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org.drools.compiler.rule.builder.QueryElementBuilder Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.drools.compiler.rule.builder;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.drools.core.base.ClassObjectType;
import org.drools.core.base.extractors.ArrayElementReader;
import org.drools.core.base.extractors.SelfReferenceClassFieldReader;
import org.drools.compiler.compiler.DescrBuildError;
import org.drools.compiler.compiler.DrlExprParser;
import org.drools.compiler.compiler.DroolsParserException;
import org.drools.compiler.lang.MVELDumper;
import org.drools.compiler.lang.descr.AtomicExprDescr;
import org.drools.compiler.lang.descr.BaseDescr;
import org.drools.compiler.lang.descr.BindingDescr;
import org.drools.compiler.lang.descr.ConstraintConnectiveDescr;
import org.drools.compiler.lang.descr.ExprConstraintDescr;
import org.drools.compiler.lang.descr.PatternDescr;
import org.drools.core.rule.Declaration;
import org.drools.core.rule.MVELDialectRuntimeData;
import org.drools.core.rule.Pattern;
import org.drools.core.rule.Query;
import org.drools.core.rule.QueryElement;
import org.drools.core.rule.RuleConditionElement;
import org.drools.core.spi.InternalReadAccessor;
import org.drools.core.spi.ObjectType;
import org.kie.api.runtime.rule.Variable;
import org.mvel2.MVEL;
import org.mvel2.ParserConfiguration;
import org.mvel2.ParserContext;
public class QueryElementBuilder
RuleConditionBuilder {
public RuleConditionElement build( RuleBuildContext context,
BaseDescr descr ) {
return context,
null );
public RuleConditionElement build( RuleBuildContext context,
BaseDescr descr,
Pattern prefixPattern ) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public RuleConditionElement build( RuleBuildContext context,
BaseDescr descr,
Pattern prefixPattern,
Query query) {
PatternDescr patternDescr = (PatternDescr) descr;
Declaration[] params = query.getParameters();
List args = (List) patternDescr.getDescrs();
List declrIndexes = new ArrayList();
List varIndexes = new ArrayList();
List arguments = new ArrayList( params.length );
for ( int i = 0; i < params.length; i++ ) {
// as these could be set in any order, initialise first, to allow setting later.
arguments.add( null );
List requiredDeclarations = new ArrayList();
ObjectType argsObjectType = ClassObjectType.ObjectArray_ObjectType;
InternalReadAccessor arrayReader = new SelfReferenceClassFieldReader( Object[].class,
"this" );
Pattern pattern = new Pattern( context.getNextPatternId(),
null );
// Deal with the constraints, both positional and bindings
for ( int i = 0, length = args.size(); i < length; i++ ) {
BaseDescr base = args.get( i );
String expression = null;
boolean isPositional = false;
boolean isBinding = false;
BindingDescr bind = null;
ConstraintConnectiveDescr result = null;
if ( base instanceof BindingDescr ) {
bind = (BindingDescr) base;
expression = bind.getVariable() + (bind.isUnification() ? " := " : " : ") + bind.getExpression();
isBinding = true;
} else {
if ( base instanceof ExprConstraintDescr ) {
ExprConstraintDescr ecd = (ExprConstraintDescr) base;
expression = ecd.getExpression();
isPositional = ecd.getType() == ExprConstraintDescr.Type.POSITIONAL;
} else {
expression = base.getText();
result = parseExpression( context,
expression );
if ( result == null ) {
// error, can't parse expression.
context.addError( new DescrBuildError( context.getParentDescr(),
"Unable to parse constraint: \n" + expression ) );
isBinding = result.getDescrs().size() == 1 && result.getDescrs().get( 0 ) instanceof BindingDescr;
if ( isBinding ) {
bind = (BindingDescr) result.getDescrs().get( 0 );
if ( (!isPositional) && (!isBinding) ) {
// error, can't have non binding slots.
context.addError( new DescrBuildError( context.getParentDescr(),
"Query's must use positional or bindings, not field constraints:\n" + expression ) );
} else if ( isPositional && isBinding ) {
// error, can't have positional binding slots.
