ch.ethz.iks.slp.impl.SLPDaemonImpl Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright (c) 2005, 2010 Jan S. Rellermeyer, Systems Group,
* This program and the accompanying materials are made
* available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
* which is available at https://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0/
* Contributors:
* Jan S. Rellermeyer - initial API and implementation
* Markus Alexander Kuppe - enhancements and bug fixes
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
package ch.ethz.iks.slp.impl;
import java.io.BufferedInputStream;
import java.io.DataInputStream;
import java.io.DataOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.InetAddress;
import java.net.ServerSocket;
import java.net.Socket;
import java.net.UnknownHostException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.SortedMap;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import ch.ethz.iks.slp.ServiceLocationException;
import ch.ethz.iks.slp.ServiceType;
import ch.ethz.iks.slp.ServiceURL;
* the jSLP daemon class. This class is only required, if the peer is configured
* as a SA and no other SLP daemon is running on the machine. UA-only
* configurations or distributions that are intended to run on a machine with
* OpenSLP slpd can be packaged without this class.
* @author Jan S. Rellermeyer, ETH Zurich
* @since 0.6
public final class SLPDaemonImpl implements SLPDaemon {
* thread loop variable.
private boolean running = true;
* Map of registered services:
* String scope -> List of ServiceURLs services.
private Map registeredServices = new HashMap();
* Sorted set for disposal of services which lifetimes have expired:
* Long expirationTimestamp -> ServiceURL service.
private SortedMap serviceDisposalQueue = new TreeMap();
* create a new SLPDaemon instance.
* @param tcpSocket
* the server socket.
* @throws Exception
* if something goes wrong.
public SLPDaemonImpl() throws Exception {
new TcpServerThread();
new ServiceDisposalThread();
SLPCore.platform.logDebug("jSLP daemon starting ...");
* register a service with the SLP framework. For the scopes, where DAs are
* known, the service will be registered with all DAs.
* @param reg
* the ServiceRegistration.
private void registerService(final ServiceRegistration reg) {
Service service = new Service(reg);
for (Iterator scopeIter = reg.scopeList.iterator(); scopeIter.hasNext();) {
String scope = (String) scopeIter.next();
scope = scope.toLowerCase();
synchronized (registeredServices) {
SLPUtils.addValue(registeredServices, scope, service);
if (reg.url.getLifetime() > ServiceURL.LIFETIME_PERMANENT) {
synchronized (serviceDisposalQueue) {
long next = System.currentTimeMillis()
+ (reg.url.getLifetime() * 1000);
ArrayList keys = new ArrayList(serviceDisposalQueue
for (Iterator iter = keys.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
Object key = iter.next();
if (serviceDisposalQueue.get(key).equals(reg.url)) {
serviceDisposalQueue.put(new Long(next), reg.url);
SLPCore.platform.logTraceReg("REGISTERED " + reg.url);
// register the service with all known DAs in the scopes
List daList = (List) SLPCore.dAs.get(scope);
// no DA for the scope known ?
// try to find one
if ((daList == null || daList.isEmpty()) && !SLPCore.noDiscovery) {
try {
.asList(new String[] { (String) scope }));
// wait a short time for incoming replies
synchronized (SLPCore.dAs) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
daList = (List) SLPCore.dAs.get(scope);
} catch (ServiceLocationException sle) {
SLPCore.platform.logError(sle.getMessage(), sle
if (daList != null && !daList.isEmpty()) {
final String[] dAs = (String[]) daList
.toArray(new String[daList.size()]);
final ServiceRegistration announcement = new ServiceRegistration(
reg.url, reg.serviceType, reg.scopeList, reg.attList,
announcement.authBlocks = reg.authBlocks;
for (int i = 0; i < dAs.length; i++) {
try {
announceService(dAs[i], announcement);
SLPCore.platform.logTraceReg("ANNOUNCED "
+ announcement.url + " to " + dAs[i]);
} catch (ServiceLocationException e) {
// remove DA from list
SLPUtils.removeValueFromAll(SLPCore.dAs, dAs[i]);
SLPCore.platform.logError(e.getMessage(), e
* deregister a service from the SLP framework. Deregisters from all DAs
* within the scopes and from the local service cache.
* @param dereg
* the service deregistration.
