org.dominokit.domino.ui.stepper.Stepper Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright © 2019 Dominokit
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.dominokit.domino.ui.stepper;
import static java.util.Objects.nonNull;
import static org.dominokit.domino.ui.stepper.StepperStyles.*;
import static org.jboss.elemento.Elements.span;
import elemental2.dom.HTMLDivElement;
import elemental2.dom.Node;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.dominokit.domino.ui.animations.Transition;
import org.dominokit.domino.ui.button.Button;
import org.dominokit.domino.ui.grid.flex.FlexDirection;
import org.dominokit.domino.ui.grid.flex.FlexItem;
import org.dominokit.domino.ui.grid.flex.FlexLayout;
import org.dominokit.domino.ui.grid.flex.FlexWrap;
import org.dominokit.domino.ui.icons.Icons;
import org.dominokit.domino.ui.mediaquery.MediaQuery;
import org.dominokit.domino.ui.style.Color;
import org.dominokit.domino.ui.utils.BaseDominoElement;
import org.dominokit.domino.ui.utils.DominoElement;
import org.jboss.elemento.IsElement;
* A Wizard like component that can have multiple {@link Step}s while only one step can be activated
* at a time
* @see Steppers sample
public class Stepper extends BaseDominoElement {
private final FlexItem content;
private final FlexItem stepContentFlexItem;
private final FlexItem stepFooter;
private FlexLayout root = FlexLayout.create();
private int activeStepNumber = 1;
private StepperDirection direction = StepperDirection.HORIZONTAL;
private List steps = new ArrayList<>();
private Step activeStep;
private Color barColor;
private Transition activateStepTransition;
private Transition deactivateStepTransition;
private int activateStepTransitionDuration;
private int deactivateStepTransitionDuration;
private boolean forceVertical = false;
private StepperDirection originalDirection = StepperDirection.HORIZONTAL;
private StepStateColors stepStateColors;
private final List stepStateChangeListeners = new ArrayList<>();
private final List completeListeners = new ArrayList<>();
private StepNumberRenderer stepNumberRenderer =
new StepNumberRenderer() {
public Node inactiveElement(Step step, StepStateColors stepStateColors) {
return DominoElement.of(span())
.setTextContent(step.getStepNumber() + "")
public Node activeElement(Step step, StepStateColors stepStateColors) {
return DominoElement.of(span())
.setTextContent(step.getStepNumber() + "")
public Node errorElement(Step step, StepStateColors stepStateColors) {
return DominoElement.of(span())
.setTextContent(step.getStepNumber() + "")
public Node completedElement(Step step, StepStateColors stepStateColors) {
return DominoElement.of(span())
public Node disabledElement(Step step, StepStateColors stepStateColors) {
return DominoElement.of(span())
public static Stepper create() {
return new Stepper();
public Stepper() {
stepStateColors =
new StepStateColorsImpl(
Color.GREY, Color.THEME, Color.RED, Color.GREEN, Color.GREY_LIGHTEN_2);
barColor = Color.GREY;
this.activateStepTransition = Transition.FADE_IN;
this.deactivateStepTransition = Transition.FADE_OUT;
this.activateStepTransitionDuration = 200;
this.deactivateStepTransitionDuration = 200;
root.css(direction.style, D_STEPPER).setWrap(FlexWrap.WRAP_TOP_TO_BOTTOM);
stepContentFlexItem = FlexItem.create();
stepFooter = FlexItem.create();
content =
.addClickListener(evt -> previous())))
.addClickListener(evt -> next()))))
.addClickListener(evt -> completeActiveStep())))));
() -> {
forceVertical = true;
originalDirection = this.direction;
() -> {
forceVertical = false;
* @param stepNumberRenderer {@link StepNumberRenderer} to override the default one
* @return same Stepper instance
public Stepper setStepNumberRenderer(StepNumberRenderer stepNumberRenderer) {
if (nonNull(stepNumberRenderer)) {
this.stepNumberRenderer = stepNumberRenderer;
return this;
* @param stepStateColors {@link StepStateColors} to override the default one
* @return same Stepper instance
public Stepper setStepStateColors(StepStateColors stepStateColors) {
if (nonNull(stepStateColors)) {
this.stepStateColors = stepStateColors;
return this;
* @param footerElement {@link IsElement} that will be used a footer for all steps
* @return same Stepper instance
public Stepper setStepFooter(IsElement> footerElement) {
return setStepFooter(footerElement.element());
* @param footerElement {@link Node} that will be used a footer for all steps
* @return same Stepper instance
public Stepper setStepFooter(Node footerElement) {
return this;
