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org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicClassWriter Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 * Copyright (c) 1998, 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 
 * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 
 * which accompanies this distribution. 
 * The Eclipse Public License is available at
 * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 
 * Contributors:
 *     dclarke, mnorman - Dynamic Persistence
 *       (
 *     dclarke - Bug 387240: added field and method calls to allow extensibility
package org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic;

//javase imports
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;

//EclipseLink imports
import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicClassLoader.EnumInfo;
import org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.DynamicException;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.dynamic.DynamicEntityImpl;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.dynamic.DynamicPropertiesManager;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.Helper;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.libraries.asm.ClassWriter;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.libraries.asm.MethodVisitor;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.libraries.asm.Type;

import static org.eclipse.persistence.internal.dynamic.DynamicPropertiesManager.PROPERTIES_MANAGER_FIELD;
import static org.eclipse.persistence.internal.libraries.asm.Opcodes.AASTORE;
import static org.eclipse.persistence.internal.libraries.asm.Opcodes.ACC_ENUM;
import static org.eclipse.persistence.internal.libraries.asm.Opcodes.ACC_FINAL;
import static org.eclipse.persistence.internal.libraries.asm.Opcodes.ACC_PRIVATE;
import static org.eclipse.persistence.internal.libraries.asm.Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC;
import static org.eclipse.persistence.internal.libraries.asm.Opcodes.ACC_STATIC;
import static org.eclipse.persistence.internal.libraries.asm.Opcodes.ACC_SUPER;
import static org.eclipse.persistence.internal.libraries.asm.Opcodes.ACC_SYNTHETIC;
import static org.eclipse.persistence.internal.libraries.asm.Opcodes.ALOAD;
import static org.eclipse.persistence.internal.libraries.asm.Opcodes.ANEWARRAY;
import static org.eclipse.persistence.internal.libraries.asm.Opcodes.ARETURN;
import static org.eclipse.persistence.internal.libraries.asm.Opcodes.BIPUSH;
import static org.eclipse.persistence.internal.libraries.asm.Opcodes.SIPUSH;
import static org.eclipse.persistence.internal.libraries.asm.Opcodes.CHECKCAST;
import static org.eclipse.persistence.internal.libraries.asm.Opcodes.DUP;
import static org.eclipse.persistence.internal.libraries.asm.Opcodes.GETSTATIC;
import static org.eclipse.persistence.internal.libraries.asm.Opcodes.ICONST_0;
import static org.eclipse.persistence.internal.libraries.asm.Opcodes.ICONST_1;
import static org.eclipse.persistence.internal.libraries.asm.Opcodes.ICONST_2;
import static org.eclipse.persistence.internal.libraries.asm.Opcodes.ICONST_3;
import static org.eclipse.persistence.internal.libraries.asm.Opcodes.ICONST_4;
import static org.eclipse.persistence.internal.libraries.asm.Opcodes.ICONST_5;
import static org.eclipse.persistence.internal.libraries.asm.Opcodes.ILOAD;
import static org.eclipse.persistence.internal.libraries.asm.Opcodes.INVOKESPECIAL;
import static org.eclipse.persistence.internal.libraries.asm.Opcodes.INVOKESTATIC;
import static org.eclipse.persistence.internal.libraries.asm.Opcodes.INVOKEVIRTUAL;
import static org.eclipse.persistence.internal.libraries.asm.Opcodes.NEW;
import static org.eclipse.persistence.internal.libraries.asm.Opcodes.PUTSTATIC;
import static org.eclipse.persistence.internal.libraries.asm.Opcodes.RETURN;
import static org.eclipse.persistence.internal.libraries.asm.Opcodes.V1_5;

 * Write the byte codes of a dynamic entity class. The class writer will create
 * the byte codes for a dynamic class that subclasses any provided class
 * replicating its constructors and writeReplace method (if one exists).

