org.drools.repository.RulesRepository Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.drools.repository;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import javax.jcr.ImportUUIDBehavior;
import javax.jcr.ItemExistsException;
import javax.jcr.Node;
import javax.jcr.NodeIterator;
import javax.jcr.PathNotFoundException;
import javax.jcr.Property;
import javax.jcr.PropertyIterator;
import javax.jcr.RepositoryException;
import javax.jcr.Session;
import javax.jcr.query.Query;
import javax.jcr.query.QueryResult;
import javax.jcr.version.Version;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.drools.repository.migration.MigrateDroolsPackage;
* RulesRepository is the class that defines the bahavior for the JBoss Rules
* (drools) rule repository based upon the JCR specification (JSR-170).
* An instance of this class is capable of storing rules used by the JBoss Rule
* engine. It also provides a versioning capability for rules. Rules can be
* imported from specified files. The RulesRepository is also capable of storing
* DSL content. Rules can be explicitly tied to a particular DSL node within the
* repository, and this reference can either follow the head version, or a
* specific version of the DSL node.
* Rules can be tagged. Tags are stored in a separate area of the repository,
* and can be added on demand. Rules can have 0 or more tags. Tags are intended
* to help provide a means for searching for specific types of rules quickly,
* even when they aren't all part of the same rulepackage.
* Rules can be associated with 0 or 1 states. States are created in a seperate
* area of the repository. States are intended to help track the progress of a
* rule as it traverses its life- cycle. (e.g. draft, approved, deprecated,
* etc.)
* The RulesRepository provides versioning of rules, rule packages, and DSLs.
* This versioning works in a strictly linear fashion, with one version having
* at most 1 predecessor version (or none, if it is the first version), and at
* most 1 successor version (or none, if it is the most recently checked-in
* version). The JCR specification supports a more complicated versioning
* system, and if there is sufficient demand, we can modify our versioning
* scheme to be better aligned with JCR's versioning abilities.
* @author Ben Truitt - with contributions from Michael Neale and Fernando Meyer over time.
public class RulesRepository {
public static final String DEFAULT_PACKAGE = "defaultPackage";
public static final String DROOLS_URI = "";
private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger( RulesRepository.class );
* The name of the rulepackage area of the repository
public final static String RULE_PACKAGE_AREA = "drools:package_area";
* The name of the rulepackage area of the repository
public final static String PACKAGE_SNAPSHOT_AREA = "drools:packagesnapshot_area";
* The name of the tag area of the repository
public final static String TAG_AREA = "drools:tag_area";
* The name of the state area of the repository
public final static String STATE_AREA = "drools:state_area";
* The name of the rules repository within the JCR repository
public final static String RULES_REPOSITORY_NAME = "drools:repository";
private Session session;
static boolean initialized = false;
* This requires a JCR session be setup, and the repository be configured.
public RulesRepository(Session session) {
this.session = session;
checkForDataMigration( this );
private synchronized static void checkForDataMigration(RulesRepository self) {
if ( initialized ) return;
if ( self.session.getUserID().equals( "anonymous" ) ) return;
try {
MigrateDroolsPackage migration = new MigrateDroolsPackage();
if ( migration.needsMigration( self ) ) {
migration.migrate( self );
} catch ( RepositoryException e ) {
throw new RulesRepositoryException( e );
initialized = true;
* Will add a node named 'nodeName' of type 'type' to 'parent' if such a
* node does not already exist.
* @param parent
* the parent node to add the new node to
* @param nodeName
* the name of the new node
* @param type
* the type of the new node
* @return a reference to the Node object that is created by the addition,
* or, if the node already existed, a reference to the pre-existant
* node.
* @throws RulesRepositoryException
protected static Node addNodeIfNew(Node parent,
String nodeName,
String type) throws RulesRepositoryException {
Node node;
try {
node = parent.getNode( nodeName );
} catch ( PathNotFoundException e ) {
// it doesn't exist yet, so create it
try {
log.debug( new StringBuilder().append( "Adding new node of type: " ).append( type ).append( " named: " ).append( nodeName ).append( " to parent node named " ).append( parent.getName() ) );
node = parent.addNode( nodeName,
type );
} catch ( Exception e1 ) {
log.error( "Caught Exception",
e );
throw new RulesRepositoryException( e1 );
} catch ( Exception e ) {
log.error( "Caught Exception",
e );
throw new RulesRepositoryException( e );
return node;
* Explicitly logout of the underlying JCR repository.
public void logout() {
public Node getAreaNode(String areaName) throws RulesRepositoryException {
Node folderNode = null;
int tries = 0;
while ( folderNode == null && tries < 2 ) {
try {
folderNode = this.session.getRootNode().getNode( RULES_REPOSITORY_NAME + "/" + areaName );
} catch ( PathNotFoundException e ) {
if ( tries == 1 ) {
// hmm..repository must have gotten screwed up. set it
// up again
log.warn( "The repository appears to have become corrupted." );
throw new RulesRepositoryException( "Unable to get the main rule repo node. Repository is not setup correctly.",
e );
} else {
log.error( "Unable to correct repository corruption" );
} catch ( Exception e ) {
log.error( "Caught Exception",
e );
throw new RulesRepositoryException( "Caught exception " + e.getClass().getName(),
e );
if ( folderNode == null ) {
String message = "Could not get a reference to a node for " + RULES_REPOSITORY_NAME + "/" + areaName;
log.error( message );
throw new RulesRepositoryException( message );
return folderNode;
// MN: This is kept for future reference showing how to tie references
// to a specific version when
// sharing assets.
