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org.eclipse.emf.common.archive.ArchiveURLConnection Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) 2004-2008 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v2.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v20.html
* Contributors:
* IBM - Initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.emf.common.archive;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.FilterInputStream;
import java.io.FilterOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.net.MalformedURLException;
import java.net.URL;
import java.net.URLConnection;
import java.util.zip.ZipEntry;
import java.util.zip.ZipFile;
import java.util.zip.ZipInputStream;
import java.util.zip.ZipOutputStream;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.CommonUtil;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI;
* A connection that can access an entry in an archive, and then recursively an entry in that archive, and so on.
* For example, it can be used just like jar: or zip:, only the archive paths can repeat, e.g.,
* archive:file:///c:/temp/example.zip!/org/example/nested.zip!/org/example/deeply-nested.html
* The general recursive pattern is
* archive:$nestedURL${/!$archivePath$}+
* So the nested URL for the example above is
* file:///c:/temp/example.zip
* Since the nested URL may itself contain archive schemes,
* the subsequence of the archive paths that should be associated with the nested URL
* is determined by finding the nth archive separator, i.e., the nth !/,
* where n is the number of ":"s before the first "/" of the nested URL, i.e., the number of nested schemes.
* For example, for a more complex case where the nested URL is itself an archive-based scheme, e.g.,
* archive:jar:file:///c:/temp/example.zip!/org/example/nested.zip!/org/example/deeply-nested.html
* the nested URL is correctly parsed to skip to the second archive separator as
* jar:file:///c:/temp/example.zip!/org/example/nested.zip
* The logic for accessing archives can be tailored and reused independant from its usage as a URL connection.
* This is normally done by using the constructor {@link #ArchiveURLConnection(String)}
* and overriding {@link #createInputStream(String)} and {@link #createOutputStream(String)}.
* The behavior can be tailored by overriding {@link #emulateArchiveScheme()} and {@link #useZipFile()}.
public class ArchiveURLConnection extends URLConnection
* The cached string version of the {@link #url URL}.
protected String urlString;
* Constructs a new connection for the URL.
* @param url the URL of this connection.
public ArchiveURLConnection(URL url)
urlString = url.toString();
* Constructs a new archive accessor.
* This constructor forwards a null URL to be super constructor,
* so an instance built with this constructor cannot be used as a URLConnection.
* The logic for accessing archives and for delegating to the nested URL can be reused in other applications,
* without creating an URLs.
* @param url the URL of the archive.
protected ArchiveURLConnection(String url)
urlString = url;
* Returns whether the implementation will handle all the archive accessors directly.
* For example, whether
* archive:jar:file:///c:/temp/example.zip!/org/example/nested.zip!/org/example/deeply-nested.html
* will be handled as if it were specified as
* archive:file:///c:/temp/example.zip!/org/example/nested.zip!/org/example/deeply-nested.html
* Override this only if you are reusing the logic of retrieving an input stream into an archive
* and hence are likely to be overriding createInputStream,
* which is the point of delegation to the nested URL for recursive stream creation.
* @return whether the implementation will handle all the archive accessors directly.
protected boolean emulateArchiveScheme()
return false;
* Returns whether to handle the special case of a nested URL with file: schema using a {@link ZipFile}.
* This gives more efficient direct access to the root entry, e.g.,
* archive:file:///c:/temp/example.zip!/org/example/nested.html
* @return whether to handle the special case of a nested URL with file: schema using a ZipFile.
protected boolean useZipFile()
return false;
* Record that this is connected.
public void connect() throws IOException
connected = true;
protected String getNestedURL() throws IOException
// There must be at least one archive path.
int archiveSeparator = urlString.indexOf("!/");
if (archiveSeparator < 0)
throw new MalformedURLException("missing archive separators " + urlString);
// There needs to be another URL protocol right after the archive protocol, and not a "/".
int start = urlString.indexOf(':') + 1;
if (start > urlString.length() || urlString.charAt(start) == '/')
new IllegalArgumentException
("archive protocol must be immediately followed by another URL protocol " + urlString);
// Parse to extract the archives that will be delegated to the nested URL based on the number of schemes at the start.
for (int i = start, end = urlString.indexOf("/") - 1; (i = urlString.indexOf(":", i)) < end; )
if (emulateArchiveScheme())
// Skip a scheme for the archive accessor to be handled directly here.
start = ++i;
// Skip an archive accessor to be handled by delegation to the scheme in nested URL.
archiveSeparator = urlString.indexOf("!/", archiveSeparator + 2);
if (archiveSeparator < 0)
throw new MalformedURLException("too few archive separators " + urlString);
return urlString.substring(start, archiveSeparator);
* Creates the input stream for the URL.
