAX parse: " + systemId);
* Debug DocumentBuilder wrapper that logs calls to parse, not intended for end users.
private static final class DebugDocumentBuilder extends DocumentBuilder {
private final DocumentBuilder b;
public DebugDocumentBuilder(final DocumentBuilder b) {
this.b = b;
public Document parse(InputSource is) throws SAXException, IOException {
System.out.println("DOM parse: " + (is.getSystemId() != null ? is.getSystemId() : is.toString()));
return b.parse(is);
public boolean isNamespaceAware() {
return b.isNamespaceAware();
public boolean isValidating() {
return b.isValidating();
public void setEntityResolver(EntityResolver er) {
public void setErrorHandler(ErrorHandler eh) {
public Document newDocument() {
return b.newDocument();
public DOMImplementation getDOMImplementation() {
return b.getDOMImplementation();
* Get attribute value.
* @param elem attribute parent element
* @param attrName attribute name
* @return attribute value, {@code null} if not set
public static String getValue(final Element elem, final String attrName) {
final Attr attr = elem.getAttributeNode(attrName);
if (attr != null && !attr.getValue().isEmpty()) {
return attr.getValue();
return null;
* Get cascaded attribute value.
* @param elem attribute parent element
* @param attrName attribute name
* @return attribute value, {@code null} if not set
public static String getCascadeValue(final Element elem, final String attrName) {
Element current = elem;
while (current != null) {
final Attr attr = current.getAttributeNode(attrName);
if (attr != null) {
return attr.getValue();
final Node parent = current.getParentNode();
if (parent != null && parent.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
current = (Element) parent;
} else {
return null;
* Stream of element ancestor elements.
* @param element start element
* @return stream of ancestor elements
public static Stream ancestors(final Element element) {
final Stream.Builder builder = Stream.builder();
for (Node current = element.getParentNode(); current != null; current = current.getParentNode()) {
if (current.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
builder.accept((Element) current);
return builder.build();
* Insert fragment before reference element
* @param ref node to insert before
* @param fragment content to insert
public static void insertBefore(final Node ref, final DocumentFragment fragment) {
final Document doc = ref.getOwnerDocument();
final Node parent = ref.getParentNode();
final List children = toList(fragment.getChildNodes());
for (final Node child : children) {
parent.insertBefore(doc.importNode(child, true), ref);
* Insert fragment after reference element
* @param ref node to insert after
* @param fragment content to insert
public static void insertAfter(final Node ref, final DocumentFragment fragment) {
final Document doc = ref.getOwnerDocument();
final Node parent = ref.getParentNode();
final List children = toList(fragment.getChildNodes());
final Node nextSibling = ref.getNextSibling();
if (nextSibling != null) {
for (final Node child : children) {
parent.insertBefore(doc.importNode(child, true), nextSibling);
} else {
for (final Node child : children) {
parent.appendChild(doc.importNode(child, true));
* Check format is dita.
public static Predicate isDitaFormat() {
* Convert S9API document into DOM document.
public Document cloneDocument(final XdmNode node) throws IOException {
try {
final Document doc = XMLUtils.getDocumentBuilder().newDocument();
final DOMDestination destination = new DOMDestination(doc);
final Receiver receiver = destination.getReceiver(
new SerializationProperties()
Sender.send(node.asSource(), receiver, new ParseOptions());
return doc;
} catch (XPathException e) {
throw new IOException(e);