datasets.sts-2013.test.STS.input.OnWN.txt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
measure the depth of a body of water any large deep body of water.
someone who plays a principal role an actor who plays a principal role.
(cause to) come to rest on a surface reach or come to rest.
the act of advocating or promoting something the act of choosing or selecting.
alphanumeric sequence used for identification a numeral or string of numerals that is used for identification.
a state of being elevated or raised the event of something being raised upward.
the act of lifting something the act of climbing something.
Bind or join (as if) with cement. shine intensely, as if with heat.
(finally) do something or be somewhere cause something to pass or lead somewhere.
a point, as the op part of a compass arrow a V-shaped mark at one end of an arrow pointer.
the act of preserving or protecting something the act of decreasing or reducing something.
coerce by violence, fill with terror coerce by violence or with threats.
cause to move, cause to be moved cease to operate or cause to cease operating.
the uppermost area of region of something the act of decreasing or reducing something.
the foremost part of something have flavor; taste of something.
behave or move in a certain manner behave in a certain manner.
a reproduction or physical representation of something a visual representation of something.
a type of subdivision of a larger literary composition a specialized division of a large organization.
the person who is assigned to a non-elective position a person who is appointed to a job or position.
Advance; contribute to the progress or growth of. contribute to the progress or growth of.
a narrow channel or span of a sea or ocean a narrow channel of the sea joining two larger bodies of water.
the act of preserving or protecting something the act of cracking something.
Cut into, possibly creating something new. the act of cracking something.
the act of choosing among alternatives the act of changing one thing for another thing.
The act of testing something. the act of breaking something.
the state of being in contact the state of being connected.
giving a reference or citation of something change the nature, purpose, or function of something.
Sell something to or obtain something from by underhanded activity. sell something to or obtain something from by energetic and especially underhanded activity.
the act of determining or discovering the position of an object a surface forming part of the outside of an object.
a feeling or state of contentment, relief a state of being relaxed and feeling no pain.
Physically extend or spread outward from a center or focus or inward towards a center; physically spread from a start point. extend or spread outward from a center or focus or inward towards a center.
place into the ground for growing place or put on the ground.
an approximated amount of something a visual representation of something.
stimulate sexually; get sexual gratification through self-stimulation get sexual gratification through self-stimulation.
the act of acknowledging the truth of something the act of projecting out from something.
Express audibly; utter sounds (not necessarily words); indicate. express audibly; utter sounds (not necessarily words).
The state of being suspected. the state of being excluded.
The act of providing approval and support. the act of having and controlling property.
Relieve someone from work by taking a turn; take turns working. relieve (someone) from work by taking a turn.
a side or surface of something a brief experience of something.
utter in a certain way appear in a certain way.
the act of turning, rotating an object turning or twisting around (in place).
(Cause to) increase in extent or intensity. increase in extent or intensity.
the legal state of owing money the verbal act of offering.
make sense of, give meaning to make sense of; assign a meaning to.
The act of beginning something new. the act of hiring something or someone.
printed version of electronic data from a computer (computer science) matter that is held in a computer and is typed or printed on paper.
Limit in quantity or quality. limit in quality or quantity.
search (as the bottom of a body of water) for something search (as the bottom of a body of water) for something valuable or lost.
the act of surrendering or losing something of value the act of decreasing or reducing something.
The physical act of following in an effort to overtake or capture. the act of pursuing in an effort to overtake or capture.
Expel or eject (saliva, phlegm, sputum, or vomit) from the mouth. expel or eject (saliva or phlegm or sputum) from the mouth.
the natural progression or development of something the act or means of getting rid of something.
the act of lifting something the act of describing something.
an explanation or alibi for something an opinion formed by judging something.
recover, return to former state return to a former condition.
Act without permission or with too much confidence. take liberties or act with too much confidence.
the act of putting a preparation on something. the act of testing something.
become the owner or posessor of something make a film or photograph of something.
the act of moving, turning something the act of rejecting something.
the act of confining, preventing or blocking something the act of testing something.
the act of putting a preparation on something. the act of decreasing or reducing something.
the act or means of getting rid of something. the physical position of something.
the shape of a wave in a given period of time the popular taste at a given time.
a distinctive style of clothing an intuitive understanding of something.
cause to have an odor cause to become alive again.
fall or cause to fall let or cause to fall in drops.
the act of allowing, bestowing something the act of testing something.
keep from being seen or perceived by others hold back; keep from being perceived by others.
a document authorizing another to vote on one's behalf a power of attorney document given by shareholders of a corporation authorizing a specific vote on their behalf at a corporate meeting.
the act of lifting something the act of retaining something.
the act of combining, blending, integrating the act of chipping something.
smell by inhaling through the nose perceive by inhaling through the nose.
the conclusion of a communication the intended meaning of a communication.