* @return the input stream for the URL.
public InputStream getInputStream() throws IOException
// Create the delegate URL.
String nestedURL = getNestedURL();
// The cutoff point to the next archive.
int archiveSeparator = urlString.indexOf(nestedURL) + nestedURL.length();
int nextArchiveSeparator = urlString.indexOf("!/", archiveSeparator + 2);
// Construct the input stream in a special efficient way for case of a file scheme.
InputStream inputStream;
ZipEntry inputZipEntry = null;
if (!useZipFile() || !nestedURL.startsWith("file:"))
// Just get the stream from the URL.
inputStream = createInputStream(nestedURL);
// The name to be used for the entry.
String entry =
URI.decode(nextArchiveSeparator < 0 ?
urlString.substring(archiveSeparator + 2) :
urlString.substring(archiveSeparator + 2, nextArchiveSeparator));
// Skip over this archive path to the next one, since we are handling this one special.
archiveSeparator = nextArchiveSeparator;
nextArchiveSeparator = urlString.indexOf("!/", archiveSeparator + 2);
// Go directly to the right entry in the zip file,
// get the stream,
// and wrap it so that closing it closes the zip file.
final ZipFile zipFile = new ZipFile(URI.decode(nestedURL.substring(5)));
inputZipEntry = zipFile.getEntry(entry);
InputStream zipEntryInputStream = inputZipEntry == null ? null : zipFile.getInputStream(inputZipEntry);
if (zipEntryInputStream == null)
catch (Throwable throwable)
// Ignore because we'll throw a different IO exception
throw new IOException("Archive entry not found " + urlString);
inputStream =
new FilterInputStream(zipEntryInputStream)
public void close() throws IOException
// Loop over the archive paths.
while (archiveSeparator > 0)
inputZipEntry = null;
// The entry name to be matched.
String entry =
URI.decode(nextArchiveSeparator < 0 ?
urlString.substring(archiveSeparator + 2) :
urlString.substring(archiveSeparator + 2, nextArchiveSeparator));
// Wrap the input stream as a zip stream to scan it's contents for a match.
ZipInputStream zipInputStream = new ZipInputStream(inputStream);
while (zipInputStream.available() >= 0)
ZipEntry zipEntry = zipInputStream.getNextEntry();
if (zipEntry == null)
else if (entry.equals(zipEntry.getName()))
inputZipEntry = zipEntry;
inputStream = zipInputStream;
// Skip to the next archive path and continue the loop.
archiveSeparator = nextArchiveSeparator;
nextArchiveSeparator = urlString.indexOf("!/", archiveSeparator + 2);
continue LOOP;
throw new IOException("Archive entry not found " + urlString);
return yield(inputZipEntry, inputStream);
protected InputStream yield(ZipEntry zipEntry, InputStream inputStream) throws IOException
return inputStream;
* Creates an input stream for the nested URL by calling {@link URL#openStream() opening} a stream on it.
* @param nestedURL the nested URL for which a stream is required.
* @return the open stream of the nested URL.
protected InputStream createInputStream(String nestedURL) throws IOException
return CommonUtil.newURL(nestedURL).openStream();
* Creates the output stream for the URL.
* @return the output stream for the URL.
public OutputStream getOutputStream() throws IOException
return getOutputStream(false, -1);
public void delete() throws IOException
getOutputStream(true, -1).close();
public void setTimeStamp(long timeStamp) throws IOException
getOutputStream(false, timeStamp).close();
private OutputStream getOutputStream(boolean delete, long timeStamp) throws IOException
// Create the delegate URL
final String nestedURL = getNestedURL();
// Create a temporary file where the existing contents of the archive can be written
// before the new contents are added.
final File tempFile = File.createTempFile("Archive", "zip");
// Record the input and output streams for closing in case of failure so that handles are not left open.
InputStream sourceInputStream = null;
OutputStream tempOutputStream = null;
// Create the output stream to the temporary file and the input stream for the delegate URL.
tempOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(tempFile);
sourceInputStream = createInputStream(nestedURL);
catch (IOException exception)
// Continue processing if the file doesn't exist so that we try create a new empty one.
// Record them as generic streams to record state during the loop that emulates recursion.
OutputStream outputStream = tempOutputStream;
InputStream inputStream = sourceInputStream;
// The cutoff point to the next archive.
int archiveSeparator = urlString.indexOf(nestedURL) + nestedURL.length();
int nextArchiveSeparator = urlString.indexOf("!/", archiveSeparator + 2);
// The most deeply nested output stream that will be returned wrapped as the result.