// /**
// * Adds a Rule node in the repository using the content specified,
// associating it with
// * the specified DSL node
// *
// * @param ruleName the name of the rule
// * @param lhsContent the lhs of the rule
// * @param rhsContent the rhs of the rule
// * @param dslItem the dslItem encapsulting the dsl node to associate
// this rule node with
// * @paaram followDslHead whether or not to follow the head revision of
// the dsl node
// * @return a RuleItem object encapsulating the node that gets added
// * @throws RulesRepositoryException
// */
// public RuleItem addRule(String ruleName, String ruleContent, DslItem
// dslItem, boolean followDslHead) throws RulesRepositoryException {
// Node folderNode = this.getAreaNode(RULE_AREA);
// try {
// //create the node - see section of the spec
// Node ruleNode = folderNode.addNode(ruleName,
// ruleNode.setProperty(RuleItem.TITLE_PROPERTY_NAME, ruleName);
// ruleNode.setProperty(RuleItem.RULE_CONTENT_PROPERTY_NAME,
// ruleContent);
// ruleNode.setProperty(RuleItem.DESCRIPTION_PROPERTY_NAME, "");
// ruleNode.setProperty(RuleItem.FORMAT_PROPERTY_NAME,
// RuleItem.RULE_FORMAT);
// if(followDslHead) {
// ruleNode.setProperty(RuleItem.DSL_PROPERTY_NAME, dslItem.getNode());
// }
// else {
// //tie the ruleNode to specifically the current version of the dslNode
// ruleNode.setProperty(RuleItem.DSL_PROPERTY_NAME,
// dslItem.getNode().getBaseVersion());
// }
// Calendar lastModified = Calendar.getInstance();
// ruleNode.setProperty(RuleItem.LAST_MODIFIED_PROPERTY_NAME,
// lastModified);
// try {
// ruleNode.checkin();
// }
// catch(UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException e) {
// String message = "Error: Caught
// UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException when attempting to checkin
// rule: " + ruleNode.getName() + ". Are you sure your JCR repository
// supports versioning? ";
// log.error(message + e);
// throw new RulesRepositoryException(message, e);
// }
// return new RuleItem(this, ruleNode);
// }
// catch(Exception e) {
// log.error("Caught Exception", e);
// throw new RulesRepositoryException(e);
// }
// }
// /**
// * Adds a Rule node in the repository using the content specified
// *
// * @param ruleName the name of the rule
// * @param lhsContent the lhs of the rule
// * @param rhsContent the rhs of the rule
// * @return a RuleItem object encapsulating the node that gets added
// * @throws RulesRepositoryException
// */
// public RuleItem addRule(String ruleName, String ruleContent) throws
// RulesRepositoryException {
// Node folderNode = this.getAreaNode(RULE_AREA);
// try {
// //create the node - see section of the spec
// Node ruleNode = folderNode.addNode(ruleName,
// ruleNode.setProperty(RuleItem.TITLE_PROPERTY_NAME, ruleName);
// ruleNode.setProperty(RuleItem.DESCRIPTION_PROPERTY_NAME, "");
// ruleNode.setProperty(RuleItem.FORMAT_PROPERTY_NAME,
// RuleItem.RULE_FORMAT);
// ruleNode.setProperty(RuleItem.RULE_CONTENT_PROPERTY_NAME,
// ruleContent);
// ruleNode.setProperty( VersionableItem.CHECKIN_COMMENT, "Initial" );
// Calendar lastModified = Calendar.getInstance();
// ruleNode.setProperty(RuleItem.LAST_MODIFIED_PROPERTY_NAME,
// lastModified);
// try {
// ruleNode.checkin();
// }
// catch(UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException e) {
// String message = "Error: Caught
// UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException when attempting to checkin
// rule: " + ruleNode.getName() + ". Are you sure your JCR repository
// supports versioning? ";
// log.error(message + e);
// throw new RulesRepositoryException(message, e);
// }
// return new RuleItem(this, ruleNode);
// }
// catch(Exception e) {
// log.error("Caught Exception", e);
// throw new RulesRepositoryException(e);
// }
// }
* This will copy an assets content to the new location.
