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org.eclipse.ditto.connectivity.service.messaging.amqp.JMSConnectionHandlingActor Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 * Copyright (c) 2017 Contributors to the Eclipse Foundation
 * See the NOTICE file(s) distributed with this work for additional
 * information regarding copyright ownership.
 * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
 * terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
package org.eclipse.ditto.connectivity.service.messaging.amqp;

import static org.eclipse.ditto.base.model.common.ConditionChecker.checkNotNull;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Optional;

import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import javax.jms.Destination;
import javax.jms.ExceptionListener;
import javax.jms.JMSException;
import javax.jms.JMSSecurityException;
import javax.jms.MessageConsumer;
import javax.jms.Session;
import javax.naming.NamingException;

import org.apache.qpid.jms.JmsConnection;
import org.apache.qpid.jms.JmsQueue;
import org.eclipse.ditto.connectivity.model.Connection;
import org.eclipse.ditto.connectivity.model.Source;
import org.eclipse.ditto.connectivity.model.signals.commands.exceptions.ConnectionFailedException;
import org.eclipse.ditto.connectivity.model.signals.commands.exceptions.ConnectionUnauthorizedException;
import org.eclipse.ditto.connectivity.service.messaging.internal.ClientDisconnected;
import org.eclipse.ditto.connectivity.service.messaging.internal.ConnectionFailure;
import org.eclipse.ditto.connectivity.service.messaging.monitoring.logs.ConnectionLogger;
import org.eclipse.ditto.internal.utils.akka.logging.DittoLoggerFactory;

import akka.dispatch.MessageDispatcher;
import akka.event.DiagnosticLoggingAdapter;

 * This actor executes operations (connect/disconnect) on JMS Connection/Session. It is separated into an actor
 * because the JMS Client is blocking which makes it impossible to e.g. cancel a pending connection attempts with
 * another actor message when done in the same actor.

* WARNING: This actor blocks! Start with its own dispatcher! *

*/ public final class JMSConnectionHandlingActor extends AbstractActor { /** * Magic number to activate individual message acknowledgement. Qpid JMS client provides no public constant for * this value but permits its use for session creation. *