(cause to) adopt a different system, value, or viewpoint cause to adopt a new or different faith.
(cause to) become less intense or strict cause to become violent or angry.
the act of choosing or selecting the act of losing someone or something.
narrative or account, intended as factual reporting a short account of the news.
Engrave by means of dots. engrave by means of dots and flicks.
the act of shoving something away the act of raising something.
decide the amount to be paid on an insurance claim decide how much is to be paid on an insurance claim.
make noise like bad engine make a noise typical of an engine lacking lubricants.
be in direct physical contact with be in direct physical contact with; make contact.
the quality of being dependable the quality of being of practical use.
Arrange a programme for an individual, group, or entity. arrange a program of or for.
express a certain idea when rendering a play or music give an interpretation or rendition of.
the quality of being dependable the act of dwelling in a place.
a store or supply of something a store or supply of something (especially of food or clothing or arms).
suggest or prescribe a solution suggest the necessity of an intervention; in medicine.
person who manages money in board games a person who is in charge.
the act of rubbing a surface the act of dragging (pulling with force).
The act of dividing or disconnecting. the act of expelling or projecting or ejecting.
the act of validating the authenticity of something the act of concealing the identity of something by modifying its appearance.
the act of putting a preparation on something. the act of forcing out someone or something.
the act of preserving or protecting something the act of winding or twisting.
Oppose or approach, as in hostility or competition oppose, as in hostility or a competition.
Travel (as if) through water. move as if through a sieve.
administer or bestow, as portions administer or bestow, as in small portions.
Form a spiral or move in a spiral course. to wind or move in a spiral course.
Induce into action by using one's charm; provoke to do something. induce into action by using one's charm.
connected underground tunnels used by rabbits a series of connected underground tunnels occupied by rabbits.
hold or embrace in a tight grip hold in a tight grasp.
the shape of a wave in a given period of time the shape of a wave illustrated graphically by plotting the values of the period quantity against time.
the foremost part of something the lower part of anything.
The act of controlling by restraining someone or something. the act of liberating someone or something.
the act of planning or deliberating the action of putting something into operation.
be located at or on top of something cause (someone) to undergo something.
the scent or odor of something the act of decreasing or reducing something.
(Cause to) make a dry crackling sound, possibly by mixing. make a dry crackling sound.
fill, attach, fix with, or as if with gum cover, fill, fix or smear with or as if with gum.
The act of talking about the features of something. the act of sharing in the activities of a group.
the act of providing help or aid to someone the act of applying paint to a surface.
a natural growth of plants, usually trees a growth of similar plants (usually trees) in a particular area.
the act of planning or deliberating the act of cracking something.
the physical expanse of the universe the physical position of something.
a boundary area or edge of something a boundary marking the extremities of something.
reach a destination or goal reach a destination; arrive by movement or progress.
the act of preserving or protecting something the act of expelling or projecting or ejecting.
to argue or plead in favor of argue or speak in defense of.
support, sustain, bear, or be responsible for cause to happen or be responsible for.
take or capture by force or authority to put down by force or authority.
(cause to) lengthen or stretch out in space cause to march or go at a marching pace.
the act of rending, tearing, ripping the act of reducing the amount or number.
Equip with armed and armored motor vehicles (as of an army). equip with armed and armored motor vehicles.
(the content of) a communication. the last section of a communication.
The act of changing course or twisting oneself. the act of indicating or pointing out by name.
the act of pressing together firmly the act of disturbing the mind or body.
The state or condition of feeling or being rushed. the condition of being motivated.
move to a lower position, terminate something lower the pitch of (musical notes).
the act of pulling a load the act of making a proposal.
(cause to) appear suddenly or briefly break open or apart suddenly and forcefully.
The human act of making something new. the speech act of making something evident.
make or become more acute or intense make ready for action or use.
the activity of breaking or splintering something the act of breaking something.
the extreme endpoint of something get the meaning of something.
Perform an action with an intent to deceive. make a copy of with the intent to deceive.
any cause or source of great suffering any affliction that causes great suffering.
the act of moving, turning something the act of drawing or hauling something.
