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 * Copyright (c) 2004 Actuate Corporation.
 * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
 * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
 * Contributors:
 *  Actuate Corporation  - initial API and implementation


import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

import org.w3c.css.sac.CSSException;
import org.w3c.css.sac.Condition;
import org.w3c.css.sac.ConditionalSelector;
import org.w3c.css.sac.ElementSelector;
import org.w3c.css.sac.InputSource;
import org.w3c.css.sac.Selector;
import org.w3c.css.sac.SelectorList;
import org.w3c.css.sac.SimpleSelector;
import org.w3c.dom.css.CSSRule;
import org.w3c.dom.css.CSSStyleDeclaration;
import org.w3c.flute.parser.selectors.ClassConditionImpl;

 * Loads an external style sheet to the BIRT.

public final class StyleSheetLoader

	 * The parser for the CSS2.

	private CssParser parser;

	 * The module that loads the style sheet.

	private Module module;

	 * The source that read from an external style sheet.

	private Reader source;

	 * The definition of Style in ROM.

	private final IElementDefn style = MetaDataDictionary.getInstance( )
			.getStyle( );

	 * The warning list during the loading.

	private List warnings = null;

	 * The logger to record the warning.

	private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger( StyleSheetLoader.class
			.getName( ) );

	 * Private constructor to do some reset work.

	public StyleSheetLoader( )
		parser = new CssParser( );
		this.module = null;
		this.source = null;
		warnings = new ArrayList( );

	 * Re-inits the loader. This method is called when the users want to use the
	 * instance to load more than one external style sheet. Call this every
	 * loading operation.

	public void reInit( )
		parser = new CssParser( );
		this.module = null;
		this.source = null;
		warnings = new ArrayList( );

	 * Loads styles from an external style sheet resource. A resource can be
	 * something as simple as a file or a directory, or it can be a reference to
	 * a more complicated object, such as a query to a database or to a search
	 * engine. This method will try to create a URL object from the
	 * String representation.
	 * @param module
	 *            the module to load the style sheet
	 * @param url
	 *            the url to the spec
	 * @param spec
	 *            spec the String to parse as a URL, it can be a
	 *            file or directory, or other types or formats of URLs to locate
	 *            an external style sheet
	 * @return the CssStyleSheet containing all the styles loaded
	 *         from an external style sheet, otherwise null
	 * @throws StyleSheetException
	 *             if the resource is not found, or the given
	 *             String is malformed to URL specification, or the
	 *             style sheet resource has some syntax errors colliding with
	 *             CSS2 grammar

	public CssStyleSheet load( Module module, URL url, String spec )
			throws StyleSheetException

		if ( url == null )
			throw new StyleSheetException(

		InputStream is = null;
			is = url.openStream( );
		catch ( IOException e )
			throw new StyleSheetException(
					e );
		CssStyleSheet sheet = load( module, is );

		// set the path to css style sheet.

		sheet.setFileName( spec );
		return sheet;

	 * Loads styles from an external style sheet resource. A resource can be
	 * something as simple as a file or a directory, or it can be a reference to
	 * a more complicated object, such as a query to a database or to a search
	 * engine. This method will try to create a URL object from the
	 * String representation.
	 * @param module
	 *            the module to load the style sheet
	 * @param spec
	 *            spec the String to parse as a URL, it can be a
	 *            file or directory, or other types or formats of URLs to locate
	 *            an external style sheet
	 * @return the CssStyleSheet containing all the styles loaded
	 *         from an external style sheet, otherwise null
	 * @throws StyleSheetException
	 *             if the resource is not found, or the given
	 *             String is malformed to URL specification, or the
	 *             style sheet resource has some syntax errors colliding with
	 *             CSS2 grammar

	public CssStyleSheet load( Module module, String spec )
			throws StyleSheetException
		assert module != null;
		this.module = module;

		URL url = module.findResource( spec,
				IResourceLocator.CASCADING_STYLE_SHEET );
		CssStyleSheet retSheet = load( module, url, spec );

		return retSheet;

