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org.eclipse.xsd.impl.XSDParticleImpl Maven / Gradle / Ivy

 * Copyright (c) 2002-2006 IBM Corporation and others.
 * All rights reserved.   This program and the accompanying materials
 * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v2.0
 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
 * Contributors: 
 *   IBM - Initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.xsd.impl;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

import org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.Notification;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.NotificationChain;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.BasicEList;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.UniqueEList;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EAttribute;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EReference;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.InternalEObject;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.ENotificationImpl;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDComponent;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDCompositor;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDConcreteComponent;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDConstraint;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDDiagnostic;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDDiagnosticSeverity;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDElementDeclaration;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDFactory;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDModelGroup;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDModelGroupDefinition;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDPackage;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDParticle;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDParticleContent;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDPlugin;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDSimpleTypeDefinition;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDTerm;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDTypeDefinition;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDWildcard;
import org.eclipse.xsd.util.XSDConstants;
import org.eclipse.xsd.util.XSDSwitch;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;

 * An implementation of the model object 'Particle'.

* The following features are implemented: *

  • {@link org.eclipse.xsd.impl.XSDParticleImpl#getMinOccurs Min Occurs}
  • *
  • {@link org.eclipse.xsd.impl.XSDParticleImpl#getMaxOccurs Max Occurs}
  • *
  • {@link org.eclipse.xsd.impl.XSDParticleImpl#getContent Content}
  • *
  • {@link org.eclipse.xsd.impl.XSDParticleImpl#getTerm Term}
  • *
* * @generated */ public class XSDParticleImpl extends XSDComplexTypeContentImpl implements XSDParticle { protected static final int MAXIMUM_STATES = 10000; /** * The default value of the '{@link #getMinOccurs() Min Occurs}' attribute. * * * @see #getMinOccurs() * @generated * @ordered */ protected static final int MIN_OCCURS_EDEFAULT = 1; /** * The cached value of the '{@link #getMinOccurs() Min Occurs}' attribute. * * * @see #getMinOccurs() * @generated * @ordered */ protected int minOccurs = MIN_OCCURS_EDEFAULT; /** * The flag representing whether the Min Occurs attribute has been set. * * * @generated * @ordered */ protected static final int MIN_OCCURS_ESETFLAG = 1 << 8; /** * The default value of the '{@link #getMaxOccurs() Max Occurs}' attribute. * * * @see #getMaxOccurs() * @generated * @ordered */ protected static final int MAX_OCCURS_EDEFAULT = 1; /** * The cached value of the '{@link #getMaxOccurs() Max Occurs}' attribute. * * * @see #getMaxOccurs() * @generated * @ordered */ protected int maxOccurs = MAX_OCCURS_EDEFAULT; /** * The flag representing whether the Max Occurs attribute has been set. * * * @generated * @ordered */ protected static final int MAX_OCCURS_ESETFLAG = 1 << 9; /** * The cached value of the '{@link #getContent() Content}' containment reference. * * * @see #getContent() * @generated * @ordered */ protected XSDParticleContent content; /** * The cached value of the '{@link #getTerm() Term}' reference. * * * @see #getTerm() * @generated * @ordered */ protected XSDTerm term; public static XSDParticle createParticle(Node node) { XSDParticleContent xsdParticleContent = XSDParticleContentImpl.createParticleContent(node); if (xsdParticleContent != null) { XSDParticle xsdParticle = XSDFactory.eINSTANCE.createXSDParticle(); xsdParticle.setElement((Element)node); xsdParticle.setContent(xsdParticleContent); return xsdParticle; } return null; } /** * * * @generated */ protected XSDParticleImpl() { super(); } /** * * * @generated */ @Override protected EClass eStaticClass() { return XSDPackage.Literals.XSD_PARTICLE; } /** * * * @generated */ @Override public int getMinOccurs() { return minOccurs; } /** * * * @generated */ @Override public void setMinOccurs(int newMinOccurs) { int oldMinOccurs = minOccurs; minOccurs = newMinOccurs; boolean oldMinOccursESet = (eFlags & MIN_OCCURS_ESETFLAG) != 0; eFlags |= MIN_OCCURS_ESETFLAG; if (eNotificationRequired()) eNotify(new ENotificationImpl(this, Notification.SET, XSDPackage.XSD_PARTICLE__MIN_OCCURS, oldMinOccurs, minOccurs, !oldMinOccursESet)); } /** * * * @generated */ @Override public void unsetMinOccurs() { int oldMinOccurs = minOccurs; boolean oldMinOccursESet = (eFlags & MIN_OCCURS_ESETFLAG) != 0; minOccurs = MIN_OCCURS_EDEFAULT; eFlags &= ~MIN_OCCURS_ESETFLAG; if (eNotificationRequired()) eNotify(new ENotificationImpl(this, Notification.UNSET, XSDPackage.XSD_PARTICLE__MIN_OCCURS, oldMinOccurs, MIN_OCCURS_EDEFAULT, oldMinOccursESet)); } /** * * * @generated */ @Override public boolean isSetMinOccurs() { return (eFlags & MIN_OCCURS_ESETFLAG) != 0; } /** * * * @generated */ @Override public int getMaxOccurs() { return maxOccurs; } /** * * * @generated */ @Override public void setMaxOccurs(int newMaxOccurs) { int oldMaxOccurs = maxOccurs; maxOccurs = newMaxOccurs; boolean oldMaxOccursESet = (eFlags & MAX_OCCURS_ESETFLAG) != 0; eFlags |= MAX_OCCURS_ESETFLAG; if (eNotificationRequired()) eNotify(new ENotificationImpl(this, Notification.SET, XSDPackage.XSD_PARTICLE__MAX_OCCURS, oldMaxOccurs, maxOccurs, !oldMaxOccursESet)); } /** * * * @generated */ @Override public void unsetMaxOccurs() { int oldMaxOccurs = maxOccurs; boolean oldMaxOccursESet = (eFlags & MAX_OCCURS_ESETFLAG) != 0; maxOccurs = MAX_OCCURS_EDEFAULT; eFlags &= ~MAX_OCCURS_ESETFLAG; if (eNotificationRequired()) eNotify(new ENotificationImpl(this, Notification.UNSET, XSDPackage.XSD_PARTICLE__MAX_OCCURS, oldMaxOccurs, MAX_OCCURS_EDEFAULT, oldMaxOccursESet)); } /** * * * @generated */ @Override public boolean isSetMaxOccurs() { return (eFlags & MAX_OCCURS_ESETFLAG) != 0; } /** * * * @generated */ @Override public XSDParticleContent getContent() { return content; } /** * * * @generated */ @Override public void setContent(XSDParticleContent newContent) { if (newContent != content) { NotificationChain msgs = null; if (content != null) msgs = ((InternalEObject)content).eInverseRemove(this, EOPPOSITE_FEATURE_BASE - XSDPackage.XSD_PARTICLE__CONTENT, null, msgs); if (newContent != null) msgs = ((InternalEObject)newContent).eInverseAdd(this, EOPPOSITE_FEATURE_BASE - XSDPackage.XSD_PARTICLE__CONTENT, null, msgs); msgs = basicSetContent(newContent, msgs); if (msgs != null) msgs.dispatch(); } else if (eNotificationRequired()) eNotify(new ENotificationImpl(this, Notification.SET, XSDPackage.XSD_PARTICLE__CONTENT, newContent, newContent)); } /** * * * @generated */ public NotificationChain basicSetContent(XSDParticleContent newContent, NotificationChain msgs) { XSDParticleContent oldContent = content; content = newContent; if (eNotificationRequired()) { ENotificationImpl notification = new ENotificationImpl(this, Notification.SET, XSDPackage.XSD_PARTICLE__CONTENT, oldContent, newContent); if (msgs == null) msgs = notification; else msgs.add(notification); } return msgs; } /** * * * @generated */ @Override public XSDTerm getTerm() { return term; } /** * * * @generated */ @Override public void setTerm(XSDTerm newTerm) { XSDTerm oldTerm = term; term = newTerm; if (eNotificationRequired()) eNotify(new ENotificationImpl(this, Notification.SET, XSDPackage.XSD_PARTICLE__TERM, oldTerm, term)); } /** * * * @generated */ @Override public NotificationChain eInverseRemove(InternalEObject otherEnd, int featureID, NotificationChain msgs) { switch (featureID) { case XSDPackage.XSD_PARTICLE__CONTENT: return basicSetContent(null, msgs); } return super.eInverseRemove(otherEnd, featureID, msgs); } /** * * * @generated */ @Override public Object eGet(int featureID, boolean resolve, boolean coreType) { switch (featureID) { case XSDPackage.XSD_PARTICLE__MIN_OCCURS: return getMinOccurs(); case XSDPackage.XSD_PARTICLE__MAX_OCCURS: return getMaxOccurs(); case XSDPackage.XSD_PARTICLE__CONTENT: return getContent(); case XSDPackage.XSD_PARTICLE__TERM: return getTerm(); } return super.eGet(featureID, resolve, coreType); } /** * * * @generated */ @Override public void eSet(int featureID, Object newValue) { switch (featureID) { case XSDPackage.XSD_PARTICLE__MIN_OCCURS: setMinOccurs((Integer)newValue); return; case XSDPackage.XSD_PARTICLE__MAX_OCCURS: setMaxOccurs((Integer)newValue); return; case XSDPackage.XSD_PARTICLE__CONTENT: setContent((XSDParticleContent)newValue); return; case XSDPackage.XSD_PARTICLE__TERM: setTerm((XSDTerm)newValue); return; } super.eSet(featureID, newValue); } /** * * * @generated */ @Override public void eUnset(int featureID) { switch (featureID) { case XSDPackage.XSD_PARTICLE__MIN_OCCURS: unsetMinOccurs(); return; case XSDPackage.XSD_PARTICLE__MAX_OCCURS: unsetMaxOccurs(); return; case XSDPackage.XSD_PARTICLE__CONTENT: setContent((XSDParticleContent)null); return; case XSDPackage.XSD_PARTICLE__TERM: setTerm((XSDTerm)null); return; } super.eUnset(featureID); } /** * * * @generated */ @Override public boolean eIsSet(int featureID) { switch (featureID) { case XSDPackage.XSD_PARTICLE__MIN_OCCURS: return isSetMinOccurs(); case XSDPackage.XSD_PARTICLE__MAX_OCCURS: return isSetMaxOccurs(); case XSDPackage.XSD_PARTICLE__CONTENT: return content != null; case XSDPackage.XSD_PARTICLE__TERM: return term != null; } return super.eIsSet(featureID); } /** * * * @generated */ @Override public String toString() { if (eIsProxy()) return super.toString(); StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(super.toString()); result.append(" (minOccurs: "); if ((eFlags & MIN_OCCURS_ESETFLAG) != 0) result.append(minOccurs); else result.append(""); result.append(", maxOccurs: "); if ((eFlags & MAX_OCCURS_ESETFLAG) != 0) result.append(maxOccurs); else result.append(""); result.append(')'); return result.toString(); } @Override public Element createElement() { Element newElement = null; XSDParticleContent theContent = getContent(); if (theContent != null) { newElement = ((XSDConcreteComponentImpl)theContent).createElement(); setElement(newElement); } return newElement; } @Override protected void patch() { super.patch(); patchHelper(); } protected void patchHelper() { XSDParticleContent theContent = getContent(); XSDTerm newTerm = null; if (theContent instanceof XSDModelGroupDefinition) { XSDModelGroupDefinition xsdModelGroupDefinition = (XSDModelGroupDefinition)theContent; newTerm = xsdModelGroupDefinition.getResolvedModelGroupDefinition().getModelGroup(); } else if (theContent instanceof XSDElementDeclaration) { XSDElementDeclaration xsdElementDeclaration = (XSDElementDeclaration)theContent; newTerm = xsdElementDeclaration.getResolvedElementDeclaration(); } else { newTerm = (XSDTerm)theContent; } if (getTerm() != newTerm) { setTerm(newTerm); } } @Override public boolean analyze() { xsdNFA = null; return super.analyze(); } @Override public void validate() { super.validate(); if (getMaxOccurs() != -1) { if (getMinOccurs() > getMaxOccurs()) { createDiagnostic(XSDDiagnosticSeverity.ERROR_LITERAL, "coss-particle.2.1"); } } } @Override protected Collection getContentNodes(Element changedElement) { return Collections.singleton(getElement()); } @Override protected void reconcileAttributes(Element changedElement) { super.reconcileAttributes(changedElement); if (changedElement == getElement()) { if (changedElement.hasAttributeNS(null, XSDConstants.MINOCCURS_ATTRIBUTE)) { String newMinOccurs = changedElement.getAttributeNS(null, XSDConstants.MINOCCURS_ATTRIBUTE); try { int newMinOccursValue = Integer.parseInt(newMinOccurs); if (!isSetMinOccurs() || newMinOccursValue != getMinOccurs()) { setMinOccurs(newMinOccursValue); } } catch (NumberFormatException exception) { // Ignore } } else if (isSetMinOccurs()) { unsetMinOccurs(); } if (changedElement.hasAttributeNS(null, XSDConstants.MAXOCCURS_ATTRIBUTE)) { String newMaxOccurs = changedElement.getAttributeNS(null, XSDConstants.MAXOCCURS_ATTRIBUTE); try { int newMaxOccursValue = "unbounded".equals(newMaxOccurs) ? -1 : Integer.parseInt(newMaxOccurs); if (!isSetMaxOccurs() || newMaxOccursValue != getMaxOccurs()) { setMaxOccurs(newMaxOccursValue); } } catch (NumberFormatException exception) { // Ignore } } else if (isSetMaxOccurs()) { unsetMaxOccurs(); } XSDParticleContent theContent = getContent(); if (theContent != null) { theContent.elementAttributesChanged(changedElement); } } } @Override protected void reconcileContents(Element