Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// ========================================================================
// Copyright (c) 1995 Mort Bay Consulting Pty Ltd and others.
// This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
// terms of the Eclipse Public License v. 2.0 which is available at
//, or the Apache License, Version 2.0
// which is available at
// SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR Apache-2.0
// ========================================================================
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.time.Instant;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.LongAdder;
import java.util.function.IntUnaryOperator;
import org.eclipse.jetty.util.BufferUtil;
import org.eclipse.jetty.util.ConcurrentPool;
import org.eclipse.jetty.util.Pool;
import org.eclipse.jetty.util.annotation.ManagedAttribute;
import org.eclipse.jetty.util.annotation.ManagedObject;
import org.eclipse.jetty.util.annotation.ManagedOperation;
import org.eclipse.jetty.util.component.Dumpable;
import org.eclipse.jetty.util.component.DumpableCollection;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* A {@link RetainableByteBuffer} pool where RetainableByteBuffers are held in {@link Pool}s that are
* held in array elements.
* Given a capacity {@code factor} of 1024, the first array element holds a Pool of RetainableByteBuffers
* each of capacity 1024, the second array element holds a Pool of RetainableByteBuffers each of capacity
* 2048, and so on with capacities 3072, 4096, 5120, etc.
* The {@code maxHeapMemory} and {@code maxDirectMemory} default heuristic is to use {@link Runtime#maxMemory()}
* divided by 8.
public class ArrayByteBufferPool implements ByteBufferPool, Dumpable
static final int DEFAULT_FACTOR = 4096;
static final int DEFAULT_MAX_CAPACITY_BY_FACTOR = 16;
private final RetainedBucket[] _direct;
private final RetainedBucket[] _indirect;
private final int _minCapacity;
private final int _maxCapacity;
private final long _maxHeapMemory;
private final long _maxDirectMemory;
private final IntUnaryOperator _bucketIndexFor;
private final AtomicBoolean _evictor = new AtomicBoolean(false);
private boolean _statisticsEnabled;
* Creates a new ArrayByteBufferPool with a default configuration.
* Both {@code maxHeapMemory} and {@code maxDirectMemory} default to 0 to use default heuristic.
public ArrayByteBufferPool()
this(0, -1, -1);
* Creates a new ArrayByteBufferPool with the given configuration.
* Both {@code maxHeapMemory} and {@code maxDirectMemory} default to 0 to use default heuristic.
* @param minCapacity the minimum ByteBuffer capacity
* @param factor the capacity factor
* @param maxCapacity the maximum ByteBuffer capacity
public ArrayByteBufferPool(int minCapacity, int factor, int maxCapacity)
this(minCapacity, factor, maxCapacity, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
* Creates a new ArrayByteBufferPool with the given configuration.
* Both {@code maxHeapMemory} and {@code maxDirectMemory} default to 0 to use default heuristic.
* @param minCapacity the minimum ByteBuffer capacity
* @param factor the capacity factor
* @param maxCapacity the maximum ByteBuffer capacity
* @param maxBucketSize the maximum number of ByteBuffers for each bucket
public ArrayByteBufferPool(int minCapacity, int factor, int maxCapacity, int maxBucketSize)
this(minCapacity, factor, maxCapacity, maxBucketSize, 0L, 0L);
* Creates a new ArrayByteBufferPool with the given configuration.
* @param minCapacity the minimum ByteBuffer capacity
* @param factor the capacity factor
* @param maxCapacity the maximum ByteBuffer capacity
* @param maxBucketSize the maximum number of ByteBuffers for each bucket
* @param maxHeapMemory the max heap memory in bytes, -1 for unlimited memory or 0 to use default heuristic
* @param maxDirectMemory the max direct memory in bytes, -1 for unlimited memory or 0 to use default heuristic
public ArrayByteBufferPool(int minCapacity, int factor, int maxCapacity, int maxBucketSize, long maxHeapMemory, long maxDirectMemory)
this(minCapacity, factor, maxCapacity, maxBucketSize, maxHeapMemory, maxDirectMemory, null, null);
* Creates a new ArrayByteBufferPool with the given configuration.
