datasets.semeval-2012.test.STS.input.MSRvid.txt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
A man with a hard hat is dancing. A man wearing a hard hat is dancing.
A plane is taking off. An air plane is taking off.
A young child is riding a horse. A child is riding a horse.
A man is feeding a mouse to a snake. The man is feeding a mouse to the snake.
A man is playing a large flute. A man is playing a flute.
A man is spreading shreded cheese on a pizza. A man is spreading shredded cheese on an uncooked pizza.
Three men are playing chess. Two men are playing chess.
A woman is playing the guitar. A man is playing guitar.
A woman is playing the flute. A man is playing a flute.
A man is playing the cello. A man seated is playing the cello.
A woman is cutting an onion. A man is cutting onions.
Some men are fighting. Two men are fighting.
A man is smoking. A man is skating.
The man is playing the piano. The man is playing the guitar.
A man is playing on a guitar and singing. A woman is playing an acoustic guitar and singing.
A man is erasing a chalk board. The man is erasing the chalk board.
A person is throwing a cat on to the ceiling. A person throws a cat on the ceiling.
The man hit the other man with a stick. The man spanked the other man with a stick.
A woman picks up and holds a baby kangaroo. A woman picks up and holds a baby kangaroo in her arms.
A man is playing a flute. A man is playing a bamboo flute.
A person is folding a piece of paper. Someone is folding a piece of paper.
A man is running on the road. A panda dog is running on the road.
A dog is trying to get bacon off his back. A dog is trying to eat the bacon on its back.
A woman is carrying a boy. A woman is carrying her baby.
A girl is styling her hair. A girl is brushing her hair.
The polar bear is sliding on the snow. A polar bear is sliding across the snow.
A woman is writing. A woman is swimming.
Three men are playing guitars. Three men are on stage playing guitars.
A cat is rubbing against baby's face. A cat is rubbing against a baby.
The man is riding a horse. A man is riding on a horse.
A man pours oil into a pot. A man pours wine in a pot.
A man is playing a guitar. A girl is playing a guitar.
A panda is sliding down a slide. A panda slides down a slide.
A group of men play soccer on the beach. A group of boys are playing soccer on the beach.
A woman is eating something. A woman is eating meat.
A woman peels a potato. A woman is peeling a potato.
A woman peels a potato. A woman is peeling a potato.
People are playing cricket. Men are playing cricket.
The boy fell off his bike. A boy falls off his bike.
A man is playing a guitar. A man is playing a flute.
The woman is playing the flute. A woman is playing a flute.
The cougar is chasing the bear. A cougar is chasing a bear.
A rabbit is running from an eagle. A hare is running from a eagle.
The man cut down a tree with an axe. A man chops down a tree with an axe.
The woman is frying a breaded pork chop. A woman is cooking a breaded pork chop.
One woman is measuring another woman's ankle. A woman measures another woman's ankle.
A girl is flying a kite. A girl running is flying a kite.
A man is riding a mechanical bull. A man rode a mechanical bull.
The man is playing the guitar. A man is playing a guitar.
The man is playing the guitar. A man is playing a guitar.
A woman is dancing and singing with other women. A woman is dancing and singing in the rain.
A man is finding something. A woman is slicing something.
A man is slicing a bun. A man is slicing an onion.
A man is pouring oil into a pan. A man is pouring oil into a skillet.
A lion is playing with people. A lion is playing with two men.
A dog rides a skateboard. A dog is riding a skateboard.
Someone is carving a statue. A man is carving a statue.
A woman is slicing an onion. A man is cutting an onion.
A woman peels shrimp. A woman is peeling shrimp.
A woman is frying fish. A woman is cooking fish.
The girl sang into a microphone. The lady sang into the microphone.
A woman is playing an electric guitar. A woman is playing a guitar.
A baby tiger is playing with a ball. A baby is playing with a doll.
A man is cutting up a cucumber. A man is slicing a cucumber.
A person is slicing a tomato. A person is slicing some meat.
A person cuts an onion. A person is cutting an onion.
A man is playing a harp. A man is playing a keyboard.
A man is climbing a rope. A man climbs a rope.
A man is playing the piano. A woman is playing the violin.
A woman is playing the flute. A man is playing the guitar.
A man is cutting up a potato. A man is cutting up carrots.
A kid is playing guitar. A boy is playing a guitar.
A boy is playing guitar. A man is playing a guitar.
A man is playing guitar. A boy is playing a guitar.
A woman is cutting onions. A woman is cutting tofu.
A little boy is playing a keyboard. A boy is playing key board.
A man is riding an electric bicycle. A man is riding a bicycle.
A man is playing a guitar. A man is playing an electric guitar.
A dog licks a baby. A dog is licking a baby.
Kittens are eating food. Kittens are eating from dishes.
A woman is slicing an onion. A man is cutting and onion.
A man is playing the guitar. A man is playing the drums.
A man is playing the drums. A man is playing the guitar.
A woman is slicing a pepper. A woman is cutting a red pepper.
A man is playing the drums. A man plays the drum.
A woman rides a horse. A woman is riding a horse.
A man is eating a banana by a tree. A man is eating a banana.
A cat is playing a key board. A man is playing two keyboards.
A man is speaking. A man is spitting.
A man chops down a tree with an axe. A man cut a tree with an axe.
A kid plays with a toy phone. A little boy plays with a toy phone.
A woman is cooking eggs. A woman is cooking something.
A man is playing guitar. A lady is playing the guitar.
A man is riding a motorcycle. A man is riding a horse.
A man is riding a motorcycle. A man is riding a horse.
A man is playing a guitar. A man is playing a trumpet.
A man is playing a guitar. A man is playing a trumpet.
A man is playing a guitar. A man is playing a trumpet.