* @return the UUID of the new asset.
public String copyAsset(String uuidSource,
String destinationPackage,
String destinationName) {
try {
AssetItem source = loadAssetByUUID( uuidSource );
String sourcePath = source.getNode().getPath();
String destPath = this.getAreaNode( RULE_PACKAGE_AREA ).getPath() + "/" + destinationPackage + "/" + PackageItem.ASSET_FOLDER_NAME + "/" + destinationName;
this.session.getWorkspace().copy( sourcePath,
destPath );
AssetItem dest = loadPackage( destinationPackage ).loadAsset( destinationName );
// if (dest.getContent() != null ) {
// dest.updateContent( dest.getContent().replaceAll( source.getName(), dest.getName() ) );
// }
dest.updateStringProperty( destinationPackage,
dest.node.setProperty( AssetItem.VERSION_NUMBER_PROPERTY_NAME,
0 );
dest.updateTitle( dest.getName() );
dest.checkin( "Copied from " + source.getPackageName() + "/" + source.getName() );
return dest.getUUID();
} catch ( RepositoryException e ) {
log.error( "Unable to copy asset.",
e );
throw new RulesRepositoryException( e );
* Loads a RulePackage for the specified package name. Will throw an
* exception if the specified rule package does not exist.
* @param name
* the name of the package to load
* @return a RulePackageItem object
public PackageItem loadPackage(String name) throws RulesRepositoryException {
try {
Node folderNode = this.getAreaNode( RULE_PACKAGE_AREA );
Node rulePackageNode = folderNode.getNode( name );
return new PackageItem( this,
rulePackageNode );
} catch ( RepositoryException e ) {
log.error( "Unable to load a rule package. ",
e );
throw new RulesRepositoryException( "Unable to load a rule package. ",
e );
public StateItem loadState(String name) throws RulesRepositoryException {
try {
Node folderNode = this.getAreaNode( STATE_AREA );
Node ruleStateNode = folderNode.getNode( name );
return new StateItem( this,
ruleStateNode );
} catch ( RepositoryException e ) {
log.error( "Unable to load a status. ",
e );
throw new RulesRepositoryException( "Unable to load a status. ",
e );
* This returns true if the repository contains the specified package name.
public boolean containsPackage(String name) {
Node folderNode = this.getAreaNode( RULE_PACKAGE_AREA );
try {
return folderNode.hasNode( name );
} catch ( RepositoryException e ) {
throw new RulesRepositoryException( e );
* Check if package is archived.
public boolean isPackageArchived(String name) {
Node folderNode = this.getAreaNode( RULE_PACKAGE_AREA );
try {
Node node = folderNode.getNode( name );
return node.getProperty( AssetItem.CONTENT_PROPERTY_ARCHIVE_FLAG ).getBoolean();
} catch ( RepositoryException e ) {
throw new RulesRepositoryException( e );
public boolean containsSnapshot(String packageName,
String snapshotName) {
try {
Node areaNode = this.getAreaNode( PACKAGE_SNAPSHOT_AREA );
if ( !areaNode.hasNode( packageName ) ) return false;
Node n = areaNode.getNode( packageName );
return n.hasNode( snapshotName );
} catch ( RepositoryException e ) {
log.error( e );
throw new RulesRepositoryException( e );
public PackageItem loadPackageSnapshot(String packageName,
String snapshotName) {
try {
Node n = this.getAreaNode( PACKAGE_SNAPSHOT_AREA ).getNode( packageName ).getNode( snapshotName );
return new PackageItem( this,
n );
} catch ( RepositoryException e ) {
log.error( e );
throw new RulesRepositoryException( e );
* This will copy the package to the snapshot area. Creating a copy for
* deployment, etc.
public void createPackageSnapshot(String packageName,
String snapshotName) {
log.debug( "Creating snapshot for [" + packageName + "] called [" + snapshotName + "]" );
try {
Node snaps = this.getAreaNode( PACKAGE_SNAPSHOT_AREA );
if ( !snaps.hasNode( packageName ) ) {
snaps.addNode( packageName,
"nt:folder" );
Node pkgSnaps = snaps.getNode( packageName );
String newName = pkgSnaps.getPath() + "/" + snapshotName;
Node folderNode = this.getAreaNode( RULE_PACKAGE_AREA );
Node rulePackageNode = folderNode.getNode( packageName );
String source = rulePackageNode.getPath();
this.session.getWorkspace().copy( source,
newName );
} catch ( RepositoryException e ) {
log.error( "Unable to create snapshot",
e );
throw new RulesRepositoryException( e );
* This will remove the specified snapshot.
public void removePackageSnapshot(String packageName,
String snapshotName) {
log.debug( "Removing snapshot for [" + packageName + "] called [" + snapshotName + "]" );
try {
Node snaps = this.getAreaNode( PACKAGE_SNAPSHOT_AREA );
if ( !snaps.hasNode( packageName ) ) {
throw new RulesRepositoryException( "The package " + packageName + " does not have any snapshots." );
Node pkgSnaps = snaps.getNode( packageName );
if ( pkgSnaps.hasNode( snapshotName ) ) {
pkgSnaps.getNode( snapshotName ).remove();
} catch ( RepositoryException e ) {
log.error( "Unable to remove snapshot",
e );
throw new RulesRepositoryException( e );
* Copies a snapshot to the new location/label.