	 * Loads styles from an external style sheet resource.
	 * @param module
	 *            the module to load the style sheet
	 * @param is
	 *            spec the String to parse as a URL, it can be a
	 *            file or directory, or other types or formats of URLs to locate
	 *            an external style sheet
	 * @return the CssStyleSheet containing all the styles loaded
	 *         from an external style sheet, otherwise null
	 * @throws StyleSheetException
	 *             the style sheet resource has some syntax errors colliding
	 *             with CSS2 grammar

	public CssStyleSheet load( Module module, InputStream is )
			throws StyleSheetException
		assert module != null;
		this.module = module;

		if ( is == null )
			throw new StyleSheetException(
		source = new InputStreamReader( is );
		return load( source );

	 * Loads the styles from an external style sheet resource.
	 * @param charStream
	 *            character stream that shall not include a byte order mark
	 * @return the CssStyleSheet containing all the styles loaded
	 *         from an external style sheet, otherwise null
	 * @throws StyleSheetException
	 *             the style sheet resource has some syntax errors colliding
	 *             with CSS2 grammar

	CssStyleSheet load( Reader charStream ) throws StyleSheetException
		StyleSheet ss = null;
			InputSource is = new InputSource( source );
			ss = (StyleSheet) parser.parseStyleSheet( is );
		catch ( CSSException e )
			logger.log( Level.SEVERE, e.getMessage( ) );
			throw new StyleSheetException(
					StyleSheetException.DESIGN_EXCEPTION_SYNTAX_ERROR, e );
		catch ( IOException e )
			throw new StyleSheetException(
					e );
				source.close( );
			catch ( IOException e )
				// Do nothing.

		if ( ss == null )
			return null;

		CssStyleSheet styleSheet = new CssStyleSheet( );

		List rules = ss.getRules( );
		for ( int i = 0; i < rules.size( ); i++ )
			CSSRule rule = rules.get( i );
			loadStyle( styleSheet, rule );

		styleSheet.addWarning( warnings );
		styleSheet.setErrorHandler( parser.getErrorHandler( ) );
		return styleSheet;

	 * Translates a CSS rule into one or more styles with the definition of ROM.
	 * This method only deals with the style rules, while any other rules, such
	 * as import rules, page rules and so on, are ignored. The neglect
	 * operations will be recorded in the log file and added into the warning
	 * list. Then all the created styles by interpretations and translations
	 * will be added into the given CssStyleSheet container.
	 * @param styleSheet
	 *            the style sheet, which is a container defined by Model to
	 *            store all the styles loaded from the external resource
	 * @param rule
	 *            the current CSS rule to handle
	 * @throws StyleSheetException
	 *             the CSS rule has some syntax errors colliding with CSS2
	 *             grammar

	void loadStyle( CssStyleSheet styleSheet, CSSRule rule )
			throws StyleSheetException
		// now only support the style rule

		if ( rule.getType( ) == CSSRule.STYLE_RULE )
				StyleRule sr = (StyleRule) rule;
				SelectorList selectionList = sr.getSelectorList( );
				CSSStyleDeclaration declaration = sr.getStyle( );
				LinkedHashMap properties = null;
				List errors = new ArrayList( );
				boolean buildProperties = false;
				for ( int i = 0; i < selectionList.getLength( ); i++ )
					Selector selector = selectionList.item( i );
					int type = selector.getSelectorType( );
					String name = null;

					boolean isValid = false;

					switch ( type )
						case Selector.SAC_CONDITIONAL_SELECTOR :

							// such as "*.table", ".table". The deeper
							// conditional selectors, such as '.table.s.t.m' are
							// not supported. Former has an element constraint
							// while the latter has not. For both, we all
							// convert to a style named as "table".

							SimpleSelector simple = ( (ConditionalSelector) selector )
									.getSimpleSelector( );
							Condition condition = ( (ConditionalSelector) selector )
									.getCondition( );

							if ( simple instanceof ElementSelector
									|| simple == null )
								// don't allow p.table to be parsed.

