org.eclipse.collections.api.collection.MutableCollection Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) 2018 Goldman Sachs and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 which accompany this distribution.
* The Eclipse Public License is available at
* and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at
package org.eclipse.collections.api.collection;
import java.util.Collection;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.RichIterable;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.bag.MutableBag;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.block.function.Function;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.block.function.Function0;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.block.function.Function2;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.block.function.Function3;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.block.function.primitive.BooleanFunction;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.block.function.primitive.ByteFunction;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.block.function.primitive.CharFunction;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.block.function.primitive.DoubleFunction;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.block.function.primitive.FloatFunction;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.block.function.primitive.IntFunction;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.block.function.primitive.LongFunction;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.block.function.primitive.ShortFunction;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.block.predicate.Predicate;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.block.predicate.Predicate2;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.block.procedure.Procedure;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.block.procedure.Procedure2;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.collection.primitive.MutableBooleanCollection;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.collection.primitive.MutableByteCollection;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.collection.primitive.MutableCharCollection;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.collection.primitive.MutableDoubleCollection;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.collection.primitive.MutableFloatCollection;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.collection.primitive.MutableIntCollection;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.collection.primitive.MutableLongCollection;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.collection.primitive.MutableShortCollection;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.list.MutableList;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.multimap.MutableMultimap;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.ordered.OrderedIterable;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.partition.PartitionMutableCollection;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.tuple.Pair;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.tuple.Twin;
* MutableCollection is an interface which extends the base java.util.Collection interface and adds several internal
* iterator methods, from the Smalltalk Collection protocol. These include variations of forEach, select, reject,
* detect, collect, injectInto, anySatisfy, allSatisfy. These include count, remove, partition, collectIf. The API also
* includes converter methods to convert a MutableCollection to a List (toList), to a sorted List (toSortedList), to a
* Set (toSet), and to a Map (toMap).
* There are several extensions to MutableCollection, including MutableList, MutableSet, and MutableBag.
public interface MutableCollection
extends Collection, RichIterable
* This method allows mutable and fixed size collections the ability to add elements to their existing elements.
* In order to support fixed size a new instance of a collection would have to be returned taking the elements of
* the original collection and appending the new element to form the new collection. In the case of mutable
* collections, the original collection is modified, and is returned. In order to use this method properly with
* mutable and fixed size collections the following approach must be taken:
* MutableCollection<String> list = list.with("1");
* list = list.with("2");
* return list;
* In the case of {@link FixedSizeCollection} a new instance of MutableCollection will be returned by with, and any
* variables that previously referenced the original collection will need to be redirected to reference the
* new instance. For other MutableCollection types you will replace the reference to collection with the same
* collection, since the instance will return "this" after calling add on itself.
* @see #add(Object)
MutableCollection with(T element);
* This method allows mutable and fixed size collections the ability to remove elements from their existing elements.
* In order to support fixed size a new instance of a collection would have to be returned containing the elements
* that would be left from the original collection after calling remove. In the case of mutable collections, the
* original collection is modified, and is returned. In order to use this method properly with mutable and fixed
* size collections the following approach must be taken:
* MutableCollection<String> list = list.without("1");
* list = list.without("2");
* return list;
* In the case of {@link FixedSizeCollection} a new instance of MutableCollection will be returned by without, and
* any variables that previously referenced the original collection will need to be redirected to reference the
* new instance. For other MutableCollection types you will replace the reference to collection with the same
* collection, since the instance will return "this" after calling remove on itself.
* @see #remove(Object)
MutableCollection without(T element);
* This method allows mutable and fixed size collections the ability to add multiple elements to their existing
* elements. In order to support fixed size a new instance of a collection would have to be returned taking the
* elements of the original collection and appending the new elements to form the new collection. In the case of
* mutable collections, the original collection is modified, and is returned. In order to use this method properly
* with mutable and fixed size collections the following approach must be taken:
* MutableCollection<String> list = list.withAll(FastList.newListWith("1", "2"));
* In the case of {@link FixedSizeCollection} a new instance of MutableCollection will be returned by withAll, and
* any variables that previously referenced the original collection will need to be redirected to reference the
* new instance. For other MutableCollection types you will replace the reference to collection with the same
* collection, since the instance will return "this" after calling addAll on itself.