* If one exists at that location, it will be replaced.
* @param packageName
* The name of the package.
* @param snapshotName
* The label of the source snapshot
* @param newName
* The new label. The old one is left intact.
public void copyPackageSnapshot(String packageName,
String snapshotName,
String newName) {
log.debug( "Creating snapshot for [" + packageName + "] called [" + snapshotName + "]" );
try {
Node snaps = this.getAreaNode( PACKAGE_SNAPSHOT_AREA );
Node pkgSnaps = snaps.getNode( packageName );
Node sourceNode = pkgSnaps.getNode( snapshotName );
if (pkgSnaps.hasNode(newName)) {
String destinationPath = pkgSnaps.getPath() + "/" + newName;
this.session.getWorkspace().copy( sourceNode.getPath(),
destinationPath );
} catch ( RepositoryException e ) {
log.error( "Unable to create snapshot",
e );
throw new RulesRepositoryException( e );
* This will return or create the default package for rules that have no
* home yet.
public PackageItem loadDefaultPackage() throws RulesRepositoryException {
Node folderNode = this.getAreaNode( RULE_PACKAGE_AREA );
try {
if ( folderNode.hasNode( DEFAULT_PACKAGE ) ) {
return loadPackage( DEFAULT_PACKAGE );
} else {
return createPackage( DEFAULT_PACKAGE,
"" );
} catch ( RepositoryException e ) {
throw new RulesRepositoryException( e );
* Similar to above. Loads a RulePackage for the specified uuid.
* @param uuid
* the uuid of the package to load
* @return a RulePackageItem object
* @throws RulesRepositoryException
public PackageItem loadPackageByUUID(String uuid) throws RulesRepositoryException {
try {
Node rulePackageNode = this.session.getNodeByUUID( uuid );
return new PackageItem( this,
rulePackageNode );
} catch ( Exception e ) {
log.error( "Unable to load a rule package by UUID. ",
e );
if ( e instanceof RuntimeException ) {
throw (RuntimeException) e;
} else {
throw new RulesRepositoryException( "Unable to load a rule package. ",
e );
* This will restore the historical version, save, and check it in as a new
* version with the given comment.
* @param versionToRestore
* @param headVersion
* @param comment
public void restoreHistoricalAsset(AssetItem versionToRestore,
AssetItem headVersion,
String comment) {
long oldVersionNumber = headVersion.getVersionNumber();
Object vToRestore = versionToRestore.getNode();
Version v = (Version) vToRestore;
try {
headVersion.getNode().restore( v,
true );
AssetItem newHead = loadAssetByUUID( headVersion.getUUID() );
newHead.getNode().setProperty( VersionableItem.VERSION_NUMBER_PROPERTY_NAME,
oldVersionNumber );
newHead.checkin( comment );
} catch ( RepositoryException e ) {
log.error( "Unable to restore version of asset.",
e );
throw new RulesRepositoryException( e );
* Loads a rule by its UUID (generally the fastest way to load something).
public AssetItem loadAssetByUUID(String uuid) {
try {
Node rulePackageNode = this.session.getNodeByUUID( uuid );
return new AssetItem( this,
rulePackageNode );
} catch ( RepositoryException e ) {
log.error( "Unable to load a rule asset by UUID.",
e );
throw new RulesRepositoryException( e );
* Adds a package to the repository.
* @param name
* what to name the node added
* @param description
* what description to use for the node
* @return a PackageItem, encapsulating the created node
* @throws RulesRepositoryException
public PackageItem createPackage(String name,
String description) throws RulesRepositoryException {
Node folderNode = this.getAreaNode( RULE_PACKAGE_AREA );
try {
// create the node - see section of the spec
Node rulePackageNode = folderNode.addNode( name,
rulePackageNode.addNode( PackageItem.ASSET_FOLDER_NAME,
"drools:versionableAssetFolder" );
rulePackageNode.setProperty( PackageItem.TITLE_PROPERTY_NAME,
name );
rulePackageNode.setProperty( AssetItem.DESCRIPTION_PROPERTY_NAME,
description );
rulePackageNode.setProperty( AssetItem.FORMAT_PROPERTY_NAME,
rulePackageNode.setProperty( PackageItem.CREATOR_PROPERTY_NAME,
this.session.getUserID() );
Calendar lastModified = Calendar.getInstance();
rulePackageNode.setProperty( PackageItem.LAST_MODIFIED_PROPERTY_NAME,
lastModified );
PackageItem item = new PackageItem( this,
rulePackageNode );
item.checkin( "Initial" );
return item;
} catch ( ItemExistsException e ) {
throw new RulesRepositoryException( "A package name must be unique.",
e );
} catch ( RepositoryException e ) {
log.error( "Error when creating a new rule package",
e );
throw new RulesRepositoryException( e );
* Gets a StateItem for the specified state name. If a node for the
* specified state does not yet exist, one is first created.