								if ( ( simple == null
										|| ( (ElementSelector) simple )
												.getLocalName( ) == null || ( (ElementSelector) simple )
										.getLocalName( ).equalsIgnoreCase( "*" ) ) //$NON-NLS-1$
										&& condition.getConditionType( ) == Condition.SAC_CLASS_CONDITION )
									name = ( (ClassConditionImpl) condition )
											.getValue( );

									isValid = true;

							if ( !isValid )
								StyleSheetParserException exception = new StyleSheetParserException(
										CssUtil.toString( selector ),
										StyleSheetParserException.DESIGN_EXCEPTION_STYLE_NOT_SUPPORTED );
								semanticWarning( exception );
								styleSheet.addUnsupportedStyle( CssUtil
										.toString( selector ).toLowerCase( ),
										exception );
								name = null;


						default :

							StyleSheetParserException exception = new StyleSheetParserException(
									CssUtil.toString( selector ),
									StyleSheetParserException.DESIGN_EXCEPTION_STYLE_NOT_SUPPORTED );
							semanticWarning( exception );
							styleSheet.addUnsupportedStyle( CssUtil.toString(
									selector ).toLowerCase( ), exception );
							name = null;

					if ( name == null )
					DesignElement style = styleSheet.findStyle( name );
					if ( style == null )
						style = new CssStyle( name );
						styleSheet.removeStyle( name );
					// set css style sheet
					if ( !buildProperties )
						properties = buildProperties( declaration, errors );
						buildProperties = true;

					addProperties( style, properties );
					assert styleSheet.findStyle( name ) == null;
					List ret = styleSheet
							.getWarnings( name );
					if ( ret == null )
						List localErrors = new ArrayList( );
						localErrors.addAll( errors );
						styleSheet.addWarnings( name, localErrors );
						ret.addAll( errors );
					styleSheet.addStyle( style );
			catch ( CSSException e )
				logger.log( Level.SEVERE, e.getMessage( ) );
				throw new StyleSheetException(
						StyleSheetException.DESIGN_EXCEPTION_SYNTAX_ERROR, e );
			semanticWarning( new StyleSheetParserException(
					rule.toString( ),
					StyleSheetParserException.DESIGN_EXCEPTION_RULE_NOT_SUPPORTED ) );

	 * Gets all the name/value pairs from a CSS declaration and puts them into a
	 * LinkedHashMap. All the name and value is of string type.
	 * @param declaration
	 *            the declaration of the style rule
	 * @param errors
	 *            the error list of the declaration
	 * @return all the supported name/value pairs

	LinkedHashMap buildProperties(
			CSSStyleDeclaration declaration,
			List errors )
		LinkedHashMap properties = new LinkedHashMap( );
		for ( int i = 0; i < declaration.getLength( ); i++ )
			String cssName = declaration.item( i );
			String cssValue = declaration.getPropertyValue( cssName );
			if ( StringUtil.isBlank( cssName ) || StringUtil.isBlank( cssValue ) )

			properties.put( cssName, cssValue );

		return buildProperties( properties, errors );

	 * Converts all the name/value pairs in the CSS2 format to the property
	 * values in BIRT defined format. The name/value pair may be simple, like
	 * "background-color:red" or short-hand, like "background: color
	 * url(images/header)". All the short-hand properties will be separated into
	 * corresponding individuals. Whatever BIRT does not support will be
	 * ignored.
	 * @param cssProperties
	 *            the hash map that stores all the property values in CSS format
	 * @param errors
	 *            the error list of the properties
	 * @return the name/value pairs in BIRT defined format

	LinkedHashMap buildProperties(
			LinkedHashMap cssProperties,
			List errors )
		if ( cssProperties.isEmpty( ) )
			return cssProperties;

		LinkedHashMap properties = new LinkedHashMap( );
		Iterator> iter = cssProperties.entrySet( )
				.iterator( );
		while ( iter.hasNext( ) )
			Entry entry = );
			String cssName = entry.getKey( );
			String cssValue = entry.getValue( );

			assert !StringUtil.isBlank( cssName );
			assert !StringUtil.isBlank( cssValue );