To remain emotionally or intellectually attached without necessary physical contact. to remain emotionally or intellectually attached.
The state of being pleased with life. the state of being rejected.
the height of the sea's surface the solid part of the earth's surface.
The act of testing something. the act of starting something.
cover with a primer base cover with a primer; apply a primer to.
discover a logical or causal connection; associate make a logical or causal connection.
Rewrite in a different script. extend in a different direction.
the act of reasoning, cogitation the act of beginning something new.
the act of giving a speech the act of giving a false appearance.
be located at or on top of something observe or plot the moving path of something.
the act of turning, rotating an object the act of breaking something.
the scent or odor of something have a disagreement over something.
Give an incentive or reason for action. give an incentive for action.
the context or setting in which something takes place the act of cutting something into parts.
tolerate; aceept or take on as a responsibility. give surety or assume responsibility.
move from one location to another move from one place to another.
The act of testing something. the act of dropping something.
Give a performative affectation to (something). give a performance (of something).
a participant who is a beginner in some activity any new participant in some activity.
Turn the paddle or oar. turn the paddle; in canoeing.
the activity of examining or assessing something the act of drawing or hauling something.
the conclusion of a communication the last section of a communication.
An object impairs the respiration of someone or something. the relation of comprising something.
be a reason, cause, or justification of serve as a reason or cause or justification of.
retreat or move from a position, relocate remove from a position or office.
The human act of making something new. the act of starting something for the first time; introducing something new.
an instance of halting some motion the act of starting something.
(cause to) gradually become weak cause to become widely known.
a deficiency, state of disappointment, non-achievement an event that does not accomplish its intended purpose.
The act of giving up a claim, office, or possession. the act of giving up (a claim or office or possession etc.).
the uppermost area of region of something exclusive control or possession of something.
take something or someone away from somewhere take something or somebody with oneself somewhere.
energy in the form of molecular motion money in the form of bills or coins.
a state of exposure to harm a state of extreme poverty.
the act of putting a preparation on something. the act of attaching or affixing something.
The act of testing something. the act of rejecting something.
have a strong desire to do something have a wish or desire to know something.
take in (mentally or physically) take (gas, light or heat) into a solution.
the act of intentionally omitting something the act of rending or ripping or splitting something.
pronounce with a nasal twang pronounce with an initial sibilant.
an upward slope or incline an upward slope or grade (as in a road).
an allotment or percentage of something a relatively long narrow piece of something.
Shrivel, wither, or mature imperfectly, as of a flower. shrivel or wither or mature imperfectly.
Identify, establish location or identity recognize as being; establish the identity of someone or something.
the act of shoving something away the act of starting something.
an explanation or alibi for something an obligation to pay or do something.
incline from a vertical position to incline or bend from a vertical position.
Preserve in a tin or jar. preserve in a can or tin.
behave or move in a certain manner dress in a certain manner.
The act of testing something. the act of raising something.
give a deceptive explanation for; cover up give a deceptive explanation or excuse for.
The principal activity that one does to earn money. the principal activity in your life that you do to earn money.
The act of dividing or disconnecting. the act of drawing or hauling something.
the act of planning or deliberating the act of becoming more distant.
The act of testing something. the act of retaining something.
12th month of the calendar year the last (12th) month of the year.
the activity of examining or assessing something the activity of protecting someone or something.
the act of turning, rotating an object the act of troubling or annoying someone.
a company that provides public service commodities a company that performs a public service; subject to government regulation.
get involved with or mixed up get involved or mixed-up with.
gradual decrease in the strength of a signal a gradual decline (in size or strength or power or number).
a fast rate or occurrence of something a brief experience of something.
the act of lifting something the act of chipping something.
(cause to) become even or level make even or more even.
Declare invalid; take away the legal force of or render ineffective. take away the legal force of or render ineffective.
Give an incentive or reason for action. give an interpretation or rendition of.
hit or return before it touches the ground hit before it touches the ground.
the act or means of getting rid of something. the state of being unsure of something.
the act of accusing someone or something for being at fault the action of putting something into operation.
Fix or set a physical object securely or depeply fix or set securely or deeply.
