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org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.i18n.JAXBExceptionResource Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) 1998, 2014 Oracle, IBM Corporation and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0
* which accompanies this distribution.
* The Eclipse Public License is available at
* and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at
* Contributors:
* mmacivor - June 11/2008 - 1.0 - Initial implementation
* 09/24/2014-2.6 Rick Curtis
* - 443762 : Misc message cleanup.
* 12/18/2014-2.6 Rick Curtis
* - 454189 : Misc message cleanup.#2
package org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.i18n;
import java.util.ListResourceBundle;
* Purpose: English ResourceBundle for JAXBException.
public class JAXBExceptionResource extends ListResourceBundle {
static final Object[][] contents = {
{"50000", "The context path {0} contains no ObjectFactory or jaxb.index, no external metadata was found in properties Map, and sessions.xml was found or was invalid."},
{"50001", "The class {0} requires a zero argument constructor or a specified factory method. Note that non-static inner classes do not have zero argument constructors and are not supported."},
{"50002", "Factory class specified without factory method on class {0}."},
{"50003", "The factory method named {0} is not declared on the class {1}."},
{"50004", "XmlAnyAttribute is invalid on property {0}. Must be used with a property of type Map."},
{"50005", "Only one property with XmlAnyAttribute allowed on class {0}."},
{"50006", "Invalid XmlElementRef on property {0} on class {1}. Referenced Element not declared."},
{"50007", "Name collision. Two classes have the XML type with uri {0} and name {1}."},
{"50008", "Unsupported Node class {0}. The createBinder(Class) method only supports the class org.w3c.dom.Node."},
{"50009", "The property or field {0} is annotated to be transient so it cannot be included in the propOrder annotation."},
{"50010", "The property or field {0} must be an attribute because another field or property is annotated with XmlValue."},
{"50011", "The property or field {0} cannot be annotated with XmlValue since it is a subclass of another XML-bound class."},
{"50012", "The property or field {0} was specified in propOrder but is not a valid property."},
{"50013", "The property or field {0} on the class {1} is required to be included in the propOrder element of the XmlType annotation."},
{"50014", "The property or field {0} with the XmlValue annotation must be of a type that maps to a simple schema type."},
{"50015", "XmlElementWrapper is only allowed on a collection or array property but [{0}] is not a collection or array property."},
{"50016", "Property [{0}] has an XmlID annotation but its type is not String."},
{"50017", "Invalid XmlIDREF on property [{0}]. Class [{1}] is required to have a property annotated with XmlID."},
{"50018", "XmlList is only allowed on a collection or array property but [{0}] is not a collection or array property."},
{"50019", "Invalid parameter type encountered while processing external metadata via properties Map. The Value associated with Key [eclipselink-oxm-xml] is required to be one of [Map, List, or Object]. Object must be one of [,,,,,, javax.xml.transform.Source, org.w3c.dom.Node, or org.xml.sax.InputSource], In the case of [Map], String is the package name."},
{"50021", "Invalid parameter type encountered while processing external metadata via properties Map. For [Map], it is required that the Key be of type [String] (indicating package name)."},
{"50022", "Invalid parameter type encountered while processing external metadata via properties Map. For [Map], it is required that the Value be one of [,,,,,, javax.xml.transform.Source, org.w3c.dom.Node, or org.xml.sax.InputSource] (handle to metadata file)."},
{"50023", "A null Value for Key [{0}] was encountered while processing external metadata via properties Map. It is required that the Value be non-null and one of one of [,,,,,, javax.xml.transform.Source, org.w3c.dom.Node, or org.xml.sax.InputSource] (handle to metadata file)."},
{"50024", "A null Key was encountered while processing external metadata via properties Map. It is required that the Key be non-null and of type [String] (indicating package name)."},
{"50025", "Could not load class [{0}] declared in the external metadata file. Please ensure that the class name is correct, and that the correct ClassLoader has been set."},
{"50026", "An exception occurred while attempting to create a JAXBContext for the XmlModel."},
{"50027", "An exception occurred while attempting to unmarshal externalized metadata file."},
{"50028", "A new instance of [{0}] could not be created."},
{"50029", "The class [{0}] provided on the XmlCustomizer does not implement the org.eclipse.persistence.config.DescriptorCustomizer interface."},
