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package org.dspace.ctask.replicate;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import org.dspace.content.*;
import org.dspace.core.ConfigurationManager;
import org.dspace.core.Context;
import org.dspace.curate.AbstractCurationTask;
import org.dspace.curate.Curator;
import org.dspace.curate.Distributive;
import org.dspace.pack.bagit.CatalogPacker;
* RemoveAIP task will remove requested objects from the replica store. If the
* object is a container, all its children (members) will also be removed.
* @author richardrodgers
* @see TransmitAIP
public class RemoveAIP extends AbstractCurationTask {
private String archFmt = ConfigurationManager.getProperty("replicate", "packer.archfmt");
// Group where all AIPs are stored
private final String storeGroupName = ConfigurationManager.getProperty("replicate", "");
// Group where object deletion catalog/records are stored
private final String deleteGroupName = ConfigurationManager.getProperty("replicate", "");
* Removes replicas of passed object from the replica store.
* If a container, removes all the member replicas, in addition
* to the replica of the container object. No change is made to
* the DSPace object itself.
* @param dso the DSpace object
* @return integer which represents Curator return status
* @throws IOException
public int perform(DSpaceObject dso) throws IOException
ReplicaManager repMan = ReplicaManager.instance();
remove(repMan, dso);
setResult("AIP for '" + dso.getHandle() + "' has been removed");
return Curator.CURATE_SUCCESS;
* Remove replica(s) of the passed in DSpace object from a particular
* replica ObjectStore.
* @param repMan ReplicaManager (used to access ObjectStore)
* @param dso the DSpace object whose replicas we will remove
* @throws IOException
private void remove(ReplicaManager repMan, DSpaceObject dso) throws IOException
//Remove object from AIP storage
String objId = repMan.storageId(dso.getHandle(), archFmt);
repMan.removeObject(storeGroupName, objId);
report("Removing AIP for: " + objId);
//If it is a Collection, also remove all Items from AIP storage
if (dso instanceof Collection) {
Collection coll = (Collection)dso;
try {
ItemIterator iter = coll.getItems();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
} catch (SQLException sqlE) {
throw new IOException(sqlE);
} // else if it a Community, also remove all sub-communities, collections (and items) from AIP storage
else if (dso instanceof Community) {
Community comm = (Community)dso;
try {
for (Community subcomm : comm.getSubcommunities()) {
remove(repMan, subcomm);
for (Collection coll : comm.getCollections()) {
remove(repMan, coll);
} catch (SQLException sqlE) {
throw new IOException(sqlE);
} //else if it is a Site object, remove all top-level communities (and everything else) from AIP storage
else if (dso instanceof Site) {
try {
Community[] topCommunities = Community.findAllTop(Curator.curationContext());
for (Community subcomm : topCommunities) {
remove(repMan, subcomm);
} catch (SQLException sqlE) {
throw new IOException(sqlE);
* Removes replicas of passed id from the replica store. This can act in
* one of two ways: either there is an existing DSpace Object with
* this id, in which case it behaves like the previous method, or there
* is no DSpace Object, in which case we assume that the object has been
* deleted. In this case, the replica store is purged of the deleted
* object, or objects, if the id is (was) a container.
* @param ctx current DSpace Context
* @param id Identifier of the object to be removed.
* @return integer which represents Curator return status
* @throws IOException
public int perform(Context ctx, String id) throws IOException
ReplicaManager repMan = ReplicaManager.instance();
//If the object is still in DSpace, call perform(dso) instead.
DSpaceObject dso = dereference(ctx, id);
if (dso != null) {
return perform(dso);
// Otherwise, this object was already previously deleted from DSpace.
// So, we'll treat this as a deletion "garbage clean"
// Locate the deletion catalog associated with this object
// (This catalog should exist, as the object was previously deleted)
String catId = repMan.deletionCatalogId(id, archFmt);
int status = Curator.CURATE_FAIL;
String result;
File catFile = repMan.fetchObject(deleteGroupName, catId);
if (catFile != null) {
CatalogPacker cpack = new CatalogPacker(id);
// remove the object AIP itself
String objId = repMan.storageId(id, archFmt);
repMan.removeObject(storeGroupName, objId);
report("Removing AIP for: " + objId);
// remove all member/child object's AIPs
for (String mem : cpack.getMembers()) {
String memId = repMan.storageId(mem, archFmt);
repMan.removeObject(storeGroupName, memId);
report("Removing AIP for: " + memId);
// remove local deletion catalog
// remove remote deletion catalog
repMan.removeObject(deleteGroupName, catId);
result = "AIP for '" + id + "' has been removed (along with any child object AIPs)";
status = Curator.CURATE_SUCCESS;
result = "Deletion record for '" + id + "' could not be found in Replica Store. Perhaps this object's AIP was already removed?";
return status;