context.addError( new DescrBuildError( context.getParentDescr(),
"Query's can't use positional bindings:\n" + expression ) );
} else if ( isPositional ) {
processPositional( context,
result );
} else {
// it is binding
processBinding( context,
result );
Declaration[] declrsArray = requiredDeclarations.toArray( new Declaration[requiredDeclarations.size()] );
int[] declrIndexArray = new int[declrIndexes.size()];
for ( int i = 0; i < declrsArray.length; i++ ) {
declrIndexArray[i] = declrIndexes.get( i );
int[] varIndexesArray = new int[varIndexes.size()];
for ( int i = 0; i < varIndexesArray.length; i++ ) {
varIndexesArray[i] = varIndexes.get( i );
return new QueryElement( pattern,
arguments.toArray( new Object[arguments.size()] ),
!patternDescr.isQuery() );
private void processBinding( RuleBuildContext context,
BaseDescr descr,
Declaration[] params,
List declrIndexes,
List varIndexes,
List arguments,
List requiredDeclarations,
InternalReadAccessor arrayReader,
Pattern pattern,
BindingDescr bind,
ConstraintConnectiveDescr result ) {
Declaration declr = context.getDeclarationResolver().getDeclaration( context.getRule(),
bind.getVariable() );
if ( declr != null ) {
// check right maps to a slot, otherwise we can't reverse this and should error
int pos = getPos( bind.getExpression(),
params );
if ( pos >= 0 ) {
// slot exist, reverse and continue
String slot = bind.getExpression();
String var = bind.getVariable();
bind.setVariable( slot );
bind.setExpression( var );
} else {
// else error, we cannot find the slot to unify against
// left does not already exist, is it a slot?
int pos = getPos( bind.getVariable(),
params );
if ( pos >= 0 ) {
// it's an input on a slot, is the input using bindings?
declr = context.getDeclarationResolver().getDeclaration( context.getRule(),
bind.getExpression() );
if ( declr != null ) {
arguments.set( pos,
declr );
declrIndexes.add( pos );
requiredDeclarations.add( declr );
} else {
// it must be a literal/expression
// it's an expression and thus an input
DrlExprParser parser = new DrlExprParser( context.getConfiguration().getLanguageLevel() );
ConstraintConnectiveDescr bresult = parser.parse( bind.getExpression() );
if ( parser.hasErrors() ) {
for ( DroolsParserException error : parser.getErrors() ) {
context.addError( new DescrBuildError( context.getParentDescr(),
"Unable to parser pattern expression:\n" + error.getMessage() ) );
MVELDumper.MVELDumperContext mvelCtx = new MVELDumper.MVELDumperContext();
String expr = context.getCompilerFactory().getExpressionProcessor().dump( bresult,
mvelCtx );
try {
MVELDialectRuntimeData data = ( MVELDialectRuntimeData) context.getPkg().getDialectRuntimeRegistry().getDialectData( "mvel" );
ParserConfiguration conf = data.getParserConfiguration();
conf.setClassLoader( context.getPackageBuilder().getRootClassLoader() );
arguments.set( pos,
MVEL.executeExpression( MVEL.compileExpression( expr, new ParserContext( conf ) ) ) );
} catch ( Exception e ) {
context.addError( new DescrBuildError( context.getParentDescr(),
"Unable to compile expression:\n" + expr ) );
} else {
// this is creating a new output binding
// we know it doesn't exist, as we already checked for left == var
declr = pattern.addDeclaration( bind.getVariable() );
pos = getPos( bind.getExpression(),
params );
if ( pos < 0 ) {
// error this must be a binding on a slot
context.addError( new DescrBuildError( context.getParentDescr(),
"named argument does not exist:\n" + bind.getExpression() ) );
// this bit is different, notice its the ArrayElementReader that we wire up to, not the declaration.
ArrayElementReader reader = new ArrayElementReader( arrayReader,
params[pos].getExtractor().getExtractToClass() );
// Should the reader be registered like the others? Probably yes...
