org.pptx4j.pml.ObjectFactory Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright 2010-2012, Plutext Pty Ltd.
* This file is part of pptx4j, a component of docx4j.
docx4j is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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package org.pptx4j.pml;
import javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlElementDecl;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlRegistry;
import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
* This object contains factory methods for each
* Java content interface and Java element interface
* generated in the org.pptx4j.pml package.
* An ObjectFactory allows you to programatically
* construct new instances of the Java representation
* for XML content. The Java representation of XML
* content can consist of schema derived interfaces
* and classes representing the binding of schema
* type definitions, element declarations and model
* groups. Factory methods for each of these are
* provided in this class.
public class ObjectFactory {
private final static QName _CmAuthorLst_QNAME = new QName("http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/presentationml/2006/main", "cmAuthorLst");
private final static QName _CmLst_QNAME = new QName("http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/presentationml/2006/main", "cmLst");
private final static QName _OleObj_QNAME = new QName("http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/presentationml/2006/main", "oleObj");
private final static QName _SldSyncPr_QNAME = new QName("http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/presentationml/2006/main", "sldSyncPr");
* Create a new ObjectFactory that can be used to create new instances of schema derived classes for package: org.pptx4j.pml
public ObjectFactory() {
* Create an instance of {@link Presentation }
public Presentation createPresentation() {
return new Presentation();
* Create an instance of {@link GroupShape }
public GroupShape createGroupShape() {
return new GroupShape();
* Create an instance of {@link Pic }
public Pic createPic() {
return new Pic();
* Create an instance of {@link CxnSp }
public CxnSp createCxnSp() {
return new CxnSp();
* Create an instance of {@link Shape }
public Shape createShape() {
return new Shape();
* Create an instance of {@link SlideLayoutIdList }
public SlideLayoutIdList createSlideLayoutIdList() {
return new SlideLayoutIdList();
* Create an instance of {@link Presentation.SldIdLst }
public Presentation.SldIdLst createPresentationSldIdLst() {
return new Presentation.SldIdLst();
* Create an instance of {@link Presentation.SldMasterIdLst }
public Presentation.SldMasterIdLst createPresentationSldMasterIdLst() {
return new Presentation.SldMasterIdLst();
* Create an instance of {@link CTCommentAuthorList }
public CTCommentAuthorList createCTCommentAuthorList() {
return new CTCommentAuthorList();
* Create an instance of {@link CTCommentList }
public CTCommentList createCTCommentList() {
return new CTCommentList();
* Create an instance of {@link CTOleObject }
public CTOleObject createCTOleObject() {
return new CTOleObject();
* Create an instance of {@link CTNotesMasterIdList }
public CTNotesMasterIdList createCTNotesMasterIdList() {
return new CTNotesMasterIdList();
* Create an instance of {@link CTHandoutMasterIdList }
public CTHandoutMasterIdList createCTHandoutMasterIdList() {
return new CTHandoutMasterIdList();
* Create an instance of {@link Presentation.SldSz }
public Presentation.SldSz createPresentationSldSz() {
return new Presentation.SldSz();
* Create an instance of {@link CTSmartTags }
public CTSmartTags createCTSmartTags() {
return new CTSmartTags();
* Create an instance of {@link CTEmbeddedFontList }
public CTEmbeddedFontList createCTEmbeddedFontList() {
return new CTEmbeddedFontList();
* Create an instance of {@link CTCustomShowList }
public CTCustomShowList createCTCustomShowList() {
return new CTCustomShowList();