{"50030", "An attempt was made to set more than one XmlID property on class [{1}]. Property [{0}] cannot be set as XmlID, because property [{2}] is already set as XmlID."},
{"50031", "An attempt was made to set more than one XmlValue property on class [{0}]. Property [{1}] cannot be set as XmlValue, because property [{2}] is already set as XmlValue."},
{"50032", "An attempt was made to set more than one XmlAnyElement property on class [{0}]. Property [{1}] cannot be set as XmlAnyElement, because property [{2}] is already set as XmlAnyElement."},
{"50033", "The DomHandlerConverter for DomHandler [{0}] set on property [{1}] could not be initialized."},
{"50034", "The property or field [{0}] cannot be annotated with XmlAttachmentRef since it is not a DataHandler."},
{"50035", "Since the property or field [{0}] is set as XmlIDREF, the target type of each XmlElement declared within the XmlElements list must have an XmlID property. Please ensure the target type of XmlElement [{1}] contains an XmlID property."},
{"50036", "The TypeMappingInfo with XmlTagName QName [{0}] needs to have a non-null Type set on it."},
{"50037", "The java-type with package [{0}] is not allowed in the bindings file keyed on package [{1}]."},
{"50038", "DynamicJAXBContext cannot be created from concrete Classes. Please use org.eclipse.persistence.jaxb.JAXBContext, or specify org.eclipse.persistence.jaxb.JAXBContextFactory in your file, to create a context from existing Classes."},
{"50039", "Error creating DynamicJAXBContext: Node must be an instance of either Document or Element."},
{"50040", "Error creating DynamicJAXBContext."},
{"50041", "Enum constant [{0}] not found."},
{"50042", "Error creating DynamicJAXBContext: Session name was null."},
{"50043", "Error creating DynamicJAXBContext: Source was null."},
{"50044", "Error creating DynamicJAXBContext: InputStream was null."},
{"50045", "Error creating DynamicJAXBContext: Node was null."},
{"50046", "Error creating DynamicJAXBContext: XJC was unable to generate a CodeModel."},
{"50047", "Class [{0}] not found."},
{"50048", "The read transformer specified for property [{0}] has both class and method. Either class or method is required, but not both."},
{"50049", "The read transformer specified for property [{0}] has neither class nor method. A class or method is required."},
{"50050", "The write transformer specified for the xml-path [{1}] of property [{0}] has both class and method. Either class or method is required, but not both."},
{"50051", "The write transformer specified for the xml-path [{1}] of property [{0}] has neither class nor method. A class or method is required."},
{"50052", "The write transformer specified for property [{0}] does not have an xml-path set. An xml-path is required."},
{"50053", "The transformation method [{0}] with parameters (), (AbstractSession) or (Session) not found."},
{"50054", "Transformer class [{0}] not found. Please ensure that the class name is correct, and that the correct ClassLoader has been set."},
{"50055", "Error creating DynamicJAXBContext: eclipselink.oxm.metadata-source (JAXBContextProperties.OXM_METADATA_SOURCE) not found in properties map, or map was null."},
{"50056", "Property [{0}] contains an XmlJoinNode declaration, but the referenced class [{1}] is not applicable for this type of relationship."},
{"50057", "Property [{1}] in class [{0}] references a class [{2}] that is marked transient, which is not allowed."},
{"50058", "Property [{1}] in class [{0}] has an XmlJoinNode declaration, but the target class [{2}] has no XmlID property or XmlKey properties. It is required that there is an XmlID/XmlKey property with a matching XmlPath on the target class for each referencedXmlPath."},
{"50059", "Property [{1}] in class [{0}] has an XmlJoinNode declaration with referencedXmlPath [{3}], but there is no XmlID or XmlKey property on the target class [{2}] with the XmlPath [{3}]. It is required that there is an XmlID/XmlKey property with a matching XmlPath on the target class for each referencedXmlPath."},
{"50060", "Property [{1}] in class [{0}] has an XmlIDREF declaration, but the target class [{2}] is not applicable for this type of relationship."},
{"50061", "An exception occurred while attempting to load XmlAdapterClass [{0}]. Possible causes are an incorrect adapter class name or the wrong loader has been set."},
{"50062", "An exception occurred while attempting to access the declared methods of XmlAdapterClass [{0}]. Possible causes are that the SecurityManager has denied access to the declared methods within the adapter class, or the SecuritManager has denied access to the package of the adapter class."},
{"50063", "An exception occurred while attempting to instantiate XmlAdapterClass [{0}]. A possible cause is that the adapter class has no zero argument constructor."},
