org.dspace.ctask.replicate.CompareWithAIP Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* The contents of this file are subject to the license and copyright
* detailed in the LICENSE and NOTICE files at the root of the source
* tree and available online at
package org.dspace.ctask.replicate;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import org.dspace.authorize.AuthorizeException;
import org.dspace.content.Collection;
import org.dspace.content.Community;
import org.dspace.content.DSpaceObject;
import org.dspace.content.ItemIterator;
import org.dspace.core.ConfigurationManager;
import org.dspace.core.Constants;
import org.dspace.curate.AbstractCurationTask;
import org.dspace.curate.Curator;
import org.dspace.curate.Suspendable;
import org.dspace.curate.Utils;
import org.dspace.pack.Packer;
import org.dspace.pack.PackerFactory;
* CompareWithAIP task compares local repository values with the replica store
* values. It can perform 2 types of comparison: first, an 'integrity' audit
* which compares the checksums of the local and remote zipped AIPs; second, a
* 'count' or enumerative audit that verifies that all child objects of a local
* container have corresponding replicas in the remote store.
* The reason it performs two checks is for performance purposes. We'd rather
* this task "fail quickly" by finding that a child object is missing from the
* remote store, than have it require stepping through each child object one-by-one
* and regenerate each AIP (for checksum verification) before the missing child
* is located.
* This task is "suspendable" when invoked from the UI. This means that if
* you run an Audit from the UI, this task will return an immediate failure
* once a single object fails the audit. However, when run from the Command-Line
* this task will run to completion (i.e. even if an object fails it will continue
* processing to completion).
* @author richardrodgers
public class CompareWithAIP extends AbstractCurationTask
private String archFmt = ConfigurationManager.getProperty("replicate", "packer.archfmt");
private int status = Curator.CURATE_UNSET;
private String result = null;
// Group where all AIPs are stored
private final String storeGroupName = ConfigurationManager.getProperty("replicate", "");
* Perform 'Compare with AIP' task
* @param dso DSpace Object to perform on
* @return integer which represents Curator return status
* @throws IOException if I/O error
public int perform(DSpaceObject dso) throws IOException
ReplicaManager repMan = ReplicaManager.instance();
Packer packer = PackerFactory.instance(dso);
String id = dso.getHandle();
status = Curator.CURATE_SUCCESS;
result = "Checksums of local and remote agree";
String objId = repMan.storageId(id, archFmt);
//First, make sure this object has an AIP in remote storage
if(checkReplica(repMan, dso))
// generate an archive and calculate it's checksum
File packDir = repMan.stage(storeGroupName, id);
File archive = packer.pack(packDir);
String chkSum = Utils.checksum(archive, "MD5");
// remove local archive file -- it's no longer needed
// compare with replica
String repChkSum = repMan.objectAttribute(storeGroupName, objId, "checksum");
if (! chkSum.equals(repChkSum))
report("Local and remote checksums differ for: " + id);
report("Local: " + chkSum + " replica: " + repChkSum);
result = "Checksums of local and remote differ for: " + id;
status = Curator.CURATE_FAIL;
report("Local and remote checksums agree for: " + id);
// if a container, also perform an extent (count) audit - i.e.
// does replica store have replicas for each object in container?
if (Curator.isContainer(dso) || dso.getType() == Constants.SITE)
auditExtent(repMan, dso);
return status;
catch (AuthorizeException authE)
throw new IOException(authE);
catch (SQLException sqlE)
throw new IOException(sqlE);
* Audit the existing contents in the Replica ObjectStore against DSpace object.
* This method only audits immediate child objects (because child objects of
* any sub-containers will be audited when 'CompareWithAIP' is called on that
* container itself).
* @param repMan ReplicaManager (used to access ObjectStore)
* @param dso DSpace Object
* @throws IOException if I/O error
private void auditExtent(ReplicaManager repMan, DSpaceObject dso) throws IOException
int type = dso.getType();
//If container is a Collection, make sure all Items have AIPs in remote storage
if (Constants.COLLECTION == type)
Collection coll = (Collection)dso;
ItemIterator iter = null;
iter = coll.getItems();
while (iter.hasNext())
catch (SQLException sqlE)
throw new IOException(sqlE);
if (iter != null)
} //If Community, make sure all Sub-Communities/Collections have AIPs in remote storage
else if (Constants.COMMUNITY == type)
Community comm = (Community)dso;
for (Community subcomm : comm.getSubcommunities())
checkReplica(repMan, subcomm);
for (Collection coll : comm.getCollections())
checkReplica(repMan, coll);
catch (SQLException sqlE)
throw new IOException(sqlE);
} //if Site, check to see all Top-Level Communities have an AIP in remote storage
else if (Constants.SITE == type)
Community[] topComm = Community.findAllTop(Curator.curationContext());
for (Community comm : topComm)
checkReplica(repMan, comm);
catch (SQLException sqlE)
throw new IOException(sqlE);
* Check if the DSpace Object already exists in the Replica ObjectStore
* @param repMan ReplicaManager (used to access ObjectStore)
* @param dso DSpaceObject
* @return true if replica exists, false otherwise
* @throws IOException if I/O error
private boolean checkReplica(ReplicaManager repMan, DSpaceObject dso) throws IOException
String objId = repMan.storageId(dso.getHandle(), archFmt);
if (! repMan.objectExists(storeGroupName, objId))
String msg = "Missing replica for: " + dso.getHandle();
result = msg;
status = Curator.CURATE_FAIL;
return false;
return true;