			cssName = cssName.toLowerCase( );
				if ( cssName
						.equalsIgnoreCase( CssPropertyConstants.ATTR_BACKGROUND_POSITION ) )
					List ret = handleBackgroundPosition(
							cssValue, properties );
					if ( !ret.isEmpty( ) )
						errors.addAll( ret );
				else if ( cssName
						.equalsIgnoreCase( CssPropertyConstants.ATTR_BACKGROUND_SIZE ) )
					List ret = handleBackgroundSize(
							cssValue, properties );
					if ( !ret.isEmpty( ) )
						errors.addAll( ret );
				else if ( cssName
						.equalsIgnoreCase( CssPropertyConstants.ATTR_TEXT_DECORATION ) )
					handleTextDecoration( cssValue, properties );
				else if ( cssName
						.equalsIgnoreCase( CssPropertyConstants.ATTR_BORDER_BOTTOM ) )
					PropertyParser parser = new PropertyParser( cssValue );

					parser.parseBorderBottom( );
					LinkedHashMap shortHand = parser
							.getCssProperties( );
					shortHand = trimProperties( shortHand );
					properties.putAll( buildProperties( shortHand, errors ) );
				else if ( cssName
						.equalsIgnoreCase( CssPropertyConstants.ATTR_BORDER_LEFT ) )
					PropertyParser parser = new PropertyParser( cssValue );

					parser.parseBorderLeft( );
					LinkedHashMap shortHand = parser
							.getCssProperties( );
					shortHand = trimProperties( shortHand );
					properties.putAll( buildProperties( shortHand, errors ) );

				else if ( cssName
						.equalsIgnoreCase( CssPropertyConstants.ATTR_BORDER_RIGHT ) )
					PropertyParser parser = new PropertyParser( cssValue );

					parser.parseBorderRight( );
					LinkedHashMap shortHand = parser
							.getCssProperties( );
					shortHand = trimProperties( shortHand );
					properties.putAll( buildProperties( shortHand, errors ) );
				else if ( cssName
						.equalsIgnoreCase( CssPropertyConstants.ATTR_BORDER_TOP ) )
					PropertyParser parser = new PropertyParser( cssValue );

					parser.parseBorderTop( );
					LinkedHashMap shortHand = parser
							.getCssProperties( );
					shortHand = trimProperties( shortHand );
					properties.putAll( buildProperties( shortHand, errors ) );
				else if ( cssName
						.equalsIgnoreCase( CssPropertyConstants.ATTR_BORDER ) )
					PropertyParser parser = new PropertyParser( cssValue );

					parser.parseBorder( );
					LinkedHashMap shortHand = parser
							.getCssProperties( );
					shortHand = trimProperties( shortHand );
					properties.putAll( buildProperties( shortHand, errors ) );
				else if ( cssName
						.equalsIgnoreCase( CssPropertyConstants.ATTR_BORDER_WIDTH ) )
					PropertyParser parser = new PropertyParser( cssValue );

					parser.parseBorderWidth( );
					LinkedHashMap shortHand = parser
							.getCssProperties( );
					shortHand = trimProperties( shortHand );
					properties.putAll( buildProperties( shortHand, errors ) );
				else if ( cssName
						.equalsIgnoreCase( CssPropertyConstants.ATTR_BORDER_COLOR ) )
					PropertyParser parser = new PropertyParser( cssValue );

					parser.parseBorderColor( );
					LinkedHashMap shortHand = parser
							.getCssProperties( );
					shortHand = trimProperties( shortHand );
					properties.putAll( buildProperties( shortHand, errors ) );
				else if ( cssName
						.equalsIgnoreCase( CssPropertyConstants.ATTR_BORDER_STYLE ) )
					PropertyParser parser = new PropertyParser( cssValue );

					parser.parseBorderStyle( );
					LinkedHashMap shortHand = parser
							.getCssProperties( );
					shortHand = trimProperties( shortHand );
					properties.putAll( buildProperties( shortHand, errors ) );
				else if ( cssName
						.equalsIgnoreCase( CssPropertyConstants.ATTR_FONT ) )
					PropertyParser parser = new PropertyParser( cssValue );

					parser.parseFont( );
					LinkedHashMap shortHand = parser
							.getCssProperties( );
					shortHand = trimProperties( shortHand );
					properties.putAll( buildProperties( shortHand, errors ) );
				else if ( cssName
						.equalsIgnoreCase( CssPropertyConstants.ATTR_BACKGROUND ) )
					PropertyParser parser = new PropertyParser( cssValue );

