Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// ========================================================================
// Copyright (c) 1995 Mort Bay Consulting Pty Ltd and others.
// This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
// terms of the Eclipse Public License v. 2.0 which is available at
//, or the Apache License, Version 2.0
// which is available at
// SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR Apache-2.0
// ========================================================================
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.time.Instant;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.IntUnaryOperator;
import org.eclipse.jetty.util.BufferUtil;
import org.eclipse.jetty.util.ConcurrentPool;
import org.eclipse.jetty.util.NanoTime;
import org.eclipse.jetty.util.Pool;
import org.eclipse.jetty.util.annotation.ManagedAttribute;
import org.eclipse.jetty.util.annotation.ManagedObject;
import org.eclipse.jetty.util.annotation.ManagedOperation;
import org.eclipse.jetty.util.component.Dumpable;
import org.eclipse.jetty.util.component.DumpableCollection;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* A {@link RetainableByteBuffer} pool where RetainableByteBuffers are held in {@link Pool}s that are
* held in array elements.
* Given a capacity {@code factor} of 1024, the first array element holds a Pool of RetainableByteBuffers
* each of capacity 1024, the second array element holds a Pool of RetainableByteBuffers each of capacity
* 2048, and so on with capacities 3072, 4096, 5120, etc.
* The {@code maxHeapMemory} and {@code maxDirectMemory} default heuristic is to use {@link Runtime#maxMemory()}
* divided by 8.
public class ArrayByteBufferPool implements ByteBufferPool, Dumpable
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ArrayByteBufferPool.class);
static final int DEFAULT_FACTOR = 4096;
static final int DEFAULT_MAX_CAPACITY_BY_FACTOR = 16;
private final RetainedBucket[] _direct;
private final RetainedBucket[] _indirect;
private final int _minCapacity;
private final int _maxCapacity;
private final long _maxHeapMemory;
private final long _maxDirectMemory;
private final AtomicLong _currentHeapMemory = new AtomicLong();
private final AtomicLong _currentDirectMemory = new AtomicLong();
private final IntUnaryOperator _bucketIndexFor;
* Creates a new ArrayByteBufferPool with a default configuration.
* Both {@code maxHeapMemory} and {@code maxDirectMemory} default to 0 to use default heuristic.
public ArrayByteBufferPool()
this(0, -1, -1);
* Creates a new ArrayByteBufferPool with the given configuration.
* Both {@code maxHeapMemory} and {@code maxDirectMemory} default to 0 to use default heuristic.
* @param minCapacity the minimum ByteBuffer capacity
* @param factor the capacity factor
* @param maxCapacity the maximum ByteBuffer capacity
public ArrayByteBufferPool(int minCapacity, int factor, int maxCapacity)
this(minCapacity, factor, maxCapacity, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
* Creates a new ArrayByteBufferPool with the given configuration.
* Both {@code maxHeapMemory} and {@code maxDirectMemory} default to 0 to use default heuristic.
* @param minCapacity the minimum ByteBuffer capacity
* @param factor the capacity factor
* @param maxCapacity the maximum ByteBuffer capacity
* @param maxBucketSize the maximum number of ByteBuffers for each bucket
public ArrayByteBufferPool(int minCapacity, int factor, int maxCapacity, int maxBucketSize)
this(minCapacity, factor, maxCapacity, maxBucketSize, 0L, 0L);
* Creates a new ArrayByteBufferPool with the given configuration.
* @param minCapacity the minimum ByteBuffer capacity
* @param factor the capacity factor
* @param maxCapacity the maximum ByteBuffer capacity
* @param maxBucketSize the maximum number of ByteBuffers for each bucket
* @param maxHeapMemory the max heap memory in bytes, -1 for unlimited memory or 0 to use default heuristic
* @param maxDirectMemory the max direct memory in bytes, -1 for unlimited memory or 0 to use default heuristic
public ArrayByteBufferPool(int minCapacity, int factor, int maxCapacity, int maxBucketSize, long maxHeapMemory, long maxDirectMemory)
this(minCapacity, factor, maxCapacity, maxBucketSize, maxHeapMemory, maxDirectMemory, null, null);
* Creates a new ArrayByteBufferPool with the given configuration.
