All Downloads are FREE. Search and download functionalities are using the official Maven repository.

META-INF.DEPENDENCIES.json Maven / Gradle / Ivy

The newest version!
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      "groupId": "org.apache.uima",
      "artifactId": "uimaj-core",
      "version": "3.5.0",
  "organizationName": "The Apache Software Foundation",
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      "artifactId": "uimaj-document-annotation",
      "version": "3.5.0",
  "organizationName": "The Apache Software Foundation",
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      "licenses": [
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      "artifactId": "morfologik-fsa",
      "version": "2.1.9",
      "licenses": [
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      "name": "Morfologik FSA (Builder)",
      "url": "",
      "groupId": "org.carrot2",
      "artifactId": "morfologik-fsa-builders",
      "version": "2.1.9",
      "licenses": [
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      "url": "",
      "groupId": "org.carrot2",
      "artifactId": "morfologik-speller",
      "version": "2.1.9",
      "licenses": [
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      "groupId": "org.carrot2",
      "artifactId": "morfologik-stemming",
      "version": "2.1.9",
      "licenses": [
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      "url": "",
      "groupId": "org.checkerframework",
      "artifactId": "checker-qual",
      "version": "3.37.0",
      "licenses": [
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      "url": "",
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      "version": "2.5.0",
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  "organizationUrl": "",
      "licenses": [
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      "url": "",
      "groupId": "org.dkpro.core",
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      "version": "2.5.0",
  "organizationName": "Ubiquitous Knowledge Processing (UKP) Lab, Technische Universität Darmstadt",
  "organizationUrl": "",
      "licenses": [
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      "version": "2.5.0",
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      "licenses": [
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      "licenses": [
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      "licenses": [
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  "organizationName": "Ubiquitous Knowledge Processing (UKP) Lab, Technische Universität Darmstadt",
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      "licenses": [
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      "version": "2.5.0",
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      "licenses": [
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      "licenses": [
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      "licenses": [
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      "version": "6.4",
      "licenses": [
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      "version": "6.4",
      "licenses": [
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      "version": "6.4",
      "licenses": [
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      "url": "",
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      "version": "6.4",
      "licenses": [
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      "version": "6.4",
      "licenses": [
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      "version": "6.4",
      "licenses": [
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      "version": "6.4",
      "licenses": [
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      "licenses": [
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      "licenses": [
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      "url": "",
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      "version": "6.4",
      "licenses": [
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      "version": "6.4",
      "licenses": [
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      "version": "6.4",
      "licenses": [
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      "version": "6.4",
      "licenses": [
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      "version": "6.4",
      "licenses": [
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      "url": "",
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      "version": "6.4",
      "licenses": [
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      "artifactId": "language-fr",
      "version": "6.4",
      "licenses": [
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      "url": "",
      "groupId": "org.languagetool",
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      "version": "6.4",
      "licenses": [
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      "url": "",
      "groupId": "org.languagetool",
      "artifactId": "language-gl",
      "version": "6.4",
      "licenses": [
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      "url": "",
      "groupId": "org.languagetool",
      "artifactId": "language-it",
      "version": "6.4",
      "licenses": [
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      "url": "",
      "groupId": "org.languagetool",
      "artifactId": "language-ja",
      "version": "6.4",
      "licenses": [
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      "url": "",
      "groupId": "org.languagetool",
      "artifactId": "language-km",
      "version": "6.4",
      "licenses": [
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      "url": "",
      "groupId": "org.languagetool",
      "artifactId": "language-nl",
      "version": "6.4",
      "licenses": [
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      "name": "Polish module for LanguageTool",
      "url": "",
      "groupId": "org.languagetool",
      "artifactId": "language-pl",
      "version": "6.4",
      "licenses": [
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      "url": "",
      "groupId": "org.languagetool",
      "artifactId": "language-pt",
      "version": "6.4",
      "licenses": [
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      "name": "Romanian module for LanguageTool",
      "url": "",
      "groupId": "org.languagetool",
