org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.jpql.parser.AbstractExpression Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright (c) 2006, 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0
* which accompanies this distribution.
* The Eclipse Public License is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
* and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at
* http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/edl-v10.php.
* Contributors:
* Oracle - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.jpql.parser;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.jpql.ExpressionTools;
import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.jpql.JPAVersion;
import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.jpql.WordParser;
import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.jpql.WordParser.WordType;
import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.jpql.utility.iterable.ListIterable;
import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.jpql.utility.iterable.SnapshotCloneListIterable;
* This is the abstract definition of all the parts used to create the tree hierarchy representing
* the parsed JPQL query.
* @see ExpressionFactory
* @see JPQLGrammar
* @version 2.6
* @since 2.3
* @author Pascal Filion
public abstract class AbstractExpression implements Expression {
* The string representation of this {@link AbstractExpression} (which includes its children).
* The string includes characters that are considered virtual, i.e. that was parsed when the
* query is incomplete and is needed for functionality like content assist.
* @see #toActualText()
private String actualText;
* The children of this {@link AbstractExpression}.
* @see #children()
private List children;
* The position of this {@link AbstractExpression} in relation to its parent hierarchy by
* calculating the length of the string representation of what comes before.
private int offset;
* The string representation of this {@link AbstractExpression}.
* @see #orderedChildren()
private List orderedChildren;
* The parent of this {@link AbstractExpression} or null
if this object is {@link
* JPQLExpression} - the root of the parsed tree hierarchy.
private AbstractExpression parent;
* The string representation of this {@link AbstractExpression} (which includes its children).
* The string does not include characters that are considered virtual, i.e. that was parsed when
* the query is incomplete.
* @see #toParsedText()
private String parsedText;
* This attribute can be used to store the {@link AbstractExpression}'s JPQL identifier or a literal.
private String text;
* The constant for ','.
public static final char COMMA = ',';
* The constant for '.'.
public static final char DOT = '.';
* The constant for '"'.
public static final char DOUBLE_QUOTE = '\"';
* The constant for '{'.
public static final char LEFT_CURLY_BRACKET = '{';
* The constant for '('.
public static final char LEFT_PARENTHESIS = '(';
* The constant for a character that is not defined.
public static final char NOT_DEFINED = '\0';
* The constant for '}'.
public static final char RIGHT_CURLY_BRACKET = '}';
* The constant for ')'.
public static final char RIGHT_PARENTHESIS = ')';
* The constant for '''.
public static final char SINGLE_QUOTE = '\'';
* The constant for ' '.
public static final char SPACE = ' ';
* The constant for '_'.
public static final char UNDERSCORE = '_';
* Creates a new AbstractExpression
* @param parent The parent of this expression
protected AbstractExpression(AbstractExpression parent) {
this(parent, ExpressionTools.EMPTY_STRING);
* Creates a new AbstractExpression
* @param parent The parent of this expression
* @param text The text to be stored in this expression, null
cannot be passed
protected AbstractExpression(AbstractExpression parent, String text) {
this.offset = -1;
this.text = text;
this.parent = parent;
* The given {@link ExpressionVisitor} needs to visit this class but it is defined by a third-
* party provider. This method will programmatically invoke the visit method defined on
* the visitor. The method signature should be:
* {public|protected|private} void visit(ThirdPartyExpression expression)
* or
{public|protected|private} void visit(Expression expression)
* Note: The package protected visibility (default) should be used with care, if the code
* is running inside OSGi, then the method will not be accessible, even through reflection.
