org.drools.ide.common.server.rules.SuggestionCompletionLoader Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2010 JBoss Inc
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.drools.ide.common.server.rules;
import java.beans.Introspector;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.jar.JarEntry;
import java.util.jar.JarInputStream;
import org.drools.base.ClassTypeResolver;
import org.drools.compiler.DrlParser;
import org.drools.compiler.DroolsError;
import org.drools.compiler.DroolsParserException;
import org.drools.core.util.asm.ClassFieldInspector;
import org.drools.ide.common.client.modeldriven.FieldAccessorsAndMutators;
import org.drools.ide.common.client.modeldriven.MethodInfo;
import org.drools.ide.common.client.modeldriven.SuggestionCompletionEngine;
import org.drools.ide.common.client.modeldriven.ModelField.FIELD_CLASS_TYPE;
import org.drools.ide.common.server.util.ClassMethodInspector;
import org.drools.ide.common.server.util.DataEnumLoader;
import org.drools.ide.common.server.util.SuggestionCompletionEngineBuilder;
import org.drools.lang.descr.FactTemplateDescr;
import org.drools.lang.descr.FieldTemplateDescr;
import org.drools.lang.descr.GlobalDescr;
import org.drools.lang.descr.ImportDescr;
import org.drools.lang.descr.PackageDescr;
import org.drools.lang.descr.TypeDeclarationDescr;
import org.drools.lang.descr.TypeFieldDescr;
import org.drools.lang.dsl.AbstractDSLMappingEntry;
import org.drools.lang.dsl.DSLMapping;
import org.drools.lang.dsl.DSLMappingEntry;
import org.drools.lang.dsl.DSLMappingFile;
import org.drools.lang.dsl.DSLTokenizedMappingFile;
import org.drools.rule.MapBackedClassLoader;
* This utility class loads suggestion completion stuff for the package
* configuration, introspecting from models, templates etc.
* This also includes DSL stuff, basically, everything you need to get started
* with a package. It also validates the package configuration, and can provide
* errors.
* This does NOT validate assets in the package, other then to load up DSLs,
* models etc as needed.
* FYI: the tests for this are in the BRMS module, in context of a full BRMS.
* @author Michael Neale
public class SuggestionCompletionLoader
ClassToGenericClassConverter {
private final SuggestionCompletionEngineBuilder builder = new SuggestionCompletionEngineBuilder();
private final DrlParser parser = new DrlParser();
private final MapBackedClassLoader loader;
protected List errors = new ArrayList();
// iterating over the import list
final ClassTypeResolver resolver;
* Interface used for add external ImportDescr added to SuggestionCompletionEngine
* Use this to add Fact Types that are not imported by the package.
* @author [email protected]
public static interface ExternalImportDescrProvider{
public Set getImportDescrs();
* List of external ImportDescr providers.
private List externalImportDescrProviders = new ArrayList();
* This uses the current classes classloader as a base, and jars can be
* added.
public SuggestionCompletionLoader() {
this( null );
* This allows a pre existing classloader to be used (and preferred) for
* resolving types.
public SuggestionCompletionLoader(ClassLoader classLoader) {
if ( classLoader == null ) {
classLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
if ( classLoader == null ) {
classLoader = this.getClass().getClassLoader();
this.loader = new MapBackedClassLoader( classLoader );
this.resolver = new ClassTypeResolver( new HashSet(),
this.loader );
* This will validate, and generate a new engine, ready to go. If there are
* errors, you can get them by doing getErrors();
* @param header The package configuration file content.
* @param jars a list of jars to look inside (pass in empty array if not
* needed) this is a list of {@link JarInputStream}
* @param dsls any dsl files. This is a list of {@link DSLMappingFile}.