* @param minCapacity the minimum ByteBuffer capacity
* @param factor the capacity factor
* @param maxCapacity the maximum ByteBuffer capacity
* @param maxBucketSize the maximum number of ByteBuffers for each bucket
* @param maxHeapMemory the max heap memory in bytes, -1 for unlimited memory or 0 to use default heuristic
* @param maxDirectMemory the max direct memory in bytes, -1 for unlimited memory or 0 to use default heuristic
* @param bucketIndexFor a {@link IntUnaryOperator} that takes a capacity and returns a bucket index
* @param bucketCapacity a {@link IntUnaryOperator} that takes a bucket index and returns a capacity
protected ArrayByteBufferPool(int minCapacity, int factor, int maxCapacity, int maxBucketSize, long maxHeapMemory, long maxDirectMemory, IntUnaryOperator bucketIndexFor, IntUnaryOperator bucketCapacity)
if (minCapacity <= 0)
minCapacity = 0;
factor = factor <= 0 ? DEFAULT_FACTOR : factor;
if (maxCapacity <= 0)
maxCapacity = DEFAULT_MAX_CAPACITY_BY_FACTOR * factor;
if ((maxCapacity % factor) != 0 || factor >= maxCapacity)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("The capacity factor(%d) must be a divisor of maxCapacity(%d)", factor, maxCapacity));
int f = factor;
if (bucketIndexFor == null)
bucketIndexFor = c -> (c - 1) / f;
if (bucketCapacity == null)
bucketCapacity = i -> (i + 1) * f;
int length = bucketIndexFor.applyAsInt(maxCapacity) + 1;
RetainedBucket[] directArray = new RetainedBucket[length];
RetainedBucket[] indirectArray = new RetainedBucket[length];
for (int i = 0; i < directArray.length; i++)
int capacity = Math.min(bucketCapacity.applyAsInt(i), maxCapacity);
directArray[i] = new RetainedBucket(capacity, maxBucketSize);
indirectArray[i] = new RetainedBucket(capacity, maxBucketSize);
_minCapacity = minCapacity;
_maxCapacity = maxCapacity;
_direct = directArray;
_indirect = indirectArray;
_maxHeapMemory = maxMemory(maxHeapMemory);
_maxDirectMemory = maxMemory(maxDirectMemory);
_bucketIndexFor = bucketIndexFor;
private long maxMemory(long maxMemory)
if (maxMemory < 0)
return -1;
if (maxMemory == 0)
return Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory() / 8;
return maxMemory;
@ManagedAttribute("Whether statistics are enabled")
public boolean isStatisticsEnabled()
return _statisticsEnabled;
public void setStatisticsEnabled(boolean enabled)
_statisticsEnabled = enabled;
@ManagedAttribute("The minimum pooled buffer capacity")
public int getMinCapacity()
return _minCapacity;
@ManagedAttribute("The maximum pooled buffer capacity")
public int getMaxCapacity()
return _maxCapacity;
public RetainableByteBuffer acquire(int size, boolean direct)
RetainedBucket bucket = bucketFor(size, direct);
// No bucket, return non-pooled.
if (bucket == null)
return RetainableByteBuffer.wrap(BufferUtil.allocate(size, direct));
// Try to acquire a pooled entry.