					parser.parseBackground( );
					LinkedHashMap shortHand = parser
							.getCssProperties( );
					shortHand = trimProperties( shortHand );
					properties.putAll( buildProperties( shortHand, errors ) );
				else if ( cssName
						.equalsIgnoreCase( CssPropertyConstants.ATTR_MARGIN ) )
					PropertyParser parser = new PropertyParser( cssValue );

					parser.parseMargin( );
					LinkedHashMap shortHand = parser
							.getCssProperties( );
					shortHand = trimProperties( shortHand );
					properties.putAll( buildProperties( shortHand, errors ) );
				else if ( cssName
						.equalsIgnoreCase( CssPropertyConstants.ATTR_PADDING ) )
					PropertyParser parser = new PropertyParser( cssValue );

					parser.parsePadding( );
					LinkedHashMap shortHand = parser
							.getCssProperties( );
					shortHand = trimProperties( shortHand );
					properties.putAll( buildProperties( shortHand, errors ) );
					String name = CssPropertyUtil.getPropertyName( cssName );
					if ( name == null )
						StyleSheetParserException exception = new StyleSheetParserException(
								cssName, cssValue );
						semanticWarning( exception );
						errors.add( exception );
					ElementPropertyDefn propDefn = (ElementPropertyDefn) style
							.getProperty( name );
					assert propDefn != null;

						String wrongValue = cssValue;
						if ( name
								.equalsIgnoreCase( IStyleModel.BACKGROUND_IMAGE_PROP ) )
							cssValue = CssPropertyUtil.getURLValue( cssValue );
						if ( cssValue
								.equalsIgnoreCase( CssPropertyUtil.WRONG_URL ) )
							StyleSheetParserException exception = new StyleSheetParserException(
									cssName, wrongValue );
							semanticWarning( exception );
							errors.add( exception );
						Object value = propDefn.validateXml( module, null,
								cssValue );
						properties.put( name, value );
					catch ( PropertyValueException e )
						StyleSheetParserException exception = new StyleSheetParserException(
								cssName, cssValue, e );
						semanticWarning( exception );
						errors.add( exception );
			catch ( ParseException e )
				StyleSheetParserException exception = new StyleSheetParserException(
						cssName, cssValue, e );
				semanticWarning( exception );
				errors.add( exception );
			catch ( CSSException e )
				StyleSheetParserException exception = new StyleSheetParserException(
						cssName, cssValue, e );
				semanticWarning( exception );
				errors.add( exception );
		return properties;

	 * Converts the background-position property in CSS2 to
	 * background-position-X and background-position-Y in BIRT and adds property
	 * values into the given hash map.
	 * @param cssValue
	 *            the value of the background-position
	 * @param properties
	 *            the hash map to store the result property values
	 * @return the error list during the parse

	private List handleBackgroundPosition(
			String cssValue, LinkedHashMap properties )
		assert cssValue != null;
		List errors = new ArrayList( );

		String[] values = cssValue.split( "[\\s]" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
		String positionX = null;
		String positionY = null;
		switch ( values.length )
			case 0 :


			case 1 :

				positionX = values[0].trim( );

			case 2 :

				positionX = values[0].trim( );
				positionY = values[1].trim( );

			default :

				StyleSheetParserException exception = new StyleSheetParserException(
						CssPropertyConstants.ATTR_BACKGROUND_POSITION, cssValue );
				semanticWarning( exception );
				errors.add( exception );
				.addAll( handleBackgroundValue(
						IStyleModel.BACKGROUND_POSITION_X_PROP, positionX,
						properties ) );

				.addAll( handleBackgroundValue(
						IStyleModel.BACKGROUND_POSITION_Y_PROP, positionY,
						properties ) );

		return errors;

	 * Converts the background-size property in CSS3 to background-size-width
	 * and background-size-height in BIRT and adds property values into the
	 * given hash map.
	 * @param cssValue
	 *            the value of the background-size
	 * @param properties
	 *            the hash map to store the result property values
	 * @return the error list during the parse
	private List handleBackgroundSize(
			String cssValue, LinkedHashMap properties )
		assert cssValue != null;
		List errors = new ArrayList( );