* The intent is to provide a common writer for dynamic JPA entities but also * allow for subclasses of this to be used in more complex writing situations * such as SDO and DBWS. *

* Instances of this class and any subclasses are maintained within the * {@link DynamicClassLoader#getClassWriters()} and * {@link DynamicClassLoader#defaultWriter} for the life of the class loader so * it is important that no unnecessary state be maintained that may effect * memory usage. * * @author dclarke, mnorman * @since EclipseLink 1.2 */ public class DynamicClassWriter implements EclipseLinkClassWriter { /* * Pattern is as follows:

 public class Foo extends DynamicEntityImpl {
     * public static DynamicPropertiesManager DPM = new
     * DynamicPropertiesManager();
     * public Foo() { super(); } public DynamicPropertiesManager
     * fetchPropertiesManager() { return DPM; } }
     * later on, the DPM field is populated: Field dpmField =
     * myDynamicClass.getField
     * (DynamicPropertiesManager.PROPERTIES_MANAGER_FIELD);
     * DynamicPropertiesManager dpm =
     * (DynamicPropertiesManager)dpmField.get(null); dpm.setType(...) 
*/ protected static final String DYNAMIC_PROPERTIES_MANAGER_CLASSNAME_SLASHES = DynamicPropertiesManager.class.getName().replace('.', '/'); protected static final String INIT = ""; protected static final String CLINIT = ""; protected Class parentClass; /** * Name of parent class. This is used only when the parent class is not * known at the time the dynamic class writer is registered. This is * generally only required when loading from an XML mapping file where the * order of class access is not known. */ protected String parentClassName; public DynamicClassWriter() { this(DynamicEntityImpl.class); } public DynamicClassWriter(Class parentClass) { this.parentClass = parentClass; } /** * Create using a loader and class name so that the parent class can be * lazily loaded when the writer is used to generate a dynamic class. *

