com.topologi.diffx.Main Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* This file is part of the DiffX library.
* For licensing information please see the file license.txt included in the release.
* A copy of this licence can also be found at
* http://www.opensource.org/licenses/artistic-license-2.0.php
package com.topologi.diffx;
import java.io.BufferedOutputStream;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.io.OutputStreamWriter;
import java.io.Reader;
import java.io.Writer;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
import org.xml.sax.InputSource;
import com.topologi.diffx.algorithm.DiffXAlgorithm;
import com.topologi.diffx.algorithm.DiffXFitWesyma;
import com.topologi.diffx.algorithm.DiffXFitopsy;
import com.topologi.diffx.algorithm.DiffXFitsy;
import com.topologi.diffx.algorithm.DiffXKumarRangan;
import com.topologi.diffx.algorithm.GuanoAlgorithm;
import com.topologi.diffx.config.DiffXConfig;
import com.topologi.diffx.config.TextGranularity;
import com.topologi.diffx.config.WhiteSpaceProcessing;
import com.topologi.diffx.format.BasicXMLFormatter;
import com.topologi.diffx.format.ConvenientXMLFormatter;
import com.topologi.diffx.format.DiffXFormatter;
import com.topologi.diffx.format.SafeXMLFormatter;
import com.topologi.diffx.format.SmartXMLFormatter;
import com.topologi.diffx.format.StrictXMLFormatter;
import com.topologi.diffx.format.XMLDiffXFormatter;
import com.topologi.diffx.load.DOMRecorder;
import com.topologi.diffx.load.Recorder;
import com.topologi.diffx.load.SAXRecorder;
import com.topologi.diffx.load.TextRecorder;
import com.topologi.diffx.sequence.EventSequence;
import com.topologi.diffx.sequence.SequenceSlicer;
import com.topologi.diffx.util.CommandLine;
* Utility class to centralise the access to this API from the command line.
* @author Christophe Lauret
* @version 10 May 2010
public final class Main {
* Prevents creation of instances.
private Main() {
// equivalent methods -------------------------------------------------------------------
* Returns true
if the two specified files are XML equivalent by looking at the
* sequence SAX events reported an XML reader.
* @param xml1 The first XML stream to compare.
* @param xml2 The first XML stream to compare.
* @return true
If the XML are considered equivalent;
* false
* @throws DiffXException Should a Diff-X exception occur.
* @throws IOException Should an I/O exception occur.
public static boolean equivalent(File xml1, File xml2)
throws DiffXException, IOException {
Recorder recorder = new SAXRecorder();
EventSequence seq0 = recorder.process(xml1);
EventSequence seq1 = recorder.process(xml2);
return seq0.equals(seq1);
* Returns true
if the two specified input streams are equivalent by looking at the
* sequence SAX events reported an XML reader.
* @param xml1 The first XML stream to compare.
* @param xml2 The first XML stream to compare.
* @return true
If the XML are considered equivalent;
* false
* @throws DiffXException Should a Diff-X exception occur.
* @throws IOException Should an I/O exception occur.
public static boolean equivalent(InputStream xml1, InputStream xml2)
throws DiffXException, IOException {
SAXRecorder recorder = new SAXRecorder();
EventSequence seq0 = recorder.process(new InputSource(xml1));
EventSequence seq1 = recorder.process(new InputSource(xml2));
return seq0.equals(seq1);
* Returns true
if the two specified readers are equivalent by looking at the
* sequence SAX events reported an XML reader.
* @param xml1 The first XML stream to compare.
* @param xml2 The first XML stream to compare.
* @return true
If the XML are considered equivalent;
* false
* @throws DiffXException If a DiffX exception is reported by the recorders.
* @throws IOException Should an I/O exception occur.
public static boolean equivalent(Reader xml1, Reader xml2)
throws DiffXException, IOException {
SAXRecorder recorder = new SAXRecorder();
EventSequence seq0 = recorder.process(new InputSource(xml1));
EventSequence seq1 = recorder.process(new InputSource(xml2));
return seq0.equals(seq1);
// diff methods -------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Compares the two specified XML nodes and prints the diff onto the given writer.
* @param xml1 The first XML node to compare.
* @param xml2 The second XML node to compare.
* @param out Where the output goes.
* @param config The DiffX configuration to use.
* @throws DiffXException Should a Diff-X exception occur.
* @throws IOException Should an I/O exception occur.
public static void diff(Node xml1, Node xml2, Writer out, DiffXConfig config)
throws DiffXException, IOException {
// records the events from the XML
DOMRecorder loader = new DOMRecorder();
if (config != null) {
EventSequence seq1 = loader.process(xml1);
EventSequence seq2 = loader.process(xml2);
// start slicing
diff(seq1, seq2, out, config);
* Compares the two specified NodeList
s and prints the diff onto the given writer.