* @param visitor The {@link ExpressionVisitor} to visit this {@link Expression} programmatically
* @return true
if the call was successfully executed; false
* @since 2.4
protected boolean acceptUnknownVisitor(ExpressionVisitor visitor) {
try {
try {
acceptUnknownVisitor(visitor, visitor.getClass(), getClass());
catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
// Try with Expression as the parameter type
acceptUnknownVisitor(visitor, visitor.getClass(), Expression.class);
return true;
catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
// Ignore, just do nothing
return false;
catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
// Ignore, just do nothing
return false;
catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
Throwable cause = e.getCause();
RuntimeException actual;
if (cause instanceof RuntimeException) {
actual = (RuntimeException) cause;
else {
actual = new RuntimeException(cause);
throw actual;
* The given {@link ExpressionVisitor} needs to visit this class but it is defined by a third-
* party provider. This method will programmatically invoke the visit method defined on
* the visitor. The method signature should be:
{public|protected|private} void visit(ThirdPartyExpression expression)
* or
{public|protected|private} void visit(Expression expression)
* @param visitor The {@link ExpressionVisitor} to visit this {@link Expression} programmatically
* @param type The type found in the hierarchy of the given {@link ExpressionVisitor} that will
* be used to retrieve the visit method
* @param parameterType The parameter type of the visit method
* @see #acceptUnknownVisitor(ExpressionVisitor)
* @since 2.4
protected void acceptUnknownVisitor(ExpressionVisitor visitor,
Class type,
Class parameterType) throws NoSuchMethodException,
try {
Method visitMethod = type.getDeclaredMethod("visit", parameterType);
visitMethod.invoke(visitor, this);
catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
type = type.getSuperclass();
if (type == Object.class) {
throw e;
else {
acceptUnknownVisitor(visitor, type, parameterType);
* Adds the children of this {@link AbstractExpression} to the given collection.
* @param children The collection used to store the children
protected void addChildrenTo(Collection children) {
* Adds the children of this {@link AbstractExpression} to the given list.
* @param children The list used to store the string representation of this {@link AbstractExpression}
protected void addOrderedChildrenTo(List children) {
* No factories were found to create an {@link Expression} with the content of {@link WordParser},
* this method will retrieve the fallback {@link ExpressionFactory} defined in the given {@link
* @param wordParser The text to parse based on the current position of the cursor
* @param word The word that was retrieved from the given text, which is the first word in the text
* @param queryBNF The {@link JPQLQueryBNF} used to determine how to parse from the current
* position of the cursor within the JPQL query
* @param expression The {@link Expression} that has just been parsed or null
* @param tolerant Determines whether the parsing system should be tolerant, meaning if it should
* try to parse invalid or incomplete queries
* @return The {@link Expression} representing the given sub-query
protected final AbstractExpression buildExpressionFromFallingBack(WordParser wordParser,
String word,
JPQLQueryBNF queryBNF,
AbstractExpression expression,
boolean tolerant) {
ExpressionFactory factory = findFallBackExpressionFactory(queryBNF);
if (factory == null) {
return null;
// When parsing an invalid or incomplete query, it is possible two literals would be parsed
// but in some cases, a CollectionExpression should not be created and the parsing should
// actually stop here. Example: BETWEEN 10 20, when parsing 20, it should not be parsed as
// part of the lower bound expression
if (tolerant &&
(factory.getId() == LiteralExpressionFactory.ID) &&
shouldSkipLiteral(expression)) {
return null;
return factory.buildExpression(this, wordParser, word, queryBNF, expression, tolerant);
* Creates a new null
-{@link Expression} parented with this one.
* @return A new null
version of an {@link Expression}
protected final AbstractExpression buildNullExpression() {
return new NullExpression(this);
* Creates a new {@link Expression} wrapping the given character value.
* @param value The character to wrap as a {@link Expression}
* @return The {@link Expression} representation of the given identifier where the owning
* {@link Expression} is this one
protected final Expression buildStringExpression(char value) {
return buildStringExpression(String.valueOf(value));
* Creates a new {@link Expression} wrapping the given string value.
* @param value The string to wrap as a Expression
* @return The {@link Expression} representation of the given identifier where the owning
* {@link Expression} is this one
protected final Expression buildStringExpression(String value) {
return new DefaultStringExpression(this, value);
* Creates an {@link Expression} that contains a malformed expression.
* @param text The text causing the expression to be malformed
* @return A new {@link Expression} where {@link #toActualText()} returns the given text
protected final AbstractExpression buildUnknownExpression(String text) {
return new UnknownExpression(this, text);
* Calculates the position of the given {@link Expression} by calculating the length of what is before.