An animal is chewing on something. An animal is chewing on a key chain.
A squirrel is spinning around in circles. A squirrel runs around in circles.
A man is cutting an onion. A man cuts an onion.
A man and a woman are kissing. A man and woman kiss.
A man is getting into a car. A man is getting into a car in a garage.
A man is cycling. A man is talking.
A man is dancing. A man is talking.
A man is playing the guitar and singing. A man is playing the guitar.
A person is cutting mushrooms. A person is cutting mushrooms with a knife.
A man is slicing open a fish. A man is cutting up a fish.
A tiger cub is making a sound. A tiger is walking around.
A person is slicing onions. A person is peeling an onion.
A man is playing the piano. A man is playing the trumpet.
A woman is peeling a potato. A woman is peeling an apple.
A pankda is eating bamboo. A panda bear is eating some bamboo.
A person is peeling an onion. A person is peeling an eggplant.
A monkey pushes another monkey. The monkey pushed the other monkey.
A squirrel runs around in circles. A squirrel is moving in circles.
A man is tying his shoe. A man ties his shoe.
A boy is singing and playing the piano. A boy is playing the piano.
A dog is eating water melon. A dog is eating a piece of watermelon.
A woman is chopping broccoli. A woman is chopping broccoli with a knife.
A man is peeling a potato. A man peeled a potatoe.
A woman is playing a guitar. A man plays a guitar.
A man is playing a flute. A man is playing guitar.
A woman is slicing tomato. A man is slicing onion.
A man is slicing a tomato. A man is slicing a bun.
A man swims underwater. A woman is swimming underwater.
A man and woman are talking. A man and woman is eating.
A man is playing a guitar. A man is playing a keyboard.
A baby panda goes down a slide. A panda slides down a slide.
A small dog is chasing a yoga ball. A dog is chasing a ball.
The men are playing cricket. The men are playing basketball.
A man rides off on a motorcycle. A man is riding on a motorcycle.
A man is playing a guitar. A man is singing and playing a guitar.
The man talked on the telephone. The man is talking on the phone.
A man is singing and playing a guitar. A man is playing a guitar.
A man is fishing. A man is exercising.
A man is levitating. A man is talking.
A man attacks a woman. A man slaps a woman.
Two boys are driving. Two bays are dancing.
A man is driving a car. A man is riding a horse.
A man is playing soccer. A man is playing flute.
A man is riding on a horse. A girl is riding a horse.
A man is riding a bicycle. A monkey is riding a bike.
A man is slicing potatoes. A woman is peeling potato.
A woman is peeling a potato. A man is slicing potato.
A man is playing a guitar. Someoen is playing guitar.
A woman is cutting tofu. A woman is cutting an onion.
A girl is riding a horse. A girl is riding a bicycle.
A woman is slicing a leek. A woman is slicing ginger.
The man cut a paper plate. A man is cutting a paper plate.
The woman is styling her hair. The woman is slicing herbs.
The man is playing the guitar. A man is playing the flute.
A man is playing the piano. The man is playing the violin.
A man is lifting weights in a garage. A man is lifting weights.
A woman is slicing up some meat. A woman is breading some meat.
A man is playing on his keyboard. A man is playing a keyboard piano.
Two zebras play in an open field. Two zebras are playing in a field.
The lady chopped up the green onions. The lady cut up a green onion.
Someone is sitring noodles in water. A woman is boiling noodles in water.
An animal is biting a persons finger. A slow loris is biting a persons finger.
Lionel Richie is dancing on the ceiling. Lionel Ritchie dances while standing on the ceiling.
A man is playing a piano. A person is playing the piano.
A man is cutting a potato. A man is slicing some potato.
A woman is playing flute. A woman plays on a flute.
A boy is checking a calender. A boy is looking at a calendar.
A woman is cutting an onion. A woman is chopping onions.
A man is playing guitar. A man plays a guitar.
A woman is using a sewing machine. A woman is sewing on a machine.
A woman is flipping pancakes. A cartoon chef is flipping pancakes.
A man is slicing an onion. A woman is slicing a pumpkin.
A man is dancing. A man and woman is dancing.
A man is riding a motorcycle. A woman is riding a horse.
A man is running on the road. A car is driving down the road.
A woman is reading. A woman is kneading dough.
A woman is slicing garlics. A woman is slicing an onion.
A man is riding on a horse. A man is talking on a phone.
A man is riding a bike. A man is riding on a horse.
A man is crying. A woman is dancing.
A woman is dancing. A man is eating.
A man is playing a piano. A man is playing a flute.
A man is playing a flute. A man is playing a piano.
A man is speaking. A man is cooking.
A man is spinning. A man is dancing.
A little boy is singing and playing a guitar. A man is singing and playing the guitar.
A monkey is swinging from limb to limb. A monkey is swinging from tree to tree.
The people got off the train. The people got off the train at the station.
The lady cracked an egg into a bowl. The man is cracking eggs into a bowl.
A dog is jumping on a trampoline. A dog bounces on a trampoline.
A boy is playing an instrument. A man is playing a trumpet.
A band is performing on a stage. A band is playing onstage.
A woman plays the guitar. A man sings and plays the guitar.
A woman is picking a can. A woman is slicing a tomato.
A man is climbing a rope. A man climbs up a rope.
A man is lifting a car. A man is climbing a wall.
Elephants are walking down a trail. A herd of elephants are walking along a trail.
A man and woman are driving down the street in a jeep. A man and woman are driving down the road in an open air vehicle.
The shirtless man sat in a chair. A shirtless man is sitting on a chair.
A turtle is swimming in water. A turtle is walking underwater.
Two women are wrestling. Two women are wrestling on the floor.