* @return A SuggestionCompletionEngine ready to be used in anger.
public SuggestionCompletionEngine getSuggestionEngine(final String header,
final List jars,
final List dsls) {
return this.getSuggestionEngine( header,
Collections.EMPTY_LIST );
* This will validate, and generate a new engine, ready to go. If there are
* errors, you can get them by doing getErrors();
* @param header The package configuration file content.
* @param jars a list of jars to look inside (pass in empty array if not
* needed) this is a list of {@link JarInputStream}
* @param dsls any dsl files. This is a list of {@link DSLMappingFile}.
* @param dataEnums this is a list of String's which hold data enum definitions.
* (normally will be just one, but for completeness can load multiple).
* @return A SuggestionCompletionEngine ready to be used in anger.
public SuggestionCompletionEngine getSuggestionEngine(final String header,
final List jars,
final List dsls,
final List dataEnums) {
if ( !header.trim().equals( "" ) ) {
processPackageHeader( header,
jars );
// populating DSL sentences
this.populateDSLSentences( dsls );
SuggestionCompletionEngine sce = this.builder.getInstance();
populateDateEnums( dataEnums, sce );
return sce;
private void populateDateEnums(List dataEnums,
SuggestionCompletionEngine sce) {
for ( Iterator iter = dataEnums.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
String enumFile =;
DataEnumLoader enumLoader = new DataEnumLoader( enumFile );
if ( enumLoader.hasErrors() ) {
this.errors.addAll( enumLoader.getErrors() );
} else {
sce.putAllDataEnumLists( enumLoader.getData() );
private void processPackageHeader(final String header,
final List jars) {
// get fact types from imports
PackageDescr pkgDescr;
try {
pkgDescr = this.parser.parse( header );
} catch ( final DroolsParserException e1 ) {
throw new IllegalStateException( "Serious error, unable to validate package." );
if ( this.parser.hasErrors() ) {
for ( final Iterator iter = this.parser.getErrors().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
this.errors.add( );
if ( pkgDescr != null ) { //only if no errors
// populating information for the model itself
this.populateModelInfo( pkgDescr,
jars );
// populating globals
this.populateGlobalInfo( pkgDescr,
jars );
* @param pkg
* @param errors
private void populateDSLSentences(final List dsls) {
// AssetItemIterator it = pkg.listAssetsByFormat( new
// String[]{AssetFormats.DSL} );
// while ( it.hasNext() ) {
// AssetItem item = (AssetItem);
// String dslData = item.getContent();
// DSLMappingFile file = new DSLMappingFile();
// try {
// if ( file.parseAndLoad( new StringReader( dslData ) ) ) {
// DSLMapping mapping = file.getMapping();
// for ( Iterator entries = mapping.getEntries().iterator();
// entries.hasNext(); ) {
// DSLMappingEntry entry = (DSLMappingEntry);
// if (entry.getSection() == DSLMappingEntry.CONDITION) {
// builder.addDSLConditionSentence( entry.getMappingKey() );
// } else if (entry.getSection() == DSLMappingEntry.CONSEQUENCE) {
// builder.addDSLActionSentence( entry.getMappingKey() );
// }
// }
// } else {
// errors.add( file.getErrors().toString() );
// }
// } catch ( IOException e ) {
// errors.add( "Error while loading DSL language configuration : " +
// item.getBinaryContentAttachmentFileName() + " error message: " +
// e.getMessage() );
// }
// }
for ( final Iterator it = dsls.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
final DSLTokenizedMappingFile file =;
final DSLMapping mapping = file.getMapping();
for ( final Iterator entries = mapping.getEntries().iterator(); entries.hasNext(); ) {
final AbstractDSLMappingEntry entry = (AbstractDSLMappingEntry);
if ( entry.getSection() == DSLMappingEntry.CONDITION ) {
this.builder.addDSLConditionSentence( entry.getMappingKey() );
} else if ( entry.getSection() == DSLMappingEntry.CONSEQUENCE ) {
this.builder.addDSLActionSentence( entry.getMappingKey() );
} else if ( entry.getSection() == DSLMappingEntry.KEYWORD ) {
this.builder.addDSLMapping( entry );
} else if ( entry.getSection() == DSLMappingEntry.ANY ) {
* Populate the global stuff.
