Maven / Gradle / Ivy
import org.jsoup.helper.Validate;
import org.jsoup.nodes.Element;
import org.jsoup.nodes.Node;
import java.util.*;
A list of {@link Element Elements}, with methods that act on every element in the list.
To get an Elements object, use the {@link Element#select(String)} method.
@author Jonathan Hedley, [email protected] */
public class Elements implements List, Cloneable {
private List contents;
public Elements() {
contents = new ArrayList();
public Elements(int initialCapacity) {
contents = new ArrayList(initialCapacity);
public Elements(Collection elements) {
contents = new ArrayList(elements);
public Elements(List elements) {
contents = elements;
public Elements(Element... elements) {
* Creates a deep copy of these elements.
* @return a deep copy
public Elements clone() {
List elements = new ArrayList();
for(Element e : contents)
return new Elements(elements);
// attribute methods
Get an attribute value from the first matched element that has the attribute.
@param attributeKey The attribute key.
@return The attribute value from the first matched element that has the attribute.. If no elements were matched (isEmpty() == true),
or if the no elements have the attribute, returns empty string.
@see #hasAttr(String)
public String attr(String attributeKey) {
for (Element element : contents) {
if (element.hasAttr(attributeKey))
return element.attr(attributeKey);
return "";
Checks if any of the matched elements have this attribute set.
@param attributeKey attribute key
@return true if any of the elements have the attribute; false if none do.
public boolean hasAttr(String attributeKey) {
for (Element element : contents) {
if (element.hasAttr(attributeKey))
return true;
return false;
* Set an attribute on all matched elements.
* @param attributeKey attribute key
* @param attributeValue attribute value
* @return this
public Elements attr(String attributeKey, String attributeValue) {
for (Element element : contents) {
element.attr(attributeKey, attributeValue);
return this;
* Remove an attribute from every matched element.
* @param attributeKey The attribute to remove.
* @return this (for chaining)
public Elements removeAttr(String attributeKey) {
for (Element element : contents) {
return this;
Add the class name to every matched element's {@code class} attribute.
@param className class name to add
@return this
public Elements addClass(String className) {
for (Element element : contents) {
return this;
Remove the class name from every matched element's {@code class} attribute, if present.
@param className class name to remove
@return this
public Elements removeClass(String className) {
for (Element element : contents) {
return this;
Toggle the class name on every matched element's {@code class} attribute.
@param className class name to add if missing, or remove if present, from every element.
@return this
public Elements toggleClass(String className) {
for (Element element : contents) {
return this;
Determine if any of the matched elements have this class name set in their {@code class} attribute.
@param className class name to check for
@return true if any do, false if none do
public boolean hasClass(String className) {
for (Element element : contents) {
if (element.hasClass(className))
return true;
return false;
* Get the form element's value of the first matched element.
* @return The form element's value, or empty if not set.
* @see Element#val()
public String val() {
if (size() > 0)
return first().val();
return "";
* Set the form element's value in each of the matched elements.
* @param value The value to set into each matched element
* @return this (for chaining)
public Elements val(String value) {
for (Element element : contents)
return this;
* Get the combined text of all the matched elements.
* Note that it is possible to get repeats if the matched elements contain both parent elements and their own
* children, as the Element.text() method returns the combined text of a parent and all its children.
* @return string of all text: unescaped and no HTML.
* @see Element#text()
public String text() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (Element element : contents) {
if (sb.length() != 0)
sb.append(" ");
return sb.toString();
public boolean hasText() {
for (Element element: contents) {
if (element.hasText())
return true;
return false;
* Get the combined inner HTML of all matched elements.
* @return string of all element's inner HTML.
* @see #text()
* @see #outerHtml()
public String html() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (Element element : contents) {
if (sb.length() != 0)
return sb.toString();
* Get the combined outer HTML of all matched elements.
* @return string of all element's outer HTML.
* @see #text()
* @see #html()
public String outerHtml() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (Element element : contents) {
if (sb.length() != 0)
return sb.toString();
* Get the combined outer HTML of all matched elements. Alias of {@link #outerHtml()}.
* @return string of all element's outer HTML.
* @see #text()
* @see #html()
public String toString() {
return outerHtml();
* Update the tag name of each matched element. For example, to change each {@code } to a {@code }, do
* {@code"i").tagName("em");}
* @param tagName the new tag name
* @return this, for chaining
* @see Element#tagName(String)
public Elements tagName(String tagName) {
for (Element element : contents) {
return this;
* Set the inner HTML of each matched element.
* @param html HTML to parse and set into each matched element.
* @return this, for chaining
* @see Element#html(String)
public Elements html(String html) {
for (Element element : contents) {
return this;
* Add the supplied HTML to the start of each matched element's inner HTML.
* @param html HTML to add inside each element, before the existing HTML
* @return this, for chaining
* @see Element#prepend(String)
public Elements prepend(String html) {
for (Element element : contents) {
return this;
* Add the supplied HTML to the end of each matched element's inner HTML.
* @param html HTML to add inside each element, after the existing HTML
* @return this, for chaining
* @see Element#append(String)
public Elements append(String html) {
for (Element element : contents) {
return this;
* Insert the supplied HTML before each matched element's outer HTML.
* @param html HTML to insert before each element
* @return this, for chaining
* @see Element#before(String)
public Elements before(String html) {
for (Element element : contents) {
return this;
* Insert the supplied HTML after each matched element's outer HTML.
* @param html HTML to insert after each element
* @return this, for chaining
* @see Element#after(String)
public Elements after(String html) {
for (Element element : contents) {
return this;
Wrap the supplied HTML around each matched elements. For example, with HTML
{@code This is Jsoup
becomes {@code This is jsoup
@param html HTML to wrap around each element, e.g. {@code }. Can be arbitrarily deep.
@return this (for chaining)
@see Element#wrap
public Elements wrap(String html) {
for (Element element : contents) {
return this;
* Removes the matched elements from the DOM, and moves their children up into their parents. This has the effect of
* dropping the elements but keeping their children.
* This is useful for e.g removing unwanted formatting elements but keeping their contents.
* E.g. with HTML: {@code One Two}
* {@code"font").unwrap();}
* HTML = {@code One Two}
* @return this (for chaining)
* @see Node#unwrap
public Elements unwrap() {
for (Element element : contents) {
return this;
* Empty (remove all child nodes from) each matched element. This is similar to setting the inner HTML of each
* element to nothing.
* E.g. HTML: {@code
Hello there
* HTML = {@code }
* @return this, for chaining
* @see Element#empty()
* @see #remove()
public Elements empty() {
for (Element element : contents) {
return this;
* Remove each matched element from the DOM. This is similar to setting the outer HTML of each element to nothing.
* E.g. HTML: {@code
* HTML = {@code }
* Note that this method should not be used to clean user-submitted HTML; rather, use {@link} to clean HTML.
* @return this, for chaining
* @see Element#empty()
* @see #empty()
public Elements remove() {
for (Element element : contents) {
return this;
// filters
* Find matching elements within this element list.
* @param query A {@link Selector} query
* @return the filtered list of elements, or an empty list if none match.
public Elements select(String query) {
return, this);
* Remove elements from this list that match the {@link Selector} query.
* E.g. HTML: {@code
One Two}
* Elements divs ="div").not("#logo");
* Result: {@code divs: [Two]}
* @param query the selector query whose results should be removed from these elements
* @return a new elements list that contains only the filtered results
public Elements not(String query) {
Elements out =, this);
return Selector.filterOut(this, out);
* Get the nth matched element as an Elements object.
* See also {@link #get(int)} to retrieve an Element.
* @param index the (zero-based) index of the element in the list to retain
* @return Elements containing only the specified element, or, if that element did not exist, an empty list.
public Elements eq(int index) {
return contents.size() > index ? new Elements(get(index)) : new Elements();
* Test if any of the matched elements match the supplied query.
* @param query A selector
* @return true if at least one element in the list matches the query.
public boolean is(String query) {
Elements children = select(query);
return !children.isEmpty();
* Get all of the parents and ancestor elements of the matched elements.
* @return all of the parents and ancestor elements of the matched elements
public Elements parents() {
HashSet combo = new LinkedHashSet();
for (Element e: contents) {
return new Elements(combo);
// list-like methods
Get the first matched element.
@return The first matched element, or null
if contents is empty.
public Element first() {
return contents.isEmpty() ? null : contents.get(0);
Get the last matched element.
@return The last matched element, or null
if contents is empty.
public Element last() {
return contents.isEmpty() ? null : contents.get(contents.size() - 1);
* Perform a depth-first traversal on each of the selected elements.
* @param nodeVisitor the visitor callbacks to perform on each node
* @return this, for chaining
public Elements traverse(NodeVisitor nodeVisitor) {
NodeTraversor traversor = new NodeTraversor(nodeVisitor);
for (Element el: contents) {
return this;
// implements List delegates:
public int size() {return contents.size();}
public boolean isEmpty() {return contents.isEmpty();}
public boolean contains(Object o) {return contents.contains(o);}
public Iterator iterator() {return contents.iterator();}
public Object[] toArray() {return contents.toArray();}
public T[] toArray(T[] a) {return contents.toArray(a);}
public boolean add(Element element) {return contents.add(element);}
public boolean remove(Object o) {return contents.remove(o);}
public boolean containsAll(Collection> c) {return contents.containsAll(c);}
public boolean addAll(Collection extends Element> c) {return contents.addAll(c);}
public boolean addAll(int index, Collection extends Element> c) {return contents.addAll(index, c);}
public boolean removeAll(Collection> c) {return contents.removeAll(c);}
public boolean retainAll(Collection> c) {return contents.retainAll(c);}
public void clear() {contents.clear();}
public boolean equals(Object o) {return contents.equals(o);}
public int hashCode() {return contents.hashCode();}
public Element get(int index) {return contents.get(index);}
public Element set(int index, Element element) {return contents.set(index, element);}
public void add(int index, Element element) {contents.add(index, element);}
public Element remove(int index) {return contents.remove(index);}
public int indexOf(Object o) {return contents.indexOf(o);}
public int lastIndexOf(Object o) {return contents.lastIndexOf(o);}
public ListIterator listIterator() {return contents.listIterator();}
public ListIterator listIterator(int index) {return contents.listIterator(index);}
public List subList(int fromIndex, int toIndex) {return contents.subList(fromIndex, toIndex);}