* @see #addAll(Collection)
MutableCollection withAll(Iterable extends T> elements);
* This method allows mutable and fixed size collections the ability to remove multiple elements from their existing
* elements. In order to support fixed size a new instance of a collection would have to be returned containing the
* elements that would be left from the original collection after calling removeAll. In the case of mutable
* collections, the original collection is modified, and is returned. In order to use this method properly with
* mutable and fixed size collections the following approach must be taken:
* MutableCollection<String> list = list.withoutAll(FastList.newListWith("1", "2"));
* In the case of {@link FixedSizeCollection} a new instance of MutableCollection will be returned by withoutAll,
* and any variables that previously referenced the original collection will need to be redirected to reference the
* new instance. For other MutableCollection types you will replace the reference to collection with the same
* collection, since the instance will return "this" after calling removeAll on itself.
* @see #removeAll(Collection)
MutableCollection withoutAll(Iterable extends T> elements);
* Creates a new empty mutable version of the same collection type. For example, if this instance is a FastList,
* this method will return a new empty FastList. If the class of this instance is immutable or fixed size (i.e.
* SingletonList) then a mutable alternative to the class will be provided.
MutableCollection newEmpty();
MutableCollection tap(Procedure super T> procedure);
* Returns a MutableCollection with all elements that evaluate to true for the specified predicate.
* MutableCollection<Integer> livesInLondon =
* -> person.getAddress().getCity().equals("London"));
MutableCollection select(Predicate super T> predicate);
* Returns a MutableCollection with all elements that evaluate to true for the specified predicate2 and parameter.
* MutableCollection<Integer> fives =
* integers.selectWith(Predicates2.equal(), Integer.valueOf(5));
MutableCollection selectWith(Predicate2 super T, ? super P> predicate, P parameter);
* Returns a MutableCollection with all elements that evaluate to false for the specified predicate.
* MutableCollection<Person> notSmiths =
* people.reject(person -> person.person.getLastName().equals("Smith"));
* Using the {@code Predicates} factory:
* MutableCollection<Person> notSmiths = people.reject(Predicates.attributeEqual("lastName", "Smith"));
MutableCollection reject(Predicate super T> predicate);
* Returns a MutableCollection with all elements that evaluate to false for the specified predicate2 and parameter.
* MutableCollection<Integer> selected =
* integers.rejectWith(Predicates2.equal(), Integer.valueOf(5));
MutableCollection rejectWith(Predicate2 super T, ? super P> predicate, P parameter);
* Filters a collection into two separate collections based on a predicate returned via a Pair.
* return lastNames.selectAndRejectWith(Predicates2.lessThan(), "Mason");
* @deprecated since 6.0 use {@link RichIterable#partitionWith(Predicate2, Object)} instead.
Twin> selectAndRejectWith(Predicate2 super T, ? super P> predicate, P parameter);
* {@inheritDoc}
* Co-variant example for MutableCollection:
* PartitionMutableCollection<Person> newYorkersAndNonNewYorkers =
* people.partition(person -> person.getAddress().getState().getName().equals("New York"));
PartitionMutableCollection partition(Predicate super T> predicate);
* {@inheritDoc}
* Co-variant example for MutableCollection:
* PartitionMutableCollection<Person> newYorkersAndNonNewYorkers =
* people.partitionWith((Person person, String state) -> person.getAddress().getState().getName().equals(state), "New York");
PartitionMutableCollection partitionWith(Predicate2 super T, ? super P> predicate, P parameter);
* {@inheritDoc}
* Co-variant example for MutableCollection:
* MutableCollection<Integer> integers =
* List.mutable.with(new Integer(0), new Long(0L), new Double(0.0)).selectInstancesOf(Integer.class);
* @since 2.0
MutableCollection selectInstancesOf(Class clazz);
* Removes all elements in the collection that evaluate to true for the specified predicate.