{"50064", "XmlAdapterClass [{0}] does not extend \"javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.XmlAdapter\" as expected. It is required that the adapter class extend \"javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.XmlAdapter\", and declare methods \"public abstract BoundType unmarshal(ValueType v)\" and \"public abstract ValueType marshal(BoundType v)\"."},
{"50065", "An invalid XmlJavaTypeAdapter [{0}] was specified for package [{1}]. Possible causes are an incorrect adapter class name or the wrong loader has been set."},
{"50066", "An invalid XmlJavaTypeAdapter [{0}] was specified for class [{1}]. Possible causes are an incorrect adapter class name or the wrong loader has been set."},
{"50067", "An invalid XmlJavaTypeAdapter [{0}] was specified for field/property [{1}] on class [{2}]. Possible causes are an incorrect adapter class name or the wrong loader has been set."},
{"50068", "A null value was encountered while processing external metadata via properties Map. It is required that the handle to the XML metadata file be non-null and one of [,,,,,, javax.xml.transform.Source, org.w3c.dom.Node, or org.xml.sax.InputSource]."},
{"50069", "A package was not specified for the provided XML metadata file. The package can be specified by passing in Map (where String = package, Object = handle to XML metadata file) or by setting the package-name attribute on the xml-bindings element in the XML metadata file."},
{"50070", "Property [{0}] on class [{1}] has an XmlElements declaration containing an unequal amount of XmlElement/XmlJoinNodes. It is required that there be a corresponding XmlJoinNodes for each XmlElement contained within the XmlElements declaration."},
{"50071", "Property [{0}] on class [{1}] has an XmlPaths declaration containing an XmlPath with an attribute at the root of the path [{2}]. In the case of XmlPaths, attributes must be nested in the XmlPath, i.e. [foo/{2}]."},
{"50072", "Duplicate Property named [{0}] found on class [{1}]"},
{"50073", "Property [{0}] on class [{1}] is specified in multiple external bindings files. Each property can only be specified in one file"},
{"50074", "An exception occurred accessing the XMLNameTransformer [{0}]"},
{"50075", "An exception occurred while attempting to transform name [{0}] with the XMLNameTransformer [{1}]"},
{"50076", "Unable to load external metadata from the provided location: [{0}]. This location must be either a valid URL or a classpath reference."},
{"50077", "Cannot refresh metadata. Metadata must be provided as an XML Node in order to support refreshing."},
{"50078", "Cannot process external bindings files (XJB). To use external bindings files, both XSD and XJB must be provided as javax.xml.transform.Sources."},
{"50079", "Cannot process schemas. If using schema imports, XSDs must be provided as a javax.xml.transform.Source."},
{"50080", "XmlLocation is only allowed on properties of type org.xml.sax.Locator, but [{0}] is of type [{1}]."},
{"50081", "An exception occurred during schema generation."},
{"50082", "An attempt was made to write a value {0} without a key specified. Try setting JSON_VALUE_WRAPPER on the JAXBMarshaller"},
{"50083", "An error occurred while trying to instantiate the AccessorFactory class {0}"},
{"50084", "The specified AccessorFactory class: {0} is invalid. It must implement createFieldAccessor(Class, Field, boolean) and createPropertyAccessor(Class, Method, Method)."},
{"50085", "An exception occurred while invoking the createFieldAccessor method on the AccessorFactory {0}"},
{"50086", "An exception occurred while invoking the createPropertyAccessor method on the AccessorFactory {0}"},
{"50087", "An exception occurred while attempting to invoke the {0} method on the Accessor {1}"},
{"50088", "Enum value {0} is not valid for an XmlEnum with class {1}"},
{"50089", "The java interface {0} cannot be mapped by JAXB as it has multiple mappable parent interfaces. Multiple inheritence is not supported"},
{"50090", "Invalid value for object graph: {0}. The value must be a string or an instance of ObjectGraph."},
{"50091", "The element name {0} has more than one mapping."},
{"50092", "Only one XmlElementRef property of type {0} allowed on class {1}."},
{"50093", "The class {0} is not a mapped type in the JAXBContext."},
{"50094", "The property {0} specified on the XmlVariableNode annotation was not found on the class {1}."},
{"50095", "The property {0} of type {1} on the class {2} is not valid for a XmlVariableNode. Only properties of type String or QName are allowed."},
{"50096", "The @XmlAttribute property {0} in type {1} must reference a type that maps to text in XML. {2} cannot be mapped to a text value."}
* Return the lookup table.
protected Object[][] getContents() {
return contents;