* @param name
* the name of the state to get
* @return a StateItem object encapsulating the retreived node
* @throws RulesRepositoryException
public StateItem getState(String name) throws RulesRepositoryException {
try {
Node folderNode = this.getAreaNode( STATE_AREA );
if ( !folderNode.hasNode( name ) ) {
throw new RulesRepositoryException( "The state called [" + name + "] does not exist." );
Node stateNode = folderNode.getNode( name );// RulesRepository.addNodeIfNew(folderNode,
// name,
return new StateItem( this,
stateNode );
} catch ( Exception e ) {
log.error( e );
throw new RulesRepositoryException( e );
* Create a status node of the given name.
public StateItem createState(String name) {
try {
Node folderNode = this.getAreaNode( STATE_AREA );
Node stateNode = RulesRepository.addNodeIfNew( folderNode,
log.debug( "Created the status [" + name + "]" );
return new StateItem( this,
stateNode );
} catch ( Exception e ) {
log.error( e );
throw new RulesRepositoryException( e );
* This will return a category for the given category path.
* @param tagName
* the name of the tag to get. If the tag to get is within a
* heirarchy of tag nodes, specify the full path to the tag node
* of interest (e.g. if you want to get back 'child-tag', use
* "parent-tag/child-tag")
* @return a TagItem object encapsulating the node for the tag in the
* repository
* @throws RulesRepositoryException
public CategoryItem loadCategory(String tagName) throws RulesRepositoryException {
if ( tagName == null || "".equals( tagName ) ) {
throw new RuntimeException( "Empty category name not permitted." );
try {
Node folderNode = this.getAreaNode( TAG_AREA );
Node tagNode = folderNode;
StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer( tagName,
"/" );
while ( tok.hasMoreTokens() ) {
String currentTagName = tok.nextToken();
tagNode = folderNode.getNode( currentTagName );
// MN was this: RulesRepository.addNodeIfNew(folderNode,
// currentTagName, CategoryItem.TAG_NODE_TYPE_NAME);
folderNode = tagNode;
return new CategoryItem( this,
tagNode );
} catch ( RepositoryException e ) {
if ( e instanceof PathNotFoundException ) {
throw new RulesRepositoryException( "Unable to load the category : [" + tagName + "] does not exist.",
e );
throw new RulesRepositoryException( e );
* This will retrieve a list of RuleItem objects - that are allocated to the
* provided category. Only the latest versions of each RuleItem will be
* returned (you will have to delve into the rules deepest darkest history
* yourself... mahahahaha).
public AssetPageList findAssetsByCategory(String categoryTag,
boolean seekArchivedAsset,
int skip,
int numRowsToReturn) throws RulesRepositoryException {
return findAssetsByCategory( categoryTag,
null );
* This will retrieve a list of RuleItem objects - that are allocated to the
* provided category. Only the latest versions of each RuleItem will be
* returned (you will have to delve into the rules deepest darkest history
* yourself... mahahahaha).
* Pass in startRow of 0 to start at zero, numRowsToReturn can be set to -1 should you want it all.
* @param filter an AssetItem filter
public AssetPageList findAssetsByCategory(String categoryTag,
boolean seekArchivedAsset,
int skip,
int numRowsToReturn,
RepositoryFilter filter) throws RulesRepositoryException {
CategoryItem item = this.loadCategory( categoryTag );
try {
return loadLinkedAssets( seekArchivedAsset,
filter );
} catch ( RepositoryException e ) {
throw new RulesRepositoryException( e );
* Finds the AssetItem's linked to the requested state.
* Similar to finding by category.
public AssetPageList findAssetsByState(String stateName,
boolean seekArchivedAsset,
int skip,
int numRowsToReturn) throws RulesRepositoryException {
return findAssetsByState( stateName,
null );
* Finds the AssetItem's linked to the requested state.
* Similar to finding by category.