* @param expression The {@link Expression} for which its position within the parsed tree needs
* to be determined
* @param length The current cursor position within the JPQL query while digging into the tree
* until the search reaches the expression
* @return The length of the string representation for what is coming before the given {@link Expression}
* @since 2.4
protected final int calculatePosition(Expression expression, int length) {
Expression parent = expression.getParent();
// Reach the root
if (parent == null) {
return length;
// Traverse the child expression until the expression
for (Expression childExpression : parent.orderedChildren()) {
// Continue to calculate the position by going up the hierarchy
if (childExpression == expression) {
return calculatePosition(parent, length);
length += childExpression.getLength();
// It should never reach this
throw new RuntimeException("The position of the Expression could not be calculated: " + expression);
* {@inheritDoc}
public final ListIterable children() {
if (children == null) {
children = new LinkedList();
return new SnapshotCloneListIterable(children);
* Retrieve the {@link ExpressionFactory} from the given {@link JPQLQueryBNF} by following the
* path of fallback {@link JPQLQueryBNF JPQLQueryBNFs} and then returns the {@link ExpressionFactory}
* from the leaf {@link JPQLQueryBNF}.
* @param queryBNF The {@link JPQLQueryBNF} for which its associated fallback {@link ExpressionFactory}
* will be searched
* @return Either the fallback {@link ExpressionFactory} linked to the given {@link JPQLQueryBNF}
* or null
if none was declared
protected final ExpressionFactory findFallBackExpressionFactory(JPQLQueryBNF queryBNF) {
String fallBackBNFId = queryBNF.getFallbackBNFId();
// No fall back BNF is defined, then nothing can be done
if (fallBackBNFId == null) {
return null;
JPQLQueryBNF fallBackQueryBNF = getQueryBNF(fallBackBNFId);
// Traverse the fall back BNF because it has its own fall back BNF
if (fallBackQueryBNF != queryBNF &&
fallBackQueryBNF.getFallbackBNFId() != null) {
return findFallBackExpressionFactory(fallBackQueryBNF);
// Retrieve the factory associated with the fall back BNF
return getExpressionRegistry().getExpressionFactory(fallBackQueryBNF.getFallbackExpressionFactoryId());
* {@inheritDoc}
public JPQLQueryBNF findQueryBNF(Expression expression) {
return getQueryBNF();
* Retrieves the registered {@link ExpressionFactory} that was registered for the given unique
* identifier.
* @param expressionFactoryId The unique identifier of the {@link ExpressionFactory} to retrieve
* @return The {@link ExpressionFactory} mapped with the given unique identifier
* @see ExpressionRegistry#getExpressionFactory(String)
protected final ExpressionFactory getExpressionFactory(String expressionFactoryId) {
return getExpressionRegistry().getExpressionFactory(expressionFactoryId);
* Returns the registry containing the {@link JPQLQueryBNF JPQLQueryBNFs} and the {@link
* org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.jpql.parser.ExpressionFactory ExpressionFactories} that are used
* to properly parse a JPQL query.
* @return The registry containing the information related to the JPQL grammar
protected final ExpressionRegistry getExpressionRegistry() {
return getGrammar().getExpressionRegistry();
* {@inheritDoc}
public JPQLGrammar getGrammar() {
return getRoot().getGrammar();
* Retrieves the JPA version in which the identifier was first introduced.
* @return The version in which the identifier was introduced
public JPAVersion getIdentifierVersion(String identifier) {
return getRoot().getIdentifierVersion(identifier);
* Returns the version of the Java Persistence to support.
* @return The JPA version supported by the grammar
* @see JPQLGrammar
protected JPAVersion getJPAVersion() {
return getRoot().getJPAVersion();
* {@inheritDoc}
public final int getLength() {
return toActualText().length();
* {@inheritDoc}
public final int getOffset() {
if (offset == -1) {
offset = calculatePosition(this, 0);
return offset;
* {@inheritDoc}
public final AbstractExpression getParent() {
return parent;
* Retrieves the BNF object that was registered for the given unique identifier.
* @param queryBNFID The unique identifier of the {@link JPQLQueryBNF} to retrieve
* @return The {@link JPQLQueryBNF} representing a section of the grammar
public JPQLQueryBNF getQueryBNF(String queryBNFID) {
return getExpressionRegistry().getQueryBNF(queryBNFID);
* {@inheritDoc}
public final JPQLExpression getRoot() {
return (parent == null) ? (JPQLExpression) this : parent.getRoot();
* Returns the encapsulated text of this {@link AbstractExpression}, which can be used in various
* ways, it can be a keyword, a literal, etc.