		String[] values = cssValue.split( "[\\s]" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
		String sizeWidth = null;
		String sizeHeight = null;
		switch ( values.length )
			case 0 :


			case 1 :

				sizeWidth = values[0].trim( );

			case 2 :

				sizeWidth = values[0].trim( );
				sizeHeight = values[1].trim( );

			default :

				StyleSheetParserException exception = new StyleSheetParserException(
						CssPropertyConstants.ATTR_BACKGROUND_SIZE, cssValue );
				semanticWarning( exception );
				errors.add( exception );
		errors.addAll( handleBackgroundValue(
				IStyleModel.BACKGROUND_SIZE_WIDTH, sizeWidth, properties ) );

		errors.addAll( handleBackgroundValue(
				IStyleModel.BACKGROUND_SIZE_HEIGHT, sizeHeight, properties ) );

		return errors;


	 * Validates and sets the css background value.
	 * @param cssName
	 *            the css name
	 * @param backgroundProp
	 *            the background property name
	 * @param backgroundValue
	 *            the background css value
	 * @param properties
	 *            the hash map to store the result property values
	 * @return the error list during the parse
	private List handleBackgroundValue(
			String cssName, String backgroundProp, String backgroundValue,
			LinkedHashMap properties )
		if ( !StringUtil.isBlank( backgroundValue ) )
			ElementPropertyDefn propDefn = (ElementPropertyDefn) style
					.getProperty( backgroundProp );

			assert propDefn != null;

				Object value = propDefn.validateXml( module, null,
						backgroundValue );
				properties.put( backgroundProp, value );
			catch ( PropertyValueException e )
				StyleSheetParserException exception = new StyleSheetParserException(
						cssName, backgroundValue, e );
				semanticWarning( exception );
				List errors = new ArrayList( );
				errors.add( exception );
				return errors;
		return Collections.emptyList( );

	private void handleTextDecoration( String cssValue,
			LinkedHashMap properties )
		assert cssValue != null;
		cssValue = cssValue.toLowerCase( );
		String[] values = cssValue.split( "[\\s]" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
		for ( int i = 0; i < values.length; i++ )
			String value = values[i].trim( );
			if ( value
					.equalsIgnoreCase( CssPropertyConstants.TEXT_DECORATION_LINE_THROUGH ) )
				properties.put( IStyleModel.TEXT_LINE_THROUGH_PROP,
						DesignChoiceConstants.TEXT_LINE_THROUGH_LINE_THROUGH );
			else if ( value
					.equalsIgnoreCase( CssPropertyConstants.TEXT_DECORATION_OVERLINE ) )
				properties.put( IStyleModel.TEXT_OVERLINE_PROP,
						DesignChoiceConstants.TEXT_OVERLINE_OVERLINE );
			else if ( value
					.equalsIgnoreCase( CssPropertyConstants.TEXT_DECORATION_UNDERLINE ) )
				properties.put( IStyleModel.TEXT_UNDERLINE_PROP,
						DesignChoiceConstants.TEXT_UNDERLINE_UNDERLINE );

	 * Adds all the valid property values to the style.
	 * @param style
	 *            the style to add property values
	 * @param properties
	 *            the values to add

	void addProperties( DesignElement style,
			LinkedHashMap properties )
		Iterator iter = properties.entrySet( ).iterator( );
		while ( iter.hasNext( ) )
			Entry entry = (Entry) );
			String name = (String) entry.getKey( );
			Object value = entry.getValue( );
			style.setProperty( name, value );

	 * Trims the property values and filters all the empty values.
	 * @param properties
	 *            the properties to trim
	 * @return the trimmed property values

	LinkedHashMap trimProperties(
			LinkedHashMap properties )
		assert properties != null;
		LinkedHashMap ret = new LinkedHashMap( );
		Iterator> iter = properties.entrySet( )
				.iterator( );
		while ( iter.hasNext( ) )
			Entry entry = );
			String key = entry.getKey( );
			String value = entry.getValue( );
			if ( !StringUtil.isBlank( value ) )
				ret.put( key, value );
		return ret;

	 * Records a style sheet parser exception into the warning list.
	 * @param e
	 *            the exception to record

	void semanticWarning( StyleSheetParserException e )
		warnings.add( e );
		logger.log( Level.WARNING, e.getLocalizedMessage( ) );

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