A storyline; the plan,scheme,or main story of a literary or dramatic work, true or fictional. the story that is told in a novel or play or movie etc..
the activity of breaking or splintering something the act of rending or ripping or splitting something.
a retail store with merchandise for sale a mercantile establishment for the retail sale of goods or services.
twist a body part suddenly so as to sprain twist suddenly so as to sprain.
resist immunologically foreign tissue or organ resist immunologically the introduction of some foreign tissue or organ.
be a factor or play a role in something the act of stopping something.
the trading price between sellers and buyers in a an open marketplace the price at which buyers and sellers trade the item in an open marketplace.
request or demand something from someone the act of damaging something or someone.
the act of confining, preventing or blocking something the act of forming or establishing something.
Ride on someone's shoulders or back; support on the back or shoulders. support on the back and shoulders.
oppose with equal weight or force contrast with equal weight or force.
the quality of acting with vigor and vitality the quality of not being useful or convenient.
the quality of being important, worthy of attention the quality of being important and worthy of note.
attachment, restraint or shackle between physical entities a restraint that confines or restricts freedom (especially something used to tie down or restrain a prisoner).
the reduction of the extent of something, e.g, its size, importance or quantity change toward something smaller or lower.
a visual characterization of something a chance to do something.
put in a particular place or abstract location cause to be in an appropriate place, state, or relation.
the action of extending outwards the trait of wasting resources.
the consequence or aftermath of something have flavor; taste of something.
(Cause to) increase in anxiety. cause to run in panic.
the activity of examining or assessing something the act of decreasing or reducing something.
the act of preserving or protecting something the act of forming or establishing something.
turn on an axis; spin cause to turn on an axis or center.
PLAY OFF-set into opposition or rivalry set into opposition or rivalry.
the processing or operation of something the physical position of something.
the act of pulling a load the act of hearing attentively.
the act of explaining or defending something the act of designating or identifying something.
come upon, attack or catch someone or something unaware the act of liberating someone or something.
the act of turning, rotating an object the act of dropping something.
social or economic downfall of someone or a group failure that results in a loss of position or reputation.
the primary component of a communication the last section of a communication.
the process of becoming less or smaller process or result of becoming less or smaller.
the concluding section of a communication the last section of a communication.
Reduce to small pieces by pounding or grinding. reduce to small pieces or particles by pounding or abrading.
the act or capability of seeing the range of interest or activity that can be anticipated.
the act of accusing someone or something for being at fault the act of damaging something or someone.
give a specific interpretation to twist and turn so as to give an intended interpretation.
The state of being suspected. the state of being rejected.
The process of cultivating the land, possibly as a way of life. agriculture considered as an occupation or way of life.
a military aircraft that drops ordinance a military aircraft that drops bombs during flight.
the act of accusing someone or something for being at fault the act of liberating someone or something.
accept, acclimate or adapt to a context, situation adapt or conform oneself to new or different conditions.
the temperature at which a liquid boils, bubbles the temperature at which a liquid boils at sea level.
The human act of making something new. the act of cracking something.
Beat or hit (as if) with a whip. maintain with or as if with a bet.
the act of lifting something the act of stopping something.
rein in a horse to lose a race rein in to keep from winning a race.
(cause to) come to rest on a surface cause to come out in a squirt.
provide or supply with water cover or swamp with water.
Amount that can be contained the amount that can be contained.
contain or have a specific wording or information have or contain a certain wording or form.
a channel of social communication a channel for communication between groups.
Cause to be or last longer, extend in duration or space. lengthen or extend in duration or space.
a rank or position relative to others take or have a position relative to others.
the uppermost area of region of something the act of dropping something.
the apparent condition or state of something the act of losing someone or something.
burn slightly to affect color burn slightly and superficially so as to affect color.
a general trait or characteristic of something give certain properties to something.
position in football played by a team member (American football) a position on the line of scrimmage.
The act of arranging elements together. the act of fastening things together.
cause a sharp or stinging pain to cause a sharp or stinging pain or discomfort.
the act of choosing or selecting the act of dropping something.
incite action, cause an event serve as the inciting cause of.
come up, as of liquid or gas come up, as of a liquid.
(Cause to) become less tense; rest or take one's ease. become less tense, rest, or take one's ease.
adapt to a specified measurement or proportion adapt to a specified measurement.
anatomical shape of the body of a being, physique alternative names for the body of a human being.
cause romantic action; lure away from proper conduct lure or entice away from duty, principles, or proper conduct.
make up something fictional or untrue make up something artificial or untrue.
remove to or from a place or situation break from a meeting or gathering.
the act of lifting something the act of ending something.
a happening or incident of human significance a special set of circumstances.
protect with or as if with a shield protect, hide, or conceal from danger or harm.
basic monetary unit of Kyrgyzstan the basic unit of money in Kyrgyzstan.
the act of lifting something the act of cracking something.