* @param filter an AssetItem filter
public AssetPageList findAssetsByState(String stateName,
boolean seekArchivedAsset,
int skip,
int numRowsToReturn,
RepositoryFilter filter) throws RulesRepositoryException {
StateItem item = this.getState( stateName );
try {
return loadLinkedAssets( seekArchivedAsset,
filter );
} catch ( RepositoryException e ) {
throw new RulesRepositoryException( e );
private AssetPageList loadLinkedAssets(boolean seekArchivedAsset,
int skip,
int numRowsToReturn,
Node n,
RepositoryFilter filter) throws RepositoryException {
int rows = 0;
List results = new ArrayList();
PropertyIterator it = n.getReferences();
if ( skip > 0 ) it.skip( skip );
while ( it.hasNext() && (numRowsToReturn == -1 || rows < numRowsToReturn) ) {
Property ruleLink = (Property);
Node parentNode = ruleLink.getParent();
if ( isNotSnapshot( parentNode ) && parentNode.getPrimaryNodeType().getName().equals( AssetItem.RULE_NODE_TYPE_NAME ) ) {
if ( seekArchivedAsset || !parentNode.getProperty( AssetItem.CONTENT_PROPERTY_ARCHIVE_FLAG ).getBoolean() ) {
AssetItem ai = new AssetItem( this,
parentNode );
if ( filter == null || filter.accept( ai,
"package.readonly" ) ) {
results.add( ai );
return new AssetPageList( results,
it );
public AssetPageList findAssetsByCategory(String categoryTag,
int skip,
int numRowsToReturn) throws RulesRepositoryException {
return this.findAssetsByCategory( categoryTag,
numRowsToReturn );
public byte[] exportRulesRepository() throws IOException,
RepositoryException {
ByteArrayOutputStream bout = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
ZipOutputStream zout = new ZipOutputStream( bout );
zout.putNextEntry( new ZipEntry( "repository_export.xml" ) );
zout.write( dumpRepositoryXml() );
return bout.toByteArray();
public byte[] exportPackageFromRepository(String packageName) throws IOException,
RepositoryException {
ByteArrayOutputStream bout = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
ZipOutputStream zout = new ZipOutputStream( bout );
zout.putNextEntry( new ZipEntry( "repository_export.xml" ) );
zout.write( dumpPackageFromRepositoryXml( packageName ) );
return bout.toByteArray();
public byte[] dumpRepositoryXml() throws PathNotFoundException,
RepositoryException {
ByteArrayOutputStream byteOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
session.refresh( false );
session.exportSystemView( "/" + RULES_REPOSITORY_NAME,
false );
return byteOut.toByteArray();
public byte[] dumpPackageFromRepositoryXml(String packageName) throws PathNotFoundException,
RepositoryException {
ByteArrayOutputStream byteOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
session.refresh( false );
session.exportSystemView( "/" + RULES_REPOSITORY_NAME + "/" + RULE_PACKAGE_AREA + "/" + packageName,
false );
return byteOut.toByteArray();
* Import the repository from a stream.
public void importRepository(InputStream in) {
new RulesRepositoryAdministrator( this.session ).clearRulesRepository();
try {
this.session.getWorkspace().importXML( "/", in,
} catch (RepositoryException e) {
throw new RulesRepositoryException(e);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RulesRepositoryException(e);
* Clean and import the rules repository.
* Will run any needed migrations as well.
public void importRulesRepository(byte[] byteArray) {
try {
new RulesRepositoryAdministrator( this.session ).clearRulesRepository();
this.session.getWorkspace().importXML( "/",
new ByteArrayInputStream( byteArray ),
MigrateDroolsPackage mig = new MigrateDroolsPackage();
if ( mig.needsMigration( this ) ) {
mig.migrate( this );
} catch ( RepositoryException e ) {
throw new RulesRepositoryException();
} catch ( IOException e ) {
public void importPackageToRepository(byte[] byteArray,
boolean importAsNew) {
try {
if ( importAsNew ) {
this.session.getWorkspace().importXML( "/" + RULES_REPOSITORY_NAME + "/" + RULE_PACKAGE_AREA + "/",
new ByteArrayInputStream( byteArray ),
} else {
this.session.getWorkspace().importXML( "/" + RULES_REPOSITORY_NAME + "/" + RULE_PACKAGE_AREA + "/",
new ByteArrayInputStream( byteArray ),
MigrateDroolsPackage mig = new MigrateDroolsPackage();
if ( mig.needsMigration( this ) ) {
mig.migrate( this );
} catch ( RepositoryException e ) {
throw new RulesRepositoryException();
} catch ( IOException e ) {
* @param parentNode
* @return
* @throws RepositoryException
boolean isNotSnapshot(Node parentNode) throws RepositoryException {
return parentNode.getPath().indexOf( PACKAGE_SNAPSHOT_AREA ) == -1;
* @return an Iterator which will provide RulePackageItem's. This will show
* ALL the packages, only returning latest versions, by default.
public PackageIterator listPackages() {
Node folderNode = this.getAreaNode( RULE_PACKAGE_AREA );
try {
synchronized ( RulesRepository.class ) {
if ( !folderNode.hasNode( DEFAULT_PACKAGE ) ) {
createPackage( DEFAULT_PACKAGE,
"The default rule package" );
folderNode = this.getAreaNode( RULE_PACKAGE_AREA );
return new PackageIterator( this,
folderNode.getNodes() );
} catch ( RepositoryException e ) {
throw new RulesRepositoryException( e );
* @return The JCR session that this repository is using.
public Session getSession() {
return this.session;
* Save any pending changes.
public void save() {
try {;
} catch ( Exception e ) {
if ( e instanceof RuntimeException ) {
throw (RuntimeException) e;
} else {
throw new RulesRepositoryException( e );
* This moves a rule asset from one package to another, preserving history
* etc etc.
* @param newPackage
* The destination package.