* return lastNames.removeIf(Predicates.isNull());
boolean removeIf(Predicate super T> predicate);
* Removes all elements in the collection that evaluate to true for the specified predicate2 and parameter.
* return lastNames.removeIfWith(Predicates2.isNull(), null);
boolean removeIfWith(Predicate2 super T, ? super P> predicate, P parameter);
* Returns a new MutableCollection with the results of applying the specified function to each element of the source
* collection.
* MutableCollection<String> names =
* people.collect(person -> person.getFirstName() + " " + person.getLastName());
MutableCollection collect(Function super T, ? extends V> function);
* {@inheritDoc}
* Co-variant example for MutableCollection:
* MutableBooleanCollection licenses =
* people.collectBoolean(person -> person.hasDrivingLicense());
MutableBooleanCollection collectBoolean(BooleanFunction super T> booleanFunction);
* {@inheritDoc}
* Co-variant example for MutableCollection:
* MutableByteCollection bytes =
* people.collectByte(person -> person.getCode());
MutableByteCollection collectByte(ByteFunction super T> byteFunction);
* {@inheritDoc}
* Co-variant example for MutableCollection:
* MutableCharCollection chars =
* people.collectChar(person -> person.getMiddleInitial());
MutableCharCollection collectChar(CharFunction super T> charFunction);
* {@inheritDoc}
* Co-variant example for MutableCollection:
* MutableDoubleCollection doubles =
* people.collectDouble(person -> person.getMilesFromNorthPole());
MutableDoubleCollection collectDouble(DoubleFunction super T> doubleFunction);
* {@inheritDoc}
* Co-variant example for MutableCollection:
* MutableFloatCollection floats =
* people.collectFloat(person -> person.getHeightInInches());
MutableFloatCollection collectFloat(FloatFunction super T> floatFunction);
* {@inheritDoc}
* Co-variant example for MutableCollection:
* MutableIntCollection ints =
* people.collectInt(person -> person.getAge());
MutableIntCollection collectInt(IntFunction super T> intFunction);
* {@inheritDoc}
* Co-variant example for MutableCollection:
* MutableLongCollection longs =
* people.collectLong(person -> person.getGuid());
MutableLongCollection collectLong(LongFunction super T> longFunction);
* {@inheritDoc}
* Co-variant example for MutableCollection:
* MutableShortCollection shorts =
* people.collectShort(person -> person.getNumberOfJunkMailItemsReceivedPerMonth());
MutableShortCollection collectShort(ShortFunction super T> shortFunction);
* {@inheritDoc}
* Co-variant example for MutableCollection:
* MutableCollection<Integer> integers =
* Lists.mutable.with(1, 2, 3).collectWith((each, parameter) -> each + parameter, Integer.valueOf(1));
MutableCollection collectWith(Function2 super T, ? super P, ? extends V> function, P parameter);
* Returns a new MutableCollection with the results of applying the specified function to each element of the source
* collection, but only for elements that evaluate to true for the specified predicate.
* MutableCollection<String> collected =
* Lists.mutable.of().with(1, 2, 3).collectIf(Predicates.notNull(), Functions.getToString())
MutableCollection collectIf(Predicate super T> predicate, Function super T, ? extends V> function);
* {@inheritDoc}
* Co-variant example for MutableCollection:
* Function<Person, List<Address>> addressFunction = Person::getAddresses;
* MutableCollection<Person> people = ...;
* MutableCollection<List<Address>> addresses = people.collect(addressFunction);
* MutableCollection<Address> addresses = people.flatCollect(addressFunction);
* @param function The {@link Function} to apply
* @return a new flattened collection produced by applying the given {@code function}
* @since 1.0
MutableCollection flatCollect(Function super T, ? extends Iterable> function);
* @since 9.2
default MutableCollection flatCollectWith(Function2 super T, ? super P, ? extends Iterable> function, P parameter)
return this.flatCollect(each -> function.apply(each, parameter));
IV injectIntoWith(
IV injectValue,
Function3 super IV, ? super T, ? super P, ? extends IV> function,
P parameter);
* Returns an unmodifiable view of this collection. This is the equivalent of using
* {@code Collections.unmodifiableCollection(this)} with a return type that supports the full
* iteration protocols available on {@code MutableCollection}. Methods which would
* mutate the underlying collection will throw UnsupportedOperationExceptions.