* Create an instance of {@link CTPhotoAlbum }
public CTPhotoAlbum createCTPhotoAlbum() {
return new CTPhotoAlbum();
* Create an instance of {@link CTCustomerDataList }
public CTCustomerDataList createCTCustomerDataList() {
return new CTCustomerDataList();
* Create an instance of {@link CTKinsoku }
public CTKinsoku createCTKinsoku() {
return new CTKinsoku();
* Create an instance of {@link CTModifyVerifier }
public CTModifyVerifier createCTModifyVerifier() {
return new CTModifyVerifier();
* Create an instance of {@link CTExtensionList }
public CTExtensionList createCTExtensionList() {
return new CTExtensionList();
* Create an instance of {@link PresentationPr }
public PresentationPr createPresentationPr() {
return new PresentationPr();
* Create an instance of {@link CTPrintProperties }
public CTPrintProperties createCTPrintProperties() {
return new CTPrintProperties();
* Create an instance of {@link CTShowProperties }
public CTShowProperties createCTShowProperties() {
return new CTShowProperties();
* Create an instance of {@link Sld }
public Sld createSld() {
return new Sld();
* Create an instance of {@link CommonSlideData }
public CommonSlideData createCommonSlideData() {
return new CommonSlideData();
* Create an instance of {@link CTSlideTransition }
public CTSlideTransition createCTSlideTransition() {
return new CTSlideTransition();
* Create an instance of {@link CTSlideTiming }
public CTSlideTiming createCTSlideTiming() {
return new CTSlideTiming();
* Create an instance of {@link CTExtensionListModify }
public CTExtensionListModify createCTExtensionListModify() {
return new CTExtensionListModify();
* Create an instance of {@link SldLayout }
public SldLayout createSldLayout() {
return new SldLayout();
* Create an instance of {@link CTHeaderFooter }
public CTHeaderFooter createCTHeaderFooter() {
return new CTHeaderFooter();
* Create an instance of {@link SldMaster }
public SldMaster createSldMaster() {
return new SldMaster();
* Create an instance of {@link CTSlideMasterTextStyles }
public CTSlideMasterTextStyles createCTSlideMasterTextStyles() {
return new CTSlideMasterTextStyles();
* Create an instance of {@link HandoutMaster }
public HandoutMaster createHandoutMaster() {
return new HandoutMaster();
* Create an instance of {@link NotesMaster }
public NotesMaster createNotesMaster() {
return new NotesMaster();
* Create an instance of {@link Notes }
public Notes createNotes() {
return new Notes();
* Create an instance of {@link CTSlideSyncProperties }
public CTSlideSyncProperties createCTSlideSyncProperties() {
return new CTSlideSyncProperties();
* Create an instance of {@link TagLst }
public TagLst createTagLst() {
return new TagLst();
* Create an instance of {@link CTStringTag }
public CTStringTag createCTStringTag() {
return new CTStringTag();
* Create an instance of {@link ViewPr }
public ViewPr createViewPr() {
return new ViewPr();
* Create an instance of {@link CTNormalViewProperties }
public CTNormalViewProperties createCTNormalViewProperties() {
return new CTNormalViewProperties();
* Create an instance of {@link CTSlideViewProperties }
public CTSlideViewProperties createCTSlideViewProperties() {
return new CTSlideViewProperties();
* Create an instance of {@link CTOutlineViewProperties }
public CTOutlineViewProperties createCTOutlineViewProperties() {
return new CTOutlineViewProperties();
* Create an instance of {@link CTNotesTextViewProperties }
public CTNotesTextViewProperties createCTNotesTextViewProperties() {
return new CTNotesTextViewProperties();
* Create an instance of {@link CTSlideSorterViewProperties }
public CTSlideSorterViewProperties createCTSlideSorterViewProperties() {
return new CTSlideSorterViewProperties();
* Create an instance of {@link CTNotesViewProperties }
public CTNotesViewProperties createCTNotesViewProperties() {
return new CTNotesViewProperties();
* Create an instance of {@link CTSideDirectionTransition }
public CTSideDirectionTransition createCTSideDirectionTransition() {