* @param minCapacity the minimum ByteBuffer capacity
* @param factor the capacity factor
* @param maxCapacity the maximum ByteBuffer capacity
* @param maxBucketSize the maximum number of ByteBuffers for each bucket
* @param maxHeapMemory the max heap memory in bytes, -1 for unlimited memory or 0 to use default heuristic
* @param maxDirectMemory the max direct memory in bytes, -1 for unlimited memory or 0 to use default heuristic
* @param bucketIndexFor a {@link IntUnaryOperator} that takes a capacity and returns a bucket index
* @param bucketCapacity a {@link IntUnaryOperator} that takes a bucket index and returns a capacity
protected ArrayByteBufferPool(int minCapacity, int factor, int maxCapacity, int maxBucketSize, long maxHeapMemory, long maxDirectMemory, IntUnaryOperator bucketIndexFor, IntUnaryOperator bucketCapacity)
if (minCapacity <= 0)
minCapacity = 0;
factor = factor <= 0 ? DEFAULT_FACTOR : factor;
if (maxCapacity <= 0)
maxCapacity = DEFAULT_MAX_CAPACITY_BY_FACTOR * factor;
if ((maxCapacity % factor) != 0 || factor >= maxCapacity)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("The capacity factor(%d) must be a divisor of maxCapacity(%d)", factor, maxCapacity));
int f = factor;
if (bucketIndexFor == null)
bucketIndexFor = c -> (c - 1) / f;
if (bucketCapacity == null)
bucketCapacity = i -> (i + 1) * f;
int length = bucketIndexFor.applyAsInt(maxCapacity) + 1;
RetainedBucket[] directArray = new RetainedBucket[length];
RetainedBucket[] indirectArray = new RetainedBucket[length];
for (int i = 0; i < directArray.length; i++)
int capacity = Math.min(bucketCapacity.applyAsInt(i), maxCapacity);
directArray[i] = new RetainedBucket(capacity, maxBucketSize);
indirectArray[i] = new RetainedBucket(capacity, maxBucketSize);
_minCapacity = minCapacity;
_maxCapacity = maxCapacity;
_direct = directArray;
_indirect = indirectArray;
_maxHeapMemory = maxMemory(maxHeapMemory);
_maxDirectMemory = maxMemory(maxDirectMemory);
_bucketIndexFor = bucketIndexFor;
private long maxMemory(long maxMemory)
if (maxMemory < 0)
return -1;
if (maxMemory == 0)
return Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory() / 8;
return maxMemory;
@ManagedAttribute("The minimum pooled buffer capacity")
public int getMinCapacity()
return _minCapacity;
@ManagedAttribute("The maximum pooled buffer capacity")
public int getMaxCapacity()
return _maxCapacity;
public RetainableByteBuffer acquire(int size, boolean direct)
RetainedBucket bucket = bucketFor(size, direct);
if (bucket == null)
return newRetainableByteBuffer(size, direct, this::removed);
Pool.Entry entry = bucket.getPool().acquire();
RetainableByteBuffer buffer;
if (entry == null)
Pool.Entry reservedEntry = bucket.getPool().reserve();
if (reservedEntry != null)
buffer = newRetainableByteBuffer(bucket._capacity, direct, retainedBuffer ->
if (!reservedEntry.release())
reservedEntry.enable(buffer, true);
if (direct)
buffer = newRetainableByteBuffer(size, direct, this::removed);
buffer = entry.getPooled();
return buffer;
protected ByteBuffer allocate(int capacity)
return ByteBuffer.allocate(capacity);
protected ByteBuffer allocateDirect(int capacity)
return ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(capacity);
protected void removed(RetainableByteBuffer retainedBuffer)
private RetainableByteBuffer newRetainableByteBuffer(int capacity, boolean direct, Consumer releaser)
ByteBuffer buffer = BufferUtil.allocate(capacity, direct);
Buffer retainableByteBuffer = new Buffer(buffer, releaser);
return retainableByteBuffer;
public Pool poolFor(int capacity, boolean direct)
RetainedBucket bucket = bucketFor(capacity, direct);
return bucket == null ? null : bucket.getPool();
private RetainedBucket bucketFor(int capacity, boolean direct)
if (capacity < _minCapacity)
return null;
int idx = _bucketIndexFor.applyAsInt(capacity);
RetainedBucket[] buckets = direct ? _direct : _indirect;
if (idx >= buckets.length)
return null;
return buckets[idx];
@ManagedAttribute("The number of pooled direct ByteBuffers")
public long getDirectByteBufferCount()
return getByteBufferCount(true);
@ManagedAttribute("The number of pooled heap ByteBuffers")