* @return an unmodifiable view of this collection.
* @see java.util.Collections#unmodifiableCollection(Collection)
* @since 1.0
MutableCollection asUnmodifiable();
* Returns a synchronized wrapper backed by this collection. This is the equivalent of using
* {@code Collections.synchronizedCollection(this)} only with a return type that supports the full
* iteration protocols available on {@code MutableCollection}.
* The preferred way of iterating over a synchronized collection is to use the internal iteration
* methods which are properly synchronized internally.
* MutableCollection synchedCollection = collection.asSynchronized();
* ...
* synchedCollection.forEach(each -> ... );
* -> ... );
* synchedCollection.collect(each -> ... );
* If you want to iterate using an imperative style, you must protect external iterators using
* a synchronized block. This includes explicit iterators as well as JDK 5 style for loops.
* @return a synchronized view of this collection.
* @see java.util.Collections#synchronizedCollection(Collection)
* @since 1.0
MutableCollection asSynchronized();
* Converts this {@code MutableCollection} to an {@code ImmutableCollection}.
* @since 1.0
ImmutableCollection toImmutable();
MutableObjectLongMap sumByInt(Function super T, ? extends V> groupBy, IntFunction super T> function);
MutableObjectDoubleMap sumByFloat(Function super T, ? extends V> groupBy, FloatFunction super T> function);
MutableObjectLongMap sumByLong(Function super T, ? extends V> groupBy, LongFunction super T> function);
MutableObjectDoubleMap sumByDouble(Function super T, ? extends V> groupBy, DoubleFunction super T> function);
* @since 9.0
default MutableBag countBy(Function super T, ? extends V> function)
return this.asLazy().collect(function).toBag();
* @since 9.0
default MutableBag countByWith(Function2 super T, ? super P, ? extends V> function, P parameter)
return this.asLazy().collectWith(function, parameter).toBag();
* @since 10.0.0
default MutableBag countByEach(Function super T, ? extends Iterable> function)
return this.asLazy().flatCollect(function).toBag();
* {@inheritDoc}
* Co-variant example for MutableCollection:
* MutableMultimap<String, Person> peopleByLastName =
* people.groupBy(Person::getLastName);
MutableMultimap groupBy(Function super T, ? extends V> function);
MutableMultimap groupByEach(Function super T, ? extends Iterable> function);
MutableMap groupByUniqueKey(Function super T, ? extends V> function);
* @deprecated in 6.0. Use {@link OrderedIterable#zip(Iterable)} instead.
MutableCollection> zip(Iterable that);
* @deprecated in 6.0. Use {@link OrderedIterable#zipWithIndex()} instead.
MutableCollection> zipWithIndex();
* @see #addAll(Collection)
* @since 1.0
boolean addAllIterable(Iterable extends T> iterable);
* @see #removeAll(Collection)
* @since 1.0
boolean removeAllIterable(Iterable> iterable);
* @see #retainAll(Collection)
* @since 1.0
boolean retainAllIterable(Iterable> iterable);
MutableMap aggregateInPlaceBy(
Function super T, ? extends K> groupBy,
Function0 extends V> zeroValueFactory,
Procedure2 super V, ? super T> mutatingAggregator);
MutableMap aggregateBy(
Function super T, ? extends K> groupBy,
Function0 extends V> zeroValueFactory,
Function2 super V, ? super T, ? extends V> nonMutatingAggregator);