(cause to) move gently back and forth cause to move back and forth.
the state of being in contact the state of being active.
The act of testing something. the act of decreasing or reducing something.
the act of explaining or defending something the act of expelling or projecting or ejecting.
Understand the meaning of something. get the meaning of something.
take a risk or guess in hope of a favorable outcome take a risk in the hope of a favorable outcome.
the act of annoying someone or something the act of applying force to propel something.
change (dramatically) between high and low values alternate dramatically between high and low values.
the activity of examining or assessing something the act of designating or identifying something.
(cause to) be anxious or preoccupied cause to be balanced or suspended.
design for a specific purpose plan something for a specific role or purpose or effect.
to combat or oppose someone or something the act of forcing out someone or something.
(Cause to) form a cluster in either abstract or physical space. cause to have, in the abstract sense or physical sense.
a mental grasp or understanding of something understanding of the nature or meaning or quality or magnitude of something.
do something considered below one's diginty do something that one considers to be below one's dignity.
(game) a division during which one is allowed to play (perhaps as offense). (sports) a division during which one team is on the offensive.
the act of cutting off length, snipping off the act of clipping or snipping.
a sovereign regime and its assemblage the sovereign and his advisers who are the governing power of a state.
the act of annoying someone or something the act of raising something.
the extreme endpoint of something the act or means of getting rid of something.
be or have a quality of being the quality of being significant.
Improve by pruning or polishing improve or perfect by pruning or polishing.
the act of preserving or protecting something the act of applying force to propel something.
register formally as a participant register formally as a participant or member.
a lever that activates a firing mechanism, especially with a firearm lever that activates the firing mechanism of a gun.
The act of beginning something new. the act of ending something.
the act of annoying someone or something the act of liberating someone or something.
Cut into, possibly creating something new. a reason for wanting something done.
a casual game of throwing a ball back and forth a cooperative game in which a ball is passed back and forth.
come up, as of liquid or gas take up, as of debts or payments.
cause to be immersed in cause to be hanging or suspended.
the act of substituting one thing for another the act of changing one thing for another thing.
The act of testing something. a way or means to achieve something.
the act of validating the authenticity of something the act of liberating someone or something.
amount of time that something is postponed time during which some action is awaited.
reverse a direction, attitude or course of action, perhaps perceptually. reverse (a direction, attitude, or course of action).
An established or recognized right, formal or informal. an established or recognized right.
the act of intentionally omitting something the act of forming or establishing something.
the occupants who dwell on a level of a building the occupants of a floor.
a method for solving a problem the successful action of solving a problem.
cause to move with a flick or as if with a flick cover with flakes or as if with flakes.
an observer of a process or activity a member of a police force.
an address used for postal communication the address where a person or organization can be communicated with.
Spur on, urge, or deride by cheers and shouts. spur on or encourage especially by cheers and shouts.
spare in quality or quantity limit in quality or quantity.
the act of shoving something away the act of hiring something or someone.
the apparent condition or state of something the event consisting of the start of something.
engrave, shape or cut by chipping away at the surface engrave or cut by chipping away at a surface.
something considered trite but amusing something recalled to the mind.
the act of lifting something the act of constructing something.
concrete enactment of an idea or concept a concrete representation of an otherwise nebulous concept.
raise or haul up as if with a mechanism affect with or as if with a cramp.
(Cause to) change from a solid to a liquid. become liquid or fluid when heated.
(The act of making) a measurement of something. the act of making up your mind about something.
a duplicate of something, serving as a backup something additional of the same kind.
(The act of making) a measurement of something. the act of removing or getting rid of something.
react, or respond to a call, command, or stimulus react to a stimulus or command.
club or association of people with a shared interest a formal association of people with similar interests.
free from obligations, service or confinement free from obligations or duties.
the degree or amount of something the act of dropping something.
the act of arriving at a certain place the act of putting something in a certain place.
medium of exchange minted by a government the official currency issued by a government or national bank.
advance or set forward in court advance or set forth in court.
make a written note of something make a written note of.
the act of explaining or defending something the allotment of some amount by dividing something.
a citizen of ancient Troy a native of ancient Troy.