* @param uuid
* The UUID of the rule
* @param explanation
* The reason (which will be added as the checkin message).
public void moveRuleItemPackage(String newPackage,
String uuid,
String explanation) {
try {
AssetItem item = loadAssetByUUID( uuid );
PackageItem destPkg = loadPackage( newPackage );
String sourcePath = item.node.getPath();
String destPath = destPkg.node.getPath() + "/" + PackageItem.ASSET_FOLDER_NAME + "/" + item.getName();
this.session.move( sourcePath,
destPath );
item.node.setProperty( AssetItem.PACKAGE_NAME_PROPERTY,
newPackage );
item.checkin( explanation );
} catch ( RepositoryException e ) {
throw new RulesRepositoryException( e );
* This will rename an assset and apply the change immediately.
* @return the UUID of the new asset
public String renameAsset(String uuid,
String newAssetName) {
try {
AssetItem itemOriginal = loadAssetByUUID( uuid ); "Renaming asset: " + itemOriginal.getNode().getPath() + " to " + newAssetName );
Node node = itemOriginal.getNode();
String sourcePath = node.getPath();
String destPath = node.getParent().getPath() + "/" + newAssetName;
this.session.move( sourcePath,
destPath );
itemOriginal.updateTitle( newAssetName );
itemOriginal.checkin( "Renamed asset " + itemOriginal.getName() );
return itemOriginal.getUUID();
} catch ( RepositoryException e ) {
log.error( e );
throw new RulesRepositoryException( e );
* Rename a category.
* @param originalPath The full path to the category.
* @param newName The new name (just the name, not the path).
public void renameCategory(String originalPath,
String newName) {
try {
CategoryItem cat = loadCategory( originalPath );
Node node = cat.getNode();
String sourcePath = node.getPath();
String destPath = node.getParent().getPath() + "/" + newName;
this.session.move( sourcePath,
destPath );
} catch ( RepositoryException e ) {
log.error( e );
throw new RulesRepositoryException( e );
public void renameState(String oldName,
String newName) {
try {
StateItem state = loadState( oldName );
Node node = state.getNode();
String sourcePath = node.getPath();
String destPath = node.getParent().getPath() + "/" + newName;
this.session.move( sourcePath,
destPath );
} catch ( RepositoryException e ) {
log.error( e );
throw new RulesRepositoryException( e );
* This will rename a package and apply the change immediately.
* @return the UUID of the package
public String renamePackage(String uuid,
String newPackageName) {
try {
PackageItem itemOriginal = loadPackageByUUID( uuid ); "Renaming package: " + itemOriginal.getNode().getPath() + " to " + newPackageName );
Node node = itemOriginal.getNode();
String sourcePath = node.getPath();
String destPath = node.getParent().getPath() + "/" + newPackageName;
this.session.move( sourcePath,
destPath );
itemOriginal.updateTitle( newPackageName );
itemOriginal.checkin( "Renamed package " + itemOriginal.getName() );
PackageItem newPkg = loadPackage( newPackageName );
for ( Iterator iter = newPkg.getAssets(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
AssetItem as = (AssetItem);
as.updateStringProperty( newPackageName,
return itemOriginal.getUUID();
} catch ( RepositoryException e ) {
log.error( e );
throw new RulesRepositoryException( e );
* Return a list of the snapshots available for the given package name.
public String[] listPackageSnapshots(String packageName) {
Node snaps = this.getAreaNode( PACKAGE_SNAPSHOT_AREA );
try {
if ( !snaps.hasNode( packageName ) ) {
return new String[0];
} else {
List result = new ArrayList();
NodeIterator it = snaps.getNode( packageName ).getNodes();
while ( it.hasNext() ) {
Node element = (Node);
result.add( element.getName() );
return (String[]) result.toArray( new String[result.size()] );
} catch ( RepositoryException e ) {
throw new RulesRepositoryException( e );
public AssetItemIterator findArchivedAssets() {
try {
sql += " WHERE ";
sql += " jcr:path LIKE '/" + RULES_REPOSITORY_NAME + "/" + RULE_PACKAGE_AREA + "/%'";
sql += " AND " + AssetItem.CONTENT_PROPERTY_ARCHIVE_FLAG + " = 'true'";
Query q = this.session.getWorkspace().getQueryManager().createQuery( sql,
Query.SQL );
QueryResult res = q.execute();
return new AssetItemIterator( res.getNodes(),
this );
} catch ( RepositoryException e ) {
System.out.println( e.getMessage() );
throw new RulesRepositoryException( e );
* This will search assets, looking for matches against the name.
public AssetItemIterator findAssetsByName(String name,
boolean seekArchived) {
try {
sql += " WHERE " + AssetItem.TITLE_PROPERTY_NAME + " LIKE '" + name + "'";
sql += " AND jcr:path LIKE '/" + RULES_REPOSITORY_NAME + "/" + RULE_PACKAGE_AREA + "/%'";
if ( seekArchived == false ) {
sql += " AND " + AssetItem.CONTENT_PROPERTY_ARCHIVE_FLAG + " = 'false'";
Query q = this.session.getWorkspace().getQueryManager().createQuery( sql,
Query.SQL );
QueryResult res = q.execute();
return new AssetItemIterator( res.getNodes(),
this );
} catch ( RepositoryException e ) {
System.out.println( e.getMessage() );
throw new RulesRepositoryException( e );
* This will search assets, looking for matches against the name.
