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org.eclipse.ditto.connectivity.service.messaging.rabbitmq.RabbitMQPublisherActor Maven / Gradle / Ivy

 * Copyright (c) 2017 Contributors to the Eclipse Foundation
 * See the NOTICE file(s) distributed with this work for additional
 * information regarding copyright ownership.
 * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
 * terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
package org.eclipse.ditto.connectivity.service.messaging.rabbitmq;

import static org.eclipse.ditto.connectivity.service.messaging.validation.ConnectionValidator.resolveConnectionIdPlaceholder;

import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.time.Duration;
import java.time.Instant;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletionStage;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentSkipListMap;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.LongConsumer;

import javax.annotation.Nullable;

import org.eclipse.ditto.base.model.auth.AuthorizationContext;
import org.eclipse.ditto.base.model.common.CharsetDeterminer;
import org.eclipse.ditto.base.model.common.HttpStatus;
import org.eclipse.ditto.base.model.headers.DittoHeaderDefinition;
import org.eclipse.ditto.base.model.signals.Signal;
import org.eclipse.ditto.base.model.signals.acks.Acknowledgement;
import org.eclipse.ditto.connectivity.api.ExternalMessage;
import org.eclipse.ditto.connectivity.model.Connection;
import org.eclipse.ditto.connectivity.model.ConnectivityModelFactory;
import org.eclipse.ditto.connectivity.model.ConnectivityStatus;
import org.eclipse.ditto.connectivity.model.GenericTarget;
import org.eclipse.ditto.connectivity.model.MessageSendingFailedException;
import org.eclipse.ditto.connectivity.model.ResourceStatus;
import org.eclipse.ditto.connectivity.model.Target;
import org.eclipse.ditto.connectivity.service.config.ConnectivityConfig;
import org.eclipse.ditto.connectivity.service.messaging.BasePublisherActor;
import org.eclipse.ditto.connectivity.service.messaging.ConnectivityStatusResolver;
import org.eclipse.ditto.connectivity.service.messaging.SendResult;
import org.eclipse.ditto.internal.utils.config.InstanceIdentifierSupplier;
import org.eclipse.ditto.json.JsonValue;
import org.eclipse.ditto.placeholders.ExpressionResolver;

import com.newmotion.akka.rabbitmq.ChannelCreated;
import com.newmotion.akka.rabbitmq.ChannelMessage;
import com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP;
import com.rabbitmq.client.Channel;
import com.rabbitmq.client.ConfirmListener;
import com.rabbitmq.client.ReturnListener;


 * Responsible for publishing {@link ExternalMessage}s into RabbitMQ / AMQP 0.9.1.

* To receive responses the {@code replyTo} header must be set. Responses are sent to the default exchange with the * {@code replyTo} header as routing key. *