* The loader must not be null and the parentClassName must not be null and * not an empty String. The parentClassName will be converted to a class * using the provided loader lazily. * * @see #getParentClass() * @see DynamicException#illegalDynamicClassWriter(DynamicClassLoader, * String) */ public DynamicClassWriter(String parentClassName) { if (parentClassName == null || parentClassName.length() == 0) { throw DynamicException.illegalParentClassName(parentClassName); } this.parentClassName = parentClassName; } public Class getParentClass() { return this.parentClass; } public String getParentClassName() { return this.parentClassName; } /** * Return the {@link #parentClass} converting the {@link #parentClassName} * using the provided loader if required. * * @throws ClassNotFoundException * if the parentClass is not available. */ private Class getParentClass(ClassLoader loader) throws ClassNotFoundException { if (parentClass == null && parentClassName != null) { parentClass = loader.loadClass(parentClassName); } return parentClass; } public byte[] writeClass(DynamicClassLoader loader, String className) throws ClassNotFoundException { EnumInfo enumInfo = loader.enumInfoRegistry.get(className); if (enumInfo != null) { return createEnum(enumInfo); } Class parent = getParentClass(loader); parentClassName = parent.getName(); if (parent == null || parent.isPrimitive() || parent.isArray() || parent.isEnum() || parent.isInterface() || Modifier.isFinal(parent.getModifiers())) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid parent class: " + parent); } String classNameAsSlashes = className.replace('.', '/'); String parentClassNameAsSlashes = parentClassName.replace('.', '/'); ClassWriter cw = new ClassWriter(ClassWriter.COMPUTE_FRAMES); // public class Foo extends DynamicEntityImpl { cw.visit(V1_5, ACC_PUBLIC + ACC_SUPER, classNameAsSlashes, null, parentClassNameAsSlashes, null); // public static DynamicPropertiesManager DPM = new // DynamicPropertiesManager(); cw.visitField(ACC_PUBLIC + ACC_STATIC, PROPERTIES_MANAGER_FIELD, "L" + DYNAMIC_PROPERTIES_MANAGER_CLASSNAME_SLASHES + ";", null, null); MethodVisitor mv = cw.visitMethod(ACC_STATIC, CLINIT, "()V", null, null); mv.visitTypeInsn(NEW, DYNAMIC_PROPERTIES_MANAGER_CLASSNAME_SLASHES); mv.visitInsn(DUP); mv.visitMethodInsn(INVOKESPECIAL, DYNAMIC_PROPERTIES_MANAGER_CLASSNAME_SLASHES, INIT, "()V", false); mv.visitFieldInsn(PUTSTATIC, classNameAsSlashes, PROPERTIES_MANAGER_FIELD, "L" + DYNAMIC_PROPERTIES_MANAGER_CLASSNAME_SLASHES + ";"); mv.visitInsn(RETURN); mv.visitMaxs(0, 0); // public Foo() { // super(); // } mv = cw.visitMethod(ACC_PUBLIC, INIT, "()V", null, null); mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 0); mv.visitMethodInsn(INVOKESPECIAL, parentClassNameAsSlashes, INIT, "()V", false); mv.visitInsn(RETURN); mv.visitMaxs(0, 0); mv = cw.visitMethod(ACC_PUBLIC, "fetchPropertiesManager", "()L" + DYNAMIC_PROPERTIES_MANAGER_CLASSNAME_SLASHES + ";", null, null); mv.visitFieldInsn(GETSTATIC, classNameAsSlashes, PROPERTIES_MANAGER_FIELD, "L" + DYNAMIC_PROPERTIES_MANAGER_CLASSNAME_SLASHES + ";"); mv.visitInsn(ARETURN); mv.visitMaxs(0, 0); addFields(cw, parentClassNameAsSlashes); addMethods(cw, parentClassNameAsSlashes); cw.visitEnd(); return cw.toByteArray(); } /** * Allow subclasses to add additional state to the dynamic entity. * * @param cw * @param parentClassType */ protected void addFields(ClassWriter cw, String parentClassType) { } /** * Allow subclasses to add additional methods to the dynamic entity. * * @param cw * @param parentClassType */ protected void addMethods(ClassWriter cw, String parentClassType) { } public static int[] ICONST = new int[] { ICONST_0, ICONST_1, ICONST_2, ICONST_3, ICONST_4, ICONST_5 }; protected byte[] createEnum(EnumInfo enumInfo) { String[] enumValues = enumInfo.getLiteralLabels(); String className = enumInfo.getClassName(); String internalClassName = className.replace('.', '/'); ClassWriter cw = new ClassWriter(ClassWriter.COMPUTE_FRAMES); cw.visit(V1_5, ACC_PUBLIC + ACC_FINAL + ACC_SUPER + ACC_ENUM, internalClassName, null, "java/lang/Enum", null); // Add the individual enum values for (String enumValue : enumValues) { cw.visitField(ACC_PUBLIC + ACC_FINAL + ACC_STATIC + ACC_ENUM, enumValue, "L" + internalClassName + ";", null, null); } // add the synthetic "$VALUES" field cw.visitField(ACC_PRIVATE + ACC_FINAL + ACC_STATIC + ACC_SYNTHETIC, "$VALUES", "[L" + internalClassName + ";", null, null); // Add the "values()" method MethodVisitor mv = cw.visitMethod(ACC_PUBLIC + ACC_STATIC, "values", "()[L" + internalClassName + ";", null, null); mv.visitFieldInsn(GETSTATIC, internalClassName, "$VALUES", "[L" + internalClassName + ";"); mv.visitMethodInsn(INVOKEVIRTUAL, "[L" + internalClassName + ";", "clone", "()Ljava/lang/Object;", false); mv.visitTypeInsn(CHECKCAST, "[L" + internalClassName + ";"); mv.visitInsn(ARETURN); mv.visitMaxs(1, 0); // Add the "valueOf()" method mv = cw.visitMethod(ACC_PUBLIC + ACC_STATIC, "valueOf", "(Ljava/lang/String;)L" + internalClassName + ";", null, null); mv.visitLdcInsn(Type.getType("L" + internalClassName + ";")); mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 0); mv.visitMethodInsn(INVOKESTATIC, "java/lang/Enum", "valueOf", "(Ljava/lang/Class;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Enum;", false); mv.visitTypeInsn(CHECKCAST, internalClassName); mv.visitInsn(ARETURN); mv.visitMaxs(2, 1); // Add constructors // SignatureAttribute methodAttrs1 = new SignatureAttribute("()V"); mv = cw.visitMethod(ACC_PRIVATE, "", "(Ljava/lang/String;I)V", null, null); mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 0); mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 1); mv.visitVarInsn(ILOAD, 2); mv.visitMethodInsn(INVOKESPECIAL, "java/lang/Enum", "", "(Ljava/lang/String;I)V", false); mv.visitInsn(RETURN); mv.visitMaxs(3, 3); // Add enum constants mv = cw.visitMethod(ACC_STATIC, "", "()V", null, null); int lastCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < enumValues.length; i++) { String enumValue = enumValues[i]; mv.visitTypeInsn(NEW, internalClassName); mv.visitInsn(DUP); mv.visitLdcInsn(enumValue); if (i <= 5) { mv.visitInsn(ICONST[i]); } else if (i <= 127) { mv.visitIntInsn(BIPUSH, i); } else { mv.visitIntInsn(SIPUSH, i); } mv.visitMethodInsn(INVOKESPECIAL, internalClassName, "", "(Ljava/lang/String;I)V", false); mv.visitFieldInsn(PUTSTATIC, internalClassName, enumValue, "L" + internalClassName + ";"); lastCount = i; } if (lastCount < 5) { mv.visitInsn(ICONST[lastCount + 1]); } else if (lastCount < 127) { mv.visitIntInsn(BIPUSH, lastCount + 1); } else { mv.visitIntInsn(SIPUSH, lastCount + 1); } mv.visitTypeInsn(ANEWARRAY, internalClassName); for (int i = 0; i < enumValues.length; i++) { String enumValue = enumValues[i]; mv.visitInsn(DUP); if (i <= 5) { mv.visitInsn(ICONST[i]); } else if (i <= 127) { mv.visitIntInsn(BIPUSH, i); } else { mv.visitIntInsn(SIPUSH, i); } mv.visitFieldInsn(GETSTATIC, internalClassName, enumValue, "L" + internalClassName + ";"); mv.visitInsn(AASTORE); } mv.visitFieldInsn(PUTSTATIC, internalClassName, "$VALUES", "[L" + internalClassName + ";"); mv.visitInsn(RETURN); mv.visitMaxs(4, 0); cw.visitEnd(); return cw.toByteArray(); } /** * Verify that the provided class meets the requirements of the writer. In * the case of {@link DynamicClassWriter} this will ensure that the class is * a subclass of the {@link #parentClass} * * @param dynamicClass * @throws ClassNotFoundException */ protected boolean verify(Class dynamicClass, ClassLoader loader) throws ClassNotFoundException { Class parent = getParentClass(loader); return dynamicClass != null && parent.isAssignableFrom(dynamicClass); } /** * Interfaces the dynamic entity class implements. By default this is none * but in the case of SDO a concrete interface must be implemented. * Subclasses should override this as required. * * @return Interfaces implemented by Dynamic class. May be null */ protected String[] getInterfaces() { return null; } /** * Create a copy of this {@link DynamicClassWriter} but with a different * parent class. * * @see DynamicClassLoader#addClass(String, Class) */ protected DynamicClassWriter createCopy(Class parentClass) { return new DynamicClassWriter(parentClass); } /** * Verify that the provided writer is compatible with the current writer. * Returning true means that the bytes that would be created using this * writer are identical with what would come from the provided writer. *

* Used in {@link DynamicClassLoader#addClass(String, EclipseLinkClassWriter)} * to verify if a duplicate request of the same className can proceed and * return the same class that may already exist. */ public boolean isCompatible(EclipseLinkClassWriter writer) { if (writer == null) { return false; } // Ensure writers are the exact same class. If subclasses do not alter // the bytes created then they must override this method and not return // false on this check. if (getClass() != writer.getClass()) { return false; } if (getParentClass() == null) { return getParentClassName() != null && getParentClassName().equals(writer.getParentClassName()); } return getParentClass() == writer.getParentClass(); } @Override public String toString() { String parentName = getParentClass() == null ? getParentClassName() : getParentClass().getName(); return Helper.getShortClassName(getClass()) + "(" + parentName + ")"; } }

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