changedElement) { super.reconcileContents(changedElement); XSDParticleContent theContent = getContent(); if (theContent != null) { theContent.elementContentsChanged(changedElement); XSDTerm newTerm = (XSDTerm) new XSDSwitch() { @Override public Object caseXSDElementDeclaration(XSDElementDeclaration xsdElementDeclaration) { return xsdElementDeclaration.getResolvedElementDeclaration(); } @Override public Object caseXSDModelGroupDefinition(XSDModelGroupDefinition xsdModelGroupDefinition) { return xsdModelGroupDefinition.getResolvedModelGroupDefinition().getModelGroup(); } @Override public Object caseXSDWildcard(XSDWildcard xsdWildcard) { return xsdWildcard; } @Override public Object caseXSDModelGroup(XSDModelGroup xsdModelGroup) { return xsdModelGroup; } }.doSwitch(theContent); if (newTerm != getTerm()) { setTerm(newTerm); } } } @Override protected void changeAttribute(EAttribute eAttribute) { if (isReconciling) { return; } super.changeAttribute(eAttribute); Element theElement = getElement(); if (theElement != null) { if (eAttribute == null || eAttribute == XSDPackage.Literals.XSD_PARTICLE__MIN_OCCURS) { niceSetAttribute (theElement, XSDConstants.MINOCCURS_ATTRIBUTE, isSetMinOccurs() ? Integer.toString(getMinOccurs()) : null); } if (eAttribute == null || eAttribute == XSDPackage.Literals.XSD_PARTICLE__MAX_OCCURS) { niceSetAttribute (theElement, XSDConstants.MAXOCCURS_ATTRIBUTE, isSetMaxOccurs() ? getMaxOccurs() == -1 ? "unbounded" : Integer.toString(getMaxOccurs()) : null); } } } @Override protected void adoptContent(EReference eReference, XSDConcreteComponent xsdConcreteComponent) { super.adoptContent(eReference, xsdConcreteComponent); if (eReference == XSDPackage.Literals.XSD_PARTICLE__CONTENT) { patchHelper(); traverseToRootForPatching(); } } @Override protected void orphanContent(EReference eReference, XSDConcreteComponent xsdConcreteComponent) { super.orphanContent(eReference, xsdConcreteComponent); if (eReference == XSDPackage.Literals.XSD_PARTICLE__CONTENT) { patchHelper(); traverseToRootForPatching(); } } public static class XSDNFA implements XSDParticle.DFA { private static final class StateList extends BasicEList { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public StateList() { super(); } public StateList(Collection states) { super(states); } @Override protected Object [] newData(int capacity) { return new StateImpl [capacity]; } @Override protected final boolean useEquals() { return false; } @Override public boolean contains(Object object) { for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { if (data[i] == object) { return true; } } return false; } @Override public void clear() { Object [] oldData = data; super.clear(); data = oldData; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public T[] toArray(T[] array) { if (array == EMPTY_STATE_ARRAY) { return (T[])data; } else { return super.toArray(array); } } } private static final class TransitionList extends UniqueEList { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; Set set = new HashSet(); @Override protected Object[] newData(int capacity) { return new TransitionImpl [capacity]; } @Override public boolean addAll(Collection collection) { boolean result = false; Transition [] transitions = collection.toArray(EMPTY_TRANSITION_ARRAY); int collectionSize = collection.size(); grow(size + collectionSize); for (int i = 0; i < collectionSize; ++i) { Transition transition = transitions[i]; if (set.add(transition)) { data[size++] = transition; result = true; } } return result; } @Override protected void didAdd(int index, Transition newObject) { set.add(newObject); } @Override protected void didRemove(int index, Transition oldObject) { set.remove(oldObject); } @Override protected void didClear(int size, Object[] oldObjects) { set.clear(); } @Override public boolean contains(Object object) { return set.contains(object); } @Override public void clear() { Object [] oldData = data; super.clear(); data = oldData; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public T[] toArray(T[] array) { if (array == EMPTY_TRANSITION_ARRAY) { return (T[])data; } else { return super.toArray(array); } } } public static class StateImpl implements XSDParticle.DFA.State { protected UniqueEList transitions; protected boolean isAccepting; public StateImpl() { transitions = new TransitionList(); } public List getTransitions() { return transitions; } public boolean isAccepting() { return isAccepting; } public void setAccepting(boolean isAccepting) { this.isAccepting = isAccepting; } protected TransitionImpl createdTransition; public XSDParticle.DFA.Transition createTransition(XSDParticle xsdParticle, XSDParticle.DFA.State state) { if (createdTransition == null) { createdTransition = new TransitionImpl(xsdParticle, state); } else { createdTransition.setParticle(xsdParticle); createdTransition.setState(state); } if (transitions.add(createdTransition)) { XSDParticle.DFA.Transition result = createdTransition; createdTransition = null; return result; } else { return null; } } public XSDParticle.DFA.Transition accept(String namespaceURI, String localName) { for (Transition transition : getTransitions()) { XSDParticle xsdParticle = transition.getParticle(); XSDTerm xsdTerm = xsdParticle.getTerm(); if (xsdTerm instanceof XSDElementDeclaration) { XSDElementDeclaration xsdElementDeclaration = (XSDElementDeclaration)xsdTerm; if ((namespaceURI == null ? xsdElementDeclaration.getTargetNamespace() == null : namespaceURI.equals(xsdElementDeclaration.getTargetNamespace())) && localName.equals(xsdElementDeclaration.getName())) { return transition; } } else if (xsdTerm instanceof XSDWildcard) { XSDWildcard xsdWildcard = (XSDWildcard)xsdTerm; if (xsdWildcard.allows(namespaceURI)) { return transition; } } } return null; } } public static class TransitionImpl implements XSDParticle.DFA.Transition { protected XSDParticle xsdParticle; protected XSDParticle.DFA.State state; protected int hashCode; public TransitionImpl(XSDParticle xsdParticle, XSDParticle.DFA.State state) { this.xsdParticle = xsdParticle; this.state = state; hashCode = -1; } public final XSDParticle.DFA.State getState() { return state; } public void setState(XSDParticle.DFA.State state) { this.state = state; hashCode = -1; } public final XSDParticle getParticle() { return xsdParticle; } public void setParticle(XSDParticle xsdParticle) { this.xsdParticle = xsdParticle; hashCode = -1; } @Override public int hashCode() { if (hashCode == -1) { hashCode = (xsdParticle == null ? 0 : xsdParticle.hashCode()) ^ (state == null ? 