return new CTSideDirectionTransition();
* Create an instance of {@link CTCornerDirectionTransition }
public CTCornerDirectionTransition createCTCornerDirectionTransition() {
return new CTCornerDirectionTransition();
* Create an instance of {@link CTEightDirectionTransition }
public CTEightDirectionTransition createCTEightDirectionTransition() {
return new CTEightDirectionTransition();
* Create an instance of {@link CTOrientationTransition }
public CTOrientationTransition createCTOrientationTransition() {
return new CTOrientationTransition();
* Create an instance of {@link CTInOutTransition }
public CTInOutTransition createCTInOutTransition() {
return new CTInOutTransition();
* Create an instance of {@link CTOptionalBlackTransition }
public CTOptionalBlackTransition createCTOptionalBlackTransition() {
return new CTOptionalBlackTransition();
* Create an instance of {@link CTSplitTransition }
public CTSplitTransition createCTSplitTransition() {
return new CTSplitTransition();
* Create an instance of {@link CTWheelTransition }
public CTWheelTransition createCTWheelTransition() {
return new CTWheelTransition();
* Create an instance of {@link CTTransitionStartSoundAction }
public CTTransitionStartSoundAction createCTTransitionStartSoundAction() {
return new CTTransitionStartSoundAction();
* Create an instance of {@link CTTransitionSoundAction }
public CTTransitionSoundAction createCTTransitionSoundAction() {
return new CTTransitionSoundAction();
* Create an instance of {@link CTTLIterateIntervalTime }
public CTTLIterateIntervalTime createCTTLIterateIntervalTime() {
return new CTTLIterateIntervalTime();
* Create an instance of {@link CTTLIterateIntervalPercentage }
public CTTLIterateIntervalPercentage createCTTLIterateIntervalPercentage() {
return new CTTLIterateIntervalPercentage();
* Create an instance of {@link CTTLIterateData }
public CTTLIterateData createCTTLIterateData() {
return new CTTLIterateData();
* Create an instance of {@link CTTLSubShapeId }
public CTTLSubShapeId createCTTLSubShapeId() {
return new CTTLSubShapeId();
* Create an instance of {@link CTTLTextTargetElement }
public CTTLTextTargetElement createCTTLTextTargetElement() {
return new CTTLTextTargetElement();
* Create an instance of {@link CTTLOleChartTargetElement }
public CTTLOleChartTargetElement createCTTLOleChartTargetElement() {
return new CTTLOleChartTargetElement();
* Create an instance of {@link CTTLShapeTargetElement }
public CTTLShapeTargetElement createCTTLShapeTargetElement() {
return new CTTLShapeTargetElement();
* Create an instance of {@link CTTLTimeTargetElement }
public CTTLTimeTargetElement createCTTLTimeTargetElement() {
return new CTTLTimeTargetElement();
* Create an instance of {@link CTTLTriggerTimeNodeID }
public CTTLTriggerTimeNodeID createCTTLTriggerTimeNodeID() {
return new CTTLTriggerTimeNodeID();
* Create an instance of {@link CTTLTriggerRuntimeNode }
public CTTLTriggerRuntimeNode createCTTLTriggerRuntimeNode() {
return new CTTLTriggerRuntimeNode();
* Create an instance of {@link CTTLTimeCondition }
public CTTLTimeCondition createCTTLTimeCondition() {
return new CTTLTimeCondition();
* Create an instance of {@link CTTLTimeConditionList }
public CTTLTimeConditionList createCTTLTimeConditionList() {
return new CTTLTimeConditionList();
* Create an instance of {@link CTTimeNodeList }
public CTTimeNodeList createCTTimeNodeList() {
return new CTTimeNodeList();
* Create an instance of {@link CTTLCommonTimeNodeData }
public CTTLCommonTimeNodeData createCTTLCommonTimeNodeData() {
return new CTTLCommonTimeNodeData();
* Create an instance of {@link CTTLTimeNodeParallel }
public CTTLTimeNodeParallel createCTTLTimeNodeParallel() {
return new CTTLTimeNodeParallel();
* Create an instance of {@link CTTLTimeNodeSequence }
public CTTLTimeNodeSequence createCTTLTimeNodeSequence() {
return new CTTLTimeNodeSequence();
* Create an instance of {@link CTTLTimeNodeExclusive }