The act of testing something. the act of rending or ripping or splitting something.
the act of turning, rotating an object the act of terminating a life.
The act of moving in a hurried manner. the act of moving hurriedly and in a careless manner.
the act of clipping, cutting the act of describing something.
Physically raise from a lower position. raise from a lower to a higher position.
the act of turning, rotating an object the act of retaining something.
an increase in size as measured per unit of time the rate of increase in size per unit time.
advance warning or notification of something the first part or section of something.
the act of advocating or promoting something the act of constructing something.
Supply with water for crops, as with channels, ditches, or streams. supply with water, as with channels or ditches or streams.
smother, surpress or lessen something the act of testing something.
cause to be immersed in cause to be interested or curious.
The human act of making something new. the act of making or enacting laws.
The intended meaning of an instance of communication. the intended meaning of a communication.
be given to, come into the possession of come into the possession of.
utter in a certain way react to in a certain way.
have or be covered with bristles the state of being covered with unclean things.
the act of planning or deliberating the act of choosing or selecting.
be located at or on top of something make a film or photograph of something.
be in or establish communication with move or establish in a new location.
Adapt oneself to new or different conditions. adapt or conform oneself to new or different conditions.
be located at or on top of something an obligation to pay or do something.
a collection of something, often a large amount a collection of things sharing a common attribute.
whip with or as if with a whisk urge with or as if with a goad.
dysfunction or ailment of the heart a disease of the heart.
decorate a manuscript with red decorate (manuscripts) with letters painted red.
the act of devoting time and energy to something the act of liberating someone or something.
verify something by comparing to a standard check or regulate (a scientific experiment) by conducting a parallel experiment or comparing with another standard.
Part, cease, or break association with (something). part; cease or break association with.
put heels on a shoe put a new heel on.
the act of preserving or protecting something the act of raising something.
make images or sounds less sharp make (images or sounds) sharp or sharper.
Expel or eject saliva, sputum, or an object from the mouth. expel or eject (saliva or phlegm or sputum) from the mouth.
measure the depth of a body of water measure the depth of (a body of water) with a sounding line.
give a detailed account of narrate or give a detailed account of.
a recurrent artistic theme or pattern a theme that is repeated or elaborated in a piece of music.
the act of choosing or selecting the act of looking or seeing or observing.
have a strong desire to do something have a strong desire or urge to do something.
The activity of looking thoroughly in order to find something or someone. the act of removing or getting rid of something.
person who is a social companion a friend who is frequently in the company of another.
hold or place in equilibrium hold or carry in equilibrium.
the act of accusing someone or something for being at fault the management of someone or something.
work as a tinker (fix pots and pans) work as a tinker or tinkerer.
the act of allowing, bestowing something the act of forming or establishing something.
the termination, ending of a meeting the termination of a meeting.
scratch or scrape with claws or nails attack as if with claws.
a social occasion, often official or formal a formal or official social gathering or ceremony.
infer or believe to be the case believe to be the case.
move in such a way as to avoid make a sudden movement in a new direction so as to avoid.
The state of being absent. the act of climbing something.
remove by pinching or snipping sever or remove by pinching or snipping.
(Cause to) become a powder or as dust. cause to become widely known.
prepare, arrange; create or organize for a particular purpose any area set aside for a particular purpose.
the act of people having sex the act of climbing something.
to lecture formally to an audience accuse formally of a crime.
the act of creating an artistic work the act of creating written works.
the state of being in contact the state of being excluded.
collect discarded, refused or damaged material collect discarded or refused material.
an enterprise or company that publishes newsprint a business firm that publishes newspapers.
the act of providing incentive to someone the act of motivating; providing incentive.
the activity of examining or assessing something the act of examining resemblances.
Make marks in the surface of. make small marks into the surface of.
Make a copy with the intent to deceive. take up with the tongue.
the act of choosing or selecting the act of clipping or snipping.
spare in quality or quantity be equal to in quality or ability.
return to in thought or speech return in thought or speech to something.
The act of testing something. the act of climbing something.
manner of handling, managing someone or something the management of someone or something.
the act of selecting or picking something the act of decreasing or reducing something.
LAY OFF--put an end to a state or activity put an end to a state or an activity.
move the body backwards and down into a comfortable resting position move or arrange oneself in a comfortable and cozy position.
Shine intensely; emit a steady, even light from a source. emit a steady even light without flames.
