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* Copyright (c) 2022 Contributors to the Eclipse Foundation
* See the NOTICE file(s) distributed with this work for additional
* information regarding copyright ownership.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
package org.eclipse.ditto.internal.utils.tracing;
import static org.eclipse.ditto.base.model.common.ConditionChecker.checkNotNull;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import javax.annotation.concurrent.Immutable;
import javax.annotation.concurrent.ThreadSafe;
import org.eclipse.ditto.internal.utils.config.DittoConfigError;
import org.eclipse.ditto.internal.utils.metrics.instruments.timer.StartedTimer;
import org.eclipse.ditto.internal.utils.tracing.config.TracingConfig;
import org.eclipse.ditto.internal.utils.tracing.filter.TracingFilter;
import org.eclipse.ditto.internal.utils.tracing.span.KamonHttpContextPropagation;
import org.eclipse.ditto.internal.utils.tracing.span.PreparedSpan;
import org.eclipse.ditto.internal.utils.tracing.span.SpanOperationName;
import org.eclipse.ditto.internal.utils.tracing.span.StartedSpan;
import org.eclipse.ditto.internal.utils.tracing.span.TracingSpans;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* Main entry point for tracing within Ditto.
* Before tracing spans can be created, {@link DittoTracing#init(TracingConfig)} has to be called.
public final class DittoTracing {
private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DittoTracing.class);
private final AtomicReference stateHolder;
private DittoTracing() {
stateHolder = new AtomicReference<>();
stateHolder.set(new UninitializedState(stateHolder::set));
* Initializes DittoTracing with the specified {@link TracingConfig} argument.
* @param tracingConfig the TracingConfig
* @throws NullPointerException if {@code tracingConfig} is {@code null}.
* @throws DittoConfigError if {@code tracingConfig} provides an invalid value for Kamon propagation channel name.
public static void init(final TracingConfig tracingConfig) {
final var state = getState();
private static DittoTracingState getState() {
final var tracingInstance = getInstance();
return tracingInstance.stateHolder.get();
private static DittoTracing getInstance() {
// Initialize-on-demand holder class idiom.
return InstanceHolder.INSTANCE;
* Creates a new {@code PreparedSpan} for an operation with the given name.
* @param headers the headers to derive the span context from.
* @param operationName the name of the operation.
* @return the new prepared span.
* @throws NullPointerException if any argument is {@code null}.
* @throws IllegalStateException if {@link #init(TracingConfig)} was not called beforehand.
public static PreparedSpan newPreparedSpan(
final Map headers,
final SpanOperationName operationName
) {
final var state = getState();
return state.newPreparedSpan(headers, operationName);
* Creates and starts a span for the specified arguments.
* @param headers the headers to derive the span context from.
* @param startedTimer provides the name, the start and the finish time of the returned span.
* @return the new started span which will be automatically stopped by {@code startedTimer}.
* @throws NullPointerException if any argument is {@code null}.
* @throws IllegalStateException if {@link #init(TracingConfig)} was not called beforehand.
public static StartedSpan newStartedSpanByTimer(
final Map headers,
final StartedTimer startedTimer
) {
final var state = getState();
return state.newStartedSpanByTimer(headers, startedTimer);
* Resets DittoTracing to uninitialized state.
* This is the inverse function of {@link DittoTracing#init(TracingConfig)}.
static void reset() {
final var instance = getInstance();
instance.stateHolder.set(new UninitializedState(instance.stateHolder::set));
private static final class InstanceHolder {
private static final DittoTracing INSTANCE = new DittoTracing();
private static interface DittoTracingState {
default void init(final TracingConfig tracingConfig) {
throw new IllegalStateException(MessageFormat.format(
"{0} was already initialized. Please ensure that initialization is only performed once.",
PreparedSpan newPreparedSpan(Map headers, SpanOperationName operationName);
StartedSpan newStartedSpanByTimer(Map headers, StartedTimer startedTimer);
private static final class UninitializedState implements DittoTracingState {
private final Consumer newStateConsumer;
private UninitializedState(final Consumer newStateConsumer) {
this.newStateConsumer = checkNotNull(newStateConsumer, "newStateConsumer");
public void init(final TracingConfig tracingConfig) {
checkNotNull(tracingConfig, "tracingConfig");
if (tracingConfig.isTracingEnabled()) {
final var propagationChannelName = tracingConfig.getPropagationChannel();
new TracingEnabledState(
);"Ditto tracing initialized and enabled using propagation channel <{}>.",
} else {
newStateConsumer.accept(new TracingDisabledState());"Ditto tracing is disabled. No traces are generated and span context is not propagated.");
private static KamonHttpContextPropagation getKamonHttpContextPropagationOrThrow(
final CharSequence propagationChannelName
) {
return KamonHttpContextPropagation.newInstanceForChannelName(propagationChannelName)
.mapErr(throwable -> new DittoConfigError(throwable.getMessage(), throwable))
public PreparedSpan newPreparedSpan(final Map headers, final SpanOperationName operationName) {
throw newIllegalStateException();
private static IllegalStateException newIllegalStateException() {
return new IllegalStateException("Operation not allowed in uninitialized state.");
public StartedSpan newStartedSpanByTimer(final Map headers, final StartedTimer startedTimer) {
throw newIllegalStateException();
private static final class TracingEnabledState implements DittoTracingState {
private final KamonHttpContextPropagation kamonHttpContextPropagation;
private final TracingFilter tracingFilter;
private TracingEnabledState(
final KamonHttpContextPropagation kamonHttpContextPropagation,
final TracingFilter tracingFilter
) {
this.kamonHttpContextPropagation = checkNotNull(kamonHttpContextPropagation, "kamonHttpContextPropagation");
this.tracingFilter = checkNotNull(tracingFilter, "tracingFilter");
public PreparedSpan newPreparedSpan(final Map headers, final SpanOperationName operationName) {
final PreparedSpan result;
if (tracingFilter.accept(operationName)) {
result = TracingSpans.newPreparedKamonSpan(headers, operationName, kamonHttpContextPropagation);
} else {
result = TracingSpans.emptyPreparedSpan(operationName);
return result;
public StartedSpan newStartedSpanByTimer(final Map headers, final StartedTimer startedTimer) {
checkNotNull(startedTimer, "startedTimer");
final StartedSpan result;
final var operationName = SpanOperationName.of(startedTimer.getName());
if (tracingFilter.accept(operationName)) {
final var preparedKamonSpan = TracingSpans.newPreparedKamonSpan(
result = preparedKamonSpan.startBy(startedTimer);
} else {
result = TracingSpans.emptyStartedSpan(operationName);
return result;
private static final class TracingDisabledState implements DittoTracingState {
public PreparedSpan newPreparedSpan(final Map headers, final SpanOperationName operationName) {
return TracingSpans.emptyPreparedSpan(operationName);
public StartedSpan newStartedSpanByTimer(final Map headers, final StartedTimer startedTimer) {
checkNotNull(startedTimer, "startedTimer");
return TracingSpans.emptyStartedSpan(SpanOperationName.of(startedTimer.getName()));