ZipOutputStream zipOutputStream;
// A buffer for transferring archive contents.
final byte [] bytes = new byte [4096];
// We expect there to be at least one archive path.
ZipEntry outputZipEntry;
boolean found = false;
for (;;)
// The name that will be used as the archive entry.
String entry =
URI.decode(nextArchiveSeparator < 0 ?
urlString.substring(archiveSeparator + 2) :
urlString.substring(archiveSeparator + 2, nextArchiveSeparator));
// Wrap the current result as a zip stream, and record it for loop-based recursion.
zipOutputStream = null;
// Wrap the current input as a zip stream, and record it for loop-based recursion.
ZipInputStream zipInputStream = inputStream == null ? null : new ZipInputStream(inputStream);
inputStream = zipInputStream;
// Loop over the entries in the zip stream.
while (zipInputStream != null && zipInputStream.available() >= 0)
// If this entry isn't the end marker
// and isn't the matching one that we are replacing...
ZipEntry zipEntry = zipInputStream.getNextEntry();
if (zipEntry == null)
boolean match = entry.equals(zipEntry.getName());
if (!found)
found = match && nextArchiveSeparator < 0;
if (timeStamp != -1 || !match)
if (zipOutputStream == null)
zipOutputStream = new ZipOutputStream(outputStream);
outputStream = zipOutputStream;
// Transfer the entry and its contents.
if (timeStamp != -1 && match && nextArchiveSeparator < 0)
for (int size; (size = zipInputStream.read(bytes, 0, bytes.length)) > -1; )
zipOutputStream.write(bytes, 0, size);
// Find the next archive path and continue "recursively" if there is one.
archiveSeparator = nextArchiveSeparator;
nextArchiveSeparator = urlString.indexOf("!/", archiveSeparator + 2);
if ((delete || timeStamp != -1) && archiveSeparator < 0)
if (!found)
throw new IOException("Archive entry not found " + urlString);
// Create no entry since we are deleting and return immediately.
outputZipEntry = null;
// Create a new or replaced entry and continue processing the remaining archives.
outputZipEntry = new ZipEntry(entry);
if (zipOutputStream == null)
zipOutputStream = new ZipOutputStream(outputStream);
outputStream = zipOutputStream;
if (archiveSeparator > 0)
// Ensure that it won't be closed in the finally block.
tempOutputStream = null;
// Wrap the deepest result so that on close, the results are finally transferred.
final boolean deleteRequired = sourceInputStream != null;
FilterOutputStream result =
new FilterOutputStream(zipOutputStream == null ? outputStream : zipOutputStream)
protected boolean isClosed;
public void close() throws IOException
// Make sure we close only once.
if (!isClosed)
isClosed = true;
// Close for real so that the temporary file is ready to be read.
boolean useRenameTo = nestedURL.startsWith("file:");
// If the delegate URI can be handled as a file,
// we'll hope that renaming it will be really efficient.
if (useRenameTo)
File targetFile = new File(URI.decode(nestedURL.substring(5)));
if (deleteRequired && !targetFile.delete())
throw new IOException("cannot delete " + targetFile.getPath());
else if (!tempFile.renameTo(targetFile))
useRenameTo = false;
if (!useRenameTo)
// Try to transfer it by reading the contents of the temporary file
// and writing them to the output stream of the delegate.
InputStream inputStream = null;
OutputStream outputStream = null;
inputStream = new FileInputStream(tempFile);
outputStream = createOutputStream(nestedURL);
for (int size; (size = inputStream.read(bytes, 0, bytes.length)) > -1; )
outputStream.write(bytes, 0, size);
// Make sure they are closed no matter what bad thing happens.
if (inputStream != null)
if (outputStream != null)
// Delete the temporary file early if possible
public void write(byte[] b, int off, int len) throws IOException
out.write(b, off, len);
return outputZipEntry == null ? result : yield(outputZipEntry, result);
// Close in case of failure to complete.
if (tempOutputStream != null)
// Close if we created this.
if (sourceInputStream != null)
protected OutputStream yield(ZipEntry zipEntry, OutputStream outputStream) throws IOException
return outputStream;
* Creates an output stream for the nested URL by calling {@link URL#openConnection() opening} a stream on it.
* @param nestedURL the nested URL for which a stream is required.
* @return the open stream of the nested URL.
protected OutputStream createOutputStream(String nestedURL) throws IOException
URL url = CommonUtil.newURL(nestedURL);
URLConnection urlConnection = url.openConnection();
return urlConnection.getOutputStream();