// PatternBuilder.registerReadAccessor( );
declr.setReadAccessor( reader );
varIndexes.add( pos );
arguments.set( pos,
Variable.v );
private void processPositional( RuleBuildContext context,
Query query,
Declaration[] params,
List declrIndexes,
List varIndexes,
List arguments,
List requiredDeclarations,
InternalReadAccessor arrayReader,
Pattern pattern,
BaseDescr base,
String expression,
ConstraintConnectiveDescr result ) {
int position = ((ExprConstraintDescr) base).getPosition();
if ( position >= arguments.size() ) {
context.addError( new DescrBuildError( context.getParentDescr(),
"Unable to parse query '" + query.getName() + "', as postion " + (position-1) + " for expression '" + expression + "' does not exist on query size " + arguments.size()) );
if ( isVariable( expression ) ) {
// is this already bound?
Declaration declr = context.getDeclarationResolver().getDeclaration( query,
expression );
if ( declr != null ) {
// it exists, so it's an input
arguments.set( position,
declr );
declrIndexes.add( position );
requiredDeclarations.add( declr );
} else {
// it doesn't exist, so it's an output
arguments.set( position,
Variable.v );
varIndexes.add( position );
declr = pattern.addDeclaration( expression );
// this bit is different, notice its the ArrayElementReader that we wire up to, not the declaration.
ArrayElementReader reader = new ArrayElementReader( arrayReader,
params[position].getExtractor().getExtractToClass() );
declr.setReadAccessor( reader );
} else {
// it's an expression and thus an input
MVELDumper.MVELDumperContext mvelCtx = new MVELDumper.MVELDumperContext();
String rewrittenExpr = context.getCompilerFactory().getExpressionProcessor().dump( result, mvelCtx );
try {
MVELDialectRuntimeData data = ( MVELDialectRuntimeData) context.getPkg().getDialectRuntimeRegistry().getDialectData( "mvel" );
ParserConfiguration conf = data.getParserConfiguration();
conf.setClassLoader( context.getPackageBuilder().getRootClassLoader() );
arguments.set( position, MVEL.executeExpression( MVEL.compileExpression( rewrittenExpr, new ParserContext( conf ) ) ) );
} catch ( Exception e ) {
context.addError( new DescrBuildError( context.getParentDescr(), base, null, "Unable to compile expression:\n" + rewrittenExpr ) );
public static int getPos( String identifier,
Declaration[] params ) {
for ( int i = 0; i < params.length; i++ ) {
if ( params[i].getIdentifier().trim().equals( identifier ) ) {
return i;
return -1;
public static boolean isAtomic( ConstraintConnectiveDescr result ) {
return (result.getDescrs().size() == 1 && result.getDescrs().get( 0 ) instanceof AtomicExprDescr);
private ConstraintConnectiveDescr parseExpression( final RuleBuildContext context,
final PatternDescr patternDescr,
final String expression ) {
DrlExprParser parser = new DrlExprParser( context.getConfiguration().getLanguageLevel() );
ConstraintConnectiveDescr result = parser.parse( expression );
if ( result == null || parser.hasErrors() ) {
for ( DroolsParserException error : parser.getErrors() ) {
context.addError( new DescrBuildError( context.getParentDescr(),
"Unable to parser pattern expression:\n" + error.getMessage() ) );
return null;
return result;
public static boolean isVariable( String str ) {
str = str.trim();
// check for invalid variable name start char
switch ( str.charAt( 0 ) ) {
case '\'' :
case '"' :
case '-' :
case '+' :
case '!' :
case '>' :
case '<' :
case '&' :
case '|' :
case '?' :
case '^' :
case '%' :
case '=' :
case '.' :
case '(' :
case ')' :
case '[' :
case ']' :
case '{' :
case '}' :
case '0' :
case '1' :
case '2' :
case '3' :
case '4' :
case '5' :
case '6' :
case '7' :
case '8' :
case '9' :
return false;
// Check for operators
for ( int i = 1; i < str.length(); i++ ) {
switch ( str.charAt( i ) ) {
//case '"' :
case '\'' :
case '"' :
case '-' :
case '+' :
case '!' :
case '>' :
case '<' :
case '&' :
case '|' :
case '?' :
case '^' :
case '%' :
case '=' :
case '{' :
case '}' :
return false;
if ( str.endsWith( ".class" ) ) {
return false;
return true;