* @throws ServiceLocationException
private void deregisterService(final ServiceDeregistration dereg)
throws ServiceLocationException {
final String[] scopes = (String[]) registeredServices.keySet().toArray(
new String[registeredServices.size()]);
for (int i = 0; i < scopes.length; i++) {
final List tmp = (List) registeredServices.get(scopes[i]);
final Service[] services = (Service[]) tmp.toArray(new Service[tmp
for (int j = 0; j < services.length; j++) {
if (dereg.url.matches(services[j].url)) {
List daList = (List) SLPCore.dAs.get(scopes[i].toLowerCase());
if (daList != null) {
for (Iterator daIter = daList.iterator(); daIter
.hasNext();) {
try {
String dA = (String) daIter.next();
dereg.address = InetAddress.getByName(dA);
dereg.port = SLPCore.SLP_RESERVED_PORT;
dereg.xid = SLPCore.nextXid();
if (SLPCore.CONFIG.getSecurityEnabled()) {
List spiList = (List) SLPCore.dASPIs
ReplyMessage reply = SLPCore.sendMessage(dereg,
if (reply.errorCode != 0) {
throw new ServiceLocationException(
(short) reply.errorCode,
"Error during deregistration: "
+ reply.errorCode);
} catch (UnknownHostException uhe) {
throw new ServiceLocationException(
synchronized (registeredServices) {
SLPUtils.removeValue(registeredServices, scopes[i],
* all incoming messages are handled here.
* @param msg
* the message to be processed.
* @return the reply if the handled message came in via TCP. Otherwise null
* will be returned.
* @throws ServiceLocationException
* for various reasons like authentication failures etc.
public ReplyMessage handleMessage(final SLPMessage msg)
throws ServiceLocationException {
if (msg == null) {
return null;
String via = msg.tcp ? " (tcp)" : " (udp)";
SLPCore.platform.logTraceMessage("RECEIVED (" + msg.address + ":"
+ msg.port + ") " + msg.toString() + via);
ReplyMessage reply = null;
switch (msg.funcID) {
case SLPMessage.SRVRQST:
ServiceRequest req = (ServiceRequest) msg;
List results = new ArrayList();
for (Iterator scopes = req.scopeList.iterator(); scopes.hasNext();) {
String scope = (String) scopes.next();
List services = (List) registeredServices.get(scope.toLowerCase());
if (services == null) {
for (Iterator srvs = services.iterator(); srvs.hasNext();) {
Service service = (Service) srvs.next();
if (service.url.getServiceType().matches(req.serviceType)) {
if (req.predicate == null) {
if (req.predicate.match(service.attributes)) {
* if there is no result, don't send a reply. This causes the SA to
* get the same message at least two more times but the RFC strictly
* demands this for multicast requests
if (results.size() == 0 && req.multicast) {
return null;
reply = new ServiceReply(req, results);
if (SLPCore.CONFIG.getSecurityEnabled()) {
((ServiceReply) reply).sign(req.spi);
return reply;
case SLPMessage.ATTRRQST:
AttributeRequest attreq = (AttributeRequest) msg;
List attResult = new ArrayList();
for (Iterator scopes = attreq.scopeList.iterator(); scopes
.hasNext();) {
String scope = (String) scopes.next();
List services = (List) registeredServices.get(scope.toLowerCase());
if (services == null) {
// the request can either be for a ServiceURL or a ServiceType
Object reqService;
boolean fullurl = false;
if (attreq.url.indexOf("//") == -1) {
reqService = new ServiceType(attreq.url);
} else {
fullurl = true;
reqService = new ServiceURL(attreq.url, 0);
// if spi is sent, the request must be for a full url and
// the tag list has to be empty
if (attreq.spi.equals("")
|| (fullurl && attreq.tagList.isEmpty())) {
for (Iterator srvs = services.iterator(); srvs.hasNext();) {
Service service = (Service) srvs.next();
if (service.url.matches(reqService)) {
attreq.tagList, service.attributes));
reply = new AttributeReply(attreq, attResult);
if (SLPCore.CONFIG.getSecurityEnabled()) {
((AttributeReply) reply).sign(attreq.spi);
return reply;
ServiceTypeRequest streq = (ServiceTypeRequest) msg;
ArrayList result = new ArrayList();
// iterate over scopes
for (Iterator scopeIter = streq.scopeList.iterator(); scopeIter
.hasNext();) {
// iterate over the registered services
String scope = (String) scopeIter.next();
List services = ((List) registeredServices
if (services == null) {
for (Iterator iter = services.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
Service service = (Service) iter.next();
ServiceType type = service.url.getServiceType();
if (streq.namingAuthority.equals("*")
|| streq.namingAuthority.equals("")
|| type.getNamingAuthority().equals(
streq.namingAuthority)) {
if (!result.contains(type)) {
reply = new ServiceTypeReply(streq, result);
return reply;
case SLPMessage.SRVREG:
registerService((ServiceRegistration) msg);
reply = new ServiceAcknowledgement(msg, 0);
return reply;
case SLPMessage.SRVDEREG:
deregisterService((ServiceDeregistration) msg);
reply = new ServiceAcknowledgement(msg, 0);
return reply;
case SLPMessage.SRVACK:
final ReplyMessage rep = (ReplyMessage) msg;
if (rep.errorCode != 0) {
+ " replied with error code " + rep.errorCode
+ " (" + rep + ")");
return null;
// this should never happen, message should already cause an
// exception during parsing
throw new ServiceLocationException(
"The message type " + SLPMessage.getType(msg.funcID)
+ " is not implemented");
* get informed about a new discovered DA. Registers all services in the
* scopes of the new DA.