* The {@code address} of the {@code targets} from the {@link Connection} are interpreted as follows: *
  • no {@code targets} defined: signals are not published at all
  • *
  • {@code address="target/routingKey"}: signals are published to exchange {@code target} with routing key {@code * routingKey}
  • *
*/ public final class RabbitMQPublisherActor extends BasePublisherActor { /** * The name of this Actor in the ActorSystem. */ static final String ACTOR_NAME = "rmqPublisherActor"; /** * Lifetime of an entry in the cache 'outstandingAcks'. */ private final Duration pendingAckTTL; private final ConcurrentSkipListMap outstandingAcks = new ConcurrentSkipListMap<>(); private final ConcurrentHashMap> outstandingAcksByTarget = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private ConfirmMode confirmMode = ConfirmMode.UNKNOWN; @Nullable private ActorRef channelActor; @SuppressWarnings("unused") private RabbitMQPublisherActor(final Connection connection, final ConnectivityStatusResolver connectivityStatusResolver, final ConnectivityConfig connectivityConfig) { super(connection, connectivityStatusResolver, connectivityConfig); pendingAckTTL = connectivityConfig.getConnectionConfig() .getAmqp091Config() .getPublisherPendingAckTTL(); } /** * Creates Akka configuration object {@link Props} for this {@code RabbitMQPublisherActor}. * * @param connection the connection this publisher belongs to * @param connectivityStatusResolver connectivity status resolver to resolve occurred exceptions to a connectivity * status. * @param connectivityConfig the config of the connectivity service with potential overwrites. * @return the Akka configuration Props object. */ static Props props(final Connection connection, final ConnectivityStatusResolver connectivityStatusResolver, final ConnectivityConfig connectivityConfig) { return Props.create(RabbitMQPublisherActor.class, connection, connectivityStatusResolver, connectivityConfig); } @Override protected void preEnhancement(final ReceiveBuilder receiveBuilder) { receiveBuilder .match(ChannelCreated.class, channelCreated -> { channelActor =; final ChannelMessage channelMessage = ChannelMessage.apply(this::onChannelCreated, false);, getSelf()); }) .match(ChannelStatus.class, this::handleChannelStatus) .build(); } @Override protected void postEnhancement(final ReceiveBuilder receiveBuilder) { // noop } @Override protected RabbitMQTarget toPublishTarget(final GenericTarget target) { return RabbitMQTarget.fromTargetAddress(target.getAddress()); } @Override protected CompletionStage publishMessage(final Signal signal, @Nullable final Target autoAckTarget, final RabbitMQTarget publishTarget, final ExternalMessage message, final int maxTotalMessageSize, final int ackSizeQuota, @Nullable final AuthorizationContext targetAuthorizationContext) { if (channelActor == null) { return sendFailedFuture(signal, "No channel available, dropping response."); } if (publishTarget.getRoutingKey() == null) { return sendFailedFuture(signal, "No routing key, dropping message."); } final Map messageHeaders = message.getHeaders(); final String contentType = messageHeaders.get(ExternalMessage.CONTENT_TYPE_HEADER); final String correlationId = messageHeaders.get(DittoHeaderDefinition.CORRELATION_ID.getKey()); final Map stringObjectMap = messageHeaders.entrySet() .stream() .collect(Collectors.toMap(Map.Entry::getKey, Map.Entry::getValue)); final AMQP.BasicProperties basicProperties = new AMQP.BasicProperties.Builder() .contentType(contentType) .correlationId(correlationId) .headers(stringObjectMap) .build(); final byte[] body; if (message.isTextMessage()) { body = message.getTextPayload() .map(text -> text.getBytes(CharsetDeterminer.getInstance().apply(contentType))) .orElseThrow(() -> new IllegalArgumentException("Failed to convert text to bytes.")); } else { body = message.getBytePayload() .map(ByteBuffer::array) .orElse(new byte[]{}); } final CompletableFuture resultFuture = new CompletableFuture<>(); // create consumer outside channel message: need to check actor state and decide whether to handle acks. final LongConsumer nextPublishSeqNoConsumer = computeNextPublishSeqNoConsumer(signal, autoAckTarget, publishTarget, resultFuture); final ChannelMessage channelMessage = ChannelMessage.apply(channel -> { try { logger.withCorrelationId(message.getInternalHeaders()) .debug("Publishing to exchange <{}> and routing key <{}>: {}", publishTarget.getExchange(), publishTarget.getRoutingKey(), basicProperties); nextPublishSeqNoConsumer.accept(channel.getNextPublishSeqNo()); channel.basicPublish(publishTarget.getExchange(), publishTarget.getRoutingKey(), true, basicProperties, body); } catch (final Exception e) { final String