Pool.Entry entry = bucket.getPool().acquire();
if (entry == null)
ByteBuffer buffer = BufferUtil.allocate(bucket.getCapacity(), direct);
return new ReservedBuffer(buffer, bucket);
RetainableByteBuffer buffer = entry.getPooled();
return buffer;
public boolean removeAndRelease(RetainableByteBuffer buffer)
RetainableByteBuffer actual = buffer;
while (actual instanceof RetainableByteBuffer.Wrapper wrapper)
actual = wrapper.getWrapped();
if (actual instanceof ReservedBuffer reservedBuffer)
// remove the actual reserved buffer, but release the wrapped buffer
return buffer.release();
if (actual instanceof Buffer poolBuffer)
// remove the actual pool buffer, but release the wrapped buffer
return buffer.release();
return ByteBufferPool.super.removeAndRelease(buffer);
private void reserve(RetainedBucket bucket, ByteBuffer byteBuffer)
// Try to reserve an entry to put the buffer into the pool.
Pool.Entry entry = bucket.getPool().reserve();
if (entry == null)
// Add the buffer to the new entry.
Buffer pooledBuffer = new Buffer(byteBuffer, bucket, entry);
if (entry.enable(pooledBuffer, false))
checkMaxMemory(bucket, byteBuffer.isDirect());
// Discard the buffer if the entry cannot be enabled.
private void release(RetainedBucket bucket, Pool.Entry entry)
RetainableByteBuffer buffer = entry.getPooled();
// Release the buffer and check the memory 1% of the times.
int used = ((Buffer)buffer).use();
if (entry.release())
if (used % 100 == 0)
checkMaxMemory(bucket, buffer.isDirect());
// Cannot release, discard this buffer.
private boolean remove(RetainedBucket bucket, Pool.Entry entry)
// Cannot release, discard this buffer.
return entry.remove();
private void checkMaxMemory(RetainedBucket bucket, boolean direct)
long max = direct ? _maxDirectMemory : _maxHeapMemory;
if (max <= 0 || !_evictor.compareAndSet(false, true))
long memory = getMemory(direct);
long excess = memory - max;
if (excess > 0)
evict(excess, direct);
private void evict(long excessMemory, boolean direct)
RetainedBucket[] buckets = direct ? _direct : _indirect;
int length = buckets.length;
int index = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(length);
for (int c = 0; c < length; ++c)
RetainedBucket bucket = buckets[index++];
if (index == length)
index = 0;
int evicted = bucket.evict();
excessMemory -= evicted;
if (excessMemory <= 0)
public Pool poolFor(int capacity, boolean direct)
RetainedBucket bucket = bucketFor(capacity, direct);
return bucket == null ? null : bucket.getPool();
private RetainedBucket bucketFor(int capacity, boolean direct)
if (capacity < getMinCapacity())
return null;
int idx = _bucketIndexFor.applyAsInt(capacity);
RetainedBucket[] buckets = direct ? _direct : _indirect;
if (idx >= buckets.length)
return null;
return buckets[idx];
@ManagedAttribute("The number of pooled direct ByteBuffers")
public long getDirectByteBufferCount()
return getByteBufferCount(true);
@ManagedAttribute("The number of pooled heap ByteBuffers")
public long getHeapByteBufferCount()
return getByteBufferCount(false);
private long getByteBufferCount(boolean direct)
RetainedBucket[] buckets = direct ? _direct : _indirect;
return -> bucket.getPool().size()).sum();
@ManagedAttribute("The number of pooled direct ByteBuffers that are available")
public long getAvailableDirectByteBufferCount()
return getAvailableByteBufferCount(true);
@ManagedAttribute("The number of pooled heap ByteBuffers that are available")
public long getAvailableHeapByteBufferCount()
return getAvailableByteBufferCount(false);
private long getAvailableByteBufferCount(boolean direct)
RetainedBucket[] buckets = direct ? _direct : _indirect;
return -> bucket.getPool().getIdleCount()).sum();
@ManagedAttribute("The bytes retained by direct ByteBuffers")
public long getDirectMemory()
return getMemory(true);
@ManagedAttribute("The bytes retained by heap ByteBuffers")
public long getHeapMemory()
return getMemory(false);
private long getMemory(boolean direct)
long size = 0;
for (RetainedBucket bucket : direct ? _direct : _indirect)
size += (long)bucket.getPool().getIdleCount() * bucket.getCapacity();
return size;
public long getAvailableDirectMemory()