* @param advert
* the DA advertisement.
public void newDaDiscovered(final DAAdvertisement advert) {
// so find all services within the scopes of the new DA:
for (Iterator iter = advert.scopeList.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
String scope = (String) iter.next();
List services = (List) registeredServices.get(scope.toLowerCase());
if (services != null) {
for (Iterator serviceIter = services.iterator(); serviceIter
.hasNext();) {
// and try to register it with the new DA
try {
Service service = (Service) serviceIter.next();
ServiceRegistration reg = new ServiceRegistration(
service.url, service.url.getServiceType(),
Arrays.asList(new Object[] { scope }), SLPUtils
SLPCore.platform.logDebug("Registering "
+ service.url + " with new DA "
+ advert.url);
announceService(advert.url, reg);
} catch (ServiceLocationException e) {
SLPCore.platform.logError(e.getMessage(), e
* register a service with a DA.
* @param dAAddress
* the IP address of the DA as String
* @param reg
* the ServiceRegistration
* @throws ServiceLocationException
* in case of network errors.
private void announceService(final String dAAddress,
final ServiceRegistration reg) throws ServiceLocationException {
try {
reg.address = InetAddress.getByName(dAAddress);
reg.xid = SLPCore.nextXid();
if (SLPCore.CONFIG.getSecurityEnabled()) {
List spiList = (List) SLPCore.dASPIs.get(dAAddress);
handleMessage(SLPCore.sendMessage(reg, true));
} catch (UnknownHostException e) {
SLPCore.platform.logError("Service announcement to "
+ dAAddress + " failed. ", e.fillInStackTrace());
* TCP server thread.
private final class TcpServerThread extends Thread {
private ServerSocket socket;
* creates and starts a new TCP server thread.
* @throws IOException
* if socket creation fails.
private TcpServerThread() throws IOException {
socket = new ServerSocket(SLPCore.SLP_PORT, -1, SLPCore.getMyIP());
// socket = new ServerSocket(SLPCore.SLP_PORT);
* thread loop.
public void run() {
while (running) {
try {
Socket con = socket.accept();
DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(
new BufferedInputStream(con.getInputStream()));
SLPMessage msg = SLPMessage.parse(con.getInetAddress(), con
.getPort(), in, true);
ReplyMessage reply = handleMessage(msg);
if (reply != null) {
SLPCore.platform.logTraceMessage("SEND REPLY ("
+ reply.address + ":" + reply.port + ") "
+ reply);
DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(con
* TODO the RFC encourages to keep the connection open
* to allow the other side to send multiple requests per
* connection. So start a server thread for every
* incoming connection instead of closing the connection
* after the first request
} catch (Exception ioe) {
"Exception in TCP receiver thread", ioe);
* service disposal thread. Removes services from the local registry when
* their lifetime has expired.
private final class ServiceDisposalThread extends Thread {
* create and start a new instance of this thread.
private ServiceDisposalThread() {
* thread's main loop.
public void run() {
try {
while (running) {
synchronized (serviceDisposalQueue) {
if (serviceDisposalQueue.isEmpty()) {
// nothing to do, sleep until something arrives
.logDebug("ServiceDisposalThread sleeping ...");
} else {
// we have work, do everything that is due
Long nextActivity;
while (!serviceDisposalQueue.isEmpty()
&& (nextActivity = ((Long) serviceDisposalQueue
.firstKey())).longValue() <= System
.currentTimeMillis()) {
ServiceURL service = (ServiceURL) serviceDisposalQueue
ServiceDeregistration dereg = new ServiceDeregistration(
service, null, null,
try {
} catch (ServiceLocationException sle) {
.getMessage(), sle
.logTraceReg("disposed service "
+ service);
if (!serviceDisposalQueue.isEmpty()) {
* there are some activities in the future,
* sleep until the first activity becomes due
nextActivity = ((Long) serviceDisposalQueue
long waitTime = nextActivity.longValue()
- System.currentTimeMillis();
if (waitTime > 0) {
.logDebug("sleeping for "
+ waitTime / 1000
+ " seconds.");
} catch (InterruptedException ie) {
// let the thread stop.
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