private void populateGlobalInfo(final PackageDescr pkgDescr,
final List jars) {
// populating information for the globals
for ( final Iterator it = pkgDescr.getGlobals().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
final GlobalDescr global = (GlobalDescr);
try {
final String shortTypeName = getShortNameOfClass( global.getType() );
final Class> clazz = loadClass( global.getType(), jars );
if ( !this.builder.hasFieldsForType( shortTypeName ) ) {
loadClassFields( clazz,
shortTypeName );
this.builder.addGlobalType( global.getIdentifier(),
shortTypeName );
if ( clazz != null && Collection.class.isAssignableFrom( clazz ) ) {
this.builder.addGlobalCollection( global.getIdentifier() );
this.builder.addGlobalType( global.getIdentifier(),
shortTypeName );
} catch ( final IOException e ) {
this.errors.add( "Error while inspecting class for global: " + global.getType() + " error message: " + e.getMessage() );
* Populate the fact type data.
private void populateModelInfo(final PackageDescr pkgDescr,
final List jars) {
List imports = new ArrayList(pkgDescr.getImports());
//Adds any external import
if (this.externalImportDescrProviders != null){
for (ExternalImportDescrProvider externalImportDescrProvider : this.externalImportDescrProviders) {
for (ImportDescr imp : imports) {
final String className = imp.getTarget();
if ( className.endsWith( "*" ) ) {
this.errors.add( "Unable to introspect model for wild card imports (" + className + "). Please explicitly import each fact type you require." );
} else {
resolver.addImport( className );
final Class clazz = loadClass( className,
jars );
if ( clazz != null ) {
try {
final String shortTypeName = getShortNameOfClass( clazz.getName() );
this.builder.addFactType( shortTypeName,
loadClassFields( clazz,
shortTypeName );
} catch ( final IOException e ) {
this.errors.add( "Error while inspecting the class: " + className + ". The error was: " + e.getMessage() );
} catch ( NoClassDefFoundError e ) {
this.errors.add("Unable to find the class: " + e.getMessage().replace('/', '.')
+ " which is required by: " + className
+ ". You may need to add more classes to the model.");
/** now we do the dynamic facts - the declared types */
Set declaredTypes = new HashSet();
for ( final Iterator it = pkgDescr.getTypeDeclarations().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
TypeDeclarationDescr td =;
declaredTypes.add( td.getTypeName() );
for ( final Iterator it = pkgDescr.getTypeDeclarations().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
TypeDeclarationDescr td =;
if ( td.getFields().size() > 0 ) {
//add the type to the map
String declaredType = td.getTypeName();
this.builder.addFactType( declaredType,
List fieldNames = new ArrayList();
for ( Map.Entry f : td.getFields().entrySet() ) {
String fieldName = f.getKey();
fieldNames.add( fieldName );
String fieldClass = f.getValue().getPattern().getObjectType();
if ( declaredTypes.contains( fieldClass ) ) {
this.builder.addFieldType( declaredType + "." + fieldName,
null );//SuggestionCompletionEngine.TYPE_OBJECT );
} else {
try {
Class clz = resolver.resolveType( fieldClass );
this.builder.addFieldType( declaredType + "." + fieldName,
translateClassToGenericType( clz ),
clz );
} catch ( ClassNotFoundException e ) {
this.errors.add( "Class of field not found: " + fieldClass );
this.builder.addFieldsForType( declaredType,
fieldNames.toArray( new String[fieldNames.size()] ) );
// iterating over templates
populateFactTemplateTypes( pkgDescr,
resolver );
* Iterates over fact templates and add them to the model definition
* @param pkgDescr
private void populateFactTemplateTypes(final PackageDescr pkgDescr,
final ClassTypeResolver resolver) {
for ( final Iterator it = pkgDescr.getFactTemplates().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
final FactTemplateDescr templ = (FactTemplateDescr);
final String factType = templ.getName();
this.builder.addFactType( factType,
final String[] fields = new String[templ.getFields().size()];
int index = 0;
for ( final Iterator fieldsIt = templ.getFields().iterator(); fieldsIt.hasNext(); ) {