* Only the first node in the node list is sequenced.
* @param xml1 The first XML node list to compare.
* @param xml2 The second XML node list to compare.
* @param out Where the output goes.
* @param config The DiffX configuration to use.
* @throws DiffXException Should a Diff-X exception occur.
* @throws IOException Should an I/O exception occur.
public static void diff(NodeList xml1, NodeList xml2, Writer out, DiffXConfig config)
throws DiffXException, IOException {
// records the events from the XML
DOMRecorder loader = new DOMRecorder();
if (config != null) {
EventSequence seq1 = loader.process(xml1);
EventSequence seq2 = loader.process(xml2);
// start slicing
diff(seq1, seq2, out, config);
* Compares the two specified xml files and prints the diff onto the given writer.
* @param xml1 The first XML reader to compare.
* @param xml2 The first XML reader to compare.
* @param out Where the output goes.
* @param config The DiffX configuration to use.
* @throws DiffXException Should a Diff-X exception occur.
* @throws IOException Should an I/O exception occur.
public static void diff(Reader xml1, Reader xml2, Writer out, DiffXConfig config)
throws DiffXException, IOException {
// records the events from the XML
SAXRecorder recorder = new SAXRecorder();
if (config != null) {
EventSequence seq1 = recorder.process(new InputSource(xml1));
EventSequence seq2 = recorder.process(new InputSource(xml2));
// start slicing
diff(seq1, seq2, out, config);
* Compares the two specified xml files and prints the diff onto the given writer.
* @param xml1 The first XML reader to compare.
* @param xml2 The first XML reader to compare.
* @param out Where the output goes
* @throws DiffXException Should a Diff-X exception occur.
* @throws IOException Should an I/O exception occur.
public static void diff(Reader xml1, Reader xml2, Writer out)
throws DiffXException, IOException {
// records the events from the XML
SAXRecorder recorder = new SAXRecorder();
EventSequence seq1 = recorder.process(new InputSource(xml1));
EventSequence seq2 = recorder.process(new InputSource(xml2));
// start slicing
diff(seq1, seq2, out, new DiffXConfig());
* Compares the two specified xml files and prints the diff onto the given writer.
* @param xml1 The first XML input stream to compare.
* @param xml2 The first XML input stream to compare.
* @param out Where the output goes
* @throws DiffXException Should a Diff-X exception occur.
* @throws IOException Should an I/O exception occur.
public static void diff(InputStream xml1, InputStream xml2, OutputStream out)
throws DiffXException, IOException {
// records the events from the XML
SAXRecorder recorder = new SAXRecorder();
EventSequence seq1 = recorder.process(new InputSource(xml1));
EventSequence seq2 = recorder.process(new InputSource(xml2));
diff(seq1, seq2, new OutputStreamWriter(out), new DiffXConfig());
* Compares the two specified xml files and prints the diff onto the given writer.
* @param seq1 The first XML reader to compare.
* @param seq2 The first XML reader to compare.
* @param out Where the output goes.
* @param config The DiffX configuration to use.
* @throws DiffXException Should a Diff-X exception occur.
* @throws IOException Should an I/O exception occur.
private static void diff(EventSequence seq1, EventSequence seq2, Writer out, DiffXConfig config)
throws DiffXException, IOException {
SafeXMLFormatter formatter = new SafeXMLFormatter(out);
if (config != null) {
SequenceSlicer slicer = new SequenceSlicer(seq1, seq2);
DiffXAlgorithm df = new GuanoAlgorithm(seq1, seq2);
// command line -------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Main entry point from the command line.
* @param args The command-line arguments
* @throws Exception If anything wrong happens.