* @return Either the JPQL identifier for this {@link AbstractExpression}, the literal it
* encapsulates or an empty string
protected String getText() {
return text;
* Determines whether the given {@link JPQLQueryBNF} handles aggregate expressions.
* @param queryBNF The {@link JPQLQueryBNF} used to determine if the parsing should handle
* aggregate expressions
* @return true
if the given BNF handles aggregate expressions; false
* otherwise
protected boolean handleAggregate(JPQLQueryBNF queryBNF) {
return queryBNF.handleAggregate();
* Determines whether the given {@link JPQLQueryBNF} handles a collection of sub-expressions that
* are separated by commas.
* @param queryBNF The {@link JPQLQueryBNF} used to determine if the parsing should handle
* collection of sub-expressions
* @return true
if the sub-expression to parse might have several sub-expressions
* separated by commas; false
protected boolean handleCollection(JPQLQueryBNF queryBNF) {
return queryBNF.handleCollection();
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean isAncestor(Expression expression) {
if (expression == this) {
return true;
if (expression == null) {
return false;
return isAncestor(expression.getParent());
* Determines if the given word is a JPQL identifier. The check is case insensitive.
* @param word The word to test if it is a JPQL identifier
* @return true
if the word is an identifier, false
* @see ExpressionRegistry#isIdentifier(String)
protected final boolean isIdentifier(String word) {
return getExpressionRegistry().isIdentifier(word);
* Determines whether this expression is a null
{@link Expression} or any other subclass.
* @return false
by default
protected boolean isNull() {
return false;
* Determines whether the parsing is complete based on what is left in the given text. The text
* is never empty.
* @param wordParser The text to parse based on the current position of the cursor
* @param word The word that was retrieved from the given text, which is the first word in the text
* @param expression The {@link Expression} that has already been parsed
* @return true
if the text no longer can't be parsed by the current expression;
* false
if more can be parsed
protected boolean isParsingComplete(WordParser wordParser, String word, Expression expression) {
return word.equalsIgnoreCase(FROM) ||
word.equalsIgnoreCase(WHERE) ||
word.equalsIgnoreCase(HAVING) ||
wordParser.startsWithIdentifier(GROUP_BY) ||
wordParser.startsWithIdentifier(ORDER_BY) ||
wordParser.startsWithIdentifier(AS_OF) ||
wordParser.startsWithIdentifier(START_WITH) ||
wordParser.startsWithIdentifier(CONNECT_BY) ||
wordParser.startsWithIdentifier(ORDER_SIBLINGS_BY) ||
word.equalsIgnoreCase(UNION) ||
word.equalsIgnoreCase(INTERSECT) ||
* Determines if the parser is in tolerant mode or is in fast mode. When the tolerant is turned
* on, it means the parser will attempt to parse incomplete or invalid queries.
* @return true
if the parsing system should parse invalid or incomplete queries;
* false
when the query is well-formed and valid
protected boolean isTolerant() {
return getRoot().isTolerant();
* Determines whether this expression is an unknown {@link Expression} or any other subclass.
* @return false
by default
protected boolean isUnknown() {
return false;
* Determines whether this {@link AbstractExpression} is virtual, meaning it's not part of the
* query but is required for proper navigability.
* @return true
if this {@link AbstractExpression} was virtually created to fully
* qualify path expression; false
if it was parsed
protected boolean isVirtual() {
return false;
* {@inheritDoc}
public final ListIterable orderedChildren() {
if (orderedChildren == null) {
orderedChildren = new LinkedList();
return new SnapshotCloneListIterable(orderedChildren);
* Parses the query by starting at the current position, which is part of the given {@link WordParser}.
* @param wordParser The text to parse based on the current position of the cursor
* @param tolerant Determines whether the parsing system should be tolerant, meaning if it should
* try to parse invalid or incomplete queries
protected abstract void parse(WordParser wordParser, boolean tolerant);
* Parses the given text by using the specified BNF.