public CTTLTimeNodeExclusive createCTTLTimeNodeExclusive() {
return new CTTLTimeNodeExclusive();
* Create an instance of {@link CTTLBehaviorAttributeNameList }
public CTTLBehaviorAttributeNameList createCTTLBehaviorAttributeNameList() {
return new CTTLBehaviorAttributeNameList();
* Create an instance of {@link CTTLCommonBehaviorData }
public CTTLCommonBehaviorData createCTTLCommonBehaviorData() {
return new CTTLCommonBehaviorData();
* Create an instance of {@link CTTLAnimVariantBooleanVal }
public CTTLAnimVariantBooleanVal createCTTLAnimVariantBooleanVal() {
return new CTTLAnimVariantBooleanVal();
* Create an instance of {@link CTTLAnimVariantIntegerVal }
public CTTLAnimVariantIntegerVal createCTTLAnimVariantIntegerVal() {
return new CTTLAnimVariantIntegerVal();
* Create an instance of {@link CTTLAnimVariantFloatVal }
public CTTLAnimVariantFloatVal createCTTLAnimVariantFloatVal() {
return new CTTLAnimVariantFloatVal();
* Create an instance of {@link CTTLAnimVariantStringVal }
public CTTLAnimVariantStringVal createCTTLAnimVariantStringVal() {
return new CTTLAnimVariantStringVal();
* Create an instance of {@link CTTLAnimVariant }
public CTTLAnimVariant createCTTLAnimVariant() {
return new CTTLAnimVariant();
* Create an instance of {@link CTTLTimeAnimateValue }
public CTTLTimeAnimateValue createCTTLTimeAnimateValue() {
return new CTTLTimeAnimateValue();
* Create an instance of {@link CTTLTimeAnimateValueList }
public CTTLTimeAnimateValueList createCTTLTimeAnimateValueList() {
return new CTTLTimeAnimateValueList();
* Create an instance of {@link CTTLAnimateBehavior }
public CTTLAnimateBehavior createCTTLAnimateBehavior() {
return new CTTLAnimateBehavior();
* Create an instance of {@link CTTLByRgbColorTransform }
public CTTLByRgbColorTransform createCTTLByRgbColorTransform() {
return new CTTLByRgbColorTransform();
* Create an instance of {@link CTTLByHslColorTransform }
public CTTLByHslColorTransform createCTTLByHslColorTransform() {
return new CTTLByHslColorTransform();
* Create an instance of {@link CTTLByAnimateColorTransform }
public CTTLByAnimateColorTransform createCTTLByAnimateColorTransform() {
return new CTTLByAnimateColorTransform();
* Create an instance of {@link CTTLAnimateColorBehavior }
public CTTLAnimateColorBehavior createCTTLAnimateColorBehavior() {
return new CTTLAnimateColorBehavior();
* Create an instance of {@link CTTLAnimateEffectBehavior }
public CTTLAnimateEffectBehavior createCTTLAnimateEffectBehavior() {
return new CTTLAnimateEffectBehavior();
* Create an instance of {@link CTTLPoint }
public CTTLPoint createCTTLPoint() {
return new CTTLPoint();
* Create an instance of {@link CTTLAnimateMotionBehavior }
public CTTLAnimateMotionBehavior createCTTLAnimateMotionBehavior() {
return new CTTLAnimateMotionBehavior();
* Create an instance of {@link CTTLAnimateRotationBehavior }
public CTTLAnimateRotationBehavior createCTTLAnimateRotationBehavior() {
return new CTTLAnimateRotationBehavior();
* Create an instance of {@link CTTLAnimateScaleBehavior }
public CTTLAnimateScaleBehavior createCTTLAnimateScaleBehavior() {
return new CTTLAnimateScaleBehavior();
* Create an instance of {@link CTTLCommandBehavior }
public CTTLCommandBehavior createCTTLCommandBehavior() {
return new CTTLCommandBehavior();
* Create an instance of {@link CTTLSetBehavior }
public CTTLSetBehavior createCTTLSetBehavior() {
return new CTTLSetBehavior();
* Create an instance of {@link CTTLCommonMediaNodeData }
public CTTLCommonMediaNodeData createCTTLCommonMediaNodeData() {
return new CTTLCommonMediaNodeData();
* Create an instance of {@link CTTLMediaNodeAudio }
public CTTLMediaNodeAudio createCTTLMediaNodeAudio() {
return new CTTLMediaNodeAudio();
* Create an instance of {@link CTTLMediaNodeVideo }
public CTTLMediaNodeVideo createCTTLMediaNodeVideo() {
return new CTTLMediaNodeVideo();
* Create an instance of {@link CTTLTemplate }
public CTTLTemplate createCTTLTemplate() {
return new CTTLTemplate();
* Create an instance of {@link CTTLTemplateList }