public AssetItemIterator queryFullText(String qry,
boolean seekArchived) {
try {
String searchPath = "/jcr:root/" + RULES_REPOSITORY_NAME + "/" + RULE_PACKAGE_AREA + "//element(*, " + AssetItem.RULE_NODE_TYPE_NAME + ")";
if ( seekArchived ) {
searchPath += "[jcr:contains(., '" + qry + "')]";
} else {
searchPath += "[jcr:contains(., '" + qry + "') and " + AssetItem.CONTENT_PROPERTY_ARCHIVE_FLAG + " = 'false']";
Query q = this.session.getWorkspace().getQueryManager().createQuery( searchPath,
Query.XPATH );
QueryResult res = q.execute();
return new AssetItemIterator( res.getNodes(),
this );
} catch ( RepositoryException e ) {
System.out.println( e.getMessage() );
throw new RulesRepositoryException( e );
* This will do a general predicate search.
* @param params - a map of field to a list of possible values (which are or-ed together if there is more then one).
* @param position - where to start returning results from.
* @param maxRows - maximum number of rows to return;
* @param seekArchived - include archived stuff in the results.
public AssetItemIterator query(Map params,
boolean seekArchived,
DateQuery[] dates) {
try {
sql += " WHERE jcr:path LIKE '/" + RULES_REPOSITORY_NAME + "/" + RULE_PACKAGE_AREA + "/%'";
for ( Iterator> iterator = params.entrySet().iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) {
Map.Entry en =;
String fld = en.getKey();
String[] options = en.getValue();
if ( options != null && options.length > 0 ) {
if ( options.length > 1 ) {
sql += " AND (";
for ( int i = 0; i < options.length; i++ ) {
sql += fld + " LIKE '" + options[i].replace( "*",
"%" ) + "'";
if ( i < options.length - 1 ) {
sql += " OR ";
sql += ")";
} else {
sql += " AND " + fld + " LIKE '" + options[0].replace( "*",
"%" ) + "'";
if ( seekArchived == false ) {
sql += " AND " + AssetItem.CONTENT_PROPERTY_ARCHIVE_FLAG + " = 'false'";
if ( dates != null ) {
for ( int i = 0; i < dates.length; i++ ) {
DateQuery d = dates[i];
if ( d.after != null ) {
sql += " AND " + d.field + " > TIMESTAMP '" + d.after + "'";
if ( d.before != null ) {
sql += " AND " + d.field + " < TIMESTAMP '" + d.before + "'";
System.out.println( sql );
Query q = this.session.getWorkspace().getQueryManager().createQuery( sql,
Query.SQL );
QueryResult res = q.execute();
return new AssetItemIterator( res.getNodes(),
this );
} catch ( RepositoryException e ) {
System.out.println( e.getMessage() );
throw new RulesRepositoryException( e );
* Used for querying based on date.
* @author Michael Neale
public static class DateQuery {
private String after;
private String before;
private String field;
public DateQuery(String field,
String after,
String before) {
this.field = field;
this.after = after;
this.before = before;
public AssetItemIterator findAssetsByName(String name) {
return this.findAssetsByName( name,
false );
* @return A list of statii in the system.
public StateItem[] listStates() {
List states = new ArrayList();
NodeIterator it;
try {
it = this.getAreaNode( STATE_AREA ).getNodes();
while ( it.hasNext() ) {
states.add( new StateItem( this,
it.nextNode() ) );
} catch ( RepositoryException e ) {
log.error( e );
throw new RulesRepositoryException( e );
return (StateItem[]) states.toArray( new StateItem[states.size()] );
* Copy a package to the target name.
public void copyPackage(String sourcePackageName,
String destPackageName) {
PackageItem source = loadPackage( sourcePackageName );
String sourcePath;
try {
sourcePath = source.getNode().getPath();
String destPath = source.getNode().getParent().getPath() + "/" + destPackageName;
if ( this.getAreaNode( RULE_PACKAGE_AREA ).hasNode( destPackageName ) ) {
throw new RulesRepositoryException( "Destination already exists." );
this.session.getWorkspace().copy( sourcePath,
destPath );
PackageItem newPkg = loadPackage( destPackageName );
for ( Iterator iter = newPkg.getAssets(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
AssetItem as = (AssetItem);
as.updateStringProperty( destPackageName,
} catch ( RepositoryException e ) {
log.error( e );
throw new RulesRepositoryException( e );
protected void finalize() throws Throwable {
//shouldn't rely on this... but
try {
} catch ( Exception e ) {
System.err.println( "Finalizer error: " + e.getMessage() );