The puppy played with a blue tennis ball. A puppy is playing with a tennis ball.
A kangroo is eating something. A kangaroo is eating.
A cat is playing a piano. A man is playing a guitar.
The man cut some carpet with a knife. A man is cutting carpet with a knife.
A woman is riding a motorized scooter down a road. A man is riding a motor scooter.
someone is slicing a vegetable. Someone is slicing a tomato.
A woman is dancing. A man is talking.
A man is playing a guitar. A man plays the guitar.
A dog licks up a baby's drool. A dog licks a baby.
A man is rowing a boat. A man is slicing a tomato.
A young woman is putting stickers all over her face. A woman is applying stickers to her face.
A man cuts up potatos. A man slices potatoes.
A man sitting on the floor plays a guitar. A man sitting on the floor in a room is strumming a guitar.
A woman is chopping up garlic. The woman is dicing garlic.
A puppy plays with a plastic container. The dog is playing with a plastic container.
An animal run in circles. A squirrel runs in circles.
A man is walking slowly across a rope bridge. A boy is walking across a bridge.
A man is playing the guitar. A man seated in a room is playing the guitar.
A man plays the flute. A man is playing a flute.
A man plays the violin. A man is playing violin.
A man plays the piano. A man is playing a piano.
A man is eating food. A man is eating something.
A woman cracks two eggs into a glass bowl. A woman is cracking an egg into a bowl.
A man is playing a basketball. A man is playing a piano.
A man is cutting a fish. A man guts a fish.
Two men are packing suitcases into the trunk of a car. The men are putting suitcases into the car's trunk.
A toddler walks down a hallway. A little girl is walking down a hallway.
A man pours oil on some tomatos. The man poured oil on the cut tomatoes.
A man is slicing something. A man is slicing a bun.
A plane is landing. A animated airplane is landing.
A woman is wrapping tofu. A woman is balling dough.
A man is paddling a canoe. A man is playing a harp.
A man and woman are walking together through the woods. A man and woman are walking arm in arm through a wooded area.
A cat is eating some corn. A cat is eating corn on the cob.
The woman picked up the kangaroo. A woman picks up a baby kangaroo.
Fish are swimming. A fish is swimming.
Two women mix something in a food processor. Two women make something in a blender.
A panda is climbing. A man is climbing a rope.
A person is surfing a large wave. A person is surfing.
A man is playing a guitar. A man is stabbing a target.
A man is playing a flute in a band. A man is playing a guitar.
The man spread butter on the loaf of bread. A man is spreading butter onto bread.
A person is boiling noodles. A woman is boiling noodles in water.
A man is eating a food. A man is eating a piece of bread.
A group of people dance on a hill. A group of people are dancing.
A man is playing a guitar. A man is eating pasta.
A man is dancing outside. A man is playing flute.
A woman is feeding a man. A woman is mixing meat.
A man is putting a pan into an oven. A woman is cutting an onion.
A man is kicking pots of water. A man is picking flowers.
A woman is sitting at a desk. A woman is riding a donkey.
Medics transport a patient on a stretcher. A doctor rushes a patient on a stretcher.
A man is cutting a pipe with scissors. A man is cutting carpet with a knife.
A woman is playing a flute on stage. The woman is playing the flute.
A woman is dancing in the rain. A woman dances in the rain out side.
Two baby pandas are playing. Two pandas are laying together.
Kids are dancing on stage. Some people are dancing on stage.
A baby is laughing. A baby is laughing and giggling.
A man is playing a guitar. A boy is playing a piano.
A woman is taking a bath. A woman is riding a horse.
A man is folding paper. A woman is slicing a pepper.
Three women are dancing. The man is dancing.
A man plays a guitar. A man plays the piano.
The cats are playing with each other. Two cats are fighting each other.
A person is writing. A person is writing with a pencil.
A woman is slicing a meat. A woman is singing on stage.
A woman is taking a picture. A man is playing a guitar.
A man mixes vegetables in a pot. A person is stirring vegetables in a pot.
A man is running. A man is running down a road.
The woman is rolling dough. A woman is flouring and rolling dough.
A woman is adding spices on a meat. Woman is adding sugar to meat.
A woman is adding oil on fishes. A woman is pouring water on fish.
A young boy is holding a guitar. A little boy is playing a guitar.
A cheetah is running. A cheetah is running across a field.
The man is eating pizza. A man is eating a slice of pizza.
An orangutan is riding a bus. A monkey is riding on a bus.
A man and a woman talk in a diner. A man and a woman are riding on a bicycle.
A woman is talking on a cell phone. A man and woman are talking on the phone.
A man is playing a guitar. A man is cleaning a glass door.
A girl is singing and playing a guitar. A young man is singing while playing the guitar.
A man is playing a guitar. A man is singing while playing the guitar.
The man is riding a horse. A woman is using a hoe.
A man is playing a guitar. A man is driving a car.
A girl is communicating with sign language. A young girl is using sign language.
A woman is doing weight exercises. A woman is doing her hair.
A man is getting inside a car. An elderly man is getting into a red car.
A big green ball knocks a potato over. A large green ball hits a potato.
A man is drilling a hole in a board. Someone is drilling a hole in a piece of wood.
A cat is playing keyboards. A cat is playing a piano.
Two dogs swim in a pool. Dogs are swimming in a pool.
A man is fitting silencer on a pistol. A man is adding a silencer to a gun.
The man used a chopper to chop the onion. The man used a machine to chop up a potatoe.
A woman slices tofu. A woman is cutting tofu.
A herd of deer are crossing the street. A herd of caribou are crossing a road.
The person is riding the horse. A man is riding a horse.
Someone is feeding a animal. Someone is playing a piano.
Someone is slicing tortila's. Someone is riding a horse.