0 : state.hashCode()); } return hashCode; } @Override public boolean equals(Object that) { if (that instanceof TransitionImpl) { TransitionImpl otherTransition = (TransitionImpl)that; return xsdParticle == otherTransition.xsdParticle && state == otherTransition.state; } else { return false; } } } private static final StateImpl[] EMPTY_STATE_ARRAY = new StateImpl [0]; private static final TransitionImpl[] EMPTY_TRANSITION_ARRAY = new TransitionImpl [0]; protected List states = new StateList(); protected StateImpl initialState; protected StateImpl finalState; protected XSDParticle xsdParticle; protected StateImpl currentState; protected Set visitedModelGroups; protected Collection diagnostics; protected boolean isApproximate; protected XSDNFA(boolean isApproximate) { this.isApproximate = isApproximate; currentState = initialState = createState(null); finalState = createState(null); } protected XSDNFA(Set visitedModelGroups, XSDParticle xsdParticle, XSDTerm xsdTerm, boolean isApproximate) { this.isApproximate = isApproximate; this.visitedModelGroups = visitedModelGroups; this.xsdParticle = xsdParticle; currentState = initialState = createState(null); finalState = createState(xsdTerm); if (!visitedModelGroups.contains(xsdTerm)) { initialize(xsdTerm); } } public XSDNFA(Set visitedModelGroups, XSDParticle xsdParticle, boolean isApproximate) { this.isApproximate = isApproximate; this.visitedModelGroups = visitedModelGroups; this.xsdParticle = xsdParticle; currentState = initialState = createState(null); finalState = createState(xsdParticle); initialize(xsdParticle); } public XSDNFA(XSDParticle xsdParticle, boolean isApproximate) { this.isApproximate = isApproximate; this.visitedModelGroups = new HashSet(); this.xsdParticle = xsdParticle; currentState = initialState = createState(null); finalState = createState(xsdParticle); initialize(xsdParticle); } protected void checkBadTransitions() { for (State state : getStates()) { for (Transition transition : state.getTransitions()) { if (!getStates().contains(transition.getState())) { Thread.dumpStack(); } } } } protected XSDNFA(XSDNFA original, boolean isApproximate) { this.isApproximate = isApproximate; xsdParticle = original.getParticle(); Map stateCloneMap = new HashMap(); List originalStates = original.getStates(); for (int i = 0, size = originalStates.size(); i < size; ++i) { State originalState = originalStates.get(i); StateImpl clonedState = createState(null); stateCloneMap.put(originalState, clonedState); clonedState.setAccepting(originalState.isAccepting()); } currentState = initialState = (StateImpl)stateCloneMap.get(original.getInitialState()); finalState = (StateImpl)stateCloneMap.get(original.getFinalState()); for (int i = 0, size = originalStates.size(); i < size; ++i) { State originalState = originalStates.get(i); List originalTransitions = originalState.getTransitions(); for (int j = 0, transitionSize = originalTransitions.size(); j < transitionSize; ++j) { Transition originalTransition = originalTransitions.get(j); ((StateImpl)stateCloneMap.get(originalState)).createTransition (originalTransition.getParticle(), stateCloneMap.get(originalTransition.getState())); } } } protected StateImpl createState(XSDComponent associatedComponent) { StateImpl result = new StateImpl(); states.add(result); return result; } protected void initialize(XSDComponent xsdComponent) { if (xsdComponent instanceof XSDElementDeclaration) { XSDElementDeclaration xsdElementDeclaration = (XSDElementDeclaration)xsdComponent; for (XSDElementDeclaration substititonGroupMember : xsdElementDeclaration.getSubstitutionGroup()) { if (substititonGroupMember == xsdElementDeclaration) { initialState.createTransition(xsdParticle, finalState); } else { XSDParticle substititonGroupMemberParticle = ((XSDParticleImpl)xsdParticle).getXSDFactory().createXSDParticle(); substititonGroupMemberParticle.setTerm(substititonGroupMember); initialState.createTransition(substititonGroupMemberParticle, finalState); } } } else if (xsdComponent instanceof XSDWildcard) { initialState.createTransition(xsdParticle, finalState); } else if (xsdComponent instanceof XSDModelGroup) { XSDModelGroup xsdModelGroup = (XSDModelGroup)xsdComponent; visitedModelGroups.add(xsdModelGroup); switch (xsdModelGroup.getCompositor().getValue()) { case XSDCompositor.SEQUENCE: { StateImpl previousState = initialState; for (XSDParticle xsdParticle : xsdModelGroup.getParticles()) { XSDNFA particleNFA = new XSDNFA(visitedModelGroups, xsdParticle, isApproximate); propagateStates(particleNFA); previousState.createTransition(null, particleNFA.getInitialState()); previousState = (StateImpl)particleNFA.getFinalState(); if (getStates().size() > MAXIMUM_STATES) { break; } } previousState.createTransition(null, finalState); break; } case XSDCompositor.CHOICE: { for (XSDParticle xsdParticle : xsdModelGroup.getParticles()) { XSDNFA particleNFA = new XSDNFA(visitedModelGroups, xsdParticle, isApproximate); propagateStates(particleNFA); initialState.createTransition(null, particleNFA.getInitialState()); ((StateImpl)particleNFA.getFinalState()).createTransition(null, finalState); if (getStates().size() > MAXIMUM_STATES) { break; } } break; } case XSDCompositor.ALL: default: { if (visitedModelGroups.size() > 1) { if (diagnostics == null) { diagnostics = new ArrayList(); } XSDDiagnostic xsdDiagnostic = XSDFactory.eINSTANCE.createXSDDiagnostic(); xsdDiagnostic.setSeverity(XSDDiagnosticSeverity.ERROR_LITERAL); xsdDiagnostic.setMessage (XSDPlugin.INSTANCE.getString ("_UI_XSDError_message", new Object [] { populateDiagnostic(xsdDiagnostic, "cos-all-limited.1", null) })); diagnostics.add(xsdDiagnostic); } if (xsdModelGroup.getParticles().size() == 0) { initialState.createTransition(null, finalState); } else { List particleNFAs = new ArrayList(xsdModelGroup.getParticles().size()); for (XSDParticle xsdParticle : xsdModelGroup.getParticles()) { XSDNFA newParticleNFA = new XSDNFA(visitedModelGroups, xsdParticle, isApproximate); particleNFAs.add(newParticleNFA); if (getStates().size() > MAXIMUM_STATES) { break; } } if (xsdModelGroup.getParticles().size() > 4) { // diagnostics = new ArrayList(); // XSDDiagnostic xsdDiagnostic = XSDFactory.eINSTANCE.createXSDDiagnostic(); // xsdDiagnostic.setSeverity(XSDDiagnosticSeverity.ERROR_LITERAL); // xsdDiagnostic.setMessage // (XSDPlugin.INSTANCE.getString // ("_UI_XSDError_message", // new Object [] // { // XSDPlugin.INSTANCE.getString // ("coss-particle.0.2", new Object [] { xsdModelGroup.getParticles().size() }) // })); // diagnostics.add(xsdDiagnostic); isApproximate = true; // Treat it like a repeating choice. // for (XSDParticle xsdParticle : xsdModelGroup.getParticles()) { XSDNFA particleNFA = new XSDNFA(visitedModelGroups, xsdParticle, isApproximate); propagateStates(particleNFA); initialState.createTransition(null, particleNFA.getInitialState()); ((StateImpl)particleNFA.getFinalState()).createTransition(null, finalState); ((StateImpl)particleNFA.getFinalState()).createTransition(null, initialState); if (getStates().size() > MAXIMUM_STATES) { break; } } } else { XSDNFA xsdNFA = createPermutations(xsdModelGroup.getParticles(), particleNFAs, new HashMap, XSDNFA>()); propagateStates(xsdNFA); initialState.createTransition(null, xsdNFA.getInitialState()); ((StateImpl)xsdNFA.getFinalState()).createTransition(null, finalState); } } break; } } visitedModelGroups.remove(xsdModelGroup); } else if (xsdComponent instanceof XSDParticle) { XSDParticle xsdParticle = (XSDParticle)xsdComponent; int minOccurs = xsdParticle.getMinOccurs(); int maxOccurs = xsdParticle.getMaxOccurs(); int count = maxOccurs == -1 || isApproximate ? minOccurs : maxOccurs; if (minOccurs <= count) { List termNFAs = new ArrayList(count); XSDNFA firstTermNFA = new XSDNFA(visitedModelGroups, xsdParticle, xsdParticle.getTerm(), isApproximate); propagateStates(firstTermNFA); termNFAs.add(firstTermNFA); for (int i = 2; i <= count; ++i) { XSDNFA clonedTermNFA = new XSDNFA(firstTermNFA, isApproximate); propagateStates(clonedTermNFA); termNFAs.add(clonedTermNFA); if (getStates().size() > MAXIMUM_STATES) { break; } } //XSDNFA previousTermNFA = firstTermNFA; StateImpl previousState = initialState; int i; if (minOccurs == 0) { initialState.createTransition(null, firstTermNFA.getInitialState()); initialState.createTransition(null, firstTermNFA.getFinalState()); previousState = (StateImpl)firstTermNFA.getFinalState(); i = 2; } else { for (i = 1; i <= minOccurs; ++i) { XSDNFA termNFA = termNFAs.get(i - 1); previousState.createTransition(null, termNFA.getInitialState()); previousState = (StateImpl)termNFA.getFinalState(); if (getStates().size() > MAXIMUM_STATES) { break; } } } if (maxOccurs == -1 || isApproximate) { previousState.createTransition(null, firstTermNFA.getInitialState()); } else { for ( ; i <= maxOccurs; ++i) { XSDNFA termNFA = termNFAs.get(i - 1); previousState.createTransition(null, termNFA.getInitialState()); ((StateImpl)termNFA.getInitialState()).createTransition(null, finalState); previousState = (StateImpl)termNFA.getFinalState(); if (getStates().size() > MAXIMUM_STATES) { break; } } } previousState.createTransition(null, finalState); } } } protected XSDNFA createPermutations(List particles, List particleNFAs, Map, XSDNFA> particlesToNFAMap) { XSDNFA result = particlesToNFAMap.get(particles); if (result == null) { int size = particleNFAs.size(); if (size == 1) { result = new XSDNFA(particleNFAs.get(0), isApproximate); particlesToNFAMap.put(particles, result); } else { result = new XSDNFA(isApproximate); List otherParticleNFAs = new ArrayList(size - 1); List otherParticles = new ArrayList(size - 1); for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { XSDNFA particleNFA = particleNFAs.get(i); XSDParticle particle = particles.get(i); otherParticleNFAs.clear(); otherParticles.clear(); for (int j = 0; j < size; ++j) { XSDParticle otherParticle = particles.get(j); if (particle != otherParticle) { XSDNFA otherParticleNFA = particleNFAs.get(j); otherParticleNFAs.add(otherParticleNFA); otherParticles.add(otherParticle); } } XSDNFA clonedParticleNFA = new XSDNFA(particleNFA, isApproximate); result.propagateStates(clonedParticleNFA); ((StateImpl)result.getInitialState()).createTransition(null, clonedParticleNFA.getInitialState()); XSDNFA combinationXSDNFA = createPermutations (otherParticles, otherParticleNFAs, particlesToNFAMap); result.propagateStates(combinationXSDNFA); ((StateImpl)clonedParticleNFA.getFinalState()).createTransition(null, combinationXSDNFA.getInitialState()); ((StateImpl)combinationXSDNFA.getFinalState()).createTransition(null, result.getFinalState()); } if (result.getStates().size() > 50) { result.epsilonClosure(); result.minimize(); result.determinize(); result.minimize(); result.createFinalState(); } } particlesToNFAMap.put(particles, result); } return result; } public boolean isApproximate() { return isApproximate; } public List getStates() { return states; } public XSDParticle.DFA.State getInitialState() { return initialState; } public XSDParticle.DFA.State getFinalState() { return finalState; } public XSDParticle getParticle() { return xsdParticle; } public static String getComponentLabel(Collection xsdComponents) { StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); result.append("{"); for (Iterator i = xsdComponents.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { XSDComponent xsdComponent =; result.append(getComponentLabel(xsdComponent)); if (i.hasNext()) { result.append(" "); } } result.append("}"); return result.toString(); } public static String getComponentLabel(XSDComponent xsdComponent) { if (xsdComponent == null) { return "-"; } else if (xsdComponent instanceof XSDElementDeclaration) { XSDElementDeclaration xsdElementDeclaration = (XSDElementDeclaration)xsdComponent; return xsdElementDeclaration.getName(); } else if (xsdComponent instanceof XSDWildcard) { XSDWildcard xsdWildcard = (XSDWildcard)xsdComponent; return xsdWildcard.getStringNamespaceConstraint(); } else if (xsdComponent instanceof XSDModelGroup) { XSDModelGroup xsdModelGroup = (XSDModelGroup)xsdComponent; switch (xsdModelGroup.getCompositor().getValue()) { case XSDCompositor.SEQUENCE: { return ""; } case XSDCompositor.CHOICE: { return ""; } case XSDCompositor.ALL: default: { return ""; } } } else if (xsdComponent instanceof XSDParticle) { XSDParticle xsdParticle = (XSDParticle)xsdComponent; return getComponentLabel(xsdParticle.getTerm()) + "[" + xsdParticle.getMinOccurs() + "," + xsdParticle.getMaxOccurs() + "]"; } else { return xsdComponent.toString(); } } public void dump(PrintStream out) { List stateList = new StateList(getStates()); stateList.remove(initialState); stateList.add(0, initialState); if (finalState != null) { stateList.remove(finalState); stateList.add(finalState); } out.println ("Component: " + getComponentLabel(xsdParticle) + " [" + stateList.indexOf(initialState) + ", " + stateList.indexOf(finalState) + "]"); for (State state : stateList) { out.println (" State: " + stateList.indexOf(state) + (state.isAccepting() ? " *" : "")); for (Transition transition : state.getTransitions()) { out.println (" --> : " + getComponentLabel(transition.getParticle()) + " -> " + stateList.indexOf(transition.getState())); } } } public void epsilonClosure() { finalState.setAccepting(true); boolean closed; StateImpl[] statesArray = states.toArray(EMPTY_STATE_ARRAY); int statesSize = states.size(); Set nullTransitions = new HashSet(); do { closed = true; for (int i = 0; i < statesSize; ++i) { StateImpl state = statesArray[i]; List stateTransitions = state.getTransitions(); TransitionImpl [] stateTransitionsArray = stateTransitions.toArray(EMPTY_TRANSITION_ARRAY); for (int j = 0; j < stateTransitions.size(); ++j) { TransitionImpl transition = stateTransitionsArray[j]; if (transition.getParticle() == null) { stateTransitions.remove(j); --j; closed = false; State otherState = transition.getState(); if (state != otherState && nullTransitions.add(transition)) { if (otherState.isAccepting()) { state.setAccepting(true); } stateTransitions.addAll(otherState.getTransitions()); } stateTransitionsArray = stateTransitions.toArray(EMPTY_TRANSITION_ARRAY); } } nullTransitions.clear(); } } while (!closed); } public void createFinalState() { finalState = createState(null); for (int i = 0, iSize = states.size(); i < iSize; ++i) { StateImpl state = (StateImpl)states.get(i); if (state.isAccepting()) { state.setAccepting(false); state.createTransition(null, finalState); } } } protected TransitionImpl testTransition = new TransitionImpl(null, null); public boolean isEquivalent(XSDParticle.DFA.State s1, XSDParticle.DFA.State s2) { if (s1.isAccepting() != s2.isAccepting() || s1.getTransitions().size() != s2.getTransitions().size()) { return false; } else { List stateTransitions = s1.getTransitions(); TransitionImpl[] stateTransitionsArray = stateTransitions.toArray(EMPTY_TRANSITION_ARRAY); for (int i = 0, iSize = stateTransitions.size(); i < iSize; ++i) { TransitionImpl transition = stateTransitionsArray[i]; testTransition.setParticle(transition.getParticle()); testTransition.setState(transition.getState()); if (!s2.getTransitions().contains(testTransition)) { return false; } } return true; } } public void minimize() { int size = states.size(); StateImpl [] theStates = states.toArray(new StateImpl[size]); StateList equivalentStates = new StateList(); equivalentStates.grow(size); boolean minimal; do { minimal = true; for (int i = 0; i < theStates.length; ++i) { StateImpl state = theStates[i]; if (state != null) { for (int j = i + 1; j < theStates.length; ++j) { State otherState = theStates[j]; if (otherState != null && isEquivalent(state, otherState)) { equivalentStates.add(otherState); theStates[j] = null; } } if (!equivalentStates.isEmpty()) { for (int j = 0; j < theStates.length; ++j) { State otherState = theStates[j]; if (otherState != null) { List theTransitions = otherState.getTransitions(); TransitionImpl[] theTransitionsArray = theTransitions.toArray(EMPTY_TRANSITION_ARRAY); if (equivalentStates.contains(otherState)) { for (int k = 0, kSize = theTransitions.size(); k < kSize; ++k) { TransitionImpl transition = theTransitionsArray[k]; State outgoingState = transition.getState(); if (equivalentStates.contains(outgoingState)) { state.createTransition(transition.getParticle(), state); } else { state.createTransition(transition.getParticle(), outgoingState); } } } else { for (int k = theTransitions.size(); --k >= 0; ) { TransitionImpl transition = theTransitionsArray[k]; State outgoingState = transition.getState(); if (equivalentStates.contains(outgoingState)) { theTransitions.remove(k); theTransitions.add(new TransitionImpl(transition.getParticle(), state)); } } } } } states.removeAll(equivalentStates); equivalentStates.clear(); minimal = false; } } } } while (!minimal); } protected XSDElementDeclaration [] xsdElementDeclarations; public int checksum() { int result = 0; if (xsdElementDeclarations != null) { for (int i = 0, length = xsdElementDeclarations.length; i < length; ++i) { result += xsdElementDeclarations[i].getSubstitutionGroup().hashCode(); } } else { List elements = new UniqueEList.FastCompare(); StateImpl[] statesArray = states.toArray(EMPTY_STATE_ARRAY); for (int i = 0, iSize = states.size(); i < iSize; ++i) { StateImpl state = statesArray[i]; List theTransitions = state.getTransitions(); TransitionImpl[] transitionsArray = theTransitions.toArray(EMPTY_TRANSITION_ARRAY); for (int j = 0, jSize = theTransitions.size(); j < jSize; ++j) { TransitionImpl transition = transitionsArray[j]; XSDTerm xsdTerm = transition.getParticle().getTerm(); if (xsdTerm instanceof XSDElementDeclaration) { XSDElementDeclaration xsdElementDeclaration = (XSDElementDeclaration)xsdTerm; if (elements.add(xsdElementDeclaration)) { result += xsdElementDeclaration.getSubstitutionGroup().hashCode(); } } } } xsdElementDeclarations = new XSDElementDeclaration[elements.size()]; elements.toArray(xsdElementDeclarations); } return result; } public void determinize() { Set> stateSubsets = new HashSet>(); State originalInitialState = initialState; Set initialStateSubset = Collections.singleton(initialState); stateSubsets.add(initialStateSubset); states.clear(); currentState = initialState = createState(null); initialState.setAccepting(originalInitialState.isAccepting()); finalState = null; xsdParticle = null; Map, State> stateSubsetToStateMap = new HashMap, State>(); stateSubsetToStateMap.put(initialStateSubset, initialState); List transitions = new TransitionList(); do { Iterator> s = stateSubsets.iterator(); Set stateSubset =; s.remove(); StateImpl newState = (StateImpl)stateSubsetToStateMap.get(stateSubset); transitions.clear(); for (State originalState : stateSubset) { transitions.addAll(originalState.getTransitions()); } TransitionImpl [] transitionsArray = transitions.toArray(EMPTY_TRANSITION_ARRAY); int count = transitions.size(); while (count > 0) { TransitionImpl originalTransition = transitionsArray[0]; int moveIndex = 0; int index = 1; XSDParticle particle = originalTransition.getParticle(); State orginalTransitionState = originalTransition.getState(); Set newStateSubset = new HashSet(); newStateSubset.add(orginalTransitionState); boolean isAccepting = orginalTransitionState.isAccepting(); while (index < count) { TransitionImpl otherOriginalTransition = transitionsArray[index++]; if (otherOriginalTransition.getParticle() == particle) { State otherOriginalTransitionState = otherOriginalTransition.getState(); newStateSubset.add(otherOriginalTransitionState); if (otherOriginalTransitionState.isAccepting()) { isAccepting = true; } } else { // Shift it forward to the next unused slot for subsequent processing. // transitionsArray[moveIndex++] = otherOriginalTransition; } } count = moveIndex; StateImpl newNextState = (StateImpl)stateSubsetToStateMap.get(newStateSubset); if (newNextState == null) { newNextState = createState(null); if (isAccepting) { newNextState.setAccepting(true); } stateSubsetToStateMap.put(newStateSubset, newNextState); stateSubsets.add(newStateSubset); } else { if (newNextState.isAccepting() != isAccepting) { Thread.dumpStack(); } } newState.createTransition(particle, newNextState); } } while (!stateSubsets.isEmpty()); } public XSDDiagnostic checkOverlap(XSDTerm xsdComponent1, XSDTerm