The act of purchasing back something previously sold. the act of starting something.
reach or cause to reach the highest point, best something an act (or failure to act) that disappoints someone.
a type of military aircraft a unit of military aircraft.
the act of putting a preparation on something. the state of taking in or encircling.
a person who plants or detonates explosives a person who plants bombs.
make fit for a specific purpose suit to a special purpose.
strike with horror, surprise, disgust strike with horror or terror.
have the same value, be or become equivalent to something else establish something as being earlier relative to something else.
A state of confusion or disorder. throw into great confusion or disorder.
a public enclosure for animals, as dogs a public enclosure for stray or unlicensed dogs.
a system by which one currency is exchanged for another, enabling international transactions the system by which one currency is exchanged for another; enables international transactions to take place.
the natural progression or development of something the natural process of laying down a deposit of something.
the act of pulling an object the act of choosing or selecting.
A perceptual distinction based on color or shading. the perceptual effect of the juxtaposition of very different colors.
The act of purchasing back something previously sold. the act of retaining something.
Cook in cream or using cream. add cream to one's coffee, for example.
a negative or undesirable aspect of something consider as part of something.
gear or develop something to a particular purpose suit to a special purpose.
identify or pick out someone or something the act of losing someone or something.
a state of being encircled the state of being depleted.
read or conform to the metrical pattern of conform to a metrical pattern.
a major branch of a tree a small thin branch of a tree.
the act of lifting something the act of starting something.
(Cause to) become a fluid, as when heated. make (a solid substance) liquid, as by heating.
form schemes in an underhand manner form intrigues (for) in an underhand manner.
identify or pick out someone or something the act of forcing out someone or something.
the act of applying torture to the foot and leg a form of foot torture in which the feet are encased in iron and slowly crushed.
Move as if unable to control one's manner or direction of movement. walk as if unable to control one's movements.
arrangement for managing assets on behalf of a beneficiary something (as property) held by one party (the trustee) for the benefit of another (the beneficiary).
make fit for a specific purpose provide with (something) usually for a specific purpose.
the act of lifting something the act of winding or twisting.
cause to move, cause to be moved cause to lean to the side.
an indication of something, evidence an indication of some hidden activity.
The state of being absent. the state of being suspected.
(cause to) break up or cease to function stop functioning or cohering as a unit.
the selection of a lottery winner the last section of a communication.
being in a protected state or condition be in some specified state or condition.
the act of escaping, fleeing the act of escaping physically.
build, make by combining materials or parts make by combining materials and parts.
Create a coating for something. give a performance (of something).
Create a coating for something. the act of projecting out from something.
restrict or limit the range of limit the range or extent of.
the act of annoying someone or something the act of dropping something.
the act of acknowledging the truth of something the act of perceiving the odor of something.
the act of providing incentive to someone the act of hiring something or someone.
an argument that gives grounds or justification for a position the justification for some act or belief.
presentation of a musical theme (music) the presentation of a musical theme.
cause or permit to fall to the ground let or cause to fall in drops.
move or sway in a sinuous fashion to move or cause to move in a sinuous, spiral, or circular course.
sell or transport an item or idea abroad cause to spread in another part of the world.
the act of taking an offer the act of making a proposal.
a group of people appointed to a committee a committee appointed to judge a competition.
intuitions, a hunch or feeling maintain (a theory, thoughts, or feelings).
situate, position, come to rest settle into a position, usually on a surface or ground.
Sever or remove by pinching or snipping; tend by cutting. sever or remove by pinching or snipping.
the act of lifting something the act of damaging something or someone.
Place limits on; form the boundary of or be contiguous to. form the boundary of; be contiguous to.
the value of a currency's conversion to another currency the charge for exchanging currency of one country for currency of another.
the graduated arc of an instrument used to measure angles the graduated arc that is attached to an instrument for measuring angles.
the act of lifting something the act of testing something.
the act of escaping, fleeing the act of retaining something.
people who are impoverished, without basic possessions two people who are married to each other.
the act of putting a preparation on something. give certain properties to something.
the act of explaining or defending something the activity of supplying or providing something.
the act of lifting something the act of raising something.
confine in or as if in a prison enclose in or as if in a frame.
Make a copy with the intent to deceive. make believe with the intent to deceive.
the act of sorting things into categories the act of distributing things into classes or categories of the same type.
Fly in or on a glider plane fly in or as if in a glider plane.
the act of choosing or selecting the act of testing something.
open to members of all races and ethnic groups open (a place) to members of all races and ethnic groups.