* @param wordParser The text to parse based on the current position of the cursor
* @param queryBNFId The unique identifier of the {@link JPQLQueryBNF} that is used to determine
* how to parse the text at the current cursor position within the JPQL query
* @param tolerant Determines whether the parsing system should be tolerant, meaning if it should
* try to parse invalid or incomplete queries
* @return The {@link Expression} representing the given sub-query
protected AbstractExpression parse(WordParser wordParser, String queryBNFId, boolean tolerant) {
// Quick check so we don't create some objects for no reasons
if (tolerant && wordParser.isTail()) {
return null;
// NOTE: This method could look better but for performance reason, it is a single method,
// which reduces the number of objects created and methods called.
JPQLQueryBNF queryBNF = getQueryBNF(queryBNFId);
int count = 0;
boolean beginning = !tolerant;
char character = wordParser.character();
AbstractExpression child;
AbstractExpression expression = null;
Info rootInfo = null;
Info currentInfo = null;
// Parse the string until the position of the cursor is at
// the end of the string or until the parsing is complete
while (!wordParser.isTail()) {
child = null;
// Step 1
// Right away create a SubExpression and parse the encapsulated expression
if (character == LEFT_PARENTHESIS) {
// If the JPQLQueryBNF handles parsing the sub-expression, then delegate the parsing
// to its fallback ExpressionFactory
if (queryBNF.handleSubExpression()) {
expression = buildExpressionFromFallingBack(
else {
expression = new SubExpression(this, queryBNF);
expression.parse(wordParser, tolerant);
// Make sure this is not the root and if the parent handles parsing the sub-
// expression, then the Expression needs to be returned without further parsing
if ((parent != null) && parent.getQueryBNF().handleSubExpression()) {
return expression;
// Something has been parsed, which means it's not the beginning anymore
beginning = false;
// Continue to the next character/word
count = wordParser.skipLeadingWhitespace();
character = wordParser.character();
// Store the SubExpression
currentInfo = (rootInfo == null) ? (rootInfo = new Info()) : (currentInfo.next = new Info(currentInfo));
currentInfo.expression = expression;
currentInfo.space = count > 0;
// Retrieve the next word, including any arithmetic symbols
String word = wordParser.word();
// A word was parsed, attempt to parse it using first the factory, then the fallback factory
if (word.length() > 0) {
// Nothing more to parse
if (!tolerant && !beginning && isParsingComplete(wordParser, word, expression) ||
tolerant && isParsingComplete(wordParser, word, expression)) {
// Step 2
// Parse using the ExpressionFactory that is mapped with a JPQL identifier (word)
if (shouldParseWithFactoryFirst() &&
(wordParser.getWordType() == WordType.WORD)) {
ExpressionFactory factory = queryBNF.getExpressionFactory(word);
if (factory != null) {
child = factory.buildExpression(this, wordParser, word, queryBNF, expression, tolerant);
if (child != null) {
// The new expression is a child of the previous expression,
// remove it from the collection since it's already parented
if ((expression != null) && child.isAncestor(expression)) {
if (currentInfo == rootInfo) {
rootInfo = null;
currentInfo = null;
else if (currentInfo != null) {
currentInfo = currentInfo.previous;
// Something has been parsed, which means it's not the beginning anymore
beginning = false;
// Continue with the next character/word
count = wordParser.skipLeadingWhitespace();
character = wordParser.character();
// The new expression becomes the previous expression
expression = child;
// Step 3
// No factories could be used, use the fall back ExpressionFactory
if (child == null) {
child = buildExpressionFromFallingBack(wordParser, word, queryBNF, expression, tolerant);
if (child != null) {
// The new expression is a child of the previous expression,
// remove it from the collection since it's already parented
if ((expression != null) && child.isAncestor(expression)) {
if (currentInfo == rootInfo) {
rootInfo = null;
currentInfo = null;
else if (currentInfo != null) {
currentInfo = currentInfo.previous;
// Something has been parsed, which means it's not the beginning anymore
beginning = false;
// Continue with the next character/word
count = wordParser.skipLeadingWhitespace();
character = wordParser.character();
// The new expression becomes the previous expression
expression = child;
// Step 4
// If nothing was parsed, then attempt to parse the fragment by retrieving the factory
// directory from the JPQL grammar and not from the one registered with the current BNF
if (tolerant && (child == null)) {
ExpressionRegistry expressionRegistry = getExpressionRegistry();
if (expressionRegistry.getIdentifierRole(word) != IdentifierRole.AGGREGATE) {
ExpressionFactory factory = expressionRegistry.expressionFactoryForIdentifier(word);
if (factory != null) {
child = factory.buildExpression(this, wordParser, word, queryBNF, expression, tolerant);
if (child != null) {
child = new BadExpression(this, child);
// The new expression is a child of the previous expression,
// remove it from the collection since it's already parented
if ((expression != null) && child.isAncestor(expression)) {
if (currentInfo == rootInfo) {
rootInfo = null;
currentInfo = null;
else if (currentInfo != null) {
currentInfo = currentInfo.previous;
// Something has been parsed, which means it's not the beginning anymore
beginning = false;
// Continue with the next character/word
count = wordParser.skipLeadingWhitespace();
character = wordParser.character();
// The new expression becomes the previous expression
expression = child;
// Nothing could be parsed, break here so the parent can continue parsing.