public CTTLTemplateList createCTTLTemplateList() {
return new CTTLTemplateList();
* Create an instance of {@link CTTLBuildParagraph }
public CTTLBuildParagraph createCTTLBuildParagraph() {
return new CTTLBuildParagraph();
* Create an instance of {@link CTTLBuildDiagram }
public CTTLBuildDiagram createCTTLBuildDiagram() {
return new CTTLBuildDiagram();
* Create an instance of {@link CTTLOleBuildChart }
public CTTLOleBuildChart createCTTLOleBuildChart() {
return new CTTLOleBuildChart();
* Create an instance of {@link CTTLGraphicalObjectBuild }
public CTTLGraphicalObjectBuild createCTTLGraphicalObjectBuild() {
return new CTTLGraphicalObjectBuild();
* Create an instance of {@link CTBuildList }
public CTBuildList createCTBuildList() {
return new CTBuildList();
* Create an instance of {@link CTEmpty }
public CTEmpty createCTEmpty() {
return new CTEmpty();
* Create an instance of {@link CTIndexRange }
public CTIndexRange createCTIndexRange() {
return new CTIndexRange();
* Create an instance of {@link CTSlideRelationshipListEntry }
public CTSlideRelationshipListEntry createCTSlideRelationshipListEntry() {
return new CTSlideRelationshipListEntry();
* Create an instance of {@link CTSlideRelationshipList }
public CTSlideRelationshipList createCTSlideRelationshipList() {
return new CTSlideRelationshipList();
* Create an instance of {@link CTCustomShowId }
public CTCustomShowId createCTCustomShowId() {
return new CTCustomShowId();
* Create an instance of {@link CTCustomerData }
public CTCustomerData createCTCustomerData() {
return new CTCustomerData();
* Create an instance of {@link CTTagsData }
public CTTagsData createCTTagsData() {
return new CTTagsData();
* Create an instance of {@link CTExtension }
public CTExtension createCTExtension() {
return new CTExtension();
* Create an instance of {@link CTCommentAuthor }
public CTCommentAuthor createCTCommentAuthor() {
return new CTCommentAuthor();
* Create an instance of {@link CTComment }
public CTComment createCTComment() {
return new CTComment();
* Create an instance of {@link CTOleObjectEmbed }
public CTOleObjectEmbed createCTOleObjectEmbed() {
return new CTOleObjectEmbed();
* Create an instance of {@link CTOleObjectLink }
public CTOleObjectLink createCTOleObjectLink() {
return new CTOleObjectLink();
* Create an instance of {@link CTControl }
public CTControl createCTControl() {
return new CTControl();
* Create an instance of {@link CTControlList }
public CTControlList createCTControlList() {
return new CTControlList();
* Create an instance of {@link CTNotesMasterIdListEntry }
public CTNotesMasterIdListEntry createCTNotesMasterIdListEntry() {
return new CTNotesMasterIdListEntry();
* Create an instance of {@link CTHandoutMasterIdListEntry }
public CTHandoutMasterIdListEntry createCTHandoutMasterIdListEntry() {
return new CTHandoutMasterIdListEntry();
* Create an instance of {@link CTEmbeddedFontDataId }
public CTEmbeddedFontDataId createCTEmbeddedFontDataId() {
return new CTEmbeddedFontDataId();
* Create an instance of {@link CTEmbeddedFontListEntry }
public CTEmbeddedFontListEntry createCTEmbeddedFontListEntry() {
return new CTEmbeddedFontListEntry();
* Create an instance of {@link CTCustomShow }
public CTCustomShow createCTCustomShow() {
return new CTCustomShow();
* Create an instance of {@link CTHtmlPublishProperties }
public CTHtmlPublishProperties createCTHtmlPublishProperties() {
return new CTHtmlPublishProperties();
* Create an instance of {@link CTShowInfoBrowse }
public CTShowInfoBrowse createCTShowInfoBrowse() {
return new CTShowInfoBrowse();
* Create an instance of {@link CTShowInfoKiosk }
public CTShowInfoKiosk createCTShowInfoKiosk() {
return new CTShowInfoKiosk();
* Create an instance of {@link CTPlaceholder }
public CTPlaceholder createCTPlaceholder() {
return new CTPlaceholder();
* Create an instance of {@link NvPr }
public NvPr createNvPr() {
return new NvPr();
* Create an instance of {@link CTGraphicalObjectFrameNonVisual }