errorMessage = String.format("Failed to publish message to RabbitMQ: %s", e.getMessage()); resultFuture.completeExceptionally(sendFailed(signal, errorMessage, e)); } return null; }, false); channelActor.tell(channelMessage, getSelf()); return resultFuture; } // This method is NOT thread-safe, but its returned consumer MUST be thread-safe. private LongConsumer computeNextPublishSeqNoConsumer(final Signal signal, @Nullable final Target autoAckTarget, final RabbitMQTarget publishTarget, final CompletableFuture resultFuture) { if (confirmMode == ConfirmMode.ACTIVE) { return seqNo -> addOutstandingAck(seqNo, signal, resultFuture, autoAckTarget, publishTarget, pendingAckTTL); } else { final SendResult unsupportedAck = buildUnsupportedResponse(signal, autoAckTarget, connectionIdResolver); return seqNo -> resultFuture.complete(unsupportedAck); } } // Thread-safe private void addOutstandingAck(final Long seqNo, final Signal signal, final CompletableFuture resultFuture, @Nullable final Target autoAckTarget, final RabbitMQTarget publishTarget, final Duration timeoutDuration) { final OutstandingResponse outstandingAck = new OutstandingResponse(signal, autoAckTarget, resultFuture, connectionIdResolver); final SendResult timeoutResponse = buildResponseWithTimeout(signal, autoAckTarget, connectionIdResolver); // index the outstanding ack by delivery tag outstandingAcks.put(seqNo, outstandingAck); resultFuture.completeOnTimeout(timeoutResponse, timeoutDuration.toMillis(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) // Only remove future from cache. Actual logging/reporting done elsewhere. .whenComplete((ack, error) -> outstandingAcks.remove(seqNo)); // index the outstanding ack by publish target in order to generate negative acks on basic.return messages outstandingAcksByTarget.compute(publishTarget, (key, queue) -> { final Queue result = queue != null ? queue : new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<>(); result.offer(outstandingAck); return result; }); // maintain outstanding-acks-by-target. It need not be accurate because outstandingAcksByTarget is only used // on basic.return, which affects all messages published to 1 target but is not precise. resultFuture.whenComplete( (ignoredAck, ignoredError) -> outstandingAcksByTarget.computeIfPresent(publishTarget, (key, queue) -> { queue.poll(); return queue.isEmpty() ? null : queue; })); } private void handleChannelStatus(final ChannelStatus channelStatus) { if (channelStatus.confirmationException != null) { logger.error(channelStatus.confirmationException, "Failed to enter confirm mode."); confirmMode = ConfirmMode.INACTIVE; } else { confirmMode = ConfirmMode.ACTIVE; } resourceStatusMap.putAll(channelStatus.targetStatus); } // called by ChannelActor; must be thread-safe. private Void onChannelCreated(final Channel channel) { final IOException confirmationStatus = tryToEnterConfirmationMode(channel, outstandingAcks, outstandingAcksByTarget).orElse(null); final Map targetStatus = declareExchangesPassive(channel, RabbitMQTarget::fromTargetAddress); getSelf().tell(new ChannelStatus(confirmationStatus, targetStatus), ActorRef.noSender()); return null; } private static SendResult buildResponseWithTimeout(final Signal signal, @Nullable final Target autoAckTarget, final ExpressionResolver connectionIdResolver) { return buildResponse(signal, autoAckTarget, HttpStatus.REQUEST_TIMEOUT, "No publisher confirm arrived.", connectionIdResolver); } private static SendResult buildUnsupportedResponse(final Signal signal, @Nullable final Target autoAckTarget, final ExpressionResolver connectionIdResolver) { if (autoAckTarget != null && autoAckTarget.getIssuedAcknowledgementLabel().isPresent()) { // Not possible to recover without broker upgrade. Use status 400 to prevent redelivery at the source. return buildResponse(signal, autoAckTarget, HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST, "The external broker does not support RabbitMQ publisher confirms. " + "Acknowledgement is not possible.", connectionIdResolver); } else { return buildSuccessResponse(signal, autoAckTarget, connectionIdResolver); } } private static SendResult buildSuccessResponse(final Signal signal, @Nullable final Target autoAckTarget, final ExpressionResolver connectionIdResolver) { return buildResponse(signal, autoAckTarget, HttpStatus.OK, null, connectionIdResolver); } private static SendResult buildResponse(final Signal signal, @Nullable final Target autoAckTarget, final HttpStatus httpStatus, @Nullable final String message, final ExpressionResolver connectionIdResolver) { final var autoAckLabel = Optional.ofNullable(autoAckTarget) .flatMap(Target::getIssuedAcknowledgementLabel) .flatMap(ackLabel -> resolveConnectionIdPlaceholder(connectionIdResolver, ackLabel)); final Optional entityIdOptional = WithEntityId.getEntityIdOfType(EntityId.class, signal); final Acknowledgement issuedAck; if (autoAckLabel.isPresent() && entityIdOptional.isPresent()) { issuedAck = Acknowledgement.of(autoAckLabel.get(), entityIdOptional.get(), httpStatus, signal.getDittoHeaders(), message == null ? null : JsonValue.of(message)); } else { issuedAck = null; } return new SendResult(issuedAck, signal.getDittoHeaders()); } private Map declareExchangesPassive(final Channel channel, final Function toPublishTarget) { final List targets = connection.getTargets(); final Map exchanges = .collect(Collectors.toMap( t -> toPublishTarget.apply(t.getAddress()).getExchange(), Function.identity())); final Map declarationStatus = new HashMap<>(); exchanges.forEach((exchange, target) -> { logger.debug("Checking for existence of exchange <{}>.", exchange); try { channel.exchangeDeclarePassive(exchange); } catch (final IOException e) { logger.warning("Failed to declare exchange <{}> passively.", exchange); if (target != null) { declarationStatus.put(target, ConnectivityModelFactory.newTargetStatus(InstanceIdentifierSupplier.getInstance().get(), ConnectivityStatus.MISCONFIGURED, target.getAddress(), "Exchange '" + exchange + "' was missing at " +; } } }); return Collections.unmodifiableMap(declarationStatus); } private static Optional tryToEnterConfirmationMode(final Channel channel, final ConcurrentSkipListMap outstandingAcks, final ConcurrentHashMap> outstandingAcksByTarget) { try { enterConfirmationMode(channel, outstandingAcks, outstandingAcksByTarget); return Optional.empty(); } catch (final IOException e) { return Optional.of(e); } } private static void enterConfirmationMode(final Channel channel, final ConcurrentSkipListMap outstandingAcks, final ConcurrentHashMap> outstandingAcksByTarget) throws IOException { channel.confirmSelect(); channel.clearConfirmListeners(); channel.clearReturnListeners(); final ActorConfirmListener confirmListener = new ActorConfirmListener(outstandingAcks, outstandingAcksByTarget); channel.addConfirmListener(confirmListener); channel.addReturnListener(confirmListener); } private static CompletionStage sendFailedFuture(final Signal signal, final String errorMessage) { return CompletableFuture.failedFuture(sendFailed(signal, errorMessage, null)); } private static MessageSendingFailedException sendFailed(final Signal signal, final String errorMessage, @Nullable final Throwable cause) { return MessageSendingFailedException.newBuilder() .message(errorMessage) .dittoHeaders(signal.getDittoHeaders()) .cause(cause) .build(); } private static final class ChannelStatus { @Nullable private final IOException confirmationException; private final Map targetStatus; private ChannelStatus(@Nullable final IOException confirmationException, final Map targetStatus) { this.confirmationException = confirmationException; this.targetStatus = targetStatus; } } private static final class ActorConfirmListener implements ConfirmListener, ReturnListener { private final ConcurrentSkipListMap outstandingAcks; private final ConcurrentHashMap> outstandingAcksByTarget; private ActorConfirmListener(final ConcurrentSkipListMap outstandingAcks, final ConcurrentHashMap> outstandingAcksByTarget) { this.outstandingAcks = outstandingAcks; this.outstandingAcksByTarget = outstandingAcksByTarget; } /** * Handle ACK from the broker. ACK messages are always sent after a RETURN message. * The channel actor runs this listener in its thread, which guarantees that this.handleAck is always * called after this.handleReturn returns. * * @param deliveryTag The delivery tag of the acknowledged message. * @param multiple Whether this acknowledgement applies to multiple messages. */ @Override public void handleAck(final long deliveryTag, final boolean multiple) { forEach(deliveryTag, multiple, OutstandingResponse::completeWithSuccess); } /** * Handle NACK from the broker. NACK messages are always handled after this.handleReturn returns. * * @param deliveryTag The delivery tag of the acknowledged message. * @param multiple Whether this acknowledgement applies to multiple messages. */ @Override public void handleNack(final long deliveryTag, final boolean multiple) { forEach(deliveryTag, multiple, OutstandingResponse::completeWithFailure); } /** * Handle RETURN from the broker. RETURN messages are sent if a routing key does not exist for an existing * exchange. Since users can set publish target for each message by the means of placeholders, and because * queues can be created and deleted at any time, getting RETURN messages does not imply failure of the whole * channel. *

