org.eclipse.jetty.client.HttpProxy Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// ========================================================================
// Copyright (c) 1995 Mort Bay Consulting Pty Ltd and others.
// This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
// terms of the Eclipse Public License v. 2.0 which is available at
// https://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0, or the Apache License, Version 2.0
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// SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR Apache-2.0
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package org.eclipse.jetty.client;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.InetSocketAddress;
import java.net.SocketAddress;
import java.net.URI;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import org.eclipse.jetty.client.internal.TunnelRequest;
import org.eclipse.jetty.client.transport.HttpConversation;
import org.eclipse.jetty.client.transport.HttpDestination;
import org.eclipse.jetty.client.transport.HttpRequest;
import org.eclipse.jetty.http.HttpHeader;
import org.eclipse.jetty.http.HttpScheme;
import org.eclipse.jetty.http.HttpStatus;
import org.eclipse.jetty.io.ClientConnectionFactory;
import org.eclipse.jetty.io.ClientConnector;
import org.eclipse.jetty.io.EndPoint;
import org.eclipse.jetty.io.Transport;
import org.eclipse.jetty.util.Attachable;
import org.eclipse.jetty.util.Promise;
import org.eclipse.jetty.util.ssl.SslContextFactory;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* Client-side proxy configuration for HTTP proxying, as specified by
* RFC 9110.
* By default the communication between client and proxy happens using
* the HTTP/1.1 protocol, but it may be configured to use
* also other HTTP protocol versions, such as HTTP/2.
public class HttpProxy extends ProxyConfiguration.Proxy
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(HttpProxy.class);
* Creates a new instance with the given HTTP proxy host and port.
* @param host the HTTP proxy host name
* @param port the HTTP proxy port
public HttpProxy(String host, int port)
this(new Origin.Address(host, port), false);
* Creates a new instance with the given HTTP proxy address.
* When {@code secure=true} the communication between the client and the
* proxy will be encrypted (using this proxy {@link #getSslContextFactory()}
* which typically defaults to that of {@link HttpClient}.
* @param address the HTTP proxy address (host and port)
* @param secure whether the communication between the client and the HTTP proxy should be secure
public HttpProxy(Origin.Address address, boolean secure)
this(address, secure, new Origin.Protocol(List.of("http/1.1"), false));
* Creates a new instance with the given HTTP proxy address and protocol.
* @param address the HTTP proxy address (host and port)
* @param secure whether the communication between the client and the HTTP proxy should be secure
* @param protocol the protocol to use to communicate with the HTTP proxy
public HttpProxy(Origin.Address address, boolean secure, Origin.Protocol protocol)
this(new Origin(secure ? "https" : "http", address, null, protocol, Transport.TCP_IP), null);
* Creates a new instance with the given HTTP proxy address and TLS configuration.
* The {@link SslContextFactory} could have a different configuration from the
* one configured in {@link HttpClient}, and it is used to communicate with the HTTP
* proxy only (not to communicate with the servers).
* @param address the HTTP proxy address (host and port)
* @param sslContextFactory the {@link SslContextFactory.Client} to use to communicate with the HTTP proxy
public HttpProxy(Origin.Address address, SslContextFactory.Client sslContextFactory)
this(address, sslContextFactory, new Origin.Protocol(List.of("http/1.1"), false));
* Creates a new instance with the given HTTP proxy address, TLS configuration and protocol.
* The {@link SslContextFactory} could have a different configuration from the
* one configured in {@link HttpClient} and it is used to communicate with the HTTP
* proxy only (not to communicate with the servers).
* @param address the HTTP proxy address (host and port)
* @param sslContextFactory the {@link SslContextFactory.Client} to use to communicate with the HTTP proxy
* @param protocol the protocol to use to communicate with the HTTP proxy
public HttpProxy(Origin.Address address, SslContextFactory.Client sslContextFactory, Origin.Protocol protocol)
this(new Origin(sslContextFactory == null ? "http" : "https", address, null, protocol, Transport.TCP_IP), sslContextFactory);
* Creates a new instance with the given HTTP proxy {@link Origin} and TLS configuration.