* Reference: * individual acknowledgement is performed when envelope is set * envelope is set when session has ack mode 101 * ack mode is passed verbatim to JmsSession constructor after validation * call to JmsSession.validateSessionMode, which accepts 101 as valid */ private static final int JMS_INDIVIDUAL_ACKNOWLEDGE_MODE_MAGIC_NUMBER = 101; /** * The Actor name prefix. */ static final String ACTOR_NAME_PREFIX = "jmsConnectionHandling-"; /** * Config key of the dispatcher for this actor. */ private static final String DISPATCHER_NAME = "jms-connection-handling-dispatcher"; private final DiagnosticLoggingAdapter log = DittoLoggerFactory.getDiagnosticLoggingAdapter(this); private final Connection connection; private final ExceptionListener exceptionListener; private final JmsConnectionFactory jmsConnectionFactory; private final ConnectionLogger connectionLogger; @Nullable private Session currentSession = null; @SuppressWarnings("unused") private JMSConnectionHandlingActor(final Connection connection, final ExceptionListener exceptionListener, final JmsConnectionFactory jmsConnectionFactory, final ConnectionLogger connectionLogger) { this.connection = checkNotNull(connection, "connection"); this.exceptionListener = exceptionListener; this.jmsConnectionFactory = jmsConnectionFactory; this.connectionLogger = connectionLogger; } /** * Creates Akka configuration object {@link Props} for this {@code JMSConnectionHandlingActor}. * * @param connection the connection * @param exceptionListener the exception listener * @param jmsConnectionFactory the jms connection factory * @param connectionLogger used to log failures during certificate validation. * @return the Akka configuration Props object. */ static Props props(final Connection connection, final ExceptionListener exceptionListener, final JmsConnectionFactory jmsConnectionFactory, final ConnectionLogger connectionLogger) { return Props.create(JMSConnectionHandlingActor.class, connection, exceptionListener, jmsConnectionFactory, connectionLogger); } static Props propsWithOwnDispatcher(final Connection connection, final ExceptionListener exceptionListener, final JmsConnectionFactory jmsConnectionFactory, final ConnectionLogger connectionLogger) { return props(connection, exceptionListener, jmsConnectionFactory, connectionLogger) .withDispatcher(DISPATCHER_NAME); } /** * Get dispatcher of this actor, which should be good for blocking operations. * * @param actorSystem actor system where this actor is configured. * @return the dispatcher. */ static MessageDispatcher getOwnDispatcher(final ActorSystem actorSystem) { return actorSystem.dispatchers().lookup(DISPATCHER_NAME); } @Override public Receive createReceive() { return receiveBuilder() .match(AmqpClientActor.JmsConnect.class, this::handleConnect) .match(AmqpClientActor.JmsRecoverSession.class, this::handleRecoverSession) .match(AmqpClientActor.JmsCloseSession.class, this::handleCloseSession) .match(AmqpClientActor.JmsDisconnect.class, this::handleDisconnect) .match(AmqpConsumerActor.CreateMessageConsumer.class, this::createMessageConsumer) .build(); } private void createMessageConsumer(final AmqpConsumerActor.CreateMessageConsumer command) { final Throwable error; if (currentSession != null) { // create required consumer final ConsumerData consumerData = command.getConsumerData(); final ConsumerData newConsumerData = createJmsConsumer(currentSession, new HashMap<>(), consumerData.getSource(), consumerData.getAddress(), consumerData.getAddressWithIndex()); if (newConsumerData != null) { final Object response = command.toResponse(newConsumerData.getMessageConsumer()); getSender().tell(response, getSelf()); error = null; } else { error = new IllegalStateException("Failed to create message consumer"); } } else { error = new IllegalStateException("No session"); } if (error != null) { getSender().tell(new Status.Failure(error), getSelf()); } } private void handleCloseSession(final AmqpClientActor.JmsCloseSession closeSession) { log.debug("Processing JmsCloseSession message."); final Session session = closeSession.getSession(); try { safelyExecuteJmsOperation(null, "close session", () -> { session.close(); return null; }); if (Objects.equals(session, currentSession)) { currentSession = null; } } catch (final Exception e) { log.debug("Closing session failed: {}", e.getMessage()); } } private void handleRecoverSession(final AmqpClientActor.JmsRecoverSession recoverSession) { log.debug("Processing JmsRecoverSession message."); final ActorRef sender = getSender(); final ActorRef origin = recoverSession.getOrigin().orElse(null); final ActorRef self = getSelf(); // try to close an existing session first recoverSession.getSession().ifPresent(session -> { try { session.close(); } catch (final JMSException e) { log.debug("Failed to close previous session, ignore."); } }); final Optional connectionOptional = recoverSession.getConnection(); if (connectionOptional.isPresent()) { final JmsConnection jmsConnection = (JmsConnection) connectionOptional.get(); try { log.debug("Creating new JMS session."); final Session session = createSession(jmsConnection); log.debug("Creating consumers for new session <{}>.", session); final List consumers = createConsumers(session); final AmqpClientActor.JmsSessionRecovered r = new AmqpClientActor.JmsSessionRecovered(origin, session, consumers); sender.tell(r, self); log.debug("Session of connection <{}> recovered successfully.", connection.getId()); } catch (final ConnectionFailedException e) { sender.tell(ConnectionFailure.of(origin, e, null), self); log.warning(e.getMessage()); } catch (final ConnectionUnauthorizedException e) { sender.tell(ConnectionFailure.userRelated(origin, e, null), self); log.warning(e.getMessage()); } catch (final Exception e) { sender.tell(ConnectionFailure.of(origin, e, null), self); log.error("Unexpected error: {}", e.getMessage()); } } else {"Recovering session failed, no connection available."); sender.tell(ConnectionFailure.of(origin, null, "Session recovery failed, no connection available."), self); } } private void handleConnect(final AmqpClientActor.JmsConnect connect) { maybeConnectAndTell(getSender(), connect.getOrigin().orElse(null), connect.getClientId()); } private void handleDisconnect(final AmqpClientActor.JmsDisconnect disconnect) { final Optional connectionOpt = disconnect.getConnection(); if (connectionOpt.isPresent()) { disconnectAndTell(connectionOpt.get(), disconnect.getOrigin().orElse(null), disconnect.isShutdownAfterDisconnect()); } else { final Object answer = ClientDisconnected.of(disconnect.getOrigin().orElse(null), disconnect.isShutdownAfterDisconnect()); getSender().tell(answer, getSelf()); } } /* * This method should be thread-safe. */ private void maybeConnectAndTell(final ActorRef sender, @Nullable final ActorRef origin, final String clientId) { final ActorRef self = getSelf(); // getSelf() is thread-safe try { final