Someone is mixing ingrediants. Someone is sewing things.
A rooster pecks at a dead mouse. A chicken is pecking at a dead mouse.
A woman holds a kangaroo. A woman is picking up a kangaroo.
A man is playing with frogs A cat is playing with a camera.
Two men are talking. Two men are playing guitar.
Two little girls are talking on the phone. A little girl is walking down the street.
A man is cutting apple by his hand. A man is cutting carpet with a knife.
A man spreads butter on a big piece of bread. A man is smearing butter on a slice of garlic bread.
A man is running across a high wire. A man is running on rope.
Someone is stirring chili in a kettle. Someone is stirring a pot of chili with a spoon.
The woman is cracking eggs into a bowl. The lady broke raw eggs into a bowl.
A man is mowing a lawn. A woman is cutting a lemon.
A man is opening a door. A man is cutting an onion.
A man is opening a door. A man is playing a guitar.
A man is slicing a tomato. A man is riding a horse.
A man is slicing a potato into pieces. A man is cutting a potato.
The woman is cutting cooked octopus. A woman is chopping octopus.
A man is cutting paper with a sword. A woman is cutting a tomato.
A man is punching through boards. A dog is running through water.
A woman puts flour on a piece of meat. A woman is putting flour onto some meat.
A man is dancing. A man is eating bread.
Someone is playing a piano. A man is playing a guitar.
Two foxes are eating from a plate on a brick patio. Foxes are eating from a plate.
A boy is playing a key-board. A boy is playing the piano.
A person plays a keyboard. Someone is playing a keyboard.
A boy studies a calendar. A boy is looking at a calendar.
A man is shooting a gun. A man is spitting.
Someone is slicing an onion. Someoen is peeling a potato.
A man is talking on a phone. A man is singing to a woman.
A man is swimming. A woman is slicing meat.
The ballerina is dancing. A man is dancing.
A man is playing the guitar. A man plays an acoustic guitar.
A woman is slicing a pumpkin. A woman is riding an elephant.
A woman is dancing. A woman is kneading dough.
A woman is dancing. A woman is playing violin.
A woman is cracking eggs into a bowl. A woman is placing skewers onto a rack.
A car is moving through a road. A car is driving down the road.
A woman is slicing some tomatoes. A woman is chopping a potato.
Someone is greasing a pan. Smeone is laying down.
A man is playing guitar. A man is draining pasta.
A woman is drinking vodka. A woman is exercising.
A woman is water skiing. A woman is slicing fish.
A man is playing an electronic keyboard. A man is playing a flute.
A woman is cutting meat into pieces. A woman is cutting up some meat.
A man is playing a guitar. A man is eating a banana.
A man is playing a flute. A man is riding a scooter.
A man is rinsing a steak. A man is playing a guitar.
A man is playing the piano. A man played the guitar.
A man is selling items. A man is cleaning the house.
A man is jumping into water. A man is cutting paper.
A woman is picking a can. A man is playing a guitar.
A man is jumping a wall. A man jumps onto a short wall.
Runners race around a track. Runners compete in a race.
A man is kicking a soccer ball. A man is mixing a bowl.
A woman is frying something. A woman is riding a horse.
A cat is licking a sucker. A woman is slicing cucumber.
A woman is dancing by a fire. A woman is taking a bath.
A man puts three pieces of meat into a pan. A man is putting meat in a pan.
A man is playing a guitar. A guy is playing an instrument.
The man is slicing a fish open. A man is slicing a potato.
A woman is cutting an onion. A woman is cleaning a garden.
Butter is melting in a pan. A man is melting butter in a pan.
Some men are sawing. Men are sawing logs.
Three boys are dancing. Kids are dancing.
A woman is playing a game with a man. A man is playing piano.
The man is driving a white car. A man is giving an interview.
A young man is playing the piano. A woman is peeling a prawn.
A car is driven down the road. A girl is walking down a road.
A woman is mixing ingrediants. A woman is mixing food in a bowl.
A man drove his car. A man is driving a car.
A car backs out of a space. A car is backing out of a blocked lane.
Someone is shredding cabbage leaves with a knife. Someone is chopping some cabbage leaves.
A man puts some cheese on a pizza. The man sprinkled cheese on the pizza.
The boy is playing the piano. A boy plays a piano.
The man is kissing and hugging the woman. A man is hugging and kissing a woman.
The man played his guitar. A man is playing a guitar.
A slow lori walks around. A animal is walking around.
A man is riding a horse. A man is playing a keyboard.
A man is walking on a rope. A man is riding a mo-pad.
A little boy is vacuuming the floor. A boy is vacuuming.
A girl is playing a flute. A band is playing on a stage.
People step off a train. A group of people get off a train.
A woman is sewing on a machine. A woman is breading some meat.
A dog is looking into swimming pool. A dog is walking around a pool.
A man is buttering a piece of bread. A man is applying butter to bread.
A woman is applying eye liner to her eyelid using an eye pencil. A woman is applying cosmetics to her eyelid.
A man is cutting tomatoes into pieces. A woman is cutting some vegetables.
A train is moving. A man is doing yoga.
Three teenage girls danced in the room. Some teenage girls are dancing for the camera.
A lion is walking. A lion is pacing in a pen.
A man shooting a car. A man is cutting a potato.
A man is making a bed. A woman is playing a guitar.
A black horse is running around. The horse is running.
Someone is slicing an onion. A woman is cutting onion.
A woman is deveining shrimp. A man is dancing in rain.
A man is riding a horse. A woman is washing a freezer.
A man plays a keyboard. A person is playing the keyboard.
A man walks down a path. A man walks across a tight rope.
A man is slicing a potato. A woman is cutting a jalepeno.
A dog is barking at a ball. A dog swims after a tennis ball.