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
// TODO: better command-line interface
if (args.length < 2) {
try {
boolean profile = CommandLine.hasSwitch("-profile", args);
boolean slice = !CommandLine.hasSwitch("-noslice", args);
boolean quiet = CommandLine.hasSwitch("-quiet", args);
// get the files
File xml1 = new File(args[args.length - 2]);
File xml2 = new File(args[args.length - 1]);
// loading
long t0 = System.currentTimeMillis();
Recorder recorder = getRecorder(args);
EventSequence seq1 = recorder.process(xml1);
EventSequence seq2 = recorder.process(xml2);
long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
if (profile) {
System.err.println("Loaded files in "+(t1 - t0)+"ms");
// get the config
DiffXConfig config = new DiffXConfig();
if (!quiet) {
System.err.println("Whitespace processing: "+getTextGranularity(args)+" "+getWhiteSpaceProcessing(args));
// get and setup the formatter
Writer out = new OutputStreamWriter(getOutput(args), "utf-8");
DiffXFormatter formatter = getFormatter(args, out);
if (formatter instanceof XMLDiffXFormatter) {
// pre-slicing
SequenceSlicer slicer = new SequenceSlicer(seq1, seq2);
if (slice) {
// start algorithm
if (!quiet) {
System.err.println("Matrix: "+seq1.size()+"x"+seq2.size());
DiffXAlgorithm df = getAlgorithm(args, seq1, seq2);
// post-slicing
if (slice) {
long t2 = System.currentTimeMillis();
if (profile) {
System.err.println("Executed algorithm files in "+(t2 - t1)+"ms");
} catch (Throwable ex) {
* Displays the usage on the System.err console
public static void usage() {
System.err.println("Compare the SAX events returned by two XML files.");
System.err.println(" Main [options] xml_file1 xml_file2");
System.err.println(" xml_file1 = Path to the new XML file");
System.err.println(" xml_file2 = Path to the old XML file");
System.err.println(" -profile Display profiling info");
System.err.println(" -noslice Do not use slicing");
System.err.println(" -o [output] The output file");
System.err.println(" -L [loader] Choose a specific loader");
System.err.println(" sax* | dom | text");
System.err.println(" -A [algo] Choose a specific algorithm");
System.err.println(" fitsy* | guano | fitopsy | kumar | wesyma");
System.err.println(" -F [format] Choose a specific formatter");
System.err.println(" smart* | basic | convenient | strict | short");
System.err.println(" -W [wsp] Define whitespace processing");
System.err.println(" preserve* | compare | ignore");
System.err.println(" -G [granul] Define text diffing granularity");
System.err.println(" word* | text | character");
System.err.println(" * indicates option used by default.");
* @param args The command line arguments.
* @return The recorder to use.
private static Recorder getRecorder(String[] args) {
String loaderArg = CommandLine.getParameter("-L", args);
if (loaderArg == null || "sax".equals(loaderArg))
return new SAXRecorder();
else if ("dom".equals(loaderArg))
return new DOMRecorder();
else if ("text".equals(loaderArg))
return new TextRecorder();
else {
return null;
* @param args The command line arguments.
* @return The output to use.
* @throws FileNotFoundException If the file does not exist.
private static OutputStream getOutput(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException {
String outArg = CommandLine.getParameter("-o", args);
if (outArg == null)
return System.out;
return new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(outArg));
* @param args The command line arguments.
* @param seq1 The first sequence.
* @param seq2 The second sequence.
* @return The algorithm to use.
private static DiffXAlgorithm getAlgorithm(String[] args, EventSequence seq1, EventSequence seq2) {
String loaderArg = CommandLine.getParameter("-A", args);
if (loaderArg == null || "fitsy".equals(loaderArg))
return new DiffXFitsy(seq1, seq2);
else if ("guano".equals(loaderArg))
return new GuanoAlgorithm(seq1, seq2);
else if ("fitopsy".equals(loaderArg))
return new DiffXFitopsy(seq1, seq2);
else if ("kumar".equals(loaderArg))
return new DiffXKumarRangan(seq1, seq2);
else if ("wesyma".equals(loaderArg))
return new DiffXFitWesyma(seq1, seq2);
else {
return null;
* @param args The command line arguments.
* @param out The writer to use.
* @return The formatter to use.
* @throws IOException Should and I/O error occur
private static DiffXFormatter getFormatter(String[] args, Writer out) throws IOException {
String formatArg = CommandLine.getParameter("-F", args);
if (formatArg == null || "smart".equals(formatArg))
return new SmartXMLFormatter(out);
else if ("convenient".equals(formatArg))
return new ConvenientXMLFormatter(out);
else if ("basic".equals(formatArg))
return new BasicXMLFormatter(out);
else if ("strict".equals(formatArg))
return new StrictXMLFormatter(out);
else if ("short".equals(formatArg))
return new StrictXMLFormatter(out);
else {
return null;
* @param args The command line arguments.
* @return The formatter to use.
* @throws IOException Should and I/O error occur
private static WhiteSpaceProcessing getWhiteSpaceProcessing(String[] args) throws IOException {
String formatArg = CommandLine.getParameter("-W", args);
if (formatArg == null || "preserve".equals(formatArg))
return WhiteSpaceProcessing.PRESERVE;
else if ("compare".equals(formatArg))
return WhiteSpaceProcessing.COMPARE;
else if ("ignore".equals(formatArg))
return WhiteSpaceProcessing.IGNORE;
else {
return null;
* @param args The command line arguments.
* @return The formatter to use.
* @throws IOException Should and I/O error occur
private static TextGranularity getTextGranularity(String[] args) throws IOException {
String formatArg = CommandLine.getParameter("-G", args);
if (formatArg == null || "word".equals(formatArg))
return TextGranularity.WORD;
else if ("text".equals(formatArg))
return TextGranularity.TEXT;
else if ("character".equals(formatArg))
return TextGranularity.CHARACTER;
else {
return null;