* Here all outstanding acks of an exchange, routing-key pair are completed exceptionally with the reply text * and reply code. * * @param replyCode reply code of this RETURN message. * @param replyText textual description of this RETURN message. * @param exchange exchange of the outgoing message being returned. * @param routingKey routing key of the outgoing message being returned. * @param properties AMQP properties of the RETURN message; typically empty regardless of the properties of the * outgoing message being returned. * @param body body of the returned message. */ @Override public void handleReturn(final int replyCode, final String replyText, final String exchange, final String routingKey, final AMQP.BasicProperties properties, final byte[] body) { final RabbitMQTarget rabbitMQTarget = RabbitMQTarget.of(exchange, routingKey); final Queue queue = outstandingAcksByTarget.get(rabbitMQTarget); // cleanup handled in another thread on completion of each outstanding ack if (queue != null) { queue.forEach(outstandingAck -> outstandingAck.completeForReturn(replyCode, replyText)); } } private void forEach(final long deliveryTag, final boolean multiple, final Consumer outstandingAckConsumer) { if (multiple) { // iterator is in key order because each ConcurrentSkipListMap is a SortedMap final Iterator> it = outstandingAcks.entrySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { final Map.Entry entry =; if (entry.getKey() > deliveryTag) { break; } outstandingAckConsumer.accept(entry.getValue()); it.remove(); } } else { final OutstandingResponse outstandingAck = outstandingAcks.get(deliveryTag); if (outstandingAck != null) { outstandingAckConsumer.accept(outstandingAck); outstandingAcks.remove(deliveryTag); } } } } private static final class OutstandingResponse { private final Signal signal; @Nullable private final Target autoAckTarget; private final CompletableFuture future; private final ExpressionResolver connectionIdResolver; private OutstandingResponse(final Signal signal, @Nullable final Target autoAckTarget, final CompletableFuture future, final ExpressionResolver connectionIdResolver) { this.signal = signal; this.autoAckTarget = autoAckTarget; this.future = future; this.connectionIdResolver = connectionIdResolver; } private void completeWithSuccess() { future.complete(buildSuccessResponse(signal, autoAckTarget, connectionIdResolver)); } private void completeWithFailure() { future.complete(buildFailureResponse(signal, autoAckTarget)); } private SendResult buildFailureResponse(final Signal signal, @Nullable final Target target) { return buildResponse(signal, target, HttpStatus.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, "Received negative confirm from the external broker.", connectionIdResolver); } private void completeForReturn(final int replyCode, final String replyText) { future.complete(buildReturnResponse(signal, autoAckTarget, replyCode, replyText)); } private SendResult buildReturnResponse(final Signal signal, @Nullable final Target autoAckTarget, final int replyCode, final String replyText) { return buildResponse(signal, autoAckTarget, HttpStatus.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, String.format("Received basic.return from the external broker: %d %s", replyCode, replyText), connectionIdResolver); } } private enum ConfirmMode { UNKNOWN, ACTIVE, INACTIVE } }

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