A woman is playing in the ocean. A woman is preparing shrimp to cook.
A kid runs away from a fish swinging around on a fishing pole. A little kid is running around a fishing pole.
A man is walking along a path through wilderness. A man is walking down a road.
An elderly man is speaking at a podium. A man is making a speech at the podium.
A person is playing an electronic keyboard. A kid is playing keyboard.
A man riding a horse in slow motion. A man is riding on a horse.
A person is cutting some burrata cheese. The person is slicing cheese.
The man is shooting an automatic rifle. A man is shooting a gun.
A rabbit is playing with a toy rabbit. A bunny is playing with a stuffed bunny.
A plane rides on a road. An airplane moves along a runway.
A man is crushing garlic with the back of a knife. A woman is slicing meat with a knife.
A woman is filing her fingernails with an emery board. A woman is feeding her baby with a bottle.
A man is riding a skateboard. A woman is cutting a potato.
A woman is taking a shower. A man is riding a white horse.
A man is dancing. A man is riding a horse.
A man is holding a leaf. A monkey is fighting a man.
A woman is peeling shrimp. A man is squeezing water.
A man is rowing a boat. A man is shooting off a gun.
A man is swinging from a rope attached to the ceiling. A man is swinging on a rope.
A woman is riding a horse on a beach. A man is carrying another man on his back.
A man holds a small animal in one hand. A man shows off a small monkey.
A person is folding a square paper piece. A man is folding paper.
A person is frying meat in a pan. A person is holding a skunk.
A man shoots a man. A man with a pistol shoots another man.
A man plays the guitar. The man sang and played his guitar.
A man is sitting and smoking. A man is smoking a cigarette.
A chimpanzee is hurting a woman. A man is driving a car.
The woman is peeling shrimp. The man is holding a lemur.
A guy is playing hackysack A man is playing a key-board.
A man is playing a guitar. A woman is riding a horse.
One man is breaking cement on another man's chest. A man breaks cinder blocks on another man.
Two zebras are playing. Zebras are socializing.
A woman is slicing butter. A woman slices tofu.
Some men are playing guitars. Three men are playing guitars and singing together.
The elephants sprayed water on themselves. Elephants spray themselves with water.
A man is talking with other women on the beach. A man is walking down the street.
A dog sat at the counter of a store. The dog is standing at the counter.
Someone drills a hole in a strip of wood with a power drill. A man drills a hole in a piece of wood.
The woman is dicing onions. A woman is dancing in railway station.
A man is standing in front of the window and looking outside. A man is staring out the window.
A skunk is looking here and there. A skunk looks at the camera.
A woman is slicing some vegetables. The woman is dicing garlic.
A badger is burrowing a hole. A badger is digging the earth.
A woman is water skiing on a lake. A man is playing a flute.
A girl is playing a violin. A baby is laughing and giggling.
A helicopter is landing on a helipad. A helicopter lands.
A woman is cutting up a chicken. A woman is slicing meat.
A woman is cutting a cucumber. A man is playing a guitar.
A woman rides an elephant in front of an adoring crowd. A woman rides an elephant.
A puppy is sliding backwards along the floor. A puppy is pushing itself backwards.
A chef is preparing some food. A chef prepared a meal.
A woman splits garlic cloves. A woman is breaking a head of garlic into cloves.
A dog is looking into swimming pool. A dog is walking along the edge of a pool.
A woman mixes a beauty treatment in a glass. A woman is mixing a cream in a glass with a spoon.
A man is drawing a picture. A person is drawing.
The man talked to a girl over the internet camera. A teenager talks to a girl over a webcam.
A man is playing the guitar and singing. A man sings with a guitar.
A turtle walks over the ground. A large turtle crawls in the grass.
The lady cracked an egg for the mixer. The lady sliced up the meat.
A woman is picking tomatoes. A woman is pouring batter into a bowl.
A man is looking at a computer monitor. A man is using a laptop.
The boy is riding a tricycle. A woman is riding a water scooter.
Two men compete in a tire rolling race. Two people flipped tractor tires in a race.
A woman opens a window. A man is crawling.
A person is cutting a meat. A person riding a mechanical bull
A man is playing a violin. A woman is using a sewing machine.
Five kittens are eating out of five dishes. Kittens are eating food on trays.
People are dancing outside. A group of people are dancing.
A woman is slicing some tuna. A woman is cutting raw fish.
The man is using a camera to hammer a nail. Someone is banging a camera lense against a nail.
The baby crawled through the doorway. A baby is crawling across the floor.
A man is playing keyboard. A person is playing a piano.
A man playing the guitar. A woman is painting her lips.
A man is smelling two pizzas. A woman is feeding a man.
A woman is filing her nails. A man is peeling a carrot.
A monkey pulls the tail of a dog. A monkey is teasing a dog at the zoo.
A dog lies on his back on a wooden floor. A dog is laying on the floor.
A man is playing a flute. A dog is barking at a fly.
A woman is frying something in the pan. A man is playing his guitar.
A boy is crawling into a dog house. A boy is playing a wooden flute.
A man puts seasoning in a bowl of water. The man added seasoning to water in a bowl.
An elderly woman is pouring oil into a frying pan. A tied man is putting into water.
A baby rhino is walking around his pen with his mother. A baby rhino is following an adult rhino.
A woman is chopping an onion. A woman is slicing partially into half of an onion.
The woman picked up the kangaroo. A woman is carrying a kangaroo.
A dog biting on a can. A dog opens a can of food.
A woman is deboning a fish. A man catches a fish.
A man is mowing grass. A man is busting concrete.
A cat is watching a TV. A man is slicing a leave.
The boy is stuck in the door of the doghouse. A child is stuck in a dog house.