public CTGraphicalObjectFrameNonVisual createCTGraphicalObjectFrameNonVisual() {
return new CTGraphicalObjectFrameNonVisual();
* Create an instance of {@link CTGraphicalObjectFrame }
public CTGraphicalObjectFrame createCTGraphicalObjectFrame() {
return new CTGraphicalObjectFrame();
* Create an instance of {@link CTRel }
public CTRel createCTRel() {
return new CTRel();
* Create an instance of {@link CTBackgroundProperties }
public CTBackgroundProperties createCTBackgroundProperties() {
return new CTBackgroundProperties();
* Create an instance of {@link CTBackground }
public CTBackground createCTBackground() {
return new CTBackground();
* Create an instance of {@link CTNormalViewPortion }
public CTNormalViewPortion createCTNormalViewPortion() {
return new CTNormalViewPortion();
* Create an instance of {@link CTCommonViewProperties }
public CTCommonViewProperties createCTCommonViewProperties() {
return new CTCommonViewProperties();
* Create an instance of {@link CTOutlineViewSlideEntry }
public CTOutlineViewSlideEntry createCTOutlineViewSlideEntry() {
return new CTOutlineViewSlideEntry();
* Create an instance of {@link CTOutlineViewSlideList }
public CTOutlineViewSlideList createCTOutlineViewSlideList() {
return new CTOutlineViewSlideList();
* Create an instance of {@link CTGuide }
public CTGuide createCTGuide() {
return new CTGuide();
* Create an instance of {@link CTGuideList }
public CTGuideList createCTGuideList() {
return new CTGuideList();
* Create an instance of {@link CTCommonSlideViewProperties }
public CTCommonSlideViewProperties createCTCommonSlideViewProperties() {
return new CTCommonSlideViewProperties();
* Create an instance of {@link GroupShape.NvGrpSpPr }
public GroupShape.NvGrpSpPr createGroupShapeNvGrpSpPr() {
return new GroupShape.NvGrpSpPr();
* Create an instance of {@link Pic.NvPicPr }
public Pic.NvPicPr createPicNvPicPr() {
return new Pic.NvPicPr();
* Create an instance of {@link CxnSp.NvCxnSpPr }
public CxnSp.NvCxnSpPr createCxnSpNvCxnSpPr() {
return new CxnSp.NvCxnSpPr();
* Create an instance of {@link Shape.NvSpPr }
public Shape.NvSpPr createShapeNvSpPr() {
return new Shape.NvSpPr();
* Create an instance of {@link SlideLayoutIdList.SldLayoutId }
public SlideLayoutIdList.SldLayoutId createSlideLayoutIdListSldLayoutId() {
return new SlideLayoutIdList.SldLayoutId();
* Create an instance of {@link Presentation.SldIdLst.SldId }
public Presentation.SldIdLst.SldId createPresentationSldIdLstSldId() {
return new Presentation.SldIdLst.SldId();
* Create an instance of {@link Presentation.SldMasterIdLst.SldMasterId }
public Presentation.SldMasterIdLst.SldMasterId createPresentationSldMasterIdLstSldMasterId() {
return new Presentation.SldMasterIdLst.SldMasterId();
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link CTCommentAuthorList }{@code >}}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/presentationml/2006/main", name = "cmAuthorLst")
public JAXBElement createCmAuthorLst(CTCommentAuthorList value) {
return new JAXBElement(_CmAuthorLst_QNAME, CTCommentAuthorList.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link CTCommentList }{@code >}}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/presentationml/2006/main", name = "cmLst")
public JAXBElement createCmLst(CTCommentList value) {
return new JAXBElement(_CmLst_QNAME, CTCommentList.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link CTOleObject }{@code >}}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/presentationml/2006/main", name = "oleObj")
public JAXBElement createOleObj(CTOleObject value) {
return new JAXBElement(_OleObj_QNAME, CTOleObject.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link CTSlideSyncProperties }{@code >}}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/presentationml/2006/main", name = "sldSyncPr")
public JAXBElement createSldSyncPr(CTSlideSyncProperties value) {
return new JAXBElement(_SldSyncPr_QNAME, CTSlideSyncProperties.class, null, value);