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org.eclipse.ditto.connectivity.service.config.FluencyLoggerPublisherConfig Maven / Gradle / Ivy

 * Copyright (c) 2021 Contributors to the Eclipse Foundation
 * See the NOTICE file(s) distributed with this work for additional
 * information regarding copyright ownership.
 * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
 * terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
package org.eclipse.ditto.connectivity.service.config;

import java.time.Duration;

import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import javax.annotation.concurrent.Immutable;

import org.eclipse.ditto.internal.utils.config.KnownConfigValue;
import org.komamitsu.fluency.Fluency;

 * Config for the fluency library used to forward logs to fluentd/fluentbit.
public interface FluencyLoggerPublisherConfig {

     * Builds a new Fluency instance based on all the configuration provided in this builder.
     * @return the built Fluency instance.
    Fluency buildFluencyLoggerPublisher();

     * Returns the duration of how long to wait after closing the Fluency buffer.
     * If this is Zero or a negative duration, no waiting for the buffer will be performed.
     * @return the duration of how long to wait after closing the Fluency buffer.
    Duration getWaitUntilAllBufferFlushedDurationOnClose();

     * An enumeration of the known config path expressions and their associated default values for
     * {@code FluencyLoggerPublisherConfig}.
    enum ConfigValue implements KnownConfigValue {

         * The fluentd/fluentbit endpoint hostname.
        HOST("host", "localhost"),

         * The fluentd/fluentbit endpoint port.
        PORT("port", 24224),

         * Whether SSL is enabled.
        SSL_ENABLED("sslEnabled", false),

         * The Socket connection timeout.
        CONNECTION_TIMEOUT("connectionTimeout", Duration.ofSeconds(5)),

         * The Socket read timeout.
        READ_TIMEOUT("readTimeout", Duration.ofSeconds(5)),

         * How often to check if a flush was requested from "outside", e.g. by closing the flusher.
        FLUSH_ATTEMPT_INTERVAL("flushAttemptInterval", Duration.ofMillis(600)),

         * When closing flusher, wait that long for flushing buffer until forcefully stopping flusher.
        WAIT_UNTIL_BUFFER_FLUSHED("waitUntilBufferFlushed", Duration.ofSeconds(60)),

         * When closing flusher, wait that long for resources until forcefully stopping.
        WAIT_UNTIL_FLUSHER_TERMINATED("waitUntilFlusherTerminated", Duration.ofSeconds(60)),

         * The maximum possible log entries total size to buffer in memory.
        MAX_BUFFER_SIZE("maxBufferSize", 64 * 1024 * 1024),

         * The initial chunk size, that much memory is allocated at least per instance.
        BUFFER_CHUNK_INITIAL_SIZE("bufferChunkInitialSize", 1024 * 1024),

         * After the buffer reached this size, perform a flush, sending logs to the endpoint.
        BUFFER_CHUNK_RETENTION_SIZE("bufferChunkRetentionSize", 4 * 1024 * 1024),

         * After the oldest buffered entry is this old, perform a flush, sending logs to the endpoint.
        BUFFER_CHUNK_RETENTION_TIME("bufferChunkRetentionTime", Duration.ofSeconds(1)),

         * Use JVM heap memory for buffer pool, if `false`, memory is allocated via `ByteBuffer.allocateDirect`.
        JVM_HEAP_BUFFER_MODE("jvmHeapBufferMode", false),

         * When set, file backup mode is enabled:
         * "Fluency takes backup of unsent memory buffers as files when closing and then resends them when restarting".
        FILE_BACKUP_DIR("fileBackupDir", null),

         * How often publishing log entries to the endpoint will be retried (with backoff) if failed.
        SENDER_MAX_RETRY_COUNT("senderMaxRetryCount", 7),

         * Retry base interval.
        SENDER_BASE_RETRY_INTERVAL("senderBaseRetryInterval", Duration.ofMillis(400)),

         * Retry max interval.
        SENDER_MAX_RETRY_INTERVAL("senderMaxRetryInterval", Duration.ofSeconds(30)),

         * Whether ACK response mode is enabled, meaning that it is waited for the ACK of the fluentd/fluentbit
         * instance where the logs are published to. Enables "at-least-once" semantics.
        ACK_RESPONSE_MODE("ackResponseMode", false),

         * The duration of how long to wait after closing the Fluency buffer.
         * If this is Zero or a negative duration, no waiting for the buffer will be performed.
        WAIT_UNTIL_BUFFER_FLUSHED_DURATION_ON_CLOSE("waitUntilAllBufferFlushedDurationOnClose", Duration.ofSeconds(5)),

        private final String path;
        @Nullable private final Object defaultValue;

        ConfigValue(final String thePath, @Nullable final Object theDefaultValue) {
            path = thePath;
            defaultValue = theDefaultValue;

        public Object getDefaultValue() {
            return defaultValue;

        public String getConfigPath() {
            return path;


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