final FieldTemplateDescr fieldDescr = (FieldTemplateDescr);
fields[index++] = fieldDescr.getName();
final String fieldType = fieldDescr.getClassType();
Class fieldTypeClass = null;
try {
fieldTypeClass = resolver.resolveType( fieldType );
} catch ( final ClassNotFoundException e ) {
this.errors.add( "Fact template field type not found: " + fieldType );
this.builder.addFieldType( factType + "." + fieldDescr.getName(),
translateClassToGenericType( fieldTypeClass ),
fieldTypeClass );
Arrays.sort( fields );
this.builder.addFieldsForType( factType,
fields );
private Class loadClass(String className,
List jars) {
Class clazz = null;
try {
clazz = resolver.resolveType( className );
} catch ( ClassFormatError e1 ) {
clazz = loadClass( className,
clazz );
} catch ( ClassNotFoundException e1 ) {
clazz = loadClass( className,
clazz );
return clazz;
private Class loadClass(String className,
List jars,
Class clazz) {
try {
addJars( jars );
clazz = resolver.resolveType( className );
} catch ( Exception e ) {
this.errors.add( "Class not found: " + className );
return clazz;
private void loadClassFields(final Class< ? > clazz,
final String shortTypeName) throws IOException {
if ( clazz == null ) {
final ClassFieldInspector inspector = new ClassFieldInspector( clazz );
Set fieldSet = new TreeSet();
fieldSet.addAll( inspector.getFieldNames().keySet() );
// add the "this" field. This won't come out from the inspector
this.builder.addFieldsForType( shortTypeName,
removeIrrelevantFields( fieldSet ) );
Method[] methods = clazz.getMethods();
List modifierStrings = new ArrayList();
Map accessorsAndMutators = new HashMap();
for ( Method method : methods ) {
modifierStrings.add( method.getName() );
if ( method.getParameterTypes().length > 0 ) {
String name = method.getName();
if ( name.startsWith( "set" ) ) {
name = Introspector.decapitalize(name.substring(3));
String factField = shortTypeName + "." + name;
if ( accessorsAndMutators.get( factField ) == FieldAccessorsAndMutators.ACCESSOR ) {
accessorsAndMutators.put( factField,
FieldAccessorsAndMutators.BOTH );
} else {
accessorsAndMutators.put( factField,
FieldAccessorsAndMutators.MUTATOR );
} else if ( !method.getReturnType().equals( "void" ) ) {
String name = method.getName();
if ( name.startsWith( "get" ) ) {
name = Introspector.decapitalize(name.substring(3));
} else if ( name.startsWith( "is" ) ) {
name = Introspector.decapitalize(name.substring(2));
String factField = shortTypeName + "." + name;
if ( accessorsAndMutators.get( factField ) == FieldAccessorsAndMutators.MUTATOR ) {
accessorsAndMutators.put( factField,
FieldAccessorsAndMutators.BOTH );
} else {
accessorsAndMutators.put( shortTypeName + "." + name,
FieldAccessorsAndMutators.ACCESSOR );
String[] modifiers = new String[modifierStrings.size()];
modifierStrings.toArray( modifiers );
this.builder.addModifiersForType( shortTypeName,
modifiers );
this.builder.addFieldAccessorsAndMutatorsForField( accessorsAndMutators );
// remove this back out because there is no type for it. We add it explicitly
fieldSet.remove( "this" );
this.builder.addFieldType( shortTypeName + ".this",
clazz );
for ( String field : fieldSet ) {
final Class< ? > type = inspector.getFieldTypes().get( field );
final String fieldType = translateClassToGenericType( type );
this.builder.addFieldType( shortTypeName + "." + field,
type );
Field f = inspector.getFieldTypesField().get( field );
this.builder.addFieldTypeField( shortTypeName + "." + field,
f );
ClassMethodInspector methodInspector = new ClassMethodInspector( clazz,
this );
List methodInfos = methodInspector.getMethodInfos();
for ( MethodInfo mi : methodInfos ) {
String genericType = mi.getParametricReturnType();
if ( genericType != null ) {
this.builder.putParametricFieldType( shortTypeName + "." + mi.getNameWithParameters(),
genericType );
this.builder.getInstance().addMethodInfo( shortTypeName,
methodInfos );
String getShortNameOfClass(final String clazz) {
return clazz.substring( clazz.lastIndexOf( '.' ) + 1 );
* This will remove the unneeded "fields" that come from java.lang.Object
* these are really not needed for the modeller.