xsdComponent2) { if (xsdComponent1 instanceof XSDElementDeclaration) { XSDElementDeclaration xsdElementDeclaration1 = (XSDElementDeclaration)xsdComponent1; return checkOverlap(xsdElementDeclaration1, xsdComponent2); } else if (xsdComponent1 instanceof XSDWildcard) { XSDWildcard xsdWildcard1 = (XSDWildcard)xsdComponent1; return checkOverlap(xsdWildcard1, xsdComponent2); } else { return null; } } protected XSDDiagnostic checkOverlap(XSDElementDeclaration xsdElementDeclaration1, XSDTerm xsdComponent2) { if (xsdComponent2 instanceof XSDElementDeclaration) { XSDElementDeclaration xsdElementDeclaration2 = (XSDElementDeclaration)xsdComponent2; if (xsdElementDeclaration1.hasSameNameAndTargetNamespace(xsdElementDeclaration2)) { XSDDiagnostic xsdDiagnostic = XSDFactory.eINSTANCE.createXSDDiagnostic(); xsdDiagnostic.setSeverity(XSDDiagnosticSeverity.ERROR_LITERAL); xsdDiagnostic.setMessage (XSDPlugin.INSTANCE.getString ("_UI_XSDError_message", new Object [] { populateDiagnostic (xsdDiagnostic, "key-overlap.1", new Object [] { xsdElementDeclaration1.getURI() }) })); return xsdDiagnostic; } } else if (xsdComponent2 instanceof XSDWildcard) { XSDWildcard xsdWildcard2 = (XSDWildcard)xsdComponent2; if (xsdWildcard2.allows(xsdElementDeclaration1.getTargetNamespace())) { XSDDiagnostic xsdDiagnostic = XSDFactory.eINSTANCE.createXSDDiagnostic(); xsdDiagnostic.setSeverity(XSDDiagnosticSeverity.ERROR_LITERAL); xsdDiagnostic.setMessage (XSDPlugin.INSTANCE.getString ("_UI_XSDError_message", new Object [] { populateDiagnostic(xsdDiagnostic, "key-overlap.2", new Object [] { xsdElementDeclaration1.getURI() }) })); return xsdDiagnostic; } } return null; } protected XSDDiagnostic checkOverlap(XSDWildcard xsdWildcard1, XSDTerm xsdComponent2) { if (xsdComponent2 instanceof XSDElementDeclaration) { XSDElementDeclaration xsdElementDeclaration2 = (XSDElementDeclaration)xsdComponent2; if (xsdWildcard1.allows(xsdElementDeclaration2.getTargetNamespace())) { XSDDiagnostic xsdDiagnostic = XSDFactory.eINSTANCE.createXSDDiagnostic(); xsdDiagnostic.setSeverity(XSDDiagnosticSeverity.ERROR_LITERAL); xsdDiagnostic.setMessage (XSDPlugin.INSTANCE.getString ("_UI_XSDError_message", new Object [] { populateDiagnostic(xsdDiagnostic, "key-overlap.2", new Object [] { xsdElementDeclaration2.getURI() }) })); return xsdDiagnostic; } } else if (xsdComponent2 instanceof XSDWildcard) { XSDWildcard xsdWildcard2 = (XSDWildcard)xsdComponent2; XSDWildcard intersection = xsdWildcard1.attributeWildcardIntersection(xsdWildcard2); if (intersection != null && !intersection.getNamespaceConstraint().isEmpty()) { XSDDiagnostic xsdDiagnostic = XSDFactory.eINSTANCE.createXSDDiagnostic(); xsdDiagnostic.setSeverity(XSDDiagnosticSeverity.ERROR_LITERAL); xsdDiagnostic.setMessage (XSDPlugin.INSTANCE.getString ("_UI_XSDError_message", new Object [] { populateDiagnostic(xsdDiagnostic, "key-overlap.3", new Object [] { intersection.getNamespaceConstraint().get(0) }) })); return xsdDiagnostic; } } return null; } public void propagateStates(XSDNFA xsdNFA) { states.addAll(xsdNFA.getStates()); if (xsdNFA.diagnostics != null) { if (diagnostics == null) { diagnostics = new ArrayList(); } diagnostics.addAll(xsdNFA.diagnostics); } } public Collection getDiagnostics() { if (diagnostics == null) { diagnostics = new ArrayList(); Map elementURIToTypeMap = new HashMap(); int iSize = states.size(); if (iSize > MAXIMUM_STATES) { XSDDiagnostic xsdDiagnostic = XSDFactory.eINSTANCE.createXSDDiagnostic(); xsdDiagnostic.setSeverity(XSDDiagnosticSeverity.WARNING_LITERAL); xsdDiagnostic.setMessage (XSDPlugin.INSTANCE.getString ("_UI_XSDError_message", new Object [] { populateDiagnostic(xsdDiagnostic, "coss-particle.0.1", new Object [] { getStates().size() }) })); diagnostics.add(xsdDiagnostic); } else { StateImpl [] statesArray = states.toArray(EMPTY_STATE_ARRAY); Map uriToElementMap = new HashMap(); for (int i = 0; i < iSize; ++i) { StateImpl state = statesArray[i]; List transitions = state.getTransitions(); TransitionImpl[] transitionsArray = transitions.toArray(EMPTY_TRANSITION_ARRAY); int jSize = transitions.size(); uriToElementMap.clear(); for (int j = 0; j < jSize; ++j) { TransitionImpl transition = transitionsArray[j]; XSDTerm xsdTerm = transition.getParticle().getTerm(); if (xsdTerm instanceof XSDElementDeclaration) { XSDElementDeclaration xsdElementDeclaration = (XSDElementDeclaration)xsdTerm; XSDTypeDefinition xsdTypeDefinition = xsdElementDeclaration.getTypeDefinition(); Object otherXSDTypeDefinition = elementURIToTypeMap.put(xsdElementDeclaration.getURI(), xsdTypeDefinition); if (otherXSDTypeDefinition != null && otherXSDTypeDefinition != xsdTypeDefinition) { XSDDiagnostic xsdDiagnostic = XSDFactory.eINSTANCE.createXSDDiagnostic(); xsdDiagnostic.setSeverity(XSDDiagnosticSeverity.ERROR_LITERAL); xsdDiagnostic.setMessage (XSDPlugin.INSTANCE.getString ("_UI_XSDError_message", new Object [] { populateDiagnostic (xsdDiagnostic, "cos-element-consistent", new Object [] { xsdElementDeclaration.getURI(), xsdTypeDefinition.getURI(), ((XSDTypeDefinition)otherXSDTypeDefinition).getURI() }) })); diagnostics.add(xsdDiagnostic); } if (jSize > 1) { XSDElementDeclaration otherXSDElementDeclaration = uriToElementMap.put(xsdElementDeclaration.getURI(), xsdElementDeclaration); if (otherXSDElementDeclaration != null) { XSDDiagnostic xsdDiagnostic = checkOverlap(xsdElementDeclaration, otherXSDElementDeclaration); if (xsdDiagnostic != null) { diagnostics.add(xsdDiagnostic); } } } } } // Only if there are wildcards do the check for overlapping wildcards. // if (jSize > 1 && uriToElementMap.size() <= jSize) { for (int j = 0; j < jSize; ++j) { TransitionImpl transition = transitionsArray[j]; XSDTerm xsdTerm = transition.getParticle().getTerm(); if (xsdTerm instanceof XSDWildcard) { XSDWildcard xsdWildcard = (XSDWildcard)xsdTerm; for (int k = j + 1; k < jSize; ++k) { TransitionImpl otherTransition = transitionsArray[k]; XSDDiagnostic xsdDiagnostic = checkOverlap(xsdWildcard, otherTransition.getParticle().getTerm()); if (xsdDiagnostic != null) { diagnostics.add(xsdDiagnostic); } } } } } } } } return diagnostics; } public XSDParticle.DFA.State getCurrentState() { return currentState; } public void reset() { currentState = initialState; } public XSDParticle.DFA cloneDFA() { return new XSDNFA(this, isApproximate); } } public static final boolean debug = false; protected XSDNFA xsdNFA; protected int xsdNFACheckSum; public XSDParticle.DFA getDFA() { if (xsdNFA == null || (!getSchema().getSchemaForSchemaNamespace().equals(getSchema().getTargetNamespace()) && xsdNFACheckSum != xsdNFA.checksum())) { XSDNFA localNFA = new XSDNFA(this, false); if (localNFA.getStates().size() > MAXIMUM_STATES) { localNFA = new