return getDirectMemory();
public long getAvailableHeapMemory()
return getHeapMemory();
@ManagedOperation(value = "Clears this ByteBufferPool", impact = "ACTION")
public void clear()
private void clearBuckets(RetainedBucket[] buckets)
for (RetainedBucket bucket : buckets)
public void dump(Appendable out, String indent) throws IOException
DumpableCollection.fromArray("direct", _direct),
DumpableCollection.fromArray("indirect", _indirect));
public String toString()
return String.format("%s{min=%d,max=%d,buckets=%d,heap=%d/%d,direct=%d/%d}",
_minCapacity, _maxCapacity,
getHeapMemory(), _maxHeapMemory,
getDirectMemory(), _maxDirectMemory);
private class RetainedBucket
private final LongAdder _acquires = new LongAdder();
private final LongAdder _pooled = new LongAdder();
private final LongAdder _nonPooled = new LongAdder();
private final LongAdder _evicts = new LongAdder();
private final LongAdder _removes = new LongAdder();
private final LongAdder _releases = new LongAdder();
private final Pool _pool;
private final int _capacity;
private RetainedBucket(int capacity, int poolSize)
if (poolSize <= ConcurrentPool.OPTIMAL_MAX_SIZE)
_pool = new ConcurrentPool<>(ConcurrentPool.StrategyType.THREAD_ID, poolSize, e -> 1);
_pool = new BucketCompoundPool(
new ConcurrentPool<>(ConcurrentPool.StrategyType.THREAD_ID, ConcurrentPool.OPTIMAL_MAX_SIZE, e -> 1),
new QueuedPool<>(poolSize - ConcurrentPool.OPTIMAL_MAX_SIZE)
_capacity = capacity;
public void recordAcquire()
if (isStatisticsEnabled())
public void recordEvict()
if (isStatisticsEnabled())
public void recordNonPooled()
if (isStatisticsEnabled())
public void recordPooled()
if (isStatisticsEnabled())
public void recordRelease()
if (isStatisticsEnabled())
public void recordRemove()
if (isStatisticsEnabled())
private int getCapacity()
return _capacity;
private Pool getPool()
return _pool;
private int evict()
Pool.Entry entry;
if (_pool instanceof BucketCompoundPool compound)
entry = compound.evict();
entry = _pool.acquire();
if (entry == null)
return 0;
return getCapacity();
public void clear()
public String toString()
int entries = 0;
int inUse = 0;
for (Pool.Entry entry : getPool().stream().toList())
if (entry.isInUse())
long pooled = _pooled.longValue();
long acquires = _acquires.longValue();
float hitRatio = acquires == 0 ? Float.NaN : pooled * 100F / acquires;
return String.format("%s{capacity=%d,in-use=%d/%d,pooled/acquires=%d/%d(%.3f%%),non-pooled/evicts/removes/releases=%d/%d/%d/%d}",
private static class BucketCompoundPool extends CompoundPool
private BucketCompoundPool(ConcurrentPool concurrentBucket, QueuedPool queuedBucket)
super(concurrentBucket, queuedBucket);
private Pool.Entry evict()
Entry entry = getSecondaryPool().acquire();
if (entry == null)
entry = getPrimaryPool().acquire();
return entry;
private class ReservedBuffer extends AbstractRetainableByteBuffer
private final RetainedBucket _bucket;
private final AtomicBoolean _removed = new AtomicBoolean();
private ReservedBuffer(ByteBuffer buffer, RetainedBucket bucket)
_bucket = Objects.requireNonNull(bucket);
public boolean release()
boolean released = super.release();
if (released && _removed.compareAndSet(false, true))
reserve(_bucket, getByteBuffer());
return released;
boolean remove()
// Buffer never added to pool, so just prevent future reservation
return _removed.compareAndSet(false, true);
private class Buffer extends AbstractRetainableByteBuffer
private final RetainedBucket _bucket;
private final Pool.Entry _entry;
private int _usages;
private Buffer(ByteBuffer buffer, RetainedBucket bucket, Pool.Entry entry)
_bucket = Objects.requireNonNull(bucket);
_entry = Objects.requireNonNull(entry);
public boolean release()
boolean released = super.release();
if (released)
ArrayByteBufferPool.this.release(_bucket, _entry);
return released;
boolean remove()
return ArrayByteBufferPool.this.remove(_bucket, _entry);
private int use()
if (++_usages < 0)
_usages = 0;
return _usages;
* A variant of the {@link ArrayByteBufferPool} that
* uses buckets of buffers that increase in size by a power of
* 2 (e.g. 1k, 2k, 4k, 8k, etc.).