* Marks the Stepper as completed and call the stepper complete handlers
* @return same Stepper instance
public Stepper complete() {
completeListeners.forEach(listener -> listener.onComplete(this));
return this;
* Marks the Stepper as completed and call the stepper complete handlers
* @param completeContent {@link IsElement} to show up in the stepper as a completed indicator of
* to finalize the stepper process
* @return same Stepper instance
public Stepper complete(IsElement> completeContent) {
return complete(completeContent.element());
* Marks the Stepper as completed and call the stepper complete handlers
* @param completeContent {@link Node} to show up in the stepper as a completed indicator of to
* finalize the stepper process
* @return same Stepper instance
public Stepper complete(Node completeContent) {
return this;
/** @return the current active {@link Step} */
public Step getCurrentStep() {
return activeStep;
* Complete the current active step, if there is more steps this will also move the stepper to the
* next enabled non-completed step
* @return same Stepper instance
public Stepper completeActiveStep() {
return this;
* @param step {@link Step} to be added to this Stepper instance
* @return same Stepper instance
public Stepper appendChild(Step step) {
if (!steps.contains(step)) {
if (!steps.isEmpty()) {
steps.get(steps.size() - 1).removeCss(LAST_STEP);
steps.get(steps.size() - 1).setFlexGrow(1);
} else {
this.activeStep = step;
step.setStepNumber(steps.indexOf(step) + 1);
return this;
* @param direction {@link StepperDirection}
* @return same Stepper instance
public Stepper setDirection(StepperDirection direction) {
if (forceVertical && StepperDirection.VERTICAL != direction) {
this.originalDirection = this.direction;
} else {
if (direction != this.direction) {
this.direction = direction;
if (StepperDirection.VERTICAL == direction) {
this.content.setOrder(this.activeStepNumber + 1);
} else {
return this;
* Move the stepper to the next enabled non-completed step
* @return same Stepper instance
public Stepper next() {
int activeStepIndex = this.steps.indexOf(activeStep);
if (activeStepIndex < (this.steps.size() - 1)) {
return this;
* @param stepToActivate {@link Step} to be activated, the step should not disabled
* @return same Stepper instance
public Stepper activateStep(Step stepToActivate) {
if (StepState.DISABLED != stepToActivate.getState()) {
if (!stepToActivate.equals(activeStep)) {
this.activeStepNumber = (steps.indexOf(stepToActivate) * 2) + 1;
step -> {
this.activeStep = stepToActivate;
if (StepperDirection.VERTICAL == this.direction) {
this.content.setOrder(this.activeStepNumber + 1);
return this;
* @param index int index of the step to be activated, the step should not disabled
* @return same Stepper instance
public Stepper activateStep(int index) {
if (index >= 0 && index < steps.size()) {
return this;
private Step getNextActiveStep() {
int currentStepIndex = this.steps.indexOf(activeStep);
for (int i = currentStepIndex + 1; i < this.steps.size(); i++) {
Step nextStep = steps.get(i);
if (StepState.DISABLED != nextStep.getState()) {
return nextStep;
return activeStep;
* Move the stepper back tp the previous step that is not disabled
* @return same Stepper instance
public Stepper previous() {
int activeStepIndex = this.steps.indexOf(activeStep);
if (activeStepIndex > 0) {
Step prevActiveStep = getPrevActiveStep();
if (!prevActiveStep.equals(activeStep)) {
step -> {
this.activeStep = prevActiveStep;
this.activeStepNumber = (steps.indexOf(prevActiveStep) * 2) + 1;
if (StepperDirection.VERTICAL == this.direction) {
this.content.setOrder(this.activeStepNumber + 1);
return this;
private Step getPrevActiveStep() {
int currentStepIndex = this.steps.indexOf(activeStep);
for (int i = currentStepIndex - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
Step prevStep = steps.get(i);
if (StepState.DISABLED != prevStep.getState()) {
return prevStep;
return activeStep;
* @param color {@link Color} the color of the bar connecting a step with the next step
* @return same Stepper instance
public Stepper setBarColor(Color color) {
steps.forEach(step -> step.setBarColor(color));
this.content.styler(style -> style.setBorderColor(color.getHex()));
this.barColor = color;
return this;
* Adds a listener that listen to state changes of Stepper steps
* @param listener {@link StepStateChangeListener}
* @return same Stepper instance
public Stepper addStateChangeListener(StepStateChangeListener listener) {
if (nonNull(listener)) {
return this;
* @param listener {@link StepStateChangeListener}