XSDNFA(this, true); } if (localNFA.getStates().size() < MAXIMUM_STATES) { if (debug) { System.out.println("-- NFA initial --"); localNFA.dump(System.out); System.out.println("-- NFA no-epsilon --"); } localNFA.epsilonClosure(); if (debug) { localNFA.dump(System.out); System.out.println("-- NFA minimal --"); } localNFA.minimize(); if (debug) { localNFA.dump(System.out); System.out.println("-- DFA --"); } localNFA.determinize(); if (debug) { localNFA.dump(System.out); System.out.println("-- DFA minimal--"); } localNFA.minimize(); if (debug) { localNFA.dump(System.out); } } else { // Clean up bad transitions. // for (DFA.State state : localNFA.getStates()) { for (Iterator j = state.getTransitions().iterator(); j.hasNext(); ) { DFA.Transition transition =; if (transition.getParticle() == null) { j.remove(); } } } } xsdNFA = localNFA; } return xsdNFA; } public boolean isEmptiable() { return getDFA().getInitialState().isAccepting(); } public boolean isSubset(XSDParticle otherParticle) { return isSubset(otherParticle, false); } public boolean isSubset(XSDParticle otherParticle, boolean diagnose) { XSDNFA subset = (XSDNFA)getDFA(); XSDNFA superSet = (XSDNFA)otherParticle.getDFA(); if (!subset.getDiagnostics().isEmpty() || !superSet.getDiagnostics().isEmpty()) { return true; } final Set> states = new HashSet>(); Map map = new HashMap() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override public Object put(DFA.State key, Object value) { DFA.State s1 = key; DFA.State s2 = (DFA.State)value; if (s1.isAccepting() && !s2.isAccepting()) { return null; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Set set = (Set)super.get(key); if (set == null) { set = new HashSet(); super.put(key, set); } if (set.add(s2)) { List pair = new ArrayList(2); pair.add(s1); pair.add(s2); states.add(pair); } return set; } }; boolean result = false; if (map.put(subset.getInitialState(), superSet.getInitialState()) != null) { Map elementMap = new HashMap(); result = true; LOOP: while (!states.isEmpty()) { Iterator> iterator = states.iterator(); List pair =; iterator.remove(); DFA.State substate = pair.get(0); DFA.State superState = pair.get(1); for (DFA.Transition subtransition : substate.getTransitions()) { XSDTerm subXSDTerm = subtransition.getParticle().getTerm(); boolean transitionResult = false; if (subXSDTerm instanceof XSDElementDeclaration) { XSDElementDeclaration subXSDElementDeclaration = (XSDElementDeclaration)subXSDTerm; for (DFA.Transition superTransition : superState.getTransitions()) { XSDTerm superXSDTerm = superTransition.getParticle().getTerm(); if (superXSDTerm instanceof XSDElementDeclaration) { XSDElementDeclaration superXSDElementDeclaration = (XSDElementDeclaration)superXSDTerm; if (superXSDElementDeclaration.hasSameNameAndTargetNamespace(subXSDElementDeclaration)) { if (map.put(subtransition.getState(), superTransition.getState()) != null) { elementMap.put(subXSDElementDeclaration, superXSDElementDeclaration); transitionResult = true; break; } else { result = false; break LOOP; } } } else { XSDWildcard superXSDWildcard = (XSDWildcard)superXSDTerm; if (superXSDWildcard.allows(subXSDElementDeclaration.getTargetNamespace())) { if (map.put(subtransition.getState(), superTransition.getState()) != null) { transitionResult = true; break; } else { result = false; break LOOP; } } } } } else { XSDWildcard subXSDWildcard = (XSDWildcard)subXSDTerm; for (DFA.Transition superTransition : superState.getTransitions()) { XSDTerm superXSDTerm = superTransition.getParticle().getTerm(); if (superXSDTerm instanceof XSDWildcard) { XSDWildcard superXSDWildcard = (XSDWildcard)superXSDTerm; if (subXSDWildcard.isWildcardSubset(superXSDWildcard)) { if (map.put(subtransition.getState(), superTransition.getState()) != null) { transitionResult = true; break; } else { result = false; break LOOP; } } } } } if (!transitionResult) { result = false; break LOOP; } } } if (result) { for (Map.Entry entry : elementMap.entrySet()) { XSDElementDeclaration subXSDElementDeclaration = entry.getKey(); XSDElementDeclaration superXSDElementDeclaration = entry.getValue(); if (superXSDElementDeclaration.isNillable() && !subXSDElementDeclaration.isNillable()) { result = false; if (diagnose) { getDiagnosticTarget(subXSDElementDeclaration).createDiagnostic (XSDDiagnosticSeverity.ERROR_LITERAL, "rcase-NameAndTypeOK.2", subXSDElementDeclaration.getURI()); } else { break; } } if (superXSDElementDeclaration.getTypeDefinition() instanceof XSDSimpleTypeDefinition) { if (superXSDElementDeclaration.getConstraint() == XSDConstraint.FIXED_LITERAL && superXSDElementDeclaration.getLexicalValue() != null && (subXSDElementDeclaration.getConstraint() != XSDConstraint.FIXED_LITERAL || !((XSDSimpleTypeDefinition)superXSDElementDeclaration.getTypeDefinition()).equalLiterals (superXSDElementDeclaration.getElement(), superXSDElementDeclaration.getLexicalValue(), subXSDElementDeclaration.getElement(), subXSDElementDeclaration.getLexicalValue()))) { result = false; if (diagnose) { getDiagnosticTarget(subXSDElementDeclaration).createDiagnostic (XSDDiagnosticSeverity.ERROR_LITERAL, "rcase-NameAndTypeOK.4", subXSDElementDeclaration.getLexicalValue(), subXSDElementDeclaration.getURI()); } else { break; } } } if (!subXSDElementDeclaration.getDisallowedSubstitutions().containsAll (superXSDElementDeclaration.getDisallowedSubstitutions())) { result = false; if (diagnose) { getDiagnosticTarget(subXSDElementDeclaration).createDiagnostic (XSDDiagnosticSeverity.ERROR_LITERAL, "rcase-NameAndTypeOK.6", subXSDElementDeclaration.getURI()); } else { break; } } XSDTypeDefinition badType = subXSDElementDeclaration.getTypeDefinition().getBadTypeDerivation (superXSDElementDeclaration.getTypeDefinition(), false, true); if (badType != null) { result = false; if (diagnose) { getDiagnosticTarget(subXSDElementDeclaration).createDiagnostic (XSDDiagnosticSeverity.ERROR_LITERAL, "rcase-NameAndTypeOK.7", subXSDElementDeclaration.getURI(), superXSDElementDeclaration.getTypeDefinition().getURI()); } else { break; } } } } } // if (!result) // { // printDFA(subset); // printDFA(superSet); // } return result; } @Override public XSDConcreteComponent cloneConcreteComponent(boolean deep, boolean shareDOM) { XSDParticleImpl clonedParticle = (XSDParticleImpl)getXSDFactory().createXSDParticle(); clonedParticle.isReconciling = true; if (isSetMinOccurs()) { clonedParticle.setMinOccurs(getMinOccurs()); } if (isSetMaxOccurs()) { clonedParticle.setMaxOccurs(getMaxOccurs()); } clonedParticle.setContent((XSDParticleContent)getContent().cloneConcreteComponent(deep, shareDOM)); if (shareDOM && getElement() != null) { clonedParticle.setElement(getElement()); } clonedParticle.isReconciling = shareDOM; return clonedParticle; } }