      "artifactId": "language-ro",
      "version": "6.4",
      "licenses": [
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      "url": "",
      "groupId": "org.languagetool",
      "artifactId": "language-ru",
      "version": "6.4",
      "licenses": [
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      "url": "",
      "groupId": "org.languagetool",
      "artifactId": "language-sk",
      "version": "6.4",
      "licenses": [
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      "url": "",
      "groupId": "org.languagetool",
      "artifactId": "language-sl",
      "version": "6.4",
      "licenses": [
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      "url": "",
      "groupId": "org.languagetool",
      "artifactId": "language-sv",
      "version": "6.4",
      "licenses": [
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      "url": "",
      "groupId": "org.languagetool",
      "artifactId": "language-ta",
      "version": "6.4",
      "licenses": [
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      "name": "Tagalog module for LanguageTool",
      "url": "",
      "groupId": "org.languagetool",
      "artifactId": "language-tl",
      "version": "6.4",
      "licenses": [
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      "url": "",
      "groupId": "org.languagetool",
      "artifactId": "language-uk",
      "version": "6.4",
      "licenses": [
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      "url": "",
      "groupId": "org.languagetool",
      "artifactId": "language-zh",
      "version": "6.4",
      "licenses": [
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      "name": "LanguageTool Style and Grammar Checker Core",
      "url": "",
      "groupId": "org.languagetool",
      "artifactId": "languagetool-core",
      "version": "6.4",
      "licenses": [
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      "url": "",
      "groupId": "org.languagetool",
      "artifactId": "portuguese-pos-dict",
      "version": "${env.PT_DICT_VERSION}",
      "licenses": [
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      "name": "LatencyUtils",
      "url": "",
      "groupId": "org.latencyutils",
      "artifactId": "LatencyUtils",
      "version": "2.0.3",
      "licenses": [
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      "name": "Crimean Tatar Morfologik dictionaries for LanguageTool",
      "url": "",
      "groupId": "org.qirimca.nlp",
      "artifactId": "morfologik-crh-lt",
      "version": "1.0.1",
      "licenses": [
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      "name": "SLF4J API Module",
      "url": "",
      "groupId": "org.slf4j",
      "artifactId": "slf4j-api",
      "version": "2.0.13",
  "organizationName": "",
  "organizationUrl": "",
      "licenses": [
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      "url": "",
      "groupId": "org.softcatala",
      "artifactId": "catalan-pos-dict",
      "version": "2.25",
      "licenses": [
        { "name": "GNU General Public License, Version 2, June 1991", "url": "" },
        { "name": "GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 2.1, February 1999", "url": "" }
      "name": "Spanish part-of-speech dictionary",
      "url": "",
      "groupId": "org.softcatala",
      "artifactId": "spanish-pos-dict",
      "version": "2.2",
      "licenses": [
        { "name": "GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 2.1, February 1999", "url": "" }
      "name": "Spring AOP",
      "url": "",
      "groupId": "org.springframework",
      "artifactId": "spring-aop",
      "version": "5.3.37",
  "organizationName": "Spring IO",
  "organizationUrl": "",
      "licenses": [
        { "name": "Apache License, Version 2.0", "url": "" }
      "name": "Spring Beans",
      "url": "",
      "groupId": "org.springframework",
      "artifactId": "spring-beans",
      "version": "5.3.37",
  "organizationName": "Spring IO",
  "organizationUrl": "",
      "licenses": [
        { "name": "Apache License, Version 2.0", "url": "" }
      "name": "Spring Context",
      "url": "",
      "groupId": "org.springframework",
      "artifactId": "spring-context",
      "version": "5.3.37",
  "organizationName": "Spring IO",
  "organizationUrl": "",
      "licenses": [
        { "name": "Apache License, Version 2.0", "url": "" }
      "name": "Spring Core",
      "url": "",
      "groupId": "org.springframework",
      "artifactId": "spring-core",
      "version": "5.3.37",
  "organizationName": "Spring IO",
  "organizationUrl": "",
      "licenses": [
        { "name": "Apache License, Version 2.0", "url": "" }
      "name": "Spring Expression Language (SpEL)",
      "url": "",
      "groupId": "org.springframework",
      "artifactId": "spring-expression",
      "version": "5.3.37",
  "organizationName": "Spring IO",
  "organizationUrl": "",
      "licenses": [
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      "name": "Spring Commons Logging Bridge",
      "url": "",
      "groupId": "org.springframework",
      "artifactId": "spring-jcl",
      "version": "5.3.37",
  "organizationName": "Spring IO",
  "organizationUrl": "",
      "licenses": [
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      "name": "XZ for Java",
      "url": "",
      "groupId": "org.tukaani",
      "artifactId": "xz",
      "version": "1.10",
      "licenses": [
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      "name": "Units of Measurement Reference Implementation",
      "url": "",
      "groupId": "tech.units",
      "artifactId": "indriya",
      "version": "1.3",
  "organizationName": "Units of Measurement project",
  "organizationUrl": "",
      "licenses": [
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      "name": "Units of Measurement Common Library",
      "url": "",
      "groupId": "tech.uom.lib",
      "artifactId": "uom-lib-common",
      "version": "1.1",
  "organizationName": "Units of Measurement project",
  "organizationUrl": "",
      "licenses": [
        { "name": "BSD", "url": "LICENSE.txt" }
      "name": "Ukrainian Morfologik dictionaries for LanguageTool",
      "url": "",
      "groupId": "",
      "artifactId": "morfologik-ukrainian-lt",
      "version": "6.4.4",
      "licenses": [
        { "name": "GNU Lesser General Public License", "url": "" }

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