// Example: AVG() and we're parsing what's inside the parenthesis (nothing).
// But if it's (,), then we have to create a collection of "null" expressions
// separated by a comma
if ((child == null) && (character != COMMA)) {
// Store the child but skip a very special case, which happens when parsing
// two subqueries in a collection expression. Example: (SELECT ... ), (SELECT ... )
if ((expression == null) || (child != null)) {
currentInfo = (rootInfo == null) ? (rootInfo = new Info()) : (currentInfo.next = new Info(currentInfo));
currentInfo.expression = child;
currentInfo.space = count > 1;
// Nothing else to parse
if (wordParser.isTail()) {
// ','
if (character == COMMA) {
// The current expression does not handle collection, then stop the
// parsing here so the parent can continue to parse
if (!handleCollection(queryBNF) || tolerant && isParsingComplete(wordParser, word, expression)) {
// Skip the comma
currentInfo.comma = true;
// Remove leading whitespace
count = wordParser.skipLeadingWhitespace();
currentInfo.space = count > 0;
character = wordParser.character();
expression = null;
// Special case: ((), (), ())
if (character == LEFT_PARENTHESIS) {
// No more text, the query ends with a comma
word = wordParser.word();
boolean stopParsing = tolerant && (word.length() == 0 || isParsingComplete(wordParser, word, null));
if (wordParser.isTail() || stopParsing) {
// Make sure the space is not re-added at the end of the query
count = 0;
// Add a null Expression since the expression ends with a comma
currentInfo = (rootInfo == null) ? (rootInfo = new Info()) : (currentInfo.next = new Info(currentInfo));
// Nothing else to parse
if (stopParsing) {
// Nothing more to parse
if (character == RIGHT_PARENTHESIS) {
else {
// Continue parsing the collection expression
if (character != RIGHT_PARENTHESIS &&
handleAggregate(queryBNF)) {
currentInfo.space = count > 0;
// Nothing more to parse
else {
if (count > 0) {
currentInfo.space = currentInfo.comma;
if (!currentInfo.comma) {
// Nothing was parsed
if (currentInfo == null) {
return null;
// Simply return the single expression
if (currentInfo == rootInfo &&
!currentInfo.comma &&
!currentInfo.space) {
return currentInfo.expression;
// Return a collection of expressions
return new CollectionExpression(
* Right away parses the text by retrieving the {@link ExpressionFactory} for the first word that
* is extracted from {@link WordParser} at the current location.