public long getHeapByteBufferCount()
return getByteBufferCount(false);
private long getByteBufferCount(boolean direct)
RetainedBucket[] buckets = direct ? _direct : _indirect;
return -> bucket.getPool().size()).sum();
@ManagedAttribute("The number of pooled direct ByteBuffers that are available")
public long getAvailableDirectByteBufferCount()
return getAvailableByteBufferCount(true);
@ManagedAttribute("The number of pooled heap ByteBuffers that are available")
public long getAvailableHeapByteBufferCount()
return getAvailableByteBufferCount(false);
private long getAvailableByteBufferCount(boolean direct)
RetainedBucket[] buckets = direct ? _direct : _indirect;
return -> bucket.getPool().getIdleCount()).sum();
@ManagedAttribute("The bytes retained by direct ByteBuffers")
public long getDirectMemory()
return getMemory(true);
@ManagedAttribute("The bytes retained by heap ByteBuffers")
public long getHeapMemory()
return getMemory(false);
private long getMemory(boolean direct)
if (direct)
return _currentDirectMemory.get();
return _currentHeapMemory.get();
@ManagedAttribute("The available bytes retained by direct ByteBuffers")
public long getAvailableDirectMemory()
return getAvailableMemory(true);
@ManagedAttribute("The available bytes retained by heap ByteBuffers")
public long getAvailableHeapMemory()
return getAvailableMemory(false);
private long getAvailableMemory(boolean direct)
RetainedBucket[] buckets = direct ? _direct : _indirect;
long total = 0L;
for (RetainedBucket bucket : buckets)
long capacity = bucket._capacity;
total += bucket.getPool().getIdleCount() * capacity;
return total;
@ManagedOperation(value = "Clears this ByteBufferPool", impact = "ACTION")
public void clear()
clearArray(_direct, _currentDirectMemory);
clearArray(_indirect, _currentHeapMemory);
private void clearArray(RetainedBucket[] poolArray, AtomicLong memoryCounter)
for (RetainedBucket bucket : poolArray)
bucket.getPool().stream().forEach(entry ->
if (entry.remove())
RetainableByteBuffer pooled = entry.getPooled();
// Calling getPooled can return null if the entry was not yet enabled.
if (pooled != null)
private void releaseExcessMemory(boolean direct)
long maxMemory = direct ? _maxDirectMemory : _maxHeapMemory;
if (maxMemory > 0)
long excess = getMemory(direct) - maxMemory;
if (excess > 0)
evict(direct, excess);
* This eviction mechanism searches for the RetainableByteBuffers that were released the longest time ago.
* @param direct true to search in the direct buffers buckets, false to search in the heap buffers buckets.
* @param excess the amount of bytes to evict. At least this much will be removed from the buckets.
private void evict(boolean direct, long excess)
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
LOG.debug("evicting {} bytes from {} pools", excess, (direct ? "direct" : "heap"));
long now =;
long totalClearedCapacity = 0L;
RetainedBucket[] buckets = direct ? _direct : _indirect;
while (totalClearedCapacity < excess)
// Run through all the buckets to avoid removing
// the buffers only from the first bucket(s).
for (RetainedBucket bucket : buckets)
Pool.Entry oldestEntry = findOldestEntry(now, bucket.getPool());
if (oldestEntry == null)
if (oldestEntry.remove())
RetainableByteBuffer buffer = oldestEntry.getPooled();
int clearedCapacity = buffer.capacity();
if (direct)
totalClearedCapacity += clearedCapacity;
// else a concurrent thread evicted the same entry -> do not account for its capacity.
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
LOG.debug("eviction done, cleared {} bytes from {} pools", totalClearedCapacity, (direct ? "direct" : "heap"));
public String toString()
return String.format("%s{min=%d,max=%d,buckets=%d,heap=%d/%d,direct=%d/%d}",
_minCapacity, _maxCapacity,
_currentHeapMemory.get(), _maxHeapMemory,
_currentDirectMemory.get(), _maxDirectMemory);
public void dump(Appendable out, String indent) throws IOException
DumpableCollection.fromArray("direct", _direct),
DumpableCollection.fromArray("indirect", _indirect));
private Pool.Entry findOldestEntry(long now, Pool bucket)
// This method may be in the hot path, do not use Java streams.