Go after with the intent to follow or catch. go after with the intent to catch.
the center region of an object the center of an object.
an approximated amount of something an appraisal of the value of something.
cover completely; form a cover over; expand over. form a carpet-like cover (over).
room where work or repairs are done room where work is done.
the act of shoving something away the act of testing something.
take possession of by legal authority (for security). take temporary possession of as a security, by legal authority.
hand over or put in refer for judgment or consideration.
cause to turn from one course or use to another send from one person or place to another.
the act of pulling a load the act of dwelling in a place.
the act of annoying someone or something the act of projecting out from something.
The act of talking about the features of something. the act of projecting out from something.
turn from an upright/normal position cause to overturn from an upright or normal position.
the act of lifting something the act of dropping something.
the identification or the realization of something the end or completion of something.
the act of concealing or disguising the act of projecting out from something.
A document granting a right or privilege, as to an inventor. a document granting an inventor sole rights to an invention.
the central area of an object the center of an object.
the act of lifting something the act of colliding with something.
the act of lifting something the act of decreasing or reducing something.
the act of putting a preparation on something. the act of stopping something.
the act of advocating or promoting something the act of rending or ripping or splitting something.
Have a distinctive or characteristic taste, perceptible by an experiencer. have a distinctive or characteristic taste.
Be a sign or indication of; have as a meaning. be a sign or indication of.
the general impression or appearance of something the general outward appearance of something.
know, realize, and comprehend the meaning know and comprehend the nature or meaning of.
Make or create something for a specific function. make something, usually for a specific function.
get rid of as if with water (metaphorical) get rid of as if by submerging.
the act of acknowledging the truth of something the act of choosing or selecting.
change or conform to fit new or different conditions adapt or conform oneself to new or different conditions.
the act of providing incentive to someone the act of troubling or annoying someone.
a watch with a hinged lid to protect the face a watch with a hinged metal lid to protect the crystal.
support, sustain, bear, or be responsible for organize or be responsible for.
strive against another or others to attain a goal compete for something; engage in a contest; measure oneself against others.
The act of testing something. the act of cracking something.
Gather or remove (from a location) for use. remove from a position or office.
the act of directing attention, resources to something the act of colliding with something.
Ride on someone's shoulders or back; support on the back or shoulders. ride on someone's shoulders or back.
the act of combining, blending, integrating the act of mixing together.
a solid 3D object with rectangular sides a solid piece of something (usually having flat rectangular sides).
the translation of an opus from one language to another the act of moving from one place to another.
the act of annoying someone or something the act of admitting someone to enter.
Write differently or alter a piece or writing, perhaps to suit a different purpose. rewrite so as to make fit to suit a new or different purpose.
a celebrity or entertainer who attracts a large audience an entertainer who attracts large audiences.
Dispose of something as useless and old; physically tear apart. dispose of (something useless or old).
The state of being absent. the state of being excommunicated.
rise to surface; become visible or known appear or become visible; make a showing.
overcome with astonishment or disbelief correct by punishment or discipline.
lessen in force or effect, restrain, weaken lessen in force or effect.
the act of intentionally omitting something the act of climbing something.
the act of advocating or promoting something the act of affirming or asserting or stating something.
a list of items to be consulted and marked off a list of items (names or tasks etc.) to be checked or consulted.
The act of testing something. the act of stopping something.
the act of damaging something, causing breakage the act of damaging something or someone.
put in a particular place or abstract location put into a certain place or abstract location.
the act of perceiving a scent the act of perceiving the odor of something.
the act of providing assistance, giving aid the act of administering medication.
lessen in force, impact, or effect lessen in force or effect.
cover with wooden boards; secure get on board of (trains, buses, ships, aircraft, etc.).
the act of explaining or defending something the act of removing or getting rid of something.
a lid or top of a container covering for a hole (especially a hole in the top of a container).
(cause to) separate or move in different directions to cause to separate and go in different directions.
cause to vibrate in a different pattern cause to vibrate in a definite pattern.
The act of dividing or disconnecting. the act of adding one thing to another.
decide upon or fix definitely/specify decide upon or fix definitely.
provide a seat or base for provide a feast or banquet for.
the act of explaining or defending something the act of rending or ripping or splitting something.
an observer of a process or activity a meeting devoted to a particular activity.
make keen; give (new) life or energy to give new life or energy to.
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