* @param wordParser The text to parse based on the current position of the cursor
* @param queryBNFId The unique identifier of the {@link JPQLQueryBNF} that is used to determine
* how to parse the text at the current cursor position within the JPQL query
* @param tolerant Determines whether the parsing system should be tolerant, meaning if it should
* try to parse invalid or incomplete queries
* @return The {@link Expression} representing the given sub-query
protected AbstractExpression parseUsingExpressionFactory(WordParser wordParser,
String queryBNFId,
boolean tolerant) {
String word = wordParser.word();
JPQLQueryBNF queryBNF = getQueryBNF(queryBNFId);
ExpressionFactory factory = queryBNF.getExpressionFactory(word);
if (factory == null) {
return null;
return factory.buildExpression(this, wordParser, word, queryBNF, null, tolerant);
* {@inheritDoc}
public void populatePosition(QueryPosition queryPosition, int position) {
queryPosition.addPosition(this, position);
// The position is at the beginning of this expression
if (position == 0) {
else {
// Traverse the children in order to find where the cursor is located
for (Expression expression : orderedChildren()) {
String expressionText = expression.toParsedText();
// The position is in the Expression, traverse it
if (position <= expressionText.length()) {
expression.populatePosition(queryPosition, position);
// Continue with the next child by adjusting the position
position -= expressionText.length();
throw new IllegalStateException("A problem was encountered while calculating the position.");
* Rebuilds the actual parsed text if it has been cached.
protected final void rebuildActualText() {
if (actualText != null) {
* Rebuilds the parsed parsed text if it has been cached.
protected final void rebuildParsedText() {
if (parsedText != null) {
* Re-parents this {@link Expression} to be a child of the given {@link Expression}.
* @param parent The new parent of this object
protected final void setParent(AbstractExpression parent) {
this.parent = parent;
* Sets the text of this {@link Expression}.
* @param text The immutable text wrapped by this {@link Expression}, which cannot be null
protected final void setText(String text) {
this.text = text;
* Determines whether the parsing of the query should be performed using the {@link ExpressionFactory
* factories} first or it should automatically fallback to the fallback factory.
* @return true
is returned by default so the factories are used before falling back
protected boolean shouldParseWithFactoryFirst() {
return true;
* When parsing an invalid or incomplete query, it is possible two literals would be parsed but
* in some cases, a CollectionExpression should not be created and the parsing should actually
* stop here. Example: BETWEEN 10 20, when parsing 20, it should not be parsed as part of the
* lower bound expression.
* @param expression The {@link Expression} that has just been parsed or null
* @return true
protected boolean shouldSkipLiteral(AbstractExpression expression) {
return (expression != null);
* {@inheritDoc}
public String toActualText() {
if (actualText == null) {
StringBuilder writer = new StringBuilder();
toParsedText(writer, true);
actualText = writer.toString();
return actualText;
* {@inheritDoc}
public String toParsedText() {
if (parsedText == null) {
StringBuilder writer = new StringBuilder();
toParsedText(writer, false);
parsedText = writer.toString();
return parsedText;
* Generates a string representation of this {@link Expression}, including its children,
* if it has any.
* @param writer The buffer used to append this {@link Expression}'s string representation
* @param actual Determines whether the string representation should represent what was parsed,
* i.e. include any "virtual" whitespace (such as ending whitespace) and the actual case of the
* JPQL identifiers
protected abstract void toParsedText(StringBuilder writer, boolean actual);
* {@inheritDoc}
public final String toString() {
// toString() should only be called during debugging, thus the cached parsed text
// should always be recreated in order to reflect the current state while debugging
parsedText = null;
return toParsedText();
* Rather than creating three lists when performing a single parsing operation ({@link
* AbstractExpression#parse(WordParser, String, boolean) parse(WordParser, String, boolean)}),
* this class will act as a simple chained list and postponing the creation of those three lists
* only when needed (which is when the parsed expression needs to be a collection of expressions).
private static class Info {
* Flag indicating a comma follows the parsed {@link #expression}.
boolean comma;
* The parsed {@link Expression}, which is the first one that was parsed if {@link #next} is
* null
, meaning this Info
object is the root of the chained list.
AbstractExpression expression;
* When more than one expression needs to be parsed, it will be chained.
Info next;
* The parent within the chain of this one.
Info previous;
* Flag indicating a whitespace follows the parsed {@link #expression}.
boolean space;
* Creates a new Info
Info() {
* Creates a new Info
* @param previous The parent within the chain of this one
Info(Info previous) {
this.previous = previous;
private void addChild(ArrayList children) {
if (next != null) {
private void addComma(ArrayList children) {
if (next != null) {
private void addSpace(ArrayList children) {
if (next != null) {
List buildChildren() {
ArrayList children = new ArrayList();
return children;
List buildCommas() {
ArrayList children = new ArrayList();
return children;
List buildSpaces() {
ArrayList children = new ArrayList();
return children;