String[] removeIrrelevantFields(Collection fields) {
final List result = new ArrayList();
for ( String field : fields ) {
if ( !(field.equals( "class" ) || field.equals( "hashCode" ) || field.equals( "toString" )) ) {
result.add( field );
return result.toArray( new String[result.size()] );
* This will add the given jars to the classloader.
private void addJars(final List jars) throws IOException {
for ( final Iterator it = jars.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
final JarInputStream jis =;
JarEntry entry;
final byte[] buf = new byte[1024];
int len;
while ( (entry = jis.getNextJarEntry()) != null ) {
if ( !entry.isDirectory() && entry.getName().endsWith( ".class" ) ) {
final ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
while ( (len = buf )) >= 0 ) {
out.write( buf,
len );
this.loader.addResource( entry.getName(),
out.toByteArray() );
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.drools.ide.common.server.rules.ClassToGenericClassConverter#translateClassToGenericType(java.lang.Class)
//XXX {bauna} field type
public String translateClassToGenericType(final Class< ? > type) {
String fieldType = null; // if null, will use standard operators
if ( type != null ) {
if ( type.isPrimitive() && (type != boolean.class) ) {
fieldType = SuggestionCompletionEngine.TYPE_NUMERIC;
} else if ( Number.class.isAssignableFrom( type ) ) {
fieldType = SuggestionCompletionEngine.TYPE_NUMERIC;
} else if ( String.class.isAssignableFrom( type ) ) {
fieldType = SuggestionCompletionEngine.TYPE_STRING;
} else if ( Collection.class.isAssignableFrom( type ) ) {
fieldType = SuggestionCompletionEngine.TYPE_COLLECTION;
} else if ( Boolean.class.isAssignableFrom( type ) || boolean.class.isAssignableFrom( type ) ) {
fieldType = SuggestionCompletionEngine.TYPE_BOOLEAN;
} else if ( Date.class.isAssignableFrom( type ) ) {
fieldType = SuggestionCompletionEngine.TYPE_DATE; // MN: wait until we support it.
} else if ( Comparable.class.isAssignableFrom( type ) ) {
fieldType = SuggestionCompletionEngine.TYPE_COMPARABLE;
} else {
try {
Class clazz = resolver.resolveType( type.getName() );
fieldType = clazz.getSimpleName();
} catch ( ClassNotFoundException e ) {
fieldType = SuggestionCompletionEngine.TYPE_OBJECT;
return fieldType;
public void addExternalImportDescrProvider(ExternalImportDescrProvider provider){
public Set getExternalImportDescrs(){
Set result = new HashSet();
for (ExternalImportDescrProvider externalImportDescrProvider : this.externalImportDescrProviders) {
return result;
* @return true if there were errors when processing the package.
public boolean hasErrors() {
return (this.errors.size() > 0);
* Returns a list of String errors.
public List getErrors() {
return this.errors;
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