People flip into a swimming pool. Men are falling into a pool.
A woman is swimming underwater. A man is slicing some carrots.
The man used a sword to slice a plastic bottle. A man sliced a plastic bottle with a sword.
A woman swims underwater. A woman is swimming.
A man is playing a guitar. A woman is dancing.
A machine is sharpening a pencil. The machine shaved the end of the pencil.
An airplane is flying in the air. A South African Airways plane is flying in a blue sky.
A bear is running from two dogs. A bear is fighting wolves.
A woman is resting in a floating raft. A woman relaxes in an inner tube.
A man is cleaning a fish on a kitchen counter. A man is playing a flute.
A man is dieing in an operating room. A man is kissing a woman in stage.
A man is holding a leaf. A woman is watching television.
A person is riding a horse. A woman is slicing potatoes.
A woman is slicing octopus. A man is playing the guitar.
A man is breaking water jugs. A woman is peeling garlic.
A man is playing a guitar. A woman is cutting vegetable.
A girl is eating a cupcake. A man is slicing a cucumber.
The little girl played on the grass with a dog and a ball. A baby plays with a dog and ball.
A person is chopping coriander leaves. A woman is slicing up some green leaves.
People ride and paddle a raft. Four people are floating on a raft.
A man is pressing microwave buttons. A man turns on the microwave.
A girl is riding a horse. The girl trotted the horse.
The lady cut up a potatoe. A man is cutting a potato.
A monkey is playing drums. A gorilla plays the drums.
The missile exploded. A rocket exploded.
A dog is playing in the snow. A dog is pawing at a fly in the carpet before it.
A woman is dancing with other women. A woman is shredding chicken.
A boy is pushing a van. A person is slicing a tomato.
Batman and Robin fly a helicopter over water. A helicopter flies over water.
A boy is making some dance steps. A boy is pouring something from a pitcher.
A woman is opening a soda and drinking it. A woman is riding on an elephant.
A man is assembling speaker parts. A man is playing the guitar.
A woman pours oil into a skillet from a plastic bottle while she is talking. An older woman is pouring oil into a skillet on the stove.
The dog walked along the edge of the pool. A dog is walking along a pool.
Butter is being put into a bowl. A man cutting butter into a mixing bowl.
A man is opening a box and taking out paper. A woman is peeling a potato.
Raccoons are eating. A man is eating.
Someone fell off a horse. A man gets knocked off of a horse.
A woman is cutting some herbs. A woman is chopping cilantro.
A woman peels an apple. A man pops wheelies on a motorcycle.
A man is taking some math classes. A man is rinsing a steak.
Animals are playing in water. Two men are playing ping pong.
A man is riding a horse and jumping over obstacles. A man is kicking a soccer ball.
A person is doing pencil tricks with his hand. A person is slicing carrots in half.
The person lit the cameras on fire. A person is blow torching cameras.
The man is slicing the tape from the box. A man is cutting open a box.
The lady put the skewered shimp in the hot water. The lady fried the breaded meat in hot oil.
A woman is dancing. A woman plays the clarinet.
A man is fishing in the river. A man is singing while walking down the sidewalk.
A man is riding a bike. A woman is dancing in the street.
A man is doing push-ups. A woman is cutting some octopus.
A man is playing guitar. A woman is slicing up some pork.
A woman is riding on a horse. A man is shooting off guns.
The boy is playing the piano. A band is playing on stage.
A person is drawing on a large touchscreen. A man is drawing on a digital dry erase board.
The cook is kneading the flour. A woman is kneading tortilla dough.
The little boy is singing and playing the guitar. A baby is playing a guitar.
A woman is powdering her face. The woman is tapping her fingers on the table.
The men played follow the leader on the grass. The rhino grazed on the grass.
A woman is cracking eggs. A man is talking to a woman.
A woman is peeling a potato. A lion is walking around.
A woman is firing a rifle. A man is performing stunts.
A woman peels garlic with her hands. The woman is slicing herbs.
The polar bears fought over the kill. Polar bears are fighting each other.
A woman is riding a horse along a perimeter. A dog is riding a skateboard.
A woman is putting her baby in a waste bin. The woman is poking holes in the potato.
A woman puts a garland over a man's shoulders. A man pours water over a pilots head.
An old woman is shaking hand with a man. A man and a woman shake hands.
A man is doing trick with play cards. A man is performing a card trick.
The woman is waterskiing. A woman is wake boarding on a lake.
Trees are bending in storm. Trees are hit by very hard winds.
The cat is licking a bottle. A cat plays with a small bottle.
A man and woman is riding in a car. A woman is frying shrimp.
A man is moving a tree limb. The woman is playing the violin.
A cat is pouncing on a trampoline. A man is slicing a tomato.
A man plays a piano. A woman is playing the violin.
A person pours oil on a skillet. A person is dicing an onion.
A person is slicing an onion. A person cuts ginger.
The animal is eating. A woman is dancing.
A man and woman are eating at a table. A couple are eating a meal and talking.
The woman is walking her dog. A woman walks her dog down the street.
A woman is riding on a horse. A man is turning over tables in anger.
A man is screwing wood to a wall. A man is giving a woman a massage.
A girl is playing a flute. A girl plays a wind instrument.
A group of people sing. Some people are singing.
The cat is drinking milk. A cat is licking from a saucer of milk.
A person is peeling a potato with a potato peeler. A man is cutting tomatoes with a cleaver.
A small baby is playing a guitar. A boy sits on a bed, sings and plays a guitar.
A girl is making eyelid. A woman is applying eyeshadow.
A woman is chopping onion. A man is doing a card trick.
Two men are fighting. Two men are fighting using a form of martial arts.
A man and a woman walk through the woods. The man and woman are walking.