* The {@link SslContextFactory} could have a different configuration from the
* one configured in {@link HttpClient} and it is used to communicate with the HTTP
* proxy only (not to communicate with the servers).
* @param origin the HTTP proxy {@link Origin} information
* @param sslContextFactory the {@link SslContextFactory.Client} to use to communicate with the HTTP proxy
public HttpProxy(Origin origin, SslContextFactory.Client sslContextFactory)
super(origin, sslContextFactory);
public ClientConnectionFactory newClientConnectionFactory(ClientConnectionFactory connectionFactory)
return new HttpProxyClientConnectionFactory(connectionFactory);
public URI getURI()
return URI.create(getOrigin().asString());
public boolean requiresTunnel(Origin serverOrigin)
if (HttpScheme.isSecure(serverOrigin.getScheme()))
return true;
Origin.Protocol serverProtocol = serverOrigin.getProtocol();
if (serverProtocol == null)
return true;
List serverProtocols = serverProtocol.getProtocols();
return getProtocol().getProtocols().stream().noneMatch(p -> protocolMatches(p, serverProtocols));
private boolean protocolMatches(String protocol, List protocols)
return protocols.stream().anyMatch(p -> protocol.equalsIgnoreCase(p) || (isHTTP2(p) && isHTTP2(protocol)));
private boolean isHTTP2(String protocol)
return "h2".equalsIgnoreCase(protocol) || "h2c".equalsIgnoreCase(protocol);
private class HttpProxyClientConnectionFactory implements ClientConnectionFactory
private final ClientConnectionFactory connectionFactory;
private HttpProxyClientConnectionFactory(ClientConnectionFactory connectionFactory)
this.connectionFactory = connectionFactory;
public org.eclipse.jetty.io.Connection newConnection(EndPoint endPoint, Map context) throws IOException
HttpDestination destination = (HttpDestination)context.get(HttpClientTransport.HTTP_DESTINATION_CONTEXT_KEY);
if (requiresTunnel(destination.getOrigin()))
return newProxyConnection(endPoint, context);
return connectionFactory.newConnection(endPoint, context);
private org.eclipse.jetty.io.Connection newProxyConnection(EndPoint endPoint, Map context) throws IOException
// Replace the destination with the proxy destination.
HttpDestination destination = (HttpDestination)context.get(HttpClientTransport.HTTP_DESTINATION_CONTEXT_KEY);
HttpClient client = destination.getHttpClient();
Destination proxyDestination = client.resolveDestination(getOrigin());
context.put(HttpClientTransport.HTTP_DESTINATION_CONTEXT_KEY, proxyDestination);
// Replace the promise with the proxy promise that creates the tunnel to the server.
Promise promise = (Promise)context.get(HttpClientTransport.HTTP_CONNECTION_PROMISE_CONTEXT_KEY);
CreateTunnelPromise tunnelPromise = new CreateTunnelPromise(connectionFactory, endPoint, destination, promise, context);
context.put(HttpClientTransport.HTTP_CONNECTION_PROMISE_CONTEXT_KEY, tunnelPromise);
return connectionFactory.newConnection(endPoint, context);
* Creates a tunnel using HTTP CONNECT.
* It is implemented as a promise because it needs to establish the
* tunnel after the TCP connection is succeeded, and needs to notify
* the nested promise when the tunnel is established (or failed).
private static class CreateTunnelPromise implements Promise
private final ClientConnectionFactory connectionFactory;
private final EndPoint endPoint;
private final HttpDestination destination;
private final Promise promise;
private final Map context;
private CreateTunnelPromise(ClientConnectionFactory connectionFactory, EndPoint endPoint, HttpDestination destination, Promise promise, Map context)
this.connectionFactory = connectionFactory;
this.endPoint = endPoint;
this.destination = destination;
this.promise = promise;
this.context = context;
public void succeeded(Connection connection)
// Replace the destination back with the original.