public static class Quadratic extends ArrayByteBufferPool
public Quadratic()
this(0, -1, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
public Quadratic(int minCapacity, int maxCapacity, int maxBucketSize)
this(minCapacity, maxCapacity, maxBucketSize, -1L, -1L);
public Quadratic(int minCapacity, int maxCapacity, int maxBucketSize, long maxHeapMemory, long maxDirectMemory)
c -> 32 - Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(c - 1),
i -> 1 << i
* A variant of {@link ArrayByteBufferPool} that tracks buffer
* acquires/releases, useful to identify buffer leaks.
* Use {@link #getLeaks()} when the system is idle to get
* the {@link Buffer}s that have been leaked, which contain
* the stack trace information of where the buffer was acquired.
public static class Tracking extends ArrayByteBufferPool
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Tracking.class);
private final Set buffers = ConcurrentHashMap.newKeySet();
public Tracking()
public Tracking(int minCapacity, int maxCapacity, int maxBucketSize)
super(minCapacity, maxCapacity, maxBucketSize);
public Tracking(int minCapacity, int maxCapacity, int maxBucketSize, long maxHeapMemory, long maxDirectMemory)
super(minCapacity, -1, maxCapacity, maxBucketSize, maxHeapMemory, maxDirectMemory);
public RetainableByteBuffer acquire(int size, boolean direct)
RetainableByteBuffer buffer = super.acquire(size, direct);
Buffer wrapper = new Buffer(buffer, size);
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
LOG.debug("acquired {}", wrapper);
return wrapper;
public Set getLeaks()
return buffers;
public String dumpLeaks()
return getLeaks().stream()
public class Buffer extends RetainableByteBuffer.Wrapper
private final int size;
private final Instant acquireInstant;
private final Throwable acquireStack;
private final List retainStacks = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>();
private final List releaseStacks = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>();
private final List overReleaseStacks = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>();
private Buffer(RetainableByteBuffer wrapped, int size)
this.size = size;
this.acquireInstant =;
this.acquireStack = new Throwable();
public int getSize()
return size;
public Instant getAcquireInstant()
return acquireInstant;
public Throwable getAcquireStack()
return acquireStack;
public void retain()
retainStacks.add(new Throwable());
public boolean release()
boolean released = super.release();
if (released)
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
LOG.debug("released {}", this);
releaseStacks.add(new Throwable());
return released;
catch (IllegalStateException e)
overReleaseStacks.add(new Throwable());
throw e;
public String dump()
StringWriter w = new StringWriter();
PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(w);
pw.println("\n" + retainStacks.size() + " retain(s)");
for (Throwable retainStack : retainStacks)
pw.println("\n" + releaseStacks.size() + " release(s)");
for (Throwable releaseStack : releaseStacks)
pw.println("\n" + overReleaseStacks.size() + " over-release(s)");
for (Throwable overReleaseStack : overReleaseStacks)
return "%s@%x of %d bytes on %s wrapping %s acquired at %s".formatted(getClass().getSimpleName(), hashCode(), getSize(), getAcquireInstant(), getWrapped(), w);