A child is playing a computer game. A boy is playing a game on a laptop.
Two women are dancing and singing in front of a crowd. The women are singing and dancing.
Men are jumping into water from a bridge. Men jump in a river.
The military officer barked at the recruits. An officer is talking to recruits.
The man is putting chicken into the container. A man is putting foods in a box.
A man is tying on a stenographers machine. the man used a stenograph.
A woman is adding pasta to a pot of water. A woman is making noodles.
A woman is lying on a blanket on a rock and reading a book. A woman seated is singing a song and playing the guitar too.
Two puppies are playing with each other. Some men are playing soccer.
A man is running on a field. A man climbs up a rope.
A man is hugging someone. A man is taking a picture.
Someone is pouring ingrediants into a pot. A man puts vegetables into a pot.
A man is seasoning some carrots. A woman is slicing garlic.
A couple are walking. Some men are sawing.
Two men pushed carts through the woods. Two men are pushing carts.
A person is playing a guitar. The man played his guitar.
A person is adding food in a pan. A woman puts rice into a pan.
A group of penguins is walking. A large amount of penguins are heading to the ocean.
A man is playing a guitar. Someone is handling a bun.
A dog is jumping on a trampoline. A boy is playing a guitar.
A man is shaking a container over a kitchen sink. A man is emptying a plastic container.
A man is playing a football. A man is maneuvering a soccer ball with his feet.
A man is walking with a horse. A man is leading a horse around by it's halter.
Paper is being cut with scissors. A piece of paper is being cut.
The lady peeled the potatoe. A woman is peeling a potato.
A person peels shrimp. The lady peeled the shrimp.
A man is playing a guitar. A man tries to read the paper.
A man making a bed in a hotel. A man is holding a animal.
A woman is slicing some tofu. A woman is cutting a block of tofu into small cubes.
A woman is peeling some fish. A woman is pouring a yellow mixture on a frying pan.
The dog pulled the dogs tail and then his leg. A monkey pulled a dogs tail.
A woman beats two eggs in a bowl. A person is mixing ingredients in a bowl.
People are playing baseball. The cricket player hit the ball.
A person is boiling soup. A woman is placing eggs into a pan.
A man is jumping rope outside. A woman is slicing a cucumber.
A person is slicing some onions. A hamster is singing.
A woman holds a kangaroo. A man in a hat sings a song.
Someone typed on a keyboard. Someone is typing.
Soccer players are kicking a soccer ball into the goal. A soccer player scores a goal.
A woman is cooking something. A woman is pouring ingredients into a frying pan.
A woman is swimming in the beach. A woman splashes around in the ocean's waves.
A man is carrying another man. A man sprays another man with water from a hose.
The woman is putting paste into a dish. A woman is pulling some kind of sticky goo out of a bowl.
A man is holding up and talking about a gray You Tube T-shirt. A man is showing a t shirt.
Three young men run, jump, and kick off of a Coke machine. Three men are jumping off a wall.
Someone pours olive oil into a bowl of tomato wedges. The man poured oil on the tomato slices.
A man is playing the guitar. The man played his guitar with a friend.
Someone is boiling okra in a pot. Someone pours olive oil into a bowl of tomato wedges.
A person is peeling a potato. A cat is licking a small bottle.
A cat is jumping into a box. A young man is talking to a leaf.
A young Asian girl is applying eyeliner. A girl is putting on eye makeup.
The woman is seasoning the oil. A woman is pouring ingredients in a bowl.
A cat is sliding upside down under a couch. A cat is crawling under a piece of furniture on it's back.
A woman dances while a man plays the keyboard. A woman is dancing on a stage.
A chef is cleaning up a bowl of soup. A man is wiping the edge of a bowl off.
An explosion is booming in the desert. A nuclear weapon explodes in a desert.
A woman slices a lemon. A man is talking into a microphone.
An overweight man is skipping rope. A young man is dancing.
A cat is walking around a house. A woman is peeling potato.
The lady cracked two raw eggs. The woman is cracking eggs into a bowl.
A man sharpens a pencil using a knife. A woman is dancing in the rain.
Plastic toys are floating in water. The ladies are performing a dance.
A woman is dancing. A man breaks a stick.
The turtle followed the fish. A sea turtle is hunting for fish.
The woman is pencilling on eye shadow. The girl is using an eye pencil on her eyelid.
A man is tying his shoe. A dog is riding on a bicyclists shoulders.
A ballet dancer is performing on stage. The beaver is being petted.
A woman is slicing meat with a knife. A man is spreading out dough.
A dog is running on the ground. A girl is tapping her finger nails.
A woman is talking to her pet bunny as she fondles it. A woman walks her dog onto astro turf.
A monkey is playing drums. Someone in a gorilla costume is playing a set of drums.
A man is petting a tied up dog. A man is showing his dog to the camera.
A woman is walking on an open ground with a pet dog as some other dogs follow them. A man is walking with several dogs.
A woman is mincing some garlic. A person is cleaning a disk.
A man shoots a basket. A man is playing a guitar.
The elephants are bathing. Two women are singing.
Two teams are playing soccer. Different sets of teams are playing football on a field.
A rat like creature is smelling around. An animal is walking on the ground.
A man is riding a white horse on an enclosed ground. Someone is riding a horse.
Two Sumo ringers are fighting each other. A man rides a water toy in the water.
An oriental lady is cutting a carrot into thin pieces. A woman is slicing a carrot.
A man lays on the ground and aims a rifle. A man is spreading butter on a tortilla.
The man cut up an onion. A man is dancing.
A couple are running towards the ocean. A man and and woman are running together, holding hands.
A group of people are dancing. Women are dancing outside.
A man is playing guitar. A boy is talking to a giant dog.