context.put(HttpClientTransport.HTTP_DESTINATION_CONTEXT_KEY, destination);
// Replace the promise back with the original.
context.put(HttpClientTransport.HTTP_CONNECTION_PROMISE_CONTEXT_KEY, promise);
public void failed(Throwable x)
tunnelFailed(endPoint, x);
private void tunnel(Connection connection)
String target = destination.getOrigin().getAddress().asString();
HttpClient httpClient = destination.getHttpClient();
long connectTimeout = httpClient.getConnectTimeout();
Request connect = new TunnelRequest(httpClient, destination.getProxy().getURI())
.headers(headers -> headers.put(HttpHeader.HOST, target))
// Use the connect timeout as a total timeout,
// since this request is to "connect" to the server.
.timeout(connectTimeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
Destination proxyDestination = httpClient.resolveDestination(destination.getProxy().getOrigin());
connect.attribute(Connection.class.getName(), new ProxyConnection(proxyDestination, connection, promise));
connection.send(connect, new TunnelListener(connect));
private void tunnelSucceeded(EndPoint endPoint)
HttpDestination destination = (HttpDestination)context.get(HttpClientTransport.HTTP_DESTINATION_CONTEXT_KEY);
ClientConnectionFactory factory = connectionFactory;
if (destination.isSecure())
// Don't want to do DNS resolution here.
InetSocketAddress address = InetSocketAddress.createUnresolved(destination.getHost(), destination.getPort());
context.put(ClientConnector.REMOTE_SOCKET_ADDRESS_CONTEXT_KEY, address);
factory = destination.getHttpClient().newSslClientConnectionFactory(null, factory);
var oldConnection = endPoint.getConnection();
var newConnection = factory.newConnection(endPoint, context);
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
LOG.debug("HTTP tunnel established: {} over {}", oldConnection, newConnection);
catch (Throwable x)
tunnelFailed(endPoint, x);
private void tunnelFailed(EndPoint endPoint, Throwable failure)
private class TunnelListener implements Response.Listener
private final HttpConversation conversation;
private TunnelListener(Request request)
this.conversation = ((HttpRequest)request).getConversation();
public void onHeaders(Response response)
// The EndPoint may have changed during the conversation, get the latest.
EndPoint endPoint = (EndPoint)conversation.getAttribute(EndPoint.class.getName());
if (response.getStatus() == HttpStatus.OK_200)
HttpResponseException failure = new HttpResponseException("Unexpected " + response + " for " + response.getRequest(), response);
tunnelFailed(endPoint, failure);
public void onComplete(Result result)
if (result.isFailed())
tunnelFailed(endPoint, result.getFailure());
private static class ProxyConnection implements Connection, Attachable
private final Destination destination;
private final Connection connection;
private final Promise promise;
private Object attachment;
private ProxyConnection(Destination destination, Connection connection, Promise promise)
this.destination = destination;
this.connection = connection;
this.promise = promise;
public SocketAddress getLocalSocketAddress()
return connection.getLocalSocketAddress();
public SocketAddress getRemoteSocketAddress()
return connection.getRemoteSocketAddress();
public EndPoint.SslSessionData getSslSessionData()
return connection.getSslSessionData();
public void send(Request request, Response.CompleteListener listener)
if (connection.isClosed())
destination.newConnection(new TunnelPromise(request, listener, promise));
connection.send(request, listener);
public void close()
public boolean isClosed()
return connection.isClosed();
public void setAttachment(Object obj)
this.attachment = obj;
public Object getAttachment()
return attachment;
private static class TunnelPromise implements Promise
private final Request request;
private final Response.CompleteListener listener;
private final Promise promise;
private TunnelPromise(Request request, Response.CompleteListener listener, Promise promise)
this.request = request;
this.listener = listener;
this.promise = promise;
public void succeeded(Connection connection)
connection.send(request, listener);
public void failed(Throwable x)