* @return same Stepper instance
public Stepper removeStateChangeListener(StepStateChangeListener listener) {
if (nonNull(listener)) {
return this;
/** @return List of all {@link StepStateChangeListener}s of this Stepper */
public List getStepStateChangeListeners() {
return stepStateChangeListeners;
* @param listener {@link StepperCompleteListener}
* @return same Stepper instance
public Stepper addCompleteListener(StepperCompleteListener listener) {
if (nonNull(listener)) {
return this;
* @param listener {@link StepperCompleteListener}
* @return same Stepper instance
public Stepper removeCompleteListener(StepperCompleteListener listener) {
if (nonNull(listener)) {
return this;
/** @return a List of {@link StepperCompleteListener}s */
public List getCompleteListeners() {
return completeListeners;
/** @return the animation {@link Transition} currently used for activating a step */
public Transition getActivateStepTransition() {
return activateStepTransition;
* @param activateStepTransition {@link Transition} for the animation of activating a step
* @return same Stepper instance
public Stepper setActivateStepTransition(Transition activateStepTransition) {
if (nonNull(activateStepTransition)) {
this.activateStepTransition = activateStepTransition;
return this;
/** @return the animation {@link Transition} currently used for deactivating a step */
public Transition getDeactivateStepTransition() {
return deactivateStepTransition;
* @param deactivateStepTransition {@link Transition} for the animation of deactivating a step
* @return same Stepper instance
public Stepper setDeactivateStepTransition(Transition deactivateStepTransition) {
if (nonNull(deactivateStepTransition)) {
this.deactivateStepTransition = deactivateStepTransition;
return this;
/** @return int duration in milli-seconds for activating a step animation */
public int getActivateStepTransitionDuration() {
return activateStepTransitionDuration;
* @param activateStepTransitionDuration int duration in milli-seconds for activating a step
* animation
* @return same Stepper instance
public Stepper setActivateStepTransitionDuration(int activateStepTransitionDuration) {
this.activateStepTransitionDuration = activateStepTransitionDuration;
return this;
/** @return int duration in milli-seconds for deactivating a step animation */
public int getDeactivateStepTransitionDuration() {
return deactivateStepTransitionDuration;
* @param deactivateStepTransitionDuration int duration in milli-seconds for deactivating a step
* animation
* @return same Stepper instance
public Stepper setDeactivateStepTransitionDuration(int deactivateStepTransitionDuration) {
this.deactivateStepTransitionDuration = deactivateStepTransitionDuration;
return this;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public HTMLDivElement element() {
return root.element();
/** @return List of all {@link Step}s */
public List getSteps() {
return steps;
/** @return the {@link FlexItem} that wraps the active step content */
public FlexItem getStepContentFlexItem() {
return stepContentFlexItem;
/** @return the {@link StepStateColors} */
public StepStateColors getStepStateColors() {
return this.stepStateColors;
/** @return the {@link StepNumberRenderer} */
public StepNumberRenderer getStepNumberRenderer() {
return this.stepNumberRenderer;
/** @return the current active {@link Step} */
public Step getActiveStep() {
return this.activeStep;
* Activates he first step and reset all steps to the initial state
* @return
public Stepper reset() {
return this;
/** An enum of possible Stepper directions */
public enum StepperDirection {
/** The steps in the Stepper header will be aligned Horizontally */
/** The steps in the Stepper header will be aligned Veritically */
private FlexDirection flexDirection;
private String style;
* @param flexDirection {@link FlexDirection} of the Stepper Flex layout
* @param style String css class name for the direction
StepperDirection(FlexDirection flexDirection, String style) {
this.flexDirection = flexDirection;
this.style = style;
/** @return the FlexDirection */
public FlexDirection getFlexDirection() {
return flexDirection;
/** @return String css class name */
public String getStyle() {
return style;
/** A function to implement listeners to be called whenever the step state is changed */
public interface StepStateChangeListener {
* @param oldState {@link StepState}
* @param step {@link Step} new state can be obtained from the this step instance
* @param stepper {@link Stepper} the step belongs to