A woman mixes up vegetables. A woman is adding ingredients to a skillet.
A woman pours a mixture into a bowl and mixes it. A woman is preparing an egg in a skillet.
A woman is chopping a hard egg. A person is cutting boiled egg into pieces.
Two robots share a kiss. A male and female robot are kissing.
A cat is trying to touch a dog. The cat teased the dog by touching his head.
A woman puts cosmetics on her eyelid. The woman is pencilling on eye shadow.
The rhino grazed on the grass. A rhino is grazing in a field.
The man drove his little red car around the traffic. The dog ran in the water at the beach.
A man is cutting bread. A man is doing tricks with a soccer ball.
A woman and man are riding in a car. A woman driving a car is talking to the man seated beside her.
A man is cutting pieces of butter into a mixing bowl. Pieces of butter is added in the stand mixer.
A cat rapidly swats a kid in the head. A cat and a boy play together.
A cat is playing in a box. The dog is playing with the floor cleaner.
A man is putting garlic on some bread slices. A man is sprinkling seasoning on several split and buttered loaves of bread.
The couple danced in the church. A couple slow dances.
The panda bear lay on the logs. A panda is lying down.
A man is patting an alligator on the mouth. A person is dumping chopped vegetables into a pot on the stove.
A person checks some rice pudding. A horse is running.
A girl is dancing in a cage. A onion is being chopped.
Five men jump into a swimming pool. A group of swimmers fall into a pool.
A woman is stirring two eggs in a glass bowl. A young girl is singing on a stage.
The man is playing the drums. A man pours cleaner in his sink.
A cat is on a robot. A man is eating bread.
A man is slicing a pepper. A person cuts a big green pepper apart.
A woman is speaking in sign language. A woman spices some seafood.
A boy is crawling into a dog house. A cat is playing on the floor.
The girl flew her kite while she ran up a hill. A girl loses her kite.
A woman is placing food in a pot of hot water. A woman is frying meat.
A small monkey walks through water. A monkey is wading across a marsh.
A man is riding a bike. A panda bear is eating.
A young man is singing and playing the piano. The man is writing a letter.
A boy takes off his sunglasses. A boy is screaming.
A girl is playing a piano. A boy is doing push ups.
The lady stirred up raw eggs in the bowl. A woman is pouring eyes into a bowl.
A cheetah is running behind its prey. A cheetah chases prey on across a field.
The lady sliced a tomatoe. Someone is cutting a tomato.
Someone is holding a hedgehog. A onion is being sliced.
A woman peels a potato. A woman is grilling pineapples.
A cat is playing on the floor. A man is slicing garlic.
A boy is playing violin on stage. A person is mixing a pot.
A cow is eating grass. A dog is pulling a girl down a hill.
A cat is drinking some water. A truck is going down a hill.
A person is putting salt and pepper on a piece of pork. A youngster is sitting on a piano.
The man sat in his chair and stared. The little girl is putting her hair into a pony tail.
A woman is dicing a potato. A woman cuts tofu into tiny pieces.
The man stirred the sauce for the chicken. The man is stirring oil.
A baby is crawling happily. A baby sneezed and scared another baby.
A person is frying a meat in the pan. A man is cutting a vegetable.
A man is looking out of a window. A woman is swimming in the water.
A man seated is playing the guitar. A man is playing an acoustic guitar and singing into a microphone.
A dog is barking at a toy. The little dog barked at the electronic toy.
A woman is slicing an onion with a knife. A man is preparing some dish.
A man jumping rope A man is talking.
A woman is peeling an orange. A woman cuts off a small piece of lemon rind.
A rider is running and jumping her horse. A woman jumps hurdles on a horse.
A boy is playing a key-board. A boy is sitting in a room playing a piano by lamp light.
A man is cycling. A boy is riding a bicycle.
Two men are fighting. The man is exercising.
A man is playing a wooden flute while several other men play bongo drums. A man is playing a flute.
Someone is beating an egg. A woman stirs eggs in a bowl.
A person is petting a monkey. A man is holding a slow loris.
A man is cutting a potato. A woman plays an electric guitar.
A woman is slicing ginger. A person is holding two baby lorises.
Two cartoon rabbits are kissing. A rabbit is kissing another rabbit.
The hedgehog chewed on the towel. A hedgehog is biting at a blanket.
A man is buttering a piece of bread. A slow loris hanging on a cord.
A man is dragging a dead deer. A man is jumping into water from a cliff.
A cat is licking himself. A man is slicing a white onion with a mandolin slicer.
A woman cuts up some vegetables. A woman is placing skewered food onto a cooker.
A man is preparing a snake for cooking. The man is dropping sliced cucumbers into water.
A woman is spreading mustard on a bread roll. A kitten is playing with a woman's finger.
A small guinea pig is gnawing and eating a piece of carrot on the floor. A Guinea pig eats a carrot.
Four boys are standing in front of the burning car. Four young men stand still as a car explodes behind them.
The lady cut the tail and body of a shrimp. A woman is cleaning a shrimp.
A man is smoking. The man sat in his suit and smoked.
Someone touched the kitten chewing on a string. Someone is cutting paper.
A woman is adding sauce to some food. A person is cutting leaves.
Meat is being put into a skillet. A woman is putting a baby into a trash can.
A baby elephant is eating a small tree. A little girl peddling a scooter.
A man plays an acoustic guitar. A woman and dog are walking together.
Three children are eating their food. The deer jumped over the fence.
A submarine is going through water. A baby is falling asleep.
A man is running on a street. A man plays the guitar.
A person is slicing an onion. A cat is pooping into a toilet.
A badger is digging in the dirt. A man is moving large rocks.
A woman is slicing big pepper. A dog is moving its mouth.
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