Pool.Entry oldestEntry = null;
RetainableByteBuffer oldestBuffer = null;
long oldestAge = 0;
// TODO: improve Pool APIs to avoid stream().toList().
for (Pool.Entry entry :
Buffer buffer = (Buffer)entry.getPooled();
// A null buffer means the entry is reserved
// but not acquired yet, try the next.
if (buffer != null)
long age = NanoTime.elapsed(buffer.getLastNanoTime(), now);
if (oldestBuffer == null || age > oldestAge)
oldestEntry = entry;
oldestBuffer = buffer;
oldestAge = age;
return oldestEntry;
private static class RetainedBucket
private final Pool _pool;
private final int _capacity;
private RetainedBucket(int capacity, int poolSize)
if (poolSize <= ConcurrentPool.OPTIMAL_MAX_SIZE)
_pool = new ConcurrentPool<>(ConcurrentPool.StrategyType.THREAD_ID, poolSize, e -> 1);
_pool = new CompoundPool<>(
new ConcurrentPool<>(ConcurrentPool.StrategyType.THREAD_ID, ConcurrentPool.OPTIMAL_MAX_SIZE, e -> 1),
new QueuedPool<>(poolSize - ConcurrentPool.OPTIMAL_MAX_SIZE)
_capacity = capacity;
private Pool getPool()
return _pool;
public String toString()
int entries = 0;
int inUse = 0;
for (Pool.Entry entry : getPool().stream().toList())
if (entry.isInUse())
return String.format("%s{capacity=%d,inuse=%d(%d%%)}",
entries > 0 ? (inUse * 100) / entries : 0);
private static class Buffer extends AbstractRetainableByteBuffer
private final Consumer releaser;
private final AtomicLong lastNanoTime = new AtomicLong(;
private Buffer(ByteBuffer buffer, Consumer releaser)
this.releaser = releaser;
public boolean release()
boolean released = super.release();
if (released)
return released;
public long getLastNanoTime()
return lastNanoTime.getOpaque();
* A variant of the {@link ArrayByteBufferPool} that
* uses buckets of buffers that increase in size by a power of
* 2 (eg 1k, 2k, 4k, 8k, etc.).
public static class Quadratic extends ArrayByteBufferPool
public Quadratic()
this(0, -1, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
public Quadratic(int minCapacity, int maxCapacity, int maxBucketSize)
this(minCapacity, maxCapacity, maxBucketSize, -1L, -1L);
public Quadratic(int minCapacity, int maxCapacity, int maxBucketSize, long maxHeapMemory, long maxDirectMemory)
c -> 32 - Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(c - 1),
i -> 1 << i
* A variant of {@link ArrayByteBufferPool} that tracks buffer
* acquires/releases, useful to identify buffer leaks.
* Use {@link #getLeaks()} when the system is idle to get
* the {@link Buffer}s that have been leaked, which contain
* the stack trace information of where the buffer was acquired.
public static class Tracking extends ArrayByteBufferPool
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Tracking.class);
private final Set buffers = ConcurrentHashMap.newKeySet();
public Tracking()
this(0, -1, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
public Tracking(int minCapacity, int maxCapacity, int maxBucketSize)
this(minCapacity, maxCapacity, maxBucketSize, -1L, -1L);
public Tracking(int minCapacity, int maxCapacity, int maxBucketSize, long maxHeapMemory, long maxDirectMemory)
super(minCapacity, -1, maxCapacity, maxBucketSize, maxHeapMemory, maxDirectMemory);
public RetainableByteBuffer acquire(int size, boolean direct)
RetainableByteBuffer buffer = super.acquire(size, direct);
Buffer wrapper = new Buffer(buffer, size);
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
LOG.debug("acquired {}", wrapper);
return wrapper;
public Set getLeaks()
return buffers;
public String dumpLeaks()
return getLeaks().stream()
public class Buffer extends RetainableByteBuffer.Wrapper
private final int size;
private final Instant acquireInstant;
private final Throwable acquireStack;
private final List retainStacks = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>();
private final List releaseStacks = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>();
private final List overReleaseStacks = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>();
private Buffer(RetainableByteBuffer wrapped, int size)
this.size = size;
this.acquireInstant =;
this.acquireStack = new Throwable();
public int getSize()
return size;
public Instant getAcquireInstant()
return acquireInstant;
public Throwable getAcquireStack()
return acquireStack;
public void retain()
retainStacks.add(new Throwable());
public boolean release()
boolean released = super.release();
if (released)
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
LOG.debug("released {}", this);
releaseStacks.add(new Throwable());
return released;
catch (IllegalStateException e)
overReleaseStacks.add(new Throwable());
throw e;
public String dump()
StringWriter w = new StringWriter();
PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(w);
pw.println("\n" + retainStacks.size() + " retain(s)");
for (Throwable retainStack : retainStacks)
pw.println("\n" + releaseStacks.size() + " release(s)");
for (Throwable releaseStack : releaseStacks)
pw.println("\n" + overReleaseStacks.size() + " over-release(s)");
for (Throwable overReleaseStack : overReleaseStacks)
return "%s@%x of %d bytes on %s wrapping %s acquired at %s".formatted(getClass().getSimpleName(), hashCode(), getSize(), getAcquireInstant(), getWrapped(), w);