void onStateChanged(StepState oldState, Step step, Stepper stepper);
* An interface that can implemented to provide different colors for different {@link Step} states
* other than the default colors
public interface StepStateColors {
/** @return the {@link Color} for inactive steps */
Color inactive();
/** @return the {@link Color} for active steps */
Color active();
/** @return the {@link Color} for steps that has validation errors */
Color error();
/** @return the {@link Color} for completed steps */
Color completed();
/** @return the {@link Color} for disabled steps */
Color disabled();
private static final class StepStateColorsImpl implements StepStateColors {
private Color inactive;
private Color active;
private Color error;
private Color completed;
private Color disabled;
public StepStateColorsImpl(
Color inactive, Color active, Color error, Color completed, Color disabled) {
this.inactive = inactive;
this.active = active;
this.error = error;
this.completed = completed;
this.disabled = disabled;
public void setInactive(Color inactive) {
this.inactive = inactive;
public void setActive(Color active) {
this.active = active;
public void setError(Color error) {
this.error = error;
public void setCompleted(Color completed) {
this.completed = completed;
public void setDisabled(Color disabled) {
this.disabled = disabled;
public Color inactive() {
return inactive;
public Color active() {
return active;
public Color error() {
return error;
public Color completed() {
return completed;
public Color disabled() {
return disabled;
/** An interface to provide a different implementation for rendering steps numbers */
public interface StepNumberRenderer {
* Renders the number for inactive steps
* @param step {@link Step} we are rendering the number for
* @param stepStateColors {@link StepStateColors}
* @return the {@link Node} to be used as the step number element
Node inactiveElement(Step step, StepStateColors stepStateColors);
* Renders the number for active steps
* @param step {@link Step} we are rendering the number for
* @param stepStateColors {@link StepStateColors}
* @return the {@link Node} to be used as the step number element
Node activeElement(Step step, StepStateColors stepStateColors);
* Renders the number for steps with errors
* @param step {@link Step} we are rendering the number for
* @param stepStateColors {@link StepStateColors}
* @return the {@link Node} to be used as the step number element
Node errorElement(Step step, StepStateColors stepStateColors);
* Renders the number for completed steps
* @param step {@link Step} we are rendering the number for
* @param stepStateColors {@link StepStateColors}
* @return the {@link Node} to be used as the step number element
Node completedElement(Step step, StepStateColors stepStateColors);
* Renders the number for disabled steps
* @param step {@link Step} we are rendering the number for
* @param stepStateColors {@link StepStateColors}
* @return the {@link Node} to be used as the step number element
Node disabledElement(Step step, StepStateColors stepStateColors);
/** An enum to list the {@link Step} possible states */
public enum StepState {
private String style;
* @param style String css class name for the state, the css class name will be applied to the
* step when it is in the state
StepState(String style) {
this.style = style;
* This method will be called whenever the Step state is changed, the method will use the {@link
* StepNumberRenderer} to render the step number based on the new step state
* @param step {@link Step} that has it is state changed
* @param colors {@link StepStateColors}
* @param stepNumberRenderer {@link StepNumberRenderer}
* @return the {@link Node} to be used as the step number element
public Node render(Step step, StepStateColors colors, StepNumberRenderer stepNumberRenderer) {
switch (step.getState()) {
case ACTIVE:
return stepNumberRenderer.activeElement(step, colors);
case ERROR:
return stepNumberRenderer.errorElement(step, colors);
return stepNumberRenderer.completedElement(step, colors);
return stepNumberRenderer.disabledElement(step, colors);
return stepNumberRenderer.inactiveElement(step, colors);
/** @return String css class name */
public String getStyle() {
return style;
/** A function to implement logic that will be called when a step is marked as completed */
public interface StepperCompleteListener {
/** @param stepper {@link Stepper} that the completed step belongs to */
void onComplete(Stepper stepper);
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