AmqpClientActor.JmsConnected connectedMessage = tryConnect(origin, clientId); sender.tell(connectedMessage, self); log.debug("Connection <{}> established successfully.", connection.getId()); } catch (final ConnectionFailedException e) { sender.tell(ConnectionFailure.of(origin, e, null), self); log.warning(e.getMessage()); } catch (final ConnectionUnauthorizedException e) { sender.tell(ConnectionFailure.userRelated(origin, e, null), self); log.warning(e.getMessage()); } catch (final Exception e) { sender.tell(ConnectionFailure.of(origin, e, null), self); log.error("Unexpected error: {}", e.getMessage()); } } private AmqpClientActor.JmsConnected tryConnect(@Nullable final ActorRef origin, final String clientId) { final JmsConnection jmsConnection = createJmsConnection(clientId); if (null != jmsConnection) { try { startConnection(jmsConnection); final Session session = createSession(jmsConnection); final List consumers = createConsumers(session); return new AmqpClientActor.JmsConnected(origin, jmsConnection, session, consumers); } catch (final ConnectionFailedException | ConnectionUnauthorizedException e) { // thrown by createConsumers terminateConnection(jmsConnection); throw e; } catch (final RuntimeException e) { log.error(e, "An unexpected exception occurred. Terminating JMS connection."); terminateConnection(jmsConnection); throw e; } } else { log.error("Created JMS connection for clientId <{}> was null, " + "not creating connection as a result!", clientId); throw ConnectionFailedException.newBuilder(connection.getId()).build(); } } private void startConnection(final JmsConnection jmsConnection) { safelyExecuteJmsOperation(jmsConnection, "connect JMS client", () -> { jmsConnection.start(); log.debug("Connection started successfully"); return null; }); } @Nullable private Session createSession(final JmsConnection jmsConnection) { final Session session = safelyExecuteJmsOperation(jmsConnection, "create session", () -> jmsConnection.createSession(JMS_INDIVIDUAL_ACKNOWLEDGE_MODE_MAGIC_NUMBER)); currentSession = session; return session; } @Nullable private T safelyExecuteJmsOperation(@Nullable final JmsConnection jmsConnection, final String task, final ThrowingSupplier jmsOperation) { try { return jmsOperation.get(); } catch (final JMSSecurityException e) { terminateConnection(jmsConnection); throw ConnectionUnauthorizedException.forConnectionId(connection.getId(), e.getMessage()); } catch (final JMSException | NamingException e) { terminateConnection(jmsConnection); throw ConnectionFailedException.newBuilder(connection.getId()) .message("Failed to " + task + ":" + e.getMessage()) .cause(e) .build(); } } /** * Uses the given session to create the specified count of message consumers for every sources addresses. * * @param session the session * @return the consumers * @throws org.eclipse.ditto.connectivity.model.signals.commands.exceptions.ConnectionFailedException if creation of one * or more consumers failed */ private List createConsumers(@Nullable final Session session) { if (null == session) { log.warning("Trying to create consumer for 'null' session, throwing ConnectionFailedException"); throw ConnectionFailedException.newBuilder(connection.getId()).build(); } final Map failedSources = new HashMap<>(); final List consumers = connection.getSources().stream().flatMap(source -> source.getAddresses().stream().flatMap(sourceAddress -> IntStream.range(0, source.getConsumerCount()) .mapToObj(i -> sourceAddress + "-" + i) .map(addressWithIndex -> createJmsConsumer(session, failedSources, source, sourceAddress, addressWithIndex)) .filter(Objects::nonNull) ) ).toList(); if (!failedSources.isEmpty()) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { final String errorDetails = failedSources.values().stream() .map(error -> error.toString() + " with cause: " + error.getCause()) .collect(Collectors.joining(",")); log.debug("Detected failures in consumer: {}", errorDetails); } throw buildConnectionFailedException(failedSources); } return consumers; } @Nullable private ConsumerData createJmsConsumer(final Session session, final Map failedSources, final Source source, final String sourceAddress, final String addressWithIndex) { log.debug("Creating AMQP Consumer for <{}>", addressWithIndex); try { final Destination destination = new JmsQueue(sourceAddress); final MessageConsumer messageConsumer = session.createConsumer(destination); return ConsumerData.of(source, sourceAddress, addressWithIndex, messageConsumer); } catch (final JMSException jmsException) { failedSources.put(addressWithIndex, jmsException); return null; } } /** * @return The JmsConnection */ @Nullable private JmsConnection createJmsConnection(final String clientId) { return safelyExecuteJmsOperation(null, "create JMS connection", () -> { final JmsConnection jmsConnection = jmsConnectionFactory.createConnection(connection, exceptionListener, connectionLogger, clientId); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Attempt to create connection {} for URI [{}]", connection.getId(), jmsConnection.getConfiguredURI()); } return jmsConnection; }); } private ConnectionFailedException buildConnectionFailedException(final Map failedSources) { return ConnectionFailedException .newBuilder(connection.getId()) .message("Failed to consume sources: " + failedSources.keySet()) .description(() -> failedSources.entrySet() .stream() .map(e -> e.getKey() + ": " + e.getValue().getMessage()) .collect(Collectors.joining(", "))) .cause(failedSources.values().stream().findAny().orElse(null)) .build(); } private void terminateConnection(@Nullable final javax.jms.Connection jmsConnection) { if (jmsConnection != null) { try { jmsConnection.stop(); } catch (final JMSException e) { log.debug("Stopping connection <{}> failed, probably it was already stopped: {}", connection.getId(), e.getMessage()); } try { jmsConnection.close(); } catch (final JMSException e) { log.debug("Closing connection <{}> failed, probably it was already closed: {}", connection.getId(), e.getMessage()); } } } private void disconnectAndTell(final javax.jms.Connection connection, @Nullable final ActorRef origin, final boolean shutdownAfterDisconnect) { log.debug("Closing JMS connection {}", this.connection.getId()); terminateConnection(connection);"Connection <{}> closed.", this.connection.getId()); getSender().tell(ClientDisconnected.of(origin, shutdownAfterDisconnect), getSelf()); } /** * Supplier that may throw a {@link JMSException} or {@link NamingException}. * * @param Type of supplied values. */ @FunctionalInterface public interface ThrowingSupplier { /** * Try to obtain a value. * * @return the value. * @throws JMSException if the supplier throws a {@link JMSException}. * @throws NamingException if the identifier of connection could not be found in